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Howman, H.R.G., & Begg, G.W. 1995 Intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal nest renovation in the Masked Weaver, Ploceus velatus. Ostrich 66:122-128.

This paper describes a series of observations relating to the intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal renovation of nests by a single male Masked Weaver Ploceus velatus, over a period of three breeding seasons (1991 to 1993). These data shed new light on the nest building techniques and nest building behaviour of the species and demonstrate that nest building can be flexible in the same individual. It is suggested that the partial demolition of nests and the renovation of nests would be advantageous because of the energetic savings.  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G. & Underhill, G.D. 1997. Primary moult, mass and movements of the Rock Pigeon Columba guinea in the Western Cape, South Africa. Ostrich 68 (24): 86–89.

Rock Pigeons Columba guinea in the Western Cape, South Africa, take an estimated 7.2 months to complete primary moult. The mean starting and completion dates are 26 December and 2 August, with 95% of birds starting and completing within two months of these dates. The overall mean mass was 344 g, but birds were heaviest in winter (356 g) and lightest in spring and summer (334 g). Twenty-four of 48 recoveries of Rock Pigeons ringed in the Western Cape were more than 2 km from the ringing site. These recoveries demonstrate movements of Rock Pigeons between the mountains of the Cape Peninsula and the wheat-growing areas to the northeast.  相似文献   

Rüppell's Weaver Ploceus galbula and the Lesser Masked Weaver Ploceus intermedius nest prominently in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia. In both species the sociality or degree of aggregation of their nesting is varied. Rüppell's Weaver can nest singly or in small clusters, or in association with the Lesser Masked Weaver, which itself can nest in loose aggregations or bustling colonies. This variation suggests a continuum of nesting sociality in weavers, from solitary nesting through associative and gregarious nesting to full coloniality.  相似文献   

L. G. Grimes 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):170-175
Grimes, L. G. 1973. The breeding of Heuglin's Masked Weaver and its nesting association with the Red Weaver Ant. Ostrich 44: 170–175.

The breeding season of Heuglin “s Masked Weaver Ploceus heuglini at Legon began in the latter half of the major dry season in January and February; continued through the main wet season and ceased in late August and for the rest of the year. The Accra colony had a similar breeding activity but in addition was active for a short period in November which had ended by mid-December. Although the majority of males formed colonies in which the number of males ranged from two to twenty, solitary breeding occurred equally frequently. Most males within the Legon colony, and possibly this is true for all colonies, were polygynous while most solitary males were monogamous. More nests were built by each male than the number of females involved in the polygyny.

A close nesting association with the Red Weaver Ant Oecophylla longinoda existed and the data suggested that the weaver sought the ant. Two cases were found of nesting association with the wasp Belanogaster grisens.  相似文献   

Elliot, C: C. H., Waltner, M., Underhill. L. G., Pringle, J. S. & Dick, W. J. A. 1976. The migration system of the Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea in Africa. Ostrich 47:191-213. Data on ringing and recoveries of Curlew Sandpiper, mainly from the Cape, South Africa are presented. Possible migration routes to the breeding grounds are considered in the light of these and other recoveries from the rest of Africa. Retraps show that the species exhibits ortstreue and some evidence is presented which suggests that some birds may travel together and stay in the south in the same flock during one and subsequent migrations. Sex ratio statistics show an excess of females. Adults complete a full primary moult in the Cape between September and February, taking about 140 days but there is a lot of individual variation. Data from Mauritania show primary moult starting faster, a month earlier than in the Cape, and arrested moult in a few adults. The difference may be because Mauritanian birds move on further south while the Cape is the end point of the migration. Kenyan moult records from the Rift Valley follow the Cape pattern except that some birds arrest moult and finish later. Juvenile moult is shown to be different from that of adults, involving only a moult of the outer primaries and taking place during the overwintering period, April to August. All juveniles in the Cape are thought to overwinter and the modified moult to be an adaptation to this behaviour. The weight of adults but not juveniles increases markedly in the six weeks before migration. Fat and protein analyses suggest that the increase is entirely due to deposition of migratory fat. Kenyan birds have lower mean weights and deposit fat about two weeks later than those at the Cape. The nearer the non-breeding quarters are to the breeding grounds, the earlier moult starts and the later fat deposition takes place.  相似文献   

G. L. Maclean 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):219-240
Maclean, G. L. 1973. The Sociable Weaver, Part 3: Breeding biology and moult. Ostrich 44: 219–240.

Rain or some associated phenomenon is the principal Zeitgeber releasing breeding in the Sociable Weaver. The species does not breed in the absence of rain. The same nest chambers are used for breeding as are used for roosting throughout the year. The Sociable Weaver is monogamous. The clutch size varies from two to six eggs, larger clutches being more common after good rains than in relatively poorer breeding periods. Food supply may therefore be the proximate factor regulating clutch size. Replacement clutches are not necessarily smaller than first clutches. The mean clutch size within a breeding period decreases with an apparent decrease in food supply. The parents share parental duties about equally. Up to four successive broods may be raised in a single breeding period; a breeding period may last up to nine months and may occur at any time of the year according to the somewhat erratic rainfall which averages about 226 mm per year in the study area.

First broods help their parents to feed later broods; fourth brood chicks may therefore be fed by as many as 11 birds (nine young and two parents). This has survival value especially toward the end of a breeding period when food is scarce. Of similar value is the habit of starting incubation with the first or second egg of the clutch; in a relatively poor season older chicks will survive while younger ones will starve, thereby effectively and quickly reducing brood size. Young birds moult into adult plumage at four months, but do not normally leave the home colony. The sexes are indistinguishable at all ages, but there is an approximate ratio of eight males to five females in the study area.

Wing moult is slow: each remex takes about a month for replacement. Body moult occurs within the space of a month, usually after rain while the birds are breeding. Primary remiges are moulted proximo-distally from 1 to 9; secondaries are moulted disto-proximally from 1 to 6. Body moult is antero-posterior with the dorsal surface slightly in advance of the ventral surface.  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G., Underhill, G.D. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 1999. Primary moult and body-mass of the Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola, and its abundance relative to the Laughing Dove S. senegalensis, in the Western Cape. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 196–199.

The duration of primary moult of adult Cape Turtle Doves Streptopelia capicola was estimated to be 192 days. 23 November was the estimated mean starting date, with 95% of birds starting within 88 days of this date. The mean body-mass of adults was 148 g and of first-year birds was 130 g. In residential areas, Cape Turtle Doves were trapped less frequently than Laughing Doves S. senegalensis; at most rural sites, Cape Turtle Doves comprised about two-thirds of the catch. On a dairy farm, where doves were attracted to cattle feed, 1 % of doves were Cape Turtle Doves. The emerging pattern is that Laughing Doves predominate at sites where food is provided on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

The Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus is one of the few bird species that undergoes two primary moults a year, a post-nuptial moult in the breeding area and a moult in the wintering area. Primary-moult data for Willow Warblers from Finland, Sweden, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium. Guinea-Bissau, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa are analysed. The parameters of primary moult (mean starting date, standard deviation of starting date, and duration) are estimated using the techniques of Underhill & Zucchini (T.988 Ibis 1 30: 358–372) and Underhill, Zucchini & Summers (1990 Ibis 132: 118-12 3). The scheduling of moult in relation to theother main components of the annual cycle, breeding and migration, is considered. The mean durations of post-nuptial moult for P. t. trochilus and P. t. acredula are 36.5 and 38.3 days, respectively; the start and termination of moult for P. t. trochilus are about 3.5 days later for each degree of latitude northwards, and the start and termination of moult for P. t. acredula, are about 10 days later than that of the most northerly populations of P. t. trochilus studied. Females start their postnuptial moult about 10 days later than males. Southward migration commences as soon as post-nuptial moult is complete. There is an increasing constraint on the timing of breeding and post-nuptial moult events at higher latitudes, leading to overlap between them. The duration of pre-nuptial moult is longer than that of post-nuptial moult, and is completed shortly prior to northward migration.  相似文献   

The timing of primary moult of adult Red-billed Queleas Quelea quelea, captured as they were completing an unusually late breeding attempt at Francistown, northern Botswana, in June 2004, was compared with the timing of moult of birds breeding earlier in the season in north-west Botswana during two earlier years, 1971 and 1972. Differences between years in the dates when local colonies finished breeding (mid-March to late June) and between two localities in the same year (mid-March and late May) were matched by corresponding differences in the estimated dates of moult onset, ranging from mid-April to mid-June. Flexibility in the timing of moult among Red-billed Queleas in southern Africa evidently enables birds to take advantage of unusually late breeding opportunities by delaying moult onset and overlapping moult and breeding at the end of the nesting cycle. Such flexibility may also include moult interruption to permit late breeding, although its incidence in southern Africa is apparently low.  相似文献   

Moult is a costly but necessary process in avian life, which displays two main temporal patterns within the annual cycle of birds (summer and winter moult). Timing of moult can affect its duration and consequently the amount of material invested in feathers, which could have a considerable influence on feather structure and functionality. In this study, we used two complementary approaches to test whether moult duration and feather mass vary in relation to the timing of moult. Firstly, we conducted a comparative study between a sample of long‐distance migratory passerine species which differ in moult pattern. Secondly, we took advantage of the willow warbler's Phylloscopus trochilus biannual moult, for which it is well‐known that winter moult takes longer than summer moult, to assess between‐moult variation in feather mass. Our comparative analysis showed that summer moulting species performed significantly shorter moults than winter moulters. We also detected that feathers produced in winter were comparatively heavier than those produced in summer, both in between‐species comparison and between moults of the willow warbler. These results suggest the existence of a trade‐off between moult speed and feather mass mediated by timing of moult, which could contribute to explain the diversity of moult patterns in passerines.  相似文献   

Alan C. Kemp 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):35-39
Kemp, A. C. 1991. Timing of laying by Greater Kestrels Fulco rupicoloides near Pretoria, South Africa. Ostrich 62: 35–39.

Laying dates for a population of individually marked Greater Kestrels Falco rupicoloides, on grass- and croplands near Pretoria, South Africa, were determined for 89 nesting attempts during 1975–1988. Laying occurred in the austral spring between 23 July and 11 November. Timing of laying was negatively correlated with rainfall of the previous summer and positively correlated with rainfall of the winter and spring preceding laying. Success in fledging young was significantly higher for clutches laid before the median laying date of 1 September and for clutches laid after seasons of above average rainfall.  相似文献   

The timing and duration of each stage of the life of a long‐distance migrant bird are constrained by time and resources. If the parental roles of males and females differ, the timing of other life stages, such as moult or pre‐migratory fuelling, may also differ between the sexes. Little is known about sexual differences for species with weak sexual dimorphism, but DNA‐sexing enables fresh insights. The Little Stint Calidris minuta is a monomorphic long‐distance migrant wader breeding in the Arctic tundra. Males compete for territories and perform elaborate aerial displays. Females produce two clutches a season. Each sex may be a bigamist and incubate one nest a season, each with a different partner. We expect that these differences in breeding behaviour entail different preparations for breeding by males and females, so we aimed to determine whether Little Stints showed any sex differences in their strategies for pre‐breeding moult and pre‐migratory fuelling at their non‐breeding grounds in South Africa. We used body moult records, wing length and body mass of 241 DNA‐sexed Little Stints that we caught and ringed between 27 January and 29 April in 2008–2018 at two neighbouring wetlands in North West Province, South Africa. For each individual we assessed the percentage of breeding plumage on its upperparts and took blood samples for DNA‐sexing. We calculated an adjusted Body Moult Index and an adjusted Wing Coverts Moult Index, then used the Underhill–Zucchini moult model to estimate the start dates and the rate of body moult in males and females. We estimated the changes in the sex ratio of the local population during their stay in South Africa, and also estimated the timing and rate of pre‐migratory fuelling and the potential flight ranges for males and females. The males started body moult on average on 7 February and the females on 12 February, but the sexes did not differ in their timing of wing covert moult, which started on average on 10 February. In January to mid‐February, males constituted c. 57% of the population, but their proportion declined afterwards, indicating an earlier departure than females. We estimated that both sexes began pre‐migratory fuelling on average on 15 March. The sexes did not differ in fuelling rate, but most females stayed at the non‐breeding site longer than the males, and thus accumulated more fuel and had longer potential flight ranges. These patterns of moult and fuelling suggest sex differences in preparations for breeding. We suggest that the males depart from South Africa earlier but with smaller fuel loads than the females to establish breeding territories before the females arrive. We conclude that for each sex the observed trade‐offs between fuelling and moult at the non‐breeding grounds are precursors to different migration strategies, which in turn are adaptations for their different roles in reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Timing is crucial in seasonal environments. Passerine birds typically use a combination of physiological mechanisms and environmental cues to ensure that breeding, moult and migration occur without major temporal overlap and under the most favourable conditions. However, late in the breeding season some individuals initiate additional clutches , whereas others initiate moult. Such alternative strategies are thought to reflect trade‐offs between reproductive benefits and timely investment in maintenance and survival. The degree of seasonal plasticity differs between species, depending on the mechanisms that govern their annual routine. Migrants are generally under pressure to complete breeding and moult before the autumn departure and often show little plasticity. We studied seasonal plasticity of breeding and moult schedules in the European Stonechat Saxicola rubicola. This species, an obligate short‐distance migrant in Central Europe, sometimes initiates late clutches after typically at least two earlier breeding attempts. Based on life‐history theory and on observations in captivity, which revealed photoperiodic regulation of breeding and moult, we predicted relatively little seasonal plasticity in Stonechats. We further predicted that reproductive gains of late breeders should be offset by reduced survival. These predictions were tested on long‐term field data, using Underhill–Zucchini models to estimate moult. Late breeding occurred in c. 40% of pairs and increased their reproductive success by a third. Both sexes modified moult timing but in different ways. Late breeding females postponed moult approximately until chick independence without compensating for delay by faster moult. Males started moult on time and overlapped it with breeding, associated with markedly slowed plumage change. Sex differences in moult score increased with lay date, but due to their respective modifications, both sexes delayed moult completion. Nonetheless, we could not detect any evidence for survival costs of late breeding. Breeding and moult of European Stonechats appear relatively flexible, despite migratory schedules and photoperiodic programs for seasonal timing. Individuals can modify seasonal behaviour in late summer, presumably depending on their condition, and may profit considerably from extended breeding.  相似文献   

Frost, P. G. H., Ball, I. J., Siegfried, W. R. & McKinney, F. 1979. Sex ratios, morphology and growth of the African Black Duck. Ostrich 50:220-233.

Black Ducks Anus sparsa were trapped regularly in the Eerste River Valley near Stellenbosch, South Africa. The sex ratio of adult Black Ducks did not differ significantly from parity. Males were larger and heavier than females and also had proportionately larger wing spurs which are used when fighting over mates and territories. Body mass fluctuated seasonally, being lowest during summer and highest in autumn-winter. In the southwestern Cape breeding took place from July to December after the peak of the early winter rains. Ducklings hatched when waters were dropping and there was an increase in the emergence of aquatic insects. The growth rate of ducklings in the Eerste River Valley was severely retarded compared with that of ducklings reared in captivitly. Black Ducks moulted their body feathers twice a year, the moults corresponding to the pre- and post-nuptial moults of northern hemisphere waterfowl. Moults were not accompanied by any change in plumage coloration. Body and rectrix moult took more than five weeks to complete while remex replacement required about 30 days. Males began wing moult about a month earlier than females which delayed moulting until after their young had been reared. Forty-six percent of Black Ducks trapped had noticeable plumage aberrations; individual recognition among Black Ducks appears to be an important element in their social behaviour.  相似文献   

S. Hunter 《Ibis》1984,126(2):119-132
Moult scores were collected from colour-ringed individuals of known reproductive status of the two species of giant petrel, Macronectes halli and M. giganteus , at Bird Island, South Georgia between 1978–81.
Both species showed a substantial overlap between breeding and wing-moult, unlike most other Southern Ocean seabirds. Males started moult before females and both sexes of M. giganteus moulted at an earlier stage of the breeding cycle than M. halli , which breeds six weeks earlier than its congener.
Changes in moult rate during the breeding season are documented for both species, with Id. halli showing a rapid increase as the chick nears fledging. Male M. giganteus show a notably different pattern to the other three species-sex groups, starting moult much earlier (at egg-laying), with greater individual synchrony and usually suspending primary moult throughout the main chick growth period, whereas only two male M. halli and no females of either species suspended moult. Differences in pattern, timing and rate of moult are interpreted in terms of availability of food resources and the competing energy demands of other activities, especially chick-rearing.
Completion of primary moult could not be observed in the field but was estimated using data frcsm non-breeding birds and failed breeders; the latter started a rapid moult almost immediately they failed. In both sexes of both species moult is probably concluded at least by early winter.
The general pattern of moult in giant petrels at Bird Island is contrasted with that of other populations and species of Southern Ocean seabirds. It is suggested that the unusually extensive overlap between breeding and moult in giant petrels is a consequence of the very abundant and easily available summer food supplies (especially carrion) and the much diminished winter resources, favouring a completion of moult by the beginning of the winter.  相似文献   

The colonial nesting Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus) lays eggs that vary in ground color and pattern, but individual females lay similar eggs each time. Tests on captive African stocks have shown that females reject eggs of other cohorts if such eggs are sufficiently different. The Village Weaver may have evolved rejection behavior and variable eggs in response to cuckoo parasitism in Africa. The Village Weaver was introduced into Hispaniola from Africa as early as the 18th century. Before the arrival of the Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) in the early 1970's, there were no brood parasites on Hispaniola. Furthermore, in an experimental parasitism study, Hispaniolan Village Weavers accepted both dummy eggs and dissimilar Village Weaver eggs. The Village Weaver may have decreased the egg-rejection behavior in the absence of the selective pressure of brood parasitism. Now Hispaniolan populations of the Village Weaver are parasitized by the Shiny Cowbird, which lays eggs dissimilar to those of the weaver. Brood parasitism by the Shiny Cowbird exerts a detrimental impact on the Village Weaver by reducing nest success and productivity.  相似文献   

Adult birds replace their flight feathers (moult) at least once per year, either in summer after termination of breeding or (in the case of some long-distance migratory species) in the winter quarters. We reconstructed the evolutionary pathways leading to summer and winter moult using recently published molecular phylogenetic information on the relationships of the Western Palearctic warblers (Aves: Sylviidae). Our phylogenetic analysis indicates that summer moult is the ancestral pattern and that winter moult has evolved 7–10 times in this clade. As taxa increased their migratory distance and colonized northern breeding areas, summer moult disappeared and winter moult evolved. Our data also allows us to trace the historical origins of unusual moult patterns such as the split-moult and biannual moult strategies: the most parsimonous explanations for their origins is that they evolved from ancestral states of summer moult. We briefly discuss our results in the light of recent criticisms against phylogenetic comparative methods and the utility of historical versus functional definitions of adapation.  相似文献   

We present the first report of complete overlap of breeding and moult in a shorebird. In southeastern Australia, Hooded Plovers Thinornis rubricollis spend their entire lives on oceanic beaches, where they exhibit biparental care. Population moult encompassed the 6‐month breeding season. Moult timing was estimated using the Underhill–Zucchini method for Type 2 data with a power transformation to accommodate sexual differences in rates of moult progression in the early and late stages of moult. Average moult durations were long in females (170.3 ± 14.2 days), and even longer in males (210.3 ± 13.5 days). Breeding status was known for most birds in our samples, and many active breeders (especially males) were also growing primaries. Females delayed the onset of primary moult but were able to increase the speed of moult and continue breeding, completing moult at about the same time as males. The mechanism by which this was achieved appeared to be flexibility in moult sequence. All moult formulae fell on one of two linked moult sequences, one faster than the other. The slower sequence had fewer feathers growing concurrently and also had formulae indicating suspended moults. Switching between sequences via common formulae is possible at many points during the moult cycle, and three of 12 recaptures were confirmed to have switched sequences in the same moult season. Hooded Plovers thus have a prolonged primary moult with the flexibility to change their rate of moult; this may facilitate high levels of replacement clutches that are associated with passive nest defence and low reproductive success.  相似文献   

Timing and duration of primary moult in three populations of Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima were described and discussed in relation to the birds’ need to complete moult before the onset of winter, when resources are required for survival. We predicted that moult would be completed earlier by birds wintering at higher latitudes. The south Norwegian breeding population, which moults and winters along the coast of east Britain (54–57°N) had a mean starting date of 21 July for primary moult (16 July for females and 24 July for males), a mean duration of 61 days, and completed on 20 September. Resident Icelandic (64–65°N) birds had a mean starting date of 22 July for primary moult (17 July for females and 25 July for males), a mean duration of 51 days, and completed on 11 September. Birds moulting in north Norway (70°N) arrived in north Norway in suspended primary moult or without having started moult, and completed it there. They had a mean completion date of 2 November for primary moult (31 October for females and 3 November for males). Starting date and duration could not be estimated because some suspended moult for an undetermined period, but it was thought that they started in late August. It is likely that most originated from Russia. The onset of moult appears to be set by the end of breeding and there is little overlap in these two events. The earlier start of moult by females in all three populations may be because they abandon the males when the chicks hatch, leaving the males to attend the chicks. Although the duration of primary moult followed the expected trend, being fastest in north Norway and slowest in Britain, the onset of moult was so late in north Norway that they had an unexpectedly late completion date, despite their rapid moult. The late completion of primary moult in north Norway suggests that wintering in the far north may not pose the energetic constraints on Purple Sandpipers that had previously been supposed.  相似文献   

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