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The developmental pattern of citrate synthase activity has been studied in the liver and several brain areas of hypothyroid rats during the 4 first weeks of life. While citrate synthase activity in the liver showed a rise during the 2 first weeks of life, different patterns of enzyme activity were found in the brain regions of euthyroid animals. Citrate synthase activity increased in the cerebellum, decreased in the cerebral cortex and did not change significantly in the brain stem during the period studied. In the liver and brain areas, too, a decrease in citrate synthase activity was observed during hypothyroidism. From the 2nd week of birth, the citrate synthase activity in the brain but not in the liver was found to have recovered. The newly elevated citrate synthase activity coincided with a slight increase in thyroid hormone serum levels.  相似文献   

A cell culture consisting mainly of satellite cells and mononuclear myoblasts was derived from femoral muscles of infant (aged 3–7 days) and adult rats. Satellite cells identified by expression of the specific marker Pax7 accounted for approximately 80% of the isolated cell fraction. Mononuclear myoblasts represented by proliferating and postmitotic cell pools were identified immunocytochemically by the expression of markers Ki67 and desmin. Differentiation of satellite cells and myoblasts in the culture depended on the concentration of Ca2+ in the culture medium (F12 with different Ca2+ concentrations or DMEM). Differentiation of myogenic cells manifested in myoblasts fusion, formation of myotubes, and expression of myosin in myofibrils was observed only in the medium with a high Ca2+ concentration (2mM). Satellite cells and myoblasts from the muscles of newborn and adult rats did not differ noticeably in their capacity for differentiation.  相似文献   

Changes in the noradrenaline (NA) content in the hypothalamus, dopamine (DA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the striatum were determined in rats after chronic alcohol administration. A single injection of alcohol (2.5 g/kg i.p.) provoked a 30% decrease in NA only in rats predisposed to ethanol intake. Voluntary intake of 15% ethanol for 10 days made the NA content return to normal, the 4-month use of ethanol did not change whereas the 8-month use reduced the NA content by 17%, DA by 31% and raised the content of HVA by 25%. Twenty-four hours after alcohol abstinence the HVA content dropped by 13%. It is concluded that the noradrenergic system is involved in the formation and development of alcohol motivation and that the dopaminergic system participates in the development of the physical dependence and abstinence.  相似文献   

The preadministration of reserpine (2.5 mg/kg b.w. per os) 24 hours before the experiment did not statistically significantly affect the calcium content of the aorta of 21- and 42-day-old rats. In 90-day-old and older rats it produced a statistically significant decrease in the calcium content of the thoracic segment of the aorta, however.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure at different prenatal stages to maternal hyperphenylalaninemia (HyPhe) on the somatic and neurological development of fetuses in rats was studied, with special respect to the change of relevant enzyme activities in the brain. While evident somatic damage was found only in the fetuses exposed to maternal HyPhe at a last stage of gestation, distinct mental retardation seemingly due to some irreversible damage to the brain was observed in all the treated fetuses regardless of the timing of exposure, and a significantly reduced activity of 2, 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase (CNPase), a marker enzyme of myelin, was confirmed in the mantle region of the brain.Dedicated to Professor Yasuzo Tsukoda.  相似文献   

Both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles are undifferentiated after birth as to their contractile protein phenotype. Thus we examined the separate and combined effects of spaceflight (SF) and thyroid deficiency (TD) on myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene expression (protein and mRNA) in muscles of neonatal rats (7 and 14 days of age at launch) exposed to SF for 16 days. Spaceflight markedly reduced expression of the slow, type I MHC gene by approximately 55%, whereas it augmented expression of the fast IIx and IIb MHCs in antigravity skeletal muscles. In fast muscles, SF caused subtle increases in the fast IIb MHC relative to the other adult MHCs. In contrast, TD prevented the normal expression of the fast MHC phenotype, particularly the IIb MHC, whereas TD maintained expression of the embryonic/neonatal MHC isoforms; this response occurred independently of gravity. Collectively, these results suggest that normal expression of the type I MHC gene requires signals associated with weight-bearing activity, whereas normal expression of the IIb MHC requires an intact thyroid state acting independently of the weight-bearing activities typically encountered during neonatal development of laboratory rodents. Finally, MHC expression in developing muscles is chiefly regulated by pretranslational processes based on the tight relationship between the MHC protein and mRNA data.  相似文献   

H R Harach 《Acta anatomica》1986,127(4):262-264
The anatomical position and prevalence of solid cell nests (SCN) of the thyroid in early stages of postnatal life have not yet been clearly determined. In order to find out about these unsettled questions a systematic search of these ultimobranchial nests from 92 autopsied thyroids from neonates, children and young adults was undertaken. SCN were present in 61% of the patients; they were mainly located in the middle third of the lateral thyroid lobes, and placed along a central to paracentral and slightly dorsal longitudinal axis. These findings, as compared with our previous observations made in older adult thyroids, further demonstrate that there exist a constant anatomical position and prevalence of SCN in postnatal life. The significantly higher frequency of SCN in males (68%) than in females (48%) (p less than 0.01) found in a study that was further extended to 192 thyroids at early and late stages of postnatal life, is a question that requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on Wistar strain rats aged 1-720 days. Immunocytochemical reactions were used to detect calcitonin, somatostatin, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), cholecystokinin, serotonin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), secretory protein-I, chromogranin and Ca-binding protein. In the parafollicular cells of the rat, the presence of calcitonin, somatostatin, CGRP, NSE and secretory protein-I could be demonstrated. The number of parafollicular cells increased with the age of animals, and the increase was particularly pronounced in the early postnatal period and after the first year of age. The number of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells decreased after birth and increased again after the first year of age. The number of calcitonin-immunoreactive cells increased in the early postnatal period independently of the increase in parafollicular cell number, forming frequently tumor-like outgrowths in 2-year-old animals. A small proportion of these outgrowths contained no calcitonin even if they did contain somatostatin, CGRP and NSE immunoreactivity. Evident changes in immunoreactivity in the first days after birth may reflect the sudden change in environment and may be associated with growth and differentiation. In any period of life, CGRP- and NSE-immunoreactive cells have constituted the most numerous groups and, therefore, the respective antigens seem to represent the most suitable markers of parafollicular cells in the rat.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase activities of whole nuclei, of isolated and purified nucleoli and of the nucleoplasmic fractions obtained from cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and brain stem of rat at different days of postnatal development have been determined. In the whole nuclei the fraction of RNA polymerase which is sensitive to alpha-amanitin, is strongly affected by salt concentration; at low ionic strength most of the activity is resistant to the drug while at high ionic strength the enzymatic activity shows a greater sensitivity to the drug. In isolated nucleoli RNA synthesis is not inhibited at all by alpha-amanitin. The biosynthesis of RNA, at low ionic strength, is inhibited by low doses of actinomycin D, whereas at high ionic strength it is remarkably inhibited only by higher doses of the drug. The sensitivity of the reaction to alpha-amanitin and actinomycin D provide good evidence that UTP or GTP incorporation into RNA in purified nuclei and nucleoli, is dependent on RNA polymerases acting on DNA template and is not dependent on homopolymer formation. These results show that in the whole brain nuclei at low ionic strength there is a preferential synthesis of rRNA, whereas at high ionic strength the synthesis of heterogenous RNA predominates. In isolated nucleoli the synthesis of RNA is restricted to rRNA.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to determine the effect of conditioning media with homologous porcine uterine cells on the developmental rate of porcine embryos. Cell monolayers were prepared by selective dissection and digestion of sections from the uterus of prepuberal gilts that were primed with PMSG and hCG. Conditioned media were used with 2 type of embryos: 4-cell stage (Experiment 1) or blastocyst stage (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, embryos were collected surgically by flushing the oviducts, 36 to 48 h following the first of 2 inseminations. Embryos were cultured in Whitten's medium containing 1.5% BSA as a protein source until they attained the 4-cell stage. Embryos at the 4-cell stage were cultured randomly in either Whitten's medium with 1.5% BSA or Whitten's medium with 1.5% BSA that was previously conditioned for 24 h with an endometrial epithelial cell monolayer. Embryos were cultured in 50-microl drops covered with oil in a 38.5 degrees C, 5% CO(2) in air incubator. There was no advantage to using the conditioned media with the 4-cell stage embryos. The embryos were less developed than those cultured in nonconditioned Whitten's medium (P <0.001). In Experiment 2, embryos were cultured at the blastocyst stage. They were recovered the same way as in Experiment 1 and then cultured in Whitten's medium containing 1.5% BSA until they reached the blastocyst stage. At the blastocyst stage (Day 6), embryos were randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 following treatments: Whitten's with 1.5% BSA or Whitten's plus 1.5% BSA that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer, TCM-199 containing 0.4% BSA or TCM-199 plus 0.4% BSA that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer, finally, TCM-199 containing 10% serum or TCM-199 plus 10% serum that was previously conditioned with endometrial epithelial cell monolayer. Results show that initiation of hatching was significantly enhanced by conditioning the Whitten's media.  相似文献   

The kinetic and molecular properties of rat thyroid phosphofructokinase (specific activity 134 units/mg) were compared with those of rat muscle phosphofructokinase (specific activity 135 units/mg). Thyroid and muscle phosphofructokinase showed similar sedimentation patterns in sucrose density gradients; their affinity for DEAE-cellulose was similar but not identical. A comparison of the kinetic properties revealed differences in the pH optima. Striking differences in the kinetic properties were shown below pH 7.4; the thyroid enzyme was less inhibited by ATP or citrate and more sensitive to activation by cyclic 3':5'-AMP than the muscle enzyme. A study of the effects of some cyclic as well as linear mononucleotides, such as cyclic AMP, cyclic IMP, cyclic GMP, cyclic CMP, cyclic UMP, 5'-AMP, and 3'-AMP on thyroid phosphofructokinase showed that at concentrations as low as 1 micrometer only cyclic AMP and cyclic IMP were able to activate thyroid enzyme in the presence of low fructose-6-P and high ATP concentrations.  相似文献   

Tubulin isolated from rat brain at various stages of postnatal development was subjected to isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gels. Multiple bands, indicative of the heterogeneity of the protein, were apparent at all developmental ages. When isoelectric focusing patterns of tubulin from brains of increasing developmental age were compared, changes in the distribution and relative intensities of the bands were observed. These changes were most pronounced between 8–12 days of age and were seen whether the tubulin was isolated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography or by successive cycles of assembly-disassembly. The isoelectric focusing pattern of tubulin isolated from the 22-day-old animal was indistinguishable from that of the protein obtained from 30-day-old rat brain. These developmental changes in tubulin heterogeneity may relate to changes in the assembly properties of the microtubule protein or may reflect age-dependent changes in the relative contributions of mitotic spindles, axons, dendrites, and glia to the total pool of tubulin in brain.  相似文献   

P M Rodier  B Kates  W A White  A Muhs 《Teratology》1991,43(3):241-251
Congenital brain damage syndromes typically are described in terms of behavioral symptoms. Many brain functions are not reflected in behavior, however, and prenatal injury to the developing nervous system could alter these functions, as well. To test the hypothesis that prenatal brain injury can result in postnatal endocrine malfunction, rats were exposed in utero to 20 mg/kg of methylazoxymethanol acetate, a potent neuroteratogen, at two stages of gestation when different sets of growth-controlling neurons of the hypothalamus are forming. The growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) neurons stimulate release of growth hormone from the somatotropes of the anterior pituitary, contributing to rapid growth in the period between weaning and puberty. The somatotropin release inhibiting factor (SRIF) neurons have the opposite effect on the pituitary and can inhibit the GRF cells directly. Growth of treated animals was monitored daily from birth to 40 days and compared to that of controls. Treatment on the 14th day of gestation produced a small number of dwarf animals characterized by normal weight at birth and a sudden decrease in growth rate at the beginning of the fourth postnatal week that led to a body weight about 50% of normal. Treatment on day 16 yielded an acceleration of postnatal growth (significant in males). In each group, most treated animals were like controls in adult size and pattern of growth. As adults, both treatment groups demonstrated massive reductions in brain weight which characterized all the subjects, whether or not they exhibited growth anomalies. The animals treated on day 14 were confirmed to have a significant, selective reduction in growth hormone releasing factor neurons. Reductions were greatest in the middle and posterior levels of the GRF cell distribution, the regions forming most actively at the time of exposure. Unexpectedly, the same group also had increased numbers of periventricular SRIF neurons. Neither type of neurons was significantly altered in the later treatment group. Examination of pituitary structure indicated that dwarfs had very small pituitaries, with an immature pattern of somatotrope distribution, and giants had very large pituitaries, with some hypertrophy of somatotropes. The results suggest that endocrine anomalies which manifest themselves long after birth may originate as birth defects of the nervous system.  相似文献   

We have attempted to show eventual modifications in the brain protein synthesis apparatus of rat during the first three weeks after birth. Through this time we noted a steady decrease (about 60%) in the free polysomes, when expressed relative to tissue weight. This decrease does not correlate with changes in the polysome profile, indicating that no loss in the efficiency of protein synthesis was involved. Translation in a reticulocyte lysate also failed to reveal differences.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of dopaminergic system is closely related to the development of psychomotor function. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of dopamine and requires tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as a cofactor. To clarify the effect of partial BH4 deficiency on postnatal development of the dopaminergic system, we examined two lines of mutant mice lacking a BH4-biosynthesizing enzyme, including sepiapterin reductase knock-out (Spr(-/-)) mice and genetically rescued 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase knock-out (DPS-Pts(-/-)) mice. We found that biopterin contents in the brains of these knock-out mice were moderately decreased from postnatal day 0 (P0) and remained constant up to P21. In contrast, the effects of BH4 deficiency on dopamine and TH protein levels were more manifested during the postnatal development. Both of dopamine and TH protein levels were greatly increased from P0 to P21 in wild-type mice but not in those mutant mice. Serotonin levels in those mutant mice were also severely suppressed after P7. Moreover, striatal TH immunoreactivity in Spr(-/-) mice showed a drop in the late developmental stage, when those mice exhibited hind-limb clasping behavior, a type of motor dysfunction. Our results demonstrate a critical role of biopterin in the augmentation of TH protein in the postnatal period. The developmental manifestation of psychomotor symptoms in BH4 deficiency might be attributable at least partially to high dependence of dopaminergic development on BH4 availability.  相似文献   

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