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Each summer thousands of nesting birds feed cuckoo chicks that have killed the hosts' own young. Likewise, worker ants rear the brood of other ants that have killed the workers' queen or even induced the workers to kill their queen themselves. In both cases the hosts spend time and energy raising offspring that, to them, are of no genetic value. Such exploitation involves intricate parasitic adaptations for deceiving hosts. It should also provoke host defences. Brood and social parasites and their hosts therefore provide excellent opportunities for the study of evolutionary arms races.  相似文献   

The secondary (direct) body formation is a mechanism of development in which morphogenesis of various organs occurs directly from a mass of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells (blastema) without previous formation of germ layers. It is characteristic of the posterior end of the embryonic body, i.e. of the tail bud of tailless and the tail of tailed mammals. Development of the neural tube occurring by this mechanism (secondary neurulation) has been previously explained. We investigated the morphogenetic mechanism by which two other axial structures in the rat tail develop: the tail gut and the notochord. Both structures develop from an axial condensation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells (tail cord) of tail bud origin. The tail gut forms in a similar way to the secondary neural tube: cells in the ventral part of the tail cord elongate, acquire an apicobasal polarity and form a rosette-like structure around a lumen in the centre. The notochord forms by detachment of a group of cells of the tail cord dorsally to the developing tail gut. The peculiarities of this morphogenetic mechanism in comparison with those in other parts of the embryo are discussed. Causal (including evolutionary) explanations of this mechanism are ruled out.  相似文献   


The anhydrobiotic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci is a fast-dehydration strategist, itself generating the slow rate of water loss necessary for survival. A permeability slump occurs during the initial phases of desiccation. This may be produced by changes in the nematode's cuticle. Two scanning electron microscopic techniques were used to follow changes in surface structures during desiccation. Freeze substitution and critical-point drying produced artifacts that obscured changes produced by the desiccation of the nematode. Low-temperature field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was successful in following changes that reflected those observed by light microscopy (LM). Significant changes in diameter, the lateral alae, and the cuticular annulations were demonstrated using this technique. Two types of annulations were observed: the major annulations, which extended to meet the margins of the lateral alae, and the minor annulations, which did not. With desiccation the prominence of the annulations increased, their spacing decreased, and the minor annulations extended closer to the margins of the lateral alae. These observations are consistent with the permeability slump resulting from a decrease in the width of the annulation groove and an increase in its depth. However, this requires confirmation using techniques that can follow annulation changes in individual nematodes.  相似文献   

在宿主的寄生防御压力下,鸟类巢寄生者通常会进化出一系列有效的寄生行为以提高其自身的繁殖适合度。以往研究发现,部分巢寄生者可能具有类似人类的"放牧"行为,即通过破坏或捕食不适合寄生的宿主巢,促使其重新筑巢以获取新的寄生机会。然而,对于其野外行为事件的报道并不多见。2018年5至8月,在贵州六枝地区,通过对宿主北红尾鸲(Phoenicurusauroreus)的巢进行录像监控,首次记录到大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)对正在孵卵的北红尾鸲的放牧行为。进一步查阅了大杜鹃寄生系统中已有的放牧案例,说明放牧行为很可能是大杜鹃普遍采用的一种寄生策略。  相似文献   

L. Alibardi 《Acta zoologica》2010,91(3):306-318
Alibardi, L. 2010. Ultrastructural features of the process of wound healing after tail and limb amputation in lizard.—Acta Zoologica (Stockholm)  91 : 306–318 Wound healing and re‐epitelization after amputation of tail and limb in lizard have been studied by electron microscopy to understand the cytological base of immunity to infection in this species. After 2 days post‐amputation in both limb and tail stumps, numerous granulocytes are accumulated over the stump, and participate to the formation of the scab. Bacteria remain confined to the scab or are engulfed by leukocytes and migrating keratinocytes located underneath the scab. Bacteria are degraded within lysosomes present in these cells and are not observed among mesenchymal cells or in blood vessels of the regenerative blastema. Granulocytes, migrating keratinocytes, and later macrophages form an effective barrier responsible for limiting microbe penetration. The innate immunity in lizard is very effective in natural (dirty) condition and impedes the spreading of infection to inner tissues. While the complete re‐epitelization of the tail stump underneath the scab requires 4–7 days, the same process in the limb requires 8–18 or more days post‐amputation, depending from the level of amputation and the persistence of a protruding humerus or femurs on the stump surface. This delay produces the permanence of inflammatory cells such as granulocytes and macrophages in the limb stump for a much longer period than in the tail stump, a process that stimulates scarring.  相似文献   

We have previously cloned a cDNA encoding TBP-1, a protein present in the rat spermatid manchette and outer dense fibers of the developing sperm. TBP-1 contains a heptad repeat of six-leucine zipper fingers at the amino terminus and highly conserved ATPase and DNA/RNA helicase motifs toward the carboxyl terminus. TBP-1 is one of the 20 subunits forming the 19S regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome, an ATP-dependent multisubunit protease found in most eukaryotic cells. We now report the isolation of the 26S proteasome from rat testis and sperm tail and its visualization by whole-mount electron microscopy using negative staining. The 26S proteasome from rat testis was fractionated by Sephacryl S-400/Mono-Q chromatography using homogenates suspended in a 10% glycerol-supplemented buffer. Chromatographic fractions were analyzed by immunoblotting using a specific anti-TBP-1 serum. During the purification of Sak57, a keratin filament present in outer dense fibers from epididymal sperm, we detected a substantial amount of 26S proteasomes. Intact 26S proteasomes from rat testis display a rod-shaped particles about 45 nm in length and 11-17 nm in diameter. Each particle consists of a 20S barrel-shaped component formed by four rings (alphabetabetaalpha), capped by two polar 19S regulatory complexes, each identified by an element known as the "Chinese dragon head motif". TBP-1 is an ATPase-containing subunit of the 19S regulatory cap. Rat sperm preparations displayed both dissociated 26S proteasomes and Sak57 filaments. We hypothesize that 26S proteasomes in the perinuclear-arranged manchette are in a suitable location for recognition, sequestration, and degradation of accumulating ubiquitin-conjugated somatic and transient testis-specific histones during spermiogenesis. In the sperm tail, the 26S proteasome may have a role in the remodeling of the outer dense fibers and other tail components during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

东方大苇莺Acrocephalus orientalis是大杜鹃Cuculus canorus的主要寄主之一。本文对东方大苇莺的3个地理种群进行杜鹃寄生率的时空比较。发现不同东方大苇莺种群被大杜鹃的巢寄生率在21.4%和65.5%之间,差异显著;不过,地理位置相近的两个种群在巢寄生率上则没有显著差异。另外,同一地理种群的巢寄生率年间也存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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