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Krishnan  L.  John  P. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1974,44(4):413-430
Hydrobiologia - The amphipod Melita zeylanica is sexually dimorphic and the smaller size, presence of brood lamellae, a pocket-like invagination on the sixth side plate in the female, presence of...  相似文献   

Sarotherodon macrochir matures at 17–18 cm standard length in Lake Mcllwaine and males grow larger than females. There is an extensive breeding season with the main breeding taking place during September-February, the hottest period of the year, which is just before the rainy season. Female S. macrochir produce about 1000 to 5000 eggs in their ovaries and can brood up to 800 eggs in their mouths. Mean brooding efficiency is about 75 % but this declines as the fish increase in size.  相似文献   

Malcolm  Coe 《Journal of Zoology》1974,172(1):13-34
The construction of foam nests by the Anura seems to be a habit that has evolved separately in all the main zoogeographical regions. Chiromantis is a large tree frog weighing up to 5.5 g which is restricted to the Ethiopian region. This genus comprises three species which are found in the three main African biomes from rain forest ( C. rufescens ), through woodland ( C. xerampelina ) to semi-arid savannah ( C. petersii ). The female of C. rufescens is shown in this study to construct her nest with the assistance of three males, and like the other two species, the nests are always fastened to objects over temporary water sources.
Although the rain forest and savannah species are the same size the latter lays twice as many eggs as the former. Additionally it is shown that the eggs of C. petersii are only half the size of C. rufescens. These facts can be correlated with the degree of permanence of the water source over which the nest is constructed.
Features of the water economy and ecology are also described.  相似文献   

The Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor is highly endangered throughout Europe, having declined markedly in abundance and range. Long-term changes in climate and agricultural practices have been identified as the main reasons for its decline. To determine which factors influence short-term changes in breeding success, we examined several aspects of its breeding biology. Our investigation revealed that our study area bears a large and stable population of this species. In 1996 and 1997, we recorded 84 and 77 breeding pairs in an area of 20 km2, with an average of 4.20 and 3.85 pairs/km2 respectively. Data on breeding density, clutch size and fledging success from 1989 to 1997 (excluding 1992) indicate a stable breeding population with a constant high breeding success. Reproductive success declined through the season, mainly through seasonal variation in clutch size rather than chick mortality. However, breeding success was generally high (69% and 79% of the nests produced chicks], with low hatching failure and few nest losses. The main cause of breeding failure was nest predation (at least 50% of nest losses), mainly by magpies (at least 66% of depredated nests). Although in this population the Lesser Grey Shrike tends to aggregate in clusters, breeding density had no obvious effect on breeding success and nest predation.  相似文献   

Thiothrix nivea grows profusely in tufts of greyish white material on pebbles in a local sulfide spring. The spring remained a constant 10.8° C during the course of the study. Chemical analyses indicated that the spring water contained 0.27 mg/l sulfide, 0.37 mg/l oxygen, and 0.77 mg/l dissolved organic carbon. Tufts ofThiothrix growth were removed from the pebbles and examined by phase and electron microscopy. The cell filaments contained numerous sulfur granules which disappeared upon incubation in the refrigerator. The average cell diameter was 1.5 m and the length 4.0 m. When cells were lysed by hyperplasmolysis a sheath was readily discernible. The presence of a sheath, 60 nm thick, was confirmed in thin sections. Fine structure analysis also revealed that the organism was a gram negative bacterium. Sulfur granules were bound by a unit membrane extending from the cytoplasmic membrane.Thiothrix nivea was grown for short periods of time in slide culture. In some cases the filaments fragmented into short segments ca 15m long. These may represent gonidia as initially reported by Winogradsky.  相似文献   

Summary We report on some aspects of the breeding biology of the critically endangered Writhed-billed Hornbill (Aceros waldeni) on the island of Panay, Philippines. Observations were made at three nests during 1995–1997. Walling-in of the females commenced in the first week of March. One female remained incarcerated for 77 days, two of three broods completed fledging around May 20 (1995, 1997). Details on fledging of the female and her brood and postfledging care by both parents are reported.The food of the males at two nests was ca. 98% fruits and 2% invertebrates. The plants exploited comprised at least 14 species. Over a third of the fruits delivered were figs of a small number of species.Two males had average feeding rates of 0.56 and 0.88 times per hour respectively, and fed 1 to 66 (median 8) items per feeding visit at the nest. The hourly feeding rate increased after hatching, but the composition of the diet did not change noticeably. As a rule, food items were delivered singly and, during one visit, in runs of one, or rarely up to 3, species.In the three weeks following vacation of the nest, the male appeared to be the sole food provider while the female stayed continually with the 3 young (as sentinel?) in the vicinity of the nest.The nest environs were defended by the male against Tarictic Hornbills (Penelopides panini panini). Six vocalisations of the parents are mentioned. One was used in territorial skirmishes with Tarictic Hornbills.With perhaps less than 30 pairs of the Writhed-bill surviving, the future for the species looks bleak. Only drastic conservation measures can prevent the species' demise. Some have been started by the PESCP.This paper is publication No. 11 of the Philippine Endemic Species Conservation Project (PESCP) of the Frankfurt Zoological Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Light level geolocators, also known as GLS loggers, are electronic devices intended for tracking the location of wide‐ranging animals using ambient light to estimate latitude and longitude. Miniaturized geolocators that can be used on relatively small migratory birds have recently become available, but little is known about the potential harmful effects of geolocators on birds. We examined the possible effects of 1.5‐g geolocators (dimensions: 21 × 6.5 × 9 mm) on the breeding success and survival of migratory Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni). During the 2007 breeding season, kestrels were fitted with geolocators using two attachment methods (Teflon wing harnesses and darvic bands), and geolocators were removed in 2008 after the birds returned to the breeding grounds. We found no differences in the breeding success of control and tagged pairs during the 2007 breeding season, but tagged pairs had greater fledgling mortality in the following breeding season. Furthermore, nestlings of tagged individuals had higher triglyceride and uric acid concentrations in their blood than control nestlings during the breeding season following tagging. As for return rates, 75% of tagged birds came back to the colony after the nonbreeding period, a proportion similar to that reported in previous studies. Although back‐mounts are slightly heavier and require more skill to attach, we recommend their use on small migratory raptors because most leg‐mounted geolocators in this study were damaged or rendered useless by dirt obscuring the light sensor.  相似文献   

This study reports on aspects of the territoriality, breeding success and vocal behaviour of Crimson-breasted Shrikes Laniarus atrococcineus at a study site in the Nylsvley district, South Africa. Their mean territory size was c. 12ha. Breeding success was very low, with only one nestling fledging from 13 clutches. Vocalisations consisted of eight different notes: these notes were either heard as solitary calls or combined into different types of duets. Both solitary calls and duets were heard more frequently outside the breeding season. During nest-building and incubation, the shrikes were silent, but resumed calling and duetting after the chicks had hatched. Call repertoires and the time spent calling or duetting differed among pairs of shrikes.  相似文献   

Georychus capensis is a seasonal breeder with the reproductive potential of producing two litters during the summer breeding season (August to December). These solitary mole-rats signal to each other through the soil, by drumming with their hind feet. This drumming is probably important in spacing the burrow systems and in triggering the onset of reproductive behaviour. In a captive male the onset of drumming was accompanied by a rise in urinary testosterone concentrations and the enlargement of testes and accessory reproductive glands. The male appeared to drum with a different frequency to the female. Courtship is initiated by the male and copulation involves brief multiple intromissions. The gestation period is about 44 days and the mean litter size is 5.9 with a maximum of 10 pups. Development of the pups is relatively rapid. Inter-sibling aggression begins to develop at 35 days, eventually resulting in the pups dispersing when about 60 days old. Body mass increases exponentially from birth to day 60 and the asymptote is reached around day 260. These features are compared with those of other solitary subterranean rodents and with those of the social Bathyergidae ( Cryptomys hottentotus, Cryptomys damarensis and Heterocephalus glaber ).  相似文献   

The results of investigations onTyphlodromus italicus Chant in some peach orchards in the Verona district, where the predator is wide-spread, are described. Both field and laboratory studies have shown thatT. italicus grows rapidly (egg to adult 6 days at 25°C.) and has a long reproductive period, especially when prey is available. It speedily recovers in number and has a high prey-searching capacity. It is fast-moving, and its distribution over the tree corresponds to that of the phytophagous mites. It can live and reproduce on the tree in the absence of prey. A density of 50–60T. italicus/100 leaves is reached in August. FemaleT. italicus are found on leaves till November feeding whenever prey is available, and wintering in a mated condition in bark crevices. Many enter diapause in late autumn. Overwinter mortality is high. These characteristics enableT. italicus to play a very significant role in the control of peach mites and in orchards, which are unsprayed, it keeps their populations at a low density from spring to autumn.  相似文献   

Bathylychnops exilis is an unusual north-eastern Pacific mesopelagic fish of which adults have previously been undescribed and the biology is poorly known. Its sensory and digestive systems are highly modified. Sensory modifications include the equivalent of four functional eyes, well developed nasal rosettes, and lateral line canals up to 4 mm in diameter. Digestive adaptations include a peculiar mouth, large tongue, crumenal organ, and a large caecal stomach. Bathylychnops exilis apparently lacks an anal light organ. Ontogenetic changes occur in the morphology of the head, eyes, body, and coloration. Bathylychnops exilis eats crustaceans and may be medusae and microscopic organisms. Reproduction probably occurs in late summer. Adults occur most commonly at about 500 m depth, possibly in groups, and may be diurnal vertical migrators.  相似文献   

Results are presented of experiments on the effect of low temperature and of soil type upon the potato-root eelworm, Heterodera schachtii.
In some experiments exposure of cysts, to low temperatures had a definite lethal effect, but in others the cysts were unharmed. The reason for this variation was not apparent. Exposure of the larvae of die nematode to even a relatively slight degree of frost resulted in the death of the larvae, provided mat die surrounding medium was completely frozen. In this respect the larvae appear to differ markedly from those of the beet strain of H. schachtii. That the larvae had actually been killed was shown by the fact that they produced no cysts on the roots of potato plants and also by their almost immediate absorption of iodine.
It was confirmed that H. schachtii cysts produced on the roots of potato plants grown in a heavy medium are smaller in size and fewer in number than those formed on the roots of plants grown in a light medium. The heavy medium used was pure clay, the light one pure sand, while equal numbers of eelworm larvae served in each case as inoculum. The difference in cyst size was significant, and fewer larvae emerged from the cysts formed in clay than from those produced in sand.  相似文献   

The distribution of bats on five Galapagos islands was assessed using ultrasonic detectors that can identify the feeding calls of different bat species. Red bats ( Lasiurus brachyotis ) were present on Santa Cruz and San Cristobal. Hoary bats ( L. cinereus ) were present on Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela, Floreana and Santiago. Species identifications were confirmed by recordings of bat calls, observations of flying bats, and the capture of 21 red bats and three hoary bats. There was no evidence of other species of bats on the Galapagos. Body size measurements were similar to those of South American red ( L. borealis ) and hoary ( L. c. villosissimus ) bats. Species status of L. brachyotis is not supported by morphological data. Both species were active in lowland and highland habitats, and foraging activity was high around street lights. Radio telemetry was used to locate day roosts and the nightly activity areas of four red bats in lowland areas of Santa Cruz. During the day, these bats roosted singly in the foliage of nine species of plant. Nightly activity areas were 10 to 20 ha in size. The activity areas of individuals overlapped, and included their known day roost sites. Both bat species were apparently more active in lowland habitats during the cool garua season, and less active in lowland habitats during the hot season. Female red bats were more abundant in lowland habitats during the cool season than were male red bats. Mesic, upland habitat may be critical to the survival of bats in the Galapagos.  相似文献   

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