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Over the last four decades the world has been losing biodiversity at an alarming rate despite the increasing number of protected areas (PAs). Certified forest management may complement the role of PAs in protecting biodiversity. Forest certification aims to promote sustainable forest management and to maintain or enhance the conservation value of certified forests. The area of forest under certified forest management has grown quickly over the past decade. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, for example, currently covers 148 million hectares, i.e., 3.7 % of the world’s forests. In spite of such increase there is, however, a dearth of information on how forest certification is related to biodiversity. In this study we assessed if FSC certification is being applied in high biodiversity areas in cork oak savannas in Portugal by comparing biodiversity values of certified and non-certified areas for birds, reptiles and amphibians. We calculated the relative species richness and irreplaceability value for each group of species in certified and non-certified areas and compared them using randomization tests. The biodiversity value of certified areas was not significantly greater than that of non-certified areas. Since FSC certification is expanding quickly in cork oak savannas it is important to consider the biodiversity value of these areas during this process. Prioritizing areas of high biodiversity value would enhance the conservation value of forest certification and facilitate integrating certification with other conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

We investigated the major patterns of plant rarity in sub-Saharan Africa, and looked for the most significant gaps in the reserve network of the region in terms of representing the distribution of threatened and geographically rare plants. Comparisons of the species ranges captured by the network of reserves were made against the proportion of species captured by randomly generated sets of areas and against a theoretical near minimum set of areas that represent all species once. At this scale of analysis, the network of large IUCN-coded reserves (the official ‘protected areas’) performs poorly against random and systematic selection procedures. Significant gaps in the IUCN-coded protected areas are in coastal Gabon/Cameroon, in the various tropical montane forest areas (Cameroon Highlands, Eastern Arc Mountains, Ethiopian Mountains), in lowland coastal eastern Africa, and in the South African Cape. Some of these gaps, for example in the Eastern Arc and eastern African coastal regions, are covered on the ground by a network of Forest Reserves under the management of national Forestry Authorities. The networks of Forest Reserves in Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Sierra Leone also fill reservation gaps for rare African plants in these countries. Upgrading the conservation status of some key Forest Reserves, which has been gradually happening for some decades, is proposed as an efficient way to enhance the protected area network of the Afrotropical region for the conservation of rare African plant species.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Asamoah, S.A., Owusu, E.H. & Owusu-Boateng, K. 2000. Avifauna of two upland evergreen forest reserves, the Atewa Range and Tan0 Offin, in Ghana. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 277–281.

Data are presented on the avifauna of two Upland Evergreen forest reserves in Ghana: Atewa Range Forest Reserve and the Tano Offin Forest Reserve. The data obtained for the two reserves using three survey techniques: transect counts, timed species counts and mist-netting are compared. A total of 105 species were recorded for the Atewa Range Forest Reserve while the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve yielded 110 species. Mean species encounter rate in the transect counts at Atewa was 24.2 per km while individual bird encounter rate was 52.6 per km; encounter rates at Tano Offin were 31.2 per km. and 98.2 per km for species and individual birds respectively. The most common species encountered in Atewa was the Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Andropadus latimstris (7.1% of observations in transect counts and 6.7% in spot counts), while the Green-crested Touraco (6.6% of transect counts) and Green Hylia (5.7% of spot counts) were the most abundant at Tan0 Offin. The records for Atewa included four globally threatened species while Tano yielded three threatened species. Two species of birds, the Equatorial Akalat Sheppardia aequatorialis and the yellow-bellied Greenbul Phyllastrepus flavostn'atus were recorded for the first time in Ghana from the two reserves. The bird community at Tan0 Ofin was significantly more diverse than that at Atewa. In both reserves, spot counts yielded more species (67.6% and 74.5% of total recorded at Atewa and Tan0 respectively), than transect counts and mist nets. 31 species recorded in both spot counts and transect counts at Atewa were not captured in mist nets, while nine species caught in mist nets were not recorded by the two methods. The figures for the Tano Offin reserve were 43 and six respectively. We conclude that of the three survey techniques, the timed species counts offer the most comprehensive results for rapid assessment of forest avifauna, but a combination of all three methods is necessary for complete coverage. The need for management of the two reserves to maintain their unique biodiversity in the face-of threats from mining and logging is discussed.  相似文献   

Isaiah Owiunji 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):216-219
Owiunji, I. 2000. Changes in avian communities of Budongo Forest Reserve after 70 years of selective logging. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 216–219.

Budongo Forest Reserve, located in the west of Uganda, has been selectively logged for timber for over 70 years, and has a well documented management history. Changes in the avian community, species diversity and relative densities were assessed in two unlogged and three logged and arboricidally treated compartments. Tree-species diversity was highest in the disturbed forest. Over 100 forest bird species were recorded (including a new record for East Africa, Puvel's Illadopsis Illadopsis puveli. Both point counts and mist-netting showed that bird species diversity was higher in the logged and treated than in the unlogged forest. Five species had significantly higher densities in logged forest, three species had significantly higher densities in unlogged forest and 14 species showed no significant change in densities. The response of Budongo Forest birds to disturbance was species-specific.  相似文献   

建立自然保护区是对生物多样性及其生境最直接、最有效的保护措施,构建一套科学、完整的国家级自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系,对促进国家级自然保护区的有效管理和宏观决策具有重要的意义。截止2014年3月,我国已建立407个国家级自然保护区,其中野生动物类型105个。尽管国家已投入大量的人力、物力和财力,但目前仍不清楚这些国家级自然保护区的保护成效如何,故很有必要对国家级自然保护区保护成效开展评估。基于保护目标物种,以10a为时间尺度,采用集成分析法、专家咨询法和示范研究法,率先构建了我国候鸟类型国家级自然保护区(第一保护对象为候鸟的野生动物类型国家级自然保护区)保护成效评估框架和指标体系,并用层次分析法(AHP)法对指标进行赋分。评估框架包含1个目标层、2个系统层(生态有效性评估,分值占60%;管理有效性评估,分值占40%)、9个因素层、36个指标层,另增加人为影响赋分区(-12分—+8分)。其中,生态有效性评估包含代表性、适宜性、稀有性、多样性、完整性共5个因素层及15个指标层;管理有效性评估包含管理对象、管理行动、管理保障、管理效果共4个因素层及21个指标层。为进一步验证与完善评估指标体系的科学性和可操作性,我们以青海湖国家级自然保护区和湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区为案例进行了研究。结果表明:该评估指标体系具有良好的科学性和可操作性。近10年,青海湖国家级自然保护区在针对保护目标物种种群动态与生境的科研监测、宣传教育、野外巡护、社区共管方面的保护成效较好,但快速发展的生态旅游对候鸟的活动造成了一定的影响,建议加强生态旅游管理;湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区在针对候鸟的宣传教育、野外巡护方面的保护成效较好,但土地管理权属的混乱使候鸟的生境遭到一定的破坏,建议进一步争取土地所有权和落实管理权,并通过发展生态旅游来提高当地居民收入,达到减少人为影响与恢复候鸟生境的目的。  相似文献   

In striking contrast to heartening events in the adjacent Amazon, Brazil's Cerrado biome has seen continued deforestation over the past decade. Though approved in 2012, no study evaluated the impacts of new Brazilian Forest Code (FC) revision on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Here, we report the first assessment of the likely loss and gain in biodiversity and ecosystem services expected if the FC is properly enforced across 200 million hectares of the Cerrado. We also discuss the challenges associated to compliance with the law and present opportunities for conservation. Establishing restoration programmes in private properties with currently less native vegetation than required by the FC could create habitat for 25% more threatened species than now found in these places and could also increase water security and carbon stock in 56.6 MtC. More important, trading environmental reserve quotas coupled with the strategic expansion of protected areas on private and public land could definitely rescue the Cerrado from the brink.  相似文献   

Auckland, a city with a population of approximately 1.7 million, is located directly on the Auckland Volcanic Field, a late Quaternary-era monogenetic field. There are at least 53 volcanoes across the field, many of which are of geological, cultural and ecological significance, such as for being reserves for native species; however, few assessments of the richness of avian biodiversity across the volcanoes have been made. To address this data shortfall, we conducted avian biodiversity surveys using stationary point counts within nine of Auckland's volcanic cone reserves. Thirty-eight species were detected across the sites, of which 18 were native. Our estimates of relative species abundances and detection probabilities revealed that the most common native birds within these reserves were silvereyes, tui and southern black-backed gulls, while common mynas, house sparrows, Eurasian blackbirds and eastern rosellas were the most common introduced species. In addition to tui and silvereyes, the presence of other natives critical to the functioning of native ecosystems, such as New Zealand fantails, grey warblers and New Zealand pigeon, suggest that the volcanoes possess a diverse native avifauna supported by native flora that warrant continued and intensified restoration efforts. We discuss several feasible strategies for improving faunal and floral biodiversity across the volcanic cone reserves. Continued avian biodiversity surveys are also of critical importance as they will enable us to further evaluate and prioritise restoration projects within Auckland's multitude of diverse volcanic cone reserves.  相似文献   

To better identify biodiversity hotspots for conservation on Hainan Island, a tropical island in southern China, we assessed spatial variation in phylogenetic diversity and species richness using 18,976 georeferenced specimen records and a newly reconstructed molecular phylogeny of 957 native woody plants. Within this framework, we delineated bioregions based on vegetation composition and mapped areas of neoendemism and paleoendemism to identify areas of priority for conservation. Our results reveal that the southwest of Hainan is the most important hot spot for endemism and plant diversity followed by the southeast area. The distribution of endemic species showed a scattered, rather than clustered, pattern on the island. Based on phylogenetic range‐weighted turnover metrics, we delineated three major vegetational zones in Hainan. These largely correspond to natural secondary growth and managed forests (e.g., rubber and timber forests) in central Hainan, old‐growth forests and natural secondary growth forest at the margins of Hainan, and nature reserves on the island (e.g., Jianfeng and Diaoluo National Nature Reserves). Our study helps to elucidate potential botanical conservation priorities for Hainan within an evolutionary, phylogenetic framework.  相似文献   

Projected increases in Africa's human population over the next 40 years point to further, large-scale conversion of natural habitats into farmland, with far-reaching consequences for raptor species, some of which are now largely restricted to protected areas (PAs). To assess the importance of PAs for raptors in Uganda, we conducted an annual road survey through savanna, pastoral and agricultural land during 2008–2015. Here, we present density estimates for 34 diurnal raptor species, 17 of which were encountered largely or entirely within PAs. These included seven out of eight globally threatened or near-threatened species surveyed. Based mainly on published demographic values, we converted density estimates (birds 100 km?2) to numbers of adult pairs, for 10 resident, savanna-dependent species. We then estimated adult population sizes within conservation areas (individual PAs and clusters of contiguous PAs), based on the area of savanna in each site. This suggested that two threatened residents, Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus and Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos, have national breeding populations of just 53–75 and 74–105 pairs, respectively. A third species, White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis, may have a breeding population of just 22–32 pairs. In each case, at least 90% of pairs are thought to reside within Uganda's five largest conservation areas. In three cases our estimates of pair density were markedly lower than in other studies, while in six cases they were broadly consistent with published findings, often derived using more intensive survey methods. Further work is required to determine the accuracy of our estimates for individual conservation areas, and to assess the long-term viability of Uganda's threatened raptor populations.  相似文献   

To counteract an increasing biodiversity decline, parks and protected areas have been established worldwide. However, many parks lack adequate management to address environmental degradation. To improve management strategies simple tools are needed for an assessment of human impact and management effectiveness of protected areas. This study quantifies the current threats in the heavily fragmented and degraded tropical rainforest of Kakamega, western Kenya. We recorded seven disturbance parameters at 22 sites in differently managed and protected areas of Kakamega Forest. Our data indicate a high level of human impact throughout the forest with illegal logging being most widespread. Furthermore, logging levels appear to reflect management history and effectiveness. From 1933 to 1986, Kakamega Forest was under management by the Forest Department and the number of trees logged more than 20 years ago was equally high at all sites. Since 1986, management of Kakamega Forest has been under two different organizations, i.e. Forest Department and Kenya Wildlife Service. The number of trees logged illegally in the last 20 years was significantly lower at sites managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service. Finally, logging was lower within highly protected National and Nature Reserves as compared to high logging within the less protected Forest Reserves. Reflecting management effectiveness as well as protection status in Kakamega Forest, logging might therefore provide a valuable quantitative indicator for human disturbance and thus an important tool for conservation managers. Logging might be a valuable indicator for other protected areas, too, however, other human impact such as e.g. hunting might also prove to be a potential indicator.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Owusu, E.H., Asamoah, S. & Owusu-Boateng, K. 2000. Distribution and abundance of forest birds in Ghana. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 262–268.

Forest reserves within the Ghanaian rain forest have been classified into categories (Condition I-VI) on the basis of their botanical importance and status of the vegetation. We present data on the distribution and abundance of avifauna of 28 Condition II and III forest reserves in southern Ghana based on line transect counts and mist-net captures. A total of 227 species were recorded for all the sites; species records for individual sites ranged from 78–119. The dominant groups in the overall survey were Muscicapidae (represented by 40 species), Pcynonotidae (21) and Cuculidae (12). The most abundant bird species in the Ghanaian forests were Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, Green Hylia, Green Pigeon and Olive Sunbird. Species encounter rates ranged from 16.7 to 50.7 species per km with individual bird encounter rates of 27.9 to 172.0 birds per km. Capture rates in mist-nets ranged from 1.2 to 3.9 birds per 100 metre net-hr (mnh). A total of 183 species were recorded in Condition II forest as compared with 167 in Condition III forests. The effects of forest condition and vegetation types on the total number of species recorded were, however, not statistically significant. The Similarity Index for bird communities within Condition II and III forests was 0.72. Bird species composition in the two forest types also differed: e.g., seven primary forest species, as well as 40% of the species associated with primary and matured secondary forest which were recorded in Condition II forests, were absent from Condition III forests. Bird communities of Moist Evergreen, Upland Evergreen and Moist semi-Deciduous were more similar than communities in the Wet Evergreen forest type. The implication of the results for conservation of the Ghana's forests is discussed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of ecological restoration actions toward biodiversity conservation depends on both local and landscape constraints. Extensive information on local constraints is already available, but few studies consider the landscape context when planning restoration actions. We propose a multiscale framework based on the landscape attributes of habitat amount and connectivity to infer landscape resilience and to set priority areas for restoration. Landscapes with intermediate habitat amount and where connectivity remains sufficiently high to favor recolonization were considered to be intermediately resilient, with high possibilities of restoration effectiveness and thus were designated as priority areas for restoration actions. The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) quantifying habitat amount and connectivity; (2) using landscape ecology theory to identify intermediate resilience landscapes based on habitat amount, percolation theory, and landscape connectivity; and (3) ranking landscapes according to their importance as corridors or bottlenecks for biological flows on a broader scale, based on a graph theory approach. We present a case study for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (approximately 150 million hectares) in order to demonstrate the proposed method. For the Atlantic Forest, landscapes that present high restoration effectiveness represent only 10% of the region, but contain approximately 15 million hectares that could be targeted for restoration actions (an area similar to today's remaining forest extent). The proposed method represents a practical way to both plan restoration actions and optimize biodiversity conservation efforts by focusing on landscapes that would result in greater conservation benefits .  相似文献   

红外相机技术在野生动物调查研究中得到广泛应用, 其发展和普及为中国自然保护地生物多样性保护带来了诸多机会。为进一步推广该技术在我国自然保护地野生动物监测中的应用, 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所在自然保护区生物标本资源共享子平台增设野生动物红外相机数据库专栏, 并通过门户网站“中国自然保护区生物标本资源共享平台” (http://www.papc.cn/)对外发布, 向公众开放, 可以随时查阅、下载信息。本文重点介绍了该平台的野生动物红外相机数据库建设进展, 包括所监测的自然保护区、监测方案、数据规范存储、标准化分析、成果介绍、工作计划等内容。2010-2019年间, 该平台使用红外相机调查技术在全国13个不同类型的保护地开展兽类和鸟类资源调查, 累计27.25万个有效工作日, 共拍摄到8.41万张独立图像, 经鉴定有80种野生兽类和200种野生鸟类, 并利用这些数据对野生动物行为、稀有物种探测、人为干扰, 以及气候变化影响等方面进行研究, 取得了重要的阶段性成果。下一步, 子平台牵头单位将筹建自然保护地红外相机数据共享平台, 制定红外相机调查设计、监测技术、数据格式等统一标准化方案, 逐步完善我国自然保护地野生动物红外相机监测网络。  相似文献   

在福建省已建立的 3 2个省级以上的自然保护区中 ,78 1 %分布在中亚热带 ,其余 2 2 9%分布在南亚热带。分析表明 :在福建省已建立的省级以上的自然保护区内分布的野生脊椎动物资源 ,有 5 0目 1 87科 95 1种。占全省国土面积 2 3 3 %的自然保护区保护了全省野生脊椎动物物种数的 5 7 7% ,尚有 696种野生动物在保护区内未发现或未有分布 ,主要是海洋哺乳动物、海洋性鸟类、海蛇类及海洋性鱼类。根据已建自然保护区的分布和已查明保护区内野生动物分布情况 ,从物种保护的角度提出今后保护区建设重点为沿海地区 ,并提出通过区域保护区网络建设 ,强化对野生动物的保护功能。  相似文献   

Tropical forest ecosystems are the world's richest and most complex habitats and globally recognised for their importance in the human survival. Birds constitute an important component of tropical forests, not only in terms of their diversity, but also in terms of their role in the ecosystem. However, despite great advances made in our knowledge and protection of tropical forest birds, our efforts remain inadequate, particularly in Africa. African forests are being cut down by a very high rate (4 million hectare disappearing per year), putting at risk so many bird species, that the first challenge for research and conservation is to help managers in identifying priorities.

The relationship emphasised by the theme of the PAOC 9 “Birds, Habitats and People” is well examined during the symposium on the “Conservation of Forest Birds in Afiica”. The papers presented cover a wide range of topics. A broad scale analysis on the congruence between forest birds and mammals (Neil et al.) compares species richness and species endemism in the Afrotropical region. Larison et al. compare avian biodiversity of montane forest birds of northern Cameroon and Bioko island and evaluate their conservation potential based on species richness and human impacts and attitudes. A similar approach is done by Waiyaki and Bennun on birds of coastal forests in southern Kenya, while Math et al. examine the distribution the east Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis in one single forest of Arabuko-Sokoke. The major threat to tropical forests today is the selective logging. The effect of this issue is presented by Dranzoa in a case study from Uganda's Kibale National Park.

Results of these papers show the necessity to take into account the particular requirements of all species in the management of the forest, the socio-cultural considerations in implementation of conservation measures, the necessity of policy changes in some cases and the necessity of further research.  相似文献   

Paul Mafabi 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):96-98
Mafabi, P. 2000. The role of wetland policies in the conservation of waterbirds: the case of Uganda. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 96–98.

Wetlands in Uganda provide important habitats for birds including several endemic species. With the ever increasing pressure to convert wetlands to agricultural lands, several species have lost their habitats, while others have become pests due to their opportunistic behaviour in modified habitats. The causes of wetland drainage and conversion in Uganda include population growth, economic reforms and a severe lack of information, legislation and inter-sectoral co-ordination. Community uses of wetlands have clear impacts on waterbirds. At Busolwe (case study 1) there is competition for land-use between Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum and man. Priority community uses of wetlands include fish-farming, agro-forestry and bee-keeping. There is a need for integrating bird conservation into overall wetland conservation objectives, especially with the aim of maintaining conditions suitable for waterbird survival during critical stages of the life-cycle. National wetland policies can play an important role in the conservation of waterbirds, as learned from Uganda's experiences. Recommendations for integrating bird conservation into the national wetland policy framework (as well as into national, district and local level planning processes) are made, which point to close co-operation between stakeholders for better management and on improved appreciation of wetlands values.  相似文献   

The Klamath‐Siskiyou forests of northern California and southern Oregon are recognized as an area of globally outstanding biological distinctiveness. When evaluated at a national or global level, this region is often, necessarily, considered to be uniformly diverse. Due to large variation in biotic and abiotic variables throughout this region, however, it is unlikely that biological diversity is uniformly distributed. Furthermore, land management decisions nearly always occur at spatial scales smaller than this entire region. Therefore, we used field data from a random sampling design to map the distribution of local and regional richness of terrestrial molluscs and salamanders within northern California's portion of the Klamath‐Siskiyou region. We also evaluated the protection afforded by reserves established for varying reasons (e.g. for inspiration and recreation for people vs. species conservation) to hotspots of species richness and species representation of these taxa. No existing reserves were created with these taxa in mind, yet it was assumed that reserves established largely around considerations for the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) would afford adequate protection for many lesser‐known species. Species of terrestrial molluscs and salamanders share two general features: (1) they have extremely low vagility, and (2) they are often associated with moist, cool microclimates. Existing reserves disproportionately included areas of hotspots of species richness for both taxa, when hotspots included the richest c. 25% of the area, whereas non‐reserved lands contained greater than expected areas with lower species richness. However, when a more strict definition of hotspot was used (i.e. the richest c.10% of areas), local hotspots for both taxa were not disproportionately found in reserves. Reserves set aside largely for human aesthetics and recreation and those set aside for biodiversity both contributed to the protection of areas with high (greatest 25%) species richness. Existing biodiversity reserves represented 68% of mollusc species and 73% of salamander species, corresponding to the 99th and 93rd percentiles, respectively, of species representation achieved by simulating a random distribution of the same total area of reservation. Cumulatively, however, reserves set aside for inspiration and biodiversity represented 83% of mollusc species and 91% of salamander species. The existing reserves provide conservation value for terrestrial molluscs and salamanders. This reserve network, however, should not be considered optimal for either taxa.  相似文献   

黄河是中华文明的发源地, 被誉为母亲河, 是两岸社会经济发展的保障, 切实保护好黄河流域湿地生态系统, 事关中华民族伟大复兴的千秋大计。黄河流域湿地总面积为391万ha, 其中80.4%分布在上游, 中游和下游分别仅12.5%和7.1%。黄河流域是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙路线和中亚候鸟迁徙路线上水鸟的关键栖息地, 一些迁徙水鸟最关键的栖息地均分布在黄河流域, 如黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)、白鹤(G. leucogeranus)、丹顶鹤(G. japonensis)、斑头雁(Anser indicus)、大鸨(Otis tarda)、东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)、疣鼻天鹅(C. olor)、青头潜鸭(Aythya baeri)等。尽管黄河流域湿地提供的水资源仅占全国的2%, 但维持着全国12%的人口饮水安全和15%的耕地用水, 湿地生态系统的脆弱性较高。截至2017年底, 黄河流域已建立各类湿地自然保护地230处, 其中国家公园2处、国家级自然保护区9处、地方级自然保护区68处、国家湿地公园145处、省级湿地公园6处, 湿地保护率达到65%, 高于我国湿地保护53%的平均水平。然而, 流域尺度现有水鸟生物多样性保护仍然面临不少挑战, 包括全球气候变化、水资源过度利用、水环境污染、栖息地丧失等。为此, 我们提出了建立以国家公园为主体的湿地保护地体系、开展濒危候鸟栖息地修复和强化黄河流域综合管理的体制机制建设等建议。  相似文献   

The bird fauna of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is exceptionally diverse and threatened, with high levels of endemism. Available lists of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest were generated before recent taxonomic revisions lumped or split species and before the recent increase in species occurrence records. Our objective, therefore, was to compile a new list of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest, characterize these species in terms of conservation status and natural history traits, and map remaining vegetation and protected areas. We combined GIS analysis with a literature search to compile a list of endemic species and, based on the phylogeny and distribution of these species, characterized areas in terms of species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and endemism. We identified 223 species of birds endemic to the Atlantic Forest, including 12 species not included in previous lists. In addition, 14 species included in previous lists were not considered endemic, either because they occur outside the Atlantic Forest biome or because they are not considered valid species. The typical Atlantic Forest endemic bird is a small forest‐dependent invertivore. Of the species on our list, 31% are considered threatened or extinct. Only ~ 34% of the spatial analysis units had > 10% forest cover, and protected area coverage was consistently low (< 1%). In addition, we found spatial incongruity among the different measures of biodiversity (species richness, relative phylogenetic diversity, restricted‐range species, and irreplaceability). Each of these measures provides information concerning different aspects of biological diversity. However, regardless of which aspect(s) of biodiversity might be considered most important, preservation of the remaining areas of remnant vegetation and further expansion of protected areas are essential if we are to conserve the many endemic species of birds in the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

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