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The aim of the present article is to derive and illustrate in a simple form some of the important concepts in developmental biology. The development of the cellular slime mouldDictyostelium discoideum is an ideal model system for this purpose. I will outline the development of this organism at its multicellular stages and review some relevant studies focusing on the control of cell differentiation and pattern formation while deriving some key concepts in the current thinking about the control of development.  相似文献   

There has been a recent burst of studies of the function of genitalia, many of which share several important shortcomings. Given that further studies on this topic are likely (there are probably millions of species showing rapid genital divergence), I discuss the studies critically to promote clear formulation of hypotheses and interpretation of results in the future. I also emphasize some possibly important but neglected variables, including female stimulation, phylogenetic contexts, and the behavior of male genitalia, and outline simple techniques that could improve future studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding bird species, one of the most conspicuous helping behaviours is the provisioning of food. Many studies have considered the feeding of nestlings, but far fewer have examined feeding of incubating females, and none have looked at the types of prey delivered at this stage. Here I show that green woodhoopoe ( Phoeniculus purpureus ) group members selectively feed incubating females with certain prey items: the diet delivered to incubating females contains a higher proportion of caterpillars, centipedes and cockroaches than that eaten by the provisioning adults themselves. The prey items selectively delivered are the largest in the diet and so might be provided in an effort to enhance the breeding female's condition, thus minimizing the time that she spends off the nest and so increasing hatching success. Intriguingly, it is only breeding males that show this adjustment in provisioning diet; helpers of both sexes simply provide the incubating female with the same proportions of different prey items that they eat when self-feeding. My results therefore offer the first evidence that members of cooperative groups may not all follow the same provisioning rules, and they also emphasize the need for studies to consider the incubation stage in just as much detail as the nestling phase if we are to understand fully the complexities of cooperative societies.  相似文献   

Provisioning of abundant food resources in human-altered landscapes can have profound effects on wildlife ecology, with important implications for pathogen transmission. While empirical studies have quantified the effects of provisioning on host behaviour and immunology, the net interactive effect of these components on host–pathogen dynamics is unknown. We use simple compartmental models to investigate how provisioning-induced changes to host demography, contact behaviour and immune defence influence pathogen invasion and persistence. We show that pathogen invasion success and equilibrium prevalence depend critically on how provisioning affects host immune defence and that moderate levels of provisioning can lead to drastically different outcomes of pathogen extinction or maximizing prevalence. These results highlight the need for further empirical studies to fully understand how provisioning affects pathogen transmission in urbanized environments.  相似文献   

In a previous autobiographical sketch for DNA Repair (Linn, S. (2012) Life in the serendipitous lane: excitement and gratification in studying DNA repair. DNA Repair 11, 595–605), I wrote about my involvement in research on mechanisms of DNA repair. In this Reflections, I look back at how I became interested in free radical chemistry and biology and outline some of our bizarre (at the time) observations. Of course, these studies could never have succeeded without the exceptional aid of my mentors: my teachers; the undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior lab visitors in my laboratory; and my faculty and staff colleagues here at Berkeley. I am so indebted to each and every one of these individuals for their efforts to overcome my ignorance and set me on the straight and narrow path to success in research. I regret that I cannot mention and thank each of these mentors individually.  相似文献   

Male birds of many species feed their mates during courtship and incubation. The amount of food provided can be substantial and even essential for successful reproduction in some species, and can influence female nest attentiveness in many others. Additionally, mate provisioning may predict later nestling feeding rates. Females may thus benefit from being able to determine male provisioning effort. We assessed the expression of several ornaments, known to indicate condition in male northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), and compared these with mate provisioning rates, nestling feeding rates, and nest attentiveness. We found that male ornamentation may not be indicative of mate provisioning rates. Mate provisioning rate did not co‐vary with reproductive success, male feedings to nestlings, or nest attentiveness of females. However, females which were fed more often during incubation tended to provision nestlings less. Reduced female parental effort following extensive incubation feeding may be indicative of females using incubation feeding to assess future male parental effort. Male hormonal condition that favors high rates of nestling provisioning may be a proximate cause of mate provisioning during incubation, even in the absence of selection, favoring high rates of mate provisioning. Both sexes may have capitalized on this unselected behavior.  相似文献   

I studied reproductive behavior of females of the gregarious ground-nesting bee Dieunomia triangulifera (Halictidae). During peak bloom of the host plant, Helianthus annuus, some females consistently brought pollen to one nest (provisioning bees), whereas others visited many nests without taking pollen to any (searching bees). Searching bees were more likely to have two or more developed oocytes and crops full of pollen. The ingested pollen probably provided protein for egg production. The differing behavior of provisioning and searching bees combined with contrasting internal morphology, indicated that these two sets of behaviors were alternative reproductive strategies. Three possible explanations for the searching bees' behavior included: usurpation, floating, or intraspecific cleptoparasitism. Each of these is evaluated as a possible function of searching behavior. Given the evidence I conclude that intraspecific cleptoparasitism is the most likely explanation.  相似文献   

Maternal effects arise when a mother's phenotype or the environment she experiences influences the phenotype of her progeny. Most studies of adaptive maternal effects are a "snapshot" of a mother's lifetime offspring provisioning and do not generally consider the effects of earlier siblings on those produced later. Here we show that in soil mites, offspring provisioning strategies are dynamic, changing from an emphasis on egg number in young females to egg size in older females. This pattern may be adaptive if it increases the survival of younger offspring that must compete with older, larger siblings. The dynamic shift in egg provisioning was greater in high-food environments in which females lived longer, creating increasing asymmetry in offspring competitive abilities. Females reared in isolation and in the presence of a high-density colony had identical provisioning strategies, suggesting that, unlike males in this species, females do not use pheromones to assess colony size. Our findings suggest that the adaptive significance of maternal effects may be misinterpreted when studies consider only a snapshot of a female's offspring provisioning strategy or when components of the offspring provisioning strategy are studied in isolation.  相似文献   

Studies of begging behaviour and food provisioning have produced contradictory results. Here, I present a new idea that may explain these apparent contradictions based on the fact that in species with brood reduction (brood reducers) some chicks starve, but in species that adjust clutch size (clutch adjusters) all chicks typically survive to fledge. This suggests that parents adopting these different strategies may follow different provisioning rules. In clutch adjusters, parents tend to distribute food equitably among their chicks, preferentially feeding young that are in poorer condition, but in brood reducers parents selectively feed larger chicks independently of begging intensity. Received in revised form: 27 March 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In many socially monogamous bird species, parents of altricial young respond to the increasing demands of growing nestlings by increasing their feeding rate and the size of prey items delivered and by altering the types of prey provided. In some cooperatively breeding species, similar changes in feeding rate and prey size have been documented. However, potential changes in the types of prey delivered, both as nestlings age and by different group members, remain largely unexplored. Moreover, studies rarely compare the diet fed to nestlings with that eaten by the provisioning adults themselves. Here, I show that green woodhoopoe ( Phoeniculus purpureus ) nestlings receive a smaller proportion of spiders and larger proportions of caterpillars and centipedes as they grow older. Both male and female adults delivered a higher proportion of spiders to young nestlings than they ate while self-feeding, probably in response to particular nutritional requirements of the chicks. However, only males altered the proportions of caterpillars and centipedes delivered, providing smaller proportions to young nestlings than eaten themselves. These prey items may be too large for young nestlings to handle, and males may make a greater adjustment in provisioning diet than females because they collect more caterpillars and centipedes than do females. Although there were sex differences in provisioning diet, there were no differences between same-sex breeders and helpers in terms of the overall proportions of prey delivered or the changes with nestling age. Hence, individuals of different reproductive status may be following the same provisioning rules, at least in terms of prey type.  相似文献   


Migration and integration research has been institutionalized over the last few decades. However, an increasing number of voices has been calling for more reflexivity, criticizing the nation-state- and ethnicity-centred epistemology that often informs this discipline. Consistently with this line of reasoning, I argue that migration and integration research originates in a historically institutionalized nation-state migration apparatus and is thus entangled with a particular normalization discourse. Therefore, this field of study contributes to reproducing the categories of this particular migration apparatus. This entanglement poses some serious dilemmas for this research tradition, dilemmas that ask for further consideration and possible solutions. My main proposition is to ‘de-migranticize' migration and integration research. I outline possible ways of doing so and discuss the consequences of such a strategy for the future of migration and integration studies.  相似文献   

In this overview to a new thematic series on the immune system and atherogenesis, I provide a very brief summary of current conceptions of atherogenesis, of the innate and adaptive immune systems, and of the participation of the latter in atherogenesis, with particular emphasis on studies of the involvement of the immune system in atherosclerosis reported in the last 2 years. This is followed by a short outline of the eight reviews that will make up this thematic series. The overview is concluded with some caveats that should be considered in the analysis of atherosclerosis in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Biparental care is common in birds, with the allocation of effort being highly variable between the sexes. In most songbird species, the female typically provides the most care early in the breeding cycle with both parents providing care when provisioning young. Food provisioning should be directly related to offspring quality; however, the relative influence each parent has on offspring quality has rarely been assessed at the nest level. Consequently, we were interested in assessing the relative influence male and female provisioning has on one measurement of offspring quality, nestling mass, in the black‐throated blue warbler Dendroica caerulescens. Over a six year period, 2003–2008, we collected information on average nestling mass per brood on day 6 of the nestling cycle and parental provisioning rates on day 7 of the nestling cycle from 182 first brood nests on three different study plots. We found that average nestling mass was directly related to male provisioning rate, while it was not related to female provisioning rate. On the other hand, estimated biomass provisioned had little influence on average nestling mass, calling into question its utility in assessing parental quality. Finally, there was some indication that parental influence on average nestling mass was dependent on the other parent's provisioning rate, suggesting that parents work in concert to influence nestling quality.  相似文献   

The study of global environmental change and its effect on biodiversity and ecosystem function is at an exciting crossroads, at which ideas developed largely through theory and small-scale experiments are now being tested with ecosystem services as they are delivered to people in real-world landscapes. Pollinators and pollination are emerging as a model system for exploring these questions, which inherently required working large spatio-temporal scales. In this Invited View, I discuss current questions that are at the leading edge of this research. I first point out some surprising knowledge gaps in our understanding of pollinators’ response to global change. I then outline several ways in which current understanding of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship might be transformed by studies conducted at large spatio-temporal scales. Specifically, I propose two hypotheses that relate to the number of species required to saturate ecosystem function, and to the mechanisms through which biodiversity stabilizes ecosystem function over space or time.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago, an article by Carter and Colley was published in an early issue of this journal. The report outlined pioneering studies by several laboratories into schistosome molecular biology and molecular genetics. To commemorate that prescient report and, in like fashion, to provide a brief (and non-comprehensive) synopsis of progress in this field up to the present time, I will outline some key aspects of the molecular biology of schistosomes that have been reported in the intervening years.  相似文献   

Field  Jeremy 《Behavioral ecology》2005,16(4):770-778
Most nonsocial wasps and bees are mass provisioners (MP), sealingeach egg into its own cell containing all of the food requiredto reach maturity. Other species instead provision progressively,feeding their offspring only gradually as they develop and usuallyprovisioning more than one offspring simultaneously (SPP). Theevolution of progressive provisioning is interesting becauseit has obvious drawbacks. In particular, it could prolong theperiod of offspring dependency, and hence increase the chancethat a mother will die before her offspring reach independence.Prolonged dependency could in turn facilitate the evolutionof helping through insurance-based mechanisms. In this paper,I outline two ecologically extreme models of how reproductivesuccess is accrued during provisioning. In Model 1, immatureoffspring become independent as soon as they are fully provisioned.SPP is then disadvantageous because it prolongs the provisioningperiod compared with MP. If SPP does evolve, Model 1 predictsthat brood size, the number of offspring provisioned simultaneouslyin a batch, should be minimized. Model 2 differs from Model1 in that offspring become independent only at adulthood. SPPcan then be advantageous because investment is converted intoindependent offspring more quickly than under MP. Model 2 predictsan intermediate brood size, positively correlated with larvaldevelopment time and the abundance of provisions. Ammophilinedigger wasps and eusocial vespids may correspond to Models 1and 2, respectively, whereas ground-nesting wasps and bees withmulticellular nests may be intermediate.  相似文献   

In mammals, altricial birds and some invertebrates, parents care for their offspring by providing them with food and protection until independence. Although parental food provisioning is often essential for offspring survival and growth, very little is known about the conditions favouring the evolutionary innovation of this key component of care. Here, we develop a mathematical model for the evolution of parental food provisioning. We find that this evolutionary innovation is favoured when the efficiency of parental food provisioning is high relative to the efficiency of offspring self-feeding and/or parental guarding. We also explore the coevolution between food provisioning and other components of parental care, as well as offspring behaviour. We find that the evolution of food provisioning prompts evolutionary changes in other components of care by allowing parents to choose safer nest sites, and that it promotes the evolution of sibling competition, which in turn further drives the evolution of parental food provisioning. This mutual reinforcement of parental care and sibling competition suggests that evolution of parental food provisioning should show a unidirectional trend from no parental food provisioning to full parental food provisioning.  相似文献   

This essay deals with plague and plagues in renaissance and early modern Europe over the longue durée, principally from a methodological perspective. I shall combine an historiographical approach with an historical account of developing reactions to plague and in passing compare measures to cope in the early sixteenth century with reactions to the impact of the Great Pox or the Mal de Naples. I shall concentrate on southern Europe and in particular on Italy and my aim is to re-assess the historiography of plague through the lens of some of the more recent Anglo-Saxon literature in this field. In the process I shall outline some of the debates within the field and end with some general methodological observations drawn from early modern Italy.  相似文献   

The production of diverse and affordable agricultural crop species depends on pollination services provided by bees. Indeed, the proportion of pollinator‐dependent crops is increasing globally. Agriculture relies heavily on the domesticated honeybee; the services provided by this single species are under threat and becoming increasingly costly. Importantly, the free pollination services provided by diverse wild bee communities have been shown to be sufficient for high agricultural yields in some systems. However, stable, functional wild bee communities require floral resources, such as pollen and nectar, throughout their active season, not just when crop species are in flower. To target floral provisioning efforts to conserve and support native and managed bee species, we apply network theoretical methods incorporating plant and pollinator phenologies. Using a two‐year dataset comprising interactions between bees (superfamily Apoidea, Anthophila) and 25 native perennial plant species in floral provisioning habitat, we identify plant and bee species that provide a key and central role to the stability of the structure of this community. We also examine three specific case studies: how provisioning habitat can provide temporally continuous support for honeybees (Apis mellifera) and bumblebees (Bombus impatiens), and how resource supplementation strategies might be designed for a single genus of important orchard pollinators (Osmia). This framework could be used to provide native bee communities with additional, well‐targeted floral resources to ensure that they not only survive, but also thrive.  相似文献   

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