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Abstract.  1. Choosing the plant on which to lay their eggs is the last act of care that most female herbivorous insects bestow upon their offspring. These decisions play a pivotal role in insect–plant interactions, placing host preference under strong selection and contributing to the diversity of phytophagous insects as one of the first traits to adapt to new hosts.
2. This study presents a test of whether extreme isolation and exposure to different host plants can produce intra-specific divergence in oviposition preference in alpine insects. Geographic variation should impose selection to fine-tune host plant ranking and specificity to the plants normally encountered, to avoid wasting time during the very limited reproductive season experienced at high altitudes.
3. Beetles from five populations of Oreina elongata differing in host availability were offered three natural hosts: Cirsium spinosissimum , Adenostyles alliariae , and Adenostyles glabra . A novel application of a continuation ratio model (logistic regression) was made to sequential no-choice experiments, combined with quasi-likelihood analysis of multiple-choice experiments.
4. The results show little geographic variation in host plant choice: all populations strongly preferred Cirsium in multiple-choice trials, and in no-choice experiments laid around 47% of their remaining eggs during each stage, almost regardless of the host present.
5. Enemy-free space seems to explain the preference for Cirsium , but isolation and exposure to different plants has clearly not caused local adaptation in host plant ranking or specificity. Reasons for this conservatism despite divergence in other characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. A study of host preference of four pairs of populations of the cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculates was carried out. The pairs had different geographical origins.
2. One population of each pair had been maintained for about 110 generations on cowpea Vigna unguiculata , the other population had been maintained on mung bean V. radiata . Half of the tested females from each population were raised on cowpea and exposed to this host prior to the assay; the other half was raised on mung bean. This design permitted assessment of the relative contributions of geographical origin, recent host use in the laboratory, and individual experience, to variation in host preference.
3. Host preference was assayed by letting the females oviposit on an equal-weight mixture of cowpea and mung seeds; two experiments were performed six generations apart.
4. Both experiments revealed a strong effect of geographical origin: populations originating from Nigeria laid a much greater proportion (68–86%) of their eggs on cowpea than those originating from Uganda and Yemen (30–42%); those from Cameroon were intermediate (56–60%). These preferences were not affected consistently by about 110 generations of laboratory evolution on one or the other host, or by experience of individual females.
5. These results indicate considerable geographical variation in host preference, and suggest that host preference is behaviourally inflexible and evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

In insects that feed on plants in both adult and larval stages, it is often difficult to distinguish oviposition preference from adult feeding preference, because oviposition can occur at or in proximity to feeding sites. In the present study, characteristics of oviposition site selection of two beetle species, Cassida rubiginosa Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Henosepilachna niponica (Lewis) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), were investigated in the field and laboratory, with particular attention to relationships with adult feeding sites. In the field, distances between adult feeding scars and egg masses differed for C . rubiginosa and H . niponica , with the former being very small and the latter averaging 24.6 cm. The same tendencies for the distances between adult feeding scars and egg masses of the two beetle species were confirmed in cages in which only female beetles were released. Cassida rubiginosa restricted egg laying to host plants in the field and to leaves in laboratory assays. On the other hand, H . niponica placed 8% of egg masses on plants adjacent to host plants in the field and often placed eggs on artificial substrates rather than leaf discs in laboratory assays. These results suggest that oviposition and female feeding sites are virtually inseparable in the case of C . rubiginosa , while H . niponica females do not necessarily keep to host plant leaves as oviposition substrates and they tend to oviposit at some distance from their feeding sites. Results are discussed in relation to proximate and ultimate causes of host selection behavior.  相似文献   

In two sister species of leaf beetles with overlapping host associations, Chrysochus auratus and C. cobaltinus, we established diet breadth and food preference of local populations for evaluation together with genetic differentiation between populations. While C. auratus turned out to be monophagous on the same plant wherever we collected the beetles, the studied populations of C. cobaltinus fed on three different plant species in the field. Plant preference and ranking of the potential host plants significantly differed between these populations. The amount of genetic differentiation between populations was measured by a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay of a 1300 bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence. In addition, the dominant genotypes of all populations were sequenced. No genetic differentiation between the populations of C. auratus could be detected in the RFLP assay and sequence divergence was low (= 0.3%). In C. cobaltinus, on the other hand, genetic differentiation between populations was high, revealing a lack of gene flow over a much smaller scale and a maximum of 1.3% sequence divergence. C. cobaltinus thereby has the prerequisites for host race formation on different plants from the original host spectrum. Our sequence-based phylogeny estimate allows us to reconstruct historical diet evolution in Chrysochus. Starting from an original association with Asclepiadaceae, the common ancestor of C. auratus and C. cobaltinus included Apocynaceae in its diet. The strict specialization on Apocynum and the loss of acceptance of Asclepiadaceae observed in C. auratus could have resulted from a process similar to that displayed by C. cobaltinus populations.  相似文献   

In most phytophagous insects, the larval diet strongly affects future fitness and in species that do not feed on plant parts as adults, larval diet is the main source of nitrogen. In many of these insect-host plant systems, the immature larvae are considered to be fully dependent on the choice of the mothers, who, in turn, possess a highly developed host recognition system. This circumstance allows for a potential mother-offspring conflict, resulting in the female maximizing her fecundity at the expense of larval performance on suboptimal hosts. In two experiments, we aimed to investigate this relationship in the polyphagous comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album, by comparing the relative acceptance of low- and medium-ranked hosts between females and neonate larvae both within individuals between life stages, and between mothers and their offspring. The study shows a variation between females in oviposition acceptance of low-ranked hosts, and that the degree of acceptance in the mothers correlates with the probability of acceptance of the same host in the larvae. We also found a negative relationship between stages within individuals as there was a higher acceptance of lower ranked hosts in females who had abandoned said host as a larva. Notably, however, neonate larvae of the comma butterfly did not unconditionally accept to feed from the least favorable host species even when it was the only food source. Our results suggest the possibility that the disadvantages associated with a generalist oviposition strategy can be decreased by larval participation in host plant choice.  相似文献   

We assessed the preference of two populations of the specialist beetle Stolas punicea, on plants from three phytochemically differentiated geographical mosaics of the American weed Mikania micrantha. Our results show a significant geographic variation in host preference in S. punicea that could affect its success as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

The effect of a non‐host plant, Solanum myriacanthum, on ovarian dynamics and longevity of Leptinotarsa undecimlineata (Stål) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was studied under laboratory conditions. Females reared on the natural host, S. lanceolatum, served as controls. Female beetles did not accumulate eggs on the non‐host. After continuous exposure to S. myriacanthum, the production of basal oocytes was diminished and oocytes were reabsorbed. Oocyte size, however, was not affected when compared to females fed with S. lanceolatum. In control females, the first mature eggs appeared at 34 days old. No eggs matured in females fed with the non‐host in the 54‐day duration of our experiment. Continuous exposure to the non‐host resulted in significantly less resorption of reproductive resources than a stress period of 20 days on the non‐host. Egg resorption was completely reversible after the preferred host was re‐offered for another 20 days. Further studies under field conditions will be necessary to understand why this Leptinotarsa species uses only one of two sympatric Solanum species.  相似文献   

The flea beetle, Phyllotreta nemorum L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an intermediate specialist feeding on a small number of plants within the family Brassicaceae. The most commonly used host plant is Sinapis arvensis L., whereas the species is found more rarely on Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., Barbarea vulgaris R.Br., and cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The interaction between flea beetles and Barbarea vulgaris ssp. arcuata (Opiz.) Simkovics seems to offer a good opportunity for experimental studies of coevolution. The plant is polymorphic, as it contains one type (the P‐type) that is susceptible to all flea beetle genotypes, and another type (the G‐type) that is resistant to some genotypes. At the same time, the flea beetle is also polymorphic, as some genotypes can utilize the G‐type whereas others cannot. The ability to utilize the G‐type of B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata is controlled by major dominant genes (R‐genes). The present investigation measured the frequencies of flea beetles with R‐genes in populations living on different host plants in 2 years (1999 and 2003). Frequencies of beetles with R‐genes were high in populations living on the G‐type of B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata in both years. Frequencies of beetles with R‐genes were lower in populations living on other host plants, and declining frequencies were observed in five out of six populations living on S. arvensis. Selection in favour of R‐genes in populations living on B. vulgaris is the most likely mechanism to account for the observed differences in the relative abundance of R‐genes in flea beetle populations utilizing different host plants. A geographic mosaic with differential levels of interactions between flea beetles and their host plants was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The dried bean beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus, is an economically important pest of stored legumes worldwide. Tracking the human-aided dispersion of its primary hosts, the Phaseolus vulgaris beans, it is now widespread in most bean-growing areas of the tropics and subtropics. In temperate regions where it can only occasionally overwinter in the field, A. obtectus proliferates in granaries, having multiple generations a year. Despite its negative impact on food production, no sensitive detection or monitoring tools exist, and the reduction of local populations still relies primarily on inorganic insecticides as fumigating agents. However, in the quest to produce more nutritious food more sustainably and healthily, the development of environmentally benign crop protection methods is vital against A. obtectus. For this, knowledge of the biology and chemistry of both the host plant and its herbivore will underpin the development of, among others, chemical ecology-based approaches to form an essential part of the toolkit of integrated bruchid management. We review the semiochemistry of the mate- and host-finding behaviour of A. obtectus and provide new information about the effect of seed chemistry on the sensory and behavioural ecology of host acceptance and larval development.  相似文献   

Oreina cacaliae (Schrank) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) has a 2‐year life cycle that it has to complete within the short warm seasons of the harsh alpine environment. Three years of field observations and experiments revealed that not all beetles overwintered in the soil next to their principal host Adenostyles alliariae (Asteraceae), as was previously assumed, but that many O. cacaliae left their host in autumn and flew to overwintering sites that were extensively sun‐exposed. In spring, these individuals became active 2 months earlier than their conspecifics that had remained in the soil close to the host plant. These early beetles flew from their hibernation sites against the direction of the prevailing wind. After a random landing in snow, they walked to the spring host Petasites paradoxus (Asteraceae) and fed on its floral stalks, the only plant parts present at that time. A few weeks later, they took flight again to locate newly emerging A. alliariae on which they would feed and deposit larvae as did individuals that had overwintered close to A. alliariae. Leaves of A. alliariae contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which the beetles sequester for their own defence. The dominating PA (seneciphylline) was also found to be present in the floral stalks of P. paradoxus. With additional behavioural assays in the field and laboratory, we demonstrated the importance of plant odours in the short‐range host location process. This study reveals a unique hibernation behaviour in which part of the beetle population uses exceptionally warm locations from which they emerge in spring, long before all the snow has melted. This early, but risky emergence allows them to exploit a second, highly suitable host plant, which they locate first by wind‐guided flight and then by odour‐guided walking. The well‐fed beetles then use odour again to move to their principal host plant, on which they reproduce.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation studies have more thoroughly addressed premating than postmating reproductive isolation. This study examines multiple postmating barriers between host forms of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles that specialize on Acer and Salix trees. We demonstrate cryptic isolation and reduced hybrid fitness via controlled matings of these host forms. These findings reveal host-associated postmating isolation, although a nonecological, 'intrinsic' basis for these patterns cannot be ruled out. Host preference and performance results among cross types further suggest sex-linked maternal effects on these traits, whereas family effects indicate their genetic basis and associated variation. Genes of major effect appear to influence these traits. Together with previous findings of premating isolation and adaptive differentiation in sympatry, our results meet many assumptions of 'speciation with gene flow' models. Here, such gene flow is likely asymmetric, with consequences for the dynamics of future ecological divergence and potential ecological speciation of these host forms.  相似文献   

The highly specialized chrysomelid Ambrostoma quadriimpressum Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is strictly monophagous on elm trees, Ulmus pumila L. (Ulmaceae) and a few of its close relatives. In order to elucidate how the adult beetles find their host plants, we performed both choice and no‐choice arena field experiments to examine their spatial maneuvering under seminatural conditions. In the no‐choice experiments, three treatments were tested in which individual beetles in thanatosis were released in the vicinity of a host plant, in which they were released facing (1) toward the host, (2) away from the host but toward a black paper column, or (3) away from the host with no standing target in view. Videorecordings of the beetles’ walking tracks showed that a standing visual target in field of vision strongly influenced their behavior. The host plant and black paper column equally attracted beetles released facing toward them. In choice experiments, the beetles randomly moved to both host and non‐host plants, as well as to the host plant and the black paper column, indicating that they do not discriminate host plants from a distance. The results suggest that this monophagous beetle locates host plants via orientation to standing visual targets. The results also indicate that the beetle encounters hosts by chance. The benefit of such a host‐finding mechanism in light of dispersion and emigration of the beetle is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how host‐plant characteristics affect behavioral and physiological responses of insect herbivores is of considerable importance in the development of resistant crop germplasm. Feeding, oviposition preference, larval development, and oviposition behavior of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) (= Ceutorhynchus assimilis Payk.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), were investigated on eight Brassicaceae species that differed in their glucosinolate profiles. The least preferred host plants for feeding and oviposition were the Sinapis alba L. lines while the Brassica carinata L. line was most preferred. Larval development occurred most rapidly on Brassica rapa L. and slowest on S. alba. Larval weight was highest on B. napus L. and lowest on S. alba. Total glucosinolate levels did not influence C. obstrictus larval growth or development; however high levels of specific glucosinolates such as p‐hydroxybenzyl and 3‐butenyl glucosinolate were associated with increased developmental time or reduced weight. The time required for oviposition behavioral events was measured on different host‐plant species: B. rapa, B. napus, B. napus×S. alba, B. tournefortii Gouan., B. juncea (L.) Czern, B. carinata, B. nigra (L.) Koch., and S. alba. The early steps in the sequence were completed faster on more susceptible host plants (B. carinata, B. napus, and B. rapa) than on relatively resistant ones (B. tournefortii and B. juncea). Females explored pods of B. nigra and S. alba, but oviposition occurred only rarely on these species. There was no significant difference in the location on the pod on which oviposition occurred among the different plant species. Mean eggs laid per female weevil were highest on the B. napus×S. alba hybrid and lowest on B. nigra and S. alba.  相似文献   

The evolution of host range drives diversification in phytophagous insects, and understanding the female oviposition choices is pivotal for understanding host specialization. One controversial mechanism for female host choice is Hopkins’ host selection principle, where females are predicted to increase their preference for the host species they were feeding upon as larvae. A recent hypothesis posits that such larval imprinting is especially adaptive in combination with anticipatory transgenerational acclimation, so that females both allocate and adapt their offspring to their future host. We study the butterfly Pieris rapae, for which previous evidence suggests that females prefer to oviposit on host individuals of similar nitrogen content as the plant they were feeding upon as larvae, and where the offspring show higher performance on the mother's host type. We test the hypothesis that larval experience and anticipatory transgenerational effects influence female host plant acceptance (no‐choice) and preference (choice) of two host plant species (Barbarea vulgaris and Berteroa incana) of varying nitrogen content. We then test the offspring performance on these hosts. We found no evidence of larval imprinting affecting female decision‐making during oviposition, but that an adult female experience of egg laying in no‐choice trials on the less‐preferred host Be. incana slightly increased the P. rapae propensity to oviposit on Be. incana in subsequent choice trials. We found no transgenerational effects on female host acceptance or preference, but negative transgenerational effects on larval performance, because the offspring of P. rapae females that had developed on Be. incana as larvae grew slower on both hosts, and especially on Be. incana. Our results suggest that among host species, preferences are guided by hard‐wired preference hierarchies linked to species‐specific host traits and less affected by larval experience or transgenerational effects, which may be more important for females evaluating different host individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

We investigated by olfactometry and feeding‐ and oviposition‐choice‐tests how the highly specialised elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), responds to conspecifically induced defences in the field elm Ulmus minor Miller (Ulmaceae). While egg deposition of the beetle induced elms to release volatiles attractive to the egg parasitoid Oomyzus gallerucae Fonscolombe (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), feeding alone did not. In the present study, females of the elm leaf beetle showed preferences for the odours of twigs induced by low egg deposition and feeding over odours from uninfested twigs. In contrast, heavy infestation rendered elm odours less attractive to the beetles. Feeding and oviposition bioassays revealed an oviposition preference for leaves from uninfested twigs when compared to locally infested leaves. However, beetles preferred to feed upon systemically induced leaves compared to uninfested ones. The different preferences of the elm leaf beetle during host plant approach might be explained by a strategy that accounts for both gaining access to high quality nutrition and avoiding competition or parasitism.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of host plant use by phytophagous insects can provide insight into the evolution of ecological niches, especially phenomena such as specialization and phylogenetic conservatism. We carried out a quantitative genetic analysis of multiple host use traits, estimated on five species of host plants, in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Mean values of all characters varied among host plants, providing evidence that adaptation to plants may require evolution of both behavioral (preference) and post-ingestive physiological (performance) characteristics. Significant additive genetic variation was detected for several characters on several hosts, but not in the capacity to use the two major hosts, a pattern that might be caused by directional selection. No negative genetic correlations across hosts were detected for any 'performance' traits, i.e. we found no evidence of trade-offs in fitness on different plants. Larval consumption was positively genetically correlated across host plants, suggesting that diet generalization might evolve as a distinct trait, rather than by independent evolution of feeding responses to each plant species, but several other traits did not show this pattern. We explored genetic correlations among traits expressed on a given plant species, in a first effort to shed light on the number of independent traits that may evolve in response to selection for host-plant utilization. Most traits were not correlated with each other, implying that adaptation to a novel potential host could be a complex, multidimensional 'character' that might constrain adaptation and contribute to the pronounced ecological specialization and the phylogenetic niche conservatism that characterize many clades of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Divergent host specialization by phytophagous insects is often detected as local adaptation and is thought to have played an important role in their diversification even within an ecological specialist. The phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna niponica Lewis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) predominantly depends on thistles (Cirsium spp., Asteraceae). The distribution of H. niponica occupies multiple areas dominated by different thistle species. This implies the possibility of the occurrence of host-associated divergent specialization of H. niponica. In this study, we investigated the pattern of host-use ability of three allopatric H. niponica populations (Aomori, Iwate, and Yamagata) on three thistle species – Cirsium alpicola Nakai, Cirsium nipponicum (Maxim.) Makino, and Cirsium tonense Nakai – under laboratory conditions. The results displayed asymmetric local adaptation by the beetles. The adults and larvae of the Aomori population showed sufficient acceptance and performance on C. nipponicum and C. tonense, the hosts of the Iwate and Yamagata populations, respectively. On the other hand, the Iwate and Yamagata populations fed small amounts of and performed poorly on C. alpicola, the host of the Aomori population. In contrast, the adults from all the populations clearly preferred feeding on C. nipponicum or C. tonense to C. alpicola. We concluded that the small but significant population differentiation and asymmetric local adaptation by beetles to congeneric host plant species could be a sign of the earliest stage of population divergence by divergent natural selection, given that these divergences will act as ‘immigrant inviability’ and ‘habitat isolation’ at least asymmetrically when these populations come into contact.  相似文献   

Choice and no-choice studies were conducted to determine how the glandular trichomes of the wild potato,Solanum berthaultii Hawkes, affect host preference of the Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). Given a feeding choice betweenS. tuberosum andS. berthaultii, larvae and adults preferred the foliage ofS. tuberosum, but adults were more discriminating. When foliage ofS. berthaultii was appressed toS. tuberosum leaflets, fewer adults fed on the appressed leaflets. When given a choice between ‘trichome-intact’ and ‘trichome-removed’S. berthaultii foliage, adults preferred to feed on the latter. The preference for ‘trichome-removed’ foliage and the percent of adults initiating feeding, increased with the degree of trichome removal. These studies provide evidence that the resistance ofS. berthaultii is associated with feeding deterrents localized in the glandular trichomes, thatS. berthaultii possesses more than one mechanism of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle, and that the expression of resistance is dependent on the developmental stage of the insect.  相似文献   

The boll weevil, Anthonomus grandisBoheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a key pest of cotton, Gossypium hirsutumL. (Malvaceae). Knowledge about boll weevil feeding and oviposition behavior and its response to plant volatiles can underpin our understanding of host plant resistance, and contribute to improved monitoring and mass capture of this pest. Boll weevil oviposition preference and immature development in four cotton genotypes (CNPA TB90, TB85, TB15, and BRS Rubi) were investigated in the laboratory and greenhouse. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by TB90 and Rubi genotypes were obtained from herbivore‐damaged and undamaged control plants at two phenological stages – vegetative (prior to squaring) and reproductive (during squaring) – and four collection times – 24, 48, 72, and 96 h following herbivore damage. The boll weevil exhibited similar feeding and oviposition behavior across the four tested cotton genotypes. The chemical profiles of herbivore‐damaged plants of both genotypes across the two phenological stages were qualitatively similar, but differed in the amount of volatiles produced. Boll weevil response to VOC extracts was studied using a Y‐tube olfactometer. The boll weevil exhibited similar feeding and oviposition behavior at the four tested cotton genotypes, although delayed development and production of smaller adults was found when fed TB85. The chemical profile of herbivore‐damaged plants of both genotypes at the two phenological stages and time periods (24–96 h) was similar qualitatively, with 30 identified compounds, but differed in the amount of volatiles produced. Additionally, boll weevil olfactory response was positive to herbivory‐induced volatiles. The results help to understand the interaction between A. grandis and cotton plants, and why it is difficult to obtain cotton genotypes possessing constitutive resistance to this pest.  相似文献   

An insect species that shows variation in host species association across its geographical range may do so either because of local adaptation in host plant preference of the insect or through environmentally or genetically induced differences in the plants, causing variation in host plant suitability between regions. In the present study, we experimentally investigate the host plant preference of Anthocharis cardamines (orange tip butterfly) in two populations from the UK and two from Sweden. Previous reports indicate that A. cardamines larvae are found on different host plant species in different regions of the UK, and some variation has been reported in Sweden. Host plant choice trials showed that females prefer to oviposit on plants in an earlier phenological stage, as well as on larger plants. When controlling for plant phenological stage and size, the host species had no statistically significant effect on the choice of the females. Moreover, there were no differences in host plant species preference among the four butterfly populations. Based on our experiment, the oviposition choice by A. cardamines mainly depends on the phenological stage and the size of the host plant. This finding supports the idea that the geographical patterns of host–plant association of A. cardamines in the UK and Sweden are consequences of the phenology and availability of the local hosts, rather than regional genetic differences in the host species preference of the butterfly.  相似文献   

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