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Osteichthyan and chondrichthyan fish present an astonishing diversity of skeletal and dental tissues that are often difficult to classify into the standard textbook categories of bone, cartilage, dentine and enamel. To address the question of how the tissues of the dermal skeleton evolved from the ancestral situation and gave rise to the diversity actually encountered, we review previous data on the development of a number of dermal skeletal elements (odontodes, teeth and dermal denticles, cranial dermal bones, postcranial dermal plates and scutes, elasmoid and ganoid scales, and fin rays). A comparison of developmental stages at the tissue level usually allows us to identify skeletogenic cell populations as either odontogenic or osteogenic on the basis of the place of formation of their dermal papillae and of the way of deposition of their tissues. Our studies support the evolutionary affinities (1) between odontodes, teeth and denticles, (2) between the ganoid scales of polypterids and the elasmoid scales of teleosts, and (3) to a lesser degree between the different bony elements. There is now ample evidence to ascertain that the tissues of the elasmoid scale are derived from dental and not from bony tissues. This review demonstrates the advantage that can be taken from developmental studies, at the tissue level, to infer evolutionary relationships within the dermal skeleton in chondrichthyans and osteichthyans.  相似文献   

Living vertebrates are divided into those that possess a fully formed and fully mineralised skeleton (gnathostomes) versus those that possess only unmineralised cartilaginous rudiments (cyclostomes). As such, extinct phylogenetic intermediates of these living lineages afford unique insights into the evolutionary assembly of the vertebrate mineralised skeleton and its canonical tissue types. Extinct jawless and jawed fishes assigned to the gnathostome stem evidence the piecemeal assembly of skeletal systems, revealing that the dermal skeleton is the earliest manifestation of a homologous mineralised skeleton. Yet the nature of the primitive dermal skeleton, itself, is poorly understood. This is principally because previous histological studies of early vertebrates lacked a phylogenetic framework required to derive evolutionary hypotheses. Nowhere is this more apparent than within Heterostraci, a diverse clade of primitive jawless vertebrates. To this end, we surveyed the dermal skeletal histology of heterostracans, inferred the plesiomorphic heterostracan skeleton and, through histological comparison to other skeletonising vertebrate clades, deduced the ancestral nature of the vertebrate dermal skeleton. Heterostracans primitively possess a four‐layered skeleton, comprising a superficial layer of odontodes composed of dentine and enameloid; a compact layer of acellular parallel‐fibred bone containing a network of vascular canals that supply the pulp canals (L1); a trabecular layer consisting of intersecting radial walls composed of acellular parallel‐fibred bone, showing osteon‐like development (L2); and a basal layer of isopedin (L3). A three layered skeleton, equivalent to the superficial layer L2 and L3 and composed of enameloid, dentine and acellular bone, is possessed by the ancestor of heterostracans + jawed vertebrates. We conclude that an osteogenic component is plesiomorphic with respect to the vertebrate dermal skeleton. Consequently, we interpret the dermal skeleton of denticles in chondrichthyans and jawless thelodonts as independently and secondarily simplified. J. Morphol. 276:657–680, 2015. © 2015 The Authors Journal of Morphology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present contribution is chiefly a review, augmented by some new results on amphioxus and lamprey anatomy, that draws on paleontological and developmental data to suggest a scenario for cranial cartilage evolution in the phylum chordata. Consideration is given to the cartilage-related tissues of invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and some fossil groups like vetulicolians) as well as in the two major divisions of the subphylum Vertebrata (namely, agnathans, and gnathostomes). In the invertebrate chordates, which can be considered plausible proxy ancestors of the vertebrates, only a viscerocranium is present, whereas a neurocranium is absent. For this situation, we examine how cartilage-related tissues of this head region prefigure the cellular cartilage types in the vertebrates. We then focus on the vertebrate neurocranium, where cyclostomes evidently lack neural-crest derived trabecular cartilage (although this point needs to be established more firmly). In the more complex gnathostome, several neural-crest derived cartilage types are present: namely, the trabecular cartilages of the prechordal region and the parachordal cartilage the chordal region. In sum, we present an evolutionary framework for cranial cartilage evolution in chordates and suggest aspects of the subject that should profit from additional study.  相似文献   

Size and distribution of dermal elements in Ordovician eriptychiids and astraspids are considered relative to phases of skeletal assimilation and regression. The phyletic significance of acellularity in aspidin is discussed, as also is the alleged relationship claimed to exist in initial developmental stages between that hard tissue and dentine proper. To judge from hard tissue histology the astraspids may not, like the eriptychiids, have belonged to the heterostracans but to another group, of early agnathans, still incompletely known.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the differentiation, growth, and morphogenesisof the tissues within the skeleton are discussed and relatedto the evolution of the vertebrate skeleton. The tissues consideredare bone, cartilage, dentine, and enamel. The histology of the skeletal tissues of the Ordovician agnathais reviewed with the conclusion that the skeletal tissues ofthe first vertebrates were as diverse and as specialized asare those of present-day vertebrates. Phylogenies of skeletaltissues cannot be established. The trend during evolution appearsto have been toward reduction in amount of skeletal tissue andin the number of types of tissues present. The factors which determine when and where a skeletal elementdevelops ontogenetically are reviewed and used to discuss theorigin and evolution of jaws, the evolution of membrane bonesand the origin of such structures as sesamoid bones. Specialimportance is attached to epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. The factors which determine what particular skeletal tissuewill form at a particular site within the body are reviewedwith especial reference to modulation, germ layer derivation,and the role of epigenetic factors. The factors which determine size and shape of the skeleton,both ontogenetically and phylogenetically, are reviewed andthe directive role of adjacent tissues emphasized.  相似文献   

Electroreception is widespread in living vertebrates, and is often considered to be a primitive vertebrate character. However, the early evolution of electroreception remains unclear. A variety of structures in early vertebrate fossils have been put forward as potential electroreceptors, but these need to be reassessed in light of the now substantial literature on electroreceptors in living vertebrates. Here we review the evidence for all putative electroreceptors in early vertebrates, and provide new information from CT scans. In the jawless osteostracans, the pore canal system in the dermal skeleton and the lateral and dorsal fields do not resemble electroreceptors in living species. Nevertheless, the presence of a recurrent ramus of the anterior lateral line nerve in osteostracans suggests that electroreceptors were present, by comparison with lampreys. In placoderms, cutaneous sense organs on arthrodire cheek plates are possible electroreceptors. CT data shows that the orientation of these pits is anomalous for electroreceptors, and intimately associated with bone growth. A newly identified type of cheek pit, for which the term ‘Young's apparatus’ is introduced, is known from only two arthrodire specimens. It is closely associated with the underlying jaw joint, but its precise function is unknown. In osteichthyans, the ‘pore group’ clusters of early sarcopterygians may have housed electroreceptors. CT data from Devonian lungfish support this interpretation, showing internal morphology consistent with electroreceptors, and innervation via the rostral tubuli underlying the dermal bone of the snout. The early osteichthyan Ligulalepis has pit structures which may be electroreceptors, and were possibly innervated by lateral line nerves. Specialized electroreceptor systems, including elaborated ‘pore group’ pits in Devonian lungfish and rostral organs in the earliest coelacanths, show that electroreception may have had an important role in niche specialization in early vertebrates. Finally, fossil data does not support the hypothesis that vertebrate hard tissues initially evolved to shield electroreceptors.  相似文献   

The outer armour of fossil jawless fishes (Heterostraci) is, predominantly, a bone with a superficial ornament of dentine tubercles surrounded by pores leading to flask-shaped crypts (ampullae). However, despite the extensive bone present in these early dermal skeletons, damage was repaired almost exclusively with dentine. Consolidation of bone, by dentine invading and filling the vascular spaces, was previously recognized in Psammolepis and other heterostracans but was associated with ageing and dermal shield wear (reparative). Here, we describe wound repair by deposition of dentine directly onto a bony scaffold of fragmented bone. An extensive wound response occurred from massive deposition of dentine (reactionary), traced from tubercle pulp cavities and surrounding ampullae. These structures may provide the cells to make reparative and reactionary dentine, as in mammalian teeth today in response to stimuli (functional wear or damage). We suggest in Psammolepis, repair involved mobilization of these cells in response to a local stimulatory mechanism, for example, predator damage. By comparison, almost no new bone is detected in repair of the Psammolepis shield. Dentine infilling bone vascular tissue spaces of both abraded dentine and wounded bone suggests that recruitment of this process has been evolutionarily conserved over 380 Myr and precedes osteogenic skeletal repair.  相似文献   

I examine the neural crest and skeletal tissues derived from neural crest cells in the context of novelty/innovation by asking whether the neural crest is a novel tissue and whether the evolutionary origin of the neural crest required innovative developmental processes. As a vertebrate autapomorphy, the neural crest is a novel structure. I equate novelty with innovation and take a hierarchical approach. Some other workers separate the two, using novelty for new structures not found in an ancestor and not homologous with a feature in an ancestor, and innovation for the new processes required to generate the novel structure. While development clearly evolves, I do not separate those processes that result in the production of novel features from those that lead to change in existing structures, whether that change is a transition or transformation from one homologous feature to another (fins-->tetrapod limbs or locomotory appendages-->crustacean maxilliped feeding appendages). The existence of novelties causes us to consider the concept of latent homology. Neural crest cells form cartilage, dentine and bone. Cartilage is found in invertebrates and so is not a vertebrate innovation. No invertebrate cartilage mineralizes in vivo, although some can be induced to mineralize in vitro. Mineralization of cartilage in vivo is a vertebrate innovation. Dentine is a novel tissue that only forms from neural crest cells. Bone is a vertebrate innovation but not one exclusive to the neural crest. The developmental processes responsible for the neural crest and for these skeletal tissues did not arise de novo with the vertebrates. Novelty/innovation results from tinkering with existing processes, from the flexibility that arises from modifications of existing gene networks, and from the selective advantage provided by gene duplications or modifications.  相似文献   

Based on recently obtained original and published data on the fine structure of the external skeleton of osteostracan agnathans (Osteostraci, Agnatha), possible modes of the formation of their hard cover in the course of the horizontal growth of the exoskeleton are characterized. The developmental models for the formation of various configurations of cephalothoracic shields typical for osteostracans are revealed. It is shown that, in the morphogenesis of the hard cover of this group of early vertebrates, a significant part of the variants of the exoskeleton horizontal growth characteristic of early vertebrates are observed.  相似文献   

An evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) approach to understanding the evolution, homology, and development of structures has proved important for unraveling complex integrated skeletal systems through the use of modules, or modularity. An ocular skeleton, which consists of cartilage and sometimes bone, is present in many vertebrates; however, the origin of these two components remains elusive. Using both paleontological and developmental data, I propose that the vertebrate ocular skeleton is neural crest derived and that a single cranial neural crest module divided early in vertebrate evolution, possibly during the Ordovician, to give rise to an endoskeletal component and an exoskeletal component within the eye. These two components subsequently became uncoupled with respect to timing, placement within the sclera and inductive epithelia, enabling them to evolve independently and to diversify. In some extant groups, these two modules have become reassociated with one another. Furthermore, the data suggest that the endoskeletal component of the ocular skeleton was likely established and therefore evolved before the exoskeletal component. This study provides important insights into the evolution of the ocular skeleton, a region with a long evolutionary history among vertebrates.  相似文献   

The stratigraphically earliest and the most primitive examples of vertebrate skeletal mineralization belong to lineages that are entirely extinct. Therefore, palaeontology offers a singular opportunity to address the patterns and mechanisms of evolution in the vertebrate mineralized skeleton. We test the two leading hypotheses for the emergence of the four skeletal tissue types (bone, dentine, enamel, cartilage) that define the present state of skeletal tissue diversity in vertebrates. Although primitive vertebrate skeletons demonstrate a broad range of tissues that are difficult to classify, the first hypothesis maintains that the four skeletal tissue types emerged early in vertebrate phylogeny and that the full spectrum of vertebrate skeletal tissue diversity is explained by the traditional classification system. The opposing hypothesis suggests that the early evolution of the mineralized vertebrate skeleton was a time of plasticity and that the four tissue types did not emerge until later. On the basis of a considerable, and expanding, palaeontological dataset, we track the stratigraphic and phylogenetic histories of vertebrate skeletal tissues. With a cladistic perspective, we present findings that differ substantially from long-standing models of tissue evolution. Despite a greater diversity of skeletal tissues early in vertebrate phylogeny, our synthesis finds that bone, dentine, enamel and cartilage do appear to account for the full extent of this variation and do appear to be fundamentally distinct from their first inceptions, although why a higher diversity of tissue structural grades exists within these types early in vertebrate phylogeny is a question that remains to be addressed. Citing recent evidence that presents a correlation between duplication events in secretory calcium-binding phosphoproteins (SCPPs) and the structural complexity of mineralized tissues, we suggest that the high diversity of skeletal tissues early in vertebrate phylogeny may result from a low diversity of SCPPs and a corresponding lack of constraints on the mineralization of these tissues.  相似文献   

Arandaspids are the earliest skeletonizing vertebrates known from articulated remains. Despite a wealth of data, their affinity remains questionable because they exhibit a random mixture of primitive and derived characteristics. We constrain the affinity of arandaspids by providing the first detailed characterization of their dermoskeleton which is revealed to be three-layered, composed of a basal laminated, cancellous middle and tubercular superficial layers. All three layers are composed of acellular bone but the superficial layer also includes dentine and enameloid, comprising the tubercles. As such, the composition of the arandaspid dermoskeleton is common to heterostracans and astraspids, supporting existing hypotheses of early vertebrate phylogeny. This emphasizes the peculiarity of existing interpretations of aranadaspid anatomy and there is need for a complete reappraisal of the existing anatomical data.  相似文献   

The present work is a contribution to an extensive comparative structural and developmental study we have undertaken to understand the evolution of the dermal skeleton in osteichthyans. We have investigated the structure of developing and functional tooth-like dermal denticles located on the head of Denticeps clupeoides, a clupeomorph, and compared their features to those of oral teeth. Morphological (scanning electron microscopy) and structural (light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy) observations clearly demonstrate that these small, sharp, conical and slightly backward-oriented denticles are true odontodes, i.e., homologous to oral teeth. They are composed of a dentine cone surrounding a pulp cavity, the top being covered by a hypermineralized cap. These odontodes are attached to a circular pedicel of attachment bone by a ligament that mineralizes, and the attachment bone matrix merges with that of the bony support. The pedicel of attachment bone surrounds a vascular cavity that is connected to the pulp cavity which is devoid of blood vessels and of nerve endings. Once the odontode is functional, the deposition of collagen matrix (called circumpulpar dentine) continues against the dentine, ligament, and attachment bone surfaces, thereby provoking a narrowing of the pulp cavity. Odontodes are shed by resorption occurring at the base, but their pedicels of attachment bone persist at the bone surface and become embedded in the bone matrix, within which they are clearly visible. The oral teeth are similar in shape, size, and structure to the odontodes, and they show only small differences probably related to the different function of these elements: They are more firmly anchored to the attachment bone, and the amount of dentine is relatively smaller than in odontodes. Despite their different functions, this close structural agreement between teeth and odontodes in Denticeps suggests that 1) competent cells from the same (ecto)mesenchymal population might be involved and 2) the genetic control of the developmental processes could be identical. It is suggested that the odontode expression in extra-oral positions is a relatively late novelty in this lineage. J. Morphol. 237:237–255, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) approach to understanding the evolution, homology and development of structures has proved important for unraveling complex integrated skeletal systems through the use of modules, or modularity. An ocular skeleton, which consists of cartilage and sometimes bone, is present in many vertebrates; however the origin of these two components remains elusive. Using both palaeontological and developmental data, I propose that the vertebrate ocular skeleton is neural crest derived and that a single cranial neural crest module divided early in vertebrate evolution, possibly during the Ordovician, to give rise to an endoskeletal component and an exoskeletal component within the eye. These two components subsequently became uncoupled with respect to timing, placement within the sclera and inductive epithelia, enabling them to evolve independently and to diversify. In some extant groups, these two modules have become reassociated with one another. Furthermore, the data suggests that the endoskeletal component of the ocular skeleton was likely established and therefore evolved before the exoskeletal component. This study provides important insights into the evolution of the ocular skeleton, a region with a long evolutionary history amongst vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 9999B: 1-9, 2012. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The dermal skeleton (=exoskeleton) has long been recognized as a major determinant of vertebrate morphology. Until recently however, details of tissue development and diversity, particularly among amniotes, have been lacking. This investigation explores the development of the dermatocranium, gastralia, and osteoderms in the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. With the exception of osteoderms, elements of the dermal skeleton develop early during skeletogenesis, with most initiating ossification prior to mineralization of the endoskeleton. Characteristically, circumoral elements of the dermatocranium, including the pterygoid and dentigerous elements, are among the first to form. Unlike other axially arranged bones, gastralia develop in a caudolateral to craniomedial sequence. Osteoderms demonstrate a delayed onset of development compared with the rest of the skeleton, not appearing until well after hatching. Osteoderm development is asynchronous across the body, first forming dorsally adjacent to the cervical vertebrae; the majority of successive elements appear in caudal and lateral positions. Exclusive of osteoderms, the dermal skeleton initiates osteogenesis via intramembranous ossification. Following the establishment of skeletal condensations, some preossified spicules become engorged with many closely packed clusters of chondrocyte-like cells in a bone-like matrix. This combination of features is characteristic of chondroid bone, a tissue otherwise unreported among nonavian reptiles. No secondary cartilage was identified in any of the specimens examined. With continued growth, dermal bone (including chondroid bone) and osteoid are resorbed by multinucleated osteoclasts. However, there is no evidence that these cells contribute to the rugose pattern of bony ornamentation characteristic of the crocodylian dermatocranium. Instead, ornamentation develops as a result of localized concentrations of bone deposited by osteoblasts. Osteoderms develop in the absence of osteoblastic cells, osteoid, and periosteum; bone develops via the direct transformation of the preexisting dense irregular connective tissue. This mode of bone formation is identified as metaplasia. Importantly, it is also demonstrated that osteoderms are not histologically uniform but involve a range of tissues including calcified and uncalcified dense irregular connective tissue. Between taxa, not all osteoderms develop by homologous processes. However, it is concluded that all osteoderms may share a deep homology, connected by the structural and skeletogenic properties of the dermis.  相似文献   

Vertebrate body organization differs from that of other chordates in a large number of derived features that involve all organ systems. Most of these features arise embryonically from epidermal placodes, neural crest, and a muscularized hypomere. The developmental modifications were associated with a shift from filter-feeding to more active predation, which established advantages for improved gas exchange and distribution. Active predation involved more efficient patterns of locomotion and led to a major reorganization of the pharynx, to elaboration of the circulatory, digestive, and nervous systems, and to special sense organs. Most of the organs that derive from epidermal placodes and neural crest may have arisen phylogentically from epidermal nerve plexus of earlier chordates. Supportive tissues such as cartilage, bone, dentine, and enamel-like tissues probably arose in association with several of the new vertebrate sense organs and only secondarily provided mechanical support. The development of armor appears to have occurred late in vertebrate evolution. Finally, the origin of a postotic skull and axial vertebrae appears to be associated with the origin of the gnathostomes.  相似文献   

Fenhsiangia zhangwentangi gen. et sp. nov., is named for an animal represented by a phosphatic tube-like exoskeleton with the internal walls ornamented by stellate-based rounded tubercles. As vertebrates are the only animals known to possess stellate tubercles of phosphatic material in the dermal skeleton, yet our remains do not show any morphological or histological similarity to primitive fish bone, we suggest that Fenhsiangia was an ancestral protovertebrate, possibly an ascidian or related form. A second form, here referred to as Fenhsiangia sp. differs in that the tubercles are flat-topped or concave, and the external walls are deeply pitted with lines of small pustules bordering the depressions. The Upper Cambrian and Ordovician could have been a time of great diversity and radiation for protovertebrates. with the evolution of the first true vertebrates resulting from this radiation. □ Ordovician, China, phosphatic microproblematica, protovertebrate.  相似文献   

The osteostracans Reticulaspis menneri gen. et sp. nov. and Nucleaspis unica gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Devonian Severnaya Zemlya Formation of October Revolution Island of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago are described. The perfect preservation of the exoskeleton structure of Reticulaspis menneri allows the design and growth mode of the exoskeleton, with a continuous reticular dental surface of the cephalothoracic shield to be characterized. Nucleaspis unica is represented by a juvenile stage, which is extremely scarce in this vertebrate group. The preoccupied generic name Ungulaspis Afanassieva et Karatajūt?-Talimaa, 1998 is replaced by Paraungulaspis.  相似文献   

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