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We have determined by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies and molecular mechanics calculations the three dimensional solution structure of the non-selfcomplementary oligonucleotide, d(GAGGAGGCACG). d(CGTGCGTCCTC) in which the central base pair is G.G. This is the first structural determination of a G.G mismatch in a oligonucleotide. Two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra show that the bases of the mismatched pair are stacked into the helix and that the helix adopts a classical B-DNA form. Spectra of the exchangeable protons show that the two guanosines are base paired via their imino protons. For the non-exchangeable protons and for some of the exchangeable protons nuclear Overhauser enhancement build up curves at short mixing times have been measured. These give 84 proton-proton distances which are sensitive to the helix conformation. One of the guanosines adopts a normal anti conformation while the other is syn or close to syn. All non-terminal sugars are C2' endo. These data sets were incorporated into the refinement of the oligonucleotide structure by molecular mechanics calculations. The G.G mismatch shows a symmetrical base pairing structure. Although the mismatch is very bulky many of its features are close to that of normal B-DNA. The mismatch induces a small lateral shift in the helix axis and the sum of the helical twist above and below the mismatch is close to that of B-DNA.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the DNA duplex d(C1G2C3A4C5L6C7A8C9G10C11).d(G12C13G14T15G16T17G18T19G20C21G22 ) containing the 2'-deoxyribonolactone lesion (L6) in the middle of the sequence has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Interproton distances have been obtained by complete relaxation matrix analysis of the NOESY cross-peak intensities. These distances, along with torsion angles for sugar rings and additional data derived from canonical A- and B-DNA, have been used for structure refinement by restrained molecular dynamics (rMD). Six rMD simulations have been carried out starting from both regular A- and B-DNA forms. The pairwise rms deviations calculated for each refined structure are <1 A, indicating convergence to essentially the same geometry. The accuracy of the rMD structures has been assessed by complete relaxation matrix back-calculation. The average sixth-root residual index (Rx = 0.052 +/- 0.003) indicated that a good fit between experimental and calculated NOESY spectra has been achieved. Detailed analysis revealed a right-handed DNA conformation for the duplex in which both the T17 nucleotide opposite the abasic site and the lactone ring are located inside the helix. No kinking is observed for this molecule, even at the abasic site step. This structure is compared to that of the oligonucleotide with the identical sequence containing the stable tetrahydrofuran abasic site analogue that we reported previously [Coppel, Y., Berthet, N., Coulombeau, C., Coulombeau, Ce., Garcia, J., and Lhomme, J. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 4817-4830].  相似文献   

The 1:1 complex of the mutant Antp(C39----S) homeodomain with a 14 bp DNA fragment corresponding to the BS2 binding site was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in aqueous solution. The complex has a molecular weight of 17,800 and its lifetime is long compared with the NMR chemical shift time scale. Investigations of the three-dimensional structure were based on the use of the fully 15N-labelled protein, two-dimensional homonuclear proton NOESY with 15N(omega 2) half-filter, and heteronuclear three-dimensional NMR experiments. Based on nearly complete sequence-specific resonance assignments, both the protein and the DNA were found to have similar conformations in the free form and in the complex. A sufficient number of intermolecular 1H-1H Overhauser effects (NOE) could be identified to enable a unique docking of the protein on the DNA, which was achieved with the use of an ellipsoid algorithm. In the complex there are intermolecular NOEs between the elongated second helix in the helix-turn-helix motif of the homeodomain and the major groove of the DNA. Additional NOE contacts with the DNA involve the polypeptide loop immediately preceding the helix-turn-helix segment, and Arg5. This latter contact is of special interest, both because Arg5 reaches into the minor groove and because in the free Antp(C39----S) homeodomain no defined spatial structure could be found for the apparently flexible N-terminal segment comprising residues 0-6.  相似文献   

Fant F  Vranken WF  Borremans FA 《Proteins》1999,37(3):388-403
Aesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 (Ah-AMP1) is a plant defensin isolated from horse chestnuts. The plant defensins have been divided in several subfamilies according to their amino acid sequence homology. Ah-AMP1, belonging to subfamily A2, inhibits growth of a broad range of fungi. So far, a three-dimensional structure has been determined only for members of subfamilies A3 and B2. In order to understand activity and specificity of these plant defensins, the structure of a protein belonging to subfamily A2 is needed. We report the three-dimensional solution structure of Ah-AMP1 as determined from two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance data. The structure features all the characteristics of the "cysteine-stabilized alpha beta-motif." A comparison of the structure, the electrostatic potential surface and regions important for interaction with the fungal receptor, is made with Rs-AFP1 (plant defensin of subfamily A3). Thus, residues important for activity and specificity have been assigned.  相似文献   

H Haruyama  K Wüthrich 《Biochemistry》1989,28(10):4301-4312
The three-dimensional structure of recombinant desulfatohirudin in aqueous solution was determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance at 600 MHz and distance geometry calculations with the program DISMAN. The input for the structure calculations was prepared on the basis of complete sequence-specific resonance assignments at pH 4.5 and 22 degrees C and consisted of 425 distance constraints from nuclear Overhauser enhancements and 159 supplementary constraints from spin-spin coupling constants and from the identification of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Residues 3-30 and 37-48 form a molecular core with two antiparallel beta-sheets and several well-defined turns. The three disulfide bonds 6-14, 16-28, and 22-39 were identified by NMR. In contrast to this well-defined molecular core, with an average root mean square distance for the polypeptide backbone of 0.8 A for a group of nine DISMAN solutions, no preferred conformation was found for the C-terminal segment 49-65, and a loop consisting of residues 31-36 is not uniquely constrained by the NMR data either. These structural properties of recombinant desulfatohirudin coincide closely with the previously described solution conformation of natural hirudin, but the presence of localized differences is indicated by chemical shift differences for residues Asp 5, Ser 9, Leu 15, Asp 53, Gly 54, and Asp 55.  相似文献   

J H Pease  D E Wemmer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(22):8491-8498
The solution structure of the bee venom neurotoxin apamin has been determined with a distance geometry program using distance constraints derived from NMR. Twenty embedded structures were generated and refined by using the program DSPACE. After error minimization using both conjugate gradient and dynamics algorithms, six structures had very low residual error. Comparisons of these show that the backbone of the peptide is quite well-defined with the largest rms difference between backbone atoms in these structures of 1.34 A. The side chains have far fewer constraints and show greater variability in their positions. The structure derived here is generally consistent with the qualitative model previously described, with most differences occurring in the loop between the beta-turn (residues 2-5) and the C-terminal alpha-helix (residues 9-17). Comparisons are made with previously derived models from NMR data and other methods.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and model-building studies were carried out on the hairpin form of the octamer d(CGaCTAGCG) (aC = arabinofuranosylcytosine), referred to as the TA compound. The nonexchangeable protons of the TA compound were assigned by means of nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) and correlated spectroscopy (COSY). From a detailed analysis of the coupling data and of the NOESY spectra the following conclusions are reached: (i) The hairpin consists of a stem of three Watson-Crick type base pairs, and the two remaining residues, T(4) and dA(5), participate in a loop. (ii) All sugar rings show conformational flexibility although a strong preference for the S-type (C2'-endo) conformer is observed. (iii) The thymine does not stack upon the 3' side of the stem as expected, but swings into the minor groove. (This folding principle of the loop involves an unusual alpha t conformer in residue T(4).) (iv) At the 5'-3' loop-stem junction a stacking discontinuity occurs as a consequence of a sharp turn in that part of the backbone, caused by the unusual beta + and gamma t torsion angles in residue dG(6). (v) The A base slides over the 5' side of the stem to stack upon the aC(3) residue at the 3' side of the stem in an antiparallel fashion. On the basis of J couplings and a set of approximate proton-proton distances from NOE cross peaks, a model for the hairpin was constructed. This model was then refined by using an iterative relaxation matrix approach (IRMA) in combination with restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The resulting final model satisfactorily explains all the distance constraints.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of reduced (dithiol) thioredoxin from Escherichia coli has been determined with distance and dihedral angle constraints obtained from 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reduced thioredoxin has a well-defined global fold consisting of a central five-strand beta-sheet and three long helices. The beta-strands are packed in the sheet in the order beta 1 beta 3 beta 2 beta 4 beta 5, with beta 1, beta 3, and beta 2 parallel and beta 2, beta 4, and beta 5 arranged in an antiparallel fashion. Two of the helices connect strands of the beta-sheet: alpha 1 between beta 1 and beta 2 and alpha 2 between beta 2 and beta 3. Strands beta 4 and beta 5 are connected by a short loop that contains a beta-bulge. Strands beta 3 and beta 4 are connected by a long loop that contains a series of turn-like or 3(10) helical structures. The active site Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys sequence forms a protruding loop between strand beta 2 and helix alpha 2. The structure is very similar overall to that of oxidized (disulfide) thioredoxin obtained from X-ray crystal structure analysis but differs in the local conformation of the active site loop. The distance between the sulfurs of Cys 32 and Cys 35 increases from 2.05 A in the disulfide bridge to 6.8 +/- 0.6 A in the dithiol of reduced thioredoxin, as a result of a rotation of the side chain of Cys 35 and a significant change in the position of Pro 34. This conformational change has important implications for the mechanism of thioredoxin as a protein disulfide oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of ascidian trypsin inhibitor (ATI), a 55 amino acid residue protein with four disulfide bridges, was determined by means of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) spectroscopy. The resulting structure of ATI was characterized by an alpha-helical conformation in residues 35-42 and a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet in residues 22-26, 29-32, and 48-50. The presence of an alpha-helical conformation was predicted from the consensus sequences of the cystine-stabilized alpha-helical (CSH) motif, which is characterized by an alpha-helix structure in the Cys-X(1)-X(2)-X(3)-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 37-41), linking to the Cys-X-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 12-14) folded in an extended structure. The secondary structure and the overall folding of the main chain of ATI were very similar to those of the Kazal-type inhibitors, such as Japanese quail ovomucoid third domain (OMJPQ3) and leech-derived tryptase inhibitor form C (LDTI-C), although ATI does not show extensive sequence homology to these inhibitors except for a few amino acid residues and six of eight half-cystines. On the basis of these findings, we realign the amino acid sequences of representative Kazal-type inhibitors including ATI and discuss the unique structure of ATI with four disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

R E Hurd  G T Robillard  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1977,16(10):2095-2100
The number of base pairs in the solution structure of several class III D3VN tRNA species from E. coli has been determined by analyzing the number of low-field (-15 to -11 ppm) proton resonances in their nuclear magnetic resonance spectra at 360 MHz. Contrary to previous reports indicating the absence of tertiary resonances, all the spectra exhibit the expected number of secondary base pair resonances plus approximately ten extra resonances derived from tertiary base pairs in the three-dimensional folding of these molecules. The possible origins of some of these tertiary resonances are discussed; none of the spectra exhibits the characteristic resonance of the 8-14 tertiary base pair seen in class I D4V5 tRNA spectra.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) structure of a hairpin DNA d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (22mer; abbreviated as U4-hairpin), which has a uracil nucleotide unit at the fourth position from the 5' end of the tetra-loop has been solved by NMR spectroscopy. The(1)H resonances of this hairpin have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimisation procedures have been used to describe the 3D structure of the U4 hairpin. This study establishes that the stem of the hairpin adopts a right handed B-DNA conformation while the T(12)and U(15)nucleotide stack upon 3' and 5' ends of the stem, respectively. Further, T(14)stacks upon both T(12)and U(15)while T(13)partially stacks upon T(14). Very weak stacking interaction is observed between T(13)and T(12). All the individual nucleotide bases adopt ' anti ' conformation with respect to their sugar moiety. The turning phosphate in the loop is located between T(13)and T(14). The stereochemistry of U(15)mimics the situation where uracil would stack in a B-DNA conformation. This could be the reason as to why the U4-hairpin is found to be the best substrate for its interaction with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) compared to the other substrates in which the uracil is at the first, second and third positions of the tetra-loop from its 5' end, as reported previously.  相似文献   

Eight class I tRNA species have been purified to homogeneity and their proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra in the low-field region (-11 to -15 ppm) have been studied at 360 MHz. The low-field spectra contain only one low-field resonance from each base pair (the ring NH hydrogen bond) and hence directly monitor the number of long-lived secondary and tertiary base pairs in solution. The tRNA species were chosen on the basis of their sequence homology with yeast phenylalanine tRNA in the regions which form tertiary base pairs in the crystal structure of this tRNA. All of the spectra show 26 or 27 low-field resonances approximately 7 of which are derived from tertiary base pairs. These results are contrary to previous claims that the NMR spectra indicate the presence of resonances from secondary base pairs only, as well as more recent claims of only 1-3 tertiary resonances, but are in good agreement with the number of tertiary base pairs expected in solution based on the crystal structure. The tertiary base pair resonances are stable up to at least 46 degrees C. Removal of magnesium ions causes structural changes in the tRNA but does not result in the loss of any secondary or tertiary base pairs.  相似文献   

The 3'-5' circular trinucleotide cr(GpGpGp) was studied by means of 1D and 2D high resolution NMR techniques and molecular mechanics calculations. Analysis of the J-couplings, obtained from the 1H and 13C-NMR spectra, allowed the determination of the conformation of the sugar rings and of the 'circular' phosphate backbone. In the course of the investigations it was found that the Karplus-equation most recently parametrized for the CCOP J-coupling constants could not account for the measured J(C4'P) of 11.1 Hz and a new parametrization for both HCOP and CCOP coupling constants is therefore presented. Subsequent analysis of the coupling constants yielded 'fixed' values for the torsion angles beta and delta (with beta = 178 degrees and delta = 139 degrees). The value of the latter angle corresponds to an S-type sugar conformation. The torsion angles gamma and epsilon are involved in a rapid equilibrium in which they are converted between the gauche(+) and trans and between the trans and gauche(-) domain respectively. We show that the occurrence of epsilon in the gauche(-) domain necessitates S-type sugar conformations. Given the aforementioned values for beta, gamma, delta and epsilon the ring closure constraints for the ring, formed by the phosphate backbone can only be fulfilled if alpha and zeta adopt some special values. After energy minimization with the CHARMm force field only two combinations of alpha and zeta result in energetically favourable structures, i.e. the combination alpha (t)/zeta(g-) in case gamma is in a gauche(+) and epsilon is in a trans conformation, and the combination alpha (t)/zeta (g+) for the combination gamma (t)/epsilon (g-). The results are discussed in relation to earlier findings obtained for cd(ApAp) and cr(GpGp), the latter molecule being a regulator of the synthesis of cellulose in Acetobacter xylinum.  相似文献   

M Akke  T Drakenberg  W J Chazin 《Biochemistry》1992,31(4):1011-1020
The three-dimensional solution structure of native, intact porcine calbindin D9k has been determined by distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations using distance and dihedral angle constraints obtained from 1H NMR spectroscopy. The protein has a well-defined global fold consisting of four helices oriented in a pairwise antiparallel manner such that two pairs of helix-loop-helix motifs (EF-hands) are joined by a linker segment. The two EF-hands are further coupled through a short beta-type interaction between the two Ca(2+)-binding loops. Overall, the structure is very similar to that of the highly homologous native, minor A form of bovine calbindin D9k determined by X-ray crystallography [Szebenyi, D. M. E., & Moffat, K. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 8761-8776]. A model structure built from the bovine calbindin D9k crystal structure shows several deviations larger than 2 A from the experimental distance constraints for the porcine protein. These structural differences are efficiently removed by subjecting the model structure to the experimental distance and dihedral angle constraints in a restrained molecular dynamics protocol, thereby generating a model that is very similar to the refined distance geometry derived structures. The N-terminal residues of the intact protein that are absent in the minor A form appear to be highly flexible and do not influence the structure of other regions of the protein. This result is important because it validates the conclusions drawn from the wide range of studies that have been carried out on minor A forms rather than the intact calbindin D9k.  相似文献   

Hairpin loop structures are common motifs in folded nucleic acids. The 5'-GCGCAGC sequence in DNA forms a characteristic and stable trinucleotide hairpin loop flanked by a two basepair stem helix. To better understand the structure formation of this hairpin loop motif in atomic detail, we employed replica-exchange molecular dynamics (RexMD) simulations starting from a single-stranded DNA conformation. In two independent 36 ns RexMD simulations, conformations in very close agreement with the experimental hairpin structure were sampled as dominant conformations (lowest free energy state) during the final phase of the RexMDs ( approximately 35% at the lowest temperature replica). Simultaneous compaction and accumulation of folded structures were observed. Comparison of the GCA trinucleotides from early stages of the simulations with the folded topology indicated a variety of central loop conformations, but arrangements close to experiment that are sampled before the fully folded structure also appeared. Most of these intermediates included a stacking of the C(2) and G(3) bases, which was further stabilized by hydrogen bonding to the A(5) base and a strongly bound water molecule bridging the C(2) and A(5) in the DNA minor groove. The simulations suggest a folding mechanism where these intermediates can rapidly proceed toward the fully folded hairpin and emphasize the importance of loop and stem nucleotide interactions for hairpin folding. In one simulation, a loop motif with G(3) in syn conformation (dihedral flip at N-glycosidic bond) accumulated, resulting in a misfolded hairpin. Such conformations may correspond to long-lived trapped states that have been postulated to account for the folding kinetics of nucleic acid hairpins that are slower than expected for a semiflexible polymer of the same size.  相似文献   

Essentially complete assignment of the proton resonances in the allergenic protein Amb a V has been made by analysis of two-dimensional NMR experiments. Conformational constraints were obtained in three forms: interproton distances derived from NOE cross-peak intensities of NOESY spectra, torsion angle constraints derived from J-coupling constants of COSY and PE-COSY spectra, and hydrogen bond constraints derived from hydrogen-exchange experiments. Conformations of Amb a V with low constraint violations were generated using dynamic simulated annealing in the program XPLOR. The refined structures are comprised of a C-terminal alpha-helix, a small segment of antiparallel beta-sheet, and several loops. A hydrophobic core exists at the interface of the alpha-helix and beta-sheet. The derived structure accounts for the several anomalous proton chemical shifts that are observed. The structure determined here for Amb a V is topologically similar to the structure determined previously for the homologous allergenic protein Amb t V [Metzler, W. J., Valentine, K., Roebber, M., Friedrichs, M. S., Marsh, D., & Mueller, L. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 5117-5127]; however, significant differences exist in the packing of side chains in the hydrophobic core of the molecules. Comparison of the detailed structural features of these two proteins will allow us to suggest surface substructures for the Amb V allergens that are likely to participate in B cell epitopes.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of human [113Cd7]metallothionein-2 was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in solution. Sequence-specific 1H resonance assignments were obtained using the sequential assignment method. The input for the structure calculations consisted of the metal-cysteine co-ordinative bonds identified with heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy, 1H-1H distance constraints from nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, and spin-spin coupling constants 3JHN alpha and 3J alpha beta. The molecule consists of two domains, the beta-domain including amino acid residues 1 to 30 and three metal ions, and the alpha-domain including residues 31 to 61 and four metal ions. The nuclear magnetic resonance data present no evidence for a preferred relative orientation of the two domains. The polypeptide-to-metal co-ordinative bonds in human metallothionein-2 are identical to those in the previously determined solution structures of rat metallothionein-2 and rabbit metallothionein-2a, and the polypeptide conformations in the three proteins are also closely similar.  相似文献   

With the aid of 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the three-dimensional structure in aqueous solution was determined for ATX Ia, which is a 46 residue polypeptide neurotoxin of the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata. The input for the structure calculations consisted of 263 distance constraints from nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and 76 vicinal coupling constants. For the structure calculation several new or ammended programs were used in a revised strategy consisting of five successive computational steps. First, the program HABAS was used for a complete search of all backbone and chi 1 conformations that are compatible with the intraresidual and sequential NMR constraints. Second, using the program DISMAN, we extended this approach to pentapeptides by extensive sampling of all conformations that are consistent with the local and medium-range NMR constraints. Both steps resulted in the definition of additional dihedral angle constraints and in stereospecific assignments for a number of beta-methylene groups. In the next two steps DISMAN was used to obtain a group of eight conformers that contain no significant residual violations of the NMR constraints or van der Waals contacts. Finally, these structures were subjected to restrained energy refinement with a modified version of the molecular mechanics module of AMBER, which in addition to the energy force field includes potentials for the NOE distance constraints and the dihedral angle constraints. The average of the pairwise minimal RMS distances between the resulting refined conformers calculated for the well defined molecular core, which contains the backbone atoms of 35 residues and 20 interior side chains, is 1.5 +/- 0.3 A. This core is formed by a four-stranded beta-sheet connected by two well-defined loops, and there is an additional flexible loop consisting of the eleven residues 8-18. The core of the protein is stabilized by three disulfide bridges, which are surrounded by hydrophobic residues and shielded on one side by hydrophilic residues.  相似文献   

546 NOESY cross-peak volumes were measured in the two-dimensional NOESY spectrum of proteolytic fragment 163-231 of bacterioopsin in organic solution. These data and 42 detected hydrogen bonds were applied for determining the peptide spatial structure. The fold of the polypeptide chain was determined by local structure analysis, a distance geometry approach and systematic search for energetically allowed side-chain rotamers which are consistent with experimental NOESY cross-peak volumes. The effective rotational correlation time of 6 ns for the molecule was evaluated from optimization of the local structure to meet NOE data and from the dependence on mixing time of the NiH/Ci alpha H cross-peak volumes of the residues in alpha-helical conformation. The resulting structure has two well defined alpha-helical regions, 168-191 and 198-227, with root-mean-square deviation 44 pm and 69 pm, respectively, between the backbone atoms in 14 final energy refined conformations. The alpha-helices correspond to transmembrane segments F and G of bacteriorhodopsin. The segment F contains proline 186, which introduces a kink of about 25 degrees with a disruption of the hydrogen bond with the NH group of the following residue. The segments are connected by a flexible loop region 192-197. Torsion angles chi 1 are unequivocally defined for 62% of side chains in the alpha-helices but half of them differ from electron cryo-microscopy (ECM) model of bacteriorhodopsin, apparently because of the low resolution of ECM. Nevertheless, the F and G segments can be packed as in the ECM model and with side-chain conformations consistent with all NMR data in solution.  相似文献   

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