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DNA polymerases delta and epsilon (pol delta and epsilon) are the major replicative polymerases and possess 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease activities that correct errors arising during DNA replication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study measures the fidelity of the holoenzyme of wild-type pol epsilon, the 3'-5' exonuclease-deficient pol2-4, a +1 frameshift mutator for homonucleotide runs, pol2C1089Y, and pol2C1089Y pol2-4 enzymes using a synthetic 30-mer primer/100-mer template. The nucleotide substitution rate for wild-type pol epsilon was 0.47 x 10(-5) for G:G mismatches, 0.15 x 10(-5) for T:G mismatches, and less than 0.01 x 10(-5) for A:G mismatches. The accuracy for A opposite G was not altered in the exonuclease-deficient pol2-4 pol epsilon; however, G:G and T:G misincorporation rates increased 40- and 73-fold, respectively. The pol2C1089Y pol epsilon mutant also exhibited increased G:G and T:G misincorporation rates, 22- and 10-fold, respectively, whereas A:G misincorporation did not differ from that of wild type. Since the fidelity of the double mutant pol2-4 pol2C1089Y was not greatly decreased, these results suggest that the proofreading 3'-5' exonuclease activity of pol2C1089Y pol epsilon is impaired even though it retains nuclease activity and the mutation is not in the known exonuclease domain.  相似文献   

The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is now recognized as one of the key proteins in DNA metabolic events because of its direct interactions with many proteins involved in important cellular processes. We have determined the crystal structure of PCNA from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus (pfuPCNA), at 2.1 A resolution. pfuPCNA forms a toroidal, ring-shaped structure consisting of homotrimeric molecules, which is also observed in the PCNA crystals from human and yeast. The overall structure of pfuPCNA is highly conserved with other PCNA proteins, as well as with the bacterial ss clamp and the bacteriophage gp45. This result shows that the three-dimensional structure of the sliding clamp is conserved in the three domains of life. pfuPCNA has two remarkable features compared with the human and yeast PCNA molecules: it has more ion pairs and fewer intermolecular main chain hydrogen bonds. The former may contribute to the thermal stability of pfuPCNA, and the latter may be the cause of the stimulatory effect of pfuPCNA on the DNA synthesizing activity of P. furiosus DNA polymerases in the absence of the clamp loader replication factor C in vitro.  相似文献   

The fidelity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA polymerase delta was measured in the presence or absence of its processivity subunits, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamp and replication factor C (RFC) clamp-loading complex, using a synthetic 30-mer primer/100-mer template. Synthesis by pol delta alone was distributive. Processive synthesis occurred in the presence of PCNA, RFC, and Escherichia coli single strand DNA-binding protein (SSB) and required the presence of ATP. "Passive" self-loading of PCNA onto DNA takes place in the absence of RFC, in an ATP-independent reaction, which was strongly inhibited by SSB. The nucleotide substitution error rate for pol delta holoenzyme (HE) (pol delta + PCNA + RFC) was 4.6 x 10(-4) for T.G mispairs, 5.3 x 10(-5) for G.G mispairs, and 4.5 x 10(-6) for A.G mispairs. The T.G misincorporation frequency for pol delta without the accessory proteins was unchanged. The fidelity of pol delta HE was between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude lower than that measured for the E. coli pol III HE at the same template position. This relatively low fidelity was caused by inefficient proofreading by the S. pombe polymerase-associated proofreading exonuclease. The S. pombe 3'-exonuclease activity was also extremely inefficient in excising primer-3'-terminal mismatches in the absence of dNTP substrates and in hydrolyzing single-stranded DNA. A comparison of pol delta HE with E. coli pol IIIalpha HE (lacking the proofreading exonuclease subunit) showed that both holoenzymes exhibit similar error rates for each mispair.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of three subunits, Pol3 (125 kDa), Pol31 (55 kDa), and Pol32 (40 kDa), present at a 1:1:1 stoichiometry in purified preparations. Previously, based on gel filtration studies of Pol delta, we suggested that the enzyme may be a dimer of catalytic cores, with dimerization mediated by the Pol32 subunit (Burgers, P. M., and Gerik, K. J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 19756-19762). We now report on extensive gel filtration, glycerol gradient sedimentation, and analytical equilibrium centrifugation studies of Pol delta and of several subassemblies of Pol delta. The hydrodynamic parameters of these assemblies indicate that (i) Pol32 is a rod-shaped protein with a frictional ratio f/f(0) = 2.22; (ii) any complex containing Pol32 also has an extremely asymmetric shape; (iii) the results of these studies are independent of concentration (varied between 0.1-20 microm); (iv) all complexes are monomeric under the conditions studied (up to 20 microm). Moreover, a two-hybrid analysis of the Pol32 subunit did not detect a Pol32-Pol32 interaction in vivo. Therefore, we conclude that the assembly structure of Pol delta is that of a monomer.  相似文献   

The interaction between proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and DNA polymerase delta is essential for processive DNA synthesis during DNA replication/repair; however, the identity of the subunit of DNA polymerase delta that directly interacts with PCNA has not been resolved until now. In the present study we have used reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments to determine which of the two subunits of core DNA polymerase delta, the 125-kDa catalytic subunit or the 50-kDa small subunit, directly interacts with PCNA. We found that PCNA co-immunoprecipitated with human p50, as well as calf thymus DNA polymerase delta heterodimer, but not with p125 alone, suggesting that PCNA directly interacts with p50 but not with p125. A PCNA-binding motif, similar to the sliding clamp-binding motif of bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase, was identified in the N terminus of p50. A 22-amino acid oligopeptide containing this sequence (MRPFL) was shown to bind PCNA by far Western analysis and to compete with p50 for binding to PCNA in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The binding of p50 to PCNA was inhibited by p21, suggesting that the two proteins compete for the same binding site on PCNA. These results establish that the interaction of PCNA with DNA polymerase delta is mediated through the small subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta from calf thymus was purified under conditions that minimized proteolysis to a specific activity of 27,000 units/mg. The four step isolation procedure included phosphocellulose, hydroxyapatite, heparin-Sepharose and FPLC-MonoS. This enzyme consists of four polypeptides with Mr of 140, 125, 48 and 40 kilodaltons. Velocity gradient sedimentation in glycerol removed the 48 kDa polypeptide while the other three sedimented with the DNA polymerase activity. The biochemical properties of the three subunit enzyme and the copurification of 3'----5' exonuclease activity were typical for a bona fide DNA polymerase delta. Tryptic peptide analysis showed that the 140 kDa polypeptide was different from the catalytic 180 kDa polypeptide of calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha. Both high Mr polypeptides (140 and 125 kDa) were catalytically active as analysed in an activity gel. Four templates were used by DNA polymerase delta with different preferences, namely poly(dA)/oligo(dT)12-18 much much greater than activated DNA greater than poly(dA-dT) greater than primed single-stranded M13DNA. Calf thymus proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) could not stimulated this DNA polymerase delta in any step of the isolation procedure. If tested on poly(dA)/oligo(dT)12-18 (base ratio 10:1), PCNA had no stimulatory effect on DNA polymerase delta when tested with low enzyme DNA ratio nor did it change the kinetic behaviour of the enzyme. DNA polymerase delta itself did not contain PCNA. The enzyme had an intrinsic processivity of several thousand bases, when tested either on the homopolymer poly(dA)/oligo(dT)12-18 (base ratio 64:1) or on primed single-stranded M13DNA. Contrary to DNA polymerase alpha, no pausing sites were seen with DNA polymerase delta. Under optimal in vitro replication conditions the enzyme could convert primed single-stranded circular M13 DNA of 7,200 bases to its double-stranded form in less than 10 min. This supports that a PCNA independent DNA polymerase delta exists in calf thymus in addition to a PCNA dependent enzyme (Lee, M.Y.W.T. et al. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 1906-1913).  相似文献   

The relative positions of components of the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase delta (pol delta).proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).DNA complex were studied. We have shown that pol delta incorporates nucleotides close to a template biotin-streptavidin complex located 5' (downstream) to the replicating complex in the presence or absence of PCNA. PCNA-dependent synthesis catalyzed by pol delta was nearly totally (95%) inhibited by a biotin. streptavidin complex located at the 3'-end of a template with a 15-mer primer (upstream of the replicating complex), but was only partially inhibited with a 19-mer primer. With either primer, PCNA-independent synthesis was not affected by the biotin. streptavidin complex. Quantification of results with primers of varying length suggested that pol delta interacts with between 8 and 10 nucleotides of duplex DNA immediately proximal to the 3'-OH primer terminus. Using UV photocross-linking, we determined that the 125-kDa subunit of pol delta, but not the 50-kDa subunit, interacted with a photosensitive residue of a substrate oligonucleotide. Interaction apparently takes place through the C terminus of p125. Based on these results, we conclude that PCNA is located "behind" pol delta in the polymerization complex during DNA synthesis and that only the large subunit of pol delta (two-subunit form) interacts directly with DNA. A detailed model of the enzymatically active complex is proposed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the circular beta sliding clamp facilitates processive DNA replication by tethering the polymerase to primer-template DNA. When synthesis is complete, polymerase dissociates from beta and DNA and cycles to a new start site, a primed template loaded with beta. DNA polymerase cycles frequently during lagging strand replication while synthesizing 1-2-kilobase Okazaki fragments. The clamps left behind remain stable on DNA (t(12) approximately 115 min) and must be removed rapidly for reuse at numerous primed sites on the lagging strand. Here we show that delta, a single subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, opens beta and slips it off DNA (k(unloading) = 0.011 s(-)(1)) at a rate similar to that of the multisubunit gamma complex clamp loader by itself (0.015 s(-)(1)) or within polymerase (pol) III* (0.0065 s(-)(1)). Moreover, unlike gamma complex and pol III*, delta does not require ATP to catalyze clamp unloading. Quantitation of gamma complex subunits (gamma, delta, delta', chi, psi) in E. coli cells reveals an excess of delta, free from gamma complex and pol III*. Since pol III* and gamma complex occur in much lower quantities and perform several DNA metabolic functions in replication and repair, the delta subunit probably aids beta clamp recycling during DNA replication.  相似文献   

The yeast RAD30 gene functions in error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and RAD30 encodes a DNA polymerase, pol eta, that has the ability to efficiently and correctly replicate past a cis-syn-thymine-thymine dimer in template DNA. To better understand the role of pol eta in damage bypass, we examined its fidelity and processivity on nondamaged DNA templates. Steady-state kinetic analyses of deoxynucleotide incorporation indicate that pol eta has a low fidelity, misincorporating deoxynucleotides with a frequency of about 10(-2) to 10(-3). Also pol eta has a low processivity, incorporating only a few nucleotides before dissociating. We suggest that pol eta's low fidelity reflects a flexibility in its active site rendering it more tolerant of DNA damage, while its low processivity limits its activity to reduce errors.  相似文献   

We have determined the fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase I (yPol I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To determine whether subunits other than the polymerase catalytic subunit influence fidelity, we measured the accuracy of yPol I purified by conventional procedures, which yields DNA polymerase with a partially proteolyzed catalytic subunit and no associated primase activity, and that of yPol I purified by immunoaffinity chromatography, which yields polymerase having a single high-molecular-weight species of the catalytic subunit, as well as three additional polypeptides and DNA primase activity. In assays that score polymerase errors within the lacZ alpha-complementation gene in M13mp2 DNA, yPol I and the yPol I-primase complex produced single-base substitutions, single-base frameshifts, and larger deletions. For specific errors and template positions, the two forms of polymerase exhibited differences in fidelity that could be as large as 10-fold. Nevertheless, results for the overall error frequency and the spectrum of errors suggest that the yPol I-DNA primase complex is not highly accurate and that, just as for the polymerase alone, its fidelity is not sufficient to account for a low spontaneous mutation rate in vivo. The specificity data also suggest models to explain -1 base frameshifts in nonrepeated sequences and certain complex deletions by a direct repeat mechanism involving aberrant loop-back synthesis.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) plays an essential role in replicating large nuclear genomes, a process that must be accurate to maintain stability over many generations. Based on kinetic studies of insertion of individual dNTPs opposite a template guanine, Pol delta is believed to have high selectivity for inserting correct nucleotides. This high selectivity, in conjunction with an intrinsic 3'-exonuclease activity, implies that Pol delta should have high base substitution fidelity. Here we demonstrate that the wild type Saccharomyces cerevisiae three-subunit Pol delta does indeed have high base substitution fidelity for the 12 possible base-base mismatches, producing on average less than 1.3 stable misincorporations/100,000 nucleotides polymerized. Measurements with exonuclease-deficient Pol delta confirm the high nucleotide selectivity of the polymerase and further indicate that proofreading enhances the base substitution fidelity of the wild type enzyme by at least 60-fold. However, Pol delta inefficiently proofreads single nucleotide deletion mismatches in homopolymeric runs, such that the error rate is 30 single nucleotide deletions/100,000 nucleotides polymerized. Moreover, wild type Pol delta frequently deletes larger numbers of nucleotides between distantly spaced direct repeats of three or more base pairs. Although wild type Pol delta and Pol epsilon both have high base substitution fidelity, Pol delta is much less accurate than Pol epsilon for deletions involving repetitive sequences. Thus, strand slippage during replication by wild type Pol delta may be a primary source of insertion and deletion mutagenesis in eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

In most cells, 100-1000 Okazaki fragments are produced for each replicative DNA polymerase present in the cell. For fast-growing cells, this necessitates rapid recycling of DNA polymerase on the lagging strand. Bacteria produce long Okazaki fragments (1-2 kb) and utilize a highly processive DNA polymerase III (pol III), which is held to DNA by a circular sliding clamp. In contrast, Okazaki fragments in eukaryotes are quite short, 100-250 bp, and thus the eukaryotic lagging strand polymerase does not require a high degree of processivity. The lagging strand polymerase in eukaryotes, polymerase delta (pol delta), functions with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamp. In this report, Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol delta is examined on model substrates to gain insight into the mechanism of lagging strand replication in eukaryotes. Surprisingly, we find pol delta is highly processive with PCNA, over at least 5 kb, on Replication Protein A (RPA)-coated primed single strand DNA. The high processivity of pol delta observed in this report contrasts with its role in synthesis of short lagging strand fragments, which require it to rapidly dissociate from DNA at the end of each Okazaki fragment. We find that this dilemma is solved by a "collision release" process in which pol delta ejects from PCNA upon extending a DNA template to completion and running into the downstream duplex. The released pol delta transfers to a new primed site, provided the new site contains a PCNA clamp. Additional results indicate that the collision release mechanism is intrinsic to the pol3/pol31 subunits of the pol delta heterotrimer.  相似文献   

The importance of the interdomain connector loop and of the carboxy-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) for functional interaction with DNA polymerases delta (Poldelta) and epsilon (Pol epsilon) was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Two alleles, pol30-79 (IL126,128AA) in the interdomain connector loop and pol30-90 (PK252,253AA) near the carboxy terminus, caused growth defects and elevated sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. These two mutants also had elevated rates of spontaneous mutations. The mutator phenotype of pol30-90 was due to partially defective mismatch repair in the mutant. In vitro, the mutant PCNAs showed defects in DNA synthesis. Interestingly, the pol30-79 mutant PCNA (pcna-79) was most defective in replication with Poldelta, whereas pcna-90 was defective in replication with Pol epsilon. Protein-protein interaction studies showed that pcna-79 and pcna-90 failed to interact with Pol delta and Pol epsilon, respectively. In addition, pcna-90 was defective in interaction with the FEN-1 endo-exonuclease (RTH1 product). A loss of interaction between pcna-79 and the smallest subunit of Poldelta, the POL32 gene product, implicates this interaction in the observed defect with the polymerase. Neither PCNA mutant showed a defect in the interaction with replication factor C or in loading by this complex. Processivity of DNA synthesis by the mutant holoenzyme containing pcna-79 was unaffected on poly(dA) x oligo(dT) but was dramatically reduced on a natural template with secondary structure. A stem-loop structure with a 20-bp stem formed a virtually complete block for the holoenzyme containing pcna-79 but posed only a minor pause site for wild-type holoenzyme, indicating a function of the POL32 gene product in allowing replication past structural blocks.  相似文献   

Two murine monoclonal antibodies to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a rabbit anti-N-terminal peptide antibody and human auto-antibody to PCNA reacted with the auxiliary protein for DNA polymerase delta from fetal calf thymus following SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, confirming the identity of PCNA and the auxiliary protein. Undenatured auxiliary protein was immunoprecipitated by the human autoantibody, but not by the monoclonal antibodies, which were raised to SDS-denatured PCNA, nor by the anti-N-terminal peptide antibody, suggesting that the epitopes recognized by both the monoclonal antibodies and the anti-peptide antibody are not exposed in the native protein. The human anti-PCNA autoantibody neutralized the activity of the auxiliary protein for DNA polymerase delta, but did not inhibit the activity of pol delta itself. The ability of pol delta to utilize template/primers containing long stretches of single-stranded template was inhibited by the anti-PCNA autoantibody, whereas the activity of pol alpha on such templates was not affected, confirming the specificity of the auxiliary protein for pol delta. The ability of PCNA, a cell cycle-regulated protein, to regulate the activity of pol delta suggests a central role for pol delta in cellular DNA replication.  相似文献   

A large form of DNA polymerase delta from HeLa cells was recently purified in this laboratory as a factor required for conservative DNA synthesis in a reconstituted system utilizing UV-irradiated permeabilized human diploid fibroblasts (Nishida, C., Reinhard, P., and Linn, S. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 501-510). We have now purified this form of the enzyme utilizing its polymerase activity and further characterized it. The enzyme activity sediments at 11.1 S in low salt and 6.8 S in high salt. In both cases, activity cosediments with the major visible peptide displayed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels which has an Mr of 215,000. This value is consistent with the molecular mass calculated from the sedimentation coefficient and gel filtration behavior in high salt. In low salt the apparent molecular mass was approximately double. The enzyme prefers poly(dA).oligo(dT) as template/primer in low salt, with which it has a processivity of several thousand nucleotides in 1 mM MgCl2. At isotonic KCl or potassium phosphate concentrations, the preferred template/primer is activated DNA. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, also characterized as a DNA polymerase delta auxiliary protein, does not increase the activity of this preparation of the enzyme. An antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen has no inhibitory effect, nor is it able to recognize any peptides in immunoblots of purified enzyme fractions. Under polymerizing conditions, the enzyme removes mismatched, but not matched nucleotides from the 3' terminus of oligo(dT) annealed to poly(dA) suggesting a proofreading function. The properties of this form of DNA polymerase delta distinguish it from other preparations reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta dimer is a ring-shaped protein that encircles DNA and acts as a sliding clamp to tether the replicase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, to DNA. The gamma complex (gammadeltadelta'chipsi) clamp loader couples ATP to the opening and closing of beta in assembly of the ring onto DNA. These proteins are functionally and structurally conserved in all cells. The eukaryotic equivalents are the replication factor C (RFC) clamp loader and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamp. The delta subunit of the E. coli gamma complex clamp loader is known to bind beta and open it by parting one of the dimer interfaces. This study demonstrates that other subunits of gamma complex also bind beta, although weaker than delta. The gamma subunit like delta, affects the opening of beta, but with a lower efficiency than delta. The delta' subunit regulates both gamma and delta ring opening activities in a fashion that is modulated by ATP interaction with gamma. The implications of these actions for the workings of the E. coli clamp loading machinery and for eukaryotic RFC and PCNA are discussed.  相似文献   

We have established a novel procedure to purify calf thymus DNA polymerase delta from cytoplasmic extracts. The enzyme has typical properties of DNA polymerase delta including a 3' - greater than 5' exonuclease activity and efficiently replicates natural occurring genomes such as primed single-stranded M13 DNA and single-stranded porcine circovirus DNA, this last one thanks to an associated or contaminating primase activity. A processivity of at least a thousand bases was evident and this in the apparent absence of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The enzyme was purified through a procedure that allows the simultaneous isolation of DNA polymerase delta, DNA polymerase alpha-primase and a DNA dependent ATPase. All these enzymes coeluted from a phosphocellulose column. After chromatography on hydroxylapatite DNA polymerase delta separated from the coeluting DNA polymerase alpha and DNA dependent ATPase. Separation of the latter two was achieved on heparin-Sepharose. DNA polymerase delta was further purified by heparin-Sepharose and fast protein liquid chromatography. Purified DNA polymerase delta was resistant to the DNA polymerase alpha inhibitors BuPdGTP and BuAdATP and did not react with DNA polymerase alpha monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Based on this isolation protocol we can start to test biochemically the hypothesis whether DNA polymerase delta and DNA polymerase alpha might act coordinately at the replication fork as leading and lagging strand replicases, respectively.  相似文献   

The formation of a complex between DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) and its sliding clamp, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), is responsible for the maintenance of processive DNA synthesis at the leading strand of the replication fork. In this study, the ability of the p125 catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta to engage in protein-protein interactions with PCNA was established by biochemical and genetic methods. p125 and PCNA were shown to co-immunoprecipitate from either calf thymus or HeLa extracts, or when they were ectopically co-expressed in Cos 7 cells. Because pol delta is a multimeric protein, this interaction could be indirect. Thus, rigorous evidence was sought for a direct interaction of the p125 catalytic subunit and PCNA. To do this, the ability of recombinant p125 to interact with PCNA was established by biochemical means. p125 co-expressed with PCNA in Sf9 cells was shown to form a physical complex that can be detected on gel filtration and that can be cross-linked with the bifunctional cross-linking agent Sulfo-EGS (ethylene glycol bis (sulfosuccinimidylsuccinate)). An interaction between p125 and PCNA could also be demonstrated in the yeast two hybrid system. Overlay experiments using biotinylated PCNA showed that the free p125 subunit interacts with PCNA. The PCNA overlay blotting method was also used to demonstrate the binding of synthetic peptides corresponding to the N2 region of pol delta and provides evidence for a site on pol delta that is involved in the protein-protein interactions between PCNA and pol delta. This region contains a sequence that is a potential member of the PCNA binding motif found in other PCNA-binding proteins. These studies provide an unequivocal demonstration that the p125 subunit of pol delta interacts with PCNA.  相似文献   

J Q Zhou  H He  C K Tan  K M Downey    A G So 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(6):1094-1099
DNA polymerase delta is usually isolated as a heterodimer composed of a 125 kDa catalytic subunit and a 50 kDa small subunit of unknown function. The enzyme is distributive by itself and requires an accessory protein, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), for highly processive DNA synthesis. We have recently demonstrated that the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase delta (p125) expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells, in contrast to the native heterodimeric calf thymus DNA polymerase delta, is not responsive to stimulation by PCNA. To determine whether the lack of response to PCNA of the recombinant catalytic subunit is due to the absence of the small subunit or to differences in post-translational modification in insect cells versus mammalian cells, we have co-expressed the two subunits of human DNA polymerase delta in insect cells. We have demonstrated that co-expression of the catalytic and small subunits of human DNA polymerase delta results in formation of a stable, fully functional heterodimer, that the recombinant heterodimer, similar to native heterodimer, is markedly stimulated (40- to 50-fold) by PCNA and that the increase in activity seen in the presence of PCNA is the result of an increase in processivity. These data establish that the 50 kDa subunit is essential for functional interaction of DNA polymerase delta with PCNA and for highly processive DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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