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The desmid Staurastrum luetkemuellerii Donat et Ruttner and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. showed pronounced differences in chemical composition and ability to maintain P fluxes. The cellular P:C ratio (Qp) and the surplus P:C ratio (Qsp) were higher in M. aeruginosa, indicating a lower yield of biomass C per unit of P. The subsistence quota (Qp) was 1.85 μg P·mg C?1in S. luetkemuellerii and 6.09 μg P·mg C?1in M. aeruginosa, whereas the respective Qp of P saturnted organisms (Qs) were 43 and 63 μg P·mg C?1. These stores could support four divisions in S. luetkemuellerii and three divisions in M. aeruginosa, which suggests that the former exhibited highest storage capacity (Qs/Q0). M. aeruginosa showed a tenfold higher activity of alkaline phosphatase than S. luetkemuellerii when P starved. The optimum N:P ratio (by weight) was 5 in S. luetkemuellerii and 7 in M. aeruginosa. The initial uptake of Pi pulses in the organisms was not inhibited by rapid (<1 h) internal feedback mechanisms and the short term uptake rote could be expressed solely as a function of ambient Pi. The maximum cellular C-based uptake rate (Vm) in P starved M. aeruginosa was up to 50 times higher than that of S. luetkemuellerii. It decreased with increasing growth rate (P status) in the former species and remained fairly constant in the latter. The corresponding cellular P-based value (Um= Vm/Qp) decreased with growth rate in both species and was about 10 times higher in P started M. aeruginosa than in S. luetkemuellerii. The average half saturation constant for uptake (Km) was equal for both species (22 μg P·L?1) and varied with the P status. S. luetkemuellerii exhibited shifts in the uptake rate of Pi that were characterized by increased affinity (Um/Km) at low Pi, concentrations (<4 μg P·L?1) compared to that at higher concentrations. The species thus was well adapted to uptake at low ambient Pi, but M. aeruginosa was superior in Pi uptake under steady state and transient conditions when the growth rate was lower than 0.75 d?1. Moreover, M. aeruginosa was favored by pulsed addition of Pi. M. aeruginosa relpased Pi at a higher rate than S. luetkemuellerii. Leakage of Pi from the cells caused C-shaped μ vs. Pi curves. Therefore, no unique Ks for growth could be estimated. The maximum growth rate (μm) (23° C) was 0.94 d?1for S. luetkemuellerii and 0.81 d?1for M. aeruginosa. The steady state concentration of Pi (P*) was lower in M. aeruginosa than in S. luetkemuellerii at medium growth rates. The concentration of Pi at which the uptake and release of Pi was equal (Pc was, however, lower in S. luetkemuellerii.  相似文献   

We measured maximum ammonium uptake rates of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson and the blue-green alga Microcystis novacekii (Kom.) Comp. grown in nitrogen (ammonium)–limited chemostats. Maximum uptake rates per cellular carbon were larger in S. quadricauda than in M. novacekii. These rates increased with increased specific growth rates. Maximum uptake rates per cellular nitrogen were also larger in S. quadricauda than in M. novacekii. The maximum uptake rates per cellular nitrogen were nearly constant against increased cellular N:C ratios under nitrogen-limited conditions. The higher maximum uptake rates indicate that S. quadricauda had higher uptake abilities for ammonium than M. novacekii when grown under nitrogen limitation. We examined the competition between both species under two distinct nutrient supply modes, using measured maximum uptake values and computer simulations. Microcystis novacekii prevailed in the small-pulse, high-frequency nutrient supply mode, whereas S. quadricauda became competitively superior in the large-pulse, low-frequency nutrient supply mode. These results indicate that we could control nuisance blooms of blue-green algae in lakes and reservoirs by changing the nutrient supply modes.  相似文献   

The genetic and morphological variability among 15 Brazilian strains of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. collected from four locations was examined and compared with several reference strains of M. aeruginosa , M. viridis (A. Br.) Lemm. and M. wesenbergii (Kom.) Kom. in Kondr. Brazilian strains were classified by morphological features and by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the cpc BA intergenic spacer and flanking regions. Our results indicate that Brazilian strains classified as M. aeruginosa are phylogenetically diverse compared with reference strains of M. aeruginosa and that the current taxonomy underestimates genetic diversity within M. aeruginosa. The data also demonstrate that morphological criteria alone are inadequate to characterize Microcystis species. Although colonial characters were shown to vary considerably in culture, some genetic lineages demonstrated consistent cellular diameter ranges, indicating that cell size has value as a taxonomic character. The detection of six M. aeruginosa genotypes in a single water body indicates that morphological approaches can also seriously underestimate the diversity of Microcystis bloom populations.  相似文献   

To investigate the changes in the morphology and polysaccharide content of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. during flagellate grazing, cultures of M. aeruginosa were exposed to grazing Ochromonas sp. for a period of 9 d under controlled laboratory conditions. M. aeruginosa responded actively to flagellate grazing and formed colonies, most of which were made up of several or dozens of cells, suggesting that flagellate grazing may be one of the biotic factors responsible for colony formation in M. aeruginosa. When colonies were formed, the cell surface ultrastructure changed, and the polysaccharide layer on the surface of the cell wall became thicker. This change indicated that synthesis and secretion of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) of M. aeruginosa cells increased under flagellate grazing pressure. The contents of soluble extracellular polysaccharide (sEPS), bound extracellular polysaccharide (bEPS), and total polysaccharide (TPS) in colonial cells of M. aeruginosa increased significantly compared with those in single cells. This finding suggested that the increased amount of EPS on the cell surface may play a role in keeping M. aeruginosa cells together to form colonies.  相似文献   

The bloom‐forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz 854 was cultured with 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 3 h every day, and its growth, pigments, and photosynthesis were investigated. The specific growth rates represented by chl a concentration and OD750 were inhibited 8% and 9% by UV‐B exposure, respectively. Six days of UV‐B treatment significantly reduced cellular contents of phycocyanin and allophycocyanin by 32% and 62%, respectively, and markedly increased the carotenoid content by 27%, but had little effect on the chl a content. The initial values of optimal photosynthetic efficiency for UV‐B treated samples were, respectively, 52%, 87%, and 93% of controls on days 4, 7, and 10 of growth. The light‐saturated photosynthetic rates at day 6 were significantly lower than controls grown without UV‐B. The probability of electron transfer beyond QA decreased during UV‐B exposure, and this indicated that the acceptor side of PSII was one of main damage sites. The adaptation of M. aeruginosa 854 to UV‐B radiation could be observed from light‐saturated photosynthetic rates on day 13 and diurnal changes of chl fluorescence during the late growth phase. When both exposed to higher UV‐B, samples cultured under 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 9 days recovered faster than controls. It is suggested that M. aeruginosa 854 had at least three adaptive strategies to cope with the enhanced UV‐B: increasing the synthesis of carotenoids to counteract reactive oxidants caused by UV‐B exposure, degrading phycocyanin and allophycocyanin to avoid further damage to DNA and reaction centers, and enhancing the repair of UV‐B induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Cultures were cloned from a sample containing Microcystis aeruginosa, M. flos-aquae and a few morphological intermediates. The M. aeruginosa cultures remained distinct from the M. flos-aquae cultures in (a) cell size, (b) cell aggregation pattern, (c) width of the mucilage surrounding the multicellular colonies, (d) sharpness of the mucilage boundary, (e) efect of 0.1–1.0 μM calcium chloride on the disaggregation of multicellular colonies, (f) frequency of mucilage mutants and (g) colony morphology on agar media. No M. flos-aquae culture produced morphs resembling M. aeruginosa, inconsistent with proposals that M. flos-aquae is a developmental stage or environmentally-induced variant of M. aeruginosa. After longterm cultivation, but not soon after origanal isolation, several M. aeruginosa cultures contained mutants with diminished mucilage production and an altered colony shape.  相似文献   

Two planktonic algal species, Staurastrum chaetoceras (Schr.) G. M. Smith and Cosmarium abbreviatum Rac. var. planctonicum W. et G. S. West, from trophically different alkaline lakes, were compared in their response to a single saturating addition of phosphate (P) in a P-limited growth situation. Storage abilities were determined using the luxury coefficient R = Qmax/Q0. Maximum cellular P quotas differed, depending on whether cells were harvested during exponential growth at μmax (Qmax, R being 26.7 and 9.1 for C. abbreviatum and S. chaetoceras, respectively) or harvested after a saturating pulse at P-limited growth conditions (Q′max, R being 53.5 and 20.2 for C. abbreviatum and S. chaetoceras, respectively). At stringent P-limited conditions, maximum initial uptake rates were higher in S. chaetoceras than in C. abbreviatum (0.094 and 0.073 pmol P·cell?1·h?1, respectively), but long-term (net) uptake rates (over ~20 min) were higher in C. abbreviatum than in S. chaetoceras (0.048 and 0.019 pmol P·cell?1·h?1, respectively). Before growth resumed after the onset of a large P addition (150 μmol·L?1), a lag phase was observed for both species. This period lasted 2–3 days for S. chaetoceras and 3–4 days for C. abbreviatum, corresponding with the time to reach Qmax. Subsequent growth rates (over ~10 days) were 0.010 h?1 and 0.006 h?1 for S. chaetoceras and C. abbreviatum, respectively, being only 20%–30% of maximum growth rates. In conclusion, S. chaetoceras, with a relatively high initial P-uptake rate, short lag phase, and high initial growth rate, is well adapted to a P pulse of short duration. Conversely, C. abbreviatum, with a high long-term uptake rate and high storage capacity, appears competitively superior when exposed to an infrequent but lasting pulse. These characteristics provide information about possible strategies of algal species to profit from temporarily high P concentrations.  相似文献   

蓖齿眼子菜对栅藻和微囊藻的他感作用及其参数   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
主要报道篦齿眼子菜 (俗称红线草 )的种植水抽滤液对栅藻、微囊藻生长的他感作用试验。应用修正的逻辑斯谛 (Logistic)方程和Lotka Volterra种群竞争模型来计算篦齿眼子菜对藻类的他感作用参数。纯培养试验结果表明 :种植水抽滤液对栅藻生物量和生长率都有一定的促进作用。当浓度大于等于 5 0 %时 ,对栅藻生长的影响则是有抑制效应 ,他感作用效应与种植水的浓度没有明显的相关性 ,他感作用参数平均为 - 0 0 2 6。所有浓度设对照。微囊藻的生长都有明显的抑制作用 ,他感作用参数平均为 - 0 2 37。共培养试验结果表明 :篦齿眼子菜种植水抽滤液对纯培养试验结果有放大效应。所有的种植水抽滤液浓度对栅藻生长都起促进作用 ,对栅藻的生物量效应、生长率存在明显的对数正相关 ,但与他感作用参数的相关不明显 ,共培养的他感作用参数平均为 0 0 2 0 ;对微囊藻生长抑制作用更加明显 ,共培养的他感作用参数平均为 - 0 4 2 0。不管是纯培养还是共培养中 ,种植水抽滤液对栅藻的他感作用系数值都很低 ;而种植水抽滤液浓度对微囊藻的生物量效应、生长率或他感作用的参数都存在明显的线性负相关 ,并且他感作用系数值约高一个数量级  相似文献   

Cells of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing), collected from water-blooms of Lake Varese, were lysed by Bdellovibrio-like bacteria. The cells were lysed only after penetration. The cyanobacteria and lysing bacteria were characterized by a fibrous glycocalyx. Once the host cell was penetrated, the bacteria remained localized mainly between the host cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane, which appeared partially thickened. Cell lysis began by breakdown of cell structures. The cell wall appeared broken at many sites, and in completely lysed cells, was partially interrupted. The lysis of Microcystis by bacteria could be one of the causes of the death of algal blooms.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. 7820 was cultured at 350 and 700 μL·L ? 1 CO2 to assess the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on this bloom‐forming cyanobacterium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow enhanced its growth by 52%–77%, with pH values decreased and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) increased in the medium. Photosynthetic efficiencies and dark respiratory rates expressed per unit chl a tended to increase with the doubling of CO2. However, saturating irradiances for photosynthesis and light‐saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to cell number tended to decrease with the increase of DIC in the medium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow had less effect on DIC‐saturated photosynthetic rates and apparent photosynthetic affinities for DIC. In the exponential phase, CO2 and HCO3 ? levels in the medium were higher than those required to saturate photosynthesis. Cultures with surface aeration were DIC limited in the stationary phase. The rate of CO2 dissolution into the liquid increased proportionally when CO2 in air was raised from 350 to 700 μL·L ? 1, thus increasing the availability of DIC in the medium and enhancing the rate of photosynthesis. Doubled CO2 could enhance CO2 dissolution, lower pH values, and influence the ionization fractions of various DIC species even when the photosynthesis was not DIC limited. Consequently, HCO3 ? concentrations in cultures were significantly higher than in controls, and the photosynthetic energy cost for the operation of CO2 concentrating mechanism might decrease.  相似文献   

Blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing occur frequently in many freshwater ecosystems around the world, but the role of environmental factors in promoting the growth and determining the proportion of toxic and non‐toxic strains still requires more investigation. In this study, four strains (toxic CPCC299 & FACHB905 and non‐toxic CPCC632 & FACHB315) were exposed to high light (HL) condition, similar to light intensity found at the surface of a bloom, to evaluate their sensitivity to photoinhibition. We also estimated their capacity to recover from this HL stress. For all strains, our results showed an increased inhibition of the photosynthetic activity with HL treatment time. When comparing the extent of photoinhibition between strains, both toxic strains were more resistant to the treatment and recovered completely their photosynthetic capacity after 3 h, while non‐toxic strains needed more time to recover. For toxic strains, the rETR under HL was higher compared to the rETR under low light (LL) control condition despite 50% photoinhibition. This suggests that the detrimental effect of high light (HL; up to 2 h) is outweighed by their higher photosynthetic potential. This conclusion did not stand for non‐toxic strains, and indicates their preference for LL environment. We also demonstrated that a LL/HL cycle induced a 259% increase in cell yield for a toxic strain and a decrease by 22% for a non‐toxic strain. This also indicates that toxic strains have higher tolerance to HL in a fluctuating light environment. Our data demonstrated that difference of sensitivity to HL between strains can modify the competitive outcome between toxic and non‐toxic strains and may affect bloom toxicity.  相似文献   

Analysis of a sediment core taken from the Grangent reservoir in 2004 showed the presence of high concentrations of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. colonies at the sediment surface (250 colonies · mL sediment?1) and also at depths of 25–35 cm (2300 colonies·mL sediment?1) and 70 cm (600 colonies · mL sediment?1). Measurements of radioactive isotopes (7Be, 137Cs, and 241Am) along with photographic analysis of the core were used to date the deep layers: the layer located at ?30 cm dates from summer 2003, and that located at ?70 cm from 1990 to 1991. The physiological and morphological conditions of those benthic colonies were compared with those of planktonic colonies using several techniques (environmental scanning electron microscopy [ESEM], TEM, DNA markers, cellular esterases, and toxins). The ESEM observations showed that, as these colonies age, peripheral cells disappear, with no cells remaining in the mucilage of the deepest colonies (70 cm), an indication of the survival thresholds of these organisms. In the benthic phase, the physiological conditions (enzyme activity, cell division, and intracellular toxins) and ultrastructure (particularly the gas vesicles) of the cells surviving in the heart of the colony are comparable to those of the planktonic form, with all the potential needed for growth. Maintaining cellular integrity requires a process that can provide sufficient energy and is expressed in the reduced, but still existing, enzymatic activity that we measured, which is equivalent to a quiescent state.  相似文献   

The benthic recruitment of Microcystis was simulated in vitro in order to characterize the colonies of Microcystis recruited and to study the impact of intracellular and extracellular microcystins (MCs), and the influence of colony size on the recruitment process. We observed recruitment dynamics consisting of a lag phase followed by a peak and then a return to low recruitment rates, mainly controlled by passive resuspension throughout the experiment, and by physiological processes during the recruitment peak. Ninety‐seven percent of the Microcystis colonies recruited were <160 μm in maximum length, and their cells contained much greater amounts of MCs (0.26 ± 0.14 pg eq microcystin leucine‐arginine variant [MC‐LR] · cell?1) than those in benthic colonies (0.021 ± 0.004 pg eq MC‐LR · cell?1). The MC content of recruited Microcystis varied significantly over time and was not related to changes in the proportion of potentially toxic genotypes, determined using real‐time PCR. On the other hand, the changes in MC content in the potentially toxic Microcystis recruited were closely and negatively correlated with recruitment dynamics; the lowest MC contents corresponded to high recruitment rates, and the highest MC contents corresponded to low recruitment rates. Thus, depending on temperature and light conditions, these variations are thought to result from the selection of various subpopulations from among the smallest and the most toxic of the initial benthic population. Adding purified MC‐LR to experimental treatments led to a decreased recruitment of Microcystis and more specifically of mcyB genotypes.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous nitrogen fixation and phosphorus limitation on the physiological adaptation and growth performance of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs PCC 7905 was studied in continuous culture. In the absence of ammonia, N2 fixation occurred and the maximum growth rate (as determined in diluted batch cultures) was lower. However, no distinction could be made between the steady-state N uptake rates (based on cellular N contents) of N2-fixing cells and cells grown with ammonia. At the higher dilution rates, the residual P concentration increased with increasing dilution rate, more so under N2-fixing conditions, compared to the cultures grown in the presence of ammonia. More generally, the yield of biomass per consumed P, as the biomass concentration itself, decreased with increasing dilution rate, and both were lower under N2-fixing conditions. The restricted biomass production under N2-fixing conditions suggests that reduction of N loading may benefit lake restoration projects. The influence of N2-fixation on the severity of P limitation is discussed in terms of metabolic control analysis. From the increase of the residual P concentration on switching from ammonium to N2-fixing conditions, it is deduced that under N2-fixing and P-limited conditions, control of growth is shared by N and P metabolism.  相似文献   

The ecophysiology and competitive behavior of the prochlorophyte Prochlorothrix hollandica Burger-Wiersma, Stal et Mur, and the cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii Anagn. et Kom. were investigated in phosphorus-limited continuous cultures. When the species were exposed to successive saturating pulses of P, the maximal P uptake rate decreased linearly with an increase in the P cell quota. Prochlorothrix had a higher maximal P uptake rate, a lower half-saturation constant for P uptake, higher maximal cell quota for P, and slightly lower minimal cell quota for P than Planktothrix. These data indicate that Prochlorothrix is an affinity and storage strategist, at least when compared to Planktothrix. On the other hand, Prochlorothrix had a lower maximal growth rate than Planktothrix. On the basis of these ecophysiological parameters, we developed a Droop model to predict the time course and outcome of competition under various P regimes. The model predictions were in line with the results of competition experiments under three different P-limited conditions (continuous P supply, 4-day pulse period, 12-day pulse period). Prochlorothrix competitively displaced Planktothrix under both a constant and a pulsed P supply, and competitive displacement of Planktothrix was slowest in the experiment with a 12-day pulse period. In the pulsed experiments, the mean filament lengths and chl a fluorescence of the species oscillated at the same frequency as the pulse additions. In contrast to the Droop model, the predictions of the Monod model were not in line with the outcome of the competition experiments. Our results demonstrate that Prochlorothrix is a very good competitor for P and that the time course and outcome of competition for P in a variable environment can be predicted on the basis of the P uptake and storage characteristics of the species.  相似文献   

Benthic stages of the annual life cycle of the meroplanktonic cyanobacterium Microcystis spp. in relation to microcystin (MCYST) dynamics in sediments of a shallow lake (Quitzdorf Reservoir, Germany) were investigated. Based on changes in the absolute abundance of benthic Microcystis, the annual life cycle was subdivided into four phenological stages: reinvasion, pelagic growth, sedimentation, and overwintering. Habitat‐coupling processes, such as reinvasion of the pelagic zone in spring as well as autumnal sedimentation, were particularly triggered by changes in water temperature. During reinvasion substantial losses of Microcystis were detected. Only a minor part of benthic Microcystis (about 3%) formed the inoculum for pelagic growth. Between 65% and 85% of the benthic Microcystis stock disappeared during the reinvasion phase. Because these colonies were neither detected within the sediments nor in the pelagic inoculum, it was concluded that they were subjected to decay. The occurrence of extracellular MCYSTs in the pelagic zone during this period, which cannot solely originate from the pelagic Microcystis population, supports this conclusion. Dynamics of benthic Microcystis and MCYSTs were characterized by almost identical successions with a decrease during reinvasion, an increase during sedimentation, and remarkable invariability throughout pelagic growth and overwintering. It can be deduced that MCYSTs are preserved within benthic resting stages of Microcystis because they could play a role during overwintering or reinvasion.  相似文献   

超声波对铜绿微囊藻超微结构和生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究超声波对蓝藻细胞的影响,利用超声波(40W)处理200 mL铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa) 悬浮液20min,之后继续培养并于不同时间取样检测。检测悬浮藻细胞生物量发现其3d降低了97.84%;分别观察1、3、5d时沉降藻细胞超微结构变化,发现13d时细胞内脂质颗粒和藻青素颗粒增多、类囊体片层断裂、藻胆体脱落,5d时拟核区萎缩消失、细胞基础结构解体、胞质出现空洞、胞内结构颗粒降解;检测藻细胞光合放氧速率、叶绿素a (Chl.a)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、膜透性以及跨膜ATP酶活性,发现光合放氧速率3d下降24.83%,Chl.a含量5d下降23.75%,超声组细胞SOD活性变化幅度比较大,但总体上活性降低,而CAT活性则表现为先增后减,活性始终大于对照组,同时胞内有机物渗出量增大,三种跨膜ATP酶活性(Na+/K+-ATPase、Mg2+-ATPase 和Ca2+-ATPase)均先升后降,并与膜透性变化相关。以上结果表明,超声波使铜绿微囊藻细胞沉降,并对其造成了胁迫,使部分藻细胞光合作用减弱,光合色素遭到损伤,细胞膜透性增大,甚至引起藻细胞程序性死亡。SOD活力的快速降低表明超声波使藻细胞内超氧离子(O2-)过量累积,从而对藻细胞造成氧化损伤,除此之外,超声波使藻细胞基础结构破坏、细胞内结构颗粒降解、细胞膜透性增大,这些都可能是致使部分铜绿微囊藻细胞死亡的重要原因。铜绿微囊藻细胞CAT以及跨膜ATP酶活性增大,表明藻细胞增强抗氧化酶活性以及离子调控和能量活动以抵御超声波的胁迫,而当胁迫随着时间减小后,细胞开始恢复生长和代谢,酶活力开始降低。    相似文献   

Prokaryotic picoplankton such as Synechococcus are relatively abundant in putatively Fe-limited high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of the oceans. The physiology of Synechococcus under Fe stress has been studied less than eukaryotic algae. Recent evidence suggests that although biomass and growth rates of Synechococcus are not typically Fe limited in situ, cells may still exhibit symptoms of Fe stress. We grew Synechococcus A2169 and WH7803 in laboratory batch cultures in the artificial medium Aquil and enriched natural seawater, at a series of Fe concentrations and Fe:macronutrient ratios, and with either nitrate or ammonium as the sole nitrogen source. Cell yields, and in some experiments exponential specific growth rate (μ), were more readily Fe limited in the Atlantic isolate WH7803 than in the equatorial Pacific isolate A2169. In both strains, final cell yields spanned about an order of magnitude and decreased continuously with Fe concentration from 900 to 3.6 nM (150 μM N, 10 μM P), whereas μ decreased much less and only at Fe concentrations below 90 nM. Synechococcus yield was controlled by both absolute Fe concentration and Fe:macronutrient ratio, but μ was determined primarily by absolute Fe concentration. Contrary to theoretical predictions, neither yield nor μ was higher in Fe-limited cells grown in ammonium compared to nitrate. Under severe Fe stress, cellular chlorophyll (Chl) content and light-saturated gross photosynthetic capacity (Pcellm) decreased proportionately, and dark respiration (Rcelld) increased, such that net Pcellm was extremely low but gross PChlm was unchanged. This is the first report of an absolute increase in Rcelld under Fe stress in phytoplankton.  相似文献   

In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the sediment. This overwintering population might inoculate the water column in spring and promote the development of dense surface blooms of Microcystis during summer. In the Dutch Lake Volkerak, we found photochemically active Microcystis colonies in the sediment throughout the year. The most vital colonies originated from shallow sediments within the euphotic zone. We investigated whether recruitment of Microcystis colonies from the sediment to the water column was an active process, through production of gas vesicles or respiration of carbohydrate ballast. We calculated net buoyancy, as an indication of relative density, using the amounts and densities of the major cell constituents (carbohydrates, proteins, and gas vesicles). Carbohydrate content of benthic Microcystis cells was very low throughout the year. Buoyancy changes of benthic Microcystis were mostly a result of changes in gas vesicle volume. Before the summer bloom, net buoyancy and the amount of buoyant colonies in the sediment did not change. Therefore, recruitment of Microcystis from the sediment does not seem to be an active process regulated by internal buoyancy changes. Instead, our observations indicate that attachment of sediment particles to colonies plays an important part in the buoyancy state of benthic colonies. Therefore, we suggest that recruitment of Microcystis is more likely a passive process resulting from resuspension by wind‐induced mixing or bioturbation. Consequently, shallow areas of the lake probably play a more important role in recruitment of benthic Microcystis than deep areas.  相似文献   

Continuous culture techniques are used to study long-term population interactions between Plectonema boryanum Gomont, a filamentous bluegreen alga, and the LPP-viruses which infect it. After LPP-I (virulent cyanophage) infection of sensitive algae, 3 oscillations occur in cell density with concomitant oscillations in virus titer before final stabilization of both algal and viral concentrations. After LPP-ID and LPP-2 (temperate viruses) infection, oscillation in cell density occurred with burst of virus particles. Resistant algae always repopulated the chemostat; lysogeny was not established. The interaction between Plectonema that was resistant to virus infection and the 3 LPP-cyanophages resulted in rapid elimination of the viruses from the chemostat in the effluent. When lysogenic P. boryanum was tested, a law population of virus was present in the chemostat throughout the incubation period indicative of spontancous induction. Clones of lysogenic algae were isolated.  相似文献   

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