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Progressive and regressive changes of brain size within Equidae From Hyracotherium to Equus brain size increased eightfold independently from body size. In domestication brain size is reduced; within mammals the amount of reduction depends on cephalization. Species with high cephalization show much more reductions than those with low cephalization. Among the ancestors of domesticated mammals wild horses have the highest cephalization level; reduction of brain size of more than 30% in domesticated horses could be expected. The size of the brain case of domesticated horses is only 14 % smaller than in wild Przewalski horses. We think that populations of the wild Przewalski horses have been crossbreeds between wild and domesticated animals. There is no difference in size of the brain case capacity and the brain weight between the Przewalski horses from zoological gardens and domesticated horses. This may be due to further crossbreeding between Zoo-Przewalski horses and domesticated horses and to artificial selection.  相似文献   

Domestication is a type of experimental evolution in which humans have artificially selected for specific desired traits. Selected strain animals can be utilized to identify correlated responses by comparing them to the wild strain. In particular, domestic turkeys have been selected for increased body mass and high‐growth rate, most significantly over the past 60 years. Yet it remains unclear how artificial selection has affected the morphology and evolution of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Here, we compare growth rate over 21 weeks, hind limb bone scaling across ontogeny via in vivo CT scanning, and muscle proportions in wild and domestic turkeys to identify differences in structural scaling and the potential contributions of selection and developmental plasticity to whole‐organism morphology. The domestic turkeys grew at a higher rate (0.14 kg/day vs. 0.05 kg/day) and reached over 3 times the body mass of wild birds. Comparing the proportional muscle masses in adult turkeys, only the trunk had a greater mass ratio in the domestic turkey, driven solely by M. pectoralis (2.8 times larger). The proportional increase in only breast meat and no other muscles highlights the surgical precision attainable with artificial selection. The domestic turkey femur and tibiotarsus displayed increases in polar moment of area, apparently maintaining torsional strength as body mass increased. The lack of dimensional change in the more vertically held tarsometatarsus is consistent with the pattern expected due to developmental plasticity. These results from the domestic turkey emphasize that there are morphological limits to preserving the balance between growth and function, and varying rates of trait evolution can further complicate this equilibrium.  相似文献   

Rensch’s rule describes the pattern of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) claiming that in taxa where males are the larger sex, larger species generally exhibit higher male to female body size ratios. Agreement with Rensch’s rule is manifested by the slope of the allometric relationship between male and female body size exceeding one. In this paper we have tested the hypothesis that recent rapid evolutionary changes of body size accompanying domestication process and morphological radiation of domestic breeds follow Rensch’s rule. We have analyzed literature data on adult body size of males and females in domestic cows, yaks, buffaloes and other bovines (315, 12, 24 and 2 breeds, respectively) and compared it with SSD in 18 wild species/subspecies of the subfamily Bovinae. Male to female body mass ratio in domestic cows (1.48) was fairly comparable to that found in other species of domestic and wild bovines except domestic buffaloes (1.19). In cows we have demonstrated clear positive allometry of male to female body mass ratio (slope 1.21) predicted by Rensch’s rule, however, no such clear relationship was found when body mass was replaced by shoulder height. These findings are in agreement with those we have previously reported in other livestock species, goats and sheep.  相似文献   

Previous QTL studies have identified 24 QTLs for body weight and growth from 3 to 10 weeks after birth in an intersubspecific backcross mouse population between C57BL/6J and wild Mus musculus castaneus that has 60% of the body size of C57BL/6J. The castaneus allele at the most potent QTL (Pbwg1) on proximal chromosome 2 retards growth. In this study we have developed a congenic strain with a 44.1-Mb interval containing the castaneus allele at Pbwg1 by recurrent backcrossing to C57BL/6J. The congenic mouse developed was characterized by significantly higher body weight gain between 1 and 3 weeks of age and lower weight of white fat pads at 10 weeks of age than C57BL/6J. However, no clear difference in body weight at 1–10 weeks of age was observed between congenic and C57BL/6J strains. QTL analysis with 269 F2 mice between the two strains did not identify any QTLs for body weight at 1, 3, 6, and 10 weeks of age, but it discovered eight closely linked QTLs affecting body weight gain from 1 to 3 weeks of age, lean body weight, weight of white fat pads, and body length within the Pbwg1 region. The castaneus alleles at all fat pad QTLs reduced the phenotypes, whereas at the remaining growth and body composition QTLs, they increased the trait values. These results illustrate that Pbwg1, which initially appeared to be a single locus, was resolved into several loci with opposite effects on the composition traits of overall body weight. This gives a reason for the loss of the Pbwg1 effect found in the original backcross population. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Brain size, brain architecture, and eye size vary extensively in vertebrates. However, the extent to which the evolution of these components is intricately connected remains unclear. Trinidadian killifish, Anablepsoides hartii, are found in sites that differ in the presence and absence of large predatory fish. Decreased rates of predation are associated with evolutionary shifts in brain size; males from sites without predators have evolved a relatively larger brain and eye size than males from sites with predators. Here, we evaluated the extent to which the evolution of brain size, brain structure, and eye size covary in male killifish. We utilized wild‐caught and common garden‐reared specimens to determine whether specific components of the brain have evolved in response to differences in predation and to determine if there is covariation between the evolution of brain size, brain structure, and eye size. We observed consistent shifts in brain architecture in second generation common garden reared, but not wild caught preserved fish. Male killifish from sites that lack predators exhibited a significantly larger telencephalon, optic tectum, cerebellum, and dorsal medulla when compared with fish from sites with predators. We also found positive connections between the evolution of brain structure and eye size but not between overall brain size and eye size. These results provide evidence for evolutionary covariation between the components of the brain and eye size. Such results suggest that selection, directly or indirectly, acts upon specific regions of the brain, rather than overall brain size, to enhance visual capabilities.  相似文献   

Domestic turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are one of the most susceptible animals known to the toxic effects of the mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), a potent human hepatocarcinogen, and universal maize contaminant. We have demonstrated that such susceptibility is associated with the inability of hepatic glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) to detoxify the reactive electrophilic metabolite exo-AFB1-8,9-epoxide (AFBO). Unlike their domestic counterparts, wild turkeys, which are relatively AFB1-resistant, possess hepatic GST-mediated AFBO conjugating activity. Here, we characterized the molecular and functional properties of hepatic alpha-class GSTs (GSTAs) from wild and domestic turkeys to shed light on the differences in resistance between these closely related strains. Six alpha-class GST genes (GSTA) amplified from wild turkeys (Eastern and Rio Grande subspecies), heritage breed turkeys (Royal Palm) and modern domestic (Nicholas strain) turkeys were sequenced, and catalytic activities of heterologously-expressed recombinant enzymes determined. Alpha-class identity was affirmed by conserved GST domains and four signature motifs. All GSTAs contained single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in their coding regions: GSTA1.1 (5 SNPs), GSTA1.2 (7), GSTA1.3 (3), GSTA2 (3), GSTA3 (1) and GSTA4 (2). E. coli-expressed GSTAs possessed varying activities toward GST substrates 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB), ethacrynic acid (ECA), cumene hydroperoxide (CHP). As predicted by their relative resistance, livers from domestic turkeys lacked detectable GST-mediated AFBO detoxification activity, whereas those from wild and heritage birds possessed this critical activity, suggesting that intensive breeding and selection resulted in loss of AFB1-protective alleles during domestication. Our observation that recombinant tGSTAs detoxify AFBO, whereas their hepatic forms do not, implies that the hepatic forms of these enzymes are down-regulated, silenced, or otherwise modified by one or more mechanisms. These data may inform of possible molecular mechanisms of resistance to AFB1, and may also have the benefit of identifying genetic markers which could be used to enhance AFB1 resistance in modern domestic strains.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is the most common foodborne pathogen in industrialized countries. Most human infections come from contaminated poultry, but wild birds are also known to harbor C. jejuni. Wild birds are often described as asymptomatic carriers, but this assumption is based on domestic poultry research. We studied the effects of C. jejuni infection on body condition and survival of adult and nestling American crows Corvus brachyrhynchos in Davis, California. Previous work demonstrated that more than half of the crows in this population are infected with C. jejuni and that at least some of the isolates carried by crows are similar to those found in domestic animals and humans. In this study, we compared the body condition of infected and uninfected individuals at the time of capture among adults (n = 44; 52% infected) and nestlings (n = 97; 77% infected). We subsequently monitored these banded individuals for up to 3 yr and used mark–recapture survival analysis to estimate relationships between infection status and later survival. We found that adult crows infected with C. jejuni were in poor condition relative to uninfected adults: average body mass of infected birds was 12% lower, whereas average body size did not differ between the two groups. Likewise, apparent survival probability was lower for infected adults. In contrast, nestling body condition, fledging success, and survival did not differ by infection status. This is the first study to document adverse effects of C. jejuni infection in a free‐living, wild bird. If these effects are widespread, C. jejuni exposure may be a cause of conservation concern for some species, especially when human activities increase exposure to infections or introduce novel strains to wild bird populations. Our results add to the growing body of work demonstrating hidden long‐term costs of seemingly mild infections in wild populations.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is common in birds and has been linked to various selective forces. Nevertheless, the question of how and when the sexes start to differentiate from each other is poorly studied. This is a critical knowledge gap, as sex differences in growth may cause different responses to similar ecological conditions. In this study, we describe the sex‐specific growth – based on body mass and five morphometric measurements – of 56 captive Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosa limosa chicks raised under ad libitum food conditions, and conclude that all six growth curves are sex‐specific. Females are the larger sex in terms of body mass and skeletal body size. To test whether sex‐specific growth leads to sex‐specific susceptibility to environmental conditions, we compared the age‐specific sizes of male and female chicks in the wild with those of Black‐tailed Godwits reared in captivity. We then tested for a relationship between residual growth and relative hatching date, age, sex and habitat type in which the wild chicks were born. Early‐hatched chicks were relatively bigger and in better condition than late‐hatched chicks, but body condition and size were not affected by natal habitat type. Female chicks deviated more negatively from the sex‐specific growth curves than male chicks for body mass and total‐head length. This suggests that the growth of the larger females is more susceptible to limiting environmental conditions. On average, the deviations of wild chicks from the predicted growth curves were negative for all measurements, which suggests that conditions are limiting in the current agricultural landscape. We argue that in estimating growth curves for sexually dimorphic species, it is critical first to make accurate sex and age determinations.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic heterogeneity in populations of D. melanogaster has been described for resistance to long-term exposure to CO2 (4 to 5 hours). Crosses between inbred strains, and between strains set up from single inseminated females collected in the wild show the importance of additive genes. Genetic activity for resistance and sensitivity was found on the X, 2 and 3 chromosomes.The mechanism of resistance was shown to be an anoxia effect since the effect of an N2 atmosphere was the same as that of CO2. A study of 18 strains collected in the wild revealed a positive correlation between metabolic rate as measured by O2 uptake and mortality under CO2, and negative correlations were found between body weight, and both mortality under CO2 and metabolic rate. These results are consistent with an anoxia effect. A further variable correlated with body weight is resistance to desiccation. Thus the anoxia effect is correlated with factors determining the distribution of the species in the wild.  相似文献   

Differences in the relative social dominance of wild, hybrid and domestic strains of Norway rats are observed in mixed groups (twelve animals each) housed in a large room for 13 consecutive days. Domestic subjects are dominant to wild rats in both spontaneous and competitive interactions. Hybrids are intermediate. Explanations offered for the superior dominance of the domestic strain included: (a) the lack of social inhibitions displayed by domestic rats as reflected in frequent play-motivated interactions (‘bully effect’), and (b) the larger body size of the domestic subjects. Domestic subjects are most active and interacted most frequently. Dominance behaviour does not influence nest box utilization. Dominance in spontaneous and competitive interactions is not correlated suggesting that in the rat social dominance is not a unidimensional trait.  相似文献   

The effects of raccoon (Procyon lotor) rehabilitation on postrelease survivorship are unknown. Raccoon rehabilitation success was measured as differences in prewinter body condition, home range size, distance to manmade structures, and during-winter survival between raccoons in the wild and those who have been rehabilitated. Prewinter body condition did not differ between wild and rehabilitated raccoons, but there was a trend for rehabilitated raccoons to have better body conditions. There was no difference between wild and rehabilitated raccoon adaptive kernel (AK) home range for 95% and 90% AK home ranges, or for core (50% AK) use areas. There was no sex difference in distance traveled from the release site within rehabilitated raccoons. However, rehabilitated raccoons were found significantly closer (49.4 ± 4.7 m) to manmade structures than wild raccoons (92.2 ± 14.4 m), and female raccoons were found significantly closer (64.8 ± 4.5 m) to manmade structures than male raccoons (72.3 ± 17.6 m). The results of this study indicate that raccoons can be successfully rehabilitated, but they may occupy habitat closer to manmade structures than wild raccoons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intensive pine (Pinus spp.) management is a dominant form of forest management in the southeastern United States. Previous research has shown that managed pine forests provide suitable habitat for eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris), but little research has examined seasonal habitat selection for female wild turkeys from a landscape perspective, particularly within managed pine landscapes. Therefore, we used a long-term (1986-1993) data set to describe seasonal habitat selection by female wild turkeys, using an information-theoretic approach from a landscape perspective, on an intensively managed pine landscape. Habitat use patterns during preincubation and autumn-winter were indicative of female wild turkeys moving between a bottomland hardwood-agricultural field complex during autumn-winter and upland managed pine stands during the remainder of the year. During spring and summer, female wild turkeys used landscapes primarily composed of intensively managed pine, including thinned and burned stands and roadsides. Our results confirm results of short-term, stand-based habitat analyses on our study area. We recommend variable fire return intervals of 3 to 7 years to improve habitat conditions for wild turkeys within intensively managed pine forests. Further research is needed to examine management actions, such as thinning, prescribed fire, and herbicide use, within the context of wild turkey use of intensively managed pine landscapes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to describe postnatal organ and body weight growth in male Dunkin–Hartley guinea pigs from birth to 250 days of age. The modified JANOSCHEK growth curve was fitted to the age group means for each measurement by nonlinear regression and characteristics of the resulting growth curves were calculated. At birth, brain weight showed the highest percentage of its adult value (59%), followed by eye weight (37%). Lowest percentage birth weights were found for genital organs, adrenals and pancreas, the majority of organs showed values between 4% and 15%. Weights of body, heart, spleen, liver, genital organs, thyroids and adrenals followed a sigmoidal growth course. The remaining, as examined in this study, organs exhibited simple exponential growth without a postnatal point of inflection. Among internal organs, brain weight reaches adult size first (74 days of age). Genital organs with exception of prostate, duodenum, heart and spleen are fast-growing organs, too.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of diet on jejunal growth, alanine transport rate, and leucine aminopeptidase activity (LAP) were compared in the domestic and wild turkey poult. One-day-old poults of each strain were fed diets of high vs., low protein, with carbohydrate varied to maintain isocaloric conditions. Prior to feeding, relative jejunal mass and alanine transport rates were not significantly different in the two turkey strains, whereas LAP activity was 270% higher in wild poults. After feeding for 72 h, relative jejunal mass doubled in both turkey strains. In domestic turkeys, alanine transport rate and LAP activity were reduced by approximately 42% and 25%, respectively, in poults fed a 24% protein-69% carbohydrate diet vs. a 49% protein-35% carbohydrate diet. Analysis of the combined data from feeding experiments revealed that alanine transport rate was not correlated with total food, protein or lipid intake, but was negatively correlated with carbohydrate consumption (P<0.05). In wild turkeys, neither alanine transport rate nor LAP activity were altered by diet. These results reveal that domestic turkey hatchlings can modulate protein digestive and absorptive functions as protein/carbohydrate composition of the diet changes and suggest that high dietary carbohydrate down-regulates the intestinal alanine transporter.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):230-239
Intraspecific allometric calculations of the brain to body size relation revealed distinct differences between 127 (67; 60) ancestral wild cavies and 82 (37; 45) guinea pigs, their domesticated relatives. The dependency of both measures from one another remained the same in both animal groups but the brains of guinea pigs were by 14.22% smaller at any net body weight. Consistent with results in other species the domestication of Cavia aperea is also characterized by a decrease of brain size. Fresh tissue sizes of the five brain parts medulla oblongata, cerebellum, mesencephalon, diencephalon and telencephalon were determined for 6 cavies and 6 guinea pigs by the serial section method. Additionally the sizes of 16 endbrain structures and those of the optic tract, the lateral geniculate body and the cochlear nucleus were measured. Different decrease values resulted for all these structures concomitant with domestication as was calculated from the amount of total brain size decrease and average relative structure values in the wild as well as the domesticated brain. The size decrease of the entire telencephalon (−13.7%) was within the range of the mean overall reduction as similarly was the case for the total neocortex (−10.7%) whereas the total allocortex (−20.9%) clearly was more strongly affected. The size decrease of the olfactory bulb (−41.9%) was extreme and clearly higher than found for the secondary olfactory structures (around −11%). The primary nuclei of other sensory systems (vision, audition) were decreased to less extent (lateral geniculate: −18.1%; cochlear nucleus: −12.6%). Mass decreases of pure white matter parts were nearly twice as high in contrast to associated grey matter parts (neocortex white versus grey matter; tractus opticus versus lateral geniculate body). The relatively great decrease values found for the limbic structures hippocampus (−26.9%) and schizocortex (−25.9%) are especially notable since they are in good conformity with domestication effects in other mammalian species. The findings of this study are discussed with regard to results of similar investigations on wild and domesticated gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), the encephalization of the wild form, the special and species-specific mode and duration of domestication and in connection with certain behavioral changes as resulted from comparative investigations in ethology, socio-biology, endocrinology and general physiology.  相似文献   

Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) were evaluated as potential hosts of ixodid ticks, lice, and Lyme disease spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato [s.l.]) in three state parks in Sonoma County, California, USA, during 2003 and 2004. In total, 113 birds were collected, 50 (44.2%) of which were found to be infested by 361 ixodid ticks representing three species: the western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus, n=248), the rabbit tick (Haemaphysalis leporispalustris, n=112), and one American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis). Year-round the prevalence of all ticks combined was unrelated to the age or sex of turkeys, and the prevalence of infestation by I. pacificus (35.4%) was significantly higher than it was for either H. leporispalustris (14.2%) or D. variabilis (0.9%). The proportion of the two prevalent tick species differed significantly by life stage with 86.3% of the I. pacificus and 82.1% of the H. leporispalustris enumerated being nymphs and larvae, respectively. Three species of lice were collected, including the chicken body louse Menacanthus stramineus (12.5% of total), Chelopistes meleagridis (37.5% of total), and Oxylipeurus polytrapezius (50% of total). The records for all three ticks are the first ever from wild turkeys, and those for the lice are the first from this host in the far-western United States. Wild turkeys potentially were exposed to the feeding activities of I. pacificus nymphs infected with B. burgdorferi s.l. as 15% of host-seeking nymphs (n=200) collected in woodlands used by turkeys as roosting or foraging areas were infected mainly with B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.). However, only one (1%) of 90 turkey blood specimens tested by PCR contained B. burgdorferi s.s., and four in vitro, complement-protein assays demonstrated that domestic turkey serum is moderately bacteriolytic for this spirochete. Taken together, these findings indicate that wild turkeys are important avian hosts of I. pacificus nymphs, but they appear to be inconsequential hosts of B. burgdorferi s.l.  相似文献   

Size‐assortative mating is a nonrandom association of body size between members of mating pairs and is expected to be common in species with mutual preferences for body size. In this study, we investigated whether there is direct evidence for size‐assortative mating in two species of pipefishes, Syngnathus floridae and S. typhle, that share the characteristics of male pregnancy, sex‐role reversal, and a polygynandrous mating system. We take advantage of microsatellite‐based “genetic‐capture” techniques to match wild‐caught females with female genotypes reconstructed from broods of pregnant males and use these data to explore patterns of size‐assortative mating in these species. We also develop a simulation model to explore how positive, negative, and antagonistic preferences of each sex for body size affect size‐assortative mating. Contrary to expectations, we were unable to find any evidence of size‐assortative mating in either species at different geographic locations or at different sampling times. Furthermore, two traits that potentially confer a fitness advantage in terms of reproductive success, female mating order and number of eggs transferred per female, do not affect pairing patterns in the wild. Results from model simulations demonstrate that strong mating preferences are unlikely to explain the observed patterns of mating in the studied populations. Our study shows that individual mating preferences, as ascertained by laboratory‐based mating trials, can be decoupled from realized patterns of mating in the wild, and therefore, field studies are also necessary to determine actual patterns of mate choice in nature. We conclude that this disconnect between preferences and assortative mating is likely due to ecological constraints and multiple mating that may limit mate choice in natural populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive tracts of 214 female wild boars collected in Central Portugal between October and February over the period 1997 to 2001 were examined. From this material, we were able to determine reproductive phenology (conception and birth periods) as well as age and weight of sows at puberty, ovulation rates of adults, foetal sex ratio, levels of intrauterine mortality, final litter size and postnatal mortality. Differences between year, region, age and body weight were analysed. A total of 66.8% of the females examined were gestating or lactating and 96.3% of these weighed >40 kg. The highest proportions of pregnant sows were found in the adult age/weight classes (74%). None of the juvenile females (1 year old and younger) were lactating and only 7% was pregnant. The average number of foetuses/female (4.1 ± 1.2SD) and that of corpora lutea per female (4.6 ± 1.7SD) increased from lighter and younger to heavier and older wild sows. Foetal sex ratio was biased towards males (1.3:1). Observed intrauterine mortality rate (9.7%) and postnatal mortality (6.3%) were among the lowest recorded in European wild boar populations. The productivity rate of the Central Portuguese wild boar population was calculated as 1.1 young per individual in the population. Conception and birth periods did not differ significantly between the considered 4 years. Birth synchronisation was pronounced in all the years, with a peak of births occurring in March.  相似文献   

We have proposed the revival of the name Entamoeba nuttalli for a virulent ameba strain, P19‐061405, from a rhesus macaque and located it phylogenetically between E. histolytica and E. dispar. As E. nuttalli was originally described for an ameba found in a toque macaque in Sri Lanka, the prevalence and characteristics of Entamoeba species in wild toque macaques were examined. PCR analysis of 227 stool samples from six locations showed positive rates for E. nuttalli, E. dispar, and E. histolytica of 18.5%, 0.4%, and 0%, respectively. Fifteen E. nuttalli strains were cultured successfully from five locations. The 18S ribosomal RNA gene showed only three nucleotide differences in comparison with P19‐061405 strain. In isoenzyme analysis, the pattern of hexokinase in Sri Lankan strains was different from that of P19‐061405 strains and the difference was confirmed by analysis of the genes. Hepatic inoculation of one of the Sri Lankan E. nuttalli strains in hamsters resulted in amebic abscess formation and body weight loss. These results demonstrate that E. nuttalli is prevalent in wild toque macaques and that several characteristics of the strains are unique. We conclude that use of the name E. nuttalli is appropriate for the new Entamoeba species found in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The basis for our knowledge of brain evolution in vertebrates rests heavily on empirical evidence from comparative studies at the species level. However, little is still known about the natural levels of variation and the evolutionary causes of differences in brain size and brain structure within‐species, even though selection at this level is an important initial generator of macroevolutionary patterns across species. Here, we examine how early life‐history decisions and sex are related to brain size and brain structure in wild populations using the existing natural variation in mating strategies among wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). By comparing the brains of precocious fish that remain in the river and sexually mature at a small size with those of migratory fish that migrate to the sea and sexually mature at a much larger size, we show, for the first time in any vertebrate, strong differences in relative brain size and brain structure across mating strategies. Precocious fish have larger brain size (when controlling for body size) but migratory fish have a larger cerebellum, the structure in charge of motor coordination. Moreover, we demonstrate sex‐specific differences in brain structure as female precocious fish have a larger brain than male precocious fish while males of both strategies have a larger telencephalon, the cognitive control centre, than females. The differences in brain size and structure across mating strategies and sexes thus suggest the possibility for fine scale adaptive evolution of the vertebrate brain in relation to different life histories.  相似文献   

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