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Craniometric variation in Norwegian wolverines was analysed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The wolverine skull seems to be full-grown after about 9 months in both sexes although some dimensions continued to grow at a slow rate after the first year. Size allometry was studied in skulls older than 11 months. Allometric coefficients were calculated from different methods. The multivariate allometric coefficients were found to reflect the same allometric patterns as were found from the reduced major axis and from the direction cosines of PCI, whereas the coefficients seem to be underestimated by the least-square regression method. Sexual dimorphism was found to be highly significant, males being the larger sex. The female skulls were found to be relatively broader and to have a relatively higher coronoid process than the male skulls. It seems that the females have a relatively stronger feeding apparatus than the males, which leads to less absolute differences in strength, as reflected in a very high degree of dietary overlap. Two discriminant functions were calculated which both classified the material into their correct sex with nearly 100% accuracy. Geographical variation between samples from Nordland and Finnmark counties were studied. No significant multivariate variation was found between the female skulls. The male variation was highly significant; the Nordland skulls seem to have longer carnassials than those from Finnmark.  相似文献   

In North America, wolverines once occupied a continuous range from Alaska southward to New Mexico. In the lower 48 states, small remnant populations remain only in the northwestern United States. Among these remnant populations, the Montana population has the highest probability of long-term persistence given its size and proximity to healthy populations in Canada. In this study, we evaluate population genetic structure and gene flow among Montana wolverines using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Bayesian and frequency-based assignment tests revealed significant population substructure and provide support for at least three subpopulations in Montana. FST values between subpopulations ranged from 0.08 to 0.10 and provide evidence for male-biased dispersal. The high degree of population substructure and low levels of gene flow contrast results from wolverine population genetic studies in less fragmented landscapes of Alaska and Canada. This study provides additional support for the hypothesis that large carnivore populations of Montana are becoming increasingly fragmented due to human development and disturbance.  相似文献   

Wolverine (Gulo gulo) numbers in Scandinavia were significantly reduced during the early part of the century as a result of predator removal programmes and hunting. Protective legislation in both Sweden and Norway in the 1960s and 1970s has now resulted in increased wolverine densities in Scandinavia. We report here the development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers in wolverine and their use to examine the population sub-structure and genetic variability in free-ranging Scandinavian wolverine populations as well as in a sample of individuals collected before 1970. Significant subdivision between extant populations was discovered, in particular for the small and isolated population of southern Norway, which represents a recent recolonization. Overall genetic variability was found to be lower than previously reported for other mustelids, with only two to five alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities (H(O)) ranging from 0.269 to 0.376 across the examined populations, being lowest in southern Norway. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region revealed no variation throughout the surveyed populations. As the historical sample did not show higher levels of genetic variability, our results are consistent with a reduction in the genetic variation in Scandinavian wolverines that pre-dates the demographic bottleneck observed during the last century. The observed subdivision between populations calls for management caution when issuing harvest quotas, especially for the geographically isolated south Norwegian population.  相似文献   

The fact that characters may co-vary in organism groups because of shared ancestry and not always because of functional correlations was the initial rationale for developing phylogenetic comparative methods. Here we point out a case where similarity due to shared ancestry can produce an undesired effect when conducting an independent contrasts analysis. Under special circumstances, using a low sample size will produce results indicating an evolutionary correlation between characters where an analysis of the same pattern utilizing a larger sample size will show that this correlation does not exist. This is the opposite effect of increased sample size to that expected; normally an increased sample size increases the chance of finding a correlation. The situation where the problem occurs is when co-variation between the two continuous characters analysed is clumped in clades; e.g. when some phylogenetically conservative factors affect both characters simultaneously. In such a case, the correlation between the two characters becomes contingent on the number of clades sharing this conservative factor that are included in the analysis, in relation to the number of species contained within these clades. Removing species scattered evenly over the phylogeny will in this case remove the exact variation that diffuses the evolutionary correlation between the two characters - the variation contained within the clades sharing the conservative factor. We exemplify this problem by discussing a parallel in nature where the described problem may be of importance. This concerns the question of the presence or absence of Rensch's rule in primates.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in growth of conventional morphometric characters was investigated in juveniles and young adults (size range: 31 to 91 mm) of Oreochromis mossambicus . A closely associated set of traits was identified that shows sexually dimorphic growth, which was positively allometric in the males. These traits correspond to two different morphological complexes: jaw structure and anal/dorsal fins. The best sex discriminators among this set of traits were premaxilla width, anal fin height and snout length. These findings may be explained in terms of intra– and inter–sexual selection acting together and favouring males with strong and large mouths and high dorsal and anal fins, traits that are important in agonistic displays (jaw and fins), fighting and nest digging (jaw).  相似文献   

Marginal tree populations are believed to be more differentiated and host less variation than central tree populations. The aim of this study was to perform a detailed morphometric study of J. oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus in northern marginal populations in order to establish its phenotypic variation and geographical differentiation and to examine the eventual presence of putative species J. deltoides in Istria. Morphologic variation was studied in 16 northern marginal populations in Istria. Nine morphological traits from a minimum of 50 leaves from each of 206 individuals and two morphological traits from 30 to 50 seed cones in each of 103 females were measured. Phenotypic variation in Istrian populations was high and of a similar magnitude to that found in the centre of the distribution area. Gender dimorphism in leaf morphology was detected, but the study failed to confirm its uniform distribution pattern. Significant and surprisingly high among-population differentiation (8–30%) was revealed. Average leaf shape in the study area is clearly “delta-shaped” characterised by a relatively wide leaf base. However, no significant differences in any of the studied traits were found between the marginal Istrian populations and the more central populations analysed in our earlier studies.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in the external morphology of the sand skate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In male sand skate Psammobatis extenta , from the commercial fishery of Puerto Quequén, Argentina, six of 13 proportional dimensions analysed were constant (isometric) with total length, while seven proportions remained constant in females. The nature of the allometric and isometric relationships of disc length, disc width, interspiracular distance and interorbital distance did not vary between the sexes, and no sexual dimorphism occurred between these morphometric dimensions. A stepwise discriminant function analysis separated the sexes and was able to correctly classify 90·8% of the original grouped cases. The variables that best discriminated between sexes were prenasal length, distance from the cloaca to caudal fin tip, and distance from the snout to cloaca. The study also revealed that several of the meristic characters studied showed much intraspecific variation and, therefore, should be used with caution in taxonomic studies.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify potential factors responsible for geographically structured morphological variation within the widespread Australian frogs Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Günther and L. peronii Duméril & Bibron. There was support for James's rule, and both latitude and present climate explained large amounts of the variation in body size and shape (particularly in L. peronii ). There was also some support for the influence of several biogeographical barriers. Finally, both species were sexually dimorphic for body size and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varied geographically. Climate was an important explanation for SSD variation in L. peronii , while latitude was most important for L. tasmaniensis . Geographical variations in sexual selection via male–male physical competition and climate-related resources are suggested as potential explanations for SSD variation in L. peronii .  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 39–56.  相似文献   

Gorillas are the largest and among the most sexually dimorphic of all extant primates. While gorillas have been incorporated in broad-level comparisons among large-bodied hominoids or in studies of the African apes, comparisons between gorilla subspecies have been rare. During the past decade, however, behavioral, morphological, and molecular data from a number of studies have indicated that the western lowland (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and eastern mountain (Gorilla gorilla beringei) subspecies differ to a greater extent than has been previously believed. In this study I compare patterns of relative growth of the postcranial skeleton to evaluate whether differences between subspecies result from the differential extension of common patterns of relative growth. In addition, patterns of ontogeny and sexual dimorphism are also examined. Linear skeletal dimensions and skeletal weight were obtained for ontogenetic series of male and female G.g. gorilla (n = 315) and G.g. beringei (n = 38). Bivariate and multivariate methods of analysis were used to test for differences in patterns of relative growth, ontogeny, and sexual dimorphism between sexes of each subspecies and in same-sex comparisons between subspecies. Results indicate males and females of both subspecies are ontogenetically scaled for postcranial proportions and that females undergo an earlier skeletal growth spurt compared to males. However, results also indicate that the onset of the female growth spurt occurs at different dental stages in lowland and mountain gorillas and that mountain gorillas may be characterized by higher rates of growth. Finally, data demonstrate lowland and mountain gorilla females do not differ significantly in adult body size, but mountain gorilla males are significantly larger than lowland gorilla males, suggesting mountain gorillas are characterized by a higher degree of sexual dimorphism in body size. Thus, although lowland and mountain gorillas do not appear to have evolved novel adaptations of the postcranium which correlate with differences in locomotor behavior, the present investigation establishes subspecies differences in ontogeny and sexual dimorphism which may be linked with ecological variation. Specifically, these findings are evaluated in the context of risk aversion models which predict higher growth rates and increased levels of sexual dimorphism in extreme folivores. Am. J. Primatol. 43:1–31, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

External coloration in animals depends on the interaction of several different factors including the genetics and epigenetics processes that underlie the color expression,the mechanisms of color perception,and the general mechanisms controlling color evolution and function.Among all,camouflages from predators and conspicuousness are of particular interest because pose animal to choose between opposite adjustment in coloration.The external coloration of crustaceans is mainly due to the accumulation of carotenoids in the exoskeleton and the epidermal layer,and the trade-off between camouflage and communication had led to a variety of responses,involving signal partitioning,spectral sensibility,changing coloration,or signaling behavior.Here,we used digital images to explore intrapopulation variability of the external coloration of Pacifastacus leniusculus among body regions within an individual and between sexes.We found that 1)ventral coloration of claws are more saturated and brilliant than upper parts,2)males express a more saturated and brightness coloration than females,especially on the lower portion of claws,3)color intensity and brightness increases with size differently in different body regions,and 4)brightness is more variable in males than in females.All the above patterns support the hypothesis that color in this species could be the result of a compromise between camouflage from predators and conspicuousness for communication.The results of this study suggest that carotenoid might have something to do with intraspecific communication and perform more complex functions than that of a simple pigment.  相似文献   

Honckenya peploides is a subdioecious dune plant that reproduces both sexually and by clonal growth. In northwest Spain this species was found to exhibit an extreme spatial segregation of the sexes, and our objective was to investigate genetic variation in unisexual clumps. Genetic variation was studied in six unisexual clumps of H. peploides, three of them exclusively composed of males and three exclusively female. In total, 193 samples were analysed using isozyme analysis and 80 samples were analysed using two AFLP primer combinations. Both techniques revealed considerably high genetic diversity (average proportion of distinguishable genotypes: 0.22 for isozymes and 0.36 for AFLP; average Simpson’s D: 0.65 for isozymes and 0.68 for AFLP). Our results show that, in spite of clonal growth, each unisexual clump consists of different genotypes. Genetic diversity within clumps is similar for both sexual morphs. Reasons for unisexuality of the clumps are discussed.  相似文献   

The mobility hypothesis could explain the evolution of female‐biased size dimorphism if males with a smaller body size and longer legs have an advantage in scramble competition for mates. This hypothesis is tested by performing a selection analysis in the wild on Micrarchus hystriculeus (Westwood) (Phasmatodea), a sexually size dimorphic stick insect endemic to New Zealand. This analysis examined the form and strength of sexual selection on body size, leg lengths (front, mid and hind), and clasper size (a genitalic trait), and also quantified the degree of phenotypic variation and the allometric scaling pattern of these traits. By contrast to the mobility hypothesis, three lines of evidence were found to support significant stabilizing sexual selection on male hind leg length: a significant nonlinear selection gradient, negative static allometry, and a low degree of phenotypic variation. Hind leg length might be under stabilizing selection in males if having average‐sized legs facilitates female mounting or improves a male's ability to achieve the appropriate copulation position. As predicted, a negative allometric scaling pattern and low phenotypic variation of clasper size is suggestive of stabilizing selection and supports the ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ hypothesis. Opposite to males, the mid and hind leg lengths of females showed positive static allometry. Relatively longer mid and hind leg lengths in larger females might benefit individuals via the better support of their larger abdomens. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 471–484.  相似文献   

Seven species in three species groups (Decim, Cassini and Decula) of periodical cicadas (Magicicada) occupy a wide latitudinal range in the eastern United States. To clarify how adult body size, a key trait affecting fitness, varies geographically with climate conditions and life cycle, we analysed the relationships of population mean head width to geographic variables (latitude, longitude, altitude), habitat annual mean temperature (AMT), life cycle and species differences. Within species, body size was larger in females than males and decreased with increasing latitude (and decreasing habitat AMT), following the converse Bergmann's rule. For the pair of recently diverged 13‐ and 17‐year species in each group, 13‐year cicadas were equal in size or slightly smaller on average than their 17‐year counterparts despite their shorter developmental time. This fact suggests that, under the same climatic conditions, 17‐year cicadas have lowered growth rates compared to their 13‐years counterparts, allowing 13‐year cicadas with faster growth rates to achieve body sizes equivalent to those of their 17‐year counterparts at the same locations. However, in the Decim group, which includes two 13‐year species, the more southerly, anciently diverged 13‐year species (Magicicada tredecim) was characterized by a larger body size than the other, more northerly 13‐ and 17‐year species, suggesting that local adaptation in warmer habitats may ultimately lead to evolution of larger body sizes. Our results demonstrate how geographic clines in body size may be maintained in sister species possessing different life cycles.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation in tail ornament size in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In recent years several different kinds of sexual selection models have been developed, and tail ornaments in birds have frequently been used as an example of a sexually selected character where the models might apply. However, very little is known about intra- and interpopulation variation in ornament size. We have studied the elongated tail ornaments in four species of whydahs Vidua , the forktailed flycatcher Tyrannus savana and the Asian paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi. Ornaments were relatively longer in males with the longest tarsi ('heterogony' with positive allometry). Also, tail lengths were remarkably variable within each geographical area, the coefficient of variation (average = 11%) being three times as high as for body size characters. Models, with female preference of ornaments bearing no relation to male viability, usually generate lines of neutral equilibria. Thus, they predict extraordinary variation in ornaments between populations. However, elongated tail ornaments did not show higher geographical variation than the body size characters, suggesting that there is no line of equilibria for these ornaments.  相似文献   

In butterflies, wing colour may simultaneously be under sexual selection in the context of mating selection and natural selection in the context of thermoregulation. In the present study, we collected mated females of the green‐veined white butterfly (Pieris napi) from locations spanning 960 km of latitude across Fennoscandia, and investigated sex‐specific latitudinal wing colour variation in their offspring raised under identical conditions. We measured wing colour characteristics, including reflectance at wavelengths 300–700 nm and the degree of wing melanization. At all latitudes, females reflected more light in the short wavelengths (< 400 nm) and less in the long wavelengths (> 450 nm), and they were more melanized than males. However, female wing colour varied more with latitude than that of males. Among females, long wavelength reflectance decreased, whereas short wavelength reflectance and melanization increased, towards the north. By contrast, among males, latitudinal variation was found only in the ventral hindwing melanization. These results are consistent with the idea that the balance between natural and sexual selection acting on wing colour changes with latitude differently in males than females. The dark wing colour of females in the north may be a thermoregulatory adaptation, although males may be constrained from evolving the dark dorsal wing colour favoured by natural selection because of constant sexual selection across latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Wild rodents (Bolomys lasiurus) of both sexes were caught in a cerrado grassland area during the dry (July-September) and rainy (January-March) seasons of Brazil. Fasted animals were perfused with Karnovsky fixative through the left ventricle, under ether anesthesia, and the submandibular gland was processed for embedding in historesin. Histological and histometric data show sexual dimorphism at both seasons. In the volume percentage of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT) and their secretory granules, the males exhibited higher values. The absolute volume occupied by these structures, however, was dimorphic only in the rainy season. The diameter of the GCT, the height of its epithelium, and its total length were also greater in males during the rainy season. The absolute volumes of the acini and of the ductal tree were identical in both sexes in the dry and rainy seasons but the acinar diameter increased in the males and females during the rainy season. The sexual dimorphism and the seasonal variations now described in the B. lasiurus submandibular glands could be explained by the augmented reproductive activity of the males in the rainy period.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation, measured as the coefficient of variation (CV), is usually larger in secondary sexual characters than in ordinary morphological traits. We tested if intraspecific differences in the CV between ornamental and non-ornamental feather traits in 67 evolutionary events of feather ornamentation in birds were due to differences in (1) the allometric pattern (slope of the regression line when regressing trait size on an indicator of body size), or (2) the dispersion of observations around the regression line. We found that only dispersion of observations around the regression line contributed significantly to total variation. A large dispersion of observations around the regression line for ornamental feathers is consistent with these characters showing condition-dependence, supporting indicator models of sexual selection more strongly than a pure Fisher process. Ornamental feathers in males demonstrated negative allometry when regressed on tarsus length, which is a measure of skeletal body size. This finding is consistent with ornamental feather traits being subject to directional selection due to female mate preferences, where large body size is less important than in male–male competition. This pattern of phenotypic variation for avian secondary sexual characters contrasts with patterns of variation for insect genitalia, supposedly subject to sexual selection, since the latter traits only differ from ordinary morphology traits in allometry coefficient. The prevailing regime of selection (directional or stabilizing) and the effects of environmental factors are proposed to account for these differences among traits.  相似文献   

Most studies of sexual dimorphism in mammals focus on overall body size. However, relatively little is known about the differences in growth trajectories that produce dimorphism in organ and muscle size. We weighed six organs and four muscles in Rattus norvegicus to determine what heterochronic and allometric scaling differences exist between the sexes. This cross-sectional growth study included 113 males and 109 females with ages ranging from birth to 200 days of age. All muscle and organ weights were ultimately greater in males than in females, because males grew for a longer period of time, had a greater maximum rate of growth, and spent more time near the maximum rate. No ontogenetic scaling differences existed between the sexes in organ weight except for lungs and gonads. During growth, organ weights were negatively allometric to body weight. No scaling differences relative to body weight existed between the sexes for muscles; however, there was variation in the allometric relations among muscles relative to body weight. Sexual dimorphism in muscles and organs appears to be a size difference resulting from differences in the duration and rates of growth.  相似文献   

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