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This paper discusses a variety of considerations associated with the clinical identification of root caries. While focusing upon this clinical identification process from the perspective of the clinical researcher, the differing diagnostic needs between the clinical researcher and the dental practitioner are frequently addressed. The topic of the identification of untreated root caries lesions includes a presentation of both existing definitions and a proposed set of diagnostic criteria. The presentation of the topic on the identification of arrested and treated root caries lesions emphasizes the diagnostic challenge that will occur due to the newly introduced chemotherapeutic treatments that have been proposed for the control of root caries. The influence of varying examination conditions, techniques and instruments on the reliability and validity of the clinical identification of root caries are also considered. Finally, a preliminary set of clinical research diagnostic conventions, which would both aid the researcher in “grey zone decisions” and enhance comparability of findings across studies, are proposed.  相似文献   

Although enamel, cementum and dentin all develop carious lesions in roughly the same manner there are significant differences between enamel and the other two tissues. While early enamel lesions are white, root surface lesions in cementum or dentin are light brown or yellow. The color probably arises from extrinsic stain materials, and it is possible that very early, actively forming lesions are colorless. Cementum and dentin often acquire a hypermineralized surface when first exposed to the oral environment. When caries begins to form, this layer can enlarge or disappear. Therefore, it is possible to have lesions with hypermineralized surface layers, hypomineralized surface layers, or no surface layer. Hypermineralization can also occur deeply within a lesion, probably as a result of remineralization. When this occurs the lumen of the tubules fill with mineral and the crystals within the lesion body become larger. Fluoride is readily taken up by carious root tissues and contributes to remineralization. Remineralization of artificial root surfaces after treatment with monofluorophosphate has been shown. In these lesions much of the newly acquired mineral was found near the surface but some was also found in the lesion body.  相似文献   

Available knowledge relating to the microbiology of root surface caries was reviewed. This included direct information from microbiological observations on human and animal material as well as subsidiary information derived from pertinent dietary studies and histological examination of cemental lesions. Early investigations on root surface caries in experimental animals have provided valuable insight into some of the dietobacterial interactions involved. However, these ideas have not been completely validated at the human level. It was concluded that interactions between oral bacteria and other factors involved in the development of root surface dental caries may be broader in scope and more difficult to interpret than the bacterial activities which result in coronal caries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect upon the quantification of root surface caries (RSC) of (1) the separation of the disease into its discrete clinical phases, (2) the confounding caused by the presence of restored abraded surfaces, and (3) the decision rule formulated for dealing with lesions and restorations which involve both crown and root. It was found that the apparent prevalence of RSC varied widely depending upon arbitrary decisions as to what stages of the disease were included in the measurement scheme. The addition of restorations (confined to the root) greatly enlarged the various disease measures, but probably also introduced some degree of error since there are several indications from the data and the clinical patterns of affected surfaces which suggest that some of the restored surfaces were formerly abraded rather than carious. The inclusion of lesions and restorations involving both root and crown produced another conspicuous increment in all disease measures, which is a cause for concern given that these components are included in some studies and ignored in others. These findings serve as the basis for several recommendations for future prevalence and incidence studies of RSC.  相似文献   

Primary prevention of root caries should focus on preventing periodontitis and the concomitant loss of gingival attachment. This requires a regimen of plaque control consisting of scrupulous oral hygiene, supplemented, if necessary, by antimicrobial agents. Once gingival recession has occurred, available data from human and animal studies indicate that to prevent root caries, patients should limit their dietary sucrose intake both in amount and frequency. The cornerstone of any preventive regimen for patients at high risk for caries is some mode of topical fluoride therapy. No controlled clinical data exist that show one agent (sodium fluoride versus stannous fluoride) or one vehicle (gel versus rinse) as more effective than another. When used daily at home, these topical fluoride agents reduce caries in patients with xerostomia. Some reports claiming efficacy are anecdotal, but ethical considerations preclude the use of an untreated control group. As no studies exist documenting an effect of topical fluoride in controlling root caries per se, current recommendations are based on extrapolation from studies of these xerostomic patients. Limited studies, both in humans and animals, indicate that drinking fluoridated water helps in reducing root caries. Progression of early root caries lesions can be arrested by a combination of mechanical/chemical therapy, recontouring and smoothing the roots, and applying topical fluoride to these surfaces.  相似文献   

Over a dozen studies have been conducted on the prevalence of and factors associated with root caries, yet our knowledge of this disease process remains limited. This is due, in large part, to a lack of consistency of reporting among the studies undertaken and the wide spectrum of population groups investigated. Nevertheless, the occurrence of root caries is between 20 and 40 percent in healthy, urban adults. Certain population groups such as the institutionalized elderly and patients with periodontal disease tend to exhibit much larger prevalence rates. New root caries develops slowly and tends to be concentrated in a few individuals, usually on the buccal and proximal surfaces of teeth. It is generally accepted that only roots with gingival recession are susceptible to root caries and that age, sex, oral hygiene, diet, saliva, systemic fluoride and previous carious experience have been shown to be associated factors. The next wave of investigations of root canes should focus on testing hypotheses relating to causation so that efficacious preventive and treatment procedures can be developed.  相似文献   


Breast cancer is a common and dreadful disease in women. Regular screening helps in its early detection. At present the most common methods of screening are by self examination and mammography. The surface temperature distribution of the breast can also provide some information on the presence of tumour. This distribution has a relation to the size and location of tumour and can be seen using thermography, where the infrared radiation emitted from the surface of the breast is recorded and a thermal pattern obtained. Thermography is a non-invasive and an inexpensive tool which could be used for early detection. In order to simulate the surface temperature distribution, a two-dimensional model of female breast with and without a carcinoma is considered. The breast is modelled with varying layer thickness close to the actual shape and numerically solved using finite element analysis. Temperature profiles are obtained for a normal breast and for a malignant one by varying the tumour size, location and the blood flow rates. The results show that the surface temperature for a malignant breast is higher than that of a normal one. In addition the size and location of the tumour do have an effect on the surface temperature distribution. It can also be seen that tumour of different sizes placed at the same location would yield the same maximum temperature depending on the blood perfusion rate.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a common and dreadful disease in women. Regular screening helps in its early detection. At present the most common methods of screening are by self examination and mammography. The surface temperature distribution of the breast can also provide some information on the presence of tumour. This distribution has a relation to the size and location of tumour and can be seen using thermography, where the infrared radiation emitted from the surface of the breast is recorded and a thermal pattern obtained. Thermography is a non-invasive and an inexpensive tool which could be used for early detection. In order to simulate the surface temperature distribution, a two-dimensional model of female breast with and without a carcinoma is considered. The breast is modelled with varying layer thickness close to the actual shape and numerically solved using finite element analysis. Temperature profiles are obtained for a normal breast and for a malignant one by varying the tumour size, location and the blood flow rates. The results show that the surface temperature for a malignant breast is higher than that of a normal one. In addition the size and location of the tumour do have an effect on the surface temperature distribution. It can also be seen that tumour of different sizes placed at the same location would yield the same maximum temperature depending on the blood perfusion rate.  相似文献   

Interest in root caries has grown among dental caries research workers over the past 20 years. However, many studies, either in the fields of microbiology, pathology, epidemiology or clinical trials, have used differing definitions in their diagnosis of root caries. These differences mean that comparison between studies is difficult, if not impossible. Most of the criteria currently in use are neither sufficiently specific to allow the identification of the initial root caries lesion, not detailed enough to assess the progression of lesions. Furthermore, most definitions provide no information on treatment need within the populations studied. In this paper, the criteria which have been used to diagnose root caries, and their individual components – texture, cavitation, position, size, colour and radiolucency – are reviewed. It is concluded that there is a need to standardise terminology and definitions used for the diagnosis of root caries.  相似文献   

Species of trypanosomatids without endosymbionts (Leptomonas seymouri, L. collosoma, L. samueli, Crithidia fasciculata, C. luciliae, C. acanthocephali, Herpetomonas megaseliae, H. mariadeanei, H. samuelpessoai, H. muscarum muscarum, Trypanosoma cruzi) and species of trypanosomatids with endosymbionts (Crithidia deanei, C. oncopelti, Blastocrithidia culicis) were comparatively studied by means of electron microscopy. Artificially aposymbiotic strains derived from species with symbiont were also included in the survey. Species with symbiont were found to differ in some ultrastructural aspects from the group of species without symbiont. Paraxial rods of flagella or intraflagellar structure were found exclusively in species without symbiont. Peripheral branching of mitochondria, accompanied by absence of subpellicular microtubules in sites where the mitochondrial branches are appressed to the cell membrane, were found exclusively in species with symbiont. Networks of kinetoplast DNA fibrils were found to be larger and looser in species with symbiont. Symbiont-free strains of species with symbiont retained the same morphological characteristics of their parental species.  相似文献   

Three-year coronal and root caries increments were compared in adults rinsing with either a 0.05% neutral NaF mouthrinse or a placebo mouthrinse. 1006 subjects, initially 20–65 years old (mean age: 39.9 yrs). who resided in fluoride deficient communities used a fluoride or placebo mouthrinse daily in their homes and brushed with an A.D.A. accepted fluoride dentifrice provided by the study. After three years, 731 subjects remained. Compliance was good. There were no significant differences (t-test, p≤ 0.05) in coronal DMFT, coronal DMFS, root DFT and root DFS between the two groups. In subjects exhibiting root caries at the final examination, the DF root surface increment was 25.1% less in the fluoride mouthrinse users compared to those using the placebo rinse, but this difference was not statistically significant. The only significant difference in the caries increment between the two study groups was found for the mesio-distal root surfaces of 45–65 year old participants.  相似文献   

ObjectiveData for the association between diabetes and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) susceptibility are conflicting. We aimed to evaluate this association using an analytical cross-sectional study design.MethodsStudy participants were recruited from endocrine clinics of our hospital and belonged to 3 groups: group 1 (type 1 diabetes mellitus [T1DM]), group 2 (type 2 diabetes mellitus [T2DM]), and group 3 (controls). All participants submitted blood samples for SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 immunoglobulin G antibody test (LIAISON; DiaSorin) and were interviewed for a history of documented infection.ResultsWe evaluated a total of 643 participants (T1DM, 149; T2DM, 160; control, 334; mean age, 37.9 ± 11.5 years). A total of 324 (50.4%) participants were seropositive for SARS-CoV-2. The seropositivity rate was significantly higher in the T1DM (55.7% vs 44.9%, P = .028) and T2DM (56.9% vs 44.9%, P = .013) groups than in the control group. The antibody levels in seropositive participants with T1DM and T2DM were not significantly different from those in seropositive controls. On multivariable analysis, low education status (odds ratio [OR], 1.41 [95% CI, 1.03-1.94]; P = .035), diabetes (OR, 1.68 [95% CI, 1.20-2.34]; P = .002), and overweight/obesity (OR, 1.52 [95% CI, 1.10-2.10]; P = .012) showed a significant association with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity. The association between diabetes and SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity was found to further increase in participants with coexisting overweight/obesity (adjusted OR, 2.63 [95% CI, 1.54-4.47]; P < .001).ConclusionSARS-CoV-2 seropositivity, assessed before the onset of the national vaccination program, was significantly higher in participants with T1DM and T2DM than in controls. The antibody response did not differ between seropositive participants with and without diabetes. These findings point toward an increased SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility for patients with diabetes, in general, without any differential effect of the diabetes type.  相似文献   

Abstract: I studied the effects of a wide range of densities on establishment, survival, growth and reproduction of the annual root hemiparasite Rhinanthus alectorolophus in a field experiment. Seeds of the parasite were sown with those of a mixture of grassland plants as potential hosts. In most plants, seedling survival is strongly reduced by self-thinning at high densities, but in R. alectorolophus the proportion of seeds producing a young plant increased linearly with sowing density, indicating positive interactions among seedlings. Because survival to maturity was not influenced by density, the number of flowering plants per seed sown also increased with density. In contrast, mean plant size and reproduction were strongly reduced at high densities. It is suggested that resource sharing among parasites connected by haustoria is the most likely mechanism responsible for the reduced mortality of seedlings at high densities. The results indicate that facilitation among cohorts of conspecific root hemiparasites can increase the recruitment of young plants. The number of seeds produced per seed sown (a multiplicative fitness measure) was, however, independent of density in Rhinanthus because the early positive effects of density on recruitment were compensated later by the negative effects of crowding on growth and reproduction. Increased survival of seedlings could, however, indirectly increase fitness because it will increase the genetic diversity of offspring and may thus, for instance, reduce the impact of pathogens.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2011,17(2):e12-e16
ObjectiveTo report a case of a large pancreatic tumor that had clinical characteristics of an insulinoma without classic pathologic features.MethodsWe describe a 58-year-old woman who presented with a 3-month history of symptomatic hypoglycemic episodes, which were characterized by confusion. The laboratory, imaging, and pathologic findings are summarized, the current literature on giant insulinomas is reviewed, and the distinction between clinical and pathologic diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors is discussed.ResultsThe biochemical diagnosis of insulinoma was established with concomitant low fasting blood glucose concentrations and inappropriately high insulin levels. An abdominal computed tomographic scan revealed a mass (10 by 11.7 by 9.7 cm) in the head and body of the pancreas, which was resected. Pathologic examination revealed a massive neuroendocrine tumor (13.5 by 11 by 8 cm) without immunohistochemical evidence of insulin expression. Nevertheless, tumor resection resulted in decreased blood insulin levels and resolution of the patient’s hypoglycemia.ConclusionAlthough more than 95% of insulinomas are smaller than 3 cm, this case is unique in that the extremely large pancreatic tumor had clinical characteristics of an insulinoma but did not have the classic pathologic findings. Because of the extensive pancreatic resection, the patient is dependent on both insulin and orally administered pancreatic enzymes but remained free of symptoms and disease recurrence at 1-year follow-up. (Endocr Pract. 2011;17:e12-e16)  相似文献   

Knowledge of the polymicrobial etiology of root caries is limited. To conduct a comprehensive research study on root caries, we utilized 454-pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene libraries and quantitative PCR to compare supra-gingival bacterial communities from healthy sites and carious sites of 21 patients with root caries (Patient-controls and Patient-cases) and the sites of 21 healthy individuals (Healthy-controls) from two nursing homes. Healthy-controls and Patient-cases showed no significant differences in terms of biomass, species richness, and species diversity. However, as for beta diversity based on either community membership metric (unweighted UniFrac) or community structure metric (weighted UniFrac), Healthy-controls and Patient-cases were clearly distinguished from each other, appearing more variable in the community membership and structure in root caries microbiome but relatively conserved in the health microbiome. The Patient-controls group was at an intermediate stage between Healthy-controls and Patient-cases, but was more inclined to the former. Demonstrated in both relative abundance and prevalence of species in health and root caries, Propionibacterium acidifaciens, Streptococcus mutans, Olsenella profusa, Prevotella multisaccharivorax, and Lactobacillus crispatus were found to be most associated with root caries, whereas Delftia acidovorans, Bacteroidetes[G-2] sp., Lachnospiraceae[G-3] sp., and Prevotella intermedia are most associated with health. Our study provides a basis for further elucidating the microbial etiology of root caries in the elderly.  相似文献   

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