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In mammals, the duration of lactation varies much more than other life history parameters in relation to body mass, both within and between species. The causes of this variation are poorly understood and seem to result from varying conditions of mothers and young. We studied the effect of long-term maternal food restriction on litter mass at birth, duration of lactation and offspring development in the precocial guinea pig. Mild experimental food restriction during reproduction resulted in prolonged nursing behaviour of mothers. Evidence for a threshold mass at weaning was, however, equivocal. In the guinea pig, benefits of prolonged lactation prove hard to understand, because nutritional benefits are minor. Independently of maternal food regime, pups terminated suckling attempts several days after mothers ceased nursing behaviour. The time between the last nursing behaviour and the last suckling attempts was not longer in litters with higher need, that is, in litters of food-restricted females, than in litters of females fed ad libitum. Under food restriction, mothers maintained their own body mass, leading in pups to lower mass at birth, reduced postnatal growth and lower body mass at maturity. Guinea pig mothers appear to be selected to value their own condition more than that of a litter. We suggest that lengthening of the nursing period under poor conditions is a life history response primarily of precocial mammals.  相似文献   

Lactating HS/Ibg house mice housed at 21 degrees C and 5 degrees C were assigned to 3 feeding regimes: ad libitum, daily rations of 80% of ad libitum, or 60% of ad libitum beginning on the day that they bore litters. Significant interaction between temperature and food restriction was found for litter survivorship, pup survivorship, litter size, female body weight, and cumulative biomass production. The interaction was due to a magnification of the effects of food restriction at the colder temperature: i.e. mice fed ad libitum were similar at the two temperatures, mice fed the 80% ration differed, and mice fed the 60% ration differed to a greater extent. The dominant response to food restriction was cannibalism by females, which might be associated with the rate of loss in body weight by the female on the days preceding cannibalism of one or more pups. Incidents of cannibalism tended to involve a limited number of pups and to be repeated until a sustainable litter size was reached. In 3 of the food-restricted treatments, females weaned relatively large litters of relatively small pups, but in the most severe treatment (in the group fed the 60% ration at 5 degrees C), the females weaned small litters of large pups. The patterns of cannibalism and variable relative investment in individual pups reflect the aggressive breeding strategy of this classic colonizing species.  相似文献   

1. Reproductive success of individual females may be determined by density-dependent effects, especially in species where territory provides the resources for a reproducing female and territory size is inversely density-dependent.
2. We manipulated simultaneously the reproductive effort (litter size manipulation: ± 0 and + 2 pups) and breeding density (low and high) of nursing female bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus in outdoor enclosures. We studied whether the reproductive success (number and quality of offspring) of individual females is density-dependent, and whether females can compensate for increased reproductive effort when not limited by saturated breeding density.
3. The females nursing their young in the low density weaned significantly more offspring than females in the high density, independent of litter manipulation.
4. Litter enlargements did not increase the number of weanlings per female, but offspring from enlarged litters had lower weight than control litters.
5. In the reduced density females increased the size of their home range, but litter manipulation had no significant effect on spacing behaviour of females. Increased home range size did not result in heavier weanlings.
6. Mother's failure to successfully wean any offspring was more common in the high density treatment, whereas litter manipulation or mother's weight did not affect weaning success.
7. We conclude that reproductive success of bank vole females is negatively density-dependent in terms of number, but not in the quality of weanlings.
8. The nursing effort of females (i.e. the ability to provide enough food for pups) seems not to be limited by density-dependent factors.  相似文献   

Female hamsters (Generation 1) were fed ad libitum or were food-restricted to 65-75% of the amount consumed by controls during their first 50 days of life. Subjects were mated at 91 days of age. Their offspring (Generation 2) were fed ad libitum throughout the experiment, and female offspring were also mated at 91 days of age. Generation 3 litters were monitored every fifth day from birth until Day 25 post partum for litter size, sex ratio, and pup weights. Although there were no significant differences in Generation 3 litter sizes at birth, litters descended from food-restricted Generation 1 females (Group R) were significantly smaller on Days 5-25 than litters descended from control Generation 1 females (Group A). Sex ratios remained significantly greater in Group A than in Group R litters from birth to Day 25 but did not vary over time, suggesting similar post-partum mortality rates for both male and female pups. Weights of Generation 3 male and female pups did not vary significantly within treatments at any time. Group A males weighed significantly more than Group R males from birth through Day 25, but weights of Group A and Group R females were always similar. Food restriction early in life may have long-term consequences on sex ratios of subsequent generations in hamsters.  相似文献   

Females in numerous rodent species engage in communal nesting and breeding, in which they share one or more nests to rear their young. A potential cost of communal nesting and breeding is that mothers divert resources to unrelated offspring. One way mothers could avoid this cost is to recognize and favour their own young over unrelated offspring when allocating maternal effort. We assessed whether female degus (Octodon degus), a communally nesting and breeding caviomorph rodent, discriminate between their own and unrelated offspring during lactation. Female degus previously have been shown to distinguish between their own and unrelated pups when exposed to odours from both. We measured pup discrimination based on differences in the retrieval behaviour of females that were in early or intermediate lactation directed towards their own and unrelated offspring; offspring presented were of similar or different age. Before any event of pup retrieval, lactating females spent similar amounts of time and interacted to a similar extent with their own and unrelated pups. During pup retrieval, all lactating females transported both pups to the nest. Neither relatedness to pups, nor pup‐age differences, influenced the order in which pups were retrieved to the nest. Dams waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the first pup when the first transported young was their own or unrelated. Likewise, females waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the second pup when the pup transported first was their own or unrelated. The time between first and second pup transport events was longer when dams were in early when compared with intermediate lactation, but only when pups were of similar age. All experimental subjects nursed unrelated pups after they were retrieved. Collectively, our results do not support the hypothesis that communally breeding female degus use their recognition ability to discriminate against unrelated offspring in favour of their own young.  相似文献   

Female mice are said to be unable to distinguish own from alien offspring and will indiscriminately nurse each other's young in communal nests. Here, we present results of a split‐litter experiment that tested whether offspring growth was affected depending on whether they were nursed by their own or unrelated foster mothers. Pups of reciprocal crosses between C57/B6 and CBA/Ca strains were fostered in mixed litters that consisted half of their natural siblings and half of unrelated littermates of the reciprocal genotype. Analysing the relative growth of the two pup types showed that offspring gained proportionally more weight when nursed by their own mothers than their cross‐fostered litter mates during the period from day 15 until weaning, during which maternal provisioning effort contributes to pup weight gain. Before day 15 of the pups’ life, however, we found no advantage of being nursed by biological mothers, and we suggest that this may be due to the effects of paternally expressed genes in young that mask their maternal identity, thus favouring indiscriminate nursing of all young in a communal nest.  相似文献   

We examined paternal care in the monogamous California mouse when wheel running was necessary to obtain food. Paternal and maternal care, pup survival and feeding were compared in litters with single females (Male Absent) and paired females (Male Present) under three different foraging requirements. When wheel running was required for obtaining food (Wheel Contingent), the male's presence significantly increased pup survival. There were no significant effects of the male's presence on pup survival in the No Wheel (standard laboratory housing with ad lib food) or Wheel Noncontingent (running wheel with ad lib food) groups. Males may have indirectly increased pup survival by helping generate food through wheel running and then subsequently spending less time eating than females. While females reduced the time spent in parental care as pups aged, males increased the time spent in parental care as pups aged. Thus as pups became larger and more expensive to rear, the male increased parental care. These results indicate that paternal care benefits pup survival more under conditions where the parents must forage to obtain food than when food is provided ad lib in the standard laboratory environment.  相似文献   



To better understand how different ambient temperatures during lactation affect survival of young, we studied patterns of losses of pups in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) at different ambient temperatures in the laboratory, mimicking temperature conditions in natural habitats. Golden hamsters produce large litters of more than 10 young but are also known to wean fewer pups at the end of lactation than they give birth to. We wanted to know whether temperature affects litter size reductions and whether the underlying causes of pup loss were related to maternal food (gross energy) intake and reproductive performance, such as litter growth. For that, we exposed lactating females to three different ambient temperatures and investigated associations with losses of offspring between birth and weaning.


Overall, around one third of pups per litter disappeared, obviously consumed by the mother. Such litter size reductions were greatest at 30 °C, in particular during the intermediate postnatal period around peak lactation. Furthermore, litter size reductions were generally higher in larger litters. Maternal gross energy intake was highest at 5 °C suggesting that mothers were not limited by milk production and might have been able to raise a higher number of pups until weaning. This was further supported by the fact that the daily increases in litter mass as well as in the individual pup body masses, a proxy of mother’s lactational performance, were lower at higher ambient temperatures.


We suggest that ambient temperatures around the thermoneutral zone and beyond are preventing golden hamster females from producing milk at sufficient rates. Around two thirds of the pups per litter disappeared at high temperature conditions, and their early growth rates were significantly lower than at lower ambient temperatures. It is possible that these losses are due to an intrinsic physiological limitation (imposed by heat dissipation) compromising maternal energy intake and milk production.

Primiparous, post-partum mated BALB/c bom inbred mice were allowed to raise litters of 6 young until Day 22 of lactation: 11 of 25 females were restricted to 60% of food consumption of ad-libitum fed dams after stud male removal at Day 2 of lactation. Since weight gain of restricted females during lactation was not inhibited and infanticidal behaviour was not enhanced, food deprivation can be considered to have been relatively mild. However, none of the food-restricted dams gave birth to a second litter whereas 12 of the 14 ad-libitum fed mice littered. This pregnancy failure is suggested to be due to implantation failure or abortion shortly after implantation, which is attributed to maternal manipulation rather than to immediate consequences of energetic demands of lactated young. The dynamics of the weight changes of dams and young suggest that milk production in suckling house mice drops most markedly between Days 17 and 18 of lactation, irrespective of whether the dams are non-pregnant, pregnant, or food-restricted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects of early nutrition on adipose tissue characteristics and growth by altering litter size. After birth, rats were redistributed into large (15-18 pups), control (10 pups), or small (4 pups) litters. During the postweaning phase of growth half of the small-litter animals were pair-fed to animals raised in large litters for 5 wk and then allowed to feed ad libitum until they were 80 days of age. The small-litter males gained weight at a more rapid rate than the other litter types, both before and after weaning, and attained a final body weight twofold greater than the other groups. The small-litter males had significantly higher (P less than 0.05) numbers of adipocytes per epididymal fat pad than the other litter groups with 60.4, 51.4, and 79.0% greater cell number per pad than control, large, and pair-fed animals, respectively. Limiting food intake to small-litter animals after weaning (pair-fed) inhibited this growth and prevented fat cell proliferation. Litter manipulation had significant effects on male rats, but the same treatment did not influence female rats. Litter size influenced fat cell characteristics but had little effect on the adipocytes' ability to take up or metabolize glucose. The major finding, in terms of insulin responsiveness, was the difference between the sexes. The uptake of tritiated 2-deoxyglucose by the fat cells of female litter groups was significantly higher than that of the males whether insulin was present or not, whereas the conversion of [1-14C]glucose to CO2 by the adipocytes of females was lower than that of the males.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Food limitation has been suggested as one of the most important factors affecting life history evolution in terrestrial vertebrates. However, this inference is based mainly on evidence from birds, and reproductive trade-offs may differ among groups with different forms of parental care. To study whether the costs of enlarged litters (decreased mass of offspring) would appear when food is not limiting, we performed outdoor enclosure experiments in which we manipulated simultaneously the litter size (control versus litter plus two pups) and food availability (control versus food-supplemented) of female bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus. The weaning success of females increased significantly in response to supplementary food. When females were provided with extra food, no differences were observed in body masses of weanlings of control and enlarged litters. Further, food-supplemented females grew to larger sizes during nursing than unsupplemented females. Our experiment suggests that energetic requirements during nursing constrain the number of offspring that can be raised successfully in a particular breeding attempt. The results also indicate that unlimited food resources may increase future reproductive potential of females because they can use more energy for somatic growth.  相似文献   

Trivers and Willard (1973) predicted that stressed adult female mammals may enhance their fitness by skewing offspring sex ratios and maternal investment to favor daughters. The present study investigated whether stressing young hamsters might also influence sex ratio and growth of subsequent offspring. Control females received food ad libitum (A) on Days 1-50 postpartum (AA). Experimental females were food-restricted (R) either on Days 1-25 (RA), Days 26-50 (AR), or Days 1-50 (RR) postpartum. Subjects were mated when 91-95 days old. Litter sizes and survivorship (= % litters within a treatment that contained at least one pup), sex ratio (= % males), and pup weights in the next generation were recorded every fifth day from parturition until Day 25 postpartum. Control litters contained significantly more offspring at birth than did RR litters. Sex ratio was significantly higher at birth for AA litters than for the other treatments. Postpartum sex ratio within each group remained similar to that recorded at birth. RR litters contained significantly fewer pups compared to the other three treatments from Days 5-25. RR female pups weighed significantly more at birth than their counterparts in the other treatments. Weights of males at birth were similar in all treatments. By Day 25, both male and female RR pups weighed significantly less than control, AR, and RA pups. Food restriction early in life may have long-term consequences on sex ratio and pup growth in golden hamsters.  相似文献   

Trade-offs in Energy Allocation During Lactation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. During lactation, mothers require energy to meet bothmaternal and offspring requirements. If a mother exports toomuch energy to dependent offspring (in milk), her weight lossmay be excessive and maternal risk may increase. Conversely,too little energy allocation to offspring may reduce the growthrate or induce mortality of dependent offspring. This paradigmwas evaluated in cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) supportingsmall (3 pup) and large (6 pup) litters from early to late lactation.Several types of evidence indicate that physiological constraintslimit the ability of mothers with large litters to provide resourcesto offspring. Mothers with large litters produced a dilute,energy-poor milk and their rates of food intake, weight lossand energy export per litter appeared to approach physiologicalmaxima. Whereas the energy exported to pups in small littersincreased from early to late lactation, the energy flow perpup in large litters was consistently low; consequently, offspringin large litters had low growth rates. An increase in eithermaternal food intake or weight loss (catabolism of maternaltissue) could have provided additional energy to offset thelow growth rate of pups in large litters. However, mothers withlarge litters did not substantially increase their food intakeor weight loss compared with mothers supporting small litters.These results indicate that the maternal support of offspringin large litters is limited. The pattern of energy allocationshown by cotton rats with large litters likely reflects a compromisebetween meeting maternal and offspring energy requirements (cf.,Parker and Macnair, 1979). The energy flow is greater than optimalfor the parent but less than optimal for the offspring. Lessmaternal-offspring conflict occurs in small than large littersbecause offspring in small litters maintain a high growth rateat a relatively low maternal cost. Yet, under favorable environmentalconditions, the reduction in maternal-offspring conflict hasno apparent fitness benefit.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium (Cd) were evaluated in offspring exposed from birth until weaning (neonatal day 0–21) and 4 weeks after exposure cessation focusing on iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) levels in organs and hematological parameters. Wistar female rats were administered 50 mg Cd/L in drinking water (Cd-exposed) for 4 weeks before mating and during 3 weeks of gestation plus 3 weeks of lactation. Controls were supplied drinking water. At birth, part of Cd-exposed dams’ litters was cross-fostered to control dams (CCd group) and their control litters were cross-fostered to Cd-exposed dams (CdC group). This procedure enabled to discern the effects of gestational, lactational and gestational plus lactational Cd exposure until weaning in F1 offspring. Elements were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry; hematological parameters manually; and histopathological changes by light microscopy. Gestational plus lactational exposure in Cd-exposed dams and their offspring increased Cd and decreased Fe levels, increased Zn in dams and decreased Zn and body weights in 11- and 21-day pups. In 21-day weanling pups, decreased red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin and hematocrit values and increased reticulocytes in peripheral blood were also found with concomitant histopathological finding of extramedullary hematopoiesis in the liver. In cross-fostered pups with gestational exposure (CCd pups), Fe in the liver decreased on day 11 and Zn increased in the kidney on day 21 whereas in pups with lactational exposure (CdC pups) Zn in the brain decreased on day 11 and Fe decreased in the liver and brain on day 21. Regardless of exposure cessation at weaning, in offspring with gestational plus lactational exposure (Cd-exposed) body weights, kidney and brain Fe levels and RBC and hemoglobin remained decreased in blood until puberty. Furthermore Zn levels increased in the liver, kidney and brain. It was concluded that gestational plus lactational Cd exposure caused decreases in Fe and Zn levels and hematotoxic effects in F1 offspring more pronouncedly than exposure during either gestational or lactational period alone and the adverse effects of maternally mediated Cd exposure continued after exposure cessation into adulthood.  相似文献   

Explaining the seasonal decline in litter size in European ground squirrels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In European ground squirrels Spermophilus citellus as in many ground squirrel species. late born litters are composed of fewer young than early born litters. Two alternative though not mutually exclusive hypotheses may explain this seasonal pattern of change in litter size. On the one hand. the production of few large young late in the season may be an adaptation to time limitations on the offspring. that have to complete growth and fattening prior to hibernation. Then one would expect a trade-off between offspring number and size as the breeding season progresses. At its extreme. this hypothesis would predict that total maternal effort should be equal independent of litter size. Alternatively. litter size may be determined by physiological limitations on the mother. in that highly constrained mothers breed later and produce smaller litters. Then one would expect reduced overall maternal effort in highly constrained mothers of smaller litters. In this case. a trade-off between litter size and offspring size would not be expected. We found that total maternal effort in terms of gestation length and the duration of lactation increased with increasing litter size. thus supporting the second hypothesis. Lactation was not terminated at natal emergence. It extended a relatively long period of time beyond the time of first litter emergence depending on litter size. During prolonged lactation. individual young of large litters made up body mass to young of small litters. As a consequence. juvenile weaning body mass was unaffected by litter size although offspring body mass at natal emergence was inversely related to litter size. This additional weight gain in young of large litters compensated for initial survival disadvantages and presumably affected fecundity at yearling age.  相似文献   

The behaviour of multiparous female C3H mice rearing different sized litters was examined using an observational time-sampling procedure. The results indicate that while animals rearing smaller litters spend more time in the nest, more time licking individual pups, and during most of lactation, more time nursing the litter, animals rearing larger litters spend more time eating and drinking. It is suggested that the observed differences in behaviour may be the outcome of the differential nutritional requirements arising from feeding litters of different sizes. However, in a second experiment providing food and water inside the nest, the differences in nest-attendance and nursing behaviour persisted, suggesting that some aversive factor such as fatigue or discomfort may also be involved.  相似文献   

P. M. Hughes    J. R. Speakman    G. Jones    P. A. Racey 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(4):665-670
A sub-colony of 20 pipistrelle bats was studied during late pregnancy and lactation. Seventeen females gave birth to single young, with 16 young surviving to weaning. Free association and flight were permitted, and mother-infant pairs were identified and marked on the day of birth (day 0). Suckling associations were identified daily (n = 195) and females were never found suckling young other than their own. A series of choice experiments using young aged 0–10 days and 15–25 days indicated that females would permit only their own offspring to suckle during both early and late lactation. During early lactation, mothers actively selected their young and encouraged suckling but did not do so during late lactation. Mothers were most often indifferent to approaches by alien young but occasionally aggressively rejected them. Mothers never aggressively rejected their own young but frequently were indifferent to them. Young attempted to suckle from any mother without discrimination.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of feeding endophyte - infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue seed to CD-1 mouse dams (P(1)) during gestation and lactation, and on the subsequent growth and sexual maturity (onset of puberty) of their male and female offspring (F(1)). Forty-eight 21 d old pups (24 male and 24 female F(1) mice) were weaned from dams fed one of two diets containing 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% KY-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) seed. The seed in Diet 1 was noninfected, while the seed in Diet 2 was 80% endophyte-infected. At weaning (21 d), the F(1) pups were fed rodent chow, ad libitum throughout the remaining experimental period. At 24 d, they were paired with sexually mature non-treated virgin CD-1 mice (fed 100% rodent chow) for one parturition cycle. Male F(1) mice were sacrificed at 84 d to determine testicular development. The age at the birth of the first litter for Diet 2 F(1) male (76.8 +/- 2.2 d) and female (58.4 +/- 2.1 d) was significantly greater (P<0.05) than the age at parturition for Diet 1 male and female F(1) test mice (64.1 +/- 1.8 and 51.9 +/- 1.2 d, respectively). At parturition, the female F(1) mice showed no significant differences (P>0.05) in either mean parturition weight or number of F(2) pups born per litter. However, total F(2) litter wight (11.38 +/- 1.14 g) and mean weight per F(2) pup (1.40 +/- 0.04 g) for Diet 2 female F(1) mice litters were lower (P<0.05) when compared with Diet 1 females (14.53 +/- 0.57 g and 1.66 +/- 0.02 g, respectively). No significant differences were observed between the two male F(1) treatment groups, for total F(2) litter weight or the number of pups born per F(2) litter. Although Diet 2 F(1) males weighed significantly less (P<0.05) at weaning and at pairing, final body weights at sacrifice (84 d) were not different (P>0.05) from the Diet 1 males.  相似文献   

Species following a fast life history are expected to express fitness costs mainly as increased mortality, while slow‐lived species should suffer fertility costs. Because observational studies have limited power to disentangle intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing senescence, we manipulated reproductive effort experimentally in the cavy (Cavia aperea) which produces extremely precocial young. We created two experimental groups: One was allowed continuous reproduction (CR) and the other intermittent reproduction (IR) by removing males at regular intervals. We predicted that the CR females should senesce (and die) earlier and produce either fewer and/or smaller, slower growing offspring per litter than those of the IR group. CR females had 16% more litters during three years than IR females. CR females increased mass and body condition more steeply and both remained higher until the experiment ended. Female survival showed no group difference. Reproductive senescence in litter size, litter mass, and reproductive effort (litter mass/maternal mass) began after about 600 days and was slightly stronger in CR than IR females. Litter size, litter mass, and offspring survival declined with maternal age and were influenced by seasonality. IR females decreased reproductive effort less during cold seasons and only at higher age than CR females. Nevertheless, offspring winter mortality was higher in IR females. Our results show small costs of reproduction despite high reproductive effort, suggesting that under ad libitum food conditions costs depend largely on internal regulation of allocation decisions.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1275-1281
Most studies of infanticide in rodents have been carried out on laboratory animals. In the present study, pairs of infanticidal male and female wild mice were observed for changes in their responsiveness to alien pups during the reproductive cycle. Females killed pups during pregnancy, adopted alien pups during the lactation period, and killed pups again a month after the weaning of their offspring. In males, the transition from infanticidal to parental responses occurred as early as the first half of their mates' pregnancy, and only half of them resumed infanticide a month after the weaning of their litters. Subsequent experiments showed that two independent factors, the experience of copulation and cues from the pregnant female, accounted for the cessation of infanticide and onset of parental care in the male. The adaptive value of the co-existence of multiple mechanisms underlying the cessation of infanticide in male and female house mice is discussed with respect to the social life of this species.  相似文献   

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