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影响漠斑牙鲆稚鱼的自残因子的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)稚鱼阶段,自残现象比较严重。本文以漠斑牙鲆稚鱼为实验对象,选取全长10.1—40.9mm的漠斑牙鲆进行试验观察。研究了密度、浑浊度、饥饿、个体大小差异对该幼鱼自残的影响程度。(1)密度、投饲量、个体大小差异对漠斑牙鲆稚鱼的自残行为影响极显著;高密度组的比低密度组自残现象严重;饱食组的自残率较1/3饱食投饲量组别的轻;个体大小差异是引起自残最重要的因子,当投喂不充足时,(10.1±0.4)—(20.3±0.3)mm组的自残现象最为严重自残死亡率为53%。(2)饥饿对自残行为影响显著,饥饿24h后自残死亡率为20%((15.0±0.4)mm组)。(3)浑浊度、饵料种类对自残行为影响不显著,在密度为20尾/L时,无浑浊度组稚鱼自残死亡率为8%,浑浊度组5%。    相似文献   

Cannibalism plays a major role in population regulation in Tribolium confusum, accounting for up to tenfold differences in population size between different genetic strains. I characterized the within- and between-strain genetic variation for cannibalism using standard quantitative-genetic methods. The four laboratory strains studied have similar birth and death rates but differ in their strain-specific cannibalistic tendencies. The cannibalism rates of the strains were stable for more than 60 generations of laboratory husbandry. I found considerable genetic variation for cannibalism within each strain. A genetic analysis of the between-strain differences in each of three types of cannibalism (larvae eating eggs, adults eating eggs, and adults eating pupae) showed that all three cannibalism pathways are autosomally inherited and exhibit minor degrees of dominance. Adult cannibalism of eggs and larval cannibalism of eggs appear to be genetically correlated. The differences between the “high” and “low” cannibalism strains appear to be polygenic for two kinds of cannibalism, larvae eating eggs and adults eating pupae. However, strain differences in adult cannibalism of eggs may be due to only two loci. The stability of the between-strain differences for more than 60 generations, the additive nature of inheritance, and the demonstration of considerable within-strain genetic variation suggest that cannibalism may be selectively neutral or under stabilizing selection with many adaptive peaks.  相似文献   

The diets and population characteristics of three abundant speciesof Conns, nux, diadema and princeps, from the Sea of Cortezare described. All were found to feed predominantly upon polychaeteworms. In addition, food notes are presented for six less abundantspecies from the same area. Comparison of the diversity of thediets of the three dominant species in the Sea of Cortez withcognate species in the Indo-West Pacific, where significantlymore congeneric species occur in any single habitat, indicatedno significant increases in diversity of prey. This lack ofecological release with respect to food in the presence of fewercompeting congeners was attributed to the presence of significantlyfewer prey species when compared to the Indo-West Pacific. (Received 23 March 1978;  相似文献   

中华鲟初次全人工繁殖的特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合中华鲟研究所1994-1999年野生中华鲟人工繁殖亲本的生物学特性和2000-2008年野生成熟亲鱼人工繁殖的情况, 对子一代中华鲟初次全人工繁殖的特性进行了研究。结果表明: 虽然初次性成熟的子一代中华鲟个体均小于野生中华鲟的成熟亲本, 但性腺发育良好。经人工催产, 精子具有较高的质量(快速运动60s, 常温存活10min), 卵子也具有较高的受精率(71.4%)和孵化率(64.3%), 并成功的培育出了健康的子二代鱼苗1.8万尾。人工淡水条件下子一代中华鲟的全人工催产繁殖获得了成功, 证实了中华鲟可以在纯淡水中完成其生殖周期。研究结果对濒危物种中华鲟的物种延续具有重要现实意义。    相似文献   

Egg cannibalism by hatchlings has been demonstrated in somepulmonate land snails; this behaviour is promoted by a highhatching asynchrony within the egg-batch. Under laboratory conditions,the percentage of new-born snails Helix aspersa having cannibalisedunhatched eggs was not influenced by the soil factor: about70% of them ingested one egg within their first four days oflife whether soil was present or not. The propensity to eggcannibalism in hatchlings of H. aspersa increased with egg density.However, most of the new-born hatchlings consumed a single eggduring the four days following hatching, and only exceptionallytwo. The consumption of one egg increased the snails wet weightby 38.7% within four days. A weak ingestion of soil componentsalso occurred, but it induced a growth that was three-timesless than that due to the consumption of an egg. In addition,the survival of newly hatched snails maintained under non-dehydratingthermohygrometric conditions was high, even when they were submittedto four days food-deprivation. (Received 22 July 1999; accepted 24 November 1999)  相似文献   


Sound production is widespread in coral reef fish of the family Pomacentridae. As commonly found in other teleosts, damselfish emit calls in agonistic and courtship contexts. In this paper, evidence of sound production by the blue-green damselfish Chromis viridis is presented for the first time. The recorded sounds consisted of clicks produced during agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀苗种同类相残的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
暗纹东方(Takifu guobscurus Abe)俗称江河豚,隶属于统形目、纯科,是一种海江洞游性鱼类。其内脏器官含剧毒,宰杀烹调不慎可致食者于死地,但肉味极为腴美,故民间素有“拼死吃河豚”之说。国外较早开展了东方纯属鱼类的养殖,在从苗种到成鱼的各个生长阶段中,河纯,特别是苗种阶段的同类相残较严重,成为苗种生产的主要限制因素。为探讨河纯同类相残的原因并采取有效防范措施,作者于1995年4月30日至6月20日,在人工培育暗纹东方统苗种期间,对其同类相残的现象进行了观察研究,现将研究结果作如下总结。    相似文献   

采自湖南吉首和福建永定的两群形态相似的纤恙螨在实验室中饲养。将它们1雌1雄进行配对。当幼虫孵出后测量并比较其体各部的测量数,同时将其成虫与地里纤恙螨成虫酯酶同工酶酶谱进行比较。结果表明此两群形态相似的纤恙螨系英帕纤恙螨(Leptotrombidium imphalum)的不同地理亚种,它们形态与福建东部地区恙虫病媒介微红纤恙螨十分相似。恙螨子代幼虫群体形态的测量数系恙螨分类中的主要参数。  相似文献   

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