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Seven-hundred globin sequences, including 146 nonvertebrate sequences, were aligned on the basis of conservation of secondary structure and the avoidance of gap penalties. Of the 182 positions needed to accommodate all the globin sequences, only 84 are common to all, including the absolutely conserved PheCD1 and HisF8. The mean number of amino acid substitutions per position ranges from 8 to 13 for all globins and 5 to 9 for internal positions. Although the total sequence volumes have a variation approximately 2-3%, the variation in volume per position ranges from approximately 13% for the internal to approximately 21% for the surface positions. Plausible correlations exist between amino acid substitution and the variation in volume per position for the 84 common and the internal but not the surface positions. The amino acid substitution matrix derived from the 84 common positions was used to evaluate sequence similarity within the globins and between the globins and phycocyanins C and colicins A, via calculation of pairwise similarity scores. The scores for globin-globin comparisons over the 84 common positions overlap the globin-phycocyanin and globin-colicin scores, with the former being intermediate. For the subset of internal positions, overlap is minimal between the three groups of scores. These results imply a continuum of amino acid sequences able to assume the common three-on-three alpha-helical structure and suggest that the determinants of the latter include sites other than those inaccessible to solvent.  相似文献   

A general model for estimating the number of amino acid substitutions per site (d) from the fraction of identical residues between two sequences (q) is proposed. The well-known Poisson-correction formula q = e –d corresponds to a site-independent and amino-acid-independent substitution rate. Equation q = (1 – e –2d )/2d, derived for the case of substitution rates that are site-independent, but vary among amino acids, approximates closely the empirical method, suggested by Dayhoff et al. (1978). Equation q = 1/(1 + d) describes the case of substitution rates that are amino acid-independent but vary among sites. Lastly, equation q = [ln(1 + 2d)]/2d accounts for the general case where substitution rates can differ for both amino acids and sites.  相似文献   

Genetic distances play an important role in estimating divergence time of bifurcated populations. However, they can be greatly affected by demographic processes, such as migration and population dynamics, which complicate their interpretation. For example, the widely used distance for microsatellite loci, (deltamu)2, assumes constant population size, no gene flow, and mutation-drift equilibrium. It is shown here that (deltamu)2 strongly underestimates divergence time if populations are growing and/or connected by gene flow. In recent publications, the average estimate of divergence time between African and non-African populations obtained by using (deltamu)2 is about 34,000 years, although archaeological data show a much earlier presence of modern humans out of Africa. I introduce a different estimator of population separation time based on microsatellite statistics, T(D), that does not assume mutation-drift equilibrium, is independent of population dynamics in the absence of gene flow, and is robust to weak migration flow for growing populations. However, it requires a knowledge of the variance in the number of repeats at the beginning of population separation, V(0). One way to overcome this problem is to find minimal and maximal bounds for the variance and thus obtain the earliest and latest bounds for divergence time (this is not a confidence interval, and it simply reflects an uncertainty about the value of V(0) in an ancestral population). Another way to avoid the uncertainty is to choose from among present populations a reference whose variation is presumably close to what it might have been in an ancestral population. A different approach for using T(D) is to estimate the time difference between adjacent nodes on a phylogenetic population tree. Using data on variation at autosomal short tandem repeat loci with di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats in worldwide populations, T(D) gives an estimate of 57,000 years for the separation of the out-of-Africa branch of modern humans from Africans based on the value of V(0) in the Southern American Indian populations; the earliest bound for this event has been estimated to be about 135,000 years. The data also suggest that the Asian and European populations diverged from each other about 20,000 years, after the occurrence of the out-of-Africa branch.  相似文献   

DNA-binding proteins are crucial for various cellular processes and hence have become an important target for both basic research and drug development. With the avalanche of protein sequences generated in the postgenomic age, it is highly desired to establish an automated method for rapidly and accurately identifying DNA-binding proteins based on their sequence information alone. Owing to the fact that all biological species have developed beginning from a very limited number of ancestral species, it is important to take into account the evolutionary information in developing such a high-throughput tool. In view of this, a new predictor was proposed by incorporating the evolutionary information into the general form of pseudo amino acid composition via the top-n-gram approach. It was observed by comparing the new predictor with the existing methods via both jackknife test and independent data-set test that the new predictor outperformed its counterparts. It is anticipated that the new predictor may become a useful vehicle for identifying DNA-binding proteins. It has not escaped our notice that the novel approach to extract evolutionary information into the formulation of statistical samples can be used to identify many other protein attributes as well.  相似文献   

The conformational effects of different amino acid substitutions for Gly at position 12 in theras-oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been investigated using conformational energy calculations. Mutations that cause amino acid substitutions for Gly 12 result in a protein that produces malignant transformation of cells. It had previously been shown that substitution of Val, Lys, or Ser for Gly at position 12 results in a major conformational change, and that the preferred lowest energy structure for each of the substituted peptides is identical. It is now found that substitution for Gly 12 of other amino acids that have widely disparate helix-nucleating potentials and completely different side chains (Asp, Asn, Cys, Phe, Tle, Leu, and Ala) all produce this identical lowest energy conformation. This finding is consistent with the recent results of site-specific mutagenesis experiments showing that P21 proteins containing these amino acids at position 12 all promote malignant transformation of cells and suggests the existence of a malignancy-causing conformation for the P21 proteins.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of proteins provide rich information for inferring distant phylogenetic relationships and for predicting protein functions. Estimating the rate matrix of residue substitutions from amino acid sequences is also important because the rate matrix can be used to develop scoring matrices for sequence alignment. Here we use a continuous time Markov process to model the substitution rates of residues and develop a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method for rate estimation. We validate our method using simulated artificial protein sequences. Because different local regions such as binding surfaces and the protein interior core experience different selection pressures due to functional or stability constraints, we use our method to estimate the substitution rates of local regions. Our results show that the substitution rates are very different for residues in the buried core and residues on the solvent-exposed surfaces. In addition, the rest of the proteins on the binding surfaces also have very different substitution rates from residues. Based on these findings, we further develop a method for protein function prediction by surface matching using scoring matrices derived from estimated substitution rates for residues located on the binding surfaces. We show with examples that our method is effective in identifying functionally related proteins that have overall low sequence identity, a task known to be very challenging.  相似文献   

Substitutions of amino acids for Gly 12 or Gly 13 in theras oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been demonstrated to produce unique structural changes in these proteins that correlate with their ability to produce cell transformation. For example, the P21 proteins with Arg 12 or Val 13 are both known to be actively transforming. Recent site-specific mutagenesis experiments on the transforming Arg 12 protein have found that the substitution of Val for Gly 10 has no effect on transforming activity whereas the substitution of Val for Gly 13 led to a loss of transforming activity. In this study, we examine the structural effects of these substitutions on the amino terminal hydrophobic decapeptide (Leu 6-Gly 15) of P21 using conformational energy analysis. The results show that the transforming proteins with Gly 10 and Arg 12 or Val 10 and Arg 12 can both adopt the putative malignancy-causing conformation, whereas, for the nontransforming protein with Arg 12 and Val 13, this conformation is energetically disallowed. These results further support the theory that due to structural changes the transforming P21 proteins are unable to bind to some regulatory cellular element which may be the recently identified binding protein responsible for the induction of increased GTPase activity in normal P21 compared with transforming mutants.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the incorporation of amino acids into cerebral proteins and that of the transport of amino acids through the blood-brain barrier were studied. We measured the protein synthesis rate in vivo over a wide temperature range (14°C–38°C) in male Sprague-Dawley rats using a flooding dose of labeled valine. There was a linear dependence of the protein synthesis rate on temperature. The temperature quotient expressed as per cent decrease per 1°C was somewhat lower at the lower temperatures, a decrease from 7.8% in the 37.7–32.5°C range to 6.7% in the 25.5–14°C range. The transport of the three amino acids phenylalanine, lysine, and alanine, representing there transport systems, through the blood-brain barrier showed no temperature dependence in vivo. The results show that in hypothermia cerebral metabolic rates are lowered to a great extent, while some aspects of metabolic transport are not affected.  相似文献   

Theneu oncogene is frequently found in certain types of human carcinomas and has been shown to be activated in animal models by nitrosourea-induced mutation. The activating mutation in theneu oncogene results in the substitution of a glutamic acid for a valine at position 664 in the transmembrane domain of the encoded protein product of 185 kda (designated p185), which, on the basis of homology studies, is presumed to be a receptor for an as yet unidentified growth factor. It has been proposed that activating amino acid substitutions in this region of p185 lead to a conformational change in the protein which causes signal transduction via an increase in tyrosine kinase activity in the absence of any external signal. Using conformational energy analysis, we have determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane decapeptide (residues 658–667) of the p185 protein with valine and glutamic acid at the critical position 664. The results indicate that the global minimum energy conformation of the decapeptide from the normal protein with Val at position 664 is an -helix with a sharp bend (CD* conformation at residues 664 and 665) in this region, whereas the global minimum conformation for the decapeptide from the mutant transforming protein with Glu at position 664 assumes an all -helical configuration. Furthermore, the second highest energy conformation for the decapeptide from the normal protein is identical to the global minimum energy conformation for the decapeptide from the transforming protein, providing a possible explanation why overexpression of the normal protein also has a transforming effect. These results suggest there may be a normal and a transforming conformation for theneu-encoded p185 proteins which may explain their differences in transforming activity.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of an acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) target-based resistant Lolium rigidum population (WLR 96) was studied here. The carboxyl-transferase domain of the plastidic ACCase gene from resistant individuals was amplified by PCR and sequenced. The DNA sequences were aligned and compared with a susceptible population. Six amino acid substitutions were identified in the resistant population. The substitution Ile-2041-Asn, known to confer resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) in Alopecurus myosuroides, was identified in most resistant plants but it is always linked with other amino acid substitutions. This was confirmed by a cleaved amplified polymorphism (CAP) marker and an allele-specific PCR. The sole amino acid substitution Ile-2041-Asn was not found in this population. It is likely this mutation evolved later among individuals already possessing the other substitutions. Three haplotypes were identified from the resistant population based on the six amino acid combinations, and two are linked with herbicide resistance in this population. The multiple amino acid substitutions including the Ile-2041-Asn form the molecular basis endowing a high degree of resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in this L. rigidum population.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred twelve human DNA sequences were analyzed with respect to dinucleotide frequency and amino acid composition. The variation in guanine and cytosine (G+C) content revealed: (1) at 2–3 and 3-1 doublet positions CG discrimination is attenuated at high G+C, but TA disfavor is enhanced, and (2) several amino acids are subject to G+C change. These findings have been reported in part for collections of sequences from various species. The present study confirms that in a single organism-the human-the G+C effects do exist. Aspects of the argument that connects G+C with protein thermal stability are also discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of various kinds of dietary protein on growth of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were determined using semi-synthetic diets. Also, the ingestion, digestion and utilization of dry matter and of nitrogen were measured. Nutritive effects of dietary proteins and supplementation of limiting amino acids on haemolymph protein and amino acids pattern were also investigated. Larval growth was largely dependent on the dietary proteins. When the larvae were reared on a diet containing weakly nutritive proteins such as gluten and zein, haemolymph protein was decreased and uric acid excretion was markedly accelerated. The free amino acid composition of the haemolymph manifested characteristic patterns according to the kinds of dietary protein.The supplementation of gluten and zein with their limiting amino acids resulted in a rise of haemolymph protein and a drop in uric acid excretion. The amino acid patterns in the haemolymph were greatly changed according to supplementation.  相似文献   

In anesthetized guinea pigs, we examined heart rate, arterial pressure, and GABA levels in four brain regions after systemic administration of 3-mercaptopropionic acid, an inhibitor of GABA synthesis. After i.p. injection of 195 mg/kg, significant reductions in GABA were first noted at 15 minutes in the cerebellum (–39%), 30 minutes in the hypothalamus (–27%), 60 minutes in the medulla pons (–34%) and 90 minutes in the cerebral cortex (–43%). Cardiovascular function was unaltered at 15 minutes but heart rate and arterial pressure were both significantly elevated at 30 minutes. By 60 minutes, however, heart rate had fallen below control. Injection of a lower dose (97.5 mg/kg i.p.) of 3-MP produced significant increases in heart rate and arterial pressure in 4 of 11 guinea pigs tested. When GABA levels in the same four brain regions were examined at 90 minutes and compared to corresponding levels from vehicle-treated guinea pigs, significant reductions were seen only in the hypothalamus and only in those animals displaying tachycardia and pressor responses. These findings are consistent with our previous results indicating that decreased GABA levels in the hypothalamus and in the medulla pons are responsible for the increases and decreases in heart rate, respectively, seen after systemic administration of 3-mercaptopropionic acid.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison  相似文献   

A genetic locus controlling the electrophoretic mobility of an acid phosphatase in the rat (Rattus norvegicus) is described. The locus, designed Acp-2, is not expressed in erythrocytes but is expressed in all other tissues studied. The product of Acp-2 hydrolyzes a wide variety of phosphate monoesters and is inhibited by l(+)-tartaric acid. Inbred rat strains have fixed either allele Acp-2a or allele Acp-2b. Codominant expression is observed in the respective F1 hybrids. Backcross progenies revealed the expected 1:1 segregation ratio. Possible loose linkage was found between the Acp-2 and the Pep-3 gene loci at a recombination frequency of 0.36±0.06.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Be 352/15) and by a grant from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung (VB2-FLF).  相似文献   

The expressions of nine nitrogen assimilation‐associated genes, NRT2, NAR1, NIA2, NIR, GLN2, GLSF, GSN1, GDH, and AAT2, in the microalga Isochrysis zhangjiangensis were investigated to unveil the effects of limitations of various nitrogen sources (NaNO3, NH4Cl, NaNO2, and an amino acid mixture) on the microalgae. The results demonstrated that the NRT2, NAR1, GLN2, GSN1, and AAT2 genes were highly expressed in lipid‐rich microalgae under inorganic nitrogen‐deficient conditions and they decreased after nitrogen resupply. Significant increases in the expressions of NAR1, GLN2, and GLSF were found in nitrate‐depleted microalgae, whereas significant increases in the expressions of NRT2, NAR1, GLN2, and GSN1 were found in nitrite‐depleted microalgae. Significant increases in the expressions of only NRT2 and GSN1 were found in ammonium‐depleted microalgae (P < 0.05). Except for the NRT2, other genes were expressed at lower levels under amino acid‐deficient conditions compared with amino acid‐sufficient controls. The expression of the NIA2 gene decreased in nitrogen‐depleted microalgae regardless of the initial nitrogen source. However, the results of fatty acid analyses showed that the features of fatty acid profiles followed a similar mode, in which the percentage compositions of C16:0 and C18:1Δ9 increased in nitrogen‐depleted cells and that of C16:1Δ9, C18:3Δ9,12,15, C18:4Δ6,9,12,15, and C18:5Δ3,6,9,12,15 decreased, regardless of the type of nitrogen source applied. It was also found that the epiphytic bacterium Alteromonas macleodii played a particularly important role in releasing microalgae from the stress of amino acid deficiency. These findings also provide a foundation for regulating microalgal lipid production through manipulation of the nitrogen assimilation‐associated genes.  相似文献   

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