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Three infant gorillas born at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center of Emory University were studied during their first year and one-half of life for various aspects of behavior, including solitary and social play, using both focal animal and one-zero sampling. The appearance of play in these infants followed a developmental trend, beginning with mother-infant play, and followed by solitary play, and then social play among peers. Mothers were initially very vigilant, repeatedly interrupting infant peer play bouts, this relaxing toward the end of the first year. Evidence for a possible sex difference in active social play is presented.  相似文献   

Deception and hiding are described for a group of captive lowland gorillas comprising two adult males, one female, and her infant. The males repeatedly interacted with the infant, and their interest was repeatedly thwarted by the mother. As in other social situations in which one animal controls access to an object desired by another, deceit was used to thwart the other's control. Either one or both males at times concealed their actions toward the infant, inhibited their attention to the infant, created a neutral image to get the infant, or interacted with the infant to tease the mother.  相似文献   

Primates - Among African great apes, play is virtually absent between adult lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Here, we report an extremely rare case of adult–adult play observed in...  相似文献   

The physical appearance and the behavior of five lowland gorilla females at two zoos were recorded before and during 14 pregnancies. Whereas only the quality of changes associated with pregnancy had been described previously, in this study the behavior of the females was recorded quantitatively and evaluated statistically. All females at Stuttgart showed distention of the abdomen three to four months before delivery and development of the breasts a few weeks before parturition. Milk was produced by the third month in one case, and in the sixth month or later in the others, sometimes after delivery. The female at Frankfurt stopped social play seven days after conception; the Stuttgart females, in general, stopped, in the first weeks of pregnancy. Social activity and locomotion decreased considerably within the first three months in all females and were significantly different between the pregnant and the nonpregnant state in all the Stuttgart females. In this study, as in others in the literature, behavioral changes were much more reliable signs of pregnancy than were physical changes. Thus the quantitative results confirm those obtained solely by qualitative observation.  相似文献   

To visualize long‐term social relationships among 12 gorillas in a captive breeding group at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, San Diego, CA, the multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure was applied to proximity (within 5 m) values collected in five different periods over 2.5 years. The resulting two‐dimensional representations clearly show that in samples taken during this 2.5‐year period, the silverback male was surrounded by five adult females, while three infant or young juvenile females, gathered in a body, remained between the silverback male and adult females. Some adult females maintained proximity to the silverback male more frequently than other adult females throughout the five periods. Unlike mountain gorillas in the wild, females with dependent offspring did not tend to stay near the silverback male more frequently than other females, and related females did not tend to spend more time near each other than non‐related females. Three older juvenile or young adult males were plotted the furthest from the silverback male, with gradual changes with increasing age. The usefulness of the MDS procedure, which can be used to visualize easily and clearly the social relationships among individuals, is discussed from the viewpoint of the management of breeding groups of captive gorillas. Zoo Biol 20:197–209, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Postconflict (PC) behaviors, including reconciliation and consolation, have been observed in many primate and several nonprimate species. Using the PC-matched control (MC) method, PC behavior was examined in two groups (n=13) of captive western lowland gorillas, a species for which no conflict resolution data have been published. Analyses of 223 conflicts showed significantly more affiliation between former opponents after a conflict when compared to control periods, indicating reconciliation. Results also showed significantly more affiliation between the victim and a third-party after a conflict, indicating consolation. Both solicited and unsolicited consolation were observed. The majority of the affiliative interactions observed for both reconciliation and consolation were social proximity, which suggests that unlike most nonhuman primates, proximity, rather than physical contact, may be the main mechanism for resolving conflicts in western lowland gorillas. PC behavior was not uniform throughout the groups, but rather varied according to dyad type.  相似文献   

The present report describes behavioral reactions of a 33-month-old female infant gorilla to maternal separation in a captive social group whose composition is similar to that of wild groups. The infant gorilla responded differently to two types of maternal separation. When she remained alone for a few hours, she cried repeatedly and moved restlessly, indicating protest. Upon reunion and also for a few days thereafter, an intensification of the mother-infant relationship occurred. On the other hand, when she was separated from her mother but remained with the other group members for nine days, she did not display any behaviors that could be characterized as protest, but rather showed clear behavioral depression. During the 9-day separation period, she hardly played with other group members but she developed affiliative relationships with the leading male. After the reunion from the 9-day separation, she spent as much time near her mother as before separation and played with other infants at a level similar to that before separation, while she sometimes displayed behavioral patterns demanding the maintenance of physical contact with her mother. The present findings are compared with other reports in great apes and human children.  相似文献   

Increased interest in the behavioral effects of captive environments and advances in zoo design have resulted in a proliferation of “naturalistic” animal habitats. Although scientists have demonstrated that such exhibits have some positive effects on behavior, very little is known about the complex relationships between these specialized environments and behavior. This study sought to determine preferences for structural environmental features, such as slope and trees, exhibited by captive lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). An average of 496 location scans were collected on each of 23 gorillas, housed in 6 groups. The results indicate that enclosure usage was significantly associated with the features of slope, nearness to holding facility, and presence of environmental components additional to substrate (e.g., tree or rock). In particular, areas with flat ground that were near the holding building and that included at least one component additional to substrate were preferred by all animals. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spatial memory and foraging competition were investigated in three mother/offspring pairs of western lowland gorillas,Gorilla gorilla gorilla, using a naturalistic foraging task at the Toronto Zoo. Sixteen permanent food sites were placed throughout the animals’ enclosures. All of the sites were baited and a pair of animals was free to visit the sites and collect the food. Five of the subjects collected the food with accuracy better than chance. Most of the subjects visited the sites using a pattern, and for half the subjects this was one of adjacency. The high accuracy of five of the subjects and the lack of a consistent adjacency pattern suggest that the animals did in fact use spatial memory. Furthermore, the gorillas tended to avoid visiting food sites that had been previously depleted by their partner. They also appeared to split their search of the enclosures, each visiting only a proportion of the food sites. This indicated that the animals were competing and altering their foraging behaviour based on the behaviour of their partner. Therefore, accuracy was recalculated to take this into account. When the sites depleted by either animal in a pair during a given trial were worked into the accuracy calculations for individual animals, three of the animals still maintained accuracy above chance. This suggests that the animals were not only able to remember which sites they had depleted, but those sites depleted by their foraging partner as well.  相似文献   

We observed a colony of lowland gorillas in order to assess the occurrence of Peaceful Post-Conflict Interactions between Aggressors and Bystanders (PPIAB). We compared the dynamics of PPIAB with those of Peaceful Post-Conflict Interactions between Victims and Bystanders (PPIVB), which are directed toward victims. We confirmed the occurrence of PPIAB (mean Triadic Contact Tendency: 41.7%+/-16.2% SEM) at frequencies comparable to PPIVB. Immature gorillas were responsible for most PPIAB. PPIAB occurred when the bystander was unrelated to either the aggressor or the victim, and when it was a relative of the aggressor. However, affinitive contact rates were higher in the former case. Unlike PPIVB, PPIAB significantly reduced the likelihood of further aggressions within the group, suggesting that they work at an immediate level. Our data also suggest that bystanders decide when a peaceful contact may be too risky; in fact, neither PPIAB nor PPIVB occurred after high-intensity aggressions.  相似文献   

Within-group female relationships, and relationships between females and adult males have not been described for wild western lowland gorillas. New data are presented here from Mbeli Bai in the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo. Nine groups were observed over a continuous 2-year period, and affiliative and agonistic interactions, as well as time spent by females and adult males in proximity to each other were recorded. Affiliative behavior was extremely rare in the bai, and measures of proximity between individuals were inconclusive because of the small sample sizes. Rates of agonistic interaction among females were highly variable between groups. The majority of agonistic interactions were undecided, and the supplant rate was low. Evidence for an agonistic dominance hierarchy is weak. The data do not support hypotheses that increased frugivory in western lowland gorillas raises levels of within-group contest competition; however, the need for intersite comparisons is stressed. In contrast, rates of agonistic behavior between females and silverback males were higher and more consistent between groups. Agonistic relationships between males and females conformed with patterns seen in mountain gorillas, where male protection from intraspecific aggression is important. The benefit females gain by forming long-term cooperative alliances appears to be small, and is likely outweighed by reproductive advantages associated with male protection.  相似文献   

In both free‐ranging and captive western lowland gorillas, a silverback provides protection and leadership, mediating conflict within a group. In the wild, when a dominant silverback dies the group will disperse or transfer to a solitary male, unless a subsequent male is present to inherit the group. In captivity, studies have focused on groups containing one male and therefore it is unclear how gorillas respond to the death or removal of a silverback in multi‐male groups. This study examined the behavior of a bachelor group (Cleveland Metroparks Zoo) and a multi‐male, mixed‐sex group (Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium) following the death of two older silverbacks in 2005. Both of the younger but dominant males maintained their same level of dominance after the death. We predicted that agonism would increase after the death as groups struggled for social stablility. We did observe an increase in both agonism and displacements among the bachelor group, but only observed an increase in displacements among the mixed‐sex group. Although we predicted that there would be no change in solitary behavior, both groups decreased feeding and the mixed‐sex group increased self‐directed behavior post‐death. In the bachelor group, self‐directed behavior decreased and undesirable behavior increased. We also observed a difference in spatial distance after the death with members of the mixed‐sex group becoming more dispersed and members of the bachelor group more converged. This study demonstrates that there is a period of transition for multi‐male groups after the death or removal of the oldest silverback. Future research could integrate physiological measures with behavioral analyses before and after the death or removal of a prominent member of the group. Zoo Biol 29:16–29, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Staff at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo devised a training program for noninvasive semen collection from three male gorillas. Trained behaviors, shaped using food rewards and verbal praise, enabled the trainer to perform a cursory physical examination and collect >270 semen samples during the study period. Ejaculate volume, sperm motility, and progressive forward motion were recorded. Two of the gorillas regularly produced semen samples that were cryopreserved. Frozen semen from one gorilla was successfully used in an assisted reproductive procedure. The training program may be used as a guideline for other institutions to create similar programs. Zoo Biol 17:143–151, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether observed cycles in proceptive behavior in aging lowland gorilla females (age 40+) at Brookfield Zoo were driven by ovarian activity, we compared monthly behavioral data to estradiol and progestogen cycles based on fecal hormone assessments. Progestogen peaks showed regularity and close coincidence with monthly sexual behaviors. Estradiol was more variable. Progestogen peaks varied between 22+/-5 days for the control female (29 years old), to 24+/-2.5 and 29+/-8 for the two aged subjects. In the first aged female, which was housed with other females and a silverback, the high degree of cyclicity in sexual behavior, regularity of progestogen cycles, and close concordance between hormonal cycling and sexual behavior strongly compared to patterns found (in this and other studies) in gorilla females <35 years old. Cyclical progestogen peaks were longer and more variable in the second aged female-perhaps because she lacked the social mediation of other females or a male. For husbandry reasons she is not housed with the gorilla group, behavioral data were not collected from her. The value of our longitudinal study is in obtaining reproductive profiles of primate females that are approaching maximum lifespan. This pilot study is part of a larger research project on reproductive senescence that will include other captive females >35 years old, a population that is rapidly increasing in North American zoos as gorillas continue to age.  相似文献   

Mammalian play is believed to improve motor skills as well as facilitate the development of social relationships. Given the marked sexual dimorphism in gorilla body size and the role assumed by the male in protecting the group from conspecifics and predators, the motor-training hypothesis of play predicts that male infants should exhibit higher frequencies of social play than female infants, and that males should prefer to play with other males. Given that adult female gorillas are strongly attracted to adult breeding males and form only weak social bonds with unrelated adult females, the social-relationship hypothesis of play predicts that female infants should prefer to play with males. These hypotheses were tested in a 22-month study of 12 gorilla infants, aged between 0-5 years, living in three zoological parks in Chicago and Atlanta. Consistent with the hypotheses, male infants played more than female infants did, and both male and female infants preferred to play with males rather than with females. These findings suggest that sex differences in play in the great apes and other primates can be predicted by the characteristics of adult behavior and social structure above and beyond the patterns of sex-biased dispersal or coalition formation with same-sex kin.  相似文献   

Methods for the identification of the sex and species of individuals from samples non-invasively taken from humans and gorillas were established. Amplification of a segment of amelogenin (AMG), which is an X–Y homologous gene, using two pairs of primers from human AMG, revealed both X- and Y-specific bands. The possibility of sex identification was examined by typing the AMG gene using hair and fecal samples from captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Japan and hair samples from wild eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, which were sexed by direct observation. Species-specific bands of AMG in gorillas and humans were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis. These tests could be used for sexing unidentified individuals of wild western and eastern lowland gorillas, and screening contamination of human DNA from non-invasively acquired samples.  相似文献   

Field studies on gorilla sleeping sites usually emphasize environmental influences on nest site selection, as individual nesting behaviours are usually not observed directly. In captivity, nesting behaviour and influencing factors are often overlooked. In the present study, the sleeping sites of members of a captive group of 16-21 gorillas were analysed, based on 152 nights over a 5-year period. Subadults tended to sleep apart from adults but clustered around the oldest blackback male. Full siblings and mothers with offspring were often nearest neighbours. Some sleeping dyads notably endured. Neither age of offspring nor rank of adult females influenced neighbour choice or distances; an interadult distance of 1.5-3 m was typical. Group dynamics were reflected in nesting arrangements. We suggest that possibilities for co-nesting and choice of sleeping sites should be provided to improve the welfare of captive gorillas and other great apes.  相似文献   

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