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The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey,Rhinopithecus roxellanae, is an endangered Colobine endemic to China. The behavior and biology of this species are little known, and it has rarely been kept in captivity outside China. Results from 42 hr of observations of a male-female golden monkey pair provide preliminary information on the vocal behavior of this species in captivity. Vocalizations by the animals often occurred within antiphonal sequences, which were primarily initiated by the female. Sequences were brief (2–3 calls), showed little or no temporal overlap, and were emitted primarily when the animals were distal from one another, suggesting that sequences may function as contact calls in nature. Some vocalizations appeared to be cryptic, i.e. unaccompanied by mouth or body movement, and these were observed more often than noncryptic calls in both animals. Vocal communication appears to be complex in this species, and remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

对不同地区川金丝猴食物组成的比较有助于了解其对不同生境食物供应的适应性。本研究通过对陕西川金丝猴猴群食谱的长期记录,并汇集了国内对四川-甘肃和湖北的川金丝猴食性研究结果,集成了这三个地理种群川金丝猴各自的地域性食谱,共计有136 种植物(隶属35 科)被该物种作为采食对象。对来自这三个不同区域(陕西、四川-甘肃、湖北)的川金丝猴食谱组成的比较,发现有近半数的植物是三个地理种群共同的采食对象,但其食谱组成差异明显。这可能源于各地植物本身的多样性差异,及不同地理种群对各种食物采食偏好的不同所致。对其相关聚类分析结果显示,陕西和湖北的猴群在食谱组成上相近,但四川-甘肃的猴群与前两个地区猴群的食谱组成差异极大。然而湖北和四川-甘肃种群在食物的选择上采用了近乎相同的偏好倾向,而陕西的猴群与它们明显不同。我们初步分析认为造成食谱组成和采食偏好差异的原因可能是各地理种群活动地海拔带重叠度不同、森林类型不同、它们在不同林型中活动的时间分配不一。很明显,就我们目前所掌握的有关川金丝猴食谱组成来看,该物种不应该仅仅被认为是一个叶食性灵长类动物,而应该是一个泛化采食者。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴个体间团抱模式及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团抱行为作为保持体温与增进社会关系的一种有效途经在非人灵长类中广泛存在,受环境和社会因素影响在各物种间呈现出多样的模式。本研究自2007 年9 月至2008 年4 月间,运用焦点动物取样法和瞬时扫描取样法对秦岭北坡周至国家级自然保护区内的一群秦岭川金丝猴的团抱模式进行了1 637 回次的扫描,结果表明研究群内的个体回避单独休息,倾向于形成团抱,团抱主要发生在2 个或3 个个体之间,较少形成4 个或4 个以上个体的团抱;团抱主要由青少年个体和成年雌性组成,成年雄性和携婴雌性多参与小的团抱,青少年猴更频繁地出现在3 个个体的团抱中,未携婴雌性在4 个和4 个以上个体团抱中比例明显增加;秦岭川金丝猴各年龄性别组的个体对团抱伙伴的选择有各自的偏好,大多数团抱由成年雄性和未成年个体发起,但获得较少的团抱;雌性和携婴雌性较少主动发出但获得较多的团抱,这显示出雌性作为团抱的主体具有很高的社会亲和力;此外团抱模式还存在季节性的变化,冬季寒冷期团抱的频率和大小都会增加,并且个体选择在距离地面较近的区域团抱以保持体温,春季生育期个体倾向于在树冠层团抱以获得新鲜的食物并且避免婴猴被捕食。秦岭川金丝猴的团抱行为是物种在其独特的社会组织形式下对山地极端环境的一种适应,在进化中以行为模式获得更高适合度的具体策略。  相似文献   

川金丝猴食土行为的首次报道(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵大鹏  李保国 《兽类学报》2013,33(3):282-285
2001年10月至2008年3月,我们在对周至国家级自然保护区内秦岭川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)的长期观察研究中发现3例成年雌性舔食泥质岩上粘土的行为。川金丝猴的食土行为均发生在深秋季节,所有食土雌性均处于怀孕期。我们初步推测川金丝猴的食土行为主要是为了补充矿物质。本文首次呈现川金丝猴食土行为的研究证据,对于进一步理解川金丝猴的食性具有一定意义,同时也为不同生活类型灵长类食土行为的比较分析提供支撑信息。  相似文献   

We describe the development of social play behavior and assess factors influencing the development of play in infant Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Infant snub-nosed monkeys began to exhibit social play at 3 months of age, when they spent an average 0.89% of time engaging in this behavior (range: 0.7-1.12%). At 6 months of age, there was a significant increase in the proportion of time spent in social play, averaging 9.78% of observation time (range: 4.92-17.08%). However, from 7 to 9 months of age during the winter, social play decreased gradually before rising again from 10 months of age in the spring. Play behavior in infant snub-nosed monkeys is influenced by environmental temperature. Males were observed to play more than females, although further data on this are required. Social rank did not influence the social play of wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkey infants.  相似文献   

During two consecutive mating seasons from August 2001 to December 2002, we observed the sexual behavior of Sichuan golden monkeys in the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Wild Animal Park. We collected urine samples from females in the early morning. We also measured urinary estradiol and progesterone levels using radioimmunoassay. Based on the estradiol concentration during the menstrual cycle, we discovered that the length of the menstrual cycle was 286.33 1.67 days. The length of pregnancy was about 200 days. The level of estradiol after impregnation was significantly different with the level during the ,same period in the non-receptive part of the cycle. Thus we could diagnose early pregnancy in female Sichuan golden monkeys by checking their urinary estradiol level .  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of two captive harem breeding groups of golden monkeys was observed over one mating season and compared to non-seasonal reproductive behavior. Observation of over two thousand sexual interactions suggests that 1) females were responsible for 95% of all sexual solicitations (proceptive behavior), of which the typical pattern was prostration, while males were responsible for only 5%; 2) 17% of female solicitations were interrupted by another female; 3) 52% of female solicitations resulted in mounting by males; 4) the frequencies of solicitations and receipt of mounts and ejaculations varied greatly among females; 5) the frequency of ejaculations, the ratio of ejaculations to mountings, and ejaculation patterns were different between two males, and 6) the golden monkey is a seasonal breeding animal.  相似文献   

秦岭玉皇庙川金丝猴2-3岁内个体社会行为的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年3月至2006年5月在秦岭北坡的陕西周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙地区,采用焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)观察动物,利用瞬时记录法(Instantaneous recording)等记录数据,对2003年出生的7只秦岭川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)个体(3♀、4♂)的社会理毛、社会玩耍、被驱赶、攻击、爬跨等行为进行了研究,以了解该物种社会行为的发育在2-3岁阶段是否存在性别间的差异。结果表明:雌、雄二性社会理毛行为的平均频次存在显著性差异(♀11.86%、♂6.55%),并且这种显著性差异也体现在理毛婴猴行为(♀3.64%、♂1.26%)和理毛母亲行为(♀4.61%、♂2.70%)方面;雄性社会玩耍行为的平均频次与雌性相比也有显著性差异(♀4.44%、♂7.39%),这与被驱赶行为性别差异的研究结果相同(♀0.42、♂1.98);爬跨行为的平均频次也表现出显著性的性别差异(♀0.034、♂1.83),如同攻击行为(♀0.043、♂0.088)。另外,我们在将2-3岁阶段分为4个小发育阶段的基础上,还发现除雌性理毛婴猴行为的发生频次和雄性被驱赶行为的发生频次与年龄(阶段)呈极显著正相关外,雌性和雄性其它行为的发生频次与年龄均不相关。因此,川金丝猴2-3岁内个体社会行为的发育具有显著性的性别差异,且在一定程度上反映了雌雄二性不同的生活史,而这种行为上的策略正是该物种在长期进化中在群体水平上对自然选择压力的回应,以增加个体的适合度,使种群得以繁衍.  相似文献   

雌性川金丝猴的邀配行为与尿液雌二醇水平的关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
2001年10~12月及2002年9月~11月,我们对上海野生动物园一群半散养条件下的川金丝猴进行了研究,记录了群体内的4只成年雌猴的邀配行为,同时收集了观察对象的晨尿,利用放射免疫法测定其中的雌二醇含量。结果显示,在未受孕的月经周期内,雌猴的邀配行为集中在雌二醇高峰前后,雌猴在卵泡期和黄体期邀配频次显著下降,说明邀配行为受雌二醇水平的调控。同一群体内不同个体的月经周期并不同步,邀配高峰互不重叠,这可能是雌猴避免相互竞争产生的结果。利用雌二醇测定结果推断受孕日期,发现进入妊娠期后雌猴仍然频繁地向雄猴邀配,并得到雄猴的响应。妊娠期内的雌二醇水平虽有波动,但都高于月经周期内排卵前的雌二醇高峰,邀配频次与雌二醇水平没有明显的相关性,因此这一时期的邀配行为不能归结为激素作用的结果,它们应该具有其它社会功能[动物学报49(6):736~741,2003]。  相似文献   

Food transfer happens regularly in a few nonhuman primates species that are also characterized by remarkable social tolerance. Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), or golden monkeys, which exhibit high social tolerance in their social relationships are thus of interest to see whether tolerance would extend to food transfer. In this study, branch feeding activity was observed in a semi-captive group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys, which consisted of 10 subjects that included a one-male unit (OMU) and an all-male unit (AMU). We recorded 1,275 food interactions over 27 days, and 892 instances of food transfer. The most commonly observed types of food transfer behavior were co-feeding (62.1%) and relaxed claim (22.8%). Of 892 food transfers, 756 (84.8%) took place in the OMU, most of which were among adults (34.7%) and among juveniles (42.1%). The transfer success rate was high in both the cases (87.9% for adults and 78.9% for juveniles). Food transfer in the AMU took place less often than that among adults in the OMU though with similar high transfer success. Food transfer between the OMU and AMU was limited to juvenile males from the OMU and adults from the AMU. These results provide the first evidence of food transfer in golden monkeys and suggest that tolerant social relationships in golden monkeys make transfer possible.  相似文献   

For group-living primates, the information on postconflict management is crucial for understanding primate competition and cooperation. However, such information is poorly known for snub-nosed monkeys, especially for wild populations. In this study, from September 2007 to June 2008, we investigated postconflict behavior among adult females Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana within one-male units in a wild, provisioned group in the Qinling Mountains of China by means of the time-rule method and the PC-MC method. We obtained a total of 81 PC-MC pairs and each individual was involved in only 0.004 aggressive behavior per observation hour. The first affiliative behavior was more likely to occur within the first minute after a conflict. The postconflict affiliative behaviors most often seen were contact-sit, embrace and grooming. The affiliative contacts between adult females occur due to selective attraction, I.e. Reconciliation. The pattern of postconflict affiliation demonstrates that the R. Roxellana belongs to a tolerant species.  相似文献   

赵大鹏  李保国 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):293-296
通过对位于秦岭周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁川金丝猴群的交配行为进行拍摄记录(2003 年7~12 月), 运用NOLDUS公司编制的The Observer 610 动物行为分析系统对摄像资料进行分析, 发现野生川金丝猴采用腹背式交配方式, 交配中(N = 285) 有单足踩脚踝(54157%) 和双足踩脚踝(45143%) 两种姿势, 与圈养观察中仅发现单足踩脚踝交配姿势有别。此外, 通过与笼养和圈养条件下报道的射精标准比较, 我们将抽插过程分为“抽插前期”和“抽插后期”两个阶段, 并试图为川金丝猴交配过程中的射精行为判定提供一个量化辅助。  相似文献   

川金丝猴社会行为节目及其动作模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正确区分和定义川金丝猴各项社会行为节目及其动作模式是研究川金丝猴社会行为的重要基础。本文的目的是按照现代习性学的基本观点,探讨川金丝猴在演化过程中所形成的物种典型行为以及它们的固定动作模式。数据收集时间为1988~2005 年,采用焦点动物取样法和随意取样法,对川金丝猴笼养条件下的繁殖群、半笼养条件下的繁殖群和全雄群、以及其自然栖息地神农架林区的野生猴群进行观察,总计观察约3 000 h。初步确定了川金丝猴54 项物种典型行为节目及其动作模式,其中45 项是群内个体之间用以进行社会交往的社会行为节目,包括8 种在其他灵长类物种中目前还没有报道或比较少见的。  相似文献   

与手偏好相比较,脚偏好被认为是研究大脑半球中语言功能偏侧性调控表达的一种更佳的行为预测指标。当前国际科学界对于人类大脑半球功能不对称性和肢体偏好进化起源的关注,有力地推动了非人灵长类物种肢体偏好行为学研究,其中关于树栖灵长类物种的相关研究,对身体姿势在灵长类肢体偏好表达的理解有十分关键作用。川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我特有濒危灵长类物种,主要营树栖生活。本研究首次关注秦岭川金丝猴自发性非移动双足姿势(双足叠放)的脚偏好。研究发现在个体水平上每个焦点动物均表现出明显的脚偏好,在群组水平上表现出显著的右脚偏好,脚偏好表达无显著性别差异,其研究结果支持“姿势起源理论”。本文首次呈现野生旧大陆猴物种群组水平脚偏好的研究证据。  相似文献   

神农架川金丝猴投食群的攻击行为及等级序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨人工补食条件下川金丝猴的攻击行为在维持社会等级中的作用,2007 年1 ~ 6 月,采用行为取样法
和全事件记录法对神农架自然保护区投食群的攻击行为及等级序列进行研究。我们共记录到8 种攻击行为,按
体分别投食,以减少因争食发生的攻击行为。  相似文献   

Hand preferences were investigated during one unimanual action (food-reaching) and one bimanual action (mount-reaching) in a semi-free-ranging group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Qinling Mountains of China. Nine of 14 individuals tested on the unimanual food-reaching action and all six individuals tested on the bimanual mount-reaching action exhibited a manual preference. Both significant right- and left-handed preferences were observed in the two actions. Sex did not affect either direction or strength of hand preference in the unimanual action. Hand preference for the bimanual action was stable over time, and the strength of hand preference was significantly stronger in the bimanual action than in the unimanual action.  相似文献   

A. S. Clarke 《Zoo biology》1991,10(4):369-374
The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana, is an endangered Colobine endemic to China. The social and reproductive behavior of this species are little known, and it has rarely been kept in captivity outside China. Results from observations of a captive golden monkey pair revealed some unusual details of sociosexual behavior. Both members of the pair mounted one other, and female mounting of the male occurred nearly as often as the reverse. Male mounts were always preceded by a stereotyped behavioral sequence that included distinct facial and vocal displays. Female mounts occurred in response to male solicitation (presenting). No evidence of ejaculation was observed in association with mounts, although mounts were only observed in a distinctly sexual context. Sexual behavior was associated with aggressive displays by one or both animals and with apparently proceptive behavior by the female. All sexual behaviors showed a peak near the end of the study, although the female was continually receptive throughout the 2-month study period.  相似文献   

2013年3月至2014年2月,在秦岭南坡观音山自然保护区大坪峪颜家沟内选取一群半野生川金丝猴的成年个体作为研究对象,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集其觅食的食物类型数据,目的是为该猴群建立食谱,并通过对比不同季节内觅取的食物组成差异探讨秦岭南坡川金丝猴如何应对喜食食物的季节性缺乏。结果表明:秦岭南坡川金丝猴共采食53种植物(包括34种乔木、13种灌木、6种藤本植物)和4种大型真菌,分别占取食植物组成的64.3%、25.3%、8.0%和2.2%,春、夏、秋、冬季节取食种类和多样性指数分别为20种(3.93)、19种(3.73)、21种(3.87)和25种(4.12)。在秦岭南坡川金丝猴的食物组成中,地衣占总觅食记录的22%;树叶占20%,其中嫩叶9%和成熟叶11%;种子、树皮、芽苞、果实和叶柄分别占16%、15%、11%、 9%和7%。该猴群觅取的植物部位具有明显的季节性差异。春季,对树皮和芽苞的觅食量较高,分别为28%和25%;夏季,增加了对成熟叶的采食量(29%),而减少了芽苞的觅取量(5%);秋季,以取食种子和果实为主,分别占总觅食的48% 和16%;冬季,地衣的采食量达到最大值(41%)。觅食的食物组成与食物的可获得性呈正相关性(R = 0.984, P < 0.01),这与大多数叶猴的适应策略类似,在喜食食物短缺的冬季,它们选择更多的地衣和树皮为食,同时它们采食的种类和食物多样性也有相应增加。  相似文献   

The population activities of golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Xiaoshennongjia of Badong county,Hubei Province had been surveyed by consecutively tracing and grossly counting from 0ct.2000 to June 2002.The result indicated the anmount the golden monkey that iuhabit in here about 600-800 individuals.They moved clockwise in a circular track.236 golden monkeys of 2 groups had recorded by video camera during survey in Apr.2001,among them there were 59.05% adult and 40.95% of underage,the rate was 1:0.9,the sex ratio of adult was 1:1.38 (male:female).117 individuals of three different groups were recorded in random in 2002,among them were 56.41% of adult and 43.59% underage,the rate was 1:0.67,the sex ratio of adult was 1:1.2.The young were hem from the beginning the month of March.  相似文献   

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