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Fragmentation is generally considered to have negative impacts on widespread outbreeders but impacts on gene flow and diversity in patchy, naturally rare, self-compatible plant species remain unclear. We investigated diversity, gene flow and contemporary pollen-mediated gene immigration in the rare, narrowly distributed endemic shrub Calothamnus quadrifidus ssp. teretifolius. This taxon occurs in an internationally recognized biodiversity hotspot subjected to recent human-induced fragmentation and the condition of the remnants ranges from intact to highly degraded. Using microsatellites, we found that inbreeding, historically low gene flow and significant population differentiation have characterized the genetic system of C. quadrifidus ssp. teretifolius. Inbreeding arises from self-pollination, a small amount of biparental inbreeding and significant correlation of outcross paternity but fecundity was high suggesting populations might have purged their lethals. Paternity analyses show that pollinators can move pollen over degraded and intact habitat but populations in both intact and degraded remnants had few pollen parents per seed parent and low pollen immigration. Genetic diversity did not differ significantly between intact and degraded remnants but there were signs of genetic bottlenecks and reduced diversity in some degraded remnants. Overall, our study suggests human-induced fragmentation has not significantly changed the mating system, or pollen immigration to, remnant populations and therefore genetic connectivity need not be the highest conservation priority. Rather, for rare species adapted to higher levels of inbreeding, conservation efforts may be best directed to managing intact habitats and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Historically fragmented and specialized habitats such as granite outcrops are understudied globally unique hot spots of plant evolution. In contrast to predictions based on mainstream population genetic theory, some granite outcrop plants appear to have persisted as very small populations despite prolonged geographic and genetic isolation. Eucalyptus caesia Benth. is a long‐lived lignotuberous tree endemic with a naturally fragmented distribution on granite outcrops in south‐western Australia. To quantify population to landscape‐level genetic structure, we employed microsatellite genotyping at 14 loci of all plants in 18 stands of E. caesia. Sampled stands were characterized by low levels of genetic diversity, small absolute population sizes, localized clonality and strong fine‐scale genetic subdivision. There was no significant relationship between population size and levels of heterozygosity. At the landscape scale, high levels of population genetic differentiation were most pronounced among representatives of the two subspecies in E. caesia as originally circumscribed. Past genetic interconnection was evident between some geographic neighbours separated by up to 20 km. Paradoxically, other pairs of neighbouring stands as little as 7 km apart were genetically distinct. There was no consistent pattern of isolation by distance across the 280 km range of E. caesia. Low levels of gene flow, together with strong drift within stands, provide some explanation of the patterns of genetic differentiation we observed. Individual genet longevity via the ability to repeatedly resprout and expand from a lignotuber may enhance the persistence of some woody perennial endemic plants despite small population size, minimal genetic interconnection and low heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Levels and distribution of genetic variation were analyzed in 15 populations of the homosporous fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris ssp. disjunctum to evaluate the mating system and the genetic structure of this taxon. Estimated rates of intragametophytic selling were 0.000 in all populations, signifying that all sporophytes examined arose via intergametophytic matings. Furthermore, values of F, the fixation index, ranged from –0.171 to 0.038, indicating that all populations approach Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Therefore, not only is intragametophytic selling rare in G. dryopteris ssp. disjunctum, but intergametophytic selling is also uncommon. Factors promoting outcrossing in G. dryopteris ssp. disjunctum include an antheridiogen system, an ontogenetic sequence that favors intergametophytic matings, and high levels of genetic load. Analysis of F-statistics indicated statistically significant genetic differentiation among populations despite a mean genetic identity of 0.973 and high levels of interpopulational gene flow (Nm = 3.41 to 4.09). These patterns may reflect levels of gene flow that prevent significant interpopulational divergence while permitting slight genetic differentiation among populations.  相似文献   

Tropical trees are generally long-lived making it difficult to assess the long-term effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity. Maintenance of genetic diversity in fragmented landscapes is largely dependent on the species’ mating system and the degree of genetic connectivity (seed and pollen flow) among fragments. Currently, these parameters are largely unknown for many endangered tropical tree species. Additionally, landscape fragmentation may isolate tropical tree populations from larger, more continuous populations. The role of isolated individuals in pollen transfer within and between remnant populations is not clear. In this study, we estimate the mating system and pollen flow patterns in continuous and remnant populations of the endangered tropical tree Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophyllaceae). Fractional paternity analyses were used to estimate average gene flow distances between fragmented remnant populations and the siring success of an intermediately located, but isolated individual. In these populations, G. sanctum is a mixed-mating species (t m = 0.72 − 0.95) whose pollen is transported over large distances (>4 km). An isolated tree may have functioned as a stepping-stone between two clusters of individuals, assisting long-distance pollen movement. This individual also sired a disproportionately high number of seeds (13.9%), and is thus an important component of the reproductive success of these populations, thus rejecting Janzen’s “living-dead” hypothesis. The high levels of genetic diversity maintained as a consequence of long-distance pollen-flow suggest that this endangered species may have the potential for future adaptation and population expansion if suitable habitats become available.  相似文献   

Summary Complete or partial nucleotide sequences of five different rRNA species, coded by nuclear (18S, 5.8S, and 5S) or chloroplast genomes (5S, 4.5S) from a number of seed plants were determined. Based on the sequence data, the phylogenetic dendrograms were built by two methods, maximum parsimony and compatibility. The topologies of the trees for different rRNA species are not fully congruent, but they share some common features. It may be concluded that both gymnosperms and angiosperms are monophyletic groups. The data obtained suggest that the divergence of all the main groups of extant gymnosperms occurred after the branching off of the angiosperm lineage. As the time of divergence of at least some of these gymnosperm taxa is traceable back to the early Carboniferous, it may be concluded that the genealogical splitting of gymnosperm and angiosperm lineages occurred before this event, at least 360 million years ago, i.e., much earlier than the first angiosperm fossils were dated. Ancestral forms of angiosperms ought to be searched for among Progymnospermopsida. Genealogical relationships among gymnosperm taxa cannot be deduced unambiguously on the basis of rRNA data. The only inference may be that the taxon Gnetopsida is an artificial one, andGnetum andEphedra belong to quite different lineages of gymnosperms. As to the phylogenetic position of the two Angiospermae classes, extant monocotyledons seem to be a paraphyletic group located near the root of the angiosperm branch; it emerged at the earliest stages of angiosperm evolution. We may conclude that either monocotyledonous characters arose independently more than once in different groups of ancient Magnoliales or that monocotyledonous forms rather than dicotyledonous Magnoliales were the earliest angiosperms. Judging by the rRNA trees, Magnoliales are the most ancient group among dicotyledons. The most ancient lineage among monocotyledons leads to modern Liliaceae.  相似文献   

Populations of many species are isolated within narrow elevation bands of Neotropical mountain habitat, and how well dispersal maintains genetic connectivity is unknown. We asked whether genetic structure of an epiphytic orchid, Epidendrum firmum, corresponds to gaps between Costa Rican mountain ranges, and how these gaps influence pollen and seed flow. We predicted that significant genetic structure exists among mountain ranges due to different colonization histories and limited gene flow. Furthermore, we predicted that pollen movement contributes more to gene flow than seeds because seeds are released into strong winds perpendicular to the narrow northwest–southeast species distribution, while the likely pollinators are strong fliers. Individuals from 12 populations and three mountain ranges were genotyped with nuclear microsatellites (nDNA) and chloroplast sequences (cpDNA). Genetic diversity was high for both markers, while nDNA genetic structure was low (FSTn = 0.020) and cpDNA structure was moderate (FSTc = 0.443). Significant cpDNA barriers occurred within and among mountain ranges, but nDNA barriers were not significant after accounting for geographic distance. Consistent with these contrasting patterns of genetic structure, pollen contributes substantially more to gene flow among populations than seed (mp/ms = 46). Pollinators mediated extensive gene flow, eroding nDNA colonization footprints, while seed flow was comparatively limited, possibly due to directional prevailing winds across linearly distributed populations. Dispersal traits alone may not accurately inform predictions about gene flow or genetic structure, supporting the need for research into the potentially crucial role of pollinators and landscape context in gene flow among isolated populations.  相似文献   

Detailed ecological, morphological and molecular analyses were performed in mixed populations of diploid and autotetraploid Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. in Scandinavia. Comparisons were made with pure populations of either diploid ssp. fuchsii or tetraploid ssp. maculata. It was shown that mixed populations are the result of secondary contact between ssp. fuchsii and ssp. maculata. No patterns of recent and local autopolyploidization were found. Morphology and nuclear DNA markers (internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA) showed that diploids and tetraploids from mixed populations have similar levels of differentiation to diploids and tetraploids from pure populations. Vegetation analyses, as well as analyses of environmental variables, revealed that diploid and tetraploid individuals in mixed populations are ecologically well differentiated on a microhabitat level. Diploids and tetraploids in pure populations have wider ecological amplitudes than they do in mixed populations. Triploid hybrids grew in intermediate microhabitats between diploids and tetraploids in the mixed populations. Plastid DNA markers indicated that both diploids and tetraploids may act as the maternal parent. Based on morphology and nuclear markers triploids are more similar to tetraploids than to diploids. There were indications of introgressive gene flow between ploidy levels. Plastid markers indicated that gene flow from diploid to tetraploid level is most common, but nuclear markers suggested that gene flow in opposite direction also may occur. Similar patterns of differentiation and gene flow appeared in localities that represented contrasting biogeographic regions. Disturbance and topography may explain why hybridization was slightly more common and the differentiation patterns somewhat less clear in the Scandinavian mountains than in the coastal lowland. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Pollination by nectarivorous birds is predicted to result in different patterns of pollen dispersal and plant mating compared to pollination by insects. We tested the prediction that paternal genetic diversity, outcrossing rate and realized pollen dispersal will be reduced when the primary pollinator group is excluded from bird‐pollinated plants. Pollinator exclusion experiments in conjunction with paternity analysis of progeny were applied to Eucalyptus caesia Benth. (Myrtaceae), a predominantly honeyeater‐pollinated tree that is visited by native insects and the introduced Apis mellifera (Apidae). Microsatellite genotyping at 14 loci of all adult E. caesia at two populations (n = 580 and 315), followed by paternity analysis of 705 progeny, revealed contrasting results between populations. Honeyeater exclusion did not significantly impact pollen dispersal or plant mating at Mount Caroline. In contrast, at the Chiddarcooping site, the exclusion of honeyeaters led to lower outcrossing rates, a threefold reduction in the average number of sires per fruit, a decrease in intermediate‐distance mating and an increase in near‐neighbour mating. The results from Chiddarcooping suggest that bird pollination may increase paternal genetic diversity, potentially leading to higher fitness of progeny and favouring the evolution of this strategy. However, further experimentation involving additional trees and study sites is required to test this hypothesis. Alternatively, insects may be effective pollinators in some populations of bird‐adapted plants, but ineffective in others.  相似文献   

Rare species of plants are especially vulnerable to extinction when populations are few, have small numbers of individuals, and are fragmented. Such conditions lead to a reduction in gene flow and genetic diversity, and encourage inbreeding depression. We conducted a study of the reproductive biology and population genetics of Penstemon debilis (Plantaginaceae), a Federally Threatened species endemic to a small region of oil shale extraction in western Colorado, USA. Most of the habitat area is privately owned and undergoing natural gas extraction activities. Penstemon debilis reproduces both vegetatively and as an outcrosser that requires a pollen vector. Moderate levels of inbreeding, but no inbreeding depression, were found within populations of P. debilis. Genetic divergence among the extant populations surveyed was moderate (FST values = 0.069–0.231; Nm = 0.831–3.385) with levels of genetic diversity within populations relatively low compared to congeners with similar modes of pollination and reproductive biology. STRUCTURE analysis revealed three population clusters with some admixture among all extant populations. Genetic diversity within and among P. debilis populations is similar to genetic diversity found for other rare and endemic outcrossing plant species. Our results are consistent with a pattern of recent population fragmentation or low levels of pollen‐mediated gene flow among populations in close proximity to one another. Conservation of P. debilis will require cooperative management strategies between private landowners, government agencies, and concerned NGOs to preserve habitat for this rare species.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic variation of 12 isozyme loci in 14 populations of Matthiola (Brassicaceae) representing the geographic distribution of the species M. incana, M. fruticulosa ssp. fruticulosa and M. tricuspidata in the Sicilian insular system and the adjacent mainland areas to estimate the levels and apportionment of genetic variation in the insular populations and to understand their population dynamics. The disparity in the distribution of polymorphism in populations of M. incana ssp. incana (low within populations but with high values of FST and GST) contrasts with the homogeneity in the inter-population distribution of the high genetic variation detected in M. tricuspidata and M. fruticulosa ssp. fruticulosa. While the low polymorphism found in M. incana ssp. incana is consistent with its origin through cultivation and the associated lack of gene flow, the Sicilian populations of the other two taxa probably derived from multiple founder events from nearby continental areas and, according to our estimates, have maintained high interpopulational gene flow. Unlike M. incana, the Sicilian populations of M. tricuspidata and M. fruticulosa ssp. fruticulosa could have survived the glaciations in refugia. This higher antiquity, together with the maintenance of abundant gene flow, largely explains their high values of genetic variation. In contrast, M. incana ssp. pulchella and M. incana ssp. rupestris have low indices of polymorphism and they are probably neo-endemics, as their distribution areas were severely affected by the Plio-Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Tradescantia hirsuticaulis, the hairy-stemmed spiderwort, is an insect-pollinated perennial plant species found primarily on rock outcrops in Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. Although populations of T. hirsuticaulis are rare and scattered, local populations are frequently large. Levels of genetic variation were assessed for 13 populations representing the species' range in these three states. Despite the disjunct distribution of this habitat specialist and apparent lack of specialized seed and pollen dispersal mechanisms, exceptionally high levels of genetic variation are maintained within the species, with a moderate level of variation (18%) found among populations. Twenty-nine of the 33 loci resolved (88%) were polymorphic within the species; the mean number of loci polymorphic within populations was 54%. The mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 3.24 across all populations and averaged 2.37 within populations. Genetic diversity was 0.206 for the species, whereas mean population genetic diversity was 0.157, both much higher than the average for other short-lived herbaceous perennials. Estimated levels of gene flow were moderate (Nm = 0.95), and a significant association between geographic distance and genetic distance between populations was found (r = 0.68; P < 0.0001). Habitat destruction is the major threat to this genetically diverse species. Since gene flow among its highly dispersed populations is limited, diminution or extinction of local populations could jeopardize the long-term evolutionary potential of this species.  相似文献   

It is essential to understand the patterns of pollen dispersal in remnant vegetation occupying highly disturbed landscapes in order to provide sustainable management options and to inform restoration programs. Direct and indirect methods of paternity analysis were used to detect genetic contamination via inter‐subspecific pollen dispersal from a planted stand of nonlocal Acacia saligna ssp. saligna (ms) into remnant roadside patches of local A. saligna ssp. lindleyi (ms). Genetic contamination was detected in 25.5% (indirect paternity assignment) to 32% (direct paternity assignment) of ssp. lindleyi progeny and occurred over a distance of 1.6 km. The results support studies that suggest genetic continuity is maintained by high levels of pollen dispersal in temperate entomophilous species. The results also indicate that patchily distributed remnant populations may be exposed to substantial amounts of genetic contamination from large‐scale restoration with native taxa in the highly fragmented agricultural landscape of southern Western Australia. Management practices to reduce the risk of genetic contamination are considered.  相似文献   

Pteroceltis tatarinowii (Cannabaceae), a relic tree endemic to China, is mainly distributed in limestone mountains and has a wide geographical range. In this study, 12 microsatellite primer pairs were assayed to analyse the genetic pattern and gene flow among 461 individuals sampled from 23 wild populations of P. tatarinowii. A high level of genetic diversity was detected based on high values of total alleles (159), the number of alleles (NA = 6.373), expected heterozygosity (HE = 0.696) and observed heterozygosity (HO = 0.679). The high genetic diversity in this species may be attributed to its long‐life history, wide geographical distribution and wind dispersal. Only low genetic differentiation (GST = 0.137, FST = 0.138) was found among populations. Gene flow (migrants per generation, Nm) was estimated to be 1.56. This moderate level of gene flow possibly decrease interpopulation differentiation by buffering against genetic drift and improving gene exchange. However, spatial genetic structure was detected throughou the sampled range of the species (r = 0.311, p < 0.05) as well as in southern China (r = 0.453, p < 0.05), and may be related to terrain heterogeneity and the demographic history of P. tatarinowii. The east‐west high mountains of southern China might serve as physical barriers to seed and pollen flow. The isolation and local adaptation of different refugia may further limit gene flow. In addition, geographically remote populations might fail to effectively disperse pollen and seeds. Based on the above‐mentioned results, some suggestions for the conservation of the species are presented.  相似文献   

Allozyme data were used to assess the genetic structure between 37 sympatric populations of the species-pair Stlene vulgaris and S uniflora ssp petraea, and to infer levels of intra- and interspecific gene flow in the two species Silene vulgaris is a geographically widespread weed of disturbed habitats whereas S uniflora ssp petraea is endemic to the Baltic islands of Oland and Gotland On Oland, Silene vulgaris forms extensive linear populations along roads while S uniflora ssp petraea occurs in sparse and spatially-separated populations in open limestone habitats Despite the differences in population size and structure between the two species, both species show extremely low levels of between-population differentiation Between-site differences account for <2% of the total allozyme diversity within Oland in S vulgaris, and < 1% in S uniflora ssp petraea Indirect estimates of gene flow are high for both species (Nm = 11 and 27, respectively) There is no relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance within either species, and the lack of genetic structure is consistent with the pollination biology of the species - both of which are predominantly moth-pollinated The two species hybridize in intermediate habitats, and the geographic distribution of species-characteristic alleles indicates a potential for spatially extensive interspecific gene flow Nevertheless, there are significant differences in allele frequencies between the two species and multivariate analyses show no overlap between populations of the two species The species are ecologically separated by their different habitat preferences and by differences in their flowering phenology There is no evidence that the endemic S uniflora ssp petraea is threatened by genetic contamination or assimilation by the widespread weed, S vulgaris  相似文献   

We investigated levels of genetic diversity, population genetic structure, and gene flow in Eurya japonica, a widespread and broad-leaved evergreen dioecious tree native to Japan, China, Taiwan, and the southern and southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula. Starch-gel electrophoresis was conducted on leaves collected from 1,000 plants in 20 Korean populations. All 12 loci examined were polymorphic in at least one population, and the mean number of alleles per locus was 3.79. In addition, mean observed population heterozygosity (Hop = 0.425), expected heterozygosity (Hep = 0.462), and total genetic diversity (HT = 0.496) were substantially higher than average values for species with similar life history traits. Although significant differences in allele frequency were detected between populations at all loci (P < 0.001), <7% of the genetic variation was found among populations (FST = 0.069). There was a significant negative correlation between genetic identity and distance between populations (r = -0.341; P < 0.05), but this explained only a small amount of the diversity among populations. Indirect estimates of the number of migrants per generation (Nm) (3.37, calculated from FST; 3.74, calculated from the mean frequency of eight private alleles) indicate that gene flow is extensive among Korean populations of E. japonica. Factors contributing to the high levels of genetic diversity found within populations of E. japonica include large and contiguous populations, obligating outcrossing (dioecious plant), high fecundity, and long generation time. Occasional seed dispersal by humans and pollen movement by domesticated honey bees may further enhance gene flow within the species.  相似文献   

Levels of gene flow, Nm, were calculated for 34 predominantly self-pollinated plants, using information on differentiation among populations, Gst. Gene flow levels varied from 0.01 to 6.55, and departed significantly from a uniform distribution. High, medium and low levels of gene flow were found among 15, 38, and 47 percent of the species, respectively. The average heterozygosity (H) and the Nm values showed a positively significant association. These results were compared to gene flow levels obtained with a limited number of predominantly outcrossed plants. Gene flow levels in several self-pollinated species were comparable to those characteristic of some outcrossed species. Pollen flow, combined with long distance dispersal of propagules through various vectors may be responsible for the high levels of gene flow observed in self-pollinated species. High gene flow may provide the genetic flexibility required for successful colonization, which is an essential feature of self-pollinated plants.  相似文献   

Empirical studies indicate that the exponents governing the scaling of plant respiration rates (R) with respect to biomass (M) numerically vary between three‐fourth for adult plants and 1.0 for seedlings and saplings and are affected by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content. However, whether the scaling of R with respect to M (or N and P) varies among different phylogenetic groups (e.g., gymnosperms vs. angiosperms) or during the growing and dormant seasons remains unclear. We measured the whole‐plant R and M, and N and P content of the seedlings of four woody species during the growing season (early October) and the dormant season (January). The data show that (i) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P differed significantly among the four species, but (ii), not between the growing and dormant seasons for each of the four species, although (iii) the normalization constants governing the scaling relationships were numerically greater for the growing season compared to the dormant season. In addition, (iv) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P were numerically larger for the two angiosperm species compared to those of the two gymnosperm species, (v) the interspecific scaling exponents for the four species were greater during the growing season than in the dormant season, and (vi), interspecifically, P scaled nearly isometric with N content. Those findings indicate that the metabolic scaling relationships among R, M, N, and P manifest seasonal variation and differ between angiosperm and gymnosperm species, that is, there is no single, canonical scaling exponent for the seedlings of woody species.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of the three Plantago species P. major, P. lanceolata and P. coronopus were scored for allozyme variability. They showed normal variability levels compared with other, similar plant species. Differentiation among populations appeared to be rather low in comparison with other species, probably due to a considerable amount of long distance seed transport. In order to be able to make an analysis of small-scale gene flow, all (sub)populations were critically checked for the existence of population structure equilibrium. The allozyme variation was tested for neutrality by testing homogeneity of F values among loci: between populations (Lewontin-Krakauer test) and within populations. No systematic deviations from the prediction of the neutral theory could be established. From the population structure analyses, little gene flow in the species P. major (with high selfing levels) and P. coronopus could be concluded, whereas P. lanceolata showed relatively high levels of gene flow. The degree of homozygosity in the latter species was too high to explain with the available data. In P. coronopus, on the other hand, an unusually high number of heterozygotes were observed.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 73  相似文献   

Pollen movements and mating patterns are key features that influence population genetic structure. When gene flow is low, small populations are prone to increased genetic drift and inbreeding, but naturally disjunct species may have features that reduce inbreeding and contribute to their persistence despite genetic isolation. Using microsatellite loci, we investigated outcrossing levels, family mating parameters, pollen dispersal, and spatial genetic structure in three populations of Hakea oldfieldii, a fire‐sensitive shrub with naturally disjunct, isolated populations prone to reduction in size and extinction following fires. We mapped and genotyped a sample of 102 plants from a large population, and all plants from two smaller populations (28 and 20 individuals), and genotyped 158–210 progeny from each population. We found high outcrossing despite the possibility of geitonogamous pollination, small amounts of biparental inbreeding, a limited number of successful pollen parents within populations, and significant correlated paternity. The number of pollen parents for each seed parent was moderate. There was low but significant spatial genetic structure up to 10 m around plants, but the majority of successful pollen came from outside this area including substantial proportions from distant plants within populations. Seed production varied among seven populations investigated but was not correlated with census population size. We suggest there may be a mechanism to prevent self‐pollination in H. oldfieldii and that high outcrossing and pollen dispersal within populations would promote genetic diversity among the relatively small amount of seed stored in the canopy. These features of the mating system would contribute to the persistence of genetically isolated populations prone to fluctuations in size.  相似文献   

  1. Dams and their associated impoundments may restrict dispersal and gene flow among populations of numerous freshwater species within stream networks, leading to genetic isolation. This can reduce effective population sizes and genetic diversity, increasing the risk of local extinction.
  2. We studied crayfishes from multiple up- and downstream sites in three impounded and two unimpounded streams in the Bear Creek and Cahaba River drainages, Alabama, U.S.A. Using mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene) sequence data generated from population-level sampling of two abundant native crayfishes, Faxonius validus and Faxonius erichsonianus (Decapoda: Cambaridae), we assessed species’ spatial genetic structure and genetic diversity, estimated the magnitude and directionality of gene flow, and compared results between the species.
  3. For both species, levels of genetic diversity (number of haplotypes, and haplotypic and nucleotide diversity) were the same or higher in impounded compared to unimpounded streams. Conversely, crayfish populations in up- and downstream sections of unimpounded streams displayed high genetic similarity and bidirectional gene flow, whereas in impounded streams, crayfish populations typically had greater up- and downstream genetic differentiation and predominantly unidirectional, downstream gene flow.
  4. Although impoundments were associated with lower connectivity between up- and downstream sections for F. validus and F. erichsonianus, the magnitude of genetic effects was species-specific, with greater differentiation between F. validus populations up- and downstream of impoundments.
  5. In an ecologically short timeframe, impoundments appear to have fragmented stream crayfish populations, and even species with relatively high abundances and large ranges had lower gene flow among populations in impounded streams compared to unimpounded streams. In addition, feedbacks between genetic and demographic effects on fragmented populations may decrease the probability of long-term persistence.

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