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Book reviewed in this article: Bateson , P. P. G., & P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1985): Perspectives in ethology Vol. 6: Mechanisms (Perspektiven der Ethologie Bd. 6: Mechanismen). Bateson , P. P. G., & P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1987): Perspectives in ethology, Vol. 7: Alternatives (Perspektiven der Ethologie. Bd. 7: Andere Lösungen, andere Denkweisen). Alexander , R. McNeill (1988): Elastic mechanisms in animal movement (Die Bedeutung elastischer Materialien für die Fortbewegung von Tieren). Nultsch , W. (1988): Untersuchungen zum Bewegungs- und Reaktionsverhalten des Flagellaten Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Locomotion and reactivity of the flagellate Ch. r.). Görtz , H.-D. (1988): Paramecium. Anderson , O. R. (1988): Comparative protozoology. Ecology, physiology, life history (Vergleichende Protozoologie — Ökologie, Physiologie, Lebensablauf). Burggren , W. W., & B. R. McMahon, eds. (1988): Biology of the land crabs (Biologie der Landkrabben). Matthes , D. (1988): Tierische Parasiten (Animal parasites). Despommier , D. D., & J. W. Karapelou , eds. (1987): Parasite life cycles (Entwicklungszyklen von Parasiten). Görtz , H.-D. (1988): Symbiose, Parasitismus und andere Vergesellschaftungen von Tieren (Symbiosis, parasitism and other animal communities). Kalusche , D. (1989): Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organismen (Reciprocal actions between organisms). Basiswissen Biologie 2.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Edmunds , L. N. (1988): Cellular and molecular bases of biological clocks. Models and mechanisms for circadian timekeeping (Zelluläre und molekulare Grundlagen biologischer Uhren. Modelle und Mechanismen circadianer Zeitregelung). Stetson , M. H., ed. (1987): Processing of environmental information in vertebrates (Die Wirkung von Umwelteinflüssen auf Wirbeltiere). Poncin , P. (1988): Le contrôle environnemental et hormonal de la reproduction du barbeau, Barbus barbus (L.) et du chevaine, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) (Pisces Cyprinidae), en captivité (Die exogene und hormonelle Kontrolle der Fortpflanzung in Gefangenschaft bei Barbe und Döbel). Miura , T., ed. (1987): Seasonality of birth. Progress in biometeorology Vol. 6 (Die Saisonalität der Geburt. Fortschritte der Biometeorologie Bd. 6). Thorndyke , M. C., & G. J. Goldsworthy, eds. (1988): Neurohormones in invertebrates (Neurohormone bei Wirbellosen). Society for Experimental Biology. Descoins , C., & B. Frerot, eds. (1988): Médiateurs chimiques: comportement et systématique des Lépidoptères. Applications en agronomie (Chemical mediators: behaviour and systematics of Lepidoptera. Applications in agriculture). Fritzsch , B., M. J. Ryan , W. Wilczynski, T. E. Hetherington , & W. Walkowiak, eds. (1988): The evolution of the amphibian auditory system (Evolution des Gehörsystems der Amphibien). Akoev , G. N., N. P. Alekseev , & B. V. Krylov (1988): Mechanoreceptors. Their functional organization (Mechanorezeptoren und ihre Wirkungsweise). Seelen , W. v., G. Shaw , & U. M. Leinhos, eds. (1988): Organization of neural networks; structures and models (Analysen und Modelle zur Gehirnfunktion). Geschwind , N., & A. M. Galaburda, eds. (1984): Cerebral dominance. The biological foundations (Biologische Grundlagen der Hemisphärendominanz). Pöldinger , W., ed. (1987): Aspekte menschlichen Befindens und Verhaltens (Aspects of human feeling and behaviour). Wolf , G., ed. (1989): Fachlexikon ABC Neurobiologie (Dictionary of neurobiology).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Blaxter , K. (1989): Energy metabolism in animals and man (Energieumsatz bei Mensch und Tieren). Schmuck , R. (1989): Ökophysiologie afrikanischer Riedfrösche: Besiedlung extremer Lebensräume (Ecophysiology of African reed frogs: life in extreme environments). Gans , C, & R. B. Huey, eds. (1988): Biology of the Reptilia. Creutz , G. (1986): Die Wasseramsel Cinclus cinclus (The dipper). Hachfeld , B. (1989): Der Kranich (The crane). Fleming , T. H. (1989): The short-tailed fruit bat (Die Brillen-Blattnase). Poppen , T. (1989): Lebensraumansprüche des Fischotters Lutra lutra L. Unter-suchungen zur Limnologie und Uferstruktur an ostfriesischen Gewässern (Environmental requirements of the otter). Raesfeld , F. von, & K. Reulecke (1988): Das Rotwild. Naturgeschichte - Hege -Jagdausübung (Red deer. Natural history and management). Drechsler , H. (1988): Altersentwicklung und Altersansprache beim Rotwild. Anderson , P. K. (1989): Dispersal in rodents: A resident fitness hypothesis (Abwanderung bei Nagetieren: Vom Nutzen, zu bleiben).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Marwan , W. (1989): Die photophobische Reaktion von Halobacterium halobium (Repellent response of H. h.). Schulz , H. (1988): Weißstorchzug — Ökologie, Gefährdung und Schutz des Weißstorchs in Afrika und Nahost (Stork migration — ecology and management of white stork in Africa and the Near East). Gray , D. R. (1987): The muskoxen of Polar Bear Pass (Die Moschusochsen von Polar Bear Pass). Wolter , R., ed. (1988): Le comportement du cheval et ses implications pratiques (Pferdeverhalten und Folgerungen für die Praxis). Weidt , H. (1989): Der Hund, mit dem wir leben: Verhalten und Wesen (The development of dog behaviour). Steklis , H. D., & J. Erwin, eds. (1988): Comparative primate biology, Vol. 4: Neurosciences (Vergleichende Biologie der Primaten, Band 4: Neurowissenschaften). Segal , E. F., ed. (1989): Housing, care and psychological wellbeing of captive and laboratory primates (Haltung und Wohlbefinden von Primaten als Versuchstiere). Klös , H. G., & H. Frädrich, eds. (1987): 100 Jahre Verband Deutscher Zoodirektoren (Centenary of the German Union of Zoo Curators).  相似文献   

The Hadamard transform (Hendy and Penny, Syst. Zool. 38(4):297–309, 1989; Hendy, Syst. Zool. 38(4):310–321, 1989) provides a way to work with stochastic models for sequence evolution without having to deal with the complications of tree space and the graphical structure of trees. Here we demonstrate that the transform can be expressed in terms of the familiar P[τ]=e Q[τ] formula for Markov chains. The key idea is to study the evolution of vectors of states, one vector entry for each taxa; we call this the n-taxon process. We derive transition probabilities for the process. Significantly, the findings show that tree-based models are indeed in the family of (multi-variate) exponential distributions.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Schwerdtfeger , W. K., & W. J. A. J. Smeets, eds. (1988): The forebrain of reptiles. Barth , F. G. (1989): Vom Sinn der Sinne: Sinnesorgane zwischen Umwelt und Verhalten (Senses make sense: sensory organs mediate between environment and behaviour). Tautz, J. (1989): Medienbewegungen in der Sinneswelt der Arthropoden (Ecological and ethological aspects in sensory physiology: two case studies). Adelman , G., ed. (1988): Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der E. of N., Sinnessysteme: I Gesichtssinn, II andere Sinne). Spillmann , L., & J. S. Werner, eds. (1990): Visual perception: The neurophysio-logical foundations (Neurophysiologische Grundlagen der visuellen Wahrnenmung). Nachtigall , P. E., & P. W. Moore, eds. (1988): Animal sonar — processes and performance (Echoortung bei Tieren). Pollak , G. D., & J. H. Casseday (1989): The neural basis of echolocation in bats (Neurale Grundlagen der Echoortung von Fledermäusen). Rentschler , I., B. Herzberger , & D. Epstein, eds. (1988): Beauty and the brain. Biological aspects of aesthetics (Schönheit und das Gehirn. Weiskrantz , L., ed. (1988): Thought without language (Denken ohne Sprache).  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungFür stetes Entgegenkommen während unseres Aufenthaltes in Tihany danken wir aufrichtigst den Herren Direktoren und allen Damen und Herren des Instituts. Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Deutsch-Ungarischen Kulturaustausches und mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.Dass. I. Zool. Anz. 127 (1939). — Dass. II. Zool. Anz. 127 (1939). — Dass. III. Z. vergl. Physiol. 27 (1939).  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the tunicate Ciona start metamorphosis between some hours and a few days after hatching. Several substances were found to reduce this time span, such as vital dyes [Cloney (1961) Am Zool 1:67–87; Hirani (1961) Bull Mar Biol Stn Asamushi 11:121–125], heavy-metal ions including copper [see review by Lynch (1961) Am Zool 1:59–66] and the hormone thyroxine [Patricolo et al. (1981) Cell Tissue Res 214:289–301]. This study shows that low concentrations of ammonium ions as well as the second messenger dicapryloylglycerol induce metamorphosis immediately after hatching. On the other hand, when the follicle cells are removed newly hatched Ciona remain larvae for days. Follicle cells are possibly degraded by bacteria, which thereby produce ammonia.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bakker, T. C. M., & K. Kortmulder, eds. (1990): Essays in honour of Piet Sevenster (Festschrift für Piet Sevenster). Bateson, P., ed. (1991): The development and integration of behaviour: Essays in honour of Robert Hinde (Verhaltensentwicklung. Baerends, G., C. Beer, & A. Manning, eds. (1976): Function and evolution in behaviour: Essays in honour of Professor Niko Tinbergen (Verhaltensanpassung. van der Dennen, J., & V. Falger, eds. (1990): Sociobiology and conflict. Evolutionary perspectives on competition, cooperation, violence and warfare (Soziobiologie und Konflikt. Vogel, C. (1989): Vom Töten zum Mord; das wirklich Böse in der Evolutionsgeschichte (From killing to murder; the real evil in evolution). Harcourt, A. H., & F. B. M. de Waal, eds. (1992): Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals (Bündnisse bei Menschen und anderen Tieren). Barnett, S. A. (1988): Biology and freedom. An essay on the implications of human ethology (Biologie und Freiheit. Mayr, E. (1991): One long argument. Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought (Eine einzige lange Beweisführung. Harwood, J. (1993): Styles of scientific thought. The German genetics community 1900–1933 (Denkweisen der Wissenschaft. Deichmann, U. (1992): Biologen unter Hitler (Biologists in Germany, 1933–1945). Elgar, M. A., & B. J. Crespi, eds. (1992): Cannibalism. Ecology and evolution among diverse taxa (Kannibalismus. Foelix, R. F. (1992): Biologie der Spinnen (Biology of spiders. Moritz, R. F. A., & E. E. Southwick (1992): Bees as superorganisms. Baras, E. (1992): Étude des stratégies d'occupation du temps et de l'espace chez le barbeau fluviatile, Barbus barbus (L.). Lundberg, A., & R. V. Alatalo (1992): The pied flycatcher (Der Trauerschnäpper). Gaston, A. J. (1992): The ancient murrelet: a natural history in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Naturgeschichte der Silberalken auf den Queen Charlotte-Inseln). Epple, W. (1993): Schleiereulen (Barn owls). Schassburger, R. M. (1993): Vocal communication in the timber wolf, Canis lupus, Linnaeus. Haller, H. (1992): Zur Ökologie des Luchses Lynx lynx im Verlauf seiner Wiederansiedlung in den Walliser Alpen (Ecology of the lynx during its re-introduction in the Valais, Swiss Alps). Clutton-Brock, T. H., & S. D. Albon (1989): Red deer in the highlands (Rothirsche im Hochland). König, A. (1992): Untersuchungen zum Scanning-Verhalten beim Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus Erxleben 1777) (Scanning behaviour in marmosets). Ceska, V., H.-U. Hoffmann, & K.-H. Winkelsträter, eds. (1992): Lemuren im Zoo. Kummer, H. (1992): Weiße Affen am Roten Meer. Das soziale Leben der Wüstenpaviane (White monkeys at the Red Sea. Französische Ausgabe (1993): Vies de singes. M?urs et structures sociales des babouins hamadryas. Traduction autorisée par O. Mannoni; Ed. Estes, R. (1991): The behavior guide to African mammals (Feldführer zum Verhalten afrikanischer Säugetiere).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Newman , J. D., ed. (1988): The physiological control of mammalian vocalization (Physiologie der Lautäußerungen von Säugern). Adelman , G., & D. Kimura, eds. (1989): Speech and language (Sprechfähigkeit und Sprachverständnis). Petsche , H., ed. (1989): Musik — Gehirn — Spiel (Music — brain — play). Mascie-Taylor , C. G. N., & A. J. Boyce, eds. (1988): Human mating patterns (Menschliche Heiratsformen). Plomin , R., J. C. DeFries , & D. W. Fulker (1988): Nature and nurture during infancy and early childhood (Genetische- und Umwelteinflüsse in der frühkindlichen Entwicklung). MacDonald , K. B., ed. (1988): Sociobiological perspectives on human development (Menschliche Entwicklung in soziobiologischer Sicht). Steiner , G. (1986): Zeichnen — des Menschen andere Sprache (Drawing — man's other language). Steiner , G. (1988): Wort-Elemente der wichtigsten zoologischen Fachausdrücke.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Biogeography》1997,24(5):697-697
Book reviewed in this article: Biological interactions : J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson (1996) Adaptations of desert organisms: biotic interactions in arid lands. How a Puerto Rican rain forest ticks; : D. P. Reagan and R. B. Waide (eds) (1996) The food web of a tropical rain forest. Molecular-geological coupling elucidates Hawaiian biogeographic history; : W. L. Wagner and V. A. Funk (eds) (1996) Hawaiian biogeography. Evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Palaeornithology: approach with care : A. Feduccia (1996) The origin and evolution of birds. Little water has flowed under the bridge : C. D. K. Cook (1996) Aquatic plant book. Beautiful photos, but handle the text with care : J. Del Hoyo, A. Elliott & J. Sargatal (eds) (1996). Handbook of the birds of the World Environmental history exposed but not synthesized : D. Gilbertson, M. Kent and J. Grattan (eds) (1996) The Outer Hebrides. The last 14.000 years.  相似文献   

We consider a simple cell-chemotaxis model for spatial pattern formation on two-dimensional domains proposed by Oster and Murray (1989,J. exp. Zool. 251, 186–202). We determine finite-amplitude, steady-state, spatially heterogeneous solutions and study the effect of domain growth on the resulting patterns. We also investigate in-depth bifurcating solutions as the chemotactic parameter varies. This numerical study shows that this deceptively simple-chemotaxis model can produce a surprisingly rich spectrum of complex spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: J.M. Arthur . Aboriginal English: A Cultural Study. Diane J. Austin-Broos. Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders. Mick Broderick (ed.) Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film. Linda Connor, Patsy Asch and Timothy Asch. Jero Tapakan: Balinese Healer. An Ethnographic Film Monograph. Steven Feld and Keith H. Basso (eds). Senses of Place. T. Fujitani. Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modern Japan. David N. Gellner, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and John Whelpton (eds). Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal. Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson (eds). Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science. Helen Hardacre. Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan. Marilyn Ivy. Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japan. Margaret Jolly. Women of the Place: Kaslom, Colonialism and Gender in Vanuatu. M.P. Levine, P.M. Nardi and J.H. Gagnon (eds). In Changing Times: Gay Men and Lesbians Encounter HIV/AIDS. Nancy C. Lutkehaus and Paul B. Roscoe (eds.) Gender Ritual: Female Initiation in Melanesia. Helen Morton. Becoming Tongan: An Ethnography of Childhood. Herbert Donald Graham Maschner. Darwinian Archaeologies Michael Southon. The Navel of the Perahu: Meaning and Values in the Maritime Trading Economy of a Butonese Village. J. M. Mageo and A. Howard (eds). Spirits in Culture, History and Mind. Virginia Watson. Anyan's Story. A New Guinea Woman in Two Worlds.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Andrea de Guttry and Natalino Ronzitti, eds. The Iran‐Iraq War (1980–1988) and the Law of Naval Warfare. 1993. Cambridge, England: Grotius Publications. 573 pp. ISBN 1–857010–13–2. (Available from Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, and New York, NY, ISBN 0–521–463025, $190)

David L. Larson. Security Issues and the Law of the Sea. 1993. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 382 pp. ISBN 0–8191–9089–6. $47.50  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Archer , J. (1988): The behavioral biology of aggression (Biologische Grundlagen aggressiven Verhaltens) Cube , F. von (1988): Besiege deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst. Aggression im Alltag (Conquer your fellowman as you conquer yourself. Aggression in everyday life). Lewontin , R. C., S. Rose , & L. J. Kamin (1988): Die Gene sind es nicht … Biologie, Ideologie und menschliche Natur (It's not the genes … Biology, ideology and human nature). Gould , S. J. (1988): Der falsch vermessene Mensch (The mismeasure of man. W. W. Norton & Co., New York 1981, deutsche Originalausgabe bei Birkhäuser, Basel 1983). Taylor , R. B. (1988): Human territorial functioning. An empirical, evolutionary perspective on individual and small group territorial cognitions, behaviors, and consequences (Entstehung und Bedeutung von Territorialfunktionen für Einzelmenschen und kleine Gruppen). Lindauer , M., & A. Schöpf, eds. (1987): Die Erde unser Lebensraum. Überbevölkerung und Unterbevölkerung als Probleme einer Populationsdynamik (Problems of population dynamics in man). Böhm , W., & M. Lindauer, eds. (1988): ?Nicht Vielwissen sättigt die Seele”. Wissen, Erkennen, Bildung, Ausbildung heute (Knowledge and education). Rahmann , H., & M. Rahmann (1988): Das Gedächtnis. Neurobiologische Grundlagen (Neurobiological basis of memory).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Keller , H., K. Schneider & B. Henderson (eds) 1994: Curiosity and exploration. Sherman , P. W. & Alcock, J. (eds) 1993: Exploring animal behaviour. Carroll , R. L. 1993: Paläontologie und Evolution der Wirbeltiere.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungEin Auszug dieser Arbeit erschien mit gleichlautendem Titel als Mitteilung Nr. 87 aus der Biologischen Versuchsanstalt der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Zool. Abteilung, Vorstand:H. Przibram, im Akad. Sitzungsanz. 1222. Nr. 22–23.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bain Attwood (ed.). The Age of Mabo: History, Aborigines and Australia. Paula Brown. Beyond A Mountain Valley: The Simhu of Papua New Guinea. David B. Edwards. Heroes of the Age: Moral Fault Lines on the Afghan Frontier. Martha Albertson Fineman. The Neutered Mother, The Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies. Vineeta Hoon. Living on the Move: Bhotiyas ofthe Kumaon Himalaya. Ratna Kapoor and Brenda Cossman. Subversive Sites: Feminist Engagements with Law in India. John C. Maher and Gaynor Macdonald (eds). Diversity in Japanese Culture and Language. Karen Fog Olwig and Kirsten Hastrup (eds). Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Object. Adrian Peace. A Time. of Reckoning: The Politics of Discourse in Rural Ireland. Michael G. Peletz. Reason and Passion: Representations of Gender in a Malay Society Meir Shahar and Robert P. Weller (eds). Unruly Gods: Divinity and Society in China. Warren Shapiro and Uli Linke (eds). Denying Biology: Essays on Gender and Pseudo-Procreation. Michele Stephen. A' aisa's Gifts: A Study of Magic and the Self.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bain Attwood. Rights for Aborigines. Sarah Colley. Uncovering Australia: Archaeology, Indigenous People and the Public. Kirk Dombrowski. Against Culture: Development, Politics, and Religion in Indian Alaska. Anita Jowitt and Tess Newton Cain (eds). Passage of Change: Law, Society and Governance in the Pacific. Sinclair Dinnen with Anita Jowitt and Tess Newton Cain (eds). A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands. Bruce M. Knauft (ed.). Critically Modern: Alternatives, Alterities, Anthropologies. Helen Gremillion. Feeding Anorexia: Gender and Power at a Treatment Center. Jean Guiart. Et le masque sortit de la mer: Les pays anciens de Hienghène à Témala, Gomèn et Koumac. Robin Hide. Pig Husbandry in New Guinea: A Literature Review and Bibliography. William Mazzarella. Shoveling Smoke: Advertising and Globalization in Contemporary India. Louise Meintjes. Sound of Africa: Making Music Zulu in a South African Studio. Sally Merry and Donald Brenneis (eds). Law and Empire in the Pacific: Fiji and Hawaii. Peter J. M. Nas, Gerard A. Persoon and Rivke Jaffe (eds). Framing Indonesian Realities: Essays in Symbolic Anthropology in Honour of Reimer Schefold. Annemarie Mol. The Body Multiple: Ontology In Medical Practice. Sherry B. Ortner. New Jersey Dreaming: Capital, Culture and the Class of 58. Thomas C. Patterson. Marx's Ghost: Conversations with Archaeologists. Melissa Perry and Stephen Lloyd. Australian Native Title Law. Christopher Pinney and Nicolas Peterson (eds). Photography's Other Histories. Nigel Rapport. I am Dynamite: An Alternative Anthropology of Power. Renato Rosaldo (ed.). Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia: Nation and Belonging in the Hinterlands. Regina Scheyvens and Donovan Storey. Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. David Trigger and Gareth Griffiths (eds). Disputed Territories: Land, Culture and Identity in Settler Societies. Cecilia Van Hollen. Birth on the Threshold: Childbirth and Modernity in South India.  相似文献   

Barbara L. Solow and Stanley L. Engerman (eds), BRITISH CAPITALISM AND CARIBBEAN SLAVERY, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987, 345 pp., £25.00.

Robin Blackburn, THE OVERTHROW OF COLONIAL SLAVERY, 1776–1848, London: Verso, 1988, 560 pp., £12.95 (paper).

J. R. Ward, BRITISH WEST INDIAN SLAVERY, 1750–1834. THE PROCESS OF AMELIORATION, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988, 320 pp., £30.00.  相似文献   

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