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The genetic covariance structure for life-history characters in two populations of cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex indicates considerable positive correlation among important fitness components, apparently at odds with the expectation if antagonistic pleiotropy is the dominant cause of the maintanence of genetic variation. Although there is no genetic correlation between offspring size and offspring number, present growth and present reproduction are both strongly positively correlated genetically with future reproduction, and early maturity is genetically correlated with larger clutch size. Although the ubiquity of antagonistic pleiotropy has been recently questioned, there are peculiarities of cyclical parthenogenesis that could lead to positive life-history covariance even when negative covariance would be expected in a similar sexual species. These include the influence of nonadditive gene action on evolution in clonally reproducing organisms, and the periodic release of hidden genetic variance within populations of cyclical parthenogens. Examination of matrix similarity, using the bootstrap for distribution-free hypothesis testing, reveals no evidence to suggest that the genetic covariance matrices differ between the populations. However, there is considerable evidence that the phenotypic and environmental covariance matrices differ between populations. These results indicate approximate stability of the genetic covariance matrix within species, an important assumption of many phenotypic evolution models, but should caution against the use of phenotypic in place of genetic covariance matrices.  相似文献   

Some individuals of the cladoceran crustacean, Daphnia pulex, reproduce by cyclic parthenogenesis, while others are obligate parthenogens. Cyclic parthenogenesis is the primitive breeding system; the transition to obligate parthenogenesis has been linked to sex-limited meiosis-suppression. Detailed study of patterns of breeding-system distribution and clonal diversity is justified because D. pulex is the first species in which the loss of sex has been related to this mechanism. The present study investigated the genotypic characteristics of 10 D. pulex populations from each of 22 sites in the Great Lakes watershed. This analysis revealed that populations reproducing by cyclic parthenogenesis were uncommon and restricted to southern sites. Most populations reproduced by obligate parthenogenesis, with the electrophoretic survey revealing an average of three clones per pond and 145 unique clones over the watershed. A combinatorial analysis was used to examine the relationships between clone discovery in the asexual populations and both sample size and genetic-sampling intensity. This analysis showed that the few clones found in individual ponds were readily discriminated, while diversity on a regional scale was underestimated. These methods provide a quantitative basis for assessing the level of clonal diversity in asexual populations and in asexually transmitted segments of the genome.  相似文献   

Allozyme studies of the cladoceran Daphnia pulex have shown that most populations reproduce by obligate parthenogenesis, although some cyclically parthenogenetic populations remain throughout the southern portion of its range. Clonal diversity within the obligate parthenogens is extremely high and has been attributed to the polyphyletic origin of asexuality. Specifically, it has been proposed that the clonal diversity in the obligate parthenogens was generated via the spread of a sex-limited meiosis suppressor through populations of a cyclically parthenogenetic ancestor. In this study, analysis of polymorphism of restriction-endonuclease sites in the mitochondrial genome, in conjunction with allozyme analysis, was used to determine whether obligate parthenogenesis has a monophyletic or polyphyletic origin in D. pulex. An allozyme survey of 77 populations from Ontario and Michigan was first conducted to determine breeding systems and levels of clonal diversity (Hebert et al., 1989). Mitochondrial-DNA variation was then surveyed in one isolate of each clone from each population reproducing by obligate parthenogenesis and in 2–4 isolates from each population reproducing by cyclic parthenogenesis. Seventeen restriction enzymes were used in this analysis. Thirty-five mitochondrial genotypes were found among the 36 obligate clones (as identified by allozyme analysis), while 17 mitochondrial genotypes were identified among 40 cyclic isolates from 14 populations. Five mitochondrial genotypes were found in both groups. Parsimony and phenetic-clustering methods were used to construct trees showing the genetic relationship among mitochondrial genotypes. The results clearly show that obligate parthenogenesis had a polyphyletic origin in this species. The close relationship between cyclic and obligate parthenogens in the Great Lakes region suggests that many obligate clones have recently been derived from cyclic populations and that the generation of clones is still occurring in this area. Patterns of clonal diversity based on the joint consideration of allozyme and mitochondrial-DNA data are discussed.  相似文献   

Based largely on analogy with latitudinal trends in species diversity, it has been proposed that levels of genotypic (clonal) diversity in parthenogenetic populations from high latitudes should be lower than those in populations from the temperate zone or the tropics. Prior studies have shown that low-arctic populations of obligately asexual Daphnia pulex are less clonally diverse than temperate-zone populations. To test for the existence of a latitudinal trend, an allozymic survey of obligately parthenogenetic populations of D. pulex was conducted at a site in the Canadian high-arctic. The study revealed the presence of 75 clones in 179 tundra ponds that were surveyed. On average, 4.5 clones coexisted in single ponds with a range of 1–14 clones. These diversity values are as great (or greater) than those observed in more southerly populations and conflict with the notion of reduced levels of genetic variation in arctic populations. Mechanisms that may influence genetic (clonal) diversity in apomictic complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex in Daphnia is environmentally determined, and some obligately parthenogenetic clones of D. pulex have retained the ability to produce males. In the present study, males from 13 such clones were crossed to sexual females from closely related cyclical parthenogens both to determine whether the males were capable of producing viable hybrids and to determine the mode of reproduction of the hybrids. A total of 178 genetically confirmed hybrids were produced, with each of the 19 attempted crosses resulting in some viable hybrids. On average, only 34% of the hybrid eggs that initiated development survived to the reproductive stage, suggesting some incompatibility between the parents. The absence of any association between survivorship and parental or hybrid genotype indicated, however, that there is no specific genetic incompatibility associated with the marker loci used. The inability of most hybrids to produce normal resting eggs is further evidence of a general genomic incompatibility between the parents. Ten of the hybrids produced viable resting eggs, permitting tests to determine their mode of reproduction. Six of the 10 hybrids reproduced by cyclical parthenogenesis, like their maternal parent. The remaining four hybrids reproduced by obligate parthenogenesis, like their paternal parent, demonstrating that the genes suppressing meiosis can be transmitted by the male parent. These results support a model for the generation of new clones that involves the spread of genes suppressing meiosis and provide evidence that the high genotypic diversity observed in obligately parthenogenetic populations of D. pulex is a result of the multiple origin of new clones from the cyclical parthenogens. Evidence was also obtained suggesting that the obligately parthenogenetic clones carry a load of recessive deleterious genes.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction are often provoked by internal genetic factors rather than extrinsic selection pressures. In the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia pulex, the shift to asexuality has been linked to sex-limited meiosis suppression. Most populations of this species reproduce by obligate parthenogenesis, but cyclically parthenogenetic populations persist in the southern portion of its range. The meiosis-suppressor model predicts that asexuality in D. pulex has polyphyletic origins and that the coexistence of cyclically parthenogenetic lines with male-producing obligately asexual clones should be unstable. For the present study, we examined the genotypic structure of D. pulex populations from a region in which there is an abrupt microgeographical shift in breeding system. Populations in Michigan largely reproduce by cyclic parthenogenesis, while those in Ontario are obligately asexual. Allozyme studies on 77 populations from this area revealed 50 obligately asexual clones, divisible into two groups: one derived from a single parent species and the other derived via interspecific hybridization. Although nearly 50% of the clones retained male production, there was, as predicted, no evidence of coexistence between cyclically parthenogenetic populations and male-producing obligately asexual clones. The survey did, however, reveal a low incidence of cyclically parthenogenetic populations in Ontario. The high genotypic diversity of these populations suggests that they are not only resistant to meiosis suppression, but able to rework genetic variation gained from asexual clones into a sexual breeding system.  相似文献   

In a heterogeneous world, the optimal strategy for an individual is to continually change its phenotype to match the optimal type. However, in the real world, organisms do not behave in this fashion. One potential reason why is that phenotypic plasticity is costly. We measured production and maintenance costs of plasticity in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulex (Cladocera: Crustacea) in response to the presence of chemical signals from a predator, the insect Chaoborus americanus. We looked at three changes in juvenile body size and shape: body length, body depth, and tailspine length. Fitness costs were measured as changes in adult growth and fecundity, and summarized as the intrinsic rate of increase (r) for individuals reared in the presence or absence of Chaoborus extract. The cost of plasticity was measured as a multiple regression of mean clone fitness against trait and trait plasticity. We found scant evidence for either production or maintenance costs of plasticity. We also failed to find direct costs of these juvenile structures, which is surprising, as others have found such costs. We attribute the lack of measurable direct or plasticity costs to a decrease in metabolic rates in the presence of the Chaoborus extract. This decrease in metabolic rate may have compensated for any cost increases. We call for more extensive measures of the costs of plasticity, especially under natural conditions, and the incorporation of costs into evolutionary models.  相似文献   

The effect of predation by the aquatic dipteran larva Chaoborus americanus on genetic diversity and life-history evolution in the cladoceran Daphnia pulex was investigated in large replicate laboratory populations. Instantaneous daily loss rates of clonal diversity and genetic variance for fitness indicate that 93–99% of initial genetic diversity can be removed from populations during the 8–12 generations of clonal reproduction that occur each year in natural populations. In the absence of predation, the principal evolved changes in mean population life history were smaller immature body size and increased and earlier fecundity. In the presence of size-selective Chaoborus predation, populations evolved toward larger body size and increased and earlier reproduction. The difference between these two trajectories is an estimate of the direct additive effect of Chaoborus predation. This effect was manifested as evolution toward larger body size with a trend toward earlier and increased reproduction.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial cycles undoubtedly altered the evolutionary trajectories of many taxa, yet few studies have examined the impact of such events on genetic differentiation and phylogeography at large geographic scales. Here we present the results of a circumarctic survey of mitochondrial DNA diversity in members of the Daphnia pulex complex. The analysis involved the survey of restriction site polymorphisms in a 2100-bp fragment of the NADH-4 (ND4) and NADH-5 (ND5) genes for 276 populations representing the two major groups (tenebrosa and pulicaria) in this complex across their Holarctic range. A comparison of the distribution patterns for seven clades in this complex revealed very clear phylogeographic structuring. Most notably, pulicaria group lineages were restricted primarily to the Nearctic, with some colonization of formerly glaciated portions of northern Europe. This group was not detected from vast expanses of northern Eurasia, including the Beringian glacial refuge. In contrast, tenebrosa group haplotypes showed considerable intercontinental divergence between Eurasian and North American lineages, but were absent from Greenland and Iceland, as well as the Canadian arctic archipelago. Dispersal in Eurasia was primarily in a westerly direction from Beringia, whereas dispersal in the Nearctic followed proglacial drainage patterns. Long-distance dispersal of certain lineages was observed in both groups, and variation in haplotype richness and nucleotide diversity allowed us to make inferences about the positioning of putative glacial refugia. Overall, the phylogeographic pattern of diversification in this arctic complex is characterized by the apparently unique postglacial histories for each clade, indicating that even closely allied taxa can respond independently to the allopatric effects of glacial cycles. This is in sharp contrast to other phylogeographic studies of species assemblages from more southern (unglaciated) latitudes, which are often characterized by concordant patterns.  相似文献   

Ponds containing the parthenogenetic zooplankter Daphnia pulex with and without chaoborid predators were sampled over the course of a season. A significant (P < 0.05) Spearman rank correlation was found between predator density and the expression of an antipredator defense (neckteeth) by the Daphnia. The reaction norms (percent induction of a single genotype versus predator density) of clones isolated from predator-free and predator-rich habitats were determined in a laboratory setting. There was a statistically significant different response among the six clones tested (P < 0.05). Clones isolated from chaoborid ponds showed significantly greater sensitivity to the presence of predator than clones from predator-free ponds (P < 0.05). In the laboratory, food levels under which prey were cultured affected induction of the antipredator response. Highest induction was found at the lowest food level used.  相似文献   

在35、30、25℃3种温度下观察了蚤状(Daphniapulex)的生长和生殖。其生长随年龄的增加而逐渐减慢,寿命因温度升高而缩短。在25℃条件下,蚤状寿命、产仔数和产仔率明显高于其他组,其平均寿命为65.5天,累计产仔总数为401.6个,产仔率为21.22。  相似文献   

Gillett , Georce W. (Michigan State U., East Lansing.) An experimental study of variation in the Phacelia sericea complex. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 1–7. Illus. 1961.—The Phacelia sericea complex consists of 2 diploid (n = 11), intergrading species, P. idahoensis and P. sericea. The experimental culture of several races of this complex demonstrated that differences in pubescence, leaf shape, and flower shape persist in plants grown in a common environment. Experimental interspecific F1 hybrids demonstrated high fertility; portrayed intermediate expressions of pubescence, leaf shape, and flower shape; and were found to be, in many cases, indistinguishable from many wild intermediates. A study of herbarium specimens revealed numerous intergrades in which pubescence, leaf shape, and flower shape are highly variable, though loosely correlated. The evidence obtained from herbarium specimens, greenhouse cultures, field investigations, chromosome studies, and experimental hybridizations suggests a hybrid origin for the wild intermediates, recognized as Phacelia sericea (Graham) A. Gray subsp. ciliosa (Rydb.) Gillett.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses were applied to 96 populations (OTUs) of plants, traditionally referred to Chenopodium atrovirens, C. desiccatum, and C. pratericola, in an attempt to evaluate the numerous and often contradictory taxonomic treatments of plants in this complex. The study consisted of two major parts. The first involved the use of cluster and principal components analyses using 14 morphological characters on the entire set of 96 OTUs to search for phenetically distinct groupings; these analyses were conducted without knowledge of traditional taxonomic designations of individual OTUs. Three reasonably well-defined groups emerged from these preliminary analyses. When traditional taxonomic designations were applied to member OTUs of each group, one group was composed primarily of C. atrovirens, another of C. pratericola and the third of C. desiccatum. The second part of the study utilized canonical analysis to: 1) confirm the integrity of the phenetic groups, 2) to classify OTUs difficult to identify to species using traditional methods, and 3) to provide an evaluation of characters important in the separation of these groups. This analysis confirmed the integrity of the groups and provided a classification to species of nearly all of the otherwise difficult OTUs. In addition, canonical analysis demonstrated that a combination of characters was important in the separation of the phenetic groups.  相似文献   

In an effort to provide insight into the role of mutation in the maintenance of genetic variance for life-history traits, we accumulated spontaneous mutations in 10 sets of clonal replicates of Daphnia pulex for approximately 30 generations and compared the variance generated by mutation with the standing level of variation in the wild population. Mutations for quantitative traits appear to arise at a fairly high rate in this species, on the order of at least 0.6 per character per generation, but have relatively small heterozygous effects, changing the phenotype by less than 2.5% of the mean. The mean persistence time of a new mutation affecting life-history/body-size traits is approximately 40 generations in the natural population, which requires an average selection coefficient against new mutations of approximately 3% in the heterozygous state. These data are consistent with the idea that the vast majority of standing genetic variance for life-history characters may be largely a consequence of the recurrent introduction of transient cohorts of mutations that are at least conditionally deleterious and raise issues about the meaning of conventional measures of standing levels of variation for fitness-related traits.  相似文献   

In invertebrate–parasite systems, the likelihood of infection following parasite exposure is often dependent on the specific combination of host and parasite genotypes (termed genetic specificity). Genetic specificity can maintain diversity in host and parasite populations and is a major component of the Red Queen hypothesis. However, invertebrate immune systems are thought to only distinguish between broad classes of parasite. Using a natural host–parasite system with a well‐established pattern of genetic specificity, the crustacean Daphnia magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, we found that only hosts from susceptible host–parasite genetic combinations mounted a cellular response following exposure to the parasite. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that genetic specificity is attributable to barrier defenses at the site of infection (the gut), and that the systemic immune response is general, reporting the number of parasite spores entering the hemocoel. Further supporting this, we found that larger cellular responses occurred at higher initial parasite doses. By studying the natural infection route, where parasites must pass barrier defenses before interacting with systemic immune responses, these data shed light on which components of invertebrate defense underlie genetic specificity.  相似文献   

The epibiotic flagellate Colacium vesiculosum Pringsheim attaches to planktonic species of Daphnia in freshwater habitats. Previous studies found that prevalence (percentage of substrate organisms carrying attached epibionts) and intensity (number of attached epibionts on a given substrate organism) are low early in the Daphnia intermolt period and are high late in the intermolt period. We tested the hypothesis that increases of Colacium cells attached to Daphnia occur both by rapid initial and continuous colonization and by cell reproduction. Epibiont prevalence and intensities were determined at successive intermolt stages of Daphnia pulex Leydig collected from freshwater ponds in Colorado. Colonization was continuous throughout the intermolt period and was most important to epibiont population increase at the beginning of the intermolt period. Cell division was the major contributor to epibiont increase at the end of the intermolt period.  相似文献   

After lentectomy in newts, lens regeneration originates from the iris. The regenerant was externally observed with a stereomicroscope as a depigmented area (DA) of the iris, and the extent of DA up to 15 days after lentectomy was measured. The extent of DA was found to differ among individuals, whereas it was the same in both eyes of each animal. In a number of animals one eye was used for lentectomy. After measuring the DA, two groups of animals were selected; a "W-group" with an extremely wide DA that deviated from the standard value, and "N-group", with an extremely narrow DA. Six iris sectors obtained from the animals of the W-group or N-group were implanted into lentectomized eyes of other animals to investigate the difference in the distribution of lens potency in these two groups. Animals of the W-group possessed a wider distribution of lens potency than animals of the N-group. Pulse-labelling with 3H-thymidine on lentectomized eyes of both groups was done 0, 3, 5, 7 and 12 days after lentectomy. DNA-synthesis began earlier and continued longer in the dorsal part of the iris of the W-group than in that of the N-group. The distribution of lens potency in the iris is discussed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

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