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The effect of steady-state nitrogen limitation on photo-synthetic characteristics and growth efficiency was examined in the marine haptophyte Isochrysis galbana Green. Nitrate limited chemostats were maintained at nine dilution rates, ranging from 0.18-0.96 d?1, under continuous irradiance levels of 175 μmole quanta·m?2·s?1, an irradiance level which saturated photosynthesis at all growth rates. Nitrogen limitation led to an overall reduction in pigmentation and a decrease in the cellular concentration of reaction centers; however, the optical absorption cross section, normalized to Chl a, increased. Moreover, Chl c/a ratios were higher in nitrogen-limited cells: the change in Chl c/a ratios were correlated with an increase in the functional size of Photosystem II. Both light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized per cell and specific respiratory losses were positively linearly correlated with growth rate. Light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to Chl a remained relatively insensitive to the rate of nitrogen supply. The minimum quantum requirement for gross photosynthetic oxygen evolution increased from 12.4 to 17.0 quanta/O2. At the growth irradiance, the quantum requirement increased 88%, from 19.9 to 37.5 quauta/O2 Photosynthesis/respiration ratios remained relatively constant at dilution rates greater than 35% of the maximum relative growth rate. Consequently, net growth efficiency, defined as the ratio of the specific growth rate, μ, to specific gross photosynthesis, P, also remained relatively constant over this range of growth rates averaging 85 ± 3%.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the carbon (C) fixed during photosynthesis between neutral lipids (NL) and carbohydrates was investigated in Isochrysis sp. (Haptophyceae) in relation to its nitrogen (N) status. Using batch and nitrate‐limited continuous cultures, we studied the response of these energy reserve pools to both conditions of N starvation and limitation. During N starvation, NL and carbohydrate quotas increased but their specific growth rates (specific rates of variation, μCAR and μNL) decreased. When cells were successively deprived and then resupplied with NO3, both carbohydrates and neutral lipids were inversely related to the N quota (N:C). These negative relationships were not identical during N impoverishment and replenishment, indicating a hysteresis phenomenon between N and C reserve mobilizations. Cells acclimated to increasing degrees of N limitation in steady‐state chemostat cultures showed decreasing NL quota and increasing carbohydrate quota. N starvation led to a visible but only transient increase of NL productivity. In continuous cultures, the highest NL productivity was obtained for the highest experimented dilution rate (D = 1.0 d?1; i.e., for non N‐limited growth conditions), whereas the highest carbohydrate productivity was obtained at D = 0.67 d?1. We used these results to discuss the nitrogen conditions that optimize NL productivities in the context of biofuel production.  相似文献   

Cultures of Isochrysis galbana Parks and Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin were grown in iron-limited chemostats. With increasing iron deficiency, photosynthetic rate per cell and assimilation number decreased. The pattern of photosynthesis was also altered; in Fe deficient cells the proportion of 14C fixed in glycine and serine decreased with an accompanying increase into alanine after 3 min assimilation. Although there was no significant effect of Fe deficiency on the proportion of 14C incorporated into total amino acids and amides, the percentage of total 14C fixed in protein increased with increasing Fe deficiency. Cellular levels of chlorophyll a, carotenoids, cytochromes and protein also decreased with increasing Fe deficiency. However, the reduction in chlorophyll a/cell was not as great as that of cytochrorne f1 and Fe deficient cells therefore showed a marked increase in chlorophyll a:cytochrorne f1 ratio.  相似文献   

The pigment composition of two clones of Isochrysis galbana Parke (CCMP 1323 and CCAP 927/1), and Isochrysis sp. (clone T-ISO) was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using a polymeric octadecylsilica column. Fluorescent peaks with retention times higher than chlorophyll a were detected for all three clones. The corresponding pigments were isolated and characterized in terms of their visible absorbance and fluorescence spectra. The pigments were similar to phytol-substituted chlorophyll c, previously isolated from Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay and Mohler and other species containing chlmophyll c3. The presence of phytol-substituted chlorophyll c in I. galbana which lacked chlorophyll c3, increases the diversity of chlorophyll patterns for the Haptophyta, which can be grouped, at present, into six different pigment types. This is the jrst observation of a haptophyte containing the apolar phytylated chlorophyll c-like pigment but lacking chlorophyll c3.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous nitrogen fixation and phosphorus limitation on the physiological adaptation and growth performance of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs PCC 7905 was studied in continuous culture. In the absence of ammonia, N2 fixation occurred and the maximum growth rate (as determined in diluted batch cultures) was lower. However, no distinction could be made between the steady-state N uptake rates (based on cellular N contents) of N2-fixing cells and cells grown with ammonia. At the higher dilution rates, the residual P concentration increased with increasing dilution rate, more so under N2-fixing conditions, compared to the cultures grown in the presence of ammonia. More generally, the yield of biomass per consumed P, as the biomass concentration itself, decreased with increasing dilution rate, and both were lower under N2-fixing conditions. The restricted biomass production under N2-fixing conditions suggests that reduction of N loading may benefit lake restoration projects. The influence of N2-fixation on the severity of P limitation is discussed in terms of metabolic control analysis. From the increase of the residual P concentration on switching from ammonium to N2-fixing conditions, it is deduced that under N2-fixing and P-limited conditions, control of growth is shared by N and P metabolism.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of photosynthetically-fixed CO2 was determined by labeling samples of Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmerman for 30 min with NaH14CO3 and analyzing its incorporation into low molecular weight compounds, polysaccharide and protein. In N- and P-sufficient cultures, relative incorporation into protein increased as the irradiance used during the labeling period was decreased to 20 μE · m-2 s-1. This pattern was found for cells grown at irradiances of either 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1, although incorporation into protein was greater in cultures grown at the higher irradiance. In N-limited continuous cultures, relative incorporation into protein was low, independent of growth rate, and the same for samples tested at 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1 irradiance. In contrast, 14C incorporation into protein by P-limited cultures increased as growth rate increased, and at relative growth rates greater than 0.25, the incorporation was greater at 20 than at 180 μE · m-2· s-1. However, the total RNA content and maximum photosynthetic rate of the cultures was the same at all growth rates tested. The interaction between nutrient concentration and light intensity was studied by growing-limited continuous cultures at the same dilution rate, but different irradiances. Relative incorporation into protein was highest in cultures grown at 20 μE · m-2· s-1, in which the relative growth rate was 0.4. These results suggest that photosynthetic carbon metabolism may respond to relative growth rate μ/μmax rather than to growth rate directly.  相似文献   

Cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin incorporated, a large proportion of the total fixed carbon (50% or more) into amino acids and amides during short periods of photo-assimilation of 14C-labelled carbon dioxide. Although increasing nitrogen limitation in a nitrate-limited chemostat had little significant effect on the proportion of C incorporated into amino acids and amides combined, it did affect the distribution of radioactivity within individual compounds of this group. In particular, increasing degrees of N deficiency reduced the proportion incorporated into amides to almost undetectable levels, reduced the proportion in alanine and increased the proportion in glutamic acid. Also, increasing N limitation decreased the relative synthesis of sugar phosphates and increased the proportion of C assimilated into intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Reduced light intensity did not have any significant effect on the proportion of C incorporated into the total amino acids and amides, but did cause a decrease in the radioactivity  相似文献   

Oxygen inhibited the rate of light-saturated photosynthesis of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. However, inhibition could only be detected with O2 concentrations approaching 100%. Atmospheric concentrations of O2 (21%) had little effect on photosynthesis. In this, Phaeodactylum more closely resembles the so-called C-4 plants which show low rates of photorespiration. The results presented here agree with others in showing increased O2 inhibition at reduced bicarbonate concentrations. The biochemical mechanism of photorespiration in Phaeodactylum appears to be similar to that reported for other photosynthetic systems. The activity of ribulose-1,5 diphosphate (RuDP) carboxylase in cell-free extracts was also inhibited, by oxygen. Inhibition by O2 was optimal at pH 9.2 as was the RuDP-dependent O2 uptake. RuDP carboxylase/oxygenase ratios decreased with increasing pH and were greater in cells grown at lower light intensities. Carboxylase levels were less affected by the light intensity for growth than were the levels of the oxygenase. Short-term incorporation of NaHCO3-14C by cells grown at high light intensities showed increased labelling of glycolate and glycine plus serine under O2 compared with nitrogen. There was a concomitant decrease in the radioactivity found in phosphoglyeric acid (PGA) and sugar phosphates in the presence of O2. The effects of O2 on the short-term pattern of photosynthesis were less marked when the alga was previously grown at low light intensities.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate, phosphate, and iron starvation and resupply on photosynthetic pigments, selected photosynthetic proteins, and photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry were examined in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (CCMP 1327). Although cell chlorophyll a (chl a) content decreased in nutrient-starved cells, the ratios of light-harvesting accessory pigments (chl c and fucoxanthin) to chl a were unaffected by nutrient starvation. The chl a-specific light absorpition coefficient (a*) and the functional absorption cross-section of PSII (σ) increased during nutrient starvation, consistent with reduction of intracellular self-shading (i.e. a reduction of the “package effect”) as cells became chlorotic. The light-harvesting complex proteins remained a constant proportion of total cell protein during nutrient starvation, indicating that chlorosis mirrored a general reduction in cell protein content. The ratio of the xanthophylls cycle pigments diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin to chl a increased during nutrient starvation. These pigments are thought to play a photo-protective role by increasing dissipation of excitation energy in the pigment bed upstream from the reaction centers. Despite the increase in diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin, the efficiency of PSII photochemistry, as measured by the ration of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of dark-adapted cells, declined markedly under nitrate and iron starvation and moderately under phosphate starvation. Parallel to changes in Fv/Fm were decreases in abundance of the reaction center protein D1 consistent with damage of PSII reaction centers in nutrient-starved cells. The relative abundance of the carboxylating enzyme, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO), decreased in response to nitrate and iron starvation but not phosphate starvation. Most marked was the decline in the abundance of the small subunit of RUBISCO in nitrate-starved cells. The changes in pigment content and fluorescence characteristics were typically reversed within 24 h of resupply of the limiting nutrient.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is vulnerable to high light (HL) illumination resulting in photoinhibition. In addition to photoprotection mechanisms, plants have developed an efficient PSII repair mechanism to save themselves from irreversible damage to PSII under abiotic stresses including HL illumination. The phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle along with subsequent degradation of photodamaged D1 protein to be replaced by the insertion of a newly synthesized copy of D1 into the PSII complex, is the core function of the PSII repair cycle. The exact mechanism of this process is still under discussion. We describe the recent progress in identifying the kinases, phosphatases and proteases, and in understanding their involvement in the maintenance of thylakoid structure and the quality control of proteins by PSII repair cycle during photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition is caused by an imbalance between the rates of the damage and repair cycle of photosystem II D1 protein in thylakoid membranes. The PSII repair processes include (i) disassembly of damaged PSII-LHCII supercomplexes and PSII core dimers into monomers, (ii) migration of the PSII monomers to the stroma regions of thylakoid membranes, (iii) dephosphorylation of the CP43, D1 and D2 subunits, (iv) degradation of damaged D1 protein, and (v) co-translational insertion of the newly synthesized D1 polypeptide and reassembly of functional PSII complex. Here, we studied the D1 turnover cycle in maize mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts using a protein synthesis inhibitor, lincomycin. In both types of maize chloroplasts, PSII was found as the PSII-LHCII supercomplex, dimer and monomer. The PSII core and the LHCII proteins were phosphorylated in both types of chloroplasts in a light-dependent manner. The rate constants for photoinhibition measured for lincomycin-treated leaves were comparable to those reported for C3 plants, suggesting that the kinetics of the PSII photodamage is similar in C3 and C4 species. During the photoinhibitory treatment the D1 protein was dephosphorylated in both types of chloroplasts but it was rapidly degraded only in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. In mesophyll chloroplasts, PSII monomers accumulated and little degradation of D1 protein was observed. We postulate that the low content of the Deg1 enzyme observed in mesophyll chloroplasts isolated from moderate light grown maize may retard the D1 repair processes in this type of plastids.  相似文献   

The Photosystem II (PS II) assembly factors Psb27 and Ycf48 are transiently associated with PS II during its biogenesis and repair pathways. We investigated the function of these proteins by constructing knockout mutants in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In ΔYcf48 cells, PS II electron transfer and stable oxygen evolution were perturbed. Additionally, Psb27 was required for photoautotrophic growth of cells lacking Ycf48 and assembly beyond the RC47 assembly complex in ΔYcf48:ΔPsb27 cells was impeded. Our results suggest the RC47 complex formed in ΔYcf48 cells is defective and that this deficiency is exacerbated if CP43 binds in the absence of Psb27.  相似文献   

Alain Gauthier 《BBA》2006,1757(11):1547-1556
The flash-induced thermoluminescence (TL) technique was used to investigate the action of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) on charge recombination in photosystem II (PSII). Addition of low concentrations (μM range) of TMPD to thylakoid samples strongly decreased the yield of TL emanating from S2QB and S3QB (B-band), S2QA (Q-band), and YD+QA (C-band) charge pairs. Further, the temperature-dependent decline in the amplitude of chlorophyll fluorescence after a flash of white light was strongly retarded by TMPD when measured in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Though the period-four oscillation of the B-band emission was conserved in samples treated with TMPD, the flash-dependent yields (Yn) were strongly declined. This coincided with an upshift in the maximum yield of the B-band in the period-four oscillation to the next flash. The above characteristics were similar to the action of the ADRY agent, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Simulation of the B-band oscillation pattern using the integrated Joliot-Kok model of the S-state transitions and binary oscillations of QB confirmed that TMPD decreased the initial population of PSII centers with an oxidized plastoquinone molecule in the QB niche. It was deduced that the action of TMPD was similar to CCCP, TMPD being able to compete with plastoquinone for binding at the QB-site and to reduce the higher S-states of the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

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