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We present a theoretical basis and new methods for the determination of thermodynamic functions from scanning calorimetry data. A thermodynamic state is defined here as an ensemble of microstates in the system, and it can be defined only through assumptions of its heat capacity function and the two integral constants. With these assumptions, scanning calorimetry data can be analyzed using the single or double (or multi-) deconvolution presented here. New equations to calculate the van't Hoff enthalpy function and the calorimetric enthalpy function are presented. We prove that the agreement of these two functions is a necessary and sufficient factor for the condition that the system can be described with the assumed two-state model.  相似文献   

A method was developed to determine the conditional association constants of cadmium(II) [Cd(II)] complexes based on the reagent FluoZin-1, which forms a fluorescent complex with Cd(II). A solution containing Cd(II) and FluoZin-1 was titrated with glutathione while determining fluorescence intensity of FluoZin-1 to estimate levels of free Cd(II). The results were analyzed with a nonlinear least-squares method using the Solver algorithm of Microsoft Excel to yield conditional association constants for 1:1 and 1:2 Cd(II)-glutathione complexes. The values obtained were consistent with those reported previously using isothermal titration calorimetry.  相似文献   

Thermal and stability properties of B17, the 17 % N-terminal domain of apo B, were carried out using differential scanning calorimetry spectroscopy, where the thermal characteristics of the polypeptide were studied and analyzed. The heat capacity data of B17 showed that the protein undergoes two transitions between 50 and 90 °C, with T m’s at 65.9 and 74.8 °C. While the first transition showed immediate reversibility, the second one—with the higher T m—necessitated a longer cooling (several days) period for its reversibility to be observed and both transitions could be seen in the heat capacity profile of B17. Moreover, the van’t Hoff enthalpies determined via calorimetric measurements agreed with the values calculated from the CD analysis reported previously.  相似文献   

The influence of the different side chain residues on the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for complexation reactions of the Co2+ and Ni2+ ions has been investigated by using the isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) technique supported by potentiometric titration data. The study was concerned with the 2 common tripodal aminocarboxylate ligands, namely, nitrilotriacetic acid and N‐(2‐hydroxyethyl) iminodiacetic acid. Calorimetric measurements (ITC) were run in the 2‐(N‐morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid hydrate (2‐(N‐morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid), piperazine‐N ,N ′‐bis(2‐ethanesulfonic acid), and dimethylarsenic acid buffers (0.1 mol L−1, pH 6) at 298.15 K. The quantification of the metal‐buffer interactions and their incorporation into the ITC data analysis enabled to obtain the pH‐independent and buffer‐independent thermodynamic parameters (K , ΔG , ΔH , and ΔS ) for the reactions under study. Furthermore, the kinITC method was applied to obtain kinetic information on complexation reactions from the ITC data. Correlations, based on kinetic and thermodynamic data, between the kinetics of formation of Co2+ and Ni2+ complexes and their thermodynamic stabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe disordered Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein/p25 (TPPP/p25) modulates the dynamics and stability of the microtubule system. In this paper the role of dimerization in its microtubule-related functions is established, and an approach is proposed to evaluate thermodynamic constants for multiple equilibrium systems from ITC measurements.MethodsFor structural studies size exclusion chromatography, SDS-PAGE, chemical cross-linking, circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry were used; the functional effect was analyzed by tubulin polymerization assay. Numerical simulation of the multiple equilibrium was performed with Mathematica software.ResultsThe dimerization of TPPP/p25 is promoted by elevation of the protein concentration and by GTP addition. The dimeric form displaying enhanced tubulin polymerization promoting activity is stabilized by disulfide bond or chemical cross-linking. The GTP binding to the dimeric form (Kd-GTP = 200 μM) is tighter with one order of magnitude than to the monomeric one leading to the enrichment of the dimers. A mathematical model elaborated for the multiple equilibrium of the TPPP/p25-GTP system was validated by fitting the GTP-dependent changes of ellipticity and fluorescence signal in the course of TPPP/p25 titrations. The evaluation of the equilibrium constants rendered it possible to determine the thermodynamic parameters of the association of different TPPP/p25 forms with GTP from ITC measurements.Conclusions/General SignificanceThe dimerization of TPPP/p25 with favorable physiological functional potency is proposed to play significant role in the fine tuning of TPPP/p25-mediated microtubule assembly; the unfolded monomers might be involved in the formation of pathological inclusions characteristic for Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied to the determination of the activity of D-hydantoinase (EC with several substrates by monitoring the heat released during the reaction. The method is based on the proportionality between the reaction rate and the thermal power (heat/time) generated. Microcalorimetric assays carried out at different temperatures provided the dependence of the catalytic rate constant on temperature. We show that ITC assay is a nondestructive method that allows the determination of the catalytic rate constant (kcat), Michaelis constant (KM), activation energy and activation Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of this reaction.  相似文献   

Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (GlmS) is responsible for the first and rate-limiting step in the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway. It catalyzes the conversion of D-fructose-6P (F6P) into D-glucosamine-6P (GlcN6P) using L-glutamine (Gln) as nitrogen donor (synthase activity) according to an ordered bi-bi process where F6P binds first. In the absence of F6P, the enzyme exhibits a weak hydrolyzing activity of Gln into Glu and ammonia (glutaminase activity), whereas the presence of F6P strongly stimulates it (hemi-synthase activity). Until now, these different activities were indirectly measured using either coupled enzyme or colorimetric methods. In this work, we have developed a direct assay monitoring the heat released by the reaction. Isothermal titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry were used to determine kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of GlmS. The direct determination at 37 °C of kinetic parameters and affinity constants for both F6P and Gln demonstrated that part of the ammonia produced by Gln hydrolysis in the presence of both substrates is not used for the formation of the GlcN6P. The full characterization of this phenomenon allowed to identify experimental conditions where this leak of ammonia is negligible. Enthalpy measurements at 25 °C in buffers of various heats of protonation demonstrated that no proton exchange with the medium occurred during the enzyme-catalyzed glutaminase or synthase reaction suggesting for the first time that both products are released as a globally neutral pair composed by the Glu carboxylic side chain and the GlcN6P amine function. Finally we showed that the oligomerization state of GlmS is concentration-dependent.  相似文献   

We consider in this work the analysis of the excess heat capacity C(p)(ex) versus temperature profiles in terms of a model of thermal protein denaturation involving one irreversible step. It is shown that the dependences of ln C(p)(ex) on 1 T (T is the absolute temperature) obtained at various temperature scanning rates have the same form. Several new methods for estimation of parameters of the Arrhenius equation are explored. These new methods are based on the fitting of theoretical equations to the experimental heat capacity data, as well as on the analysis of the dependence d(ln C (p)(ex)) d ( 1 T ) on 1 T . We have applied the proposed methods to calorimetric data corresponding to the irreversible thermal denaturation of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase, cellulase from Streptomyces halstedii JM8, and lentil lectin. Criteria of validity for the one-step irreversible denaturation model are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the properties of membrane lipids of barotolerant Pseudomonas sp. BT1 by differential scanning calorimetry and spectrophotometry using a system equipped with a hydrostatic pressure controller. In the case of cells grown under high pressure, an endothermic peak appeared under high-pressure measurement conditions. However, in the case of cells grown at 0.1 MPa, such a peak was not observed. It was also observed on spectrophotometry that the membrane lipids from cells grown at 30 MPa had stable properties in comparison with those grown at 0.1 MPa various hydrostatic pressures and temperatures.  相似文献   

The SMC protein complexes safeguard genomic integrity through their functions in chromosome segregation and repair. The chromosomal localization of the budding yeast Smc5/6 complex determined here reveals that the complex works specifically on the duplicated genome in differently regulated pathways. The first controls the association to centromeres and chromosome arms in unchallenged cells, the second regulates the association to DNA breaks, and the third directs the complex to the chromosome arm that harbors the ribosomal DNA arrays. The chromosomal interaction pattern predicts a function that becomes more important with increasing chromosome length and that the complex's role in unchallenged cells is independent of DNA damage. Additionally, localization of Smc6 to collapsed replication forks indicates an involvement in their rescue. Altogether this shows that the complex maintains genomic integrity in multiple ways, and evidence is presented that the Smc5/6 complex is needed during replication to prevent the accumulation of branched chromosome structures.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of the methionine repressor protein from Escherichia coli (MetJ) has been examined over a wide range of pH (pH 3.5-10) and ionic strength conditions using differential scanning calorimetry. Under reducing conditions, the transitions are fully reversible, and thermograms are characteristic of the cooperative unfolding of a globular protein with a molecular weight corresponding to the MetJ dimer, indicating that no dissociation of this dimeric protein occurs before unfolding of the polypeptide chains under most conditions. In the absence of reducing agent, repeated scans in the calorimeter show only partial reversibility, though the thermodynamic parameters derived from the first scans are comparable to those obtained under fully reversible conditions. The protein is maximally stable (Tm 58.5 degrees C) at about pH 6, close to the estimated isoelectric point, and stability is enhanced by increasing ionic strength in the range I = 0.01-0.4 M. The average calorimetric transition enthalpy (delta Hm) for the dimer is 505 +/- 28 kJ mol-1 under physiological conditions (pH 7, I = 0.125, Tm = 53.2 degrees C) and shows a small temperature dependence which is consistent with an apparent denaturational heat capacity change (delta Cp) of about +8.9 kJ K-1 mol-1. The effects of both pH and ionic strength on the transition temperature and free energy of MetJ unfolding are inconsistent with any single amino acid contribution and are more likely the result of more general electrostatic interactions, possibly including significant contributions from electrostatic repulsion between the like-charged monomers which can be modeled by a Debye-Hückel screened potential.  相似文献   

In our accompanying paper (Inouye and Kirschner, 1988) we calculated the surface charge density at the extracellular surfaces in peripheral and central nervous system (PNS; CNS) myelins from observations on the dependency of the width of the extracellular space on pH and ionic strength. Here, we have determined the surface charge density of the membrane surfaces in myelin from its chemical composition and the localization of some of its molecular components. We then analyzed the attractive and repulsive forces between the apposed surfaces and calculated equilibrium periods for comparison with the measured values. The biochemical model accounts for the observed isoelectric range of the myelin period and, with the surface charge reduced (possibly by divalent cation binding or a space charge approximation), the model also accounts for the dependency of period on pH above the isoelectric range. At the extracellular (and cytoplasmic) surfaces the contribution of lipid (with pI approximately 2) to the net surface charge is about the same in both PNS and CNS myelin, whereas the contribution of protein depends on which ones are exposed at the two surfaces. The protein conformation and localization modulate the surface charge of the lipid, resulting in positively-charged cytoplasmic surfaces (pI approximately 9) and negatively-charged extracellular surfaces (pI approximately 2-4). The net negative charge at the extracellular surface is due in CNS myelin to lipid, and in PNS myelin to both lipid and (PO) glycoprotein. The net positive charge at the cytoplasmic surface is due in CNS myelin mostly to basic protein, and in PNS myelin to PO glycoprotein and basic protein. The invariance of the cytoplasmic packing may be due to specific short-range interactions. Our models demonstrate how the particular myelin proteins and their localization and conformation can account for the differences in inter-membrane interactions in CNS and PNS myelins.  相似文献   

A Nicholls  K A Sharp  B Honig 《Proteins》1991,11(4):281-296
We demonstrate in this work that the surface tension, water-organic solvent, transfer-free energies and the thermodynamics of melting of linear alkanes provide fundamental insights into the nonpolar driving forces for protein folding and protein binding reactions. We first develop a model for the curvature dependence of the hydrophobic effect and find that the macroscopic concept of interfacial free energy is applicable at the molecular level. Application of a well-known relationship involving surface tension and adhesion energies reveals that dispersion forces play little or no net role in hydrophobic interactions; rather, the standard model of disruption of water structure (entropically driven at 25 degrees C) is correct. The hydrophobic interaction is found, in agreement with the classical picture, to provide a major driving force for protein folding. Analysis of the melting behavior of hydrocarbons reveals that close packing of the protein interior makes only a small free energy contribution to folding because the enthalpic gain resulting from increased dispersion interactions (relative to the liquid) is countered by the freezing of side chain motion. The identical effect should occur in association reactions, which may provide an enormous simplification in the evaluation of binding energies. Protein binding reactions, even between nearly planar or concave/convex interfaces, are found to have effective hydrophobicities considerably smaller than the prediction based on macroscopic surface tension. This is due to the formation of a concave collar region that usually accompanies complex formation. This effect may preclude the formation of complexes between convex surfaces.  相似文献   

Multiunit activity was recorded from the strio-pallido-thalamic system in the same parkinsonian patients (as described in the previous paper) who bore gold electrodes for diagnosis and therapy. The patients voluntarily participated in various tasks designed to study neuronal correlates of cognitive functions: “odd-omissions,” “short-term memory,” “cued bimodal,” “assessment,” and “dual-stage delayed response” tasks. Preparatory-related activities were found in multiunits reacting to sensory cues. In a few multiunits these activities depended upon the specific features of the stimuli that were anticipated for evaluation. The most striking characteristic of stimulus-related activity was the suppression of the multiunit responses when the stimuli become behaviourally meaningless. The hypothesis of action programming is discussed: the loop, including the cortex, neostriatum, pallidum and appropriate parts of the thalamus, is involved in the selection of actions, thus providing the organization of sequential behaviour.  相似文献   

A completely dehydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) was prepared with dehydration under high vacuum and at a temperature above its main transition temperature. Thermal analyses on about forty different samples of the DPPC-water system indicated that the main transition temperature decreased stepwise with an increase in the water content to the limiting temperature at 42.6°C, reflecting the thermal behaviors of a total of five endothermic peaks. The pretransition appeared at a water content above 17 g%, and the predominant role of ‘newly incorporated water’ between the bilayers of DPPC molecules at the pretransition was made evident.  相似文献   

In general, measurements of UV radition are related to horizontal surfaces, as in the case of the internationally standardized and applied UV index, for example. In order to obtain more relevant information on UV exposure of humans the new measuring system ASCARATIS (Angle SCAnning RAdiometer for determination of erythemally weighted irradiance on TIlted Surfaces) was developed and built. Three systems of ASCARATIS have been in operation at different locations in Bavaria for 3 years, providing erythemally weighted UV irradiation data for 27 differently inclined surfaces every 2 min. On the basis of these data virtual three-dimensional models of the human body surface consisting of about 20,000 triangles could be created and each of these triangles coloured according to its UV irradiation. This allowed the UV exposure of the human body to be visualized for any kind of body posture and spatial orientation on the basis of real measuring data. The results of the UV measurements on inclined surfaces have shown that measuring UV radiation on horizontal surfaces, as done routinely worldwide, often underestimates the UV exposure of the human skin. Especially at times of the day or year with low solar elevations the UV exposure of parts of the human skin can be many times higher than that of the horizontal surface. Examples of three-dimensional modelling of the human UV irradiation are shown for different times of the day and year, altitudes above sea level, body postures and genders. In these examples the UV hotspots can be detected and, among other things, used to inform and educate the public about UV radiation.  相似文献   

This extension of the liquid hydrocarbon model seeks to quantify the thermodynamic contributions to protein stability from the removal of nonpolar and polar surface from water. Thermodynamic data for the transfer of hydrocarbons and organic amides from water to the pure liquid phase are analyzed to obtain contributions to the thermodynamics of folding from the reduction in water-accessible surface area. Although the removal of nonpolar surface makes the dominant contribution to the standard heat capacity change of folding (delta C0fold), here we show that inclusion of the contribution from removal of polar surface allows a quantitative prediction of delta C0fold within the uncertainty of the calorimetrically determined value. Moreover, analysis of the contribution of polar surface area to the enthalpy of transfer of liquid amides provides a means of estimating the contributions from changes in nonpolar and polar surface area as well as other factors to the enthalpy of folding (delta H0fold). In addition to estimates of delta H0fold, this extension of the liquid hydrocarbon model provides a thermodynamic explanation for the observation [Privalov, P. L., & Khechinashvili, N. N. (1974) J. Mol. Biol. 86, 665-684] that the specific enthalpy of folding (cal g-1) of a number of globular proteins converges to a common value at approximately 383 K. Because amounts of nonpolar and polar surface area buried by these proteins upon folding are found to be linear functions of molar mass, estimates of both delta C0fold and delta H0fold may be obtained given only the molar mass of the protein of interest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Isothermal crystallization from the glassy state of D-glucose and cellulose oligosaccharides (e.g., cellobiose, cellotriose, and cellotetraose) has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The crystallization of amorphous D-glucose and oligosaccharides was very difficult in the absence of traces of water. Amorphous cellobiose and cellotetraose crystallized far more rapidly than amorphous D-glucose and cellotriose. The activation energy for the crystallization of cellobiose and cellotetraose was approximately 10-12 kJ. mol(-1), while that for D-glucose and cellotriose was approximately 1-2 kJ. mol(-1). An odd-even effect seemed to be associated with the crystallization process of these saccharides.  相似文献   

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