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A total storage protein fraction was prepared from mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seeds via isolated protein bodies and characterized by sedimentation, immunological, and electrophoretic techniques. Mustard seed storage protein consists of three fractions (1) a “legumin-like” 13-S complex composed of two pairs of disulfide-linked polypeptides (16.5 + 28.5 kDa and 19.5 + 34 kDa, respectively) and two single polypeptides (18 kDa and 26 kDa), (2) a “vicilin-like” 9-S complex composed of two glycoproteins (64 kDa and 77 kDa), and (3) two small polypeptides (10 kDa and 11 kDa) which probably represent the 1.7-S complex found in other Cruciferae. In contrast to related species, no glycosylated polypeptide was found in the 13-S complex. Immunological relationships were found between the paired polypeptides of the 13-S complex but not between polypeptides of the 13-S complex and polypeptides of the 9-S complex. Pulse-chase labeling and in vitro translation of polysomal RNA from young embryos demonstrated that the polypeptides of the 13-S complex originate from high molecular mass precursors, except for the 18 kDa polypeptide which appears to be synthesized in its final size. The amino-acid composition of the major polypeptides of the mustard storage protein is given.  相似文献   

The time course of appearance of competence to phytochrome (Pfr) was studied in cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) with regard to the light-mediated accumulation of mRNAs encoding for SSU, CAB and the 23 kDa protein of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (OEC). For each gene family a specific starting point of Pfr-induced mRNA accumulation was observed (SSU: 42 h; CAB: 36 h; OEC: 30 h). An increase of SSU-mRNA levels can be detected 24 h after sowing in dark-grown seedlings whereas for OEC the time points for the increase of mRNA are the same whether the seedlings are kept in darkness or induced by light via Pfr. For all gene families a responsiveness to Pfr (coupling point) could be demonstrated before the starting points. The coupling points are also gene specific (SSU: ca. 12 h; CAB and 23 kDa peptide of OEC: ca. 24 h). The responsiveness to light before the starting point indicates that the light-induced signal must be stored.  相似文献   

Pigments leached from Sinapis alba L. seeds and extracted from dark-grown seedlings are described and investigated by spectrophotometry and chromatography and their functions examined. Evidence is given that they are quinonoid, and it is suggested that they form part of a complex which absorbs ultraviolet light and utilizes it to produce growth energy at stages before visible light becomes available to the plant, and that this process may be the means by which mutations are introduced into species.  相似文献   

Under defined environmental conditions (20°C, continuous light of 15 klx) development of mustard seeds from artificial pollination to maturity takes about 60 d. After surpassing the period of embryo cell division and histodifferentiation (12–14d after pollination = dap), the seed enters into a maturation period. The time courses of various physiological, biochemical, and structural changes of embryo and testa during seed maturation were analyzed in detail (dry and fresh mass changes, osmotic and water potential changes, respiration, DNA amplification by endomitosis, total ribosome and polysome formation, storage protein synthesis and accumulation, storage lipid accumulation). In addition to the final storage products protein and lipid, embryo and testa accumulate transiently large amounts of starch within the chloroplasts during early maturation. Concomitantly with the subsequent total breakdown of the starch, the plastids lose most of their internal structure and chlorophyll and shrink into proplastids, typical for the mature seed. At about 30 dap the seeds shift from a desiccation-sensitive to a desiccation-tolerant state and are able then to germinate rapidly upon drying and reimbibition. If isolated from the immature fruit and sown directly on water, the seeds demonstrate precocious germination from about 13 dap onwards. Young seeds (isolated ≦ 38 dap) germinate only after surpassing a lag-phase of several days (after-ripening) during which the embryo continues to accumulate storage protein and lipid at the expense of the surrounding seed tissues. We conclude from these results that the maturing seed represents a rather closed developmental system which is able to continue its development up to successful germination without any specific regulatory influence from the mother plant. Immature seeds are able to germinate without a preceding dehydration treatment, which means that partial or full desiccation does not serve as an environmental signal for reprogramming seed development from maturation to germination. Instead, it is argued that the water relations of the seed are a critical element in the control of maturation and germination: during maturation on the mother plant the embryo is subject to a considerable turgor pressure (of the order of 12 bar) accompanied by a low water potential (of the order of ?12 bar). This turgor permits maturation growth but is subcritical for germination growth. However, upon imbibition in water, the low water potential provides a driving force for a burst of water uptake overcoming the critical turgor threshold and thereby inducing germination.  相似文献   

白芥自交亲和性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同来源的8份白芥材料,采用人工自交法分析其自交亲和性。结果显示:白芥的自交亲和性存在较大幅度的变异,自交亲和指数在0.01~4.10之间,8份参试材料中,自交亲和指数小于1的材料有3个,自交亲和指数大于1的材料有5个。表明白芥中存在自交亲和材料,白芥自交亲和性变异不仅存在于材料间,而且也存在于同一材料内不同个体间。按自交亲和指数的高低,可将参试材料分为3种类型:高自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数大于3.00,如民乐洪水芥麻、04(X)等)、自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数为1.00~2.99)、自交不亲和类型(自交亲和指数0.00~1.00)。  相似文献   

In the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings grownunder continuous blue light, ß-amylase activity increasedbetween 42–96 h from sowing and thereafter the ß-amylaseactivity abruptly declined. Preirradiation with blue light didnot increase the responsivity of the subsequent phytochrome-mediatedß-amylase increase in the cotyledons. The run-offkinetics of ß-amylase increase in seedlings transferredfrom blue light to darkness indicated that the components ofthe blue light-triggered signal chain are kinetically identicalto those of the phytochrome-mediated signal chain. Far-red reversibilityexperiments showed that the above blue light response is eithermediated by phytochrome directly or the blue light photoreceptorrequires the coaction of phytochrome. (Received November 11, 1987; Accepted March 23, 1988)  相似文献   

The effect of potentially toxic concentrations of ammonium on root development of Scots pine seedlings raised on Perlite was investigated during growth periods of 3 or 10 weeks after sowing. It was shown that imbalanced ammonium nutrition led to conspicuous changes of root morphology provided the pH value in the medium was allowed to decrease to 3.9 due to the NH+4-dependent proton excretion into the rhizosphere. Ammonium toxicity could not be observed with seedlings treated either with ammonium nitrate or with ammonium chloride at pH 5.3 ? 6.8. While the supply of NH+4 considerably inhibited root development the biomass production of the shoot was increased. Determination of the endogenous level of ammonium in roots and the leaf whorl exclude a simple causal correlation between ammonium toxicity and accumulated ammonium as has been postulated for herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

Abstract. In cotyledons of mustard ( Sinapis alba L.) seedlings grown with distilled water (DW) phytochrome controlled increase in β-amylase (E.C. level takes place at about 42 h after sowing (starting point), while the photoresponse escapes from photoreversibility at 30 h after sowing. The temporal onset of starting point is presumed to be determined by innate process of developmental homeostasis, which is not amenable to influence of environmental factors such as light and nutrients. However, the temporal appearance of onset of phytochrome controlled increase in β-amylase level (starting point) in seedlings grown with Hoagland's nutrient solution (HS) is delayed by 9 h as compared to DW-grown seedlings. Concomitantly, the temporal appearance of the loss of photoreversibility of phytochrome mediated increase in β-amylase level (coupling point) is also delayed by 9 h in HS-grown seedlings. HS does not influence the primary action of phytochrome, the lifetime of components involved in signal chain of above photoresponse and the turnover of β-amylase enzyme. These results indicate that HS-induced temporal shift in onset of starting point of above photoresponse is caused by interaction of nutrients with the process of developmental homeostasis.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl growth in Sinapis alba L: the roles of light quality and quantity   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract. A comparison is made of the relative effectiveness of light quality and light quantity on the elongation growth of Sinapis alba hypocotyls. The results show that hypocotyl extension rate in plants which have not previously been exposed to light is controlled primarily by the prevailing photon fluence rate when the phytochrome photostationary state lies between ∼0.033 and ∼0.81. Below ∼0.033, changes in photostationary state also have a marked effect on extension rate. Elongation growth in light-adapted plants is controlled by both photon fluence rate and the spectral quality of the incident radiation at all photoequilibria. Photosynthesis can modify these responses but is not essential as a prior condition for a green plant to respond to changes in light quality and quantity.  相似文献   

Hayashi R  Morohashi Y 《Plant physiology》1993,102(4):1237-1241
The activity of ascorbate oxidase (AOX) in mustard (Sinapis alba L.) cotyledons was markedly increased by irradiation with continuous far-red light. The involvement of phytochrome in this light-mediated response was demonstrated by red/far-red reversibility experiments. To determine immunochemically the contents of AOX in cotyledons, the antibody against the enzyme was raised in a rabbit. However, the antiserum was not monospecific to AOX; it also recognized glycoproteins. To remove antibodies that are specific to a carbohydrate moiety of glycoproteins, the anti-AOX antiserum was applied to a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated Sepharose column. By using the antibodies that were not retained in the column, the changes in the content of AOX were followed. Western immunoblot profiles revealed that the content of AOX protein in cotyledons notably increased after continuous far-red light treatment. Pulse-labeling experiments indicated that the synthesis of AOX protein occurred in the cotyledons. These results are in good agreement with the hypothesis that phytochrome-mediated increase in AOX activity is accompanied by the synthesis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fluence-rate response curves were determined for the inhibition of hypocotyl growth in 54-h-old dark-grown Sinapis alba L. seedlings by continuous or hourly 5 min far-red light irradiation (24 h). Just as in red light ( Heim & Schäfer, 1982 ), a fluence-rate dependence was observed for both kinds of irradiations, even if only 35% of the continuous light effect could be substituted for by hourly far-red pulses. The same total fluence was used for the two different light regimes. Measurements of Pfr and Pfr/Ptot showed a strong fluence-rate dependence under continuous light which only partially paralleled the fluence-rate response curves for the inhibition of the hypocotyl growth. It was concluded that neither spectrophotometrically determined levels of Pfr nor Pfr/Ptot can be the only light-dependent factor controlling hypocotyl lengthening under continuous irradiation.  相似文献   

Leucine and beta-(+/-)-2-aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH) stimulated, in a dose-dependent manner, reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate in rat brain synaptosomes treated with Triton X-100. The concentration dependence curves were sigmoid, with 10-15-fold stimulations at 15 mM leucine (or BCH); oxidative deamination of glutamate also was enhanced, albeit less. In intact synaptosomes, leucine and BCH elevated oxygen uptake and increased ammonia formation, consistent with stimulation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Enhancement of oxidative deamination was seen with endogenous as well as exogenous glutamate and with glutamate generated inside synaptosomes from added glutamine. With endogenous glutamate, the stimulation of oxidative deamination was accompanied by a decrease in aspartate formation, which suggests a concomitant reduction in flux through aspartate aminotransferase. Activation of reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate by BCH or leucine could not be demonstrated even in synaptosomes depleted of internal glutamate. It is suggested that GDH in synaptosomes functions in the direction of glutamate oxidation, and that leucine may act as an endogenous activator of GDH in brain in vivo.  相似文献   

In cotyledons of etiolated mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings, phytochrome-far-red-absorbing form-induced flavonoid biosynthesis was found to be inhibited by short-term ultraviolet (UV) irradiations. UV inhibition was shown for the synthesis of quercetin, anthocyanin, and also for the accumulation of the mRNA for chalcone synthase, the key enzyme of this pathway. The UV effect was more pronounced on flavonoid biosynthesis, a process that selectively occurs in the epidermal layers, than on the synthesis of mRNA for chlorophyll a/b-binding protein localized in the mesophyll tissue. These UV inhibitory effects were accompanied by cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) formation showing a linear fluence-response relationship. CPD formation and UV inhibition of flavonoid biosynthesis was found to be partially reversible by blue/UV-A light via DNA photolyase (PRE), allowing photoreactivation of the DNA by splitting of CPDs, which are the cause of the UV effect. Like flavonoid formation PRE was also induced by the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome and induction was inhibited by UV. A potential risk of inhibition, in response to solar UV-B irradiation, was shown for anthocyanin formation. This inhibition, however, occurred only if photoreactivation was experimentally reduced. The PRE activity present in the etiolated seedlings (further increasing about 5-fold during light acclimatization) appears to be sufficient to prevent the persistence of CPDs even under conditions of high solar irradiation.  相似文献   

The activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in mustard ( Sinapis alba L.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was used as an index to evaluate the capacity to cope with excessive ammonium supply. In these 2 species GS activity was differently affected by the application of nitrogen compounds (NH4+ or NO3). Mustard seedlings older than 5 days showed a considerable increase in GS activity after NH4+ or NO3 application. This response was independent of the energy flux, but GS activity in general was positively affected by light. Endogenous NH4+ did not accumulate greatly after nitrogen supply. In contrast, seedlings of Scots pine accumulated NH4+ in cotyledons and roots and showed no stimulation of GS activity after the application of ammonium. In addition, root growth was drastically reduced. Thus, the pine seedlings seem to have insufficient capacity to assimilate exogenously supplied ammonium. NO3, however, did not lead to any harmful effects.  相似文献   

In many plant species, prolonged application of ammonium (NH4+) as a source of nitrogen results in physiological and morphological disorders (‘ammonium toxicity’). In the mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedling we have previously observed particularly severe symptoms of ammonium toxicity in the absence of external nitrate (NO3-) or with increasing NH4+/NO3- ratios. In the present investigation we have studied the symptoms of this ‘toxicity’in more depth, i.e. at the morphological, plastidic, enzyme and mRNA levels, in an effort to elucidate the causation of the syndrome. It could be confirmed that the syndrome is specific for ammonium and is not caused by a surplus of nitrogen. The syndrome is caused neither by pH changes in the medium nor by non-specific osmotic effects. Furthermore, the syndrome is not causally related to the fact that nitrate reductase (NR; EC is induced by ammonium. Development of the syndrome requires neither photosynthesis nor intact plastids. Nevertheless, the plastids are severely affected by ammonium application as is anthocyanin synthesis. Enzymes are differently affected. Among the plastidic enzymes, levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase; EC and NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-GPD; EC are strongly reduced and abundance of translatable mRNA of the small subunit of RuBPCase is decreased, whereas nitrite reductase (NIR; EC is not affected. Among extraplastidic enzymes, the level of chalcone synthase (CHS; EC is strongly reduced, the NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADGPD; EC level is unaffected, whereas the isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC level is strongly promoted. The fat → carbohydrate transformation seems to be impaired by ammonium: fat degradation is reduced, starch accumulation is strongly inhibited and the levels of glucose and fructose are decreased. It appears from the present data and from results obtained in a companion study (U. Hecht and H. Mohr, in preparation) that the ammonium toxicity syndrome is detectable as soon as ammonium accumulation occurs in the plant. However, the actual mechanism through which the excess ammonium affects metabolism remains unclear at present.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for the regeneration of fertile transgenic white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) is presented. The protocol is based on infection of stem explants of 7–9 day old plants with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a disarmed binary vector with chimeric genes encoding neomycin phosphotransferase and -glucuronidase. Shoots are regenerated from callus-forming explants within 3–4 weeks. Under selection, 10% of the explants with transgenic embryonic callus develop into fertile transgenic plants. Rooting shoots transferred to soil yield seeds within 14–16 weeks following transformation. Integration and expression of the T-DNA encoded marker genes was confirmed by histochemical glucuronidase assays and Southern-DNA hybridization using primary transformants and S1-progeny. The analysis showed stable integration and Mendelian inheritance of trans-genes in transformed Sinapis lines.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - GUS -glucuronidase - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IM infection medium - NAA 1-naphthalene acetic acid - neo gene encoding NPTII - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase - RIM root-inducing medium - SEM shoot-elongation medium - SIM shoot-inducing medium - t-nos polyadenylation site of the nopaline synthase gene - uidA gene encoding GUS - WM wash medium - X-Gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl -D-glucuronide  相似文献   

Summary The genes coding for rRNAs from mustard chloroplasts were mapped within the inverted repeat regions of intact ctDNA and on ctDNA fragments cloned in pBR322. R-loop analysis and restriction endonuclease mapping show that the genes for 16S rRNA map at distances of 17 kb from the junctions of the repeat regions with the large unique region. The genes for 23S rRNA are located at distances of 2.8 kb from the junctions with the small unique region. Genes for 4.5S and 5S rRNA are located in close proximity to the 23S rRNA genes towards the small unique region. DNA sequencing of portions of the 5 terminal third from the mustard 16S rRNA gene shows 96–99% homology with the corresponding regions of the maize, tobacco and spinach chloroplast genes. Sequencing of the region proximal to the 16S rRNA gene reveals the presence of a tRNAVal gene in nearly the same position and with identical sequence as in maize, tobacco and spinach. Somewhat less but still strong homology is also observed for the tDNA Val/16S rDNA intercistronic regions and for the regions upstream of the tRNAVal gene. However, due to many small and also a few larger deletions and insertions in the leader region, common reading frames coding for homologous peptides larger than 44 amino acids can not be detected; it is therefore unlikely that this region contains a protein coding gene.  相似文献   

Abstract: Magnesium and the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine inhibited the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in permeabilized rat brain mitochondria in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect was observed on both the reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate and oxidative deamination of glutamate, as well as in the presence and absence of ADP and leucine, the allosteric activators of the enzyme. Kinetic studies at various concentrations of substrates showed that inhibition by magnesium and spermine was very pronounced at 2-oxoglutarate concentrations less than 0.5 m M and NADH levels less than 0.08 m M . The presence of the former compounds also accentuated the inhibitory effect of high concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate (>2.0 m M ) and NADH (>0.32 m M ). Addition of magnesium and spermine to suspensions of synaptosomes decreased the amount of ammonia produced from glutamate. It is suggested that polyamines and magnesium, normal constituents of mammalian brain, are responsible, at least in part, for the low glutamate dehydrogenase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

在硝态氮存在或缺乏的条件下,测定了黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)种子萌发和子叶发育过程中子叶可溶性蛋白质含量以及谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸脱氢酶(NAD(H)-GDH)活性的变化。在子叶发育初期,无论外源氮存在与否,每对子叶可溶性蛋白质含量和GS、NADH—GDH、NAD^ -GDH活性随发育上升。在外源氮存在下,第4d后,可溶性蛋白质含量虽有所下降,但基本保持恒定;第6d后,GS和NADH—GDH活性逐渐降低,NAD^ -GDH却相反增高。但在无外源氮条件下,于第4d后,可溶性蛋白质水平以及GS、NADH—GDH和NAD^ -GDH活性都逐渐降低。在子叶发育的整个过程中,外源氮对GS和NAD^ -GDH活性有促进作用,尤其是在子叶发育的后期对NAD^ -GDH活性的促进更为明显。  相似文献   

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