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I studied the causes of variation and selection on clutch size in a population of Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) on Isla Daphne Major, using data collected over a nine-year period (1976–1984). Quantitative-genetic analyses were carried out using the first clutch laid by a female in a given year. I used both unadjusted clutch-size values and values adjusted for between-year differences in mean clutch size for repeatability and regression analyses. Repeatability of clutch size was small (≤8%) and nonsignificant in all cases. Sib-sib analyses and parent-offspring regressions gave no evidence of a significant additive genetic component to clutch-size variation. Slopes of mother-daughter regressions were actually negative, suggesting possible maternal effects of mother's clutch size on daughter's clutch size. There was a small positive relationship between female age and clutch size but no effect of male or female body size or of large-scale differences in habitat quality on clutch size. Selection on clutch size was generally directional and positive: in almost all years in which successful breeding occurred, large clutches tended to fledge more chicks and produce more young surviving to the following year, possibly because there was no trade-off between clutch size and the weights of individual chicks at fledging. Thus, sustained directional selection for large clutch size may have reduced additive genetic variation in clutch size to low levels in this population. The size of a female's clutch may be primarily determined by unidentified proximate environmental factors which vary from year to year, rather than by any long-term optimization of clutch size with respect to adult survival.  相似文献   

Lande and Arnold's (1983) technique for measuring selection on correlated quantitative traits was used to identify the targets of selection and to reveal the direction of selection on three bill dimensions, during different stages of the life cycle in a population of Darwin's finches, Geospiza conirostris, on Isla Genovesa, Galápagos. There was a tendency towards disruptive selection during dry conditions, arising from differential survival. In terms of longevity and breeding success of females, the direction of selection was to increase bill length. For males competing for territories, selection acted to increase bill depth and bill length. The effects of male-male interactions were separated from those of female choice. Male-male interactions selected for deep and long bills, whereas females chose their mates on the basis of a male's territory position and plumage coloration. The results reveal three factors constraining changes in bill dimensions: a tendency for the mean of a dimension to shift in one direction is counteracted by selection in the opposite direction on 1) another, positively correlated, bill dimension, 2) the same dimension in the other sex, and 3) the same dimension at another stage of the life cycle. If these factors are overcome by strong directional selection at one stage of the life cycle and relaxation at another, there can be an evolutionary response because the bill dimensions in this population are known to be heritable. The results complement those found in studies of G. fortis on another island and strengthen the view that these populations of Darwin's finches are frequently subjected to natural selection.  相似文献   

The most extensively studied group of Darwin's finches is the genus Geospiza, the ground finches, and yet little is known about the evolutionary history and genetic relationships of these birds. Studies using either allozyme or morphological data have been unable to resolve relationships between the six species and numerous populations of ground finches. In this paper we report the results of a study using mitochondrial control region and nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 sequence data. The differentiation of the ground finch species based on morphological data is not reflected in either mitochondrial or nuclear DNA sequence phylogenies. Furthermore, there is little concordance between the mitochondrial haplotypes and ITS alleles found within individuals. We suggest that the absence of species-specific lineages can be attributed to ongoing hybridization involving all six species of Geospiza. There are no long term selective pressures against hybridization within this genus, and therefore a genetically homogenous genus may be maintained indefinitely. Hybridization has apparently played a role in the adaptive radiation of Darwin's finches.  相似文献   

Morphological consequences of hybridization were studied in a group of three interbreeding species of Darwin's finches on the small Galápagos island of Daphne Major in the inclusive years 1976 to 1992. Geospiza fortis bred with G. scandens and G. fuliginosa. Although interbreeding was always rare (< 5%), sufficient samples of measurements of hybrids and backcrosses were accumulated for analysis. Five beak and body dimensions and mass were measured, and from these two synthetic (principal-component) traits were constructed. All traits were heritable in two of the interbreeding species (G. fuliginosa were too rare to be analyzed) and in the combined samples of F, hybrids and backcrosses to G. fortis. In agreement with expectations from a model of polygenic inheritance, hybrid and backcross classes were generally phenotypically intermediate between the breeding groups that had produced them. Hybridization increased additive genetic and environmental variances, increased heritabilities to a moderate extent, and generally strengthened phenotypic and genetic correlations. New additive genetic variance introduced by hybridization is estimated to be two to three orders of magnitude greater than that introduced by mutation. Enhanced variation facilitates directional evolutionary change, subject to constraints arising from genetic correlations between characters. The Darwin's finch data suggest that these constraints become stronger when species with similar proportions hybridize, but some become weaker when the interbreeding species have different allometries. This latter effect of hybridization, together with an enhancement of genetic variation, facilitates evolutionary change in a new direction.  相似文献   

Songs of Darwin's finches were studied on the Galápagos Island of Daphne Major from 1976 to 1995. A single, structurally simple, and unvarying song is sung throughout life by each male of the two common species, Geospiza fortis (medium ground finch) and G. scandens (cactus finch). Songs of the two species differ strongly in quantitative features, and individual variation among males is much broader in G. fortis than in G. scandens. Although there are exceptions, songs of sons strongly resemble the songs of their fathers. They also resemble the songs of their paternal grandfathers, but not their maternal grandfathers, indicating that they are culturally inherited and not genetically inherited. Female G. fortis display a tendency to avoid mating with males that sing the same type of song as their father. They also avoid mating with males that sing heterospecific song, with very rare exceptions. Thus song, an evolving, culturally inherited trait, is an important factor in species recognition and mate choice. It constrains the mating of females to conspecifics, even when there is no genetic penalty to interbreeding, and thus may play a crucial role in species formation by promoting genetic isolation on secondary contact. The barrier is leaky in that occasional errors in song transmission result in misimprinting, which leads to a low incidence of hybridization and introgression. Introgression slows the rate of postzygotic isolation, but can produce individuals in novel genetic and morphological space that can provide the starting point of a new evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

Many classic examples of adaptive radiations take place within fragmented systems such as islands or mountains, but the roles of mosaic landscapes and variable gene flow in facilitating species diversification is poorly understood. Here we combine phylogenetic and landscape genetic approaches to understand diversification in Darwin's finches, a model adaptive radiation. We combined sequence data from 14 nuclear introns, mitochondrial markers, and microsatellite variation from 51 populations of all 15 recognized species. Phylogenetic species‐trees recovered seven major finch clades: ground, tree, vegetarian, Cocos Island, grey and green warbler finches, and a distinct clade of sharp‐beaked ground finches (Geospiza cf. difficilis) basal to all ground and tree finches. The ground and tree finch clades lack species‐level phylogenetic structure. Interisland gene flow and interspecies introgression vary geographically in predictable ways. First, several species exhibit concordant patterns of population divergence across the channel separating the Galápagos platform islands from the separate volcanic province of northern islands. Second, peripheral islands have more admixed populations while central islands maintain more distinct species boundaries. This landscape perspective highlights a likely role for isolation of peripheral populations in initial divergence, and demonstrates that peripheral populations may maintain genetic diversity through outbreeding during the initial stages of speciation.  相似文献   

雪雀属鸟类栖息地在中国的分布   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
雪雀属(Montifringilla)属典型的高原鸟类,主要分布于我国青藏高原及其毗邻地区。本文依据现有雪雀属种类的采集记录、文献记载的分布资料,结合野外实地考察,运用GIS(地理信息系统)的叠加和分析功能,综合生境类型资料,建立其野生动物-栖息地关系模型,并预测该属种类栖息地分布。该模型依据适宜于雪雀分布的植被类型和高度叠加后产生雪雀的适宜栖息地,与县界的行政区划图叠加后产生预测有可能分布的县级单元。预测产生的分布图包含高度适宜、适宜和不适宜三种生境类型。本研究预测雪雀属种类的栖息地分布图显示,青藏高原大部分缺乏采集记录的地区具有适宜于雪雀分布的生境类型,具有雪雀分布所必须的潜在条件。而那些有采集记录的县,也仅仅在那些适宜的生境类型中才会有雪雀的分布。  相似文献   

Several workers have suggested that the rarity of androdioecy (the presence of males and hermaphrodites in a breeding population) in nature is due to the large fitness gain required by male plants in order to be maintained by selection. As part of an ongoing investigation of this hypothesis, we tested the effects of selfing on fitness in functionally androdioecious populations of Datisca glomerata. We compared progeny from self-fertilizations, cross-fertilizations with pollen from male plants only, cross-fertilizations with pollen from hermaphrodite plants only, and open-pollinated flowers for several measures of progeny fitness including seed weight, germination rate, and seedling weight. Significant inbreeding depression was observed for androdioecious populations of D. glomerata for both seed and seedling weights. However, no significant differences were observed across treatments for seed germination percentages. The observation of significant levels of inbreeding depression in this study, combined with prior evidence of threefold greater pollen production by males, may at least partially account for the large fitness increase required by males to be maintained by selection.  相似文献   

Interactions between drought stress and inbreeding depression were studied in Lychnis flos-cuculi. Four inbreeding levels (F = 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75), and three watering treatments were used. Performance was scored for germination rate and proportion, survival, plant size, proportion of plants flowering, flowering date, stem height, number of flowers, flower size, anther weight, fruiting proportion and number of capsules. Multiplicative fitness values were estimated from these traits. Inbreeding affected most of the traits studied, and a severe inbreeding depression was found for the combined fitness estimates. The higher inbreeding depression found here relative to the same family groups in a former experiment may reflect greater dominance and suppression in the present experiment at higher density.  相似文献   

To discriminate between the roles of differential pollen tube growth and inbreeding depression in causing reduced seed production following self-pollination of distylous Amsinckia grandiflora (Boraginaceae), callose plug and pollen tube production were compared following cross- and self-pollinations of A. grandiflora. Pin (long-styled morph) × thrum (short-styled morph) crosses yielded more pollen tubes than pin × pin crosses or pin self-pollinations; no difference could be detected for the pin × pin or pin self-pollination categories. Using thrums as the female parent, no significant differences were detected in any pollination category. These results indicate that reduced seed production following self-fertilization of A. grandiflora is likely to be the result of inbreeding depression rather than inhibition of self pollen tubes.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic investigation of Botrychium virginianum was conducted to determine the levels and distribution of genetic variation within and among populations of this species. A total of 18 loci representing seven enzymes was examined. For the four polymorphic loci, observed heterozygosity was substantially lower than expected heterozygosity. Values of F were extremely high, indicating a significant deviation from random mating, probably due to inbreeding. We suggest that the high inbreeding coefficients obtained result from a life cycle involving subterranean gametophytes which restrict sperm movement. The study also demonstrates the value of using F-statistics and gene diversity statistics to analyze genetic subdivision in a fern species. Despite the high chromosome number reported for B. virginianum (n = 90), there is no genetic evidence to support the contention that this species is highly polyploid.  相似文献   

The effects of one and two generations of inbreeding were studied in plants from four natural populations of the annual plant, Collinsia heterophylla, using inbred and outcrossed plants generated by hand pollinations to create expected inbreeding coefficients ranging from 0–0.75. The selfing rates of the populations were estimated using allozyme markers to range from 0.37–0.69. Inbreeding depression was mild, ranging from 5–40%, but significant effects were detected for characters measured at all stages of the life cycle. Fitness components declined significantly with the inbreeding coefficient, and regression of fitness characters on inbreeding coefficients gave no evidence of any strongly synergistic effects attributable to the different genetic factors that contribute to decline in fitness under inbreeding. The magnitude of inbreeding depression did not clearly decrease with the populations' levels of inbreeding. This is not surprising because the selfing rates are similar enough that it is unlikely that the populations have been characterized for long periods of time by these different inbreeding levels.  相似文献   

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