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Protective efficacy of secreted proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae cultivated on cardiocerebral broth and semisynthetic growth medium respectively was studied in vivo. Fraction with molecular weight 30 - 50 kDa obtained by the method of membrane fractionation had high protective efficacy. Two-dose immunization of mice with this fraction provided 80 - 100% protection from infection by homologous strains of S. pneumoniae and K. pneumoniae. Cross-protective activity of the fraction was revealed when infecting immunized mice by different K-types of K. pneumoniae. Blood sera of mice immunized with 30 - 50 kDa fraction possessed preventive features protecting from infection 90% of animals while 100% of death in the control group. It was determined that protective efficacy of the mentioned fraction was determined by protein-containing antigens because proteolytic disruption of the protein component resulted in loss of protective properties of the preparation.  相似文献   

Human commensal microbiota are an important determinant of health and disease of the host. Different human body sites harbour different bacterial microbiota, bacterial communities that maintain a stable balance. However, many of the factors influencing the stabilities of bacterial communities associated with humans remain unknown. In this study, we identified putative bacteriocins produced by human commensal microbiota. Bacteriocins are peptides or proteins with antimicrobial activity that contribute to the stability and dynamics of microbial communities. We employed bioinformatic analyses to identify putative bacteriocin sequences in metagenomic sequences obtained from different human body sites. Prevailing bacterial taxa of the putative bacteriocins producers matched the most abundant organisms in each human body site. Remarkably, we found that samples from different body sites contain different density of putative bacteriocin genes, with the highest in samples from the vagina, the airway, and the oral cavity and the lowest in those from gut. Inherent differences of different body sites thus influence the density and types of bacteriocins produced by commensal bacteria. Our results suggest that bacteriocins play important roles to allow different bacteria to occupy several human body sites, and to establish a long‐term commensal relationship with human hosts.  相似文献   

Preliminary characterization of four bacteriocins from Streptococcus mutans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The various properties of the inhibitory substances produced by Streptococcus mutans strains C67-1, Ny257-S, Ny266, and T8, and the fact that inhibitory zones produced could not be associated with lactic acid (or other organic acids), bacteriophages, or hydrogen peroxide indicate that these substances can be classified as mutacins. The substances produced by strains C67-1, Ny266, and T8 possessed similar properties. They were shown to be thermoresistant (100 degrees C, 30 min), low molecular weight (less than 3500) substances sensitive to proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, papain, pronase E, proteinase K, and trypsin) and they were active against most of the Gram-positive bacteria tested but not against most of the Gram-negative bacteria. The substance produced by strain Ny257-S differs from the other three by its narrower activity spectrum, its lower thermoresistance (80 degrees C, 30 min), and its higher molecular weight (8,000-14,000). The gene or the genes coding for the mutacins are probably located on the chromosome since no plasmid DNA could be detected in these four producing strains. Restriction-fragment patterns of C67-1 and T8 suggest that these strains are closely related, as supported by the strong similarity observed between the properties of their mutacins.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) are hypervariable loci widely distributed in prokaryotes that provide acquired immunity against foreign genetic elements. Here, we characterize a novel Streptococcus thermophilus locus, CRISPR3, and experimentally demonstrate its ability to integrate novel spacers in response to bacteriophage. Also, we analyze CRISPR diversity and activity across three distinct CRISPR loci in several S. thermophilus strains. We show that both CRISPR repeats and cas genes are locus specific and functionally coupled. A total of 124 strains were studied, and 109 unique spacer arrangements were observed across the three CRISPR loci. Overall, 3,626 spacers were analyzed, including 2,829 for CRISPR1 (782 unique), 173 for CRISPR2 (16 unique), and 624 for CRISPR3 (154 unique). Sequence analysis of the spacers revealed homology and identity to phage sequences (77%), plasmid sequences (16%), and S. thermophilus chromosomal sequences (7%). Polymorphisms were observed for the CRISPR repeats, CRISPR spacers, cas genes, CRISPR motif, locus architecture, and specific sequence content. Interestingly, CRISPR loci evolved both via polarized addition of novel spacers after exposure to foreign genetic elements and via internal deletion of spacers. We hypothesize that the level of diversity is correlated with relative CRISPR activity and propose that the activity is highest for CRISPR1, followed by CRISPR3, while CRISPR2 may be degenerate. Globally, the dynamic nature of CRISPR loci might prove valuable for typing and comparative analyses of strains and microbial populations. Also, CRISPRs provide critical insights into the relationships between prokaryotes and their environments, notably the coevolution of host and viral genomes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation is associated with polysaccharide synthesis in a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, CpsB, CpsC, and CpsD affect tyrosine phosphorylation and are critical for the production of a mature capsule in vitro. To characterize the interactions between these proteins and the phosphorylation event they modulate, cps2B, cps2C, and cps2D from the capsule type 2 S. pneumoniae D39 were cloned and expressed both individually and in combination in Escherichia coli. Cps2D purified from E. coli was not phosphorylated unless it was co-expressed with its cognate transmembrane domain, Cps2C. Purified phosphorylated Cps2D had tyrosine kinase activity and could phosphorylate both dephosphorylated Cps2D and an exogenous substrate (poly-Glu-Tyr) in the absence of ATP. Cps2B exhibited phosphatase activity against both purified phosphorylated Cps2D and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. An additional role for Cps2B as an inhibitor of Cps2D phosphorylation was demonstrated in both co-expression experiments in E. coli and in vitro experiments where it blocked the transphosphorylation of Cps2D even in the presence of the phosphatase inhibitor sodium orthovanadate. cps2C and cps2D deletion mutants in S. pneumoniae produced no detectable mature capsule during laboratory culture. Both were avirulent in systemic mouse infections and were unable to colonize the nasopharynx, suggesting that the failure to produce capsule was not dependent on the environment. Based on these results, we propose a model for capsule regulation where CpsB, CpsC, CpsD, and ATP form a stable complex that enhances capsule synthesis.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the antibacterial activity of sodium citrate against Streptococcus pneumoniae and several oral bacteria. Methods and Results: The antibacterial activity was determined by broth microdilution method. The results showed that although Enterocuccus faecium OB7084 and Klebsiella pneumoniae OB7088 had high tolerance to sodium citrate, several oral bacteria including Fusobacterium nucleatum JCM8532T, Streptococcus mutans JCM5705T and Strep. pneumoniae NBRC102642T were susceptible. Furthermore, the bactericidal activity of sodium citrate against Strep. pneumoniae NBRC102642T was not influenced by pH in the range of 5·0–8·0, whereas that of sodium lactate was weakened at neutral or weak alkaline pH. When Strep. pneumoniae NBRC102642T was treated with sodium citrate for 2 h, many burst cells were observed. However, addition of MgCl2 or CaCl2 to an assay medium weakened the antimicrobial activity although ZnCl2 or MnCl2 did not influence. Conclusions: Independent of pH, sodium citrate inhibited the growth of oral bacteria, which suggests that the mechanism is different from that of sodium lactate. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results presented in this study would be available for understanding the antimicrobial property of sodium citrate.  相似文献   

Conditions of electroporation to transform encapsulated strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae with plasmid DNA have been defined. For a heavily encapsulated strain, an electroporation solution of 10–20% (v/v) glycerol and 3.2 kV cm-1 field strength, 1000 Ω resistance and 25 μF capacitance were optimal. For lightly encapsulated or non-encapsulated strains, optimal conditions were a sucrose-based electroporation solution and 12.5 kV cm-1 field strength, 200 Ω resistance and 25 μF capacitance.  相似文献   

This study describes an alpha-lactalbumin folding variant from human milk with bactericidal activity against antibiotic-resistant and -susceptible strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The active complex precipitated with the casein fraction at pH 4.6 and was purified from casein by a combination of anion exchange and gel chromatography. Unlike other casein components, the active complex was retained on the ion-exchange matrix and eluted only with high salt. The eluted fraction showed N-terminal and mass spectrometric identity with human milk alpha-lactalbumin, but native alpha-lactalbumin had no bactericidal effect. Spectroscopic analysis demonstrated that the active form of the molecule was in a different folding state, with secondary structure identical to alpha-lactalbumin from human milk whey, but fluctuating tertiary structure. Native alpha-lactalbumin could be converted to the active bactericidal form by ion-exchange chromatography in the presence of a cofactor from human milk casein, characterized as a C18:1 fatty acid. Analysis of the antibacterial spectrum showed selectivity for streptococci; Gram-negative and other Gram-positive bacteria were resistant. The folding variant of alpha-lactalbumin is a new example of naturally occurring molecules with antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Biofilm‐grown bacteria are refractory to antimicrobial agents and show an increased capacity to evade the host immune system. In recent years, studies have begun on biofilm formation by Streptococcus pneumoniae, an important human pathogen, using a variety of in vitro model systems. The bacterial cells in these biofilms are held together by an extracellular matrix composed of DNA, proteins and, possibly, polysaccharide(s). Although neither the precise nature of these proteins nor the composition of the putative polysaccharide(s) is clear, it is known that choline‐binding proteins are required for successful biofilm formation. Further, many genes appear to be involved, although the role of each appears to vary when biofilms are produced in batch or continuous culture. Prophylactic and therapeutic measures need to be developed to fight S. pneumoniae biofilm formation. However, much care needs to be taken when choosing strains for such studies because different S. pneumoniae isolates can show remarkable genomic differences. Multispecies and in vivo biofilm models must also be developed to provide a more complete understanding of biofilm formation and maintenance.  相似文献   

Bacteriocins--bacterial proteins or peptides--are envisaged as candidates for the next generation of effective antimicrobials. Analysis of characteristics of natural and genetically engineered bacteriocins with regard to the molecular basis of their production and activity has been performed. Most bacteriocins have narrow spectrum of the inhibitory activity. Some of the broad-spectrum bacteriocins have circular molecular structure (C- and N-terminals of the aminoacid chain are joined by a peptide sequence). Fixed position of molecules' ends possibly accounts for the ability of the proteins to bind with various receptors on the surface of the target cells. Genes encoding bacteriocins and functionally associated proteins can be expressed in heterologous cells including eukaryotic cells. Also there were reports of changing bacteriocin characteristics by the use of site-specific mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Enzyme activity measurement showed that L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C (Vc)) competitively inhibits the hyaluronan degradation by Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase. The complex crystal structure of this enzyme with Vc was determined at 2.0 A resolution. One Vc molecule was found to bind to the active site of the enzyme. The Vc carboxyl group provides the negative charges that lead the molecule into the highly positively charged cleft of the enzyme. The Vc ring system forms hydrophobic interactions with the side chain of Trp-292, which is one of the aromatic patch residues of this enzyme responsible for the selection of the cleavage sites on the substrate chain. The binding of Vc inhibits the substrate binding at hyaluronan 1, 2, and 3 (HA1, HA2, and HA3) catalytic positions. The high concentration of Vc in human tissues probably provides a low level of natural resistance to the pneumococcal invasion. This is the first time that Vc the direct inhibition on the bacterial "spreading factor" was reported, and Vc is also the first chemical that has been shown experimentally to have an inhibitory effect on bacterial hyaluronate lyase. These studies also highlight the possible structural requirement for the design of a stronger inhibitor of bacterial hyaluronate lyase.  相似文献   

The chloramphenicol resistance of Streptococcus haemolyticus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus faecalis isolated from clinical materials was proved to be due to an inactivating enzyme produced by these bacteria. The inactivated products of chloramphenicol were identified as 1-acetoxy, 3-acetoxy and 1,3-diacetoxy derivatives by thin-layer chromatography and infrared spectroscopy. The responsible enzyme was thus confirmed to be chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. The enzyme was inducible. It was partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzymes obtained from S. haemolyticus, S. pneumoniae and S. faecalis have been compared with the conclusion that they are identical with respect to molecular weight (approximately 75,000-80,000), optimum pH and heat stability.  相似文献   

Enterococci are lactic acid bacteria of importance in food, public health and medical microbiology. Many strains produce bacteriocins, some of which have been well characterized. This review describes the structural and genetic characteristics of enterocins, the bacteriocins produced by enterococci. Some of these can be grouped with typical bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria according to traditional classification, whereas others are atypical and structurally distinct from the general classes of bacteriocins. These atypical enterocins recently played an important role in and prompted reclassification of the class II bacteriocins into a new scheme. In this review, a more simplified classification scheme for enterocins based on amino acid sequence homologies is proposed. Enterocins are of interest for their diversity and potential for use as food biopreservatives. The emergence of multiple antibiotic-resistant enterococci among agents of nosocomial disease and the presence of virulence factors among food isolates requires a careful safety evaluation of isolates intended for potential biotechnical use. Nevertheless, enterococcal bacteriocins produced by heterologous hosts or added as cell-free preparations may still be attractive for application in food preservation.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine the prevalence of bacteriocin production in Streptococcus bovis isolates from Australian ruminants and the feasibility of industrial production of bacteriocin. Methods and Results: Streptococcus bovis strains were tested for production of bacteriocin‐like inhibitory substances (BLIS) by antagonism assay against Lactococcus lactis. BLIS production was associated with source animal location (i.e. proximity of other bacteriocin‐positive source animals) rather than ruminant species/breed or diet. One bacteriocin showing strong inhibitory activity (Sb15) was isolated and examined. Protein sequence, stability and activity spectrum of this bovicin were very similar to bovicin HC5. Production could be increased through serial culturing, and increased productivity could be partially maintained during cold storage of cultures. Conclusions: BLIS production is geographically widely distributed in Eastern Australia, and it appears that the bacteriocin+ trait is maintained in animals at the same location. The HC5‐like bacteriocin, originally identified in North America, is also found in Australia. Production of bacteriocin can be increased through serial culturing. Significance and Impact of the Study: The HC5‐like bacteriocins appear to have a broad global distribution. Serial culturing may provide a route towards commercial manufacturing for use in industrial applications, and purified bacteriocin from S. bovis Sb15 could potentially be used to prevent food spoilage or as a feed additive to promote growth in ruminant species.  相似文献   

Several mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated that appeared tolerant, to varying extents, to the lytic and bactericidal effects of some antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis, but were not deficient in autolytic activity. The method used to select the mutants was based on the survival of tolerant mutants during treatment with either bacitracin, benzylpenicillin, D-cycloserine plus beta-chloro-D-alanine, or vancomycin. Most (60 to 80%) of the surviving isolates were found to be deficient in autolytic activity, and these were rejected. The smaller proportion that had wild-type sensitivity to deoxycholate-induced lysis was studied further with respect to tolerance to the other antibiotics used in the selection procedures. Two of these mutants (selected by treatment with benzylpenicillin) were tolerant to either benzylpenicillin or D-cycloserine plus beta-chloro-D-alanine, but were supersusceptible, in terms of initiation of lysis, to either bacitracin or vancomycin. The minimal inhibitory concentration values of several antibiotics for these two mutants were identical to those for the wild-type strain. Moreover, the interaction of radioactive benzylpenicillin with the penicillin-binding proteins, examined in whole organisms, also appeared the same as previously found for either wild-type or autolytic-deficient strains of S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

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