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We explored the underlying mechanisms of differentiation, dedifferentiation, reprogramming and transdifferentiation (cell type switchings) from landscape and flux perspectives. Lineage reprogramming is a new regenerative method to convert a matured cell into another cell including direct transdifferentiation without undergoing a pluripotent cell state and indirect transdifferentiation with an initial dedifferentiation-reversion (reprogramming) to a pluripotent cell state. Each cell type is quantified by a distinct valley on the potential landscape with higher probability. We investigated three driving forces for cell fate decision making: stochastic fluctuations, gene regulation and induction, which can lead to cell type switchings. We showed that under the driving forces the direct transdifferentiation process proceeds from a differentiated cell valley to another differentiated cell valley through either a distinct stable intermediate state or a certain series of unstable indeterminate states. The dedifferentiation process proceeds through a pluripotent cell state. Barrier height and the corresponding escape time from the valley on the landscape can be used to quantify the stability and efficiency of cell type switchings. We also uncovered the mechanisms of the underlying processes by quantifying the dominant biological paths of cell type switchings on the potential landscape. The dynamics of cell type switchings are determined by both landscape gradient and flux. The flux can lead to the deviations of the dominant biological paths for cell type switchings from the naively expected landscape gradient path. As a result, the corresponding dominant paths of cell type switchings are irreversible. We also classified the mechanisms of cell fate development from our landscape theory: super-critical pitchfork bifurcation, sub-critical pitchfork bifurcation, sub-critical pitchfork with two saddle-node bifurcation, and saddle-node bifurcation. Our model showed good agreements with the experiments. It provides a general framework to explore the mechanisms of differentiation, dedifferentiation, reprogramming and transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

Pujadas E  Feinberg AP 《Cell》2012,148(6):1123-1131
In this Perspective, we synthesize past and present observations in the field of epigenetics to propose a model in which the epigenome can modulate cellular plasticity in development and disease by regulating the effects of noise. In this model, the epigenome facilitates phase transitions in development and reprogramming and mediates canalization, or the ability to produce a consistent phenotypic outcome despite being challenged by variable conditions, during cell fate commitment. After grounding our argument in a discussion of stochastic noise and nongenetic heterogeneity, we explore the hypothesis that distinct chromatin domains, which are known to be dysregulated in disease and remodeled during development, might underlie cellular plasticity more generally. We then present a modern portrayal of Waddington's epigenetic landscape through a mathematical formalism. We speculate that this new framework might impact how we approach disease mechanisms. In particular, it may help to explain the observation that the variability of DNA methylation and gene expression are increased in cancer, thus contributing to tumor cell heterogeneity.  相似文献   

On the basis of recent advances in molecular genetics and embryology the role of phenotypic plasticity in the origin of adaptations has been reviewed and emphasized. Carrying on Waddington's experimental research on genetic assimilation, the epigenetic landscape, where genotype, phenotype and environment meet, should be investigated as the place in which environmental information may be embodied in the organism and evolutionary novelties could arise. An holistic, multilevel approach, with the organism as the basic level for the genesis of adaptations and the population as upper level as improving and/or altering, through selective and random factors, the evolutionary pattern, is then envisaged.  相似文献   

The stunning possibility of “reprogramming” differentiated somatic cells to express a pluripotent stem cell phenotype (iPS, induced pluripotent stem cell) and the “ground state” character of pluripotency reveal fundamental features of cell fate regulation that lie beyond existing paradigms. The rarity of reprogramming events appears to contradict the robustness with which the unfathomably complex phenotype of stem cells can reliably be generated. This apparent paradox, however, is naturally explained by the rugged “epigenetic landscape” with valleys representing “preprogrammed” attractor states that emerge from the dynamical constraints of the gene regulatory network. This article provides a pedagogical primer to the fundamental principles of gene regulatory networks as integrated dynamic systems and reviews recent insights in gene expression noise and fate determination, thereby offering a formal framework that may help us to understand why cell fate reprogramming events are inherently rare and yet so robust.  相似文献   

Cells of early mammalian embryos have the potential to develop into any adult cell type, and are thus said to be pluripotent. Pluripotency is lost during embryogenesis as cells commit to specific developmental pathways. Although restriction of developmental potential is often associated with repression of inappropriate genetic programmes, the role of epigenetic silencing during early lineage commitment remains undefined. Here, we used mouse embryonic stem cells to study the function of epigenetic silencing in pluripotent cells. Embryonic stem cells lacking Mbd3 - a component of the nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation (NuRD) complex - were viable but failed to completely silence genes that are expressed before implantation of the embryo. Mbd3-deficient embryonic stem cells could be maintained in the absence of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and could initiate differentiation in embryoid bodies or chimeric embryos, but failed to commit to developmental lineages. Our findings define a role for epigenetic silencing in the cell-fate commitment of pluripotent cells.  相似文献   

The specification and maintenance of cell fates is essential to the development of multicellular organisms. However, the precise molecular mechanisms in cell fate selection are, to our knowledge, poorly understood due to the complexity of multiple interconnected pathways. In this study, model-based quantitative analysis is used to explore how to maintain distinguished cell fates between cell-cycle commitment and mating arrest in budding yeast. We develop a full mathematical model of an interlinked regulatory network based on the available experimental data. By theoretically defining the Start transition point, the model is able to reproduce many experimental observations of the dynamical behaviors in wild-type cells as well as in Ste5-8A and Far1-S87A mutants. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a moderate ratio between Cln1/2→Far1 inhibition and Cln1/2→Ste5 inhibition is required to ensure a successful switch between different cell fates. We also show that the different ratios of the mutual Cln1/2 and Far1 inhibition determine the different cell fates. In addition, based on a new, definition of network entropy, we find that the Start point in wild-type cells coincides with the system’s point of maximum entropy. This result indicates that Start is a transition point in the network entropy. Therefore, we theoretically explain the Start point from a network dynamics standpoint. Moreover, we analyze the biological bistablity of our model through bifurcation analysis. We find that the Cln1/2 and Cln3 production rates and the nonlinearity of SBF regulation on Cln1/2 production are potential determinants for irreversible entry into a new cell fate. Finally, the quantitative computations further reveal that high specificity and fidelity of the cell-cycle and mating pathways can guarantee specific cell-fate selection. These findings show that quantitative analysis and simulations with a mathematical model are useful tools for understanding the molecular mechanisms in cell-fate decisions.  相似文献   

Waddington's epigenetic landscape illustrates such characteristic features of development as homeorhesis and the existence of alternative developmental pathways. Simply recongnizing that these are typical allows us to make inferences about evolution, for example that macroevolution is often a different process from microevolution. We can account for the origin of these properties by assuming that many processes in development can be modelled by non-linear differential equatiions. The assumption then leads to two further predictions: that multiple speciation may be relatively common and that phenocopying is likely to occur in one direction only.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Caenorhabditis vulva is formed from a row of Pn.p precursor cells, which adopt a spatial cell-fate pattern-3 degrees 3 degrees 2 degrees 1 degrees 2 degrees 3 degrees -centered on the gonadal anchor cell. This pattern is robustly specified by an intercellular signaling network including EGF/Ras induction from the anchor cell and Delta/Notch signaling between the precursor cells. It is unknown how the roles and quantitative contributions of these signaling pathways have evolved in closely related Caenorhabditis species. RESULTS: Cryptic evolution in the network is uncovered by quantification of cell-fate-pattern frequencies obtained after displacement of the system out of its normal range, either by anchor-cell ablations or through LIN-3/EGF overexpression. Silent evolution in the Caenorhabditis genus covers a large neutral space of cell-fate patterns. Direct induction of the 1 degrees fate as in C. elegans appeared within the genus. C. briggsae displays a graded induction of 1 degrees and 2 degrees fates, with 1 degrees fate induction requiring a longer time than in C. elegans, and a reduced lateral inhibition of adjacent 1 degrees fates. C. remanei displays a strong lateral induction of 2 degrees fates relative to vulval-fate activation in the central cell. This evolution in cell-fate pattern space can be experimentally reconstituted by mild variations of Ras, Wnt, and Notch pathway activities in C. elegans and C. briggsae. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative evolution in the roles of graded induction by LIN-3/EGF and Notch signaling is demonstrated for the Caenorhabditis vulva signaling network. This evolutionary system biology approach provides a quantitative view of the variational properties of this biological system.  相似文献   

Nakajima T 《Bio Systems》2012,108(1-3):34-44
Epistatic interactions between genes in the genome constrain the accessible evolutionary paths of lineages. Two factors involving epistasis that can affect the evolutionary path and fate of lineages were investigated. The first factor concerns the impact of competition with another species lineage that has different epistatic constraints. Five enteric bacterial populations were evolved by point mutation in medium containing a single limiting resource. Single-species and two-species cultures were used to determine whether different asexual lineages have different capacities for producing variants due to epistatic constraints, and whether their survival is determined by local inter-lineage competition with different species. Local inter-lineage competition quickly resulted in one successful lineage, with another lineage becoming extinct before finding a higher peak. The second factor concerns a peak-shifting process, and whether the sexual recombination between different demes can cause peak shifts was investigated. An Escherichia coli population consisting of a male (Hfr) and female strain (F(-)) was evolved in a single limiting resource and compared to evolving populations containing the male or female strain alone. The E. coli sexual lineage was successful due to its ability to escape lower peaks and reach a higher peak, not because of a rapid approach to the nearest local peak the male or female asexual lineage could reach. The data in this study demonstrate that lineage survivability can be determined by the ability to produce beneficial mutations and checked by local competition between lineages of different species. Interspecific competition may prevent a population from evolving through crossing fitness valleys or adaptive ridges if it requires many generations to achieve peak shifts. The data also show that genomic recombination between different conspecific lineages can rapidly carry the combined lineage to a higher peak.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, several cell states coexist. For determining each cell type, cell-cell interactions are often essential, in addition to intracellular gene expression dynamics. Based on dynamical systems theory, we propose a mechanism for cell differentiation with regulation of populations of each cell type by taking simple cell models with gene expression dynamics. By incorporating several interaction kinetics, we found that the cell models with a single intracellular positive-feedback loop exhibit a cell fate switching, with a change in the total number of cells. The number of a given cell type or the population ratio of each cell type is preserved against the change in the total number of cells, depending on the form of cell-cell interaction. The differentiation is a result of bifurcation of cell states via the intercellular interactions, while the population regulation is explained by self-consistent determination of the bifurcation parameter through cell-cell interactions. The relevance of this mechanism to development and differentiation in several multicellular systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Microbial diversity varies at multiple spatial scales, but little is known about how climate change may influence this variation. Here we assessed the free‐living bacterioplankton composition of thaw ponds over a north‐south gradient of permafrost degradation in the eastern Canadian subarctic. Three nested spatial scales were compared: 1) among ponds within individual valleys 2) between two valleys within each landscape type, and 3) between landscape types (southern sporadic versus northern discontinuous permafrost). As a reference point, we sampled rock‐basin lakes whose formation was not related to permafrost thawing. β‐diversity was low at the smallest scale despite marked differences in limnological properties among neighboring ponds. β‐diversity was high among valleys, associated with greater environmental heterogeneity. The largest differences were between landscape types and appeared to reflect the concomitant effects of environmental filtering and dispersal limitation. Raup–Crick β‐diversity indicated that community assembly was driven by both stochastic (random extinction, dispersal, ecological drift) and deterministic (environmental filtering) processes. Communities sampled in the most degraded valley appeared primarily assembled through stochastic processes, while environmental filtering played a greater role at the other valleys. These results imply that climate warming and ongoing permafrost degradation will influence microbial community assembly, which in turn is likely to affect the functioning of thaw pond ecosystems.  相似文献   

GABAergic neurons and oligodendrocytes originate from progenitors within the ventral telencephalon. However, the molecular mechanisms that control neuron-glial cell-fate segregation, especially how extrinsic factors regulate cell-fate changes, are poorly understood. We have discovered that the Wnt receptor Ryk promotes GABAergic neuron production while repressing oligodendrocyte formation in the ventral telencephalon. We demonstrate that Ryk controls the cell-fate switch by negatively regulating expression of the intrinsic oligodendrogenic factor Olig2 while inducing expression of the interneuron fate determinant Dlx2. In addition, we demonstrate that Ryk is required for GABAergic neuron induction and oligodendrogenesis inhibition caused by Wnt3a stimulation. Furthermore, we showed that the cleaved intracellular domain of Ryk is sufficient to regulate the cell-fate switch by regulating the expression of intrinsic cell-fate determinants. These results identify Ryk as a multi-functional receptor that is able to transduce extrinsic cues into progenitor cells, promote GABAergic neuron formation, and inhibit oligodendrogenesis during ventral embryonic brain development.  相似文献   

由流域水系冲击作用形成的河谷盆地往往具有较为封闭的地域环境,人与环境的相互作用将其转化为独特的乡土景观。以浙江省浦阳江中上游河谷盆地乡土景观为研究对象,依据人与自然的互动关系,将研究区分为湖区和畈区2种景观类型,同时基于风景园林学的视角,分别从自然基底、农田水利体系、聚落体系层面阐述2种景观类型的构成要素和空间格局特征,并通过典型的聚落样本进一步揭示了各系统层之间的相互关系以及乡土景观格局与乡土景观过程的耦合关系机制。  相似文献   

As predicted by systems biology, a paradigm shift will emerge through the integration of information about different layers of cellular processes. The cell cycle network is at the heart of the cellular computing system, and orchestrates versatile cellular functions. The NIRF/UHRF2 ubiquitin ligase is an "intermodular hub" that occupies a central position in the network, and facilitates coordination among the cell cycle machinery, the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and the epigenetic system. NIRF interacts with cyclins, CDKs, p53, pRB, PCNA, HDAC1, DNMTs, G9a, methylated histone H3 lysine 9, and methylated DNA. NIRF ubiquitinates cyclins D1 and E1, and induces G1 arrest. The NIRF gene is frequently lost in tumors and is a candidate tumor suppressor, while its paralog, the UHRF1 gene, is hardly altered. Thus, investigations of NIRF are essential to understand the entire biological systems. Through integration of the enormous information flows, NIRF may contribute to the coupling between the cell cycle network and the epigenetic landscape. We propose the new paradigm that NIRF produces the extreme diversity in the network wiring that helps the diversity of Waddington's canals.  相似文献   

王权  唐芳  李阳兵  黄娟  白雪飘 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7273-7291
景观生态安全能反映区域生态保护与经济发展之间的关系,有助于了解生态环境压力和缓解人地关系矛盾具有重要意义。基于2005、2010、2014和2017年LandSat影像为数据源,借助ArcGIS和景观格局指数法构建景观生态安全指数,对槽谷区景观格局演变及其对生态安全的时空分异规律研究,从而提出环境友好型的土地利用组合模式。结果表明:(1)2005—2017年,槽谷区景观内部整体呈现破碎化,景观斑块数量增多,景观格局由单一规则化、简单化向复杂混合型转变,多样性增加且空间异质性增强。随着时间变化,岩溶槽谷区景观生态安全整体呈现上升趋势,西、东部槽谷景观生态安全指数(Ecological Security Index,ESI)由槽坝向山坡两侧逐渐增加,而中部槽谷则由山坡向槽坝增加。(2)在200 m尺度下,西部槽谷ESI的全局正相关性最显著,其Moran''s I值呈先增加后减小的趋势,而中部和东部槽谷则相反。岩溶槽谷区ESI的空间集聚形式主要表现为高高和低低值集聚区,空间集聚程度较高,而高低和低高集聚区分布较少且变化不明显。(3)景观集聚分布格局受低地形起伏和坡度较缓区域影响较高且呈现倒"U"型共性趋势,而海拔则相反。(4)岩溶槽谷区景观格局以扩充"林地-灌木林地-草地"的土地利用组合模式能增加景观生态安全。(5)景观格局及其生态安全的时空分异是受当地自然环境、社会经济和政策导向共同作用的结果,通过分析多重因素对槽谷区景观格局及其生态安全演变趋势的驱动机制可为地区科学决策提供科学参考。  相似文献   

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