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Cota D  Barrera JG  Seeley RJ 《Neuron》2006,51(6):678-680
Leptin receptors are expressed on mesolimbic dopamine neurons, yet little is known about the functional significance of this anatomical relationship. In this issue of Neuron, Hommel et al. reveal a novel site for leptin's regulation of feeding. In turn, Fulton et al. propose a novel role for leptin in regulating non-feeding-related motivated behaviors.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of heme-releasing bioactive molecules carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin, and iron, each with beneficial cardiovascular actions. Biliverdin is rapidly reduced to bilirubin, a potent antioxidant, by the enzyme biliverdin reductase, and iron is rapidly sequestered by ferritin in the cell. Several studies have demonstrated that HO-1 induction can attenuate the development of hypertension as well as lower blood pressure in established hypertension in both genetic and experimental models. HO-1 induction can also reduce target organ injury and can be beneficial in cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. Recent studies have also identified a beneficial role for HO-1 in the regulation of body weight and metabolism in diabetes and obesity. Chronic HO-1 induction lowers body weight and corrects hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Chronic HO-1 induction also modifies the phenotype of adipocytes in obesity from one of large, cytokine producing to smaller, adiponectin producing. Finally, chronic induction of HO-1 increases oxygen consumption, CO(2), and heat production and activity in obese mice. This review will discuss the current understanding of the actions of the HO system to lower blood pressure and body weight and how HO or its metabolites may be ideal candidates for the development of drugs that can both reduce blood pressure and lower body weight.  相似文献   

Glucose homeostasis, which is controlled by the endocrine cells of the pancreas, is disrupted in both type I and type II diabetes. Deficiency in the number of insulin-producing β cells – a primary cause of type I diabetes and a secondary contributor of type II diabetes – leads to hyperglycemia and hence an increase in the need for insulin. Although diabetes can be controlled with insulin injections, a curative approach is needed. A potential approach to curing diabetes involves regenerating the β-cell mass, e.g. by increasing β-cell proliferation, survival, neogenesis or transdifferentiation. The nucleoside adenosine and its cognate nucleotide ATP have long been known to affect insulin secretion, but have more recently been shown to increase β-cell proliferation during homeostatic control and regeneration of the β-cell mass. Adenosine is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, and agonism of adenosine receptors can promote the survival of β-cells in an inflammatory microenvironment. In this review, both intracellular and extracellular mechanisms of adenosine and ATP are discussed in terms of their established and putative effects on β-cell regeneration.  相似文献   

Extensive phase II metabolism of an advanced PKCε inhibitor resulted in sub-optimal pharmacokinetics in rat marked by elevated clearance. Synthesis of the O-glucuronide metabolite as a standard was followed by three distinct strategies to specifically temper phase II metabolic degradation of the parent molecule. In this study, it was determined that the introduction of proximal polarity to the primary alcohol generally curbed O-glucuronidation and improved PK and physical chemical properties while maintaining potency against the target. Utilization of a Jacobsen hydrolytic kinetic resolution to obtain optically enriched final compounds is also discussed.  相似文献   

Serum prolactin (PRL) decreases in Syrian (Mesocricetus auratus) and Siberian (Phodopus sungorus sungorus) hamsters following short-photoperiod exposure. Both species also exhibit short-photoperiod-induced changes in body and lipid mass, but in opposite directions; Syrian hamsters increase and Siberian hamsters decrease their body weight, changes reflected nearly exclusively in their carcass lipid content. The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether the photoperiod-induced changes in PRL were responsible for the seasonal changes in energy balance in Syrian and Siberian hamsters by using the strategy of experimentally producing serum PRL levels opposite to those normally associated with the photoperiod in which the animals were housed. In long photoperiods serum PRL was reduced to short-day levels by subcutaneous (s.c.) CB-154 (bromoergocryptine, a dopamine agonist) injections. In short photoperiods, serum PRL was elevated to long-day levels in Syrian hamsters by ectopic pituitary explants, and in Siberian hamsters, serum PRL was elevated by chronic s.c. infusions of ovine PRL (oPRL). In both species, manipulations of serum PRL did not affect food intake, carcass composition, or the wet weight of various white and brown adipose tissue pads (WAT and BAT, respectively). Body weight increased in CB-154-treated Syrian hamsters and decreased in Siberian hamsters, an effect partially reversed by coadministration of oPRL in Syrian, but not Siberian, hamsters. Thus, lowering serum PRL to short-day levels in long-day-housed hamsters of both species mimicked the directional change in body weight appropriate for each species when they are exposed to short days. This effect of CB-154 on body weight may be a result of some as yet unidentified effect of dopaminergic stimulation on overall growth since 1) these changes in body weight were not reflected as changes in lipid mass, as occurs naturally following short-day exposure for each species, and 2) neither species exhibited a reciprocal change in body weight when serum PRL was experimentally elevated in short days. Alternatively, it may be that once the energetic responses to short-day exposure have been fully expressed, the ability of PRL to stimulate the target sites of action for PRL for these responses may be decreased. BAT protein content, cytochrome oxidase activity (measures of metabolic growth of this tissue), and retroperitoneal total and specific lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities were increased by CB-154 treatment in Syrian hamsters.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

When intact Kalanchoë plants are illuminated NADP-linked malic dehydrogenase and three enzymes of the reductive pentose phosphate pathway, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase, NADP-linked glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and sedoheptulose-1,7-diphosphate phosphatase, are activated. In crude extracts these enzymes are activated by dithiothreitol treatment. Light or dithiothreitol treatment does not inactivate the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Likewise, neither light, in vivo, nor dithiothreitol, in vitro, affects fructose-1,6-diphosphate phosphatase. Apparently the potential for modulation of enzyme activity by the reductively activated light effect mediator system exists in Crassulacean acid metabolism plants, but some enzymes which are light-dark-modulated in the pea plant are not in Kalanchoë.  相似文献   

A new dimension to the regulation of energy balance has come from the identification of the ob (obese) gene and its protein product, leptin. Leptin is produced primarily in white adipose tissue, but synthesis also occurs in brown fat and the placenta. Several physiological functions have been described for leptin‐the inhibition of food intake, the stimulation/maintenance of energy expenditure, as a signal of energy reserves to the reproductive system, and as a factor in haematopoiesis. The production of leptin by white fat is influenced by a number of factors, including insulin and glucocorticoids (which are stimulatory), and fasting, cold exposure and ß‐adrenoceptor agonists (which are inhibitory). A key role in the regulation of leptin production is envisaged for the sympathetic nervous system, operating through ß3‐adreno‐ceptors. The leptin receptor gene is expressed in a wide range of tissues, and several splice variants are evident. A long form variant (Ob‐Rb) with an intracellular signalling domain is found particularly in the hypothalamus. Leptin exerts its central effects through neuropeptide Y, and through the glucagon‐like peptide‐1 and melanocortin systems, but it may also interact with other neuroendocrine pathways. The role and function of the leptin system in agricultural animals has not been established, but it offers a potential new target for the manipulation of body fat.  相似文献   

Visfatin: the missing link between intra-abdominal obesity and diabetes?   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Human obesity-related diabetes and the accompanying metabolic disorders have been specifically linked to increased visceral adipose tissue mass. Understanding the differences in biology of the two human fat depots (visceral and subcutaneous) might hold the key to therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing obesity-induced insulin resistance and alleviating symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. Visfatin (pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor, PBEF) is a novel adipokine that appears to be preferentially produced by visceral adipose tissue and has insulin-mimetic actions. Could this molecule hold the key to future treatments for type 1 and 2 diabetes? This article discusses the pros and cons of visfatin action and how it might affect future therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
Is pathological metabolism in the parental organism responsible for defective and monstrous development of the offspring?

Obesity and type 2 diabetes arise from a set of complex gene-environment interactions. Explanations for the heritability of these syndromes and the environmental contribution to disease susceptibility are addressed by the "thrifty genotype" and the "thrifty phenotype" hypotheses. Here, the merits of both models are discussed and elements of them are used to synthesize a "thrifty epigenotype" hypothesis. I propose that: (1) metabolic thrift, the capacity for efficient acquisition, storage and use of energy, is an ancient, complex trait, (2) the environmentally responsive gene network encoding this trait is subject to genetic canalization and thereby has become robust against mutational perturbations, (3) DNA sequence polymorphisms play a minor role in the aetiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes-instead, disease susceptibility is predominantly determined by epigenetic variations, (4) corresponding epigenotypes have the potential to be inherited across generations, and (5) Leptin is a candidate gene for the acquisition of a thrifty epigenotype.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent chronic neurodegenerative disease. Current approved therapies are symptomatic treatments having some effect on cognitive function. Therapies that target β-amyloid (Aβ) have been the focus of efforts to develop a disease modification treatment for AD but these approaches have failed to show any clinical benefit so far. Beyond the ‘Aβ hypothesis’, there are a number of newer approaches to treat AD with neuroinflammation emerging as a very active area of research based on risk gene analysis. This short review will summarize approved drug therapies, recent clinical trials and new approaches for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

In recent years, the prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically. They share pathophysiological mechanisms and often lead to cardiovascular diseases. The ZDSD rat was suggested as a new animal model to study diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. In the current study, we have further characterized metabolic and hepatic gene expression changes in ZDSD rats. Immuno-histochemical staining of insulin and glucagon on pancreas sections of ZDSD and control SD rats revealed that ZDSD rats have severe damage to their islet structures as early as 15 weeks of age. Animals were followed till they were 26 weeks old, where they exhibited obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and diabetes. We found that gene expressions involved in glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and amino acid metabolism were changed significantly in ZDSD rats. Elevated levels of ER stress markers correlated with the dysregulation of hepatic lipid metabolism in ZDSD rats. Key proteins participating in unfolded protein response pathways were also upregulated and likely contribute to the pathogenesis of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. Based on its intact leptin system, its insulin deficiency, as well as its timeline of disease development without diet manipulation, this insulin resistant, dyslipidemic, hypertensive, and diabetic rat represents an additional, unique polygenic animal model that could be very useful to study human diabetes.  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia is an incurable white blood cell disease with slow progression which affects myeloid stem cells. In the course of chromosome 22 shortening a fusion oncogene arises whose product, a Bcr-Abl oncoprotein, is a continuously expressed tyrosine kinase protein. Beside the opportunity of chemotherapy, stem cell therapy and interferon-a therapy, the application of tyrosine kinase inhibitors also became widespread in the treatment of the disease. Patients bearing the T315I point mutation, however, show resistance against all tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which can be managed by dose escalation or the combination of therapies. The discovery of RNA interference or gene silencing put the therapeutic opportunity of CML in new light. The in vitro application of anti-bcr-abl siRNA showed promising results in the causal treatment of the disease, feasible for identification of new genes associated to the disease, but we do not have sufficient evidence for the safety and efficacy of this method in human therapy.  相似文献   

Leaves of plants with Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) were analyzed for variation in the content of polyamines in connection with the metabolism of malic acid in the dark and in the light, and with the induction of full-CAM activity. Under conditions (long days) resulting in extremely low CAM activity, young leaves of K. blossfeldiana have very low content in the polyamine-precursor arginine and in putrescine. The content in these two substances was increased dramatically by full-CAM induction with short days. During the course of the night/day cycle two peaks of putrescine content were observed in leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. Tom Thumb performing full-CAM operation: a large increase occurs toward the end of the day and the first half of the night, and its kinetics corresponds to the increase in the rate of malic acid synthesis; another peak, very sharp, appears during the first hours of the day, concomitant with the time of release of malic acid from the vacuole into the cytoplasm. In the case of Bryophyllum daigremontianum Berger similar variations were observed for the content in spermidine. These results support the hypothesis that polyamines could be involved in countering the tendency toward acidification of the cytoplasm at those moments of CAM operation at which the local concentration of malic acid is increased (i.e., during active synthesis in the dark and during the efflux from the vacuole in the light).Abbreviation CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism  相似文献   

Jahn R 《Neuron》2010,68(1):6-8
Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) load glutamate into synaptic vesicles. In this issue of Neuron, Juge et?al. report that ketone bodies compete with chloride-dependent activation of VGLUTs, leading to suppression of glutamate release and seizures. These findings provide a surprising explanation for the efficacy of the ketogenic diet in controlling epilepsy.  相似文献   

AgRP in energy balance: Will the real AgRP please stand up?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neuropeptide AgRP promotes food intake and weight gain by antagonizing signaling at melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors in the brain, but the limited phenotype of mice lacking AgRP raised questions about its importance. Four recent studies addressed this by creating mice in which AgRP neurons, which also express NPY and GABA, are ablated postnatally, and although details vary, they suggest that AgRP neurons are more essential to feeding and weight gain than is AgRP itself. A recent paper in Cell Metabolism (Wortley et al., 2005) indicates that AgRP itself is important for feeding and weight gain, but only as mice age, and the mechanism may involve dysfunction of the thyroid axis.  相似文献   

Excess adipose tissue brings with it a number of adverse consequences, many of which may stem from the development of insulin resistance. An emerging view is that inflammatory changes occurring in expanding adipose tissue are associated with the secretion of peptide and other factors that can adversely affect metabolic processes in other key insulin-target tissues, especially liver and skeletal muscle. However, there is still a commonly-expressed view that the adverse changes in other tissues are ultimately due to an excess of fatty acids, liberated by a metabolically-challenged adipose tissue. Our own studies of adipose tissue metabolism and physiological function (especially blood flow) IN VIVO suggest that these two views of adipose tissue function may be closely linked. Enlarged adipocytes are less dynamic in their responses, just as 'enlarged adipose tissue' is less dynamic in blood flow regulation. Adipocytes seem to be able to sense the appropriate level of fat storage. If the normal mechanisms regulating adipocyte fat storage are interfered with (either in genetically-modified animals or by increasing the size of the adipocytes), then perhaps some sort of cellular stress sets in, leading to the inflammatory and endocrine changes. Some evidence for this comes from the effects of the thiazolidinediones, which improve adipose tissue function and in parallel reduce inflammatory changes.  相似文献   

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