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Magdalenian signs are more numerous and more varied than ones of another periods in the Upper Palaeolithic. In the 3986 signs studied in 28 caves, 2364 signs, or 59,3% of signs are associated with figurative representations. For the question about the relations between the figurative representations and the signs associated, we chose four parameters: thematic analysis, interior analysis, chronological analysis and external analysis. Especially in three caves like Les Combarelles I, Rouffignac (Périgord, France) and Altxerri (Spanish Basque), we got interesting results by those analyses. The thematic analysis let find whether the themes are associated with specific signs. In the many caves, the most numerous figurative representations are often associated with signs. About the interior analysis, many signs are located on the flank of the animal figures. And, the chronological analysis show that the signs were made before the figurative representations the same times that after. The anteriority of making signs and the posterity depends on the place (external analysis) in the three caves. So, our analysis methods with those varied parameters make the signs characterized by type, by cave or by region.  相似文献   

This summary on The Lloseta shows us a much richer reality that it had been presented through the precedent publications. To begin it is presented as an shelter environment decorated in all their extension whose decoration and parallel they find real sense if we put them in connection with the neigh boring Tito Bustillo. It possesses a prevalence of signs and old representations, a bad general conservation and an own and original internal organization. None of the caves of Ardines, including their main protagonist, she makes isolated significant sense, but rather they are and were supplemented in the past, for activities, occupation and use. We try to know the meaning of all and each one of the caves in connection with the other ones, because we think that their function should be collective and complementary.  相似文献   

The decorated cave of Mayenne-Sciences (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Mayenne) is one of the eight caves or shelters attributed to the Upper Paleolithic in the North of France, with the caves of Gouy and Orival in Normandy, Boutigny, Le Croc-Marin and Les Trois Pignons in the Essonne Department, the Grotte du Cheval and the Grande Grotte of Arcy-sur-Cure in Burgundy. There are about 50 stylised representations in this cave, the chrono-cultural attribution is rather difficult because the archeological context is poor and the site of the cave excentric, far from the great areas like Perigord. After a short statement of what you may guess about the style of the representations in Mayenne-Sciences we try to draw up a synthesis of the sites of parietal art and furniture near Mayenne-Sciences, and to analyse further how to place Mayenne-Sciences within a figurative tendance flourishing during the ante-magdalenian era in Europe which we propose to call art de la silhouette. We show that the style of Mayenne-Sciences is not 50 particular, but that the originality of the style may be explained by the isolation of the cave at the border of the main prehistorical cultural tendances, as this is the case for other decorated caves, we list up. In conclusion this leads us to define the concept of grotte-limite (border-cave), I mean a decorated cave which represents the vision at distance, with caricatural character or not, of the parietal art of one specific region, as for example you must admit that there are similitude’s between Mayenne-Sciences and the caves of Pech-Merle and Cougnac, in the Lot Department.  相似文献   

We show the methodology we followed in order to reliably estimate a factor that, to our judgement, is fundamental for the assessment of the characteristics of a prehistoric settlement: the conditions of exposure to the sun. This methodology is applied to the study of Mesolithic shell middens in the North of Spain, with the aim to introduce a new kind of information in the debate about the meaning of shell middens. Throughout this century, different ways to understand the behaviour these remains conceal have been proposed. Our thesis with regard to it, presented in this paper, is based on the observation of a series of variables, among which we can find the exposure to the sun the settlements undergo. We therefore show in the last part of the paper, how to join the information from the proposed analysis with the other data subsequent from the study of other variables such as the environmental conditions prevailing during the period of formation of the sites; the situation of the settlements; the location of the remains in the caves; the entity of the occupations; and the energy spent on the transportation of the aquatic resources from the coast towards the places where their rests are found nowadays. In short, we propound a methodology for the study of one of the variables that falls upon the habitability of a prehistoric settlement and we point out the contribution that the incorporation of an analysis of this kind means for the research of Mesolithic shell middens in the North of Spain.  相似文献   

Niaux Cavern, one of the great decorated caves, has been continuously open to the public. Despite its apparent accessibility, there is much that remains beyond our comprehension. One of the most inaccessible images is in the much visited Salon Noir. It is panel number four which contains a powerful but puzzling figure sometimes referred to as the Crossed Bison. This paper is an attempt to reach into the mind of the individual who produced that image to show how that artist's evident understanding of optical illusions, as well as an intuitive understanding of the theory of mind, propelled its creation for a specific graphic purpose.  相似文献   

The discovery of Chauvet cave, at Vallon-Pont-d’Arc (Ardèche), in 1994, was an important event for our knowledge of palaeolithic parietal art as a whole. Its painted and engraved figures, thanks to their number (425 graphic units), and their excellent state of preservation, provide a documentary thesaurus comparable to that of the greatest sites known, and far beyond what had already been found in the group of Rhône valley caves (Ardèche and Gard). But its study – when one places it in its natural regional, cultural and thematic framework – makes it impossible to see it as an isolated entity of astonishing precocity. This needs to be reconsidered, and the affinities that our research has brought to light are clearly incompatible with the very early age which has been attributed to it. And if one extends this examination to the whole of the Franco-Cantabrian domain, the conclusion is inescapable: although Chauvet cave displays some unique characteristics (like every decorated cave), it belongs to an evolved phase of parietal art that is far removed from the motifs of its origins (known from art on blocks and on shelter walls dated by stratigraphy to the Aurignacian, in France and Cantabrian Spain). The majority of its works are therefore to be placed, quite normally, within the framework of the well-defined artistic creations of the Gravettian and Solutrean. Moreover, this phase of the Middle Upper Palaeolithic (26,000–18,000) coincides with a particularly intensive and diversified local human occupation, unknown in earlier periods and far less dense afterwards in the Magdalenian. A detailed critique of the treatment of the samples subjected to AMS radiocarbon dating makes it impossible to retain the very early age (36,000 cal BP) attributed by some authors to the painted and engraved figures of Chauvet cave.  相似文献   

J. Juget 《Hydrobiologia》1979,65(2):145-154
The mineral fraction of the gut content of various freshwater Oligochaeta (22 populations belonging to 13 species) from lakes, ponds, rivers and caves is compared with the texture of sediments. The author uses the mean ratio, for individuals of one population, between the greatest size of absorbed particles and the maximum diameter of the gut, to define the so-called specific absorbance index. The ecophysiological signification of this index is discussed.  相似文献   

The Jungwon region, developed under the calcites deposit, contains 6 caves and 1 rock-shelter where we can find many animal bones. During the middle Pleistocene, some warm animals lived here and the number of species was increased in the course of the upper Pleistocene. In the upper Pleistocene, the young and old deer have been hunted as the main prey and they have been transported into the occupation area of prehistoric people. The cut-marks on the bones and the existence of bone tools reveal us their mode of subsistence.  相似文献   

Since 1983, Professor Agueda Vilhena-Vialou is conducting in Mato Grosso (Brazil) the French-brasilian archeological mission Fossil men and their paleo-environments in the Paraná basin. Its goal is the study of the first prehistoric settlements of Latin America's heart, in their economic, social, cultural and symbolic dimensions. Thanks to the complementary and comparative analysis of the habitats, the regional settlements and the rock art, our research targets a more precise definition of territories and cultures proper of the prehistoric human groups from the South of the actual Mato Grosso state. The study of rock art, the most revealing aspect of symbolic behaviours, is one of the strongest programs inside our multidisciplinary team. Today, thanks to systematic prospections led along the Rio Vermelho (between Pantanal swamp at West and Rondonópolis city at East), a hundred rock art sites (walls, shelters and caves), decorated with signs, animals and humans, have been discovered, and, for the most of them, studied. These figures are painted, engraved and more rarely sculpted. Along those pages, the author is presenting the preliminary analysis of ten new rock art sites, recently identified in a cliff on the right bank of the Vermelho River. He starts a comparative study with the sites of the Cidade de Pedra and of close micro basin, from the left bank of the River. This research is showing the symbolic identities, both common and specific, proper to different territories of this major rock art region of Brazil, which is divided in several areas and micro territories, shared but autonomous.  相似文献   

The restitution of the megalith’s technical manufacture, whith their assemblies lines and their sequences, enlarges the coast of the sens incluse in each Corsican monoliths. From the megalithics sites of Poghjaredda of Monte Rotondu (Sotta), Ciutulaghja (Appietu), and Presa (Altaghjè), some specifics activities area (pastoralism for example) or activities structured in the space (villages and tombs of middle Neolithic) interest this study. The contributions of many sciences permit to give an economic and social dimension to the choice of megalithics sites. Then, those choices are an aspect of the Neolithic process in Corsica, making part of sculpture and architecture. This study is conclued by a consideration on the actual worked stones’ terminology.  相似文献   

Research on the influence of sea level variations on the benthic faunas have been carried out in the Upper Ordovician of Sardinia. Study of the depositional facies and sequence analysis of the upper part (Lower Ashgill) of the Portixeddu Formation led to the identification of the sedimentary environments. Cystoids and crinoids are associated to bryozoans and brachiopods in most levels. The numerical analysis of associations and megaguilds shows that crinoids and cystoids have a higher frequency in the proximal and median facies of the upper offshore. The columnal association characterized by Conspectocrinus celticus and the coronoid Mespilocystites tregarvanicus has been discovered in the upper part of the formation. This material and complementary samples from Upper Ordovician of Sardinia and Kabylia (Algeria) bring additional data on the systematic and show the wide distribution of this fauna outside of the Ibero-armorican domain. The distribution of this echinoderm association supports a palaeogeographical position of the Ibero-armorican domain and Sardinia within the north gondwanan margin during the Lower Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

This paper summarises results of the research on Middle Paleolithic of Croatia with a focus on Mousterian industry. The Hrvatsko zagorje (northwestern, continental part of Croatia) and Adriatic coast with its hinterland are physically divided by the Dinarid mountains, and present two different landscapes for the adaptation of Mousterian people. The sites in northwestern Croatia are represented by cave sites, while in Dalmatia, where the climate is milder, open-air sites are more frequent than the caves. During the early Mousterian of northwestern Croatia, Levallois method at Krapina and Vindija sites and cobble wedge method at Krapina [Journal of human evolution 32 (1997) 561-75] were used. Levallois debitage was also present in the late Mousterian assemblages from eastern Adriatic sites, but is absent in the late Mousterian of Hrvatsko zagorje. Sites on the eastern Adriatic coast are often characterized by tools of small size (like the ones of the so-called Micromousterian) and significant presence of denticulates and notched pieces. In both northwestern Croatia and Dalmatia Mousterian people effectively exploited local raw material sources and successfully adapted to different environmental conditions of these regions.  相似文献   

New research lines by the author favours interpretation tracks and analytics investigation fields that were not considered in traditional paleoanthropology. New readings of biodynamic morphogenesis supported by digitised architectural analysis emphasize not only the dynamic of different cranio-facial kinetics but also the determination when this is possible from causes and effects. To say the approach which study is the analysis of deep structure of skull unveils in some sense the state of the structure whether it is normal, abnormal or pathologic. The study of relations between Afalou’s humans numerous cranio-facial anomalies and maxillo-mandibular dysmorphosis and malocclusions gives an account of the interest played by biodynamic morphogenesis and cranio-facial architecture in the morpho-functional interpretation of relations skull/face/tooth. In this context, the dental extraction of upper incisors, ritual which was operated not only adolescents but also on temporary dentition children, was in part responsible for the development first of an hypomaxillie then the inbalance of sphenoidal and occipital complexes. In addition to the mutilated nature of anterior dentitions, the study of about thirty skulls emphasized numerous craniofacial malformations showing different kind of asymetries (rotation lateral flexion, torsion, plagiocephaly).  相似文献   

This work is mainly an answer to the work of Bert (2009), on families Helicancylidae Hyatt, 1894 and Acrioceratidae Vermeulen, 2009. On the nomenclatural speaking, the non validity of the genus Helicancylus Gabb, 1869 and of the family Helicancylidae Hyatt, 1894 and, consequently, the validity of the family Acrioceratidae Vermeulen, 2004 are established. The second part of this work is devoted to the respect of former work and, contrary to the assertions from Bert (2009), it is shown that the stratigraphical positioning of the Upper Barremian level with small Barremites, realized by Cotillon (1971), is at least as precise as that proposed by Bert. The last part of this work highlights a lack of bibliographical references, fact which had already been highlighted ( Vermeulen and Lepinay, 2010) in a former work of Bert et al. (2009).  相似文献   

Needles made from hard animal tissues are a stereotyped artefact; they have been found in six caves of the Moravian Karst / Czech Republic (Pekárna, ?itného, K?lna, Bý?í skála, Verun?ina, K?í?ova) containing Magdalenian layers. The paper deals with the technology of the production of these objects on the example of the Pekárna cave that has provided a lot of these artefacts in various degrees of wear, fragments, exploitation matrices and uncompleted needles. By the mean of spatial analysis we try to reconstitute the original context in the cave and insert the concerned artefact into the frame of the exploitation, treatment and utilisation of hard animal tissues by Magdalenian hunters in Moravia.  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to document butchery practices from the past. We attempt to characterize through experimental data the marks produced when dismembering using overextension of the elbow of Sheep and several bird species. For birds, the experimentation was realized with uncooked carcasses. In many cases, overextension produced break down of the olecranon fossa of the humerus, with medial wrench of the distal part. Moreover, the proximal joints of the radius and ulna are broken. Bony and uncooked forelimb Sheep bones have been dismembered by overextension. Observations were noticed only on the radio-ulnar. The ulnas had a negative wear scar up to the anconeus process. Sometimes, these marks are associated with lateral crushing of the bone. In the second part of the article, we compare our experimental data with archaeological material. Although we found many cases of dismembering by overextension on bird bones, no data were found on small ungulates material.  相似文献   

Research's applied to carbonate laminated sequences (stalactites, stalagmites, cave flowstones, drapery, pisolits). Variability and irregularity about the concretions growth and relation with the climatic events.Crystalline development, fabrics and signs used. The interruption during concretionnement processes marks a signifiant errors in the interpretations. Analytic methods for the quantitative evaluation of speleothems laminated carbonate sequences. Discussion and interpretation essays. Imagery treatment applied to high-resolution laminograms. Forecasting models essays are used with results interpretations and boundaries. Validity of detection upon the future warm and dry periods.  相似文献   

This article firstly summarizes the process of study of an old collection, which had not been considered since the excavations at the site Les Vachons, started before 1914 and completed around 1939. The studied collection of J. Coiffard, both excavator and inventor of this site, includes four-fifths of the artefacts because, in 1940, he donated approximately one fifth to the Eyzies Museum. For his part, J. Bouyssonie who participated in the excavations for 3 years gave the major part of his own collection to the Archaeological Society of Charentes Angouleme where its condition makes it difficult to analyze. Despite these restrictions, based on statistical comparisons with counts many other sites, I came to the conclusion that the top three layers of Les Vachons are a confirmation of the Gravettian model, developed by B. Bosselin and F. Djindjian through their factor analysis. This model seems much better suited to the stratigraphy of Les Vachons, than all assumptions made by previous analysts in their attempt to bring the industries from the three layers in what remains from the Peyrony model.  相似文献   

Since the middle of 1970s, one rock-shelter, six caves and one open archaeological site have yielded several hominid fossils. Among them, fossils from Yonggok, Mandal, Sangsi and Hungsu cave sites are useful to reconstruct the general shape of the Upper Pleistocene Hominids in Korea. The main study of this paper is to focus on the reconstruction of the general shape of the upper Pleistocene hominids, and to examine the cause of cranial changes from the late upper Paleolithic to Mesolithic period in Korea. Biomechanical principles are also applied to reconstruct the social activity of the upper Paleolithic man in Korea. In addition, it is assumed that main proponent of Paleolithic cultures in Korea might be Homo sapiens rather than any other species. Based on the anatomical characteristics of skull, the axillary border of the scapular and the midshaft of the femur, general appearance of Homo sapiens during the Pleistocene in Korea could be reconstructed.  相似文献   

Ground stone tools are lithic tools made on coarse blanks that are not included in the chipped or polished stone studies. During the study of a ground stone tools collection coming from the Campaniform site of Beg ar Loued (Molène island, Finistère, France), the techno-functional unit (TFU) analysis as been adapted to these objects. A TFU is a part of a tool that is technologically independent, having his own part in this tool's overall functioning. The application of this method to ground stone tools needed some adaptations to their characteristics. The aim is to obtain a high level technological analysis for these tools, succeeding to express functional hypothesis. Two concrete examples from Beg ar Loued's collection illustrate the TFU analysis method's application to ground stone tools. This method has the advantage to organize the progress of each piece's analysis. The TFU analysis helps to understand the multifunctional tools by considering each function as a full tool. This allows us to talk about function's hierarchisation and their adaptation to blanks. We also obtain some informations about blank's selection. These many and varied results make the TFU analysis essential for ground stone tool's technological and functional analysis.  相似文献   

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