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We had previously isolated the temperature-sensitive erg26-1 mutant and characterized the sterol defects in erg26-1 cells (Baudry, K., Swain, E., Rahier, A., Germann, M., Batta, A., Rondet, S., Mandala, S., Henry, K., Tint, G. S., Edlind, T., Kurtz, M., and Nickels, J. T., Jr. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 12702-12711). We have now determined the defects in sphingolipid metabolism in erg26-1 cells, examined their effects on cell growth, and initiated studies designed to elucidate how might changes in sterol levels coordinately regulate sphingolipid metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using [(3)H]inositol radiolabeling studies, we found that the biosynthetic rate and steady-state levels of specific hydroxylated forms of inositolphosphorylceramides were decreased in erg26-1 cells when compared with wild type cells. [(3)H]Dihydrosphingosine radiolabeling studies demonstrated that erg26-1 cells had decreased levels of the phytosphingosine-derived ceramides that are the direct precursors of the specific hydroxylated inositol phosphorylceramides found to be lower in these cells. Gene dosage experiments using the sphingolipid long chain sphingoid base (LCB) hydroxylase gene, SUR2, suggest that erg26-1 cells may accumulate LCB, thus placing one point of sterol regulation of sphingolipid synthesis possibly at the level of ceramide metabolism. The results from additional genetic studies using the sphingolipid hydroxylase and copper transporter genes, SCS7 and CCC2, respectively, suggest a second possible point of sterol regulation at the level of complex sphingolipid hydroxylation. In addition, [(3)H]inositol radiolabeling of sterol biosynthesis inhibitor-treated wild type cells and late sterol pathway mutants showed that additional blocks in sterol biosynthesis have profound effects on sphingolipid metabolism, particularly sphingolipid hydroxylation state. Finally, our genetic studies in erg26-1 cells using the LCB phosphate phosphatase gene, LBP1, suggest that increasing the levels of the LCB sphingoid base phosphate can remediate the temperature-sensitive phenotype of erg26-1 cells.  相似文献   

The synthesis, interconversion, and catabolism of purine bases, ribonucleosides, and ribonucleotides in wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied by measuring the conversion of radioactive adenine, hypoxanthine, guanine, and glycine into acid-soluble purine bases, ribonucleosides, and ribonucleotides, and into nucleic acid adenine and guanine. The pathway(s) by which adenine is converted to inosinate is (are) uncertain. Guanine is extensively deaminated to xanthine. In addition, some guanine is converted to inosinate and adenine nucleotides. Inosinate formed either from hypoxanthine or de novo is readily converted to adenine and guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   

When it was first proposed that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae might serve as a model for human aging in 1959, the suggestion was met with considerable skepticism. Although yeast had proved a valuable model for understanding basic cellular processes in humans, it was difficult to accept that such a simple unicellular organism could provide information about human aging, one of the most complex of biological phenomena. While it is true that causes of aging are likely to be multifarious, there is a growing realization that all eukaryotes possess surprisingly conserved longevity pathways that govern the pace of aging. This realization has come, in part, from studies of S. cerevisiae, which has emerged as a highly informative and respected model for the study of life span regulation. Genomic instability has been identified as a major cause of aging, and over a dozen longevity genes have now been identified that suppress it. Here we present the key discoveries in the yeast-aging field, regarding both the replicative and chronological measures of life span in this organism. We discuss the implications of these findings not only for mammalian longevity but also for other key aspects of cell biology, including cell survival, the relationship between chromatin structure and genome stability, and the effect of internal and external environments on cellular defense pathways. We focus on the regulation of replicative life span, since recent findings have shed considerable light on the mechanisms controlling this process. We also present the specific methods used to study aging and longevity regulation in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The current study was undertaken to correlate post‐translational protein modification by methylation with the functionality of enzymes involved in trehalose metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trehalose is an economically important disaccharide providing protection against various kinds of stresses. It also acts as a source of cellular energy by storing glucose. Methyl group donor S‐adenosyl L ‐methionine (AdoMet) and methylation inhibitor‐oxidized adenosine (AdOx) were used for the methylation study. AdoMet delayed initial growth of the cells but the overall growth rate remained same suggesting its interference in G1 phase of the cell cycle. Metabolic‐altered enzyme activities of acid trehalase (AT), neutral trehalase (NT), and trehalose‐6‐phosphate synthase (TPS) were observed when treated with AdOx and AdoMet separately. A positive effect of methylation was observed in TPS, hence, it was purified in three different conditions, using AdoMet, AdOx, and control. Differences in mobility of methylated, methylation‐inhibited, and control TPS during acidic native gel electrophoresis confirmed the occurrence of induced methylation. Hydrolysis under alkaline pH conditions revealed that methylation of TPS was different than O‐methylation. MALDI‐TOF analysis of trypsin‐digested samples of purified methylated, methylation‐inhibited, and control TPS revealed that an increase of 18 Da mass in methylated peptides suggesting the introduction of methyl ester in TPS. Results of amino acid analysis corroborated the presence of methyl cysteine. The data presented here strongly suggests that trehalose production was enhanced due to methylation of TPS arising from carboxymethylation of cysteine residues. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 158–164, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases influence genome stability through their involvement in DNA replication, response to DNA damage, and DNA repair processes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possess four non-essential DNA polymerases, Pol λ, Pol η, Pol ζ, and Rev1, which have varying roles in genome stability. In order to assess the contribution of the non-essential DNA polymerases in genome stability, we analyzed the pol4Δ rev1Δ rev3Δ rad30Δ quadruple mutant in microhomology mediated repair, due to recent studies linking some of these DNA polymerases to this repair pathway. Our results suggest that the length and quality of microhomology influence both the overall efficiency of repair and the involvement of DNA polymerases. Furthermore, the non-essential DNA polymerases demonstrate overlapping and redundant functions when repairing double-strand breaks using short microhomologies containing mismatches. Then, we examined genome-wide mutation accumulation in the pol4Δ rev1Δ rev3Δ rad30Δ quadruple mutant compared to wild type cells. We found a significant decrease in the overall rate of mutation accumulation in the quadruple mutant cells compared to wildtype, but an increase in frameshift mutations and a shift towards transversion base-substitution with a preference for G:C to T:A or C:G. Thus, the non-essential DNA polymerases have an impact on the nature of the mutational spectrum. The sequence and functional homology shared between human and S. cerevisiae non-essential DNA polymerases suggest these DNA polymerases may have a similar role in human cells.  相似文献   

Variegated expression of genes contributes to phenotypic variation within populations of genetically identical cells. Such variation plays a role in development and host pathogen interaction and can be important in adaptation to harsh environments. The expression state of genes placed near telomeres shows a variegated pattern of inheritance due to heterochromatin formation, a phenomenon that is called telomere position effect (TPE). We show that in budding yeast, TPE is controlled by the a1/α2 developmental repressor, which dictates developmental decisions in response to environmental changes. Two a1/α2 repressed genes, STE5, a MAPK scaffold and HOG1, a stress-activated MAPK, are the targets of this heterochromatin regulation pathway. We provide new evidence that link MAPK signaling and heterochromatin formation in yeast. Our results show that the same components that regulate gene expression states in euchromatic regions regulate heterochromatic expression states and that stress can play a part in turning on or off genes placed in heterochromatic regions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Magasanik B  Kaiser CA 《Gene》2002,290(1-2):1-18

Growth and metabolism of inositol-starved Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Upon starvation for inositol, a phospholipid precursor, an inositol-requiring mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown to die if all other conditions are growth supporting. The growth and metabolism of inositol-starved cells has been investigated in order to determine the physiological state leading to "inositolless death". The synthesis of the major inositol-containing phospholipid ceases within 30 min after the removal of inositol from the growth medium. The cells, however, continue in an apparently normal fashion for one generation (2 h under the growth conditions used in this study). The cessation of cell division is not preceded or accompanied by any detectable change in the rate of macromolecular synthesis. When cell division ceases, the cells remain constant in volume, whereas macromolecular synthesis continues at first at an unchanged rate and eventually at a decreasing rate. Macromolecular synthesis terminates after about 4 h of inositol starvation, at approximately the time when the cells begin to die. Cell death is also accompanied by a decline in cellular potassium and adenosine triphosphate levels. The cells can be protected from inositolless death by several treatments that block cellular metabolism. It is concluded that inositol starvation results in a imbalance between the expansion of cell volume and the accumulation of cytoplasmic constituents. This imbalance is very likely the cause of inositolless death.  相似文献   

Bakers' yeast-producing companies grow cells under respiratory conditions, at a very high growth rate. Some desirable properties of bakers' yeast may be altered if fermentation rather than respiration occurs during biomass production. That is why differences in gene expression patterns that take place when industrial bakers' yeasts are grown under fermentative, rather than respiratory conditions, were examined. Macroarray analysis of V1 strain indicated changes in gene expression similar to those already described in laboratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains: repression of most genes related to respiration and oxidative metabolism and derepression of genes related to ribosome biogenesis and stress resistance in fermentation. Under respiratory conditions, genes related to the glyoxylate and Krebs cycles, respiration, gluconeogenesis, and energy production are activated. DOG21 strain, a partly catabolite-derepressed mutant derived from V1, displayed gene expression patterns quite similar to those of V1, although lower levels of gene expression and changes in fewer number of genes as compared to V1 were both detected in all cases. However, under fermentative conditions, DOG21 mutant significantly increased the expression of SNF1 -controlled genes and other genes involved in stress resistance, whereas the expression of the HXK2 gene, involved in catabolite repression, was considerably reduced, according to the pleiotropic stress-resistant phenotype of this mutant. These results also seemed to suggest that stress-resistant genes control desirable bakers' yeast qualities.  相似文献   

Keeping a cytosolic redox balance is a prerequisite for living cells in order to maintain a metabolic activity and enable growth. During growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an excess of NADH is generated in the cytosol. Aerobically, it has been shown that the external NADH dehydrogenase, Nde1p and Nde2p, as well as the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle, comprising the cytoplasmic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, Gpdlp, and the mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, Gut2p, are the most important mechanisms for mitochondrial oxidation of cytosolic NADH. In this review we summarize the recent results showing (i) the contribution of each of the mechanisms involved in mitochondrial oxidation of the cytosolic NADH, under different physiological situations; (ii) the kinetic and structural properties of these metabolic pathways in order to channel NADH from cytosolic dehydrogenases to the inner mitochondrial membrane and (iii) the organization in supramolecular complexes and, the peculiar ensuing kinetic regulation of some of the enzymes (i.e. Gut2p inhibition by external NADH dehydrogenase activity) leading to a highly integrated functioning of enzymes having a similar physiological function. The cell physiological consequences of such an organized and regulated network are discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is both an emerging opportunistic pathogen and a close relative of pathogenic Candida species. To better understand the ecology of fungal infection, we investigated the importance of pathways involved in uptake, metabolism, and biosynthesis of nitrogen and carbon compounds for survival of a clinical S. cerevisiae strain in a murine host. Potential nitrogen sources in vivo include ammonium, urea, and amino acids, while potential carbon sources include glucose, lactate, pyruvate, and fatty acids. Using mutants unable to either transport or utilize these compounds, we demonstrated that no individual nitrogen source was essential, while glucose was the most significant primary carbon source for yeast survival in vivo. Hydrolysis of the storage carbohydrate glycogen made a slight contribution for in vivo survival compared with a substantial requirement for trehalose hydrolysis. The ability to sense and respond to low glucose concentrations was also important for survival. In contrast, there was little or no requirement in vivo in this assay for any of the nitrogen-sensing pathways, nitrogen catabolite repression, the ammonium- or amino acid-sensing pathways, or general control. By using auxotrophic mutants, we found that some nitrogenous compounds (polyamines, methionine, and lysine) can be acquired from the host, while others (threonine, aromatic amino acids, isoleucine, and valine) must be synthesized by the pathogen. Our studies provide insights into the yeast-host environment interaction and identify potential antifungal drug targets.  相似文献   

Because of many advantages, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is increasingly being employed for expression of recombinant proteins. Usually, hybrid plasmids (shuttle vectors) are employed as carriers to introduce the foreign DNA into the yeast host. Unfortunately, the transformed host often suffers from some kind of instability, tending to lose or alter the foreign plasmid. Construction of stable plasmids, and maintenance of stable expression during extended culture, are some of the major challenges facing commercial production of recombinant proteins. This review examines the factors that affect plasmid stability at the gene, cell, and engineering levels. Strategies for overcoming plasmid loss, and the models for predicting plasmid instability, are discussed. The focus is on S. cerevisiae, but where relevant, examples from the better studied Escherichia coli system are discussed. Compared to free suspension culture, immobilization of cells is particularly effective in improving plasmid retention, hence, immobilized systems are examined in some detail. Immobilized cell systems combine high cell concentrations with enhanced productivity of the recombinant product, thereby offering a potentially attractive production method, particularly when nonselective media are used. Understanding of the stabilizing mechanisms is a prerequisite to any substantial commercial exploitation and improvement of immobilized cell systems.  相似文献   

Restriction in growth on galactose as unique source of energy due to respiratory deficiency resulting from mutation in a gene gal probably different from gal 3 is described.  相似文献   

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