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Abstract: Fluorescence of NADH and vascular volume of the brain cortex of chloralose-anesthetized cats were measured by surface fluororeflectometry. A cranial window and superfusion technique was elaborated for the topical inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport in the brain cortex by amytal (inhibits at site I) and cyanide (inhibits at site III). The changes in NAD/NADH redox state and CVV evoked by these electron transport inhibitors were compared with those elicited by anoxic anoxia. Amytal (10-3-10-1 M ) and cyanide (10-5-10-2 M ) resulted in a concentration-dependent and reversible increase in cortical NAD reduction and vascular volume, but the cerebrocortical vessels were almost completely dilatated long before maximum NAD reduction was reached. Cyanide at 10-2 M increased cortical NAD reduction and vascular volume as much as anoxic anoxia. Amytal at 10-1 M induced approximately half of the NAD reduction evoked by 10-2 M cyanide or anoxic anoxia, but resulted in only slightly less vasodilatation than that following cyanide and anoxic anoxia. Since amytal inhibits mitochondrial electron transport at site I—and cyanide and anoxia at site III—but induces a comparable degree of vasodilatation, it is concluded that cytochrome oxidase cannot be the single molecular oxygen sensor in the brain cortex.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle can maintain ATP concentration constant during the transition from rest to exercise, whereas metabolic reaction rates may increase substantially. Among the key regulatory factors of skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise, the dynamics of cytosolic and mitochondrial NADH and NAD+ have not been characterized. To quantify these regulatory factors, we have developed a physiologically based computational model of skeletal muscle energy metabolism. This model integrates transport and reaction fluxes in distinct capillary, cytosolic, and mitochondrial domains and investigates the roles of mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ transport (shuttling) activity and muscle glycogen concentration (stores) during moderate intensity exercise (60% maximal O2 consumption). The underlying hypothesis is that the cytosolic redox state (NADH/NAD+) is much more sensitive to a metabolic disturbance in contracting skeletal muscle than the mitochondrial redox state. This hypothesis was tested by simulating the dynamic metabolic responses of skeletal muscle to exercise while altering the transport rate of reducing equivalents (NADH and NAD+) between cytosol and mitochondria and muscle glycogen stores. Simulations with optimal parameter estimates showed good agreement with the available experimental data from muscle biopsies in human subjects. Compared with these simulations, a 20% increase (or approximately 20% decrease) in mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ shuttling activity led to an approximately 70% decrease (or approximately 3-fold increase) in cytosolic redox state and an approximately 35% decrease (or approximately 25% increase) in muscle lactate level. Doubling (or halving) muscle glycogen concentration resulted in an approximately 50% increase (or approximately 35% decrease) in cytosolic redox state and an approximately 30% increase (or approximately 25% decrease) in muscle lactate concentration. In both cases, changes in mitochondrial redox state were minimal. In conclusion, the model simulations of exercise response are consistent with the hypothesis that mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ shuttling activity and muscle glycogen stores affect primarily the cytosolic redox state. Furthermore, muscle lactate production is regulated primarily by the cytosolic redox state.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the metabolic response of the kidney to lactic acidosis. Four types of lactic acidosis were induced in the dog: infusion of lactic acid, infusion of lactic acid with phenformin, administration of phenformin alone, and hypoxia by breathing 95% nitrogen. In all groups of animals, the same degree of acidosis was observed with plasma bicarbonate ranging from 12.8 to 14.9 mM. Plasma lactate concentration ranged from 3.0 to 8.1 mumol/mL. Renal ammoniagenesis failed to be influenced by lactic acidosis. As a matter of fact, it fell during anoxia. The extraction of glutamine by the kidney rose except during anoxia where it fell. The renal production of alanine rose during the infusion of lactic acid with and without phenformin. This coincided with the extraction of glutamine. The renal extraction of lactate rose in all forms of acidosis as well as the production of pyruvate. In the renal cortical tissue, the concentration of malate, pyruvate, and lactate rose. Alanine also rose except during anoxia. An important fall in cytosolic redox potential (NAD+/NADH lactate dehydrogenase) was observed, as well as a fall in mitochondrial redox (NAD+/NADH beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase). Lactate also accumulated in the liver and in the muscle. We propose that the kidney is unable to respond to lactic acidosis in terms of ammonia production and that this phenomenon is explained by transamination of pyruvate and glutamate into alanine and also by the observed fall in cytosolic redox potential. It is likely that renal gluconeogenesis is also inhibited and this is reflected by the rise in the concentration of malate in the kidney.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The changes in intracellular oxygen tension and energy metabolism of the cat brain cortex were studied by surface fluororeflectometry during haemorrhagic shock. The results may be summarized as follows. (a) Intracellular oxygen tension, i.e. the maximum cortical NAD reduction obtained during nitrogen gas inhalation decreased gradually during the hypovolaemic phase of shock and finally, the brain cortex became ischaemic. (b) Partial uncoupling of the cerebrocortical mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation appeared in the very early period of bleeding, as indicated by the overshot of the cortical NAD/NADH redox state towards oxidation subsequent to the cessation of nitrogen gas inhalation. Partial uncoupling of mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation became more pronounced during the later phases of bleeding, finally, the mitochondrial electron transport stopped. In line with these changes the frequency and the amplitude of ECoG decreased gradually and markedly during the hypovolaemic phase of shock. (c) Microcirculation and energy metabolism of the cat brain cortex were severely and irreversibly damaged during the hypovolaemic phase of shock. This was clearly shown by the fact that in the majority of experiments the nitrogen anoxia after reinfusion failed to bring about changes in the cortical NAD/NADH redox state and the ECoG changes occurred during bleeding did not improve after reinfusion. It is concluded that the early disturbances of cerebrocortical energy metabolism play an important role in the development of neural and vascular lesions of the brain that occur during haemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

1. The concentrations of the oxidized and reduced substrates of the lactate-, beta-hydroxybutyrate- and glutamate-dehydrogenase systems were measured in rat livers freeze-clamped as soon as possible after death. The substrates of these dehydrogenases are likely to be in equilibrium with free NAD(+) and NADH, and the ratio of the free dinucleotides can be calculated from the measured concentrations of the substrates and the equilibrium constants (Holzer, Schultz & Lynen, 1956; Bücher & Klingenberg, 1958). The lactate-dehydrogenase system reflects the [NAD(+)]/[NADH] ratio in the cytoplasm, the beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase that in the mitochondrial cristae and the glutamate dehydrogenase that in the mitochondrial matrix. 2. The equilibrium constants of lactate dehydrogenase (EC, beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC and malate dehydrogenase (EC were redetermined for near-physiological conditions (38 degrees ; I0.25). 3. The mean [NAD(+)]/[NADH] ratio of rat-liver cytoplasm was calculated as 725 (pH7.0) in well-fed rats, 528 in starved rats and 208 in alloxan-diabetic rats. 4. The [NAD(+)]/[NADH] ratio for the mitochondrial matrix and cristae gave virtually identical values in the same metabolic state. This indicates that beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase share a common pool of dinucleotide. 5. The mean [NAD(+)]/[NADH] ratio within the liver mitochondria of well-fed rats was about 8. It fell to about 5 in starvation and rose to about 10 in alloxan-diabetes. 6. The [NAD(+)]/[NADH] ratios of cytoplasm and mitochondria are thus greatly different and do not necessarily move in parallel when the metabolic state of the liver changes. 7. The ratios found for the free dinucleotides differ greatly from those recorded for the total dinucleotides because much more NADH than NAD(+) is protein-bound. 8. The bearing of these findings on various problems, including the following, is discussed: the number of NAD(+)-NADH pools in liver cells; the applicability of the method to tissues other than liver; the transhydrogenase activity of glutamate dehydrogenase; the physiological significance of the difference of the redox states of mitochondria and cytoplasm; aspects of the regulation of the redox state of cell compartments; the steady-state concentration of mitochondrial oxaloacetate; the relations between the redox state of cell compartments and ketosis.  相似文献   

We provide an integrative interpretation of neuroglial metabolic coupling including the presence of subcellular compartmentation of pyruvate and monocarboxylate recycling through the plasma membrane of both neurons and glial cells. The subcellular compartmentation of pyruvate allows neurons and astrocytes to select between glucose and lactate as alternative substrates, depending on their relative extracellular concentration and the operation of a redox switch. This mechanism is based on the inhibition of glycolysis at the level of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase by NAD(+) limitation, under sufficiently reduced cytosolic NAD(+)/NADH redox conditions. Lactate and pyruvate recycling through the plasma membrane allows the return to the extracellular medium of cytosolic monocarboxylates enabling their transcellular, reversible, exchange between neurons and astrocytes. Together, intracellular pyruvate compartmentation and monocarboxylate recycling result in an effective transcellular coupling between the cytosolic NAD(+)/NADH redox states of both neurons and glial cells. Following glutamatergic neurotransmission, increased glutamate uptake by the astrocytes is proposed to augment glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle activity, balancing to a reduced cytosolic NAD(+)/NADH in the glia. Reducing equivalents are transferred then to the neuron resulting in a reduced neuronal NAD(+)/NADH redox state. This may eventually switch off neuronal glycolysis, favoring the oxidation of extracellular lactate in the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) equilibrium and in the neuronal tricarboxylic acid cycles. Finally, pyruvate derived from neuronal lactate oxidation, may return to the extracellular space and to the astrocyte, restoring the basal redox state and beginning a new loop of the lactate/pyruvate transcellular coupling cycle. Transcellular redox coupling operates through the plasma membrane transporters of monocarboxylates, similarly to the intracellular redox shuttles coupling the cytosolic and mitochondrial redox states through the transporters of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Finally, transcellular redox coupling mechanisms may couple glycolytic and oxidative zones in other heterogeneous tissues including muscle and tumors.  相似文献   

Direct electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex was used to determine the changes of cortical carbohydrate and oxidative metabolism and of vascular reactivity during haemorrhagic shock. The results were as follows. 1. Electrical stimulation of the brain cortex applied in the control period led to a marked vasodilation and NAD reduction that was preceded in part of the experiments by a transient NADH oxidation. It is suggested that the increase in cortical NADH fluorescence observed during direct stimulation is due to the fact that the rate of cytoplasmic NADH production exceeded the rate of mitochondrial NADH oxidation and of the rate of H+-transport from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria. 2. The cerebrocortical vascular and NAD/NADH redox state responses induced by electrical stimulation changed in the early hypovolaemic phase of shock. At this time, electrical stimulation of the brain cortex led to NADH oxidation in the majority of the experiments or in some experiments, the stimulation did not bring about changes in the redox state of the cortex. The total loss of the reactivity to direct stimulation of the cerebrocortical vessels and of energy metabolism preceded the occurrence of cortical ischaemia during the hypovolaemic phase of shock. 3. Since after reinfusion of the shed blood, redox state and vasculature remained unresponsive to stimulation even in those experiments in which the cortical ischaemia improved, it is concluded that the carbohydrate and oxidative metabolism of the brain cortex were already irreversibly damaged in the early phase of hypovolaemic shock.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for the determination of maximal reduction of NAD in the rat cerebral cortex. NADH fluorescence (450 nm) induced by 366-nm light and UV reflectance were measured by a time-sharing light pipe fluorometer. The redox state of the cortical surface was altered by perfusion of oxygen or carbon monoxide through a Teflon chamber adjacent to the dura. This study examines changes caused by local perfusion with the two gases in normoxia, hypoxia, and anoxia. Alternation of topical carbon monoxide and oxygen becomes effective in altering the intracellular redox state at 15% inspired oxygen and caused 20% changes at zero inspired oxygen. Conversely, topical application of oxygen to the systemically anoxic tissue causes oxidation of reduced NAPH in the cells within the field of fluorometric observation equivalent to that caused by breathing approximately 8% oxygen systemically.  相似文献   

The possible role of cerebrocortical ion homeostasis, NAD/NADH redox state and of cortical oxygen tension was investigated in the initiation of hypoxic cortical vasodilatation. In addition, changes in cerebrocortical extracellular concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl- during anoxia were studied. The results were as follows. a) The cerebrocortical reflectance decrease, e.g. cerebral vasodilatation, lagged behind the cortical pO2 decrease by 1-2 sec, but preceded the decrease of arterial blood pressure and ECoG as well as the extracellular Na+, K+, Cl- increases by 20-30 sec. Since the cortical pO2 decreased first and the ion changes lagged behind the onset of vasodilatation by 20-30 sec, it is suggested that the CBF increase in hypoxia is mediated via the cortical pO2 decrease. b) A significant NAD reduction was already present after 20 sec. of nitrogen breathing. Since the ECoG and MABP decreased, and K+ activity increased much later than this, it is presumed that the NAD reduction during the first 30-40 sec of anoxia indicates an increased rate of glycolysis, but not mitochondrial hypoxia. c) In the predepolarization phase a 17% K+, 4% Na+, 5% Cl- increase is probably the result of a reduction of the extracellular spaces caused by water movement and by the migration of Na+ and Cl- from the extracellular to the intracellular space. The large K+, Na+, Cl- changes during terminal depolarization can be interpreted as a result of the failure of the membrane bound Na+ -K+ pump and of the altered ion permeability of the cell membranes.  相似文献   

Barker CD  Reda T  Hirst J 《Biochemistry》2007,46(11):3454-3464
Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) from bovine heart mitochondria contains 45 different subunits and nine redox cofactors. NADH is oxidized by a noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide (FMN), then seven iron-sulfur clusters transfer the two electrons to quinone, and four protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Here, we use protein film voltammetry to investigate the mechanisms of NADH oxidation and NAD+ reduction in the simplest catalytically active subcomplex of complex I, the flavoprotein (Fp) subcomplex. The Fp subcomplex was prepared using chromatography and contained the 51 and 24 kDa subunits, the FMN, one [4Fe-4S] cluster, and one [2Fe-2S] cluster. The reduction potential of the FMN in the enzyme's active site is lower than that of free FMN (thus, the oxidized state of the FMN is most strongly bound) and close to the reduction potential of NAD+. Consequently, the catalytic transformation is reversible. Electrocatalytic NADH oxidation by subcomplex Fp can be explained by a model comprising substrate mass transport, the Michaelis-Menten equation, and interfacial electron transfer kinetics. The difference between the "catalytic" potential and the FMN potential suggests that the flavin is reoxidized before NAD+ is released or that intramolecular electron transfer from the flavin to the [4Fe-4S] cluster influences the catalytic rate. NAD+ reduction displays a marked activity maximum, below which the catalytic rate decreases sharply as the driving force increases. Two possible models reproduce the observed catalytic waveshapes: one describing an effect from reducing the proximal [2Fe-2S] cluster and the other the enhanced catalytic ability of the semiflavin state.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiratory control in the myocardium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The heart muscle has proved to be a practical model for studying respiratory control in intact tissues. It also demonstrates that control at the level of the respiratory chain is augmented by metabolic control at the substrate level as exemplified by the very narrow range of changes in the redox state of the mitochondrial NADH/NAD couple even during extensive changes in ATP and oxygen consumption. The behaviour of mitochondria when isolated can largely be duplicated in the intact myocardium. Moreover, the high intracellular concentrations of enzymes, coenzymes and adenine nucleotides create conditions of high reaction rates, enabling the formation of a near equilibrium network of certain main pathways. This equilibrium network in connection with metabolic regulation of the hydrogen pressure upon the matrix NADH/NAD pool is a prerequisite for the regulation of cellular respiration at a high efficiency of energy transfer. Experimentation on the intact myocardium also seems to be capable of resolving some of the uncertainties about prevailing mechanisms for the regulation of cellular respiration.  相似文献   

A number of cellular systems cooperate in redox regulation, providing metabolic responses according to changes in the oxidation (or reduction) of the redox active components of a cell. Key systems of central metabolism, such as the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase complexes, are important participants in redox regulation, because their function is controlled by the NADH/NAD+ ratio and the complex-bound dihydrolipoate/lipoate ratio. Redox state of the complex-bound lipoate is an indicator of the availability of the reaction substrates (2-oxo acid, CoA and NAD+) and thiol-disulfide status of the medium. Accumulation of the dihydrolipoate intermediate causes inactivation of the first enzyme of the complexes. With the mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase, the phosphorylation system is involved in the lipoate-dependent regulation, whereas mammalian 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase exhibits a higher sensitivity to direct regulation by the complex-bound dihydrolipoate/lipoate and external SH/S-S, including mitochondrial thioredoxin. Thioredoxin efficiently protects the complexes from self-inactivation during catalysis at low NAD+. As a result, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex may provide succinyl-CoA for phosphorylation of GDP and ADP under conditions of restricted NAD+ availability. This may be essential upon accumulation of NADH and exhaustion of the pyridine nucleotide pool. Concomitantly, thioredoxin stimulates the complex-bound dihydrolipoate-dependent production of reactive oxygen species. It is suggested that this side-effect of the 2-oxo acid oxidation at low NAD+in vivo would be overcome by cooperation of mitochondrial thioredoxin and the thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase, SP-22.  相似文献   

In this study, a pronounced increase of ethanol oxidation was found in hepatocytes obtained from adenosine-treated rats, or after in vitro additional of the nucleoside; this finding was accompanied by a maintenance of the normal cytoplasmic redox state. These results suggest a higher availability of cytoplasmic NAD in these cells. Therefore, the metabolic pathways which carry out the reoxidation of cytosolic reducing equivalents, namely, malate-aspartate and alpha-glycerophosphate shuttles, were examined. Isolated mitochondria from adenosine-treated rats had an increased NADH oxidation by the malate-aspartate shuttle; furthermore, in vivo and in vitro addition of adenosine to the hepatocytes induced changes in the equilibrium of the malate-aspartate shuttle, as evidenced by the subcellular distribution of the intermediates of this pathway. Acetaldehyde removal was also increased by adenosine and this fact was related to an elevated NAD/NADH ratio in the mitochondria. Thus, under these conditions, an increased ethanol uptake was accompanied by enhanced acetaldehyde removal in the animal. In conclusion, adenosine administration stimulates the transport of cytoplasmic reducing equivalents to the mitochondria, mainly through the malate-aspartate shuttle. This action, which may be located at the level of the mitochondrial membrane, is reflected by an enhancement of ethanol and acetaldehyde oxidations.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H autofluorescence was used to verify establishment of metabolic anoxia using primary cultures of cortical neurons and astrocytes. Cells on cover slips were placed in a chamber and O2 was displaced by continuous infusion of argon. Perfusion with medium at PO2 < 0.4 mm Hg caused an increase in NAD(P)H fluorescence, albeit to levels lower than that obtained with cyanide. Addition of the nitric oxide-generating agent DETA-NO to the hypoxic medium further increased fluorescence to the level with cyanide. Fluorescence under anoxia remained high in the presence of glucose, but declined in neurons and not in astrocytes when glucose was substituted with 2-deoxyglucose. Reoxygenation of neurons resulted in a decline in fluorescence and a loss in fluorescent gradient between fully reduced and fully oxidized (plus respiratory uncoupler). We conclude that (1) DETA-NO is useful for generating metabolic anoxia in the presence of argon (2) Exogenous glucose is necessary to maintain NAD(P)H in a reduced state during metabolic anoxia in neurons but not astrocytes (3) Neurons undergo a partially irreversible decline in NAD(P)H fluorescence during metabolic anoxia and reoxygenation that could contribute to prolonged metabolic failure. Special issue dedicated to John P. Blass.  相似文献   

The view that mitochondrial electron transport is the only site of aerobic respiration and the primary bioenergetic pathway in mammalian cells is well established in the literature. Although this paradigm is widely accepted for most tissues, the situation is less clear for proliferating cells. Increasing evidence indicates that glycolytic ATP production contributes substantially to fulfilling the energy requirements of rapidly dividing somatic cells, many tumour cells, and self-renewing stem cells in hypoxic environments. Glycolytic cells have been shown to consume oxygen at the cell surface via plasma membrane electron transport (PMET), a process that oxidises intracellular NADH, supports glycolytic ATP production and may contribute to aerobic energy production. PMET, as determined by reduction of a cell-impermeable tetrazolium dye, is highly active in rapidly-dividing tumour cell lines, where it ameliorates intracellular reductive stress, originating from the mitochondrial TCA cycle. Thus, mitochondrial NADH production is linked to dye reduction outside the cell via the malate-aspartate shuttle. PMET activity increases several-fold under hypoxic conditions, consistent with the view that oxygen competes for electrons from this PMET system. In addition, rho(o) cells that lack mitochondrial electron transport are characterised by elevated PMET presumably to recycle NADH, a role traditionally assumed by lactate dehydrogenase. PMET presents an excellent target for developing novel anticancer drugs that exploit its unique plasma membrane localisation. We propose that PMET is a ubiquitous, high-capacity acute NADH redox-regulatory system responsible for maintaining the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ ratio. Blocking this pathway compromises the viability of rapidly proliferating cells that rely on PMET.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss a hypothesis to explain the preferential synthesis of the superoxide sensitive form of aconitase in mitochondria and the phenotype observed in manganese superoxide dismutase mutant mice, which show a gross over accumulation of stored fat in liver. The model proposes that intermediary metabolism is redox regulated by mitochondrial superoxide generated during mitochondrial respiration. This regulates the level of reducing equivalents (NADH) entering the electron transport chain (ETC) through the reversible inactivation of mitochondrial aconitase. This control mechanism has a dual function; firstly, it regulates levels of superoxide generated by the ETC and, secondly, it fine-tunes metabolism by channeling citrate either for the production of NADH for energy metabolism or diverting it for the synthesis of fats. In this setting, the mitochondrial redox state influences metabolic decisions via a superoxide-aconitase rheostat.  相似文献   

Shen W  Wei Y  Dauk M  Tan Y  Taylor DC  Selvaraj G  Zou J 《The Plant cell》2006,18(2):422-441
A mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P) shuttle that channels cytosolic reducing equivalent to mitochondria for respiration through oxidoreduction of G-3-P has been extensively studied in yeast and animal systems. Here, we report evidence for the operation of such a shuttle in Arabidopsis thaliana. We studied Arabidopsis mutants defective in a cytosolic G-3-P dehydrogenase, GPDHc1, which, based on models described for other systems, functions as the cytosolic component of a G-3-P shuttle. We found that the gpdhc1 T-DNA insertional mutants exhibited increased NADH/NAD+ ratios compared with wild-type plants under standard growth conditions, as well as impaired adjustment of NADH/NAD+ ratios under stress simulated by abscisic acid treatment. The altered redox state of the NAD(H) pool was correlated with shifts in the profiles of metabolites concerning intracellular redox exchange. The impairment in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis was manifest by a higher steady state level of reactive oxygen species under standard growth conditions and by a significantly augmented hydrogen peroxide production under stress. Loss of GPDHc1 affected mitochondrial respiration, particularly through a diminished capacity of the alternative oxidase respiration pathway. We propose a model that outlines potential involvements of a mitochondrial G-3-P shuttle in plant cells for redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

NADH is a key metabolic cofactor whose sensitive and specific detection in the cytosol of live cells has been difficult. We constructed a fluorescent biosensor of the cytosolic NADH-NAD(+) redox state by combining a circularly permuted GFP T-Sapphire with a bacterial NADH-binding protein, Rex. Although the initial construct reported [NADH] × [H(+)] / [NAD(+)], its pH sensitivity was eliminated by mutagenesis. The engineered biosensor Peredox reports cytosolic NADH:NAD(+) ratios and can be calibrated with exogenous lactate and pyruvate. We demonstrated its utility in several cultured and primary cell types. We found that glycolysis opposed the lactate dehydrogenase equilibrium to produce a reduced cytosolic NADH-NAD(+) redox state. We also observed different redox states in primary mouse astrocytes and neurons, consistent with hypothesized metabolic differences. Furthermore, using high-content image analysis, we monitored NADH responses to PI3K pathway inhibition in hundreds of live cells. As an NADH reporter, Peredox should enable better understanding of bioenergetics.  相似文献   

A new multidomain mathematical model of cardiac cellular metabolism was developed to simulate metabolic responses to reduced myocardial blood flow. The model is based on mass balances and reaction kinetics that describe transport and metabolic processes of 31 key chemical species in cardiac tissue. The model has three distinct domains (blood, cytosol, and mitochondria) with interdomain transport of chemical species. In addition to distinguishing between cytosol and mitochondria, the model includes a subdomain in the cytosol to account for glycolytic metabolic channeling. Myocardial ischemia was induced by a 60% reduction in coronary blood flow, and model simulations were compared with experimental data from anesthetized pigs. Simulations with a previous model without compartmentation showed a slow activation of glycogen breakdown and delayed lactate production compared with experimental results. The addition of a subdomain for glycolysis resulted in simulations showing faster rates of glycogen breakdown and lactate production that closely matched in vivo experimental data. The dynamics of redox (NADH/NAD+) and phosphorylation (ADP/ATP) states were also simulated. These controllers are coupled to energy transfer reactions and play key regulatory roles in the cytosol and mitochondria. Simulations showed a similar dynamic response of the mitochondrial redox state and the rate of pyruvate oxidation during ischemia. In contrast, the cytosolic redox state displayed a time response similar to that of lactate production. In conclusion, this novel mechanistic model effectively predicted the rapid activation of glycogen breakdown and lactate production at the onset of ischemia and supports the concept of localization of glycolysis to a subdomain of the cytosol.  相似文献   

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