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茶树病虫害多媒体数据库的开发研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本介绍了应用Visual foxpro6.0语言、结合我我媒体技术开发茶树病虫害数据库的结果。该数据库包括:42种茶树害虫和21种茶树病害的鉴别、咨询知识库,主要病虫的测报、防治决策专家系统,常用农药知识库及系统维护等模块,是一种查询简便、计算的茶树病虫计算机决策系统。  相似文献   

水稻主要病虫综合防治专家系统—系统外壳的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
按照国家八五项目要求,以水稻病虫害管理知识为背景,笔者构建了水稻主要病虫综防专家系统外壳(ESRIPM).并初步建立了珠江三角洲稻区主要害虫综合防治专家系统,系统中提出一种知识的组织方法,成功地把模型引入专家系统中.本系统具有知识编辑、咨询、专家系统;系统维护、4个一级子系统,系统中已装入三化螟,稻飞虱,稻纵卷叶螟等害虫综防管理的知识,并通过调试.本系统采用下拉式菜单,人机界面友好,操作简单.此专家系统外壳也适用建立其它各种害虫管理的专家系统.  相似文献   

1991-2010年宁夏水稻病虫害发生特征与经济损失分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻病虫害发生种类繁多、暴发频繁,是威胁宁夏水稻稳产、高产的重要因素,但对其变化趋势与实际危害损失不清楚.基于宁夏水稻统计数据、稻田覆盖类型遥感数据和水稻产量数据,分析1991年至2010年宁夏水稻病虫害发生特征与经济损失情况.结果表明:1991年到2010年期间,宁夏水稻病害、虫害年均发生面积分别为5.3万hm2和2.0万hm2,其年均防治面积分别为8.4万hm2和1.6万hm2;水稻病害的发生程度下降了23.10%,防治程度上升了77.30%.20年间宁夏水稻虫害的发生面积、发生程度、防治面积和防治程度均显著增加.防治水稻病害、虫害后,分别挽回稻谷为2.67万吨、0.28万吨,其挽回损失量在20年期间分别增加了55.15%、2775.0%,表明水稻病虫害防治意义重大.由于气候变化等诸多因子,导致1991年到2010年宁夏水稻病害、虫害年均造成的实际稻谷损失量分别为0.71万吨与0.13万吨,水稻病害实际损失量在0值附件波动、虫害呈现波动增加趋势,说明水稻病害防控效果好、虫害的防控还有提升的空间.从全区各市县分布来看,水稻病虫害主要分布在宁夏的银北地区.为有效地防止或减少病虫害对水稻产量的损失,应加强农田景观变化和气候变化等对水稻病虫害发生与灾变的风险评估和监测预警,开展区域性水稻病虫害综合治理研究,并建立相应的防控新对策与技术体系.  相似文献   

水稻是我国主要的粮食作物,种植范围大,水稻的病虫害种类繁多,防治较难,也是影响水稻产量、品质与高产的主要原因,那么,对水稻病虫害必须采取综合防治,才可以确保水稻稳产高产,以下文章对水稻的病虫害以及综合防治技术做了阐述,以供广大种植者参考。  相似文献   

<正> 该书由杜正文教授主编、张孝羲、王法明两位教授任副主编共37位专家学者撰写编著,1991年由农业出版社出版。全书共406页,55万4千字,并有插图、插页和参考文献。 全书除绪论外,共分10章,分别介绍了我国水稻主要病原菌的致病性和害虫的致害性分化,水稻迁飞性害虫、水稻主要病虫害空间分布型的利用与调控、水稻病虫害为害损失和经济防治指标、水稻害虫天敌作用的评价、水稻抗性品种、水稻栽培控害技术、水稻病虫害化学防治技术、水稻主要病虫害的预测与管理模型,以及我国六大稻区病虫害综合防治技术体系。  相似文献   

水稻病虫害的适期防治与生物农药的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科技发达的今天,对于水稻的保护增产不止应该有更高的技术,也应该有更好的产品,以保护农业环境安全和提高水稻的综合抗虫抗病实力为基础的生物农药的预防治疗技术,对水稻病虫害的预防和治疗有着十分重要的意义。本文就水稻的主要病虫害的测试防治方法和对水稻主要病虫害的防治的最佳时期进行了简要的论述。  相似文献   

水稻的栽培技术中病虫害防治是一项重要的技术内容,我国关于水稻病虫害的防治技术的研究经过多年来的不懈努力也已取得了一定的成效,病虫害专业化防治模式的应用在水稻栽培过程中也发挥出了积极的作用。  相似文献   

水稻生长动态模拟研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
严力蛟  全为民 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1143-1142
在查阅了国内外水稻生长动态模拟研究领域大量献的基础上,主要就气候变化对水稻生长的影响的模拟,水稻生产潜力的估算,生育期预测,氮肥的优化管理,水稻群体质量指标的模拟与优化以及水稻干物质生产模拟等6个方面的研究动态进行了综述。提出了水稻生长动态模拟模型研究和应用中存在的建模方法,参数确定和生产应用等3个方面的问题,最后对该领域今后的攻关内容进行了探讨,认为进一步研制和完善包括营养元素,病虫害在内的,以作物生理生态为基础的水稻生产系统综合性模拟模型,充分利用以信息技术为主体的现代科学技术,组织全国范围的协作试验以建立水稻品种参数数据库和研制估算水稻品种参数的数学方法,将水稻生长动态模拟模型和专家系统结合,组建水稻生产优化管理决策支持系统,是提高水稻生长动态模拟模型实用性的关键。  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)是基于计算机技术的空间数据处理系统,能完成数据的采集、存储、查询、分析、显示与输出地图等工作;它以空间数据库为基础,采用空间模型分析方法,为解决空间问题和地理决策服务。地理信息系统已广泛应用于自然资源管理和社会经济经济发展规划与管理的各个方面,并从简单的信息管理发展到了综合分析、综合评价及决策支持等高级应用阶段。西双版纳生物圈保护区地理信息系统是“西双版纳生物圈保护区生物多样性保护和持续发展”研究项目的主要工作之一。建立地理信息系统,目的在于对保护区自然资源和保护区内人类活动进行动态监测和管理,实现保护区管理的现代化;同时为保护区发展规划、地区社会经济发展规划等工作提供基础数据和分析、制图工具。  相似文献   

水稻主要病虫害综合防治试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在毛主席的无产阶级革命路线指引下,为了提高病虫防治水平,促进农业生产发展,保护环境,增进人民的身体健康,在总结农业防治、化学防治和生物防治水稻主要病虫害的经验与利用啮小蜂防治三化螟的基础上,1974年我们在新丰县通过采用育蜂治虫、以菌治虫、保护天敌、放养生物、农业栽培技术、抗病品种以及施用少量高效低毒化学农药等措施,初步开展了水稻主要病虫害综合防治试验。试区设在新丰县城郊公社的城东、大洞、  相似文献   

草地有害啮齿动物监测专家系统设计介绍   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张堰铭  苏建平 《兽类学报》1998,18(3):219-225
主要介绍了青藏高原草地有害啮齿动物监测专家系统的建造原理和方法。该系统由综合数据库、知识库、推理机、知识编辑语言及系统建造支持环境等部分组成,文中详细说明各部分的主要功能以及与其他部分的相互关系。该系统可对青藏高原有害动物种群动态进行长期监测,快速准确地预测预报草地植被受害状况,并根据生态环境特点,对有害啮齿动物综合治理进行规划,为用户提供长期治理的技术和多种可供选择的可行性方案。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is a major pest, infesting hundreds of crop types. Since current field monitoring is mostly manual, understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of pest emergence at the fine scale can optimize precise trap placement and site‐specific treatment activities, also within area wide integrated pest management projects. We carried out a three‐year study in deciduous orchards in Israel, testing for the existence of subplot hot spots in which medfly populations display small‐scale aggregations over consecutive seasons, beyond the expected spatial variability resulting from host type and ripening sequence. medfly population increase in these locations often preceded or was parallel to infestations in surrounding orchards, suggesting that hot spots can provide an important tool for effective prediction and control of pest emergence. We also examined the use of expert knowledge to predict hot spot locations and suggest a methodology for verifying them.  相似文献   

本文以中季稻区稻田主要害虫稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟和捕食天敌蜘蛛的田间系统调查资料为基础,以害虫—天敌—农药系统为研究对象,应用害虫管理系统工程的原理,处理害虫、捕食天敌与农药三者之间的关系。建立了稻纵叶螟—蜘蛛—甲胺磷和稻飞虱—蜘蛛—甲胺磷两系统优化管理模型,绘制了它们的优化反馈控制策略图,利用微机对系统进行最优监控。使用时输入当前田间害虫与天敌数量,就可对系统作出即时的预测和最优决策。该策略确立的控制害虫的最优性能指标,是使害虫对农作物的为害所造成的损失与防治费用之和最小,并且使害虫和天敌的数量处于系统平衡状态。文中比较分析了该策略与基于经济阈值的常规害虫管理策略,指出了新策略在害虫综合治理中对天敌数量进行控制和管理的作用及其意义。  相似文献   

Abstract Investigations on the pest-natural enemy-insecticide system, including rice leaf roller-spider-tamaron and planthopper-spider-tamaron system, were carried out in the paddy fields in middle season rice cropping region. The relationship among insect pest, natural enemy and insecticide were studied based on the principle of the pest management system engineering. The optimal management models of the two systems were developed. Their diagrams of optimal feedback control strategy were contoured for computer monitoring of the pest-natural enemy-insecticide system. The population densities of pest and natural enemy in the future could be forecasted and the optimal strategy could be made when the current field densities of pest and natural enemy were input into the computer. The optimal performance index, which is a combination of the total cost of using the chemical and the total cost of pest damage to crops, for pest control is minimized. The objective of the system management is to drive the state of the system towards a beneficial equilibrium of the system generally. A comparison of the new IPM strategy with the ordinary strategy based on a single economic threshold is conducted in this paper. The optimal control strategies suggest that both pest and natural enemy populations should be controlled in the integrated pest management.  相似文献   

The MIPS Rice (Oryza sativa) database (MOsDB; http://mips.gsf.de/proj/rice) provides a comprehensive data collection dedicated to the genome information of rice. Rice (O. sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops for over half the world's population and serves as a major model system in cereal genome research. MOsDB integrates data from two publicly available rice genomic sequences, O. sativa L. ssp. indica and O. sativa L. ssp. japonica. Besides regularly updated rice genome sequence information, MOsDB provides an integrated resource for associated analysis data, e.g. internal and external annotation information as well as a complex characterization of all annotated rice genes. The MOsDB web interface supports various search options and allows browsing the database content. MOsDB is continuously expanding to include an increasing range of data type and the growing amount of information on the rice genome.  相似文献   

[目的] 探索滨海盐碱地水稻生态种植模式下,利用性诱剂和香根草对水稻二化螟的综合防治效果。[方法] 在0.3%~0.6%的土壤盐分下,种植中粳中晚熟南粳9108水稻品种,设置4种绿色防控措施,每15~20 d调查诱捕螟虫量、虫害穴率、虫害株率、防治效果,并比较水稻的食味品质、生长和产量指标。[结果] 综合利用性诱剂和香根草对水稻螟虫的综合防治技术,可以降低虫害穴率7.10%,降低虫害株率5.72%,防治效果达87.31%,可以显著的提高水稻结实率22.80%,稻谷产量为6810.45 kg·hm-2,提高了22.35%,显著提高了稻米的外观品质,食味值提高了4.29%。[结论] 性诱剂与香根草配合进行水稻螟虫的绿色防控,可以作为滨海盐碱地水稻生态种植模式的主要防控措施。  相似文献   

The small brown planthopper (SBPH, Laodelphax striatellus Fallén) is an important pest that causes severe yield losses in rice by transmitting viral plant diseases. For the proper management of this pest, therefore, it is necessary to understand its temporal and spatial dynamics by establishing a periodical monitoring system. A dataset, including the number of SBPHs by location, collection method [aerial collection net (AeCN) or light trap (LT)] and period (May–Aug.) for five years (2011–2015) was provided by the Rural Developmental Administration, and missing values were imputed using multiple imputation methods. Of the 15,848 individuals collected, approximately 47% and 52.9% were collected using the AeCN and LT methods, respectively. Large numbers of SBPHs were generally collected from western coastal regions using AeCNs but not LTs. A high incidence of migratory SBPHs was observed during Julian days 144–166 using the AeCN method, with slightly different migration periods in each year. Generally, the migratory SBPHs made up 39.4% of the total populations of SBPHs during those periods. According to clustering analysis, the migratory region was located along the western coastal regions. Putative migration paths were estimated by trajectory cluster analyses using meteorological data. Interestingly, an L-shaped trajectory path emerged as a potentially important route for migratory SBPHs, passing through major wheat cultivation areas in Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces in China, where high densities of SBPHs occur from late May to early June. These results would provide valuable information to predict the incidence period of migratory SBPHs and establish a proactive management system against SBPH, including the basis for the detection of hazardous factors and decisions regarding appropriate pesticide treatment periods.  相似文献   

为提高农作物重大病虫害发生信息自动化、智能化采集能力,全面提升监测预警水平,笔者基于大数据、人工智能和深度学习技术,研发了一款农作物病虫害移动智能采集设备——智宝,主要实现了3个方面的功能:一是病虫害发生信息自动采集上报.通过该产品进行人工拍照,可实现对田间农作物重大病虫害发生图像、发生位置、发生数量、微环境因子等数据的实时采集和上报.二是自动识别计数.基于植保大数据与人工智能技术,通过构建病虫害自动识别系统,可实现重大病虫害精准识别与分析,只要拍摄照片,即可快速、精确地识别病虫害种类,并自动计数、上报到指定的测报系统.三是自动分析判别分级.针对拍摄采集上报的重大病虫害发生信息,系统可在自动识别和计数的基础上,进一步对病虫害发生严重程度进行智能判别分级,甚至根据相关预测模型,对病虫害的发生趋势进行辅助分析预测,提出预测建议.通过2016—2019年组织多地植保机构进行试验改进,该技术产品日趋成熟,有望在未来的农作物病虫害发生信息采集和预测预报工作中推广使用.  相似文献   

The striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is an important pest afflicting rice in most rice-growing countries in the world. Deliniating the categories of resistance in rice genotypes under field conditions could be helpful in managment of this pest. Two categories of resistance, antixenosis and antibiosis, were examined in ten popular and diverse rice genotypes of different origin that had been selected for their resistance to the striped stem borer in a previous study. Significant differences were found between genotypes for the number of egg masses, number of eggs, preference index, larval and pupal weight, larval development time, larval survival rate, larval mine length, and leaf trichome density. It was found that the rice genotypes Novator, A7801, and Nemat had the more pronounced antixenosis-type resistance, whereas AB1 and Shirodi had better antiobiosis-type resistance. Interestingly, the rice genotype AN-74 for which Nemat is the parental line showed both types of resistance and could be effectively used in an integrated pest management of the rice striped stem borer.  相似文献   

集成的专家系统和神经网络应用于大熊猫生境评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
充分了解大熊猫生境的时空格局及其变化,对有效保护大熊猫非常重要.绘制生境图既是野生动物生境评价和监测的一个有效方式,也是一个必要的步骤.新发展起来的人工智能方法(包括专家系统和神经网络方法),在模拟复杂系统过程中能够同时综合定性和定量信息,并可集成于GIS中,有助于大熊猫复杂生境的制图及评价.为了对大熊猫生境进行评价,本文建立了一个较全面的综合制图方法,将专家系统、神经网络和多类型数据全部集成在GIS环境下.结果表明,采用专家系统和神经网络集成方法绘制的大熊猫生境图的精度达到80%以上,高于单一的专家系统方法、神经网络方法和传统的最大似然法制图的精度.Z统计方法也证实了新建立的专家系统和神经网络集成方法要显著好于3种单一方法.  相似文献   

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