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A transmissible dicentric chromosome was recovered in Drosophila melanogaster. The radiation-induced secondary chromosome rearrangement consists essentially of the entire Y and fourth chromosomes joined by 2R heterochromatin. The Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · chromosome pairs with the X and the free fourth chromosome to form a trivalent in meiosis that is unusual because it forms few chromosome bridges in primary spermatocytes and is transmitted at high frequency. We suggest that the orientation of the weaker fourth chromosome kinetochore eventually fails when opposing the stronger Y kinetochore so that the Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · moves to the pole to which the Y kinetochore is oriented. There is however an increased frequency of sex chromosome nondisjunction (14%) and of chromosome laggards (6%) in primary spermatocytes; the frequency of exceptional progeny of males containing the Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · was 7.44% compared with 0.25% in the controls. Disruption of normal sex chromosome disjunction also occurs in females containing the Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · and a compound X chromosome; the frequency of exceptional progeny was 2.55% versus 0.91% in the controls. Chromosome nondisjunction appears to occur when orientation of the X and Y kinetochores to the same pole is stabilized through tension by the orientation of one or both fourth chromosome kinetochores to the opposite pole. During anaphase, the orientation of the fourth chromosome kinetochore of the Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · appears to fail and the X and Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · chromosomes move to the same pole. Y S · Y L 2Rh4 · chromosome laggards occur with both the Y and fourth chromosome kinetochores amphitelically oriented. This orientation appears to be stable as a result of equal opposing forces toward opposite poles.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption and lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) activity were determined for Drosophila melanogaster pupae and pharate adults exposed to 12 : 12 or 1 : 23 light-dark (LD) regime. Bimodal circadian fluctuations of oxygen consumption were found in pupae and pharate adults exposed to either LD regime and organisms appeared to demonstrate an anticipatory change in oxygen consumption associated with change in illumination. The oxygen-consumption trend for the entire period spent in the puparium showed a high at the time of emergence, but the diurnal rhythm showed a low at the time of emergence suggesting that emergence occurs at a low in the diurnal cycle. Emergence maximum showed a 3 hr lead over the oxygen-consumption maximum. Changing the LD regime produced similar changes in the phasing of both oxygen consumption and emergence rhythms. LDH activity did not demonstrate a detectable circadian rhythm but did show a steady decrease during pupal and pharate adult development.  相似文献   

Faithful chromosome inheritance is a fundamental biological activity and errors contribute to birth defects and cancer progression. We have performed a P-element screen in Drosophila melanogaster with the aim of identifying novel candidate genes involved in inheritance. We used a "sensitized" minichromosome substrate (J21A) to screen approximately 3,000 new P-element lines for dominant effects on chromosome inheritance and recovered 78 Sensitized chromosome inheritance modifiers (Scim). Of these, 69 decreased minichromosome inheritance while 9 increased minichromosome inheritance. Fourteen mutations are lethal or semilethal when homozygous and all exhibit dramatic mitotic defects. Inverse PCR combined with genomic analyses identified P insertions within or close to genes with previously described inheritance functions, including wings apart-like (wapl), centrosomin (cnn), and pavarotti (pav). Further, lethal insertions in replication factor complex 4 (rfc4) and GTPase-activating protein 1 (Gap1) exhibit specific mitotic chromosome defects, discovering previously unknown roles for these proteins in chromosome inheritance. The majority of the lines represent mutations in previously uncharacterized loci, many of which have human homologs, and we anticipate that this collection will provide a rich source of mutations in new genes required for chromosome inheritance in metazoans.  相似文献   

The enzyme dipeptidase-A (DIP-A) in Drosophila melanogaster is coded by a second chromosome locus that is polymorphic for three allozymes in natural populations. DIP-A appears to be the only enzyme in D. melanogaster capable of hydrolyzing the dipeptide glycyl-L-isoleucine, since flies homozygous for null alleles at this locus have no detectable glycyl-L-isoleucine-ase activity. DIP-A activity occurs in many tissues and throughout development, but is particularly high in the larval midgut, suggesting an important role in protein digestion. These observations suggested an experimental design for investigating the adaptive significance of genetic variation in DIP-A activity. Fitness components of DIP-A variants could be estimated and compared under two environmental conditions (defined diets under axenic conditions). In the restrictive environment, the essential amino acid L-isoleucine is provided only in the form of glycyl-L-isoleucine, whereas in the permissive environment, L-isoleucine is provided in free form. We predicted that DIP-A activity would be essential in the restrictive, but not in the permissive environment. The results reported here clearly contradict this prediction. Two stocks homozygous for DIP-A null alleles from different geographic locations are each viable on the restrictive diet. Furthermore, relative viability experiments in which null allele larvae compete with larvae having DIP-A activity provide no evidence for even a partial reduction in egg to adult survival on the restrictive diet. Apparently, the null allele larvae have some alternative mechanism for obtaining L-isoleucine from the dipeptide, even though no glycyl-L-isoleucine-ase activity can be detected in vitro. These results, along with the viability of null alleles for many other enzymes, support the idea that eukaryotes have an intricate network of alternative biochemical pathways through which the same necessary function may be achieved. Such "buffering capacity" makes it very difficult to analyze the effects of enzyme variants on fitness components.  相似文献   

The neuroectoderm of insects contains an initially indifferent population of cells which during later development will give rise to the progenitor cells of the neural and epidermal lineages. Experimental evidence indicates that cellular interactions determine which cells will adopt each one of these fates. Transplantation experiments suggest that a signal with neuralising character is required to stabilize the primary neural fate in 25% of all the neuroectodermal cells, which will develop as neuroblasts, and that an epidermalising signal contributes to suppress the neural fate in the remaining 75% of the cells, allowing in this way their development as epidermal progenitor cells. The invoked cell interactions are assumed to be mediated by the products of several genes forming a complex, not yet well understood network of interrelationships. Elements of this network are the proteins encoded by Delta and Notch, which appear to convey the regulatory signals between the cells; the proteins encoded by the achaete-scute gene complex, which regulate neural development; and the proteins encoded by the Enhancer of split gene complex, which give neuroectodermal cells access to epidermal development. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Chubykin VL 《Genetika》2003,39(8):1046-1052
Based on a particular formation of the chromocenter and trivalents in triploid Drosophila females, as well as on asynapsis in pericentromeric regions (which is a result of trivalent competition), an explanation for the increased frequency of crossing over and nonrandom segregation of the X chromosomes and autosomes in the first meiotic division is suggested. It is proposed that a delay in pairing of the pericentromeric heterochromatic chromosome regions combined into a single chromocenter leads to the following: (1) formation of the heteroduplex structures (X structures) takes more time and, consequently, their number and the frequency of crossing over in the paired chromosome regions increases; (2) in nonhomologous chromosomes, the chromocentral connections, which normally degrade in prometaphase, are retained to fulfill a function of coorientation during the first meiotic division.  相似文献   

Unmarked segments within the third chromosome of three different Drosophila melanogaster lines were assessed for their effects on egg production and egg viability. By making a series of crosses among original and derived recombinant lines, it was possible to estimate parameters representing additive, dominance (for egg production), and interaction effects of the segments. Each segment influences both traits, but to extend which are dependent on the genetic background provided by an adjacent segment. There is no clear pattern, however, with respect to the segments' joint effects on the two characters. Unlike in the previous study involving the X chromosome, the majority of the derived recombinant lines were superior in fitness to their original lines. The agricultural implications of this result with respect to the manipulation of chromosomal segments in order to achieve higher yields are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation maps of the seven male fertility factors in the Y chromosome of D. melanogaster have been constructed and are linearly consistent in all cases. These observations are further evidence that genetic loci in heterochromatic chromosomes share many characteristics with loci in euchromatic regions of chromosomes. These functional maps are consistent with the hypothesis that the genetic material of the male fertility factors in the Y chromosome is made up of single-copy sequences which become amplified in the primary spermatocyte.  相似文献   

Fagaronine, a potent antileukemic agent, was shown to induce chromosome breaks and loss in sperm of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

We have mapped the DNA sequences bound to the nuclear scaffold along 320,000 base-pairs of a genetically well-defined region of the Drosophila chromosome. We have found that the domains delimited by the scaffold attachment regions are heterogeneous in size (ranging from 26,000 to 112,000 base-pairs in this interval), and that the attachment sites are within unique sequences as judged by blot hybridization. We also found that looped domains contain up to five, or even eight, unrelated genes including, in some cases, more than one transcribed gene. The loop organization unravelled here in cultured cells does not correspond to the banding pattern seen in salivary gland polytene chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have undertaken the study of a collection of 32 Drosophila melanogaster mus strains selected on the basis of developmental sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agents, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF), nitrogen mustard (HN2), and gamma-radiation. In total, 18 of these strains are sensitive to MMS. In turn, 14 of these exhibit unconditional MMS sensitivity (one of the latter mutants is lethal at 29 degrees C), whereas the other 4 are sensitive to MMS only at higher temperatures. Detailed analysis of the 7 strongest MMS-sensitive strains reveals that they identify 4 new second chromosome mus loci. Two mus loci are each represented by two alleles. One mutant (mus205B1) is allelic to a previously characterized mus locus. Different MMS-sensitive mutants display patterns of mutagen cross-sensitivity (to AAF, HN2, benzo[a]pyrene (BP), and gamma-rays) that parallel the range of responses seen in previously recovered X-linked and autosomal mus loci. In general, mutations that are strongly sensitive to MMS are also sensitive to one or both of the procarcinogens, AAF and BP, as opposed to HN2 and gamma-radiation. In contrast, the moderately MMS-sensitive mutations are sensitive to HN2 and gamma-rays, but not to AAF or BP. Of the 14 mus strains that are not sensitive to MMS, 5 are sensitive to AAF, another 5 are sensitive to HN2, and the remaining 4 are sensitive to gamma-rays.  相似文献   

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