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浙江无核柿炭疽病菌鉴定及附着胞形成过程中的核相变化 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
浙江无核柿炭疽病近年来在浙江淳安地区严重发生,根据形态学特征病原菌鉴定为胶孢炭疽菌ColletotrichumgloeosporioidesPenz.,在枝条病斑上的分生孢子盘通常不产生刚毛,分生孢子顶端顶部钝圆,基部平截,分生孢子盘中的孢子包埋在基质中,紧密结合在一起。分生孢子在自然寄主和人工培养条件下形态特征相似。6个柿树炭疽菌菌株的rDNAITS序列联配显示,其序列是相同的。用UPGMA方法分析ITS1-ITS2序列构建的炭疽菌系统发育树把6个柿树炭疽菌菌株和其它寄主上的胶孢炭疽菌或其有性型围小丛壳菌菌系分入同一个组,与根据形态学的鉴定结果一致。在附着胞形成过程中,用DAPI荧光染色观察到核相发生两次有丝分裂变化。第一次有丝分裂发生在分生孢子固着聚苯乙烯塑料培养皿3-4h后,随后,分生孢子中部形成一个隔膜,把它分成两个细胞;6~7h后,分生孢子发生第二次有丝分裂。分裂后,一个核通过芽管移入附着胞中。 相似文献
胶孢炭疽菌的菟丝子专化型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文报道对寄生菟丝子的两个炭疽菌(Colletotrichum Corda)分离系(鲁保一号New-76)的鉴定结果。两分离系按其培养特性、分生孢子和附着孢的形态、大小及产孢细胞、分生孢子盘的特点,应属于胶孢炭疽菌[Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.],但在对寄主的选择性方面不同于该种的其他分离系,特别是对菟丝子(Cussuta chinensis)具有寄生专化性,故确定为胶孢炭疽菌菟丝子专化型[C.gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.f.sp.cuseutae]。 相似文献
枯草芽孢杆菌C-D6对辣椒炭疽菌附着胞形成的抑制作用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】研究枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis) C-D6菌株对辣椒炭疽菌(Colletotrichum capsici)附着胞形成的抑制作用,探索炭疽病生物防治的新途径。【方法】通过对峙培养测定C-D6菌株的抗菌活性,应用摇瓶培养结合生物测定筛选产生抗菌活性成分的最适培养基,采用硫酸铵分级沉淀、Sephadex G-75凝胶柱层析和阴离子交换层析对抗菌蛋白进行分离纯化,应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定蛋白分子量。【结果】C-D6菌株在PDA平板上对辣椒炭疽菌显示明显的抑制作用,其YPD培养液能完全抑制该菌的附着胞形成。摇瓶培养的结果显示C-D6菌株产生抗菌活性物质的最适培养基为YPD培养基。C-D6菌株在该培养基中培养14 h后,所形成的活性物质可完全抑制辣椒炭疽菌的附着胞形成。从该菌的YPD培养液中分离获得一个分子量为32 kD,能明显抑制辣椒炭疽菌附着胞形成的抗菌蛋白。【结论】C-D6菌株的生防特征显示该菌株对防治辣椒炭疽菌引起的炭疽病具有潜在的应用价值。 相似文献
胶孢炭疽菌的种内遗传多样性研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
应用RAPD分析对广东不同果树上的胶孢炭疽菌的种内遗传多样性进行研究。结果表明:除部分芒果上的菌株外,20个来源于不同果树上的胶孢炭疽攻都以较高的相似系数聚为一个大群(群Ⅰ)。说明尽管胶孢炭疽攻具有复合种的性质,但在一定的地理范围内,其遗传背景还是相近的,表现出种的典型特征。6个芒果菌株组成3个小群,且与群Ⅰ的亲缘关系较远,其分类地位有待进一步明确。 相似文献
核有丝分裂器蛋白(NuMA)是一种负责纺缍体极装配的蛋白质。供体细胞核移入去核卵母细胞后,在供体核中未发现NuMA,在重构胚的原核中出现NuMA。克隆胚胎卵裂后,NuMA存在于卵裂球的核中。在克隆胚胎中,NuMA的缺乏会导致有丝分裂纺缍体异常,染色体排列混乱,这些异常影响克隆胚胎的正常发育。 相似文献
胶孢炭疽菌CgRGS2基因的克隆及生物学功能 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
【目的】G蛋白信号调控因子(Regulators of G-protein signaling,RGS)是G蛋白的一类负调控因子,在植物病原菌生长发育及致病过程中发挥着重要的作用,然而目前还未有关于胶孢炭疽菌RGS蛋白生物学功能的研究。本试验的目的是克隆胶孢炭疽菌的一个RGS基因CgRGS2,并分析其生物学功能。【方法】利用PCR技术扩增CgRGS2的基因并进行生物信息学分析,利用同源重组的方法获得CgRGS2基因的敲除突变体,并在突变体的基础上获得互补株,通过表型分析确定该基因的生物学功能。【结果】通过PCR扩增获得了CgRGS2的基因,其编码一个574个氨基酸的蛋白,在N末端含有一个RGS功能域。该基因敲除突变体同野生型相比,表现为营养生长缓慢,气生菌丝浓密,分生孢子产量降低且孢子呈多端萌发,对氧化压力及SDS敏感,致病性减弱等。【结论】CgRGS2蛋白参与调控胶孢炭疽菌的营养生长,分生孢子产量及萌发,氧化应激反应及细胞壁完整性,对其致病性也具有一定的影响。 相似文献
胶孢炭疽菌是一种病原菌,它可以引起炭疽病进而侵扰多种农作物,造成相当严重的经济损失。因此为了进一步地了解这个病菌的分子致病的机理,本研究从胶孢炭疽菌当中克隆出一个新的寡肽转运蛋白基因,并将它命名为CgOPT2,通过对生物信息学的分析我们发现这个基因编码一个990个氨基酸的蛋白,含有15个跨膜区,共同地组成了OPT结构域。为了得到此基因的敲除突变体,我们就可以采用同源重组的办法,通过把突变体还有野生型的各项进行表格的对比处理,一般来说,突变体具体表现为生长缓慢,菌丝比较稀疏而且它的疏水性增强,孢的产量低,对H_2O_2和SDS更为敏感,致病力更为减弱。通过上述的结果可以发现,CgOPT2主要参与对胶孢炭疽菌的营养发育调控,分生孢子的产生、致病性还有氧化应激反应等。 相似文献
双孢蘑菇疣孢霉病的发病过程及病原菌的核相研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】确定有害疣孢霉的传播途径,明确双孢蘑菇受有害疣孢霉侵染后发病症状和微观形态变化,以及有害疣孢霉的核相。【方法】将有害疣孢霉喷施于培养料及覆土材料的不同深度,观察记录双孢蘑菇的发病情况;将有害疣孢霉接种于不同生长阶段的双孢蘑菇子实体,观察记录其发病情况;使用光学显微镜及扫描电镜观察双孢蘑菇子实体受有害疣孢霉侵染前后的形态变化;通过DAPI(4′,6-二脒基-2-苯基吲哚)染色的方法对有害疣孢霉核相进行观察。【结果】将有害疣孢霉接种于培养料及覆土层的不同深度得到双孢蘑菇发病率如下:覆土层表面覆土层中间覆土与培养料交界处培养料中间层;有害疣孢霉可以侵染双孢蘑菇的任意阶段,将其接种于原基直径小于3 mm子实体表面时,得到不能正常分化的"马勃状"组织;对有害疣孢霉的侵染过程进行观察得到:其孢子可粘附于双孢蘑菇表面,并萌发长出芽管,接种处双孢蘑菇表面产生褐色病斑,双孢蘑菇菌丝体发生质壁分离,最后菌丝体膨大,细胞壁变薄甚至溢裂,菌丝体内部中空;有害疣孢霉产生两种类型的分生孢子,Ⅰ类无隔膜含1个细胞核;Ⅱ类具1隔膜含2个细胞核,2个细胞核被隔膜分开;细胞核的第1次有丝分裂发生于分生孢子母细胞中;厚垣孢子由上下2个细胞构成,上胞中含有2个细胞核。下胞含1–2个细胞核。有害疣孢霉的厚垣孢子萌发可产生1–2个芽管,芽管中细胞核的数目不断变化,一般0–2个细胞核。【结论】双孢蘑菇受其侵染后发生显著的细胞学变化;我们对有害疣孢霉做遗传分析时,进行单孢分离需挑取无隔膜的分生孢子为实验材料进行遗传分析。 相似文献
小鼠孤雌胚早期发育过程中γ-微管蛋白的动态变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
微管蛋白是构成微管的主要蛋白,其中α、β亚单位形成异二聚体,而γ-微管蛋白在微管组装中起作用。为了研究小鼠早期孤雌胚中廿微管蛋白的动态变化,本实验采用了免疫荧光化学染色与激光共聚焦显微镜观察相结合的方法,在SrCl2激活的卵母细胞减数分裂以及早期孤雌胚有丝分裂过程中对γ-微管蛋白进行了定位观察。结果显示,SrCl2和细胞松弛素B(cytochalasin B,CB)诱导的第二次减数分裂中期(metaphase Ⅱ ofmeiosis,MII)小鼠卵母细胞恢复减数分裂,并且纺锤体始终与质膜平行,表明纺锤体旋转被抑制,但核分裂不受影响。减数分裂过程中γ-微管蛋白主要定位于中期纺锤体两极和后期分开的染色单体之间;孤雌活化两雌原核形成以后,γ-微管蛋白聚集在两雌原核周围。在早期孤雌胚有丝分裂间期无定形的γ-微管蛋白均匀分布于核;前中期γ-微管蛋白向两极移动,遍布于整个纺锤体区。有丝分裂中期、后期和末期廿微管蛋白的分布变化与减数分裂相似。结果表明,SrCl2和CB激活的MII卯母细胞产生杂合二倍体;γ-微管蛋白具有促微管负极帽形成和稳定微管的功能,从而促进纺锤体的形成;分裂后期和末期廿微管蛋白的重新分布可能是由纺锤体牵引同源染色体分离所诱导的:γ-微管蛋白负责两雌原核的迁移靠近。 相似文献
A mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase required for induction of cytokinesis and appressorium formation by host signals in the conidia of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 下载免费PDF全文
Differentiation of fungal conidia of phytopathogens into the infection structure, appressorium, requires contact with a hard surface and host signals. The molecular signaling involved in the induction of this differentiation is poorly understood. We report the cloning of a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), CgMEK, from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its role in the induction of these developmental processes involved in pathogenesis. Disruption of CgMEK1 resulted in the loss of its ability to form appressoria in response to the host's signals and a loss of virulence. Results of confocal microscopic examination of germinating conidia of the gene-disrupted mutants were similar to those for wild-type conidia treated with an MEK inhibitor, suggesting that CgMEK1 is involved in two developmental processes in the differentiation into appressorium: (1) polarized cell division, with the preferential increase in F-actin in one of the daughter nuclei after nuclear division and the formation of septum; and (2) differentiation of the germ tube into an appressorium. CgMEK1 is required for the differentiation. 相似文献
Electron microscopic observation of cell wall structure during appressorium formation in Colletotrichum lagenarium 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary The formation of cell walls during the appressorium formation inColletotrichum lagenarium was observed by electron microscope on the materials prepared by replicas and sectioning. The outer layer of conidia cell walls ruptured at the time of germination and the inner layer bulged out to form a germ tube. The germ tubes and primordia of appressoria had smooth surface and were consisted of one-layered cell wall. However, as the appressorium matured, the electron dense materials appeared on the outer surface of the cell wall which grew into granules. These granules are believed to form the outer layer of appressoria. The under side of the appressorium in contact with the glass surface showed a round pore.Contribution No. 191. 相似文献
Dunaevsky YE Matveeva AR Beliakova GA Domash VI Belozersky MA 《Biochemistry. Biokhimii?a》2007,72(3):345-350
The main proteinase of the filamentous fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnoses and serious problems for production and storage of agricultural products has molecular mass of 57 kD and was purified more than 200-fold to homogeneity with the yield of 5%. Maximal activity of the proteinase is at pH 9.0-10.0, and the enzyme is stable at pH 6.0-11.5 (residual activity not less than 70%). The studied enzyme completely kept its activity to 55 degrees C, with a temperature optimum of 45 degrees C. The purified C. gloeosporioides proteinase is stable at alkaline pH values, but rapidly loses its activity at pH values lower than 5.0. Addition of bovine serum albumin stabilizes the enzyme under acidic conditions. Data on inhibitor analysis and substrate specificity of the enzyme allow its classification as a serine proteinase of subtilisin family. It is demonstrated that the extracellular proteinase of C. gloeosporioides specifically effects plant cell wall proteins. It is proposed that the studied proteinase--via hydrolysis of cell wall--provides for penetration of the fungus into the tissues of the host plant. 相似文献
Conidia of the soybean anthracnose fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum differentiate to form appressoria required for host invasion when the germ tube touches a hard surface. This thigmotrophic stimulus appears to be translated by the fungus during the second round of nuclear division. Inhibiting the second round of DNA synthesis by fluorodeoxyuridine or hydroxyurea blocked appearance of appressoria but not emergence of the germ tube. DNA synthesis and mitosis resumed upon removal of FUdR but only mycelia formed, and infection structures did not appear. In addition, actinomycin D reversibly blocked development of appressoria and synthesis of polyadenylate, but nuclear division was not affected. The data suggest that anthracnose conidia produce appressoria in response to germ tube contact by altering the messenger program of its germ tube nucleus. This study has also shown that mitochondrial DNA had an unusual bimodal distribution in CsCl at 1.690 and 1.719 g/cm3, respectively.Non-Standard Abbreviations FUdR
- polyA
polyadenylic acid 相似文献
The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides perilipin homologue CAP 20 regulates functional appressorial formation and fungal virulence 下载免费PDF全文
Chunhua Lin Xianbao Liu Tao Shi Chaoping Li Guixiu Huang 《Journal of Phytopathology》2018,166(3):216-225
Previous studies of the CAP20 gene in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides show that the CAP20 gene may affect virulence in avocados and tomatoes. In this study, we characterized the function of CAP20 from C. gloeosporioides, the causal agent of Colletotrichum leaf fall disease of Hevea brasilience. CAP20 encodes a perilipin homologue protein. Further investigations showed that the Cap20‐GFP fusion protein localized in lipid droplets in hypha and conidia. A C. gloeosporioides mutant, lacking CAP20, had thinner spores and smaller appressoria, and its turgor pressure generation was dramatically reduced and pore size was enlarged. Furthermore, we tested the pathogenicity of conidia from the wild type, gene‐deleted mutant and complemented transformant C.gloeosporioides on the leaves of rubber trees in sterile water and 0.19 M PEG2000. Conidia from the wild type and complemented transformant C. gloeosporioides in 0.19 M PEG2000 caused necrotic lesions and did not produce any lesion with the CAP20 null mutant. But all of them had developed normal disease lesions when they were inoculated in water. These results suggest that CAP20 is a perilipin homologue protein and is involved in functional appressoria development in C. gloeosporioides. CAP20 gene only affects fungal virulence to some extent by reducing the penetration of the immature appressoria into host cuticle in C. gloeosporioides. 相似文献