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The class 1 integron integrase, IntI1, recognizes two distinct types of recombination sites, attI sites, found in integrons, and members of the 59-be family, found in gene cassettes. The efficiencies of the integrative version of the three possible reactions, i.e., between two 59-be, between attI1 and a 59-be, or between two attI1 sites, were compared. Recombination events involving two attI1 sites were significantly less efficient than the reactions in which a 59-be participated, and the attI1 x 59-be reaction was generally preferred over the 59-be x 59-be reaction. Recombination of attI1 with secondary sites was less efficient than the 59-be x secondary site reaction.  相似文献   

A Gravel  B Fournier    P H Roy 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(19):4347-4355
Integrons are genetic elements that are able to capture genes by a site-specific recombination mechanism. Integrons contain a gene coding for a lambda-like integrase that carries out site-specific recombination by interacting with two different target sites; the attI site and the palindromic sequence attC (59 base element). Cassette integrations usually involve the attI site, while cassette excisions use attC . Therefore, the integrase should bind both sites to cleave DNA and perform site-specific recombination reactions. We have used purified maltose-binding protein fused with the integrase (MBP-IntI1) and native IntI1 protein and gel retardation assays with fragments containing the complete and partial attI1 site to show formation of four complexes in this region. Chemical modification of specific nucleotides within the attI1 site was used to investigate their interference with binding of the integrase protein. We attribute IntI1 specific binding to four regions in the attI1 site and a GTTA consensus sequence is found in three of the four regions. Interference by modified guanine and thymine residues in the DNA major groove and adenine residues in the minor groove were observed, indicating that the integrase interacts with both sides of the helix. Binding of IntI1 to attC is also discussed.  相似文献   

The site-specific recombinase IntI1, encoded by class 1 integrons, catalyses the integration and excision of gene cassettes by recognizing two classes of sites, the integron-associated attI1 site and the 59-base element (59-be) family of sites that are associated with gene cassettes. IntI1 includes the four conserved amino acids that are characteristic of members of the integrase family, and IntI1 proteins with single amino acid substitutions at each of these positions had substantially reduced catalytic activity, consistent with this classification. IntI1 was purified as a fusion protein and shown to bind to isolated attI1 or 59-be recombination sites. Binding to attI1 was considerably stronger than to a 59-be. Binding adjacent to the recombination cross-over point was not detected. A strong IntI1 binding site within attI1 was localized by both deletion and footprinting analysis to a 14 bp region 24–37 bp to the left of the recombination cross-over point, and this region is known to be critical for recombination in vivo ( Recchia et al ., 1994 ). An imperfect (13/15) direct repeat of this region, located 41–55 bp to the left of the recombination cross-over point, contains a weaker IntI1 binding site. Mutation of the stronger binding site showed that a single base pair change accounted for the difference in the strength of binding.  相似文献   

The integron platform codes for an integrase (IntI) from the tyrosine family of recombinases that mediates recombination between a proximal double-strand recombination site, attI and a single-strand target recombination site, attC. The attI site is only recognized by its cognate integrase, while the various tested attCs sites are recombined by several different IntI integrases. We have developed a genetic system to enrich and select mutants of IntI1 that provide a higher yield of recombination in order to identify key protein structural elements important for attC × attI1 recombination. We isolated mutants with higher activity on wild type and mutant attC sites. Interestingly, three out of four characterized IntI1 mutants selected on different substrates are mutants of the conserved aspartic acid in position 161. The IntI1 model we made based on the VchIntIA 3D structure suggests that substitution at this position, which plays a central role in multimer assembly, can increase or decrease the stability of the complex and accordingly influence the rate of attI × attC recombination versus attC × attC. These results suggest that there is a balance between the specificity of the protein and the protein/protein interactions in the recombination synapse.  相似文献   

Integron In2 integrase (IntI1)-mediated site-specific recombination between two primary sites occurs at a high frequency, while that between a primary and a secondary site occurs at frequencies around 10,000 times lower. Secondary sites consist of a pentanucleotide with only two fully conserved residues (GWTMW). The analysis of IntI1-mediated recombinants in the plasmid pOX38 revealed the existence in this plasmid of a site used at a frequency intermediate between those of primary and secondary sites. Analysis of this site showed two potentially relevant structural features: first, a set of two consensus pentanucleotides, separated by 5 bp and in opposite orientations, forming what will be called a double site; and second, a longer sequence with some extent of sequence symmetry with the double site at its 3' end. A recombinant plasmid, pSU18P, containing a double site was constructed. Examination of R388-pSU18P recombinants showed that double sites were used preferentially over single pentanucleotides by IntI1. Comparisons of the nucleotide sequences of known 59-bp elements showed that in most cases there was a double site at each element end. Mutagenesis of the F hot spot was carried out to make it look more like the consensus 59-bp element. The improved sites showed recombination frequencies and specificities almost comparable to those observed at IntI1 primary sites.  相似文献   

Deletion of individual antibiotic resistance genes found within the variable region of integrons is demonstrated. Evidence for gene duplications and rearrangements resulting from the insertion of gene units at new locations is also presented. Deletion, duplication, and rearrangement occur only in the presence of the integron-encoded DNA integrase. These events are precise and involve loss or gain of one or more complete insert units or gene cassettes. This confirms the recent definition of gene cassettes as consisting of the gene coding sequences, all except the last 7 bases of the 59-base element found at the 3' end of the gene, and the core site located 5' to the gene (Hall et al., Mol. Microbiol. 5:1941-1959, 1991) and demonstrates that individual gene cassettes are functional units which can be independently mobilized. Both deletions and duplications can be generated by integrase-mediated cointegrate formation followed by integrase-mediated resolution involving a different pair of sites. However, deletion occurs 10 times more frequently than duplication, and we propose that the majority of deletion events are likely to involve integrase-dependent excision of the gene unit to generate a circular gene cassette. The implications of these findings in understanding the evolution of integrons and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial populations is discussed.  相似文献   

IntI1 integrase is a tyrosine recombinase involved in the mobility of antibiotic resistance gene cassettes within bacterial class 1 integrons. Recent data have shown that its recombination specifically involves the bottom strand of the attC site, but the exact mechanism of the reaction is still unclear. An efficient in vitro assay is still required to better characterize the biochemical properties of the enzyme. In this report we describe for the first time an in vitro system partially reproducing the activity of a recombinant pure IntI1. This new assay, which constitutes the only available in vitro model of recombination by IntI1, was used to determine whether this enzyme might be the sole bacterial protein required for the recombination process. Results show that IntI1 possesses all the features needed for performing recombination between attI and attC sites. However, differences in the in vitro intermolecular recombination efficiencies were found according to the target sites and were correlated with DNA affinities of the enzyme but not with in vivo data. The differential affinity of the enzyme for each site, its capacity to bind to a single-stranded structure at the attC site and the recombination observed with single-stranded substrates unambiguously confirm that it constitutes an important intermediary in the reaction. Our data strongly suggest that the enzyme possesses all the functions for generating and/or recognizing this structure even in the absence of other cellular factors. Furthermore, the in vitro assay reported here constitutes a powerful tool for the analysis of the recombination steps catalyzed by IntI1, its structure-function studies and the search for specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Class 1 integrons are widespread genetic elements playing a major role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance. They allow bacteria to capture, express and exchange antibiotic resistance genes embedded within gene cassettes. Acquisition of gene cassettes is catalysed by the class 1 integron integrase, a site-specific recombinase playing a key role in the integron system. In in vitro planktonic culture, expression of intI1 is controlled by the SOS response, a regulatory network which mediates the repair of DNA damage caused by a wide range of bacterial stress, including antibiotics. However, in vitro experimental conditions are far from the real lifestyle of bacteria in natural environments such as the intestinal tract which is known to be a reservoir of integrons. In this study, we developed an in vivo model of intestinal colonization in gnotobiotic mice and used a recombination assay and quantitative real-time PCR, to investigate the induction of the SOS response and expression and activity of the class 1 integron integrase, IntI1. We found that the basal activity of IntI1 was higher in vivo than in vitro. In addition, we demonstrated that administration of a subinhibitory concentration of ciprofloxacin rapidly induced both the SOS response and intI1 expression that was correlated with an increase of the activity of IntI1. Our findings show that the gut is an environment in which the class 1 integron integrase is induced and active, and they highlight the potential role of integrons in the acquisition and/or expression of resistance genes in the gut, particularly during antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

Integrons confer on bacterial plasmids a capability of taking up antibiotic resistance genes by integrase-mediated recombination. We show here that integrons are situated on genetic elements flanked by 25-bp inverted repeats. The element carrying the integron of R751 has three segments conserved with similar elements in Tn21 and Tn5086. Several characteristics suggest that this element is a transposon, which we call Tn5090. Tn5090 was shown to contain an operon with three open reading frames, of which two, tniA and tniB, were predicted by amino acid similarity to code for transposition proteins. The product of tniA (559 amino acids) is a probable transposase with 25% amino acid sequence identity to TnsB from Tn7. Both of these polypeptides contain the D,D(35)E motif characteristic of a protein family made up of the retroviral and retrotransposon IN proteins and some bacterial transposases, such as those of Tn552 and of a range of insertion sequences. Like the transposase genes in Tn552, Mu, and Tn7, the tniA gene was followed by a gene, tniB, for a probable ATP-binding protein. The ends of Tn5090, like those of most other elements producing D,D(35)E proteins, begin by 5'-TG and also contains a complex structure with four 19-bp repeats at the left end and three at the right end. Similarly organized repeats have been observed earlier at the termini of both Tn7 and phage Mu, where they bind their respective transposases and have a role in holoenzyme assembly. Another open reading frame observed in Tn5090, tniC, codes for a recombinase of the invertase/resolvase family, suggesting a replicative transposition mechanism. The data presented here suggest that Tn5090, Tn7, Tn552, and Mu form a subfamily of bacterial transposons which in parallel to many insertion sequences are related to the retroelements.  相似文献   

Léon G  Roy PH 《Journal of bacteriology》2003,185(6):2036-2041
We found in the environmental strain Nitrosomonas europaea a chromosomal integron-like structure with an integrase gene, intI(Neu). We have tested the capacity of the IntINeu integrase to excise and integrate several resistance gene cassettes. The results allow us to consider IntINeu a new functional integron integrase.  相似文献   

Superintegrons (SIs) and multiresistant integrons (MRIs) have two main structural differences: (i) the SI platform is sedentary, while the MRI platform is commonly associated with mobile DNA elements and (ii) the recombination sites (attC) of SI gene cassette clusters are highly homogeneous, while those of MRI cassette arrays are highly variable in length and sequence. In order to determine if the latter difference was correlated with a dissimilarity in the recombination activities, we conducted a comparative study of the integron integrases of the class 1 MRI (IntI1) and the Vibrio cholerae SI (VchIntIA). We developed two assays that allowed us to independently measure the frequencies of cassette deletion and integration at the cognate attI sites. We demonstrated that the range of attC sites efficiently recombined by VchIntIA is narrower than the range of attC sites efficiently recombined by IntI1. Introduction of mutations into the V. cholerae repeats (VCRs), the attC sites of the V. cholerae SI cassettes, allowed us to map positions that affected the VchIntIA and IntI1 activities to different extents. Using a cointegration assay, we established that in E. coli, attI1-x-VCR recombination catalyzed by IntI1 was 2,600-fold more efficient than attIVch-x-VCR recombination catalyzed by VchIntIA. We performed the same experiments in V. cholerae and established that the attIVch-x-VCR recombination catalyzed by VchIntIA was 2,000-fold greater than the recombination measured in E. coli. Taken together, our results indicate that in the V. cholerae SI, the substrate recognition and recombination reactions mediated by VchIntIA might differ from the class 1 MRI paradigm.  相似文献   

The presence of integrons was assessed in gut bacteria isolated from wild-caught prawns. A pseudomonad was recovered that contained a Tn402-like class 1 integron with a complete transposition module and two gene cassettes. One cassette was identical to a previously described cassette from a chromosomal class 3 integron in Delftia tsuruhatensis.  相似文献   

Dissecting Tn5 transposition using HIV-1 integrase diketoacid inhibitors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Czyz A  Stillmock KA  Hazuda DJ  Reznikoff WS 《Biochemistry》2007,46(38):10776-10789
Diketoacid (DKA) compounds have been shown to inhibit HIV-1 integrase by a mechanism that involves sequestration of the active site metals. Because HIV-1 integrase and Tn5 transposase have similar active site architectures and catalytic mechanisms, we investigated whether DKA analogues would inhibit Tn5 transposase activity and provide a model system to explore the mechanisms of action of these inhibitors. A screen of several hundred DKA analogues identified several with activity against Tn5 Tnp. Six DKA inhibitors used in this study manifested a variety of effects on different transposition steps suggesting that different analogues may have different binding contacts with transposase. All DKA compounds inhibited paired end complex (PEC) formation in which the nucleoprotein complex required for catalysis is assembled. Dissociation of PECs by some DKA compounds indicates that these inhibitors can decrease PEC stability. Four DKA compounds inhibited the two cleavage steps releasing transposon DNA from flanking DNA, and one of these four compounds preferentially inhibited the second cleavage step. The differential effect of this inhibitor on the second cleavage event indicates that cleavage of the two transposon-donor DNA boundaries is a sequential process requiring a conformational change. The requirement for a conformational change between cleavage events was also demonstrated by the inability of transposase to perform second cleavage at 25 degrees C. Finally, all six compounds inhibit strand transfer, the final step of Tn5 transposition. Two of the compounds that inhibited strand transfer have no effect on DNA cleavage. The strand transfer inhibition properties of various DKA compounds was sensitive to the structure of the 5'-non-transferred strand, suggesting that these compounds bind in or near the transposase active site. Other results that probe compound binding sites include the effects of active site mutations and donor DNA on DKA compound inhibition activities. Thus, DKA inhibitors will provide an important set of tools to investigate the mechanism of action of transposases and integrases.  相似文献   

Secondary sites for integration mediated by the Tn21 integrase   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The integrase encoded by the integron of the transposon Tn21 can mediate the site-specific fusion of two plasmids if there is a recombination hot spot (59 bp element) in one of them and the sequence GWTMW in the other. The use of this latter, loosely defined site explains how antibiotic-resistance genes could first become associated with integrons.  相似文献   

We have found an integron-like integrase gene and an attI site in Shewanella oneidensis as part of a small chromosomal integron. We have cloned this gene and tested the ability of the integrase to excise cassettes from various integrons. Most cassettes flanked by two attC sites are readily excised, while cassettes in the "first" position, with an attI1 or attI3 site on one end, are not excised. An exception is a cassette with attI2 on one end. The attI2 site, from Tn7, has greater similarity to the attI site adjacent to the integrase of S. oneidensis than do attI1 or attI3. We cloned the attI site of S. oneidensis and observed the integration of two different cassettes. We have, therefore, demonstrated the function of this integron-like integrase.  相似文献   

Tn7-encoded proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Proteins encoded by Tn7 have been studied in Escherichia coli maxicells harbouring either various deleted ColE1:: Tn7 plasmids or Tn7 fragments cloned in pBR322. Six Tn7-encoded proteins were detected and named p18, p32, p40, p54, p85-a and p85-b according to their apparent molecular weight. Protein p18 is dihydrofolate reductase type I and p32 is probably the protein conferring resistance to streptomycin/spectinomycin. Both genes map on the lefthand part of Tn7. The genes for the four other proteins are located on the right-hand part of Tn7. We propose that they fully cover a 6.9 kb DNA fragment without any overlapping. Starting from the right-hand end towards the middle of the transposon, these four genes are in the following order: p85-a, p54, p40 and p85-b. Transposition of Tn7 onto E. coli plasmids requires the proteins p85-a, p85-b, p54 and p40. However, transposition onto the chromosome does not require the p85-b and p40 products.  相似文献   

The lack of information about mobile DNA in deep-sea hydrothermal vents limits our understanding of the phylogenetic diversity of the mobile genome of bacteria in these environments. We used culture-independent techniques to explore the diversity of the integron/mobile gene cassette system in a variety of hydrothermal vent communities. Three samples, which included two different hydrothermal vent fluids and a mussel species that contained essentially monophyletic sulfur-oxidizing bacterial endosymbionts, were collected from Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin, Japan, and Pika site, Mariana arc. First, using degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers, we amplified integron integrase genes from metagenomic DNA from each sample. From vent fluids, we discovered 74 new integrase genes that were classified into 11 previously undescribed integron classes. One integrase gene was recorded in the mussel symbiont and was phylogenetically distant from those recovered from vent fluids. Second, using PCR primers targeting the gene cassette recombination site (59-be), we amplified and subsequently identified 60 diverse gene cassettes. In multicassette amplicons, a total of 13 59-be sites were identified. Most of these sites displayed features that were atypical of the features previously well conserved in this family. The Suiyo vent fluid was characterized by gene cassette open reading frames (ORFs) that had significant homologies with transferases, DNA-binding proteins and metal transporter proteins, while the majority of Pika vent fluid gene cassettes contained novel ORFs with no identifiable homologues in databases. The symbiont gene cassette ORFs were found to be matched with DNA repair proteins, methionine aminopeptidase, aminopeptidase N, O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase and glutamate synthase, which are proteins expected to play a role in animal/symbiont metabolism. The success of this study indicates that the integron/gene cassette system is common in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, an environment type well removed from anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn7 exhibits target immunity, a process that prevents Tn7 from transposing into target DNAs that already contain a copy of the transposon. This work investigates the mechanism of target immunity in vitro. We demonstrate that two Tn7-encoded proteins_TnsB, which binds specifically to the ends of Tn7, and TnsC, the ATP-dependent DNA binding protein_act as a molecular switch to impose immunity on target DNAs containing Tn7 (or just Tn7 ends). TnsC binds to target DNA molecules and communicates with the Tn7 transposition machinery; here we show that target DNAs containing Tn7 ends are also bound and subsequently inactivated by TnsB. Protein-protein interactions between TnsB and TnsC appear to be responsible for this inactivation; the target DNA promotes these interactions by tethering TnsB and TnsC in high local concentration. An attractive model that emerges from this work is that TnsB triggers the dissociation of TnsC from the Tn7 end-containing target DNA; that dissociation depends on TnsC's ability to hydrolyze ATP. We propose that these interactions between TnsB and TnsC not only prevent Tn7 from inserting into itself, but also facilitate the selection of preferred target sites that is the hallmark of Tn7 transposition.  相似文献   

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