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We have isolated and characterized a cDNA which contains the entire coding sequence of Xenopus laevis raf protein. raf mRNA is identified as a member of the class of maternal RNAs. It is already relatively abundant at the beginning of oogenesis and is stable at least until the midblastula transition. The RNA is also detected later during embryogenesis in particular in gastrula, neurula, tailbud and feeding tadpole. We have also found the RNA in several adult tissues (skin, testis, stomach, intestine) at different levels.  相似文献   

To identify sequences within the adenovirus-5 E3 promoter necessary for E1A trans-activation, a series of promoter deletion mutants were constructed and analysed. A region between positions -82 and -105 was shown to be critical both for E1A induced expression as well as uninduced expression. The importance of this region was confirmed by constructing hybrid promoters consisting of E3 and Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase sequences. The E1A insensitive tk promoter could be converted to an E1A sensitive promoter by replacing sequences upstream of position -79 with the corresponding region of the E3 promoter. This critical region of the E3 promoter contains a sequence 5' AGATGACTA3' which is also present in important upstream regions of the E2A and E4 promoters.  相似文献   

In a previous study, activated rat c-raf was detected by an NIH 3T3 cell transfection assay, and a rearrangement was demonstrated in the 5' half of the sequence of the gene. In the present study, the cDNAs of normal and activated rat c-raf were analyzed. Results showed that the activated c-raf gene is transcribed to produce a fused mRNA, in which the 5' half of the sequence is replaced by an unknown rat sequence. This mRNA codes a fused c-raf protein. The normal and activated c-raf cDNAs were each connected to the long terminal repeat of Rous sarcoma virus and transfected into NIH 3T3 cells. Only the activated form had transforming activity. We conclude that the rearrangement is responsible for the activation of c-raf.  相似文献   

Johnson AK  Sinha J  Testa SM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(31):10702-10710
A group I intron-derived ribozyme from Pneumocystis carinii has been previously shown to bind an exogenous RNA substrate, splice out an internal segment, and then ligate the two ends back together (the trans excision-splicing reaction). We demonstrate that this same ribozyme can perform a trans insertion-splicing (TIS) reaction, where the ribozyme binds two exogenous RNA substrates and inserts one directly into the other. Reactions were optimized for both yield and rate, with optimum reactions carried out in 10 mM MgCl(2) for 2 h. Reaction products are stable, with no visible loss at extended times. The ribozyme recognizes the two substrates primarily through base pairing and requires an omegaG on the ribozyme and an omegaG on the sequence being inserted. We give evidence that the reaction mechanism is not the reverse of the trans excision-splicing reaction, but is composed of three steps, with intermediates attached to the ribozyme. Surprisingly, the internal guide sequence of the ribozyme is utilized to sequentially bind both substrates, forming independent P1 helices. This is an indication that ribozymes with essentially the native intron sequence can catalyze reactions significantly more dynamic and complex than self-splicing. The implications of group I intron-derived ribozymes being able to catalyze this unique reaction, and via this mechanism, are discussed.  相似文献   

p56lck, a member of the src family of cytoplasmic tyrosine protein kinases, is expressed primarily in lymphoid cells. Previous RNase protection data demonstrated the existence of at least two lck mRNAs (type I and type II) with different 5' untranslated regions in most T cells. These have been found here to arise from two separate promoters. S1 nuclease analysis and primer extension were used to locate the site of initiation of type I lck mRNA. The nucleotide sequence of the region upstream of this start site contains no classical promoter motifs. A cDNA clone of type II lck mRNA was isolated. The promoter of this mRNA must be more than 10 kilobases upstream of the type I promoter region. In two murine thymoma cell lines, LSTRA and Thy19, lck is expressed at elevated levels as a result of Moloney murine leukemia virus retrovirus promoter insertion. p56lck is encoded in these cells by a hybrid virus-lck mRNA containing the 5' untranslated region of Moloney virus mRNA. The structures and the sites of integration of the proviruses upstream of lck in these cells were examined by molecular cloning and Southern analysis. A truncated and rearranged provirus, flanked by 554 nucleotides (nt) of duplicated cellular sequences, was found 962 nt upstream of the start site for type I lck mRNA in LSTRA cells. What appears to be a Moloney mink cytopathic focus-forming provirus was found between 584 to 794 nt upstream of the start site for type I lck mRNA in Thy19 cells. Thus in both tumor cell lines, viral DNA is present between the promoters for type I and type II lck mRNAs. Comparison of the sequences of the 5' ends of the lck and c-src genes suggests that divergence of these two genes involved exon shuffling and that a homolog of the neuronal c-src(+) exon is not present in lck.  相似文献   

The late promoter of simian virus 40 (SV40) is activated in trans by the viral early gene product, T antigen. We inserted the wild-type late-promoter region, and deletion mutants of it, into chloramphenicol acetyltransferase transient expression vectors to identify promoter sequences which are active in the presence of T antigen. We defined two promoter activities. One activity was mediated by a promoter element within simian virus 40 nucleotides 200 to 270. The activity of this element was detectable only in the presence of an intact, functioning origin of replication and accounted for 25 to 35% of the wild-type late-promoter activity in the presence of T antigen. The other activity was mediated by an element located within a 33-base-pair sequence (simian virus nucleotides 168 to 200) which spans the junction of the 72-base-pair repeats. This element functioned in the absence of both the origin of replication and the T-antigen-binding sites and appeared to be responsible for trans-activated gene expression. When inserted into an essentially promoterless plasmid, the 33-base-pair element functioned in an orientation-dependent manner. Under wild-type conditions in the presence of T antigen, the activity of this element accounted for 65 to 75% of the late-promoter activity. The roles of the 33-base-pair element and T antigen in trans-activation are discussed.  相似文献   

Integration of retroviral DNA into the host chromosome requires a virus-encoded integrase (IN). IN recognizes, cuts and then joins specific viral DNA sequences (LTR ends) to essentially random sites in host DNA. We have used computer-assisted protein alignments and mutagenesis in an attempt to localize these functions within the avian retroviral IN protein. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences for 80 retroviral/retrotransposon IN proteins reveals strong conservation of an HHCC N-terminal 'Zn finger'-like domain, and a central D(35)E region which exhibits striking similarities with sequences deduced for bacterial IS elements. We demonstrate that the HHCC region is not required for DNA binding, but contributes to specific recognition of viral LTRs in the cutting and joining reactions. Deletions which extend into the D(35)E region destroy the ability of IN to bind DNA. Thus, we propose that the D(35)E region may specify a DNA-binding/cutting domain that is conserved throughout evolution in enzymes with similar functions.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is expressed at high levels in subsets of cells in some tissues and at low levels in all cells of other tissues, suggesting that the GS gene is surrounded by multiple regulatory elements. We searched for such elements in the 2.5-kb upstream region and in the 2.6-kb first intron of the GS gene, using FTO-2B hepatoma and C2/7 muscle cells as representatives of both cell types and transient transfection assays as our tools. In addition to the entire upstream region and entire intron, an upstream enhancer module at -2.5 kb, and 5', middle and 3' modules of the first intron were tested. The main effects of the respective modules and their combinatorial interactions were quantified using the analysis of variance (anova) technique. The upstream enhancer was strongly stimulatory, the middle intron module strongly inhibitory, and the 3'-intron module weakly stimulatory in both hepatoma and muscle cells. The 5'-intron module was strongly stimulatory in muscle cells only. The major new finding was that in both cell types, the upstream enhancer and 5'-intron module needed to be present simultaneously to fully realize their transactivational potencies. This interaction was responsible for a pronounced inhibitory effect of the 5'-intron module in the absence of the upstream enhancer in hepatoma cells, and for a strong synergistic effect of these two modules, when present simultaneously in muscle cells. The main difference between hepatoma and muscle cells therefore appeared to reside in tissue-specific differences in activity of the respective regulatory elements due to interactions rather than in the existence of tissue-specific regulatory elements.  相似文献   

The citrate utilization (Cit+) transposon Tn3411 was shown to be flanked by directly repeated sequences (IS3411L and IS3411R) by restriction enzyme analysis and electron microscope observation. Cit- deletion mutants were frequently found to be generated in pBR322::Tn3411 by intramolecular recombination between the two copies of IS3411. The flanking IS3411 elements of Tn3411 were shown to be functional insertion sequences by Tn3411-mediated direct and inverse transposition. Tn3411-mediated inverse transposition from pBR322::Tn3411 to the F-plasmid derivative pED100 occurred more efficiently than that of direct transposition of the Cit+ determinant. This was thought to be due to the differential transposability of IS3411L and IS3411R in the transposition process. The frequency of transposition of IS3411 marked with a chloramphenicol resistance determinant was much higher than IS3411-mediated cointegrate formation, suggesting that replicon fusions are not essential intermediates in the transposition process of Tn3411 or IS3411. Spontaneous deletions occurred with high frequency in recA hosts. The spontaneous deletion promoted by homologous recombination between two IS3411 elements in Tn3411 was examined with deletion mutants.  相似文献   

A series of plasmids was constructed to study the effect of two enhancers, the simian virus 40 72-base-pair repeat and the Harvey sarcoma virus 73-base-pair repeat, on the mouse beta maj-globin promoter. These plasmids contain the mouse beta maj-globin promoter linked to the Escherichia coli galK gene, thus allowing galactokinase enzyme activity to be used as a measure of promoter function. In CV-1 (primate) cells, it was found that an enhancer is required for optimal promoter activity and that the simian virus 40 (primate) enhancer increases galactokinase fourfold more than the Harvey sarcoma virus (mouse) enhancer. In L (mouse) cells, however, the Harvey sarcoma virus enhancer is 1.3-fold stronger than the simian virus 40 enhancer. These data support the hypothesis that enhancer activity can be species specific. Furthermore, when both enhancers are present on the same plasmid, their effect is additive on the beta-globin promoter whether the plasmid is in CV-1 cells or L cells.  相似文献   

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