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Understanding drug-biomembrane interactions at high resolution is a key issue in current biophysical and pharmaceutical research. Here we used real-time atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging to visualize the interaction of the antibiotic azithromycin with lipid domains in model biomembranes. Various supported lipid bilayers were prepared by fusion of unilamellar vesicles on mica and imaged in buffer solution. Phase-separation was observed in the form of domains made of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), sphingomyelin (SM), or SM/cholesterol (SM/Chl) surrounded by a fluid matrix of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC). Time-lapse images collected following addition of 1 mM azithromycin revealed progressive erosion and disappearance of DPPC gel domains within 60 min. We attribute this effect to the disruption of the tight molecular packing of the DPPC molecules by the drug, in agreement with earlier biophysical experiments. By contrast, SM and SM-Chl domains were not modified by azithromycin. We suggest that the higher membrane stability of SM-containing domains results from stronger intermolecular interactions between SM molecules. This work provides direct evidence that the perturbation of lipid domains by azithromycin strongly depends on the lipid nature and opens the door for developing new applications in membrane biophysics and pharmacology.  相似文献   

Biomolecular interactions measured by atomic force microscopy   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is nowadays frequently applied to determine interaction forces between biological molecules. Starting with the detection of the first discrete unbinding forces between ligands and receptors by AFM only several years ago, measurements have become more and more quantitative. At the same time, theories have been developed to describe and understand the dynamics of the unbinding process and experimental techniques have been refined to verify this theory. In addition, the detection of molecular recognition forces has been exploited to map and image the location of binding sites. In this review we discuss the important contributions that have led to the development of this field. In addition, we emphasize the potential of chemically well-defined surface modification techniques to further improve reproducible measurements by AFM. This increased reproducibility will pave the way for a better understanding of molecular interactions in cell biology.  相似文献   

Specific molecular recognition events, detected by atomic force microscopy (AFM), so far lack the detailed topographical information that is usually observed in AFM. We have modified our AFM such that, in combination with a recently developed method to measure antibody-antigen recognition on the single molecular level (Hinterdorfer, P., W. Baumgartner, H. J. Gruber, K. Schilcher, and H. Schindler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:3477-3481 (1996)), it allows imaging of a submonolayer of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in adhesion mode. We demonstrate that for the first time the resolution of the topographical image in adhesion mode is only limited by tip convolution and thus comparable to tapping mode images. This is demonstrated by imaging of individual ICAM-1 antigens in both the tapping mode and the adhesion mode. The contrast in the adhesion image that was measured simultaneously with the topography is caused by recognition between individual antibody-antigen pairs. By comparing the high-resolution height image with the adhesion image, it is possible to show that specific molecular recognition is highly correlated with topography. The stability of the improved microscope enabled imaging with forces as low as 100 pN and ultrafast scan speed of 22 force curves per second. The analysis of force curves showed that reproducible unbinding events on subsequent scan lines could be measured.  相似文献   

Monitoring biomolecular interactions by time-lapse atomic force microscopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a unique imaging tool that enables the tracking of single macromolecule events in response to physiological effectors and pharmacological stimuli. Direct correlation can therefore be made between structural and functional states of individual biomolecules in an aqueous environment. This review explores how time-lapse AFM has been used to learn more about normal and disease-associated biological processes. Three specific examples have been chosen to illustrate the capabilities of this technique. In the cell, actin polymerizes into filaments, depolymerizes, and undergoes interactions with numerous effector molecules (i.e., severing, capping, depolymerizing, bundling, and cross-linking proteins) in response to many different stimuli. Such events are critical for the function and maintenance of the molecular machinery of muscle contraction and the dynamic organization of the cytoskeleton. One goal is to use time-lapse AFM to examine and manipulate some of these events in vitro, in order to learn more about how these processes occur in the cell. Aberrant protein polymerization into amyloid fibrils occurs in a multitude of diseases, including Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes. Local amyloid deposits may cause organ dysfunction and cell death; hence, it is of interest to learn how to interfere with fibril formation. One application of time-lapse AFM in this area has been the direct visualization of amyloid fibril growth in vitro. This experimental approach holds promise for the future testing of potential therapeutic drugs, for example, by directly visualizing at which level of fibril assembly (i.e., nucleation, elongation, branching, or lateral association of protofibrils) a given active compound will interfere. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large supramolecular assemblies embedded in the nuclear envelope. Transport of ions, small molecules, proteins, RNAs, and RNP particles in and out of the nucleus occurs via NPCs. Time-lapse AFM has been used to structurally visualize the response of individual NPC particles to various chemical and physical effectors known to interfere with nucleocytoplasmic transport. Taken together, such time-lapse AFM studies could provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of fundamental biological processes under both normal and pathological conditions at the single molecule level.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》2002,20(8):S45-S49
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a well-established technique for imaging single biomacromolecules under physiological conditions. The exceptionally high spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the AFM enables the substructure of individual molecules to be observed. In contrast to other methods, specimens prepared for AFM remain in a plastic state, which enables direct observation of the dynamic molecular response, creating unique opportunities for studying the structure–function relationships of proteins and their functionally relevant assemblies. This review presents recent advances in methods and applications of AFM to imaging biological samples. It is clear that AFM will become an increasingly important tool for probing both the structural and kinetic properties of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) increasingly has been used to analyse "receptor" function, either by using purified proteins ("molecular recognition microscopy") or, more recently, in situ in living cells. The latter approach has been enabled by the use of a modified commercial AFM, linked to a confocal microscope, which has allowed adhesion forces between ligands and receptors in cells to be measured and mapped, and downstream cellular responses analysed. We review the application of AFM to cell biology and, in particular, to the study of ligand-receptor interactions and draw examples from our own work and that of others to show the utility of AFM, including for the exploration of cell surface functionalities. We also identify shortcomings of AFM in comparison to "standard" methods, such as receptor auto-radiography or immuno-detection, that are widely applied in cell biology and pharmacological analysis.  相似文献   

Some peptides have previously been reported to bind low molecular weight chemicals. One such peptide with the amino acid sequence His-Ala-Ser-Tyr-Ser was selectively screened from a phage library and bound to a cationic porphyrin, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)-21H,23H-porphine (TMpyP), with a binding constant of 10(5) M(-1) (J. Kawakami, T. Kitano, and N. Sugimoto, Chemical Communications, 1999, pp. 1765-1766). The proposed binding was due to pi-electron stacking from two aromatic amino acids of histidine and tyrosine. In this study, the weak interactions between TMpyP and the peptide were further investigated by force curve analysis using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The mechanical force required to unbind the peptide-porphyrin complex was measured by vertical movement of the AFM tip. Peptide self-assembled monolayers were formed on both a gold-coated mica substrate and a gold-coated AFM tip. The TMpyPs could bind between the two peptide layers when the peptide-immobilized AFM tip contacted the peptide-immobilized substrate in solution containing TMpyP. In the retracting process a force that ruptured the interaction between TMpyPs and peptides was observed. The unbinding force values correlated to the concentration of TMpyP. A detection limit of 100 ng/mL porphyrin was obtained for the force measurement, and was similar to surface plasmon resonance sensor detection limits. Furthermore, we calculated the product of the observed force and the length of the molecular elongation to determine the work required to unbind the complexes. The obtained values of unbinding work were in a reasonable range compared to the binding energy of porphyrin-peptide.  相似文献   

Purified detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) are powerful tools for the biochemical study of plasma membrane domains. To what extent these isolated DRMs correspond to native membrane domains remains, however, a matter of debate. The most immediate question to be answered concerns the in situ size range of DRMs, a determination that escapes classical microscopy techniques. In this study we show that in situ three-dimensional images of a material as fragile as Triton X-100-treated cells can be obtained, in buffer, by tapping mode atomic force microscopy. These images establish that, prior to the isolation procedure, the detergent plasma membrane fragments form domains whose size frequently exceeds 15-20 microm(2). This DRMs size range is about 1 order of magnitude higher than that estimated for the larger microdomains of living cells, which strongly suggests that membrane microdomains rearrange into larger DRMs during Triton X-100 treatment. Concomitantly, the images also reveal the presence of the cytoskeleton, which is resistant to detergent extraction, and suggest that, in situ, DRMs are associated with the membrane cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In tapping-mode atomic force microscopy, the phase shift between excitation and response of the cantilever is used as a material-dependent signal complementary to topography. The localization of information in the phase signal is demonstrated with 1.4-nm lateral resolution on purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarum in buffer solution. In a first-order approximation, the phase signal is found to correlate with modulations of the tip oscillation amplitude, induced by topography. Extending the analysis to contributions of the tip-sample interaction area as a second-order approximation, a method is proposed to extract information about the interaction from the phase signal for surfaces with a roughness in the order of the tip radius.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images at the molecular level have been obtained for a number of different protein and virus crystals. They can be utilized in some special cases to obtain information useful to crystal structure analyses by x-ray diffraction. In particular, questions of space group enantiomer, the packing of molecules within a unit cell, the number of molecules per asymmetric unit, and the dispositions of multiple molecules within the asymmetric unit may be resolved. In addition, because of the increasing sensitivity and resolution of the AFM technique, some molecular features of very large asymmetric units may be within reach. We describe here high-resolution studies, using AFM, to visualize individual molecules and viruses in their crystal lattices. These investigations included fungal lipase, lysozyme, thaumatin, canavalin, and satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV).  相似文献   

Pavlicek JW  Lyubchenko YL  Chang Y 《Biochemistry》2008,47(43):11204-11211
During V(D)J recombination, site specific DNA excision is dictated by the binding of RAG1/2 proteins to the conserved recombination signal sequence (RSS) within the genome. The interaction between RAG1/2 and RSS is thought to involve a large DNA distortion that is permissive for DNA cleavage. In this study, using atomic force microscopy imaging (AFM), we analyzed individual RAG-RSS complexes, in which the bending angle of RAG-associated RSS substrates could be visualized and quantified. We provided the quantitative measurement on the conformations of specific RAG-12RSS complexes. Previous data indicating the necessity of RAG2 for recombination implies a structural role in the RAG-RSS complex. Surprisingly, however, no significant difference was observed in conformational bending with AFM between RAG1-12RSS and RAG1/2-12RSS. RAG1 was found sufficient to induce DNA bending, and the addition of RAG2 did not change the bending profile. In addition, a prenicked 12RSS bound by RAG1/2 proteins displayed a conformation similar to the one observed with the intact 12RSS, implying that no greater DNA bending occurs after the nicking step in the signal complex. Taken together, the quantitative AFM results on the components of the recombinase emphasize a tightly held complex with a bend angle value near 60 degrees , which may be a prerequisite step for the site-specific nicking by the V(D)J recombinase.  相似文献   

Biological complexes are typically multisubunit in nature and the processes in which they participate often involve protein compositional changes in themselves and/or their target substrates. Being able to identify more than one type of protein in complex samples and to track compositional changes during processes would thus be very useful. Toward this goal, we describe here a single-molecule technique that can simultaneously identify two types of proteins in compositionally complex samples. It is an adaptation of the recently developed atomic force microscopy (AFM) recognition imaging technique but involves the tethering of two different types of antibodies to the AFM tip and sequential blocking with appropriate antigenic peptides to distinguish the recognition from each antibody. The approach is shown to be capable of simultaneously identifying in a single AFM image two specific components, BRG1 and beta-actin, of the human Swi-Snf ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling complex and two types of histones, H2A and H3, in chromatin samples.  相似文献   

Techniques have been developed for the routine reliable imaging of polysaccharides by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The polysaccharides are deposited from aqueous solution onto the surface of freshly cleaved mica, air dried, and then imaged under alcohols. The rationale behind the development of the methodology is described and data is presented for the bacterial polysaccharides xanthan, acetan, and the plant polysaccharides 1-carrageenan and pectin. Studies on uncoated polysaccharides have demonstrated the improved resolution achievable when compared to more traditional metal-coated samples or replicas. For acetan the present methodology has permitted imaging of the helical structure. Finally, in addition to data obtained on individual polysaccharides, AFM images have also been obtained of the network structures formed by κ-carrageenan and gellan gum. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy has been used to characterise populations of extracted water-soluble wheat endosperm arabinoxylans. The adsorbed molecules are extended structures with an estimated Kuhn statistical segment length of 128 nm, suggesting that they adopt an ordered helical structure. However, estimates of the molecular weight distribution, coupled with size exclusion data, suggest that, in solution, the polysaccharides behave as semi-flexible coils, with a Kuhn length of 16 nm. These data imply that adsorption of the arabinoxylan structures onto mica promotes formation of the helical structure. Adoption of this ordered structure is fortunate because it has permitted characterisation of branching observed in a small proportion (approximately 15%) of the population of otherwise linear molecules. The degree of branching has been found to increase with the contour length of the molecules. Degradation of the polysaccharides with xylanase has been used to confirm that both the backbone and branches are based on beta-(1-->4) linked D-xylopyranosyl residues.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to make measurements in vacuum, air, and water. The method is able to gather information about intermolecular interaction forces at the level of single molecules. This review encompasses experimental and theoretical data on the characterization of ligand-receptor interactions by AFM. The advantage of AFM in comparison with other methods developed for the characterization of single molecular interactions is its ability to estimate not only rupture forces, but also thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the rupture of a complex. The specific features of force spectroscopy applied to ligand-receptor interactions are examined in this review from the stage of the modification of the substrate and the cantilever up to the processing and interpretation of the data. We show the specificities of the statistical analysis of the array of data based on the results of AFM measurements, and we discuss transformation of data into thermodynamic and kinetic parameters (kinetic dissociation constant, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy). Particular attention is paid to the study of polyvalent interactions, where the definition of the constants is hampered due to the complex stoichiometry of the reactions.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied in many biological investigations in the past 15 years. This review focuses on the application of AFM for quantitatively characterizing the structural and thermodynamic properties of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid complexes. AFM can be used to determine the stoichiometries and association constants of multiprotein assemblies and to quantify changes in conformations of proteins and protein-nucleic acid complexes. In addition, AFM in solution permits the observation of the dynamic properties of biomolecular complexes and the measurement of intermolecular forces between biomolecules. Recent advances in cryogenic AFM, AFM on two-dimensional crystals, carbon nanotube probes, solution imaging, high-speed AFM, and manipulation capabilities enhance these applications by improving AFM resolution and the dynamic and operative capabilities of the AFM. These developments make AFM a powerful tool for investigating the biomolecular assemblies and interactions that govern gene regulation.  相似文献   

The selective interactions between DNA and miniature (39 residues) engineered peptide were directly measured at the single‐molecule level by using atomic force microscopy. This peptide (p007) contains an α‐helical recognition site similar to leucine zipper GCN4 and specifically recognizes the ATGAC sequence in the DNA with nanomolar affinity. The average rupture force was 42.1 pN, which is similar to the unbinding forces of the digoxigenin–antidigoxigenin complex, one of the strongest interactions in biological systems. The single linear fit of the rupture forces versus the logarithm of pulling rates showed a single energy barrier with a transition state located at 0.74 nm from the bound state. The smaller koff compared with that of other similar systems was presumably due to the increased stability of the helical structure by putative folding residues in p007. This strong sequence‐specific DNA–peptide interaction has a potential to be utilized to prepare well‐defined mechanically stable DNA–protein hybrid nanostructures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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