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寄主识别与附着胞分化是虫生真菌启动侵染过程的首要步骤。本文利用先前获得的金龟子绿僵菌基因缺失突变株与其野生型一起进行附着胞分化研究。接种后不同时间下的观察表明,绿僵菌突变株或野生型的附着胞既可以在萌发不久的芽管顶端形成,也可以在伸长菌丝分支的顶端形成。与野生型不同的是,突变株附着胞的分化频率显著下降,附着胞周围也缺乏粘液层的产生。研究表明,绿僵菌的类枯草杆菌类体壁降解酶对于附着胞分化不产生影响,对体壁降解也非完全必需的。与突变株附着胞分化频率显著降低相对应,其胞内环腺苷酸cAMP水平显著下降,而添加外源cAMP能够显著增加其附着胞分化频率,说明绿僵菌cAMP信号途径对于调控附着胞分化起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The derivation of mutants of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae which had lost or showed reduced ability to produce extracellular amylases, lipases, and proteases was studied by the enzymatic index. Reversion induced by ultraviolet light was also studied. The virulence of mutants and revertant strains was evaluated in bioassays against third-instar nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus. The mutant strains for amylase and lipase showed enzymatic indices equal to one, but this was not the case for the proteolytic mutants. The revertant strains were phenotypically similar to the parental strains. The virulence of amylolytic and lipolytic mutants was reduced in relation to the parental strain, whereas the proteolytic mutants did not show any significant reduction. Virulence was restored in all revertant strains.  相似文献   

Forty-seven isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae (small-spored form) and five isolates of M. anisopliae var. major (large-spored form) obtained from widely separated geographical regions from various insect hosts were screened for virulence against Culex pipiens pipiens larvae. Pathogenesis was variable with mortalities ranging from 0 to 100%. However, much of the variation in mortality among small-spored isolates was due to lowered natural viabilities. The most virulent isolates were from Austria, Australia, and Brazil from insect species in three different orders. Isolates from the major strain were generally avirulent. There was no correlation of strain morphology, geographical region of isolation, or original host species with strain virulence. The strains most virulent to C. pipiens larvae were also highly infective to Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi larvae. Virulence of two strains (E6 and E9) to C. pipiens larvae was significantly enhanced by one passage through a C. pipiens larval siphon. Relative potencies increased approximately 1.63 to 2.45 times. A smaller increase in virulence, depending upon the isolate, was also shown when these same strains were tested against A. aegypti and A. stephensi. Virulence of strain E9 was also increased significantly by passage through an alternate host, Nilaparvata lugens.  相似文献   

Studies on the blastospore production of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae were conducted in Adamek's medium used as a standard, enriched with lecithin, collagen, lactic acid or polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200) to increase spore yield and suppress mycelial pellet formation. The addition of 5% lecithin resulted in a significant 10-fold increase in spore yield up to 1.9 108 blastospores/ml compared with 1.9 107 spores/ml in the standard medium. Collagen (3%) increased the number of blastospores 3.7-fold, and lactic acid (1.5%) two-fold. A reduction of mycelial pellet formation in favour of spore production was noted with each additive. The viability of blastospores at 40IC from media with lecithin, collagen and lactic acid suspended in 25% Ringer's solution was comparable to that of spores produced in the standard medium. Striking differences were noticed in the viability of spores produced with 5% PEG 200 in standard medium. The half-life of blastospores produced in standard medium suspended in sunflower oil was 33.6 h and that of 5% PEG 200 spores only 25.2 h. In bioassays, the virulence of spores produced in standard medium to which 3% lecithin, 3% collagen, 1.5% lactic acid or 5% PEG 200 had been added was tested against third-instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. & F.). The median lethal time and the mortality of L. migratoria achieved with blastospores produced with 3% lecithin (5.7 days, 99%) was comparable to that of blastospores from standard medium (5.1 days, 98%). The virulence of blastospores from all other media with additives was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

金龟子绿僵菌MaYTTR-04菌株对松墨天牛成虫的致病力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope是重大森林植物检疫性病害——松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫。采用跗节接种法测定金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae MaYTTR-04菌株对松墨天牛成虫的致病力。结果表明: 在恒温条件下,松墨天牛第6天开始死亡,第18天~21天为死亡高峰期,每头成虫接种孢子量为2.3×106±0.2×106时成虫的死亡率第18天达85%,第21天达95%; 时间效应指标值LT50为14.7天。室内自然变温条件下,松墨天牛第3天出现死亡,第15天~21天为死亡高峰期,每头成虫接种孢子量为2.3×10.6±0.2×106时的死亡率在第15天达85%,第21天达100%;时间效应指标值LT50为12.9天。林间套笼21天后,菌液处理的成虫平均死亡率为60%,僵虫率为48.9%;而通过无纺布菌条的成虫死亡率为86.7%,僵虫率为75.6%。表明MaYTTR-04菌株对松墨天牛成虫有强的致病力,且在较高变温环境温度下致病力更强。结果说明该菌株可作为生产性菌株应用于林间防治松墨天牛。  相似文献   

Extended periods of waking result in physiological impairments in humans, rats, and flies. Sleep homeostasis, the increase in sleep observed following sleep loss, is believed to counter the negative effects of prolonged waking by restoring vital biological processes that are degraded during sleep deprivation. Sleep homeostasis, as with other behaviors, is influenced by both genes and environment. We report here that during periods of starvation, flies remain spontaneously awake but, in contrast to sleep deprivation, do not accrue any of the negative consequences of prolonged waking. Specifically, the homeostatic response and learning impairments that are a characteristic of sleep loss are not observed following prolonged waking induced by starvation. Recently, two genes, brummer (bmm) and Lipid storage droplet 2 (Lsd2), have been shown to modulate the response to starvation. bmm mutants have excess fat and are resistant to starvation, whereas Lsd2 mutants are lean and sensitive to starvation. Thus, we hypothesized that bmm and Lsd2 may play a role in sleep regulation. Indeed, bmm mutant flies display a large homeostatic response following sleep deprivation. In contrast, Lsd2 mutant flies, which phenocopy aspects of starvation as measured by low triglyceride stores, do not exhibit a homeostatic response following sleep loss. Importantly, Lsd2 mutant flies are not learning impaired after sleep deprivation. These results provide the first genetic evidence, to our knowledge, that lipid metabolism plays an important role in regulating the homeostatic response and can protect against neuronal impairments induced by prolonged waking.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity of two strains of Beauveria bassiana and four strains of Metarhizium anisopliae on the legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti , was studied in the laboratory. Germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity was low for all strains at 15 C. Optimum temperature for germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity ranged between 25-30 C. The fastest growing strain at 25-30 C was M. anisopliae strain ICIPE 69. Compared to other strains, ICIPE 69 also appeared to have a broad temperature range of pathogenic activity against the pest. The significance of these findings in relation to control of M. sjostedti is discussed.  相似文献   

Nineteen different isolates of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana sensu lato (s.l.) and Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. (Ascomycota: Hypocreales), recovered from different soil samples (field crops, fruit orchards, vegetable fields and forests) and insect cadavers were tested against Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) at two different spore concentrations (1 × 107 and 1 × 108 conidia mL?1). Three isolates of B. bassiana and two of M. anisopliae gave >88 % larval and >75 % adult mortality of R. ferrugineus on their highest dose rate respectively. More sporulating cadavers (mycosis) resulted from a high dose rate compared to low dose on both life stages of R. ferrugineus. The current study confirmed the lethal action of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae isolates with mortality levels usually directly proportional to the conidial concentration. This study further confirmed that the isolates recovered from R. ferrugineus dead cadavers gave more mortality compared to the other sources. In the virulence assay two isolates of B. bassiana caused the highest percentage of both larval and adult mortality at all exposure intervals which suggest that they may be the most promising for use in sustainable management programs aimed at microbial control in date palm orchards.  相似文献   



Metarhizium anisopliae is an important fungal biocontrol agent of insect pests of agricultural crops. Genomics can aid the successful commercialization of biopesticides by identification of key genes differentiating closely related species, selection of virulent microbial isolates which are amenable to industrial scale production and formulation and through the reduction of phenotypic variability. The genome of Metarhizium isolate ARSEF23 was recently published as a model for M. anisopliae, however phylogenetic analysis has since re-classified this isolate as M. robertsii. We present a new annotated genome sequence of M. anisopliae (isolate Ma69) and whole genome comparison to M. robertsii (ARSEF23) and M. acridum (CQMa 102).


Whole genome analysis of M. anisopliae indicates significant macrosynteny with M. robertsii but with some large genomic inversions. In comparison to M. acridum, the genome of M. anisopliae shares lower sequence homology. While alignments overall are co-linear, the genome of M. acridum is not contiguous enough to conclusively observe macrosynteny. Mating type gene analysis revealed both MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 genes present in M. anisopliae suggesting putative homothallism, despite having no known teleomorph, in contrast with the putatively heterothallic M. acridum isolate CQMa 102 (MAT1-2) and M. robertsii isolate ARSEF23 (altered MAT1-1). Repetitive DNA and RIP analysis revealed M. acridum to have twice the repetitive content of the other two species and M. anisopliae to be five times more RIP affected than M. robertsii. We also present an initial bioinformatic survey of candidate pathogenicity genes in M. anisopliae.


The annotated genome of M. anisopliae is an important resource for the identification of virulence genes specific to M. anisopliae and development of species- and strain- specific assays. New insight into the possibility of homothallism and RIP affectedness has important implications for the development of M. anisopliae as a biopesticide as it may indicate the potential for greater inherent diversity in this species than the other species. This could present opportunities to select isolates with unique combinations of pathogenicity factors, or it may point to instability in the species, a negative attribute in a biopesticide.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-660) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Defective lipolysis in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase provokes severe cardiac steatosis and heart dysfunction, markedly shortening life span. Similarly, cardiac muscle (CM)-specific Plin5 overexpression (CM-Plin5) leads to severe triglyceride (TG) accumulation in cardiomyocytes via impairing TG breakdown. Interestingly, cardiac steatosis due to overexpression of Plin5 is compatible with normal heart function and life span indicating a more moderate impact of Plin5 overexpression on cardiac lipolysis and energy metabolism. We hypothesized that cardiac Plin5 overexpression does not constantly impair cardiac lipolysis. In line with this assumption, TG levels decreased in CM of fasted compared with nonfasted CM-Plin5 mice indicating that fasting may lead to a diminished barrier function of Plin5. Recent studies demonstrated that Plin5 is phosphorylated, and activation of adenylyl cyclase leads to phosphorylation of Plin5, suggesting that Plin5 is a substrate for PKA. Furthermore, any significance of Plin5 phosphorylation by PKA in the regulation of TG mobilization from lipid droplets (LDs) is unknown. Here, we show that the lipolytic barrier of Plin5-enriched LDs, either prepared from cardiac tissue of CM-Plin5 mice or Plin5-transfected cells, is abrogated by incubation with PKA. Notably, PKA-induced lipolysis of LDs enriched with Plin5 carrying a single mutation at serine 155 (PlinS155A) of the putative PKA phosphorylation site was substantially impaired revealing a critical role for PKA in Plin5-regulated lipolysis. The strong increase in protein levels of phosphorylated PKA in CM of Plin5 transgenic mice may partially restore fatty acid release from Plin5-enriched LDs, rendering these hearts compatible with normal heart function despite massive steatosis.  相似文献   

Metarhizium anisopliae is an entomopathogenic fungus with the ability to infect a broad range of arthropods, and have evolved distinct strategies for their attachment to hosts. Here, we describe the characterisation of ecto-phosphatase activity on the conidia surface of M. anisopliae and its relevance in the host interaction process. Ecto-phosphatase activity was linear for 60 min and during this time, was linear with the increase of cell density. The optimum pH was in the acidic range and some divalent metals, such as Cu2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, inhibited ecto-phosphatase activity. The activity was also reduced by phosphatase inhibitors. Importantly, the inhibition of phosphatase activity in conidia reduced the adhesion to Dysdercus peruvianus (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) integument and, consequently and indirectly, M. anisopliae infection. The results herein presented show, for the first time, the importance of ecto-phosphatase activity in M. anisopliae conidia and provide the first evidence of its direct involvement in adhesion and host infection.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae infection leads to Verticillium wilt in cotton and other dicotyledon crops. To reduce the loss of economic crops, more attention has been focused on the key genes involved in pathogenicity of this soil‐borne plant fungal pathogen. Sho1 encodes a conserved tetraspan transmembrane protein which is a key element of the two upstream branches of the HOG‐MAPK pathway in fungi. Sho1 is required for full virulence in a wide variety of pathogenic fungi. In this study, sho1 mutant in V. dahliae (designated ΔVdsho1) was generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transformation. ΔVdsho1 strain was highly sensitive to menadione (at concentration of 120 μm ) and hydrogen peroxide (at concentration of 250 μm ), displayed delayed spore germination and reduced spore production compared with the wild type and the complemented strains. During infection of host cotton plants, ΔVdsho1 exhibited impaired ability of root attachment and invasive growth. Results from the present work suggest that VdSho1 controls external sensing, virulence and multiple growth‐related traits in V. dahliae and might serve as a potential target for control of Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

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