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Repeated static contractions (RSC) induce large fluctuations in tissue oxygen tension and increase the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This study investigated the effect of RSC on muscle contractility, mitochondrial respiratory function, and in vitro sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) kinetics in human muscle. Ten male subjects performed five bouts of static knee extension with 10-min rest in between. Each bout of RSC (target torque 66% of maximal voluntary contraction torque) was maintained to fatigue. Muscle biopsies were taken preexercise and 0.3 and 24 h postexercise from vastus lateralis. Mitochondria were isolated and respiratory function measured after incubation with H(2)O(2) (HPX) or control medium (Con). Mitochondrial function was not affected by RSC during Con. However, RSC exacerbated mitochondrial dysfunction during HPX, resulting in decreased respiratory control index, decreased mitochondrial efficiency (phosphorylated ADP-to-oxygen consumed ratio), and increased noncoupled respiration (HPX/Con post- vs. preexercise). SR Ca(2+) uptake rate was lower 0.3 vs. 24 h postexercise, whereas SR Ca(2+) release rate was unchanged. RSC resulted in long-lasting changes in muscle contractility, including reduced maximal torque, low-frequency fatigue, and faster torque relaxation. It is concluded that RSC increases mitochondrial vulnerability toward ROS, reduces SR Ca(2+) uptake rate, and causes low-frequency fatigue. Although conclusive evidence is lacking, we suggest that these changes are related to increased formation of ROS during RSC.  相似文献   

Although skeletal muscle perfusion is fundamental to proper muscle function, in vivo measurements are typically limited to those of limb or arterial blood flow, rather than flow within the muscle bed itself. We present a noninvasive functional MRI (fMRI) technique for measuring perfusion-related signal intensity (SI) changes in human skeletal muscle during and after contractions and demonstrate its application to the question of occlusion during a range of contraction intensities. Eight healthy men (aged 20-31 yr) performed a series of isometric ankle dorsiflexor contractions from 10 to 100% maximal voluntary contraction. Axial gradient-echo echo-planar images (repetition time = 500 ms, echo time = 18.6 ms) were acquired continuously before, during, and following each 10-s contraction, with 4.5-min rest between contractions. Average SI in the dorsiflexor muscles was calculated for all 240 images in each contraction series. Postcontraction hyperemia for each force level was determined as peak change in SI after contraction, which was then scaled to that obtained following a 5-min cuff occlusion of the thigh (i.e., maximal hyperemia). A subset of subjects (n = 4) performed parallel studies using venous occlusion plethysmography to measure limb blood flow. Hyperemia measured by fMRI and plethysmography demonstrated good agreement. Postcontraction hyperemia measured by fMRI scaled with contraction intensity up to approximately 60% maximal voluntary contraction. fMRI provides a noninvasive means of quantifying perfusion-related changes during and following skeletal muscle contractions in humans. Temporal changes in perfusion can be observed, as can the heterogeneity of perfusion across the muscle bed.  相似文献   

In contraction of skeletal muscle a delay exists between the onset of electrical activity and measurable tension. This delay in electromechanical coupling has been stated to be between 30 and 100 ms. Thus, in rapid movements it may be possible for electromyographic (EMG) activity to have terminated before force can be detected. This study was designed to determine the dependence of the EMG-tension delay upon selected initial conditions at the time of muscle activation. The right forearms of 14 subjects were passively oscillated by a motor-driven dynamometer through flexion-extension cycles of 135 deg at an angular velocity of approximately equal to 0.5 rad/s. Upon presentation of a visual stimulus the subjects maximally contracted the relaxed elbow flexors during flexion, extension, and under isometric conditions. The muscle length at the time of the stimulus was the same in all three conditions. An on-line computer monitoring surface EMG (Biceps and Brachioradialis) and force calculated the electromechanical delay. The mean value for the delay under eccentric condition, 49.5 ms, was significantly different (p less than 0.05) from the delays during isometric (53.9 ms) and concentric activity (55.5 ms). It is suggested that the time required to stretch the series elastic component (SEC) represents the major portion of the measured delay and that during eccentric muscle activity the SEC is in a more favorable condition for rapid force development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of rhythmic tetanic skeletal muscle contractions on peak muscle perfusion by using spontaneously perfused canine gastrocnemii in situ. Simultaneous pulsatile blood pressures were measured by means of transducers placed in the popliteal artery and vein, and pulsatile flow was measured with a flow-through-type transit-time ultrasound probe placed in the venous return line. Two series of experiments were performed. In series 1, maximal vasodilation of the muscles' vascular beds was elicited by infusing a normal saline solution containing adenosine (29.3 mg/min) and sodium nitroprusside (180 microg/min) for 15 s and then simultaneously occluding both the popliteal artery and vein for 5 min. The release of occlusion initiated a maximal hyperemic response, during which time four tetanic contractions were induced with supramaximal voltage (6-8 V, 0.2-ms stimuli for 200-ms duration at 50 Hz, 1/s). In series 2, the muscles were stimulated for 3 min before the muscle contractions were stopped for a period of 3 s; stimulation was then resumed. The results of series 1 indicate that, although contractions lowered venous pressure, muscle blood flow was significantly reduced from 2,056 +/- 246 to 1,738 +/- 225 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) when contractions were initiated and then increased significantly to 1,925 +/- 225 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) during the first 5 s after contractions were stopped. In series 2, blood flow after 3 min of contractions averaged 1,454 +/- 149 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1). Stopping the contractions for 3 s caused blood flow to increase significantly to 1,874 +/- 172 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); blood flow declined significantly to 1,458 +/- 139 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) when contractions were resumed. We conclude that the mechanical action of rhythmic, synchronous, maximal isometric tetanic skeletal muscle contractions inhibits peak muscle perfusion during maximal and near-maximal vasodilation of the muscle's vascular bed. This argues against a primary role for the muscle pump in achieving peak skeletal muscle blood flow.  相似文献   

The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) cascade has been linked to many of the acute effects of exercise on skeletal muscle substrate metabolism, as well as to some of the chronic training-induced adaptations. We determined the effect of 3 wk of intensified training (HIT; 7 sessions of 8 x 5 min at 85% Vo2 peak) in skeletal muscle from well-trained athletes on AMPK responsiveness to exercise. Rates of whole body substrate oxidation were determined during a 90-min steady-state ride (SS) pre- and post-HIT. Muscle metabolites and AMPK signaling were determined from biopsies taken at rest and immediately after exercise during the first and seventh HIT sessions, performed at the same (absolute) pre-HIT work rate. HIT decreased rates of whole body carbohydrate oxidation (P < 0.05) and increased rates of fat oxidation (P < 0.05) during SS. Resting muscle glycogen and its utilization during intense exercise were unaffected by HIT. However, HIT induced a twofold decrease in muscle [lactate] (P < 0.05) and resulted in tighter metabolic regulation, i.e., attenuation of the decrease in the PCr/(PCr + Cr) ratio and of the increase in [AMPfree]/ATP. Resting activities of AMPKalpha1 and -alpha2 were similar post-HIT, with the magnitude of the rise in response to exercise similar pre- and post-HIT. AMPK phosphorylation at Thr172 on both the alpha1 and alpha2 subunits increased in response to exercise, with the magnitude of this rise being similar post-HIT. Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase-beta phosphorylation was similar at rest and, despite HIT-induced increases in whole body rates of fat oxidation, did not increase post-HIT. Our results indicate that, in well-trained individuals, short-term HIT improves metabolic control but does not blunt AMPK signaling in response to intense exercise.  相似文献   

The effect of endurance training on neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) content and distribution in muscle was investigated. Seven male subjects performed 6 wk of one-legged knee-extensor endurance training (protocol A). Muscle biopsies, obtained from vastus lateralis muscle in the untrained and the trained leg, were analyzed for nNOS protein and activity as well as immunohistochemical distribution of nNOS and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Muscle biopsies were also obtained from another seven male subjects before and after 6 wk of training by endurance running (protocol B) and analyzed for nNOS protein. No difference was found in the amount of nNOS protein in the untrained and the trained muscle either with protocol A or protocol B (P > 0.05). In protocol A, the activity of nNOS was 4.76 +/- 0.56 pmol. mg protein(-1). min(-1) in the control leg, and the level was not different in the trained leg (P > 0.05). nNOS was present in the sarcolemma and cytosol of type I and type II muscle fibers, and the qualitative distribution was similar in untrained and trained muscle. The number of eNOS immunoreactive structures and the number of capillaries per muscle fiber were higher (P < 0.05) after training than before. The present findings demonstrate that, in contrast to findings on animals, nNOS levels remain unaltered with endurance training in humans. Evidence is also provided that endurance training may increase the amount of eNOS, in parallel with an increase in capillaries in human muscle.  相似文献   

During contractions, there is a net efflux of phosphate from skeletal muscle, likely because of an elevated intracellular inorganic phosphate (P(i)) concentration. Over time, contracting muscle could incur a substantial phosphate deficit unless P(i) uptake rates were increased during contractions. We used the perfused rat hindquarter preparation to assess [(32)P]P(i) uptake rates in muscles at rest or over a range of energy expenditures during contractions at 0.5, 3, or 5 Hz for 30 min. P(i) uptake rates were reduced during contractions in a pattern that was dependent on contraction frequency and fiber type. In soleus and red gastrocnemius, [(32)P]P(i) uptake rates declined by approximately 25% at 0.5 Hz and 50-60% at 3 and 5 Hz. Uptake rates in white gastrocnemius decreased by 65-75% at all three stimulation frequencies. These reductions in P(i) uptake are not likely confounded by changes in precursor [(32)P]P(i) specific activity in the interstitium. In soleus and red gastrocnemius, declines in P(i) uptake rates were related to energy expenditure over the contraction duration. These data imply that P(i) uptake in skeletal muscle is acutely modulated during contractions and that decreases in P(i) uptake rates, in combination with expected increases in P(i) efflux, exacerbate the net loss of phosphate from the cell. Enhanced uptake of P(i) must subsequently occur because skeletal muscle typically maintains a relatively constant total phosphate pool.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of sarcomeres during isometric activation of skeletal muscle myofibrils. Rabbit psoas myofibrils (n=14) were attached between a pair of cantilevers for force measurements at one side and a rigid glass needle at the other side, and their images were used for measurements of individual sarcomere lengths (SL) during contractions. Myofibrils were set at average SL between 2.13 and 3.06 μm, and were activated and held isometric for 20–35 s during which SL and force were continuously measured. SL dispersion increased from the rest state to activation, but it remained mostly constant during the activation period. Even with the length non-uniformity developed during myofibril activation, most sarcomeres stabilized their length changes during the isometric contraction. As a result, sarcomeres contracted at different degrees of filament overlap while producing similar forces. When the myofibrils were separated in two groups that produced force at averaged short (≤2.5 μm) or long (≥2.5 μm) SL, the initial non-uniformity was greater in long lengths, but changes observed in sarcomeres during the activation period were similar, suggesting that sarcomere stability is not length-dependent.  相似文献   

To characterize the vasodilatory response in the transition from a single skeletal contraction to a series of contractions, we measured the response of hamster cremaster muscle arterioles associated with four to five skeletal muscle fibers stimulated to contract for one, two, three, or four contractions (250-ms train duration) at 4-s intervals [15 contractions per minute (CPM)] for up to 12 s, at stimulus frequencies of 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 Hz. To investigate the contribution of contraction frequency, we stimulated muscle fiber bundles at 30 or 60 CPM for 12 s at stimulus frequencies of 4, 20, and 60 Hz. Arteriolar diameters at the site of overlap with the stimulated muscle fibers were measured before and after each contraction. At 15 CPM at 4, 20, and 60 Hz, we observed a peak change in diameter following the first contraction of 1.1 +/- 0.1, 1.6 +/- 0.2, and 2.1 +/- 0.2 mum that almost doubled in response to the second contraction (2.0 +/- 0.1, 3.0 +/- 0.1, and 3.8 +/- 0.1 mum, respectively), but there was no further dilation following the third or fourth contraction. A similar response occurred at all stimulus and contraction frequencies tested. At 30 and 60 CPM at 60 Hz, the plateau after two contractions was followed by a further increase in diameter to a second plateau at 7-8 s. Therefore, the vasodilatory response in the transition from single to multiple contractions had components that were stimulation parameter dependent and independent and showed a plateauing behavior indicative of rapid changes in either the nature and/or concentration of vasodilators released or changes in vascular reactivity.  相似文献   

When the gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle group of the dog is stimulated to contract repetitively for 30 min at frequencies high enough to generate VO2 levels at or near VO2 max, VO2 and mechanical performance decline with time. This decline with time is fatigue, and it occurs during twitch and tetanic contractions that are isometric or isotonic. There is oxidation of the mitochondrial electron transport system, and net lactic acid output is transient, ending after 20 min of contractions. Energy and substrate stores and intracellular pH are only moderately changed and do not appear to be well correlated with the development of fatigue. Blood flow through the muscle is well correlated with the development of fatigue and decreases as fatigue develops in a manner that keeps the blood arteriovenous O2 difference nearly constant. Changing the blood flow alters the rate of development of fatigue as an inverse relation, and this response does not appear to be related to changes in the availability of O2 in the mitochondria. Nerve-muscle transmission of excitation does not seem to be involved in the development of fatigue. Excitation-contraction coupling is well accepted to be at least part of the genesis of the development of fatigue. Metabolic limitations and control may affect excitation-contraction coupling by one or more changes in the internal environment. Blood flow affects this system by an unknown mechanism. The role of blood flow in fatigue deserves further consideration.  相似文献   

Muscle ATP turnover, glycogenolytic, and glycolytic rates were estimated to compare the energy cost and glycolytic regulation of 102.4 s of continuous and intermittent stimulation. Quadriceps femoris muscles of male subjects were stimulated at 20 Hz for one continuous contraction (n = 6) or a series of 64 contractions (1.6 s on, 1.6 s off; n = 6). Leg blood flow was occluded and muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and following 51.2 and 102.4 s of contraction time in both conditions. Isometric force production by the activated knee extensors decreased to 55% of initial contraction force with intermittent and 80% of initial contraction force with continuous stimulation following 51.2 s of contraction time. Corresponding ATP turnover rates were 4.49 +/- 0.39 and 3.80 +/- 0.44 mmol.kg dry muscle-1.s-1. When normalized for tension production the respective energy costs of intermittent and continuous contractions were 3.66 +/- 0.47 and 2.64 +/- 0.36 mmol ATP.kg-1.100 N-1. Glycogenolytic rates were identical during the first 51.2 s of stimulation but glycolysis was higher in the intermittent group (1.05 +/- 0.10 vs. 0.86 +/- 0.11 mmol.kg-1.s-1). We suggest that the increased ATP utilization of intermittent contractions is associated with enhanced Ca2+-transport ATPase activity during relaxation and enhanced actomyosin ATPase activity during the early portion of each contraction. Glycolytic rate is dependent on ATP demand and regulated by allosteric modulators of phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase which are released or consumed in the reactions associated with contraction.  相似文献   

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