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Recessive mutant gene c in Ambystoma mexicanum embryos causes a failure of the heart to function even though initial heart development appears normal. An analysis of the constituent proteins of normal and mutant hearts by SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that actin (43,000 daltons) is present in almost normal amounts, while myosin heavy chain (200,000 daltons) is somewhat reduced in mutants. Both SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunofluorescence studies reveal that tropomyosin is abundant in normal hearts, but very much reduced in mutants. Electron microscope studies of normal hearts show numerous well-organized myofibrils. Although mutant cardiomyocytes contain a few 60- and 150-A filaments, organized sacromeres are absent. Instead, amorphous proteinaceous collections are prominent. Previously reported heavy meromyosin (HMM)-binding experiments on glycerinated hearts demonstrate that most of the actin is contained within the amorphous collections in a nonfilamentous state, and the addition of HMM causes polymerization into F actin (Lemanski et al., 1976, J. Cell. Biol. 68:375-388). In the present study, glycerol-extracted hearts are incubated with tropomyosin, purified from rabbit or chicken skeletal muscle. This treatment causes the amorphous collections to disappear, and large numbers of distinct thin actin (60- to 80-A) filaments are seen in their place. Negative staining experiments corroborate this observation. These results suggest that the nonfilamentous actin located in the amorphous collections of mutant heart cells is induced to form into filaments with the addition of tropomyosin.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A naturally-occurring genetic mutation, designatedc for "cardiac lethal" in axolotls, Ambystoma mexicanum, isproving to be a useful model for studying myofibrillogenesisin differentiating heart cells. In this paper I describe morphological,biochemical and immunofluorescence studies which compare thecontractile proteins in normal and mutant hearts. In addition,morphological studies on anterior endoderm, an important heartinductor tissue in salamanders, are reviewed. Detailed electronmicroscopic studies show that normal heart myocytes containnumerous well-organized myofibrils. Although mutant heart cellscontain a few myosin and actin filaments, there are no organizedmyofibrils. Instead, amorphous proteinaceous collections areprominent in the peripheral cytoplasm of the cell where myofibrilswould be expected to first form. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisshows that actin is present in almost normal amounts in mutanthearts, myosin heavy chain is reduced and tropomyosin is virtuallyabsent. Immunofluorescence studies reveal that myosin, -actininand tropomyosin are located prominently in theorganized myofibrilsof normal heart cells. In mutant hearts myosin is localizedalmost exclusively in the amorphous collections at the cellperipheries, -actinin also is distributed mainly in the peripheralcell cytoplasm. There is almost no staining for tropomyosin.Heavy meromyosin (HMM) binding experiments demonstrate thatthe actin in mutant heart cells is contained within the amorphouscollections in a non-filamentous state and the addition of HMMcauses its polymerization into filaments. In view of these findings,we undertook studies to determine whether there might be a causalrelationship between theabsence of tropomyosin in mutants andthe failure of actin to form into filaments. Our results indeedshow that addition of tropomyosin to glycerinated mutant heartsor homogenates of mutant hearts causes the amorphous actin toform into filaments. Thus, this single gene mutation resultsin mutant heart cells having reduced, but significant, amountsof myosin and actin, even though non-filamentous, and substantialamounts of -actinin. There is almost no tropomyosin. It is impliedthat the drastic reduction of tropomyosin in mutant cells issomehow related to the failure of normal myofilament formation,which in turn would seem to be an essential step in the normalorganization of myofibrils.  相似文献   

When homozygous, recessive mutant gene c in Ambystoma mexicanum results in a failure of embryonic heart function. This failure is apparently due to abnormal inductive influences from the anterior endoderm resulting in an absence of normal sarcomeric myofibril formation. Biochemical and immunofluorescent studies were undertaken to evaluate the contractile proteins actin and tropomyosin in normal and mutant hearts. For the immunofluorescent studies, cardiac tissues were fixed in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde, frozen sectioned, and immunostained by an indirect method with monospecific polyclonal antibodies produced against highly purified chicken heart actin and tropomyosin. In normal hearts, both antiactin and antitropomyosin stained the myofibrillar I-bands intensely. In mutant hearts, intensity of staining with antiactin antibody was similar to normal, although sarcomeric patterns were not observed. Staining intensity for tropomyosin with antitropomyosin antibody was significantly reduced in mutant hearts when compared to normal. Biochemical studies were used to evaluate antibody specificity, antigenic variability, and relative protein concentrations of actin and tropomyosin in normal and mutant cardiac tissues. Tissue homogenates were electrophoresed in two dimensions, and second-dimension slab gels were either Coomassie Blue silver-stained or transblotted onto nitrocellulose and the proteins stained with antibodies. Stained gels and immunoblots of cardiac proteins reveal that the amounts of actin isoforms are identical in normal and mutant hearts. However, these methods demonstrate a significantly reduced amount of tropomyosin in mutant tissue. This confirms earlier studies suggesting reduced amounts of tropomyosin in mutant hearts based upon immunological assays. Thus, failure of normal myofibrillogenesis in gene c mutant hearts does not appear to result from a change in actin isoform composition but may be related to a deficiency in tropomyosin.  相似文献   

A strain of axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, that carries the cardiac lethal or c gene presents an excellent model system in which to study inductive interactions during heart development. Embryos homozygous for gene c contain hearts that fail to beat and do not form sarcomeric myofibrils even though muscle proteins are present. Although they can survive for approximately three weeks, mutant embryos inevitably die due to lack of circulation. Embryonic axolotl hearts can be maintained easily in organ culture using only Holtfreter's solution as a culture medium. Mutant hearts can be induced to differentiate in vitro into functional cardiac muscle containing sarcomeric myofibrils by coculturing the mutant heart tube with anterior endoderm from a normal embryo. The induction of muscle differentiation can also be mediated through organ culture of mutant heart tubes in medium 'conditioned' by normal anterior endoderm. Ribonuclease was shown to abolish the ability of endoderm-conditioned medium to induce cardiac muscle differentiation. The addition of RNA extracted from normal early embryonic anterior endoderm to organ cultures of mutant hearts stimulated the differentiation of these tissues into contractile cardiac muscle containing well-organized sarcomeric myofibrils, while RNA extracted from early embryonic liver or neural tube did not induce either muscular contraction or myofibrillogenesis. Thus, RNA from anterior endoderm of normal embryos induces myofibrillogenesis and the development of contractile activity in mutant hearts, thereby correcting the genetic defect.  相似文献   

Hearts from cardiac mutant Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, do not form organized myofibrils and fail to beat. Though previous biochemical and immunohistochemical experiments showed a possible reduction of cardiac tropomyosin it was not clear that this caused the lack of organized myofibrils in mutant hearts. We used cationic liposomes to introduce both rabbit and chicken tropomyosin protein into whole hearts of embryonic axolotls in whole heart organ cultures. The mutant hearts had a striking increase in the number of well-organized sarcomeric myofibrils when treated with rabbit or chicken tropomyosin. FITC-labeled rabbit tropomyosin was used to examine the kinetics of incorporation of the exogenous protein into mutant hearts and confirmed the uptake of exogenous protein by the cells of live hearts in culture. By 4 h of transfection, both normal and mutant hearts were found to incorporate FITC-labeled tropomyosin into myofibrils. We also delivered an anti-tropomyosin antibody (CH 1) into normal hearts to disrupt the existing cardiac myofibrils which also resulted in reduced heartbeat rates. CH1 antibody was detected within the hearts and disorganization of the myofibrils was apparent when compared to normal controls. Introduction of a C-protein monoclonal antibody (ALD 66) did not result in a disruption of organized myofibrils. The results show clearly that chicken or rabbit tropomyosin could be incorporated by the mutant hearts and that it was sufficient to overcome the factors causing a lack of myofibril formation in the mutant. This finding also suggests that a lack of organized myofibrils is caused primarily by either inadequate levels of tropomyosin or endogenous tropomyosin in mutant hearts is unsuitable for myofibril formation, which we were able to duplicate with the introduction of tropomyosin antibody. Furthermore, incorporation of a specific exogenous protein or antibody into normal and mutant hearts of the Mexican axolotl in whole heart organ culture offers an unique model to evaluate functionalroles of contractile proteins necessary for cardiac development and differentiation.  相似文献   

Homozygous recessive cardiac mutant gene c in the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, results in a failure of the embryonic heart to initiate beating. Previous studies show that mutant axolotl hearts fail to form sarcomeric myofibrils even though hearts from their normal siblings exhibit organized myofibrils beginning at stage 34–35. In the present study, the proteins titin and myosin are studied using normal (+/+) axolotl embryonic hearts at stages 26–35. Additionally, titin is examined in normal (+/c) and cardiac mutant (c/c) embryonic axolotl hearts using immunofluorescent microscopy at stages 35–42. At tailbud stage-26, the ventromedially migrating sheets of precardiac mesoderm appear as two-cell-layers. Myosin shows periodic staining at the cell peripheries of the presumptive heart cells at this stage, whereas titin is not yet detectable by immunofluorescent microscopy. At preheartbeat stages 32–33, a myocardial tube begins to form around the endocardial tube. In some areas, periodic myosin staining is found to be separated from the titin staining; other areas in the heart at this stage show a co-localization of the two proteins. Both titin and myosin begin to incorporate into myofibrils at stage 35, when normal hearts initiate beating. Additionally, areas with amorphous staining for both proteins are observed at this stage. These observations indicate that titin and myosin accumulate independently at very early premyofibril stages; the two proteins then appear to associate closely just before assembly into myofibrils. Staining for titin in freshly frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues of normal embryonic hearts at stages 35, 39, and 41 reveals an increased organization of the protein into sarcomeres as development progresses. The mutant siblings, however, first show titin staining only limited to the peripheries of yolk platelets. Although substantial quantities of titin accumulate in mutant hearts at later stages of development (39 and 41), it does not become organized into myofibrils as in normal cells at these stages. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is an excellent animal model for studying heart development because it carries a naturally occurring recessive genetic mutation, designated gene c, for cardiac nonfunction. The double recessive mutants (c/c) fail to form organized myofibrils in the cardiac myoblasts resulting in hearts that fail to beat. Tropomyosin expression patterns have been studied in detail and show dramatically decreased expression in the hearts of homozygous mutant embryos. Because of the direct interaction between tropomyosin and troponin T (TnT), and the crucial functions of TnT in the regulation of striated muscle contraction, we have expanded our studies on this animal model to characterize the expression of the TnT gene in cardiac muscle throughout normal axolotl development as well as in mutant axolotls. In addition, we have succeeded in cloning the full-length cardiac troponin T (cTnT) cDNA from axolotl hearts. Confocal microscopy has shown a substantial, but reduced, expression of TnT protein in the mutant hearts when compared to normal during embryonic development.  相似文献   

The Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, carries the naturally-occurring recessive mutant gene 'c' that results in a failure of homozygous (c/c) embryos to form hearts that beat because of an absence of organized myofibrils. Our previous studies have shown that a noncoding RNA, Myofibril-Inducing RNA (MIR), is capable of promoting myofibrillogenesis and heart beating in the mutant (c/c) axolotls. The present study demonstrates that the MIR gene is essential for tropomyosin (TM) expression in axolotl hearts during development. Gene expression studies show that mRNA expression of various tropomyosin isoforms in untreated mutant hearts and in normal hearts knocked down with double-stranded MIR (dsMIR) are similar to untreated normal. However, at the protein level, selected tropomyosin isoforms are significantly reduced in mutant and dsMIR treated normal hearts. These results suggest that MIR is involved in controlling the translation or post-translation of various TM isoforms and subsequently of regulating cardiac contractility.  相似文献   

Heavy meromyosin (HMM) forms characteristic arrowhead complexes with actin filaments in situ. These complexes are readily visualized in sectioned muscle. Following HMM treatment similar complexes appear in sectioned fibroblasts, chondrogenic cells, nerve cells, and several types of epithelial cells. Thin filaments freshly isolated from chondrogenic cells also bind HMM and form arrowhead structures in negatively stained preparations. HMM-filament complexes are prominent in the cortex of a variety of normal metaphase and Colcemid-arrested metaphase cells. There is no detectable binding of HMM with other cellular components such as microtubules, 100-A filaments, tonofilaments, membranes, nuclei, or collagen fibrils. The significance of HMM-filament binding is discussed in view of the finding that arrowhead complexes form in types of cells not usually thought to contain actin filaments.  相似文献   

Striated muscle tropomyosin is classically described as consisting of 10 exons, 1a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7, 8, and 9a/b, in both skeletal and cardiac muscle. A novel isoform found in embryonic axolotl heart maintains exon 9a/b of striated muscle but also has a smooth muscle exon 2a instead of exon 2b. Translation and subsequent incorporation into organized myofibrils, with both isoforms, was demonstrated with green fluorescent protein fusion protein construct. Mutant axolotl hearts lack sufficient tropomyosin in the ventricle and this smooth/straited chimeric tropomyosin was sufficient to replace the missing tropomyosin and form organized myofibrils.  相似文献   

Striated muscle thin filaments adopt different quaternary structures, depending upon calcium binding to troponin and myosin binding to actin. Modification of actin subdomain 2 alters troponin-tropomyosin-mediated regulation, suggesting that this region of actin may contain important protein-protein interaction sites. We used yeast actin mutant D56A/E57A to examine this issue. The mutation increased the affinity of tropomyosin for actin 3-fold. The addition of Ca(2+) to mutant actin filaments containing troponin-tropomyosin produced little increase in the thin filament-myosin S1 MgATPase rate. Despite this, three-dimensional reconstruction of electron microscope images of filaments in the presence of troponin and Ca(2+) showed tropomyosin to be in a position similar to that found for muscle actin filaments, where most of the myosin binding site is exposed. Troponin-tropomyosin bound with comparable affinity to mutant and wild type actin in the absence and presence of calcium, and in the presence of myosin S1, tropomyosin bound very tightly to both types of actin. The mutation decreased actin-myosin S1 affinity 13-fold in the presence of troponin-tropomyosin and 2.6-fold in the absence of the regulatory proteins. The results suggest the importance of negatively charged actin subdomain 2 residues 56 and 57 for myosin binding to actin, for tropomyosin-actin interactions, and for regulatory conformational changes in the actin-troponin-tropomyosin complex.  相似文献   

Tropomyosin is a well-characterized regulator of muscle contraction. It also stabilizes actin filaments in a variety of muscle and non-muscle cells. Although these two functions of tropomyosin could have different impacts on actin cytoskeletal organization, their functional relationship has not been studied in the same experimental system. Here, we investigated how tropomyosin stabilizes actin filaments and how this function is influenced by muscle contraction in Caenorhabditis elegans body wall muscle. We confirmed the antagonistic role of tropomyosin against UNC-60B, a muscle-specific ADF/cofilin isoform, in actin filament organization using multiple UNC-60B mutant alleles. Tropomyosin was also antagonistic to UNC-78 (AIP1) in vivo and protected actin filaments from disassembly by UNC-60B and UNC-78 in vitro, suggesting that tropomyosin protects actin filaments from the ADF/cofilin-AIP1 actin disassembly system in muscle cells. A mutation in the myosin heavy chain caused greater reduction in contractility than tropomyosin depletion. However, the myosin mutation showed much weaker suppression of the phenotypes of ADF/cofilin or AIP1 mutants than tropomyosin depletion. These results suggest that muscle contraction has only minor influence on the tropomyosin's protective role against ADF/cofilin and AIP1, and that the two functions of tropomyosin in actin stability and muscle contraction are independent of each other.  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium/Tetrahymena-chimeric actin (Q228K/T229A/A230Y) showed higher Ca(2+)-activation of myosin S1 ATPase in the presence of tropomyosin-troponin. The crystal structure of the chimeric actin is almost the same as that of wild-type except the conformation of the side chain of Leu236. Here, we introduced an additional mutation (L236A), in which the side chain of Leu236 was truncated, into the chimeric actin (Q228K/T229A/A230Y/L236A). Without regulatory proteins, the new mutant actin showed normal myosin S1 activation and normal sliding velocity. However, in the presence of tropomyosin, the new mutant actin activated myosin S1 ATPase higher than the wild-type actin and showed higher velocities in in vitro motility assay at low HMM concentrations. These results suggest that the mutations of A230Y and L236A in the actin subdomain-4 facilitate the transition of thin filaments from a "closed" state to an "open" state.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized nonmuscle myosin II heavy chain (NMHC II), which constitutes a distinct branch of the nonmuscle/smooth muscle myosin II family, has recently been revealed in genome data bases. We characterized the biochemical properties and expression patterns of this myosin. Using nucleotide probes and affinity-purified antibodies, we found that the distribution of NMHC II-C mRNA and protein (MYH14) is widespread in human and mouse organs but is quantitatively and qualitatively distinct from NMHC II-A and II-B. In contrast to NMHC II-A and II-B, the mRNA level in human fetal tissues is substantially lower than in adult tissues. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed distinct patterns of expression for all three NMHC isoforms. NMHC II-C contains an alternatively spliced exon of 24 nucleotides in loop I at a location analogous to where a spliced exon appears in NMHC II-B and in the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain. However, unlike neuron-specific expression of the NMHC II-B insert, the NMHC II-C inserted isoform has widespread tissue distribution. Baculovirus expression of noninserted and inserted NMHC II-C heavy meromyosin (HMM II-C/HMM II-C1) resulted in significant quantities of expressed protein (mg of protein) for HMM II-C1 but not for HMM II-C. Functional characterization of HMM II-C1 by actin-activated MgATPase activity demonstrated a V(max) of 0.55 + 0.18 s(-1), which was half-maximally activated at an actin concentration of 16.5 + 7.2 microm. HMM II-C1 translocated actin filaments at a rate of 0.05 + 0.011 microm/s in the absence of tropomyosin and at 0.072 + 0.019 microm/s in the presence of tropomyosin in an in vitro motility assay.  相似文献   

Tropomyosins are a family of actin binding proteins encoded by a group of highly conserved genes. Humans have four tropomyosin-encoding genes: TPM1, TPM2, TPM3, and TPM4, each of which is known to generate multiple isoforms by alternative splicing, promoters, and 3' end processing. TPM1 is the most versatile and encodes a variety of tissue specific isoforms. The TPM1 isoform specific to striated muscle, designated TPM1alpha, consists of 10 exons: 1a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7, 8, and 9a/b. In this study, using RT-PCR with adult and fetal human RNAs, we present evidence for the expression of a novel isoform of the TPM1 gene that is specifically expressed in cardiac tissues. The new isoform is designated TPM1kappa and contains exon 2a instead of 2b. Ectopic expression of human GFP.TPM1kappa fusion protein can promote myofibrillogenesis in cardiac mutant axolotl hearts that are lacking in tropomyosin.  相似文献   

Ca2(+)-regulated native thin filaments were extracted from sheep aorta smooth muscle. The caldesmon content determined by quantitative gel electrophoresis was 0.06 caldesmon molecule/actin monomer (1 caldesmon molecule per 16.3 actin monomers). Dissociation of caldesmon and tropomyosin from the thin filament and the depolymerization of actin was measured by sedimenting diluted thin filaments. Actin critical concentration was 0.05 microM at 10.1 and 0.13 at 10.05 compared with 0.5 microM for pure F-actin. Tropomyosin was tightly bound, with half-maximal dissociation at less than 0.3 microM thin filaments (actin monomer) under all conditions. Caldesmon dissociation was independent of tropomyosin and not co-operative. The concentration of thin filaments where 50% of the caldesmon was dissociated (CD50) ranged from 0.2 microM (actin monomer) at 10.03 to 8 microM at 10.16 in a 5 mM-MgCl2, pH 7.1, buffer. Mg2+, 25 mM at constant I, increased CD50 4-fold. CD50 was 4-fold greater at 10(-4) M-Ca2+ than at 10(-9) M-Ca2+. Aorta heavy meromyosin (HMM).ADP.Pi complex (2.5 microM excess over thin filaments) strongly antagonized caldesmon dissociation, but skeletal-muscle HMM.ADP.Pi did not. The behaviour of caldesmon in native thin filaments was indistinguishable from caldesmon in reconstituted synthetic thin filaments. The variability of Ca2(+)-sensitivity with conditions observed in thin filament preparations was shown to be related to dissociation of regulatory caldesmon from the thin filament.  相似文献   

Troponin extracted from rabbit skeletal muscle directly binds to an actin filament in a molar ratio of 1:1 even in the absence of tropomyosin. An actin filament decorated with troponin did not exhibit significant difference from pure actin filaments in the maximum rate of actomyosin ATP hydrolysis and the sliding velocity of the filament examined by means of an in vitro motility assay. However, the relative number of troponin-bound actin filaments moving in the absence of calcium ions decreased to half that in their presence. The amount of HMM bound to the filaments was less than 4% of actin monomers in the presence of TNs. In addition, actin filaments could not move when Tn molecules were bound in the molar ratio of about 1:1 although they sufficiently bind to myosin heads. These results indicate that troponin can transform an actin monomer within a filament into an Off-state without sterically blocking of the myosin-binding sites with tropomyosin molecules.  相似文献   

The interaction between myosin and actin in striated muscle tissue is regulated by Ca2+ via thin filament regulatory proteins. Skeletal muscle possesses a whole pattern of myosin and tropomyosin isoforms. The regulatory effect of tropomyosin on actin-myosin interaction was investigated by measuring the sliding velocity of both actin and actin-tropomyosin filaments over fast and slow skeletal myosins using the in vitro motility assay. The actin-tropomyosin filaments were reconstructed with tropomyosin isoforms from striated muscle tissue. It was found that tropomyosins with different content of α-, β-, and γ-chains added to actin filaments affect the sliding velocity of filaments in different ways. On the other hand, the sliding velocity of filaments with the same content of α-, β-, and Γ-chains depends on myosin isoforms of striated muscle. The reciprocal effects of myosin and tropomyosin on actin-myosin interaction in striated muscle may play a significant role in maintenance of effective work of striated muscle both during ontogenesis and under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

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