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樟树新害虫——窃达刺蛾的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
窃达刺蛾是樟树新害虫,在福建一年发生3代,以幼虫在叶背越冬。翌年3月上旬化蛹,4月上旬成虫出现并产卵,4月中旬幼虫孵出,5月中旬陆续化蛹.6月上旬成虫羽化,6月中旬第二代幼虫开始出现,8月下旬第三代幼虫出现。在幼虫三龄前,喷洒5%辛硫磷,40%氯化乐果乳剂或80%敌敌畏乳剂1000倍液,均可收到良好效果。  相似文献   

茴香薄翅野螟生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茴香薄翅野螟是黑龙江省油菜和十字花科蔬菜的一种害虫,幼虫蛀食果荚、籽粒。1年2代,以幼虫在土中结茧越冬。第二年5月中下旬开始化蛹,6月羽化。6月中旬至7月上旬是第一代幼虫危害期,第二代幼虫发生于8月。幼虫有吐丝结网习性,成虫羽化当天即可交配产卵,卵产在嫩角果或柄上。成虫有趋光性,寿命4—16天。  相似文献   

水稻田和茭白田二化螟的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水稻田越冬代二化螟最早于4月26日开始羽化,其羽化高峰期为5月13-14日,而茭白田越冬代二化螟的始见蛾日为5月5日,比水稻田二化螟迟了9d,羽化始盛期、高峰期、盛末期均比水稻田二化螟迟2-5d,水稻田二化螟越冬幼虫的存活率和化蛹率明显比茭白田二化螟低,而二者的羽化率则差不多,水稻田二化螟羽化成虫的雌雄性比为1:1.44,而茭白田二化螟则接近1:1。室内选择试验表明,水稻田和茭白田二化螟均喜在高大的茭白植株上产卵,而幼虫则选择嫩绿的水稻。然而田间选择性试验证实,二化螟幼虫在钻蛀前无法越过田埂而转移到水稻植株上为害,取食茭白的二化螟个体明显大于取食水稻的二化螟,两种寄生上二化螟幼虫的酯酶同工酶也存在着差异。不繁殖试验表明,茭白和水稻上的二化螟属于同一种,但存在着部分生殖隔离。  相似文献   

茄香薄翅野螟生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
向春玲  朱柳林 《昆虫知识》1994,31(6):339-340
茄香薄翅野螟是黑龙江省油菜和十字花科蔬菜的一种害虫,幼虫蛀食果荚,籽粒,1年2代,以幼虫在土中结茧越冬。第二年5月中下旬开始化蛹,6月羽化,6月中旬至7月上旬第一代幼虫危害期,第二代幼虫发生于8月。幼虫有吐丝结网羽性,成虫羽化当天即可交配产诳,卵产在嫩角果或柄上,成虫有趋光性,寿命4-16天。  相似文献   

不同龄期幼虫饥饿对美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)生长发育和繁殖影响的研究结果表明:美国白蛾低龄(2龄)幼虫短时间的饥饿对其生长发育和繁殖的影响不明显;美国白蛾中龄(4龄)幼虫饥饿2,4,6d使美国白蛾的历期相应增长,存活率、化蛹率、羽化率、产卵量都相应降低,交配率与对照之间没有差异;老熟(6龄)幼虫短时间饥饿(4d)的存活率、羽化率、交配率、产卵量都稍有下降;长时间饥饿(12d)的老熟幼虫有70%左右因饥饿而提前化蛹,提前化蛹的蛹体外没有薄茧的包裹。提前化蛹的美国白蛾的羽化率、交配率均非常低,产卵量很少。  相似文献   

通过从棉田和玉米田采回的第 4代老熟幼虫的化蛹率和羽化率观察 ,发现棉田和玉米田的老熟幼虫化蛹率分别为 65%~ 83 0 5%和 55%~ 80 % ,其化蛹后的羽化率分别为 1 0 %~ 87%和 1 3 %~77% ,而且 2种寄主作物间无显著差异。由此进一步分析了棉田和玉米田老熟幼虫的有效越冬虫率和有效越冬虫量 ,作者认为 8月 3 1日至 9月 1 0日是棉铃虫老熟幼虫有效越冬虫量的主要来源期 ,且棉田显著高于玉米田 ,构成了第 2年棉铃虫种群发生基础。  相似文献   

二化螟为害蕉藕的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二化螟为害蕉藕过去尚未曾有报导。今年7月底8月初我在平阳县宜山、金乡等地调查,发现早稻收割后,第二代二化螟幼虫从稻草内爬出转移到晒草场附近的蕉藕上取食为害,并能继续发育化蛹和羽化。据7月25日在金乡区调查200株蕉藕,被害率高达99%。剥查10株有二化螟幼虫338头,平均每株有虫33.8头,最多一株有史高达86头,最少也有7头。  相似文献   

一、发生情况 一字纹稻苞虫(Parnara gut-tata)在粤北地区每年发生5—6个迭置世代。越冬幼虫一般在3、4月间化蛹羽化,成虫多产卵于荒塘、水圳边的杂草上。少数产卵于早造秧田,羽化较迟的亦有产卵于早造本田的。第一代主要为害油草。第二代在早造本田,但为害较轻微,坑、圳边油草及晚造秧田亦有分布。第三代除小部分为害早造迟熟水稻及晚造秧苗外,大部分栖息于水坑边、塘边油草上。晚造水稻移植后,适值第四代发生,又群集为害,是水稻被  相似文献   

夹竹桃天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷玉兰  林仲桂 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):918-922,F0004
夹竹桃天蛾Daphnis nerii(Linnaeus)是夹竹桃上的重要害虫,具有间歇性爆发的特点。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生2~3代,以蛹在寄主附近的枯枝落叶层、表层松土及土壤缝穴中越冬。越冬代成虫于6月上旬出现,6月中下旬产卵。6月下旬第1代幼虫孵化;第1代成虫于7月中旬出现,7月下旬产卵。第2代幼虫8月上旬孵化,8月下旬至9月上旬幼虫危害最历害,9月中旬开始化蛹,化蛹持续到10月中旬。第2代蛹发生分化,一部分成为越冬蛹,另一部分则羽化为成虫。第2代成虫于10月上旬开始产下第3代卵。10月上旬第3代幼虫开始孵化,11月中旬第3代幼虫开始化蛹、越冬。  相似文献   

1.三化螟卵、幼虫和蛹的发育起点和发育零点都系实测结果。卵的孵化零点为16℃,胚胎发育零点为15℃,幼虫发育零点为12℃,幼虫的化蛹零点和蛹的羽化零点都为15℃。 2.三化螟各虫态的有效积温,卵平均为81.1日度,幼虫为507.2日度,蛹为103.7日度,共计为692.0日度。卵和蛹的有效积温随着温度的上升而增加,而幼虫的则恰为相反。 3.发育零点的测定方法有实测,计算和图测三种。后面两种方法所得的结果都与实测的有一定的距离。  相似文献   

稻秆蝇在晚稻田为害呈聚集分布。应用Iwao的X-X回归法、Taylor幂指法、Southwood公共Kc值法求得三个理论抽样数模型,并由Iwao的X-X回归法导出最适抽样单位。当采用Iwao及Willsoo等(1983)提出的序贯抽样法时.得到两个序贯抽样模型。结合Iwao的X-X回归法。Taylor幂指法、Southwood公共Kc值法等三模型,Iwao和Willson的二模型.获得了该虫的复合理论抽样法和复合序贯抽样法。  相似文献   

浙江稻田稻秆潜蝇为害损失与防治指标研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000-2004在浙江较系统地研究了山区和半山区稻田稻秆潜蝇的种群动态与为害损失的关系,组建了田间自然种群生命表。结果表明:自然条件下,1、2代稻秆潜蝇的卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫死亡率分别为42.7%、14.5%、4.4%、12.6%和32.8%、16.5%、18.9%、15.6%。水稻秧苗期、大田期稻秆潜蝇卵(虫)量与株为害率、为害损失率的关系分析表明,随着卵(虫)量增加,株为害率上升,产量损失率加大,两者呈显著正相关。成虫盛发至卵孵盛期为防治适期,稻秆潜蝇防治指标为秧苗期平均每百株有卵10粒,株为害率1%以上;大田期平均每丛水稻有卵1粒,株为害率3%~5%。  相似文献   

团角锤天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林仲桂  雷玉兰 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):141-143
团角锤天蛾Gurelca hyas(Walker)危害园林植物——银边六月雪(Serissa foetida cv.Aureovaiegata),以幼虫取食寄主叶片和嫩梢。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在寄主附近土壤中筑土室化蛹并以蛹在土室中越冬。翌年8月上旬越冬代成虫开始羽化。幼虫5龄,多数幼虫在发育过程中会出现体色变化。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于8月中旬、9月中旬和10月中旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害。  相似文献   

Heliothis zea was reared on an artificial diet, which lacked supplementation with plant materials, in order to determine the effects of cholesterol on the development of this insect. A number of parameters of larval development were found to be dependent upon the concentration of dietary sterol including: the number of moults which the larvae completed within a particular time interval, the ability of the larvae to pupate and the survival of the larvae. The number of moults which a larva completed prior to pupation, though, was independent of the concentration of sterol.  相似文献   

Polydnaviruses from certain parasitoid Hymenoptera have been reported to interfere with both host immunity and host development. Heliothis virescens larvae injected with either calyx fluid or sucrose gradient-purified polydnavirus from Microplitis croceipes (McPDV) gained less weight than saline-injected larvae. The active feeding portion of the fifth stadium larva (time to reach the burrowing-digging stage) was doubled (7.0 vs. 3.4 days) when a 0.25 wasp equivalent (WE) of sucrose gradient-purified McPDV was injected into a newly ecdysed fifth stadium host. Many of the treated larvae were unable to pupate, successfully and died at a point of incomplete larval-pupal ecdysis. Pupae that did result from the treated larvae weighed significantly less than controls, even at 0.025 WE. The rate of weight gain and extent of delay of development were dose-dependent; as little as 0.1 WE extended the time of active feeding by 1.5 days and yielded only 25% adults. A 0.05 WE dose yielded 78% adults compared to 95% for controls. The total protein content of hemolymph from individuals injected with McPDV was significantly less than that of controls at any McPDV dose equal to or greater than 0.1 WE. SDS-PAGE profiles of hemolymph proteins from control and McPDV-injected larvae revealed a marked inhibition of the normal accumulation of storage proteins during the fifth stadium and a lesser reduction of serine protease inhibitor protein. Thus, McPDV-injected larvae exhibited some symptoms (less total hemolymph protein and reduced amounts of storage protein) similar to those shown by both parasitized larvae and by larvae injected with M. croceipes teratocytes. However, McPDV affected development during the active feeding stage of the larva, while teratocytes primarily impacted larvae at the time when larval-pupal transformation processes are initiated. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Larvae of the west-Japan type yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), show a long-day type photoperiodic response at 25 degrees C; under long-day conditions, larvae pupate after the fourth or fifth instar, while under short-day conditions, they undergo a few nonstationary supernumerary molts and eventually enter diapause. In the present study, the effect of food on the development and photoperiodic response of the larvae was examined with special reference to molting and pupation. Although the pupal body size was greatly affected by the food quality and the length of feeding, the critical day length for induction of metamorphosis at 25 degrees C was always between 13.5 and 14 h. Exposure to starvation of larvae reared on the standard diet revealed that the capability to pupate is acquired after a few days of feeding in the fourth instar. In the larvae that had acquired the capability to pupate, premature pupation was induced by exposure to starvation, indicating that feeding becomes dispensable long before it is normally terminated.  相似文献   


Costelytra zealandica (White) lives within the soil throughout its life cycle, except for brief, crepuscular excursions to the surface by the adults to mate and feed. Larvae collected more than 18 weeks before 50% field pupation did not pupate unless they were artificially chilled. Such chilling had no significant effect on the percentage pupation of larvae collected after this time; it is assumed that these larvae had received sufficient chilling from their environment to induce pupation. Larger larvae were more likely to pupate than smaller larvae during the period 13–7 weeks before 50% field pupation. It is postulated that larvae remain quiescent until the soil temperature increases in the spring, and pupate only then. Such a process would explain how the adults of a population emerge at about the same time.  相似文献   

Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本试验以家蚕为供试对象研究Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育的影响.结果发现,与正常无花粉处理相比,无论是非Bt水稻花粉处理,还是Bt水稻花粉处理,对初孵家蚕幼虫的致死率无多大影响,而对家蚕的体重有较大影响,其中三龄期家蚕体重存在极显著差异.还发现Bt水稻花粉处理组家蚕在3龄时期大小很不一致,最轻体重为18.1mg,而最重体重为183.8mg.这是由于采用人工抖粉桑叶上花粉浓度不均匀造成的.鉴于实际生态条件下桑叶上的花粉浓度可能远远低于试验条件,因此,在实际稻桑共作环境下,Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育可能不会造成太大的影响。 Abstract:The effect on the development of silkworm larvae of Bt transgenic rice pollen containing cry1 Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis were investigated.Compared with normal treatment,mortality of newly hatched silkworm lar vae in either Bt rice pollen or susceptible rice pollen treatment were not significantly different,while the variances of silkworm larvae weight at third instar were significant at 0.01level.In addition,the weight of each silkworm larva at third instar in Bt rice pollen treatment showed a big difference,the biggest and smallest silkworm larvae were 183.8rug and 18.lmg respectively,which was probably caused by the difference of Bt rice pollen concentration on the mulberry leaves.As pollen concentration on the mulberry leaves in actual field was lower than in lab,the influence on the development of newly hatched silkworm larvae of Bt rice pollen is not likely significant in actual ecological cnvi ronment.  相似文献   

Chlorops oryzae Matsumura (Diptera: Chloropidae) is bivoltine in northern Japan but trivoltine in the southern part of the country. Larvae of the bivoltine strain (Akita, 39° N) develop without delay under L14:D10 but enter summer diapause in the mature larval stage under L15:D9. In contrast, larvae of the trivoltine strain (Aichi, 35° N) develop quickly under L15:D9 but enter summer diapause under L14:D10. The genetic basis of their different summer-diapause behavior was analyzed by reciprocal crossing between the two ecotypes and backcrossing to the hybrids. Although a polygenic system seems to be involved, there is a single gene on the X-chromosome exerting a major effect on summer diapause. The northern bivoltine ecotype has a longer critical photoperiod for the induction of winter diapause in the first larval stage and remains in diapause longer than the southern trivoltine ecotype. The differences in the critical photoperiod and the winter diapause duration between the two ecotypes seem to be controlled by a polygenic system but again a sex-linked or closely linked gene (or genes) plays a major role. The two geographic ecotypes differ significantly in summer- and winter-diapause traits, both of which are characterized by sex-linked inheritance. Despite this, no apparent sterility or inviability in hybrids between the ecotypes occurs.  相似文献   

肾毒蛾Cifuna locuples Walker是2007年在武汉发现危害千屈菜(Lythrumsalicaria L.)的一种新害虫,幼虫能取食千屈菜叶片和花朵。室外观察和室内饲养结果表明,肾毒蛾在武汉市1年发生3代,以低龄幼虫越冬,次年3~4月开始为害。5月初越冬代成虫出现,6月下旬第1代成虫羽化,8月中旬第2代成虫羽化。成虫羽化1d后即可分多次产卵于叶背,卵粒数十几到两百多粒。幼虫有5龄,初孵幼虫群集为害,2龄以后分散取食,4~5龄取食量大。幼虫在叶背吐丝结稀疏的薄茧化蛹。  相似文献   

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