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C. Houssard  J. Escarré 《Oecologia》1991,86(2):236-242
Summary The effects of seed size on growth, biomass allocation and competitive ability of Rumex acetosella plants grown either individually or in competition were studied in two populations (6 months and 15 years old respectively) sampled from a postcultivation successional gradient. For plants grown individually there were highly significant effects of seed weight on growth after 43 days, with a higher relative growth rate (RGR) observed for plants raised from heavier seeds. However at the end of the experiment, seedlings developed from lighter seeds had a RGR 2 times greater than those from heavier seeds. Final biomass of the two types was not significantly different after 73 days of growth. When plants were grown individually, there were only slight differences between populations, but when grown in monocultures of 4 plants per pot, plants from the old population had higher root and leaf biomass per pot whereas those from the young population had a higher reproductive effort per pot. This suggests that a trade-off between allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction occurs over successional time. In mixtures of light and heavy seeds, plants from light seeds were shorter, had fewer leaves and lower biomass than plants from heavy seeds, which were also taller and produced more dry matter than plants grown from heavy seeds in monoculture. The significant effects of seed weight and population on biomass parameters persisted unit the end of the experiment. Seedlings from heavy seeds were strong competitors: those from the young population grew better in the presence of neighbors than in monoculture and those from the late successional population suppressed the more the growth of their partners. Seedlings from light seeds were subordinate competitors. These results suggest that seedlings from seeds of different sizes benefit from contrasting ecological conditions and that selection acts on reproductive output along successional gradients.  相似文献   

Axillary buds of the dioecious plant Rumex acetosella L. were isolated and cultured in vitro. The callus tissue which developed at the basal parts of the explants displayed a high capacity for shoot formation. This morphogenetic pattern was predominant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2.2 mgl-1 benzylaminopurine and 0.17 mgl-1 indole-3-acetic acid. Somatic embryogenesis was induced when the osmolality of the medium was increased by adding 6% sucrose instead of 2%, or hexitols in addition to 2% sucrose. Most of the embryogenic calli were formed on the basal parts of leaf laminae and bracts. Development and maturation was strongly promoted by transferring the tissue to a solid or liquid medium lacking benzylaminopurine and indole-3-acetic acid and supplemented with 10 mgl-1 gibberellic acid. The embryos germinated and developed into normal rosette plants when transferred to vermiculite moistened with hormone-free, half-strength MS salt solution. The histology of successive embryogenic stages is presented.  相似文献   

The content of endogenous cytokinins has been analysed in leaf and inflorescence extracts of male and female R. acetosella plants, using gas chromatography. Plant parts were extracted at four stages of development: leaves of juvenile plants, leaves of adult plants at the time of flower initiation and in full bloom, and upper internodes of the inflorescence stalks. Cytokinins with characteristics similar to isopentenyl adenine and adenosin, zeatin, zeatin riboside, and a bound form of zeatin, were all found in the extracts. The total amount of cytokinins was higher in female than in male plants during all these stages.Reprint requests  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from dioecious plant species Rumex acetosella and R. acetosa, using cotyledons, hypocotyls and stem tips of aseptically germinated seedlings as primary explants. Cultures were also established from male and female R. acetosella adult plants, starting from vegetative lateral buds. Cell division was induced using a high 2,4-D concentration, while bud induction and multiplication were stimulated on a medium with high BAP/IAA ratio. Cotyledon fragments of both species produced only rhizogenic calli. Hypocotyl-derived calli of R. acetosella produced buds, while those of R. acetosa showed no bud forming response under these conditions. Bud multiplication occurred in stem tip cultures of both species and in lateral bud cultures of R. acetosella. Calli derived from male plants produced more buds than those from female. Shoots were easily rooted using IBA, and plantlets were effectively transferred to soil. Flowering was not induced in culture. The sex of regenerated male and female plants was not altered by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

Vegetative growth patterns ofRumex acetosella L. were investigated both in experimental conditions and in the field. Plants originating from geographically and ecologically contrasting areas expressed significant differentiation in height, weight, and leaf production, even at early stages. The plants belonging to subsp.angiocarpus grew thaller than other plants. The differences among populations grown in a uniform environment provide evidence for genetic differentiation in morphology. Plants in natural populations were considerably lighter than experimental plants, which intensively produced a large number of rosette leaves. These differences can be attributed to substantial phenotypic plasticity. When the correlation structure among the growth traits was analyzed, seed weight and early plant size appeared to influence future plant size.  相似文献   

Variation in three life‐history traits (developmental time, preadult viability and daily female productivity) and five morphometrical traits (thorax length, wing length, wing width, wing/thorax ratio and wing‐aspect ratio) was studied at three developmental temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C) in Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila simulans collected on the island of La Gomera (Canary Archipelago). The flies originated from five closely situated localities, representing different altitudes (from 20 to 886 m above sea level) and a range of climatic conditions. We found statistically significant population effects for all traits in D. buzzatii and for most of the traits in D. simulans. Although no correlations of trait values with altitude were detected, geographical patterns for three life‐history traits and body size in D. buzzatii indicated that short‐range geographical variation in this species could be maintained by local climatic selection. Five of eight traits showed population‐by‐temperature interactions either in D. buzzatii or in D. simulans, but in all cases except wing width in D. buzzatii this could not be interpreted as adaptive responses to thermal conditions in the localities. The range of plastic changes across temperatures for particular traits differed between species, indicating a possibility for different levels of environmental stress experienced by the natural populations. The reaction norm curves and the response of within‐population variability to thermal treatments suggested better adaptations to higher and lower temperatures for D. buzzatii and D. simulans, respectively. The levels of among‐population differentiation depended on developmental temperature, implying environmental effects on the expression of the genetic variance. At 20 and 25 °C, interpopulation variability in D. buzzatii was higher than in D. simulans, while at 30 °C the opposite trend was observed. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 84 , 119–136.  相似文献   

Hatchling Sceloporus undulatus elongatus from Washington Co., Utah and S. u. garmani from Woods Co., Oklahoma were raised to maturity and reproduction under identical laboratory conditions with ad libitum food availability. Growth, allometry, age and size of maturity, clutch size and egg mass were compared among lab-raised cohorts from the two populations, among lab-raised and field-caught animals (including their field-caught mothers) and, for growth, with values obtained by previously published field studies on the same or nearby populations. For all traits population differences observed in previous field studies and current field samples resulted from both a plastic response to proximate environmental conditions and intrinsic (possibly genetic) difference. The most plastic traits were growth and age of maturity. Cohorts from both populations expressed the ability to mature in less than 6 months in the laboratory but only the S.u. garmani express early maturity in the field. Allometric differences generated during growth in the lab were not observed in field samples but may reflect an adaptive physiological difference. The least plastic trait was egg mass. The only trait for which the rank order of the difference in the field was reversed in the lab was growth rate. S.u. elongatus grew significantly faster than S.u. garmani in the lab but much slower in the field. The tendency of S.u. garmani females to breed at minimum size of maturity may be greater than that of S.u. elongatus.  相似文献   

Predator induced life-history shifts in a freshwater cladoceran   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Herwig Stibor 《Oecologia》1992,92(2):162-165
Summary Life-history theory predicts that maturity and resource allocation patterns are highly sensitive to selective predation. Under reduced adult survival, selection will favour genotypes capable of reproducing earlier, at a smaller size and with a higher reproductive effort. When exposed to water that previously held fish, (size selective predators which prefer larger Daphnia), individuals of Daphnia hyalina reproduced earlier, at a smaller size and had a higher reproductive investment. Hence the prey was able to switch its life history pattern in order to become less susceptible to predation by a specific predator. The cue that evokes the prey response is a chemical released by the predator.  相似文献   

We investigated clonal traits in the dioecious herb Rumex acetosella to characterize sexual dimorphism in clonal forms and to correlate below-ground clonal patterns and above-ground ramet distributions. We recorded creeping root length, branching patterns, ramet and clump (caespitose ramets from the same position on the root) sprouting patterns, and biomass allocations in three females and males. We also estimated the patch size of flowering ramets within a quadrat. No sexual dimorphism was detected in the frequencies of branches and flowering ramets per root length. Male plants allocated proportionally more biomass to below-ground organs. Total root length did not differ between the sexes. Females sprouted more clumps with fewer flowering ramets per root length than males, which sprouted fewer clumps with more flowering ramets, which meant that clump sprouting patterns were phalanx-like in females and guerrilla-like in males. Flowering ramets were aggregately distributed in both females and males and patch sizes were similar between sexes, indicating that the spreader propagations were not found in the guerrilla-like males. We assumed that sexual dimorphism occurred in response to physiological integration for higher reproductive effort in females.  相似文献   

Populations ofRumex acetosa andR. acetosella were studied during two growth seasons. The ramet sex ratios ofR. acetosa were always female-biased. InR. acetosella the sex ratios expressed more variation but were mostly female-biased. In both species the sex ratios commonly varied between subpopulations reflecting a partial spatial segregation of the sexes. No marked differences between sexes in vegetative vigour were detected in either species. Interactions between sex ratios, various soil characteristics and population densities were determined. Possible mechanisms for causing biased sex ratios and partial spatial segregation of the sexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Foster  Bryan L. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):171-180
I measured competitive responses of experimentally-established populations of the perennial grass, Andropogon gerardi, across a complex gradient of standing crop and species composition in the successional grasslands of southwest Michigan. The goal was to assess whether long-term (three year) population-level responses of Andropogon to competition matched the inferences made from a previous phytometer study that examined transplant responses to competition across this same gradient over a single growing season.Replicate experimental populations of Andropogon were established at seven grassland sites by sowing seed into 0.5×0.5 m plots that had been denuded of all vegetation. During the first year of the study, all Andropogon populations were maintained as monocultures by hand weeding. At the end of the first growing season, half of the monocultures were selected for continued weeding and half were left open to invasion by competitors for three years. Invasion of the unweeded populations by neighboring plants varied strongly among sites and was positively correlated with standing crop. Increased susceptibility to invasion and competition resulted in the extinction of the unweeded Andropogon populations at the two most productive sites, supporting the hypothesis that Andropogon is restricted by competition to low productivity sites in these grasslands. The finding that the intensity of competition was positively correlated with standing crop is consistent with the previous transplant study, suggesting that short-term experimental assays of competition on the growth of individual transplants may have predictive value for longer-term outcomes of competition at the population level.  相似文献   

An ecological hypothesis concerning the relative importance of factors governing the success of Oxalis acetosella on mesic upland forest sites in southern Finland was formulated and tested statistically by means of a multivariate linear model. The data consisted of a stratified random sample of 40 plots with biological measurements and associated observations on environmental variables. The covariance matrix between the incorporated variables was computed and the model parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood provided by the computer programme LISREL V. The results supported the hypothesis based on previous observations and experiments: Oxalis acetosella benefits from a high nutrient level of the soil, but is decisively dependent on the shelter provided by the tree stand. When both spruce stands and well-lit pine stands on mesic and relatively rich forest sites were considered simultaneously, only a weak correlation was found between light availability and site fertility. Accordingly, the presumed value of Oxalis acetosella as an indicator of site fertility appears to be questionable. The adequacy of linear modelling in an ecological context is discussed. The kind of models applied in this study have only a limited application range in non-experimental ecological research. However, linear modelling may contribute to solving particular ecological problems in cases where short environmental gradients are considered so that nonlinearity is not a dominant feature.  相似文献   

Steiner UK 《Oecologia》2007,152(2):201-210
An organism’s investment in different traits to reduce predation is determined by the fitness benefit of the defense relative to the fitness costs associated with the allocation of time and resources to the defense. Inherent tradeoffs in time and resource allocation should result in differential investment in defense along a resource gradient, but competing models predict different patterns of investment. There are currently insufficient empirical data on changes in investment in defensive traits or their costs along resource gradients to differentiate between the competing allocation models. In this study, I exposed tadpoles to caged predators along a resource gradient in order to estimate investment in defense and costs of defense by assessing predator-induced plasticity. Induced defenses included increased tail depth, reduced feeding, and reduced swimming activity; costs associated with these defenses were reduced developmental rate, reduced growth, and reduced survival. At low resource availability, these costs predominately resulted in reduced survival, while at high resource availability the costs yielded a reduced developmental rate. Defensive traits responded strongly to predation risk, but did not respond to resource availability (with the exception of feeding activity), whereas traits construed as costs of defenses showed the opposite pattern. Therefore, defensive traits were highly sensitive to predation risk, while traits construed as costs of defense were highly sensitive to resource allocation tradeoffs. This difference in sensitivity between the two groups of traits may explain why the correlation between the expression of defensive traits and the expression of the associated defense costs was weak. Furthermore, my results indicate that genetic linkages and mechanistic integration of multiple defensive traits and their associated costs may constrain time and resource allocation in ways that are not addressed in existing models. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Jeffrey D. Brawn 《Oecologia》1991,86(2):193-201
Summary Environmental conditions can influence the expression and correlations of phenotypic traits. I studied phenotypic plasticity in reproductive traits of Western Bluebirds breeding in northern Arizona. Data collected over 4 years on two contrasting habitats identified significant spatial and temporal variation in bluebird reproduction. Clutch size was similar over different environmental conditions whereas timing of clutch initiation, percent fledging success, and frequency of second nest attempts were flexible. Correlations between traits varied widely—often changing sign—among samples from different years or habitats. Correlations of traits with reproductive success were also dependent on environmental conditions. Variation in traits reflected behavioral responses by nesting adults to differences in time for breeding and feeding conditions. Density of trees differed between habitats and had opposing effects on these environmental variables; breeding seasons were generally longer, but feeding rates to nestlings were lower on the more open habitat. Late Spring snows delayed reproduction and increased the importance of limited time for breeding; feeding conditions were more influential following a dry Spring. This and other studies illustrate that data on phenotypic plasticity are important when evaluating the ecological and evolutionary forces underlying life histories.  相似文献   

Glushakova  A. M.  Chernov  I. Yu. 《Microbiology》2004,73(2):184-188
Analysis of an epiphytic yeast population on the leaves of the evergreen common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella L. throughout a year showed that the density and the species composition of this population underwent regular seasonal changes. There were almost no yeasts on the young spring leaves. However, the yeast population on the mature leaves tended to increase in the autumn, reaching a maximum after the formation of continuous snow cover. Then the yeast population on the leaves tended to decrease, reaching a minimum in the spring. The species diversity of the yeasts was maximum in the autumn. The population of the epiphytic yeast species Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula fujisanensis, Leucosporium scottii, and Cryptococcus flavus peaked in the autumn. On the other hand, the population of the widespread epiphytic species Cryptococcus laurentii on the wood sorrel leaves peaked in January. The relative abundance of the red-pigmented phytobionts Rhodotorula glutinis and Sporobolomyces roseus virtually did not change throughout the year. The relative abundance of the euribiotic species Cryptococcus albidus showed irregular monthly variations. The data obtained show that the epiphytic microbial population of various plants can be comprehensively studied only by analyzing this population throughout the vegetative period of the plants.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrate that natural enemies (e.g. parasites) have profound negative effects on the life-history traits of their hosts. If the host can compensate for the negative effects of parasitic infection by altering its life history, these modifications may partly form the basis of resistance or tolerance against parasites. Thus, parasites may be of considerable importance in shaping the evolution of life-history traits of their hosts. To examine if previous parasitism is associated with differences in life-history traits of the host, I conducted a common garden experiment with Urtica dioica plants originating from eight populations of which four were unparasitized, and four parasitized by the holoparasitic plant, Cuscuta europaea. A field survey indicated no differences between unparasitized and parasitized populations in, for example, the number of plant species and nutrient levels in the soil. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that differences in life-history traits between the two population types in the common garden would reflect the effects of previous selection by the parasite. In the common garden, plants from parasitized populations started to flower later and allocated less biomass to asexual reproduction (measured as the production of stolons, i.e. clonal propagation) compared to plants from unparasitized populations. These results thus indicate that selection by the parasite may have favoured later onset of flowering, and may have selected against asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Non-genetic parental effects may largely affect offspring phenotype, and such plasticity is potentially adaptive. Despite its potential importance, little is known about cross-generational effects of temperature, at least partly because parental effects were frequently considered a troublesome nuisance, rather than a target of experimental studies. We here investigate effects of parental, developmental and acclimation temperature on life-history traits in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Higher developmental temperatures reduced development times and egg size, increased egg number, but did not affect pupal mass. Between-generation temperature effects on larval time, pupal time, larval growth rate and egg size were qualitatively very similar to effects of developmental temperature, and additionally affected pupal mass but not egg number. Parental effects are important mediators of phenotypic plasticity in B. anynana, and partly yielded antagonistic effects on different components of fitness, which may constrain the evolution of cross-generational adaptive plasticity.  相似文献   

Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1995,102(2):246-254
The need to allocate a limited amount of energy between different life-history traits is a fundamental assumption in life-history theory. However, it has often turned out to be extremely difficult to measure the competing processes that contribute to costs or benefits for individual organisms. The present investigation begins by analysing how an aphid clonal lineage adapts its reproductive investment to moderate changes in host plant quality (e.g. during the life cycle of its host). Using Centaurea jacea and Uroleucon jaceae as a model plantaphid system, I show that reproductive investment can be far more complex than indicated by dry or wet mass of the gonads alone. The number of embryos of a particular size class or developmental state present in the reproductive system of an aphid is highly flexible and is influenced by the quality of the host plant. Next, the effects of a particular reproductive investment on survival during periods of food deprivation are analysed for aphids originating from host-plants of different qualities. When food stress is severe the ability to rapidly resorb and reallocate resources committed to offspring is important for survival. However, this ability is limited. I argue that, in periods of food stress, young, unsclerotized embryos might serve as a kind of energy buffer similar to a fat body and are therefore not relevant to cost-benefit calculations. However, embryos that are beginning to sclerotize within the ovarioles are not available for resorption and resource reallocation. They compete for nutrients with their mother and contribute to costs. Therefore, it is suggested that the reproductive investment of an aphid should not be equated with reproductive costs in a general al way. The dynamics of adaptive resource allocation and resorption are a key feature of an aphid's life history, and the implications for life-history theory are discussed.  相似文献   

The variation of six growth and reproduction traits in the parthenogenetic clones of Daphnia magna and its relationships with the genotypes at 5 isozyme loci were studied under controlled conditions at three food concentrations. A significant genetic component of age at maturity, growth rate and fecundity variation was detected. Nested ANOVA revealed the influences of the genotypes of the isozyme loci, that are more pronounced at the high food concentration. In some cases the genotype-environment interactions were found.The variation of body length at 6 days and total number of offspring includes a significant heterozygosity — environment interaction. The most heterozygous clones show the least differences in life history traits between food conditions.Life-history traits heritability, genotype-environment interactions and different reproductive strategies of the clones are discussed.  相似文献   

Competition is one of the most important biotic factors determining the structure of ecological communities. In this study, we show that there is variation in competitive ability between two clones of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, both of which out-compete a clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae, in the laboratory. We tested whether this variation in competitive ability would alter the outcome of interspecific competition in the field. While one pea aphid clone followed the pattern set in the laboratory, out-competing the Megoura viciae clone, another showed the reverse effect with Megoura viciae dominating. These differences appear to be the result of variation in early population growth rate between the pea aphid clones, rather than predation, although predation did lead to the eventual extinction of colonies. We also questioned whether intra- and interspecific differences in predator escape behaviour could affect the outcome of competition in the field. All three clones responded similarly to the presence of foraging hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus), but the Megoura viciae clone dropped from the plant significantly less often in response to the presence of a foraging two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). This work provides evidence that intraspecific variation in competitive ability can alter the outcome of interspecific competitive interactions in nature and suggests that species–specific behavioural traits may have the potential to modify the outcome of these interactions.  相似文献   

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