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1. Plants represent a highly heterogeneous resource for herbivores. One dimension of this heterogeneity is reflected by the within‐plant variation in the leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA), i.e. in the magnitude of the random deviations from the symmetry in leaf shape. 2. This study is the first to test experimentally the hypothesis that variation in the quality of individual leaves for defoliating insects (11 species) within a plant (seven tree and shrub species) is associated with the FA of these leaves. 3. It was demonstrated that specialist defoliators generally distinguish between nearly symmetric (low FA) and highly asymmetric (high FA) leaves, but do not distinguish between discs cut from these leaves. Low‐FA leaves of Salix caprea, Salix myrsinifolia and Populus tremula were of better quality for insects than high‐FA leaves, as demonstrated by both preference tests and performance trials. By contrast, high‐FA leaves of Betula pubescens were of better quality for insects than low‐FA leaves, whereas insects feeding on Alnus incana showed similar responses to high‐ and low‐FA leaves. 4. It is concluded that insect herbivores can distinguish between leaves with high and low FA, and that FA may be associated with the quality of an individual leaf for insects, although the direction and strength of the effect of leaf FA on insect preference and performance vary among study systems. The ecological significance of substantial within‐plant variation in leaf FA remains to be explored.  相似文献   

What do red and yellow autumn leaves signal?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The widespread phenomenon of red and yellow autumn leaves has recently attracted considerable scientific attention. The fact that this phenomenon is so prominent in the cooler, temperate regions and less common in warmer climates is a good indication of a climate-specific effect. In addition to the putative multifarious physiological benefits, such as protection from photoinhibition and photo-oxidation, several plant/animal interaction functions for such coloration have been proposed. These include (1) that the bright leaf colors may signal frugivores about ripe fruits (fruit flags) to enhance seed dispersal; (2) that they signal aphids that the trees are well defended (a case of Zahavi’s handicap principle operating in plants); (3) that the coloration undermines herbivore insect camouflage; (4) that they function according to the “defense indication hypothesis,” which states that red leaves are chemically defended because anthocyanins correlate with various defensive compounds; or (5) that because sexual reproduction advances the onset of leaf senescence, the pigments might indicate to sucking herbivores that the leaves have low amounts of resources. Although the authors of hypotheses 3, 4, and 5 did not say that bright autumn leaves are aposematic, since such leaves are chemically defended, unpalatable, or both, we suggest that they are indeed aposematic. We propose that in addition to the above-mentioned hypotheses, autumn colors signal to herbivorous insects about another defensive plant property: the reliable, honest, and critical information that the leaves are about to be shed and may thus cause their mortality. We emphasize that all types of defensive and physiological functions of autumn leaves may operate simultaneously.  相似文献   

Overcompensation by plants: Herbivore optimization or red herring?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Summary The increased growth rates, higher total biomass, and increased seed production occasionally found in grazed or clipped plants are more accurately interpreted as the results of growth at one end of a spectrum of normal plant regrowth patterns, rather than as overcompensation, herbivore-stimulated growth, plantherbivore mutualisms, or herbivore enhanced fitness. Plants experience injury from a wide variety of sources besides herbivory, including fire, wind, freezing, heat, and trampling; rapid regrowth may have been selected for by any one of the many types of physical disturbance or extreme conditions that damage plant tissues, or by a combination of all of them. Rapid plant regrowth is more likely to have evolved as a strategy to reduce the negative impacts of all types of damage than as a strategy to increase fitness following herbivory above ungrazed levels. There is no evolutionary justification and little evidence to support the idea that plant-herbivore mutualisms are likely to evolve. Neither life history theory nor recent theoretical models provide plausible explanations for the benefits of herbivory.Several assumptions underlie all discussions of the benefits of herbivory: that plant species are able to evolve a strategy of depending on herbivores to increase their productivity and fitness; that herbivores do not preferentially regraze the overcompensating plants; that resources will be sufficient for regrowth; and that being larger is always better than being smaller. None of these assumptions is necessarily correct.  相似文献   

Active DNA demethylation performed by ten-eleven translocation (TET) enzymes produces 5-hydroxymethylcytosines, 5-formylcytosines, and 5-carboxylcytosines. Recent observations suggest that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is a stable epigenetic mark rather than merely an intermediate of DNA demethylation. However, the clear functional role of this new epigenetic player is elusive. The contribution of 5-hydroxymethylation to DNA repair is being discussed currently. Recently, Jiang and colleagues have demonstrated that DNA damage response-activated ATR kinase phosphorylates TET3 in mammalian cells and promotes DNA demethylation and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine accumulation. Moreover, TET3 catalytic activity is important for proper DNA repair and cell survival. Here, we discuss recent studies on the potential role of 5-hydroxymethylation in DNA repair and genome integrity maintenance.  相似文献   

Why some leaves are anthocyanic and why most anthocyanic leaves are red?   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Yiannis Manetas 《Flora》2006,201(3):163-177
The adaptive significance of leaf reddening, as it occurs during specific developmental stages or after stress, has puzzled biologists for more than a century. Theoretically, the accumulation of a non-photosynthetic pigment competing with chlorophylls for photon capture would impose a photosynthetic cost, which should be paid off by the benefits afforded by anthocyanins under some circumstances. Hence, the proposed hypotheses presume protective functions against excess light, UV-B radiation, reactive oxygen species, water stress (osmoregulation) and herbivory. The existing arguments in favor of an anti-oxidant, anti-UV-B and osmoregulatory role are confounded by the co-occurrence in leaves of other compounds having the same properties, not absorbing visible light, attaining much higher concentrations and, in some cases, having a more appropriate location to fulfill the ascribed functions. Moreover, the excess light hypothesis should take into account that anthocyanins mainly absorb green photons, which are used photosynthetically in deeper cell layers needing less photoprotection. The more ecological, anti-herbivore hypotheses, consider red leaf color as a signal denoting high defensive commitment, as a camouflage obscuring the green reflectance indicative of a healthy leaf and/or as a device undermining the folivorous insects camouflage. The anti-herbivore hypotheses have not been thoroughly tested, yet they are compatible with the known optical preferences of insects and their underlying physiology. Overall, although a multiplicity of potential roles can be argued, the primary role may depend on the reference system, i.e. species, developmental stage or specific biotic and abiotic stressors.  相似文献   

The reported estrogenic action of phenol red and/or its lipophilic contaminants has led to the widespread use of indicator-free culture medium to conduct endocrine studies in vitro. Because we have recently developed methods to measure large-magnitude estrogen effects in the tissue culture medium containing phenol red, we concluded that the indicator issue required further evaluation. To do this, we selected nine estrogen receptor positive (ER+) cell lines representing four target tissues and three species. We investigated phenol red using five different experimental protocols. First, 17beta-estradiol (E2) responsive growth of all nine ER+ cells lines was compared in the medium with and without the indicator. Second, using representative lines we asked if phenol red was mitogenic in the indicator-free medium. The dose-response effects of phenol red were compared directly to those of E2. Third, we asked if tamoxifen-inhibited growth equally in phenol red-containing and indicator-free medium. This study was based on a report indicating that antiestrogen effects should be seen only in phenol red-containing medium. Fourth, we asked if phenol red displaced the binding of 3H-E2 using ERK intact human breast cancer cells. Fifth, we compared E2 and phenol red as inducers of the progesterone receptor using a human breast cancer cell line. All the experiments presented in this report support the conclusion that the concentration of phenol red contaminants in a standard culture medium available today is not sufficient to cause estrogenic effects. In brief, our studies indicate that the real issue of how to demonstrate estrogenic effects in culture resides elsewhere than phenol red. We have found that the demonstration of sex steroid hormone-mitogenic effects in culture depends upon conditions that maximize the effects of a serum-borne inhibitor(s). When the effects of the inhibitor are optimized, the presence or absence of phenol red makes no everyday difference to the demonstration of estrogen mitogenic effects with several target cell types from diverse species.  相似文献   

At irradiances close to those representing a sunny day, red and green leaves of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) showed only minor differences in their photosynthetic capacities despite the strong differences in their pigment composition. However, contrarily to green leaves, red leaves did not show inhibition of photosynthesis at high irradiances, because anthocyanins protected chloroplasts from photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Why are young leaves red?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Two recent hypotheses have proposed that non-green plant colouration evolved as a defence against herbivores, either as protective colouration promoting handicap signals indicating plant fitness or by undermining their crypsis. The handicap hypothesis posits a co-evolutionary process between plants and herbivores, whereas the anti-crypsis hypothesis suggests that an arms race between insects and plants is the evolutionary mechanism. Both explanations assume that insects are the evolutionary origin causing plants' colouration. Here, we propose a different hypothesis, termed the "Defence Indication hypothesis". This idea focuses on the multiple protective functions of anthocyanins and carotenoids as pigments, and suggests that plant colouration evolved primarily in response to various stressors. Because pigments and defensive compounds share a common biosynthesis, the production of pigments also provides elevated defensive strengths against herbivores, a process termed priming. In effect, the Defence Indication hypothesis predicts that pleiotropic effects of the pigments and, more generally, plants' shared defence responses, explain why insects might react to plant colouration.  相似文献   

In host-parasitoid communities, hosts are subjected to selective pressures from numerous parasitoid species, and parasitoids may attack several host species. The specificity of host resistance and parasitoid virulence is thus a key factor in host-parasitoid coevolution. A continuum of strategies exists, from strict specificity to a generalist strategy. The optimal level of specificity may differ in host and parasitoid. I investigated the optimal level of resistance specificity using a model in which the host could be attacked by two parasitoid species, with variable levels of defense specificity. The fitness of a parasitoid attacking two host species with different levels of virulence specificity was also modeled. Finally, a fluctuating environment was simulated by introducing variable probabilities of encounters between antagonistic species over several generations. If the frequency of encounters with the antagonistic species is fixed, then both host and parasitoid gain from a strategy of exclusive specialization toward the most frequent antagonist. If the frequency of encounters fluctuates between generations, generalist host resistance and partially specialist parasitoid virulence are favored. Generalist host resistance may be considered to be a bet-hedging response to an unpredictable environment. This asymmetry in host-parasitoid coevolution may account for some of the genetic structures observed in the field for host-parasitoid associations.  相似文献   

Many species of insects eat Eucalyptus foliage despite its relatively low nutritional value and the many plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) present, for example, terpenes, phenols and formylated phloroglucinols (FPGs). Formylated phloroglucinols are a new class of PSMs that act as antifeedants for possums and koalas. What physiological processes are present that permit insects to eat eucalypt foliage and how do PSMs influence insect feeding or digestion? Some trees seem to be repeatedly infested with eucalypt‐feeding insects, possibly as a result of previous chemosensory cues remaining from parental selection of a plant. Avoidance or storage of PSMs permit jarrah leafminers (Perthida glyphopa) and sawflies (Perga sp.) to consume eucalypt foliage without dealing with the majority of these compounds. Some PSMs can be metabolized by polysubstrate membrane oxidases as found in caterpillars or sawflies that feed on eucalypts. High midgut pH may be advantageous for nutrient extraction and PSM metabolism, and midgut pH ranges between 8.5 and 8.9 for caterpillars of Hyalarcta huebneri. Plant secondary metabolites may not be absorbed as a result of the combined presence of the peritrophic matrix and endogenous surfactants. Excretion of PSMs can be as metabolites or intact compounds. Both putative metabolites and sideroxylonal‐A, an FPG, are present in the faeces of larvae of the case moth, H. huebneri. The presence of sideroxylonal‐A in the food had an effect on the presence of 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5HT) in the central nervous system of caterpillars, as larvae fed leaves with a high concentration of sideroxylonal‐A had relatively more 5HT in the brain and central nervous system ganglia than larvae fed leaves containing a low concentration. Further work is necessary to clarify how PSMs are handled by eucalypt‐feeding insects and what effect FPGs have on feeding and digestion.  相似文献   

A deterministic model of the distribution of tsetse flies (Glossina spp) was used to assess the extent to which the efficacy of control operations would be affected by three different modes of density dependence in per capita adult dispersal: (i) density‐independent dispersal which has been commonly adopted in previous models, (ii) positive density‐dependent dispersal which has occasionally been discussed in the tsetse literature, (iii) negative density‐dependent dispersal (NDDD). The last has recently been suggested, from genetic studies, to change the dispersal rate of tsetse by up to 200‐fold, thereby posing a severe risk for the success of tsetse control operations. Modelling outputs showed that NDDD poses no such risk, provided the mean daily dispersal of tsetse is below about 1 km, which is greater than any rate actually recorded in the field or indicated by the genetic studies. NDDD can be problematic only if tsetse disperse at rates that appear highly unlikely, or even impossible, on energetic grounds. Under some circumstances these high rates would help rather than hinder the control officer. NDDD is not necessary to explain the results of control operations, and not sufficient to explain the results of successful control programmes.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between the gender of insects and their ability to act as vectors of insect-borne diseases (IBDs) could provide clues as to the origin of the intimate interplay among insect, pathogen and vertebrate hosts. The vector activity of several species of blood-feeding insects is linked to adult females. Interestingly, the only known exception is the transmission of canine and human thelaziosis by a male dipteran fly. This biological difference raises the question as to whether the parasitic behaviour of male and female insects transmitting IBDs is an expression of a co-evolution of vectors and pathogens.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and discuss a simple two-dimensional model describing the interaction between two species: a plant population that gets pollinated by an insect population. The plants attract the insects deceiving them and not delivering any reward. We are interested in analysing the effect of learning by the insect population due to unsuccessfully visiting the deceiving plants. We are especially interested in three elements: conditions for the simultaneous coexistence of both species, their extinction as a function of the biological cost of the deceptiveness for the pollinator, and the appearance of oscillations in the dynamics. We also look for conditions under which plants would be better off by switching to different strategies, in particular, we look for conditions for the existence and stability of the equilibria of the corresponding differential equations system, and the conditions for the existence of periodic solutions.  相似文献   

We reveal here the visual ecological reasons for the phenomenon that aquatic insects often land on red, black and dark-coloured cars. Monitoring the numbers of aquatic beetles and bugs attracted to shiny black, white, red and yellow horizontal plastic sheets, we found that red and black reflectors are equally highly attractive to water insects, while yellow and white reflectors are unattractive. The reflection-polarization patterns of black, white, red and yellow cars were measured in the red, green and blue parts of the spectrum. In the blue and green, the degree of linear polarization p of light reflected from red and black cars is high and the direction of polarization of light reflected from red and black car roofs, bonnets and boots is nearly horizontal. Thus, the horizontal surfaces of red and black cars are highly attractive to red-blind polarotactic water insects. The p of light reflected from the horizontal surfaces of yellow and white cars is low and its direction of polarization is usually not horizontal. Consequently, yellow and white cars are unattractive to polarotactic water insects. The visual deception of aquatic insects by cars can be explained solely by the reflection-polarizational characteristics of the car paintwork.  相似文献   

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