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Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) has spread rapidly and causes serious yield losses in the major wheat‐growing areas in China. Because it is vectored by the fungus‐like organism Polymyxa graminis that survives for long periods in soil, it is difficult to eliminate by conventional crop management or fungicides. There is also only limited resistance in commercial cultivars. In this research, fourteen independent transgenic events were obtained by co‐transformation with the antisense NIb8 gene (the NIb replicase of WYMV) and a selectable gene bar. Four original transgenic lines (N12, N13, N14 and N15) and an offspring line (N12‐1) showed high and durable resistance to WYMV in the field. Four resistant lines were shown to have segregated and only contain NIb8 (without bar) by PCR and herbicide resistance testing in the later generations. Line N12‐1 showed broad‐spectrum resistance to WYMV isolates from different sites in China. After growing in the infested soil, WYMV could not be detected by tissue printing and Western blot assays of transgenic wheat. The grain yield of transgenic wheat was about 10% greater than the wild‐type susceptible control. Northern blot and small RNA deep sequencing analyses showed that there was no accumulation of small interfering RNAs targeting the NIb8 gene in transgenic wheat plants, suggesting that transgene RNA silencing, a common mechanism of virus‐derived disease resistance, is not involved in the process of WYMV resistance. This durable and broad‐spectrum resistance to WYMV in transgenic wheat will be useful for alleviating the damage caused by WYMV.  相似文献   

在抗病毒植物基因工程中,利用病毒的复制酶基因是一种很有前途的方法。本对烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的基因组结构及其编码的蛋白的功能作了简介,同时较详细地阐述了由TMV复制本科的通读部分、全长复制酶以及突变或缺失的复制酶介导的对病毒抗性的研究进展。  相似文献   

Genetic modification in plants helps us to understand molecular mechanisms underlying on plant fitness and to improve profitable crops. However, in transgenic plants, the value of gene expression often varies among plant populations of distinct lines and among generations of identical individuals. This variation is caused by several reasons, such as differences in the chromosome position, repeated sequences, and copy number of the inserted transgene. Developing a state-of-art technology to avoid the variation of gene expression levels including gene silencing has been awaited. Here, we developed a novel binary plasmid (pTACAtg1) that is based on a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, harboring long genomic DNA fragments on both sides of the cloning sites. As a case study, we cloned the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter:β-glucuronidase (35S:GUS) gene cassettes into the pTACAtg1, and introduced it with long flanking sequences on the pTACAtg1 into the plants. In isolated transgenic plants, the copy number was reduced and the GUS expressions were detected more stably than those in the control plants carrying the insert without flanking regions. In our result, the reduced copy number of a transgene suppressed variation and silencing of its gene expression. The pTACAtg1 vector will be suitable for the production of stable transformants and for expression analyses of a transgene.  相似文献   

Amide hydrogen exchange and mass spectrometry have been used to study the pH-induced structural changes in the capsid of brome mosaic virus (BMV). Capsid protein was labeled in a structurally sensitive way by incubating intact viral particles in D(2)O at pH 5.4 and 7.3. Deuterium levels in the intact coat protein and its proteolytic fragments were determined by mass spectrometry. The largest deuterium increases induced by structural alteration occurred in the regions around the quasi-threefold axes, which are located at the center of the asymmetric unit. The increased levels of deuterium indicate loosening of structure in these regions. This observation confirms the previously proposed swelling model for BMV and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) and is consistent with the structure of swollen CCMV recently determined by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction. Structural changes in the extended N- and C-terminal arms were also detected and compared with the results obtained with other swollen plant viruses. This study demonstrates that protein fragmentation/amide hydrogen exchange is a useful tool for probing structural changes in viral capsids.  相似文献   

Three synthetic genes for the production of anti-sense RNA to different regions of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome were constructed using virus-derived double-stranded cDNA coupled to a promoter sequence from cauliflower mosaic virus. The genes were used to transform tobacco plants by a Ti plasmid vector. Transgenic plants obtained with the three constructs produced anti-sense RNA at different levels. Plants expressing each of the three anti-sense RNAs were inoculated with CMV and their sensitivity to the virus infection was compared with the non-transformed plants. Only one plant line which expressed relatively low levels of one of the anti-sense RNAs showed resistance to CMV but other plants expressing the same or the other two antisense RNAs had similar sensitivity to CMV infection as the non-transformed plants.  相似文献   

Cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV) is the most prevalent virus infecting orchids. Here, we report the isolation of partial cDNA clones encoding the genomic RNA of CyMV. Like most of the polyadenylated monopartite positive-strand RNA viruses, the open reading frame (ORF) coding for the viral coat protein (CP) is located at the 3 end. The ORF predicts a polypeptide chain of 220 amino acids with a molecular weight of 23 600. Sequence comparison of this ORF to the CP sequences of potato virus X(PVX) and white clover mosaic virus (WCIMV) revealed a strong amino acid homology in the mid-portion of the CP, but the overall homology was low. The CyMV CP gene was placed downstream of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and the chimaeric gene was transferred into Nicotiana benthamiana. Transgenic plants expressing the CyMV CP were protected against CyMV infection.  相似文献   

One of the most convenient methods for the fast and efficient production of target proteins in plants involves self-replicating recombinant viral vectors. We have constructed a plant viral vector based on the genome of the potato X virus. This vector contains the sequence of the 5′-untranslated region of RNA 4 of the alfalfa mosaic virus immediately upstream of the target gene. The incorporation of this sequence into the viral vector increases the production of the target protein by the recipient plant three- to fourfold owing to the increased efficiency of translation of viral subgenomic RNA comprising the target gene. The new vector can be used for the production of recombinant proteins in plants. Original Russian Text ? E.S. Mardanova, R.Yu. Kotlyarov, N.V. Ravin, 2009, published in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 568–571.  相似文献   

Technical enzymes are used in many industrial applications. Nowadays technical enzymes are often produced in transgenic host organisms. The use of transgenic plants with respect to high level of expression at low costs as a prerequisite for successful commercial production of technical enzymes is discussed. This review summarises recently published examples for production of technical enzymes in plants. In addition, plastid transformation and viral vectors are discussed as methods which might be useful for obtaining high expression level of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   

RNA沉默与植物病毒   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
植物中RNA沉默(RNAsilencing)亦称为转录后基因沉默(PTGS)或共抑制,是植物抵抗外来核酸(转座子、转基因或病毒)入侵,并保护自身基因组完整性的一种防御机制。RNA沉默是近十年来发现的植物界中普遍存在的现象,已成为植物分子生物学领域的一个新的研究方向。对RNA沉默特点和机制的研究表明,植物病毒与(转基因)植物内发生的RNA沉默有着密切的联系,作者从病毒对RNA沉默的诱导、抑制、防御等方面,简述了RNA沉默与病毒的关系。并对病毒载体所诱导的RNA沉默在植物发育和基因组功能分析等方面的应用价值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a new potato virus X (PVX) strain Tula isolated by us has been determined. Based on comparison of the PVX Tula nucleotide sequence with the sequences of 12 other PVX strains, this strain was assigned to the European cluster of PVX strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the same phylogeny for both full genome sequences and nucleotide sequences of polymerase and coat protein genes, suggesting that the PVX evolution did not involve recombination between different strains. The full-size cDNA copy of the PVX Tula genome was cloned and the accumulation of the viral coat protein in infected Nicotiana benthamiana was shown to be about twofold higher than for the PVX strain UK3. Based on the PVX Tula genome, a new vector which contained the target gene instead of the removed triple transport gene block and the coat protein gene has been constructed for expression of target proteins in plants. The productivity of the new vector was about 1.5-2-fold higher than the productivity of the vector of the same structure based on the standard PVX strain genome. The new viral vector can be used for superproduction of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   

The statistical analyses of populations of first-generation transgenic plants are commonly based on mean and variance and generally require a test of normality. Since in many cases the assumptions of normality are not met, analyses can result in erroneous conclusions. Transformation of data to normality, the use of other distributions, or distribution-free statistical tests should then be used to obtain valid conclusions from these populations.  相似文献   

We used bisulfite sequencing to study the methylation of a viral transgene whose expression was silenced upon plum pox virus infection of the transgenic plant and its subsequent recovery as a consequence of so‐called virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS). VIGS was associated with a general increase in the accumulation of small RNAs corresponding to the coding region of the viral transgene. After VIGS, the transgene promoter was not methylated and the coding region showed uneven methylation, with the 5′ end being mostly unmethylated in the recovered tissue or mainly methylated at CG sites in regenerated silenced plants. The methylation increased towards the 3′ end, which showed dense methylation in all three contexts (CG, CHG and CHH). This methylation pattern and the corresponding silenced status were maintained after plant regeneration from recovered silenced tissue and did not spread into the promoter region, but were not inherited in the sexual offspring. Instead, a new pattern of methylation was observed in the progeny plants consisting of disappearance of the CHH methylation, similar CHG methylation at the 3′ end, and an overall increase in CG methylation in the 5′ end. The latter epigenetic state was inherited over several generations and did not correlate with transgene silencing and hence virus resistance. These results suggest that the widespread CG methylation pattern found in body gene bodies located in euchromatic regions of plant genomes may reflect an older silencing event, and most likely these genes are no longer silenced.  相似文献   

病毒诱导的基因沉默及其在植物基因功能研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
RNA介导的基因沉默是近年来在生物体中发现的一种基于核酸水平高度保守的特异性降解机制.病毒诱导的基因沉默(virus induced gene silencing, VIGS)是指携带植物功能基因cDNA的病毒在侵染植物体后,可诱导植物发生基因沉默而出现表型突变,进而可以研究该目的基因功能.至今,已经建立了以RNA病毒、DNA病毒、卫星病毒和DNA卫星分子为载体的VIGS体系,这些病毒载体能在多种寄主植物(包括拟南芥、番茄和大麦)上有效抑制功能基因的表达.VIGS已开始应用于N基因和Pto基因介导的抗性信号途径中关键基因的功能研究、抗病毒相关的寄主因子研究以及植物代谢和发育调控研究.在当前植物基因组或EST序列大量测定的情况下,VIGS为植物基因功能鉴定提供了有效的技术平台.  相似文献   

It is possible to replace the CaMV (cauliflower mosaic virus) ORF (open reading frame) II with foreign sequences without interfering with virus viability. Such recom-binants can induce the synthesis of substantial amounts of a foreign protein in infected plants and confer new properties to these plants. However, so far only three genes have been successfully cloned and expressed in this way. The expression mechanism of CaMV demands precise replacement of ORF II and probably certain structural features of the viral 35S RNA, which should not be disturbed by inserted sequences. Since these features are largely unknown, it cannot at present be pre-dicted whether an insert will be tolerated. It is more likely that larger inserts will disturb the viral gene expression mechanism than smaller ones.  相似文献   

转基因植物中RNA介导的病毒抗性研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭兴启  温孚江  朱常香 《生命科学》2000,12(4):166-169,161
利用病毒核酸序列培育抗病毒的转基因植物是一个重要的抗病毒基因工程策略。虽然很多种病毒的不同核酸序列已被使用并证明转基因植物有不同程度的抗病毒效果,但其抗病机制大多不清楚。目前至少有两种明显不同的抗病机制类型:一种是要求病毒编码的蛋白质的表达;另一种是仅仅依靠转基因的TNA转录。本文综述了这种RNA介导的抗性特点、分子生物学、抗病机制,以及与共抑制的相似性,并对RNA介导的病毒抗性的意义加以讨论。  相似文献   

马三梅  王永飞 《广西植物》2004,24(3):270-274,247
得到转基因植物以后 ,标记基因就失去了筛选的作用。但它的存在引起公众对转基因植物的安全性以及环境效应的担心 ,所以在目的基因转入后 ,要去除标记基因。该文主要就利用共转化、转座子、同源重组、位点特异重组酶等去除标记基因的方法进行了总结 ,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较 ,对该技术未来的发展趋势也进行了展望。  相似文献   

转基因植物中标记基因的消除   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着转基因植物的商业化,植物遗传转化技术将为农业生产带来一场新的革命,新的基因转化程序要求转基因为单拷贝,不带有标记基因,并在不同的转化体中表达一致,稳定遗传,本文讨论了转基因植物中有关标记基因及其安全性和标记基因消除的方法等问题。  相似文献   

For the production of broad commercial resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection, tomato plants were transformed with a combination of two coat protein (CP) genes, representing both subgroups of CMV. The CP genes were cloned from the CMV-D strain and Italian CMV isolates (CMV-22 of subgroup I and CMV-PG of subgroup II) which have been shown to produce severe disease symptoms. Four plant transformation vectors were constructed: pMON18774 and pMON18775 (CMV-D CP), pMON18831 (CMV-PG CP) and pMON18833 (CMV-22 CP and CMV-PG CP). Transformed R0 plants were produced and lines were selected based on the combination of three traits: CMV CP expression at the R0 stage, resistance to CMV (subgroup I and/or II) infection in growth chamber tests in R1 expressing plants, and single transgene copy, based on R1 segregation. The results indicate that all four vector constructs generated plants with extremely high resistant to CMV infection. The single and double gene vector construct produced plants with broad resistance against strains of CMV from both subgroups I and II at high frequency. The engineered resistance is of practical value and will be applied for major Italian tomato varieties. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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