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Treppo, Steven, Srboljub M. Mijailovich, and José G. Venegas. Contributions of pulmonary perfusion and ventilation toheterogeneity in A/measured by PET. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4): 1163-1176, 1997. To estimate the contributions of the heterogeneity in regionalperfusion () and alveolar ventilation(A) to that of ventilation-perfusionratio (A/), we haverefined positron emission tomography (PET) techniques to image localdistributions of andA per unit of gas volume content(s and sA,respectively) and VA/ indogs. sA was assessed in two ways:1) the washout of 13NN tracer after equilibrationby rebreathing (sAi), and2) the ratio of an apneic image after a bolus intravenousinfusion of 13NN-saline solution to an image collectedduring a steady-state intravenous infusion of the same solution(sAp).sAp was systematically higher than sAi in allanimals, and there was a high spatial correlation betweens andsAp in both body positions(mean correlation was 0.69 prone and 0.81 supine) suggesting thatventilation to well-perfused units was higher than to those poorlyperfused. In the prone position, the spatial distributions ofs, sAp, and A/ were fairlyuniform with no significant gravitational gradients; however, in thesupine position, these variables were significantly more heterogeneous,mostly because of significant gravitational gradients (15, 5.5, and10%/cm, respectively) accounting for 73, 33, and 66% of thecorresponding coefficient of variation (CV)2 values. Weconclude that, in the prone position, gravitational forces in blood andlung tissues are largely balanced out by dorsoventral differences inlung structure. In the supine position, effects of gravity andstructure become additive, resulting in substantial gravitationalgradients in s andsAp, with the higherheterogeneity inA/ caused by agravitational gradient in s, only partially compensated by that in sA.


The mechanism(s)limiting muscle O2 uptake(O2) kinetics wasinvestigated in isolated canine gastrocnemius muscles(n = 7) during transitions from restto 3 min of electrically stimulated isometric tetanic contractions(200-ms trains, 50 Hz; 1 contraction/2 s; 60-70% of peakO2). Two conditions weremainly compared: 1) spontaneousadjustment of blood flow () [control, spontaneous (C Spont)]; and2) pump-perfused, adjusted ~15 s before contractions at aconstant level corresponding to the steady-state value duringcontractions in C Spont [faster adjustment ofO2 delivery (FastO2 Delivery)]. During FastO2 Delivery, 1-2 ml/min of102 M adenosine wereinfused intra-arterially to prevent inordinate pressure increases withthe elevated . The purpose of the study was todetermine whether a faster adjustment ofO2 delivery would affectO2 kinetics. was measured continuously; arterial(CaO2) and popliteal venous(CvO2)O2 contents were determined atrest and at 5- to 7-s intervals during contractions;O2 delivery was calculated as · CaO2,and O2 was calculated as · arteriovenous O2 content difference. Times toreach 63% of the difference between baseline and steady-stateO2 during contractions were23.8 ± 2.0 (SE) s in C Spont and 21.8 ± 0.9 s in FastO2 Delivery (not significant). Inthe present experimental model, elimination of any delay inO2 delivery during therest-to-contraction transition did not affect muscleO2 kinetics, which suggeststhat this kinetics was mainly set by an intrinsic inertia of oxidativemetabolism.


Respiratory muscle work compromises leg blood flow during maximal exercise   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Harms, Craig A., Mark A. Babcock, Steven R. McClaran, DavidF. Pegelow, Glenn A. Nickele, William B. Nelson, and Jerome A. Dempsey.Respiratory muscle work compromises leg blood flow during maximalexercise. J. Appl. Physiol.82(5): 1573-1583, 1997.We hypothesized that duringexercise at maximal O2 consumption (O2 max),high demand for respiratory muscle blood flow() would elicit locomotor muscle vasoconstrictionand compromise limb . Seven male cyclists(O2 max 64 ± 6 ml · kg1 · min1)each completed 14 exercise bouts of 2.5-min duration atO2 max on a cycleergometer during two testing sessions. Inspiratory muscle work waseither 1) reduced via aproportional-assist ventilator, 2)increased via graded resistive loads, or3) was not manipulated (control).Arterial (brachial) and venous (femoral) blood samples, arterial bloodpressure, leg (legs;thermodilution), esophageal pressure, andO2 consumption(O2) weremeasured. Within each subject and across all subjects, at constantmaximal work rate, significant correlations existed(r = 0.74-0.90;P < 0.05) between work of breathing(Wb) and legs (inverse), leg vascular resistance (LVR), and leg O2(O2 legs;inverse), and between LVR and norepinephrine spillover. Mean arterialpressure did not change with changes in Wb nor did tidal volume orminute ventilation. For a ±50% change from control in Wb,legs changed 2 l/min or 11% of control, LVRchanged 13% of control, and O2extraction did not change; thusO2 legschanged 0.4 l/min or 10% of control. TotalO2 max was unchangedwith loading but fell 9.3% with unloading; thusO2 legsas a percentage of totalO2 max was 81% incontrol, increased to 89% with respiratory muscle unloading, anddecreased to 71% with respiratory muscle loading. We conclude that Wbnormally incurred during maximal exercise causes vasoconstriction inlocomotor muscles and compromises locomotor muscle perfusion andO2.


Proctor, David N., Kenneth C. Beck, Peter H. Shen, Tamara J. Eickhoff, John R. Halliwill, and Michael J. Joyner. Influence ofage and gender on cardiacoutput-O2 relationshipsduring submaximal cycle ergometry. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 599-605, 1998.It is presentlyunclear how gender, aging, and physical activity status interact todetermine the magnitude of the rise in cardiac output(c) during dynamic exercise. To clarify this issue,the present study examined thec-O2 uptake(O2) relationship duringgraded leg cycle ergometry in 30 chronically endurance-trained subjects from four groups (n = 6-8/group): younger men (20-30 yr), older men (56-72yr), younger women (24-31 yr), and older women(51-72 yr). c (acetylene rebreathing), strokevolume (c/heart rate), and whole bodyO2 were measured at restand during submaximal exercise intensities (40, 70, and ~90% of peakO2). Baseline restinglevels of c were 0.6-1.2 l/min less in theolder groups. However, the slopes of thec-O2relationship across submaximal levels of cycling were similar among allfour groups (5.4-5.9 l/l). The absolute cassociated with a given O2(1.0-2.0 l/min) was also similar among groups. Resting andexercise stroke volumes (ml/beat) were lower in women than in men butdid not differ among age groups. However, older men and women showed areduced ability, relative to their younger counterparts, to maintainstroke volume at exercise intensities above 70% of peakO2. This latter effect wasmost prominent in the oldest women. These findings suggest that neitherage nor gender has a significant impact on thec-O2 relationships during submaximal cycle ergometry among chronically endurance-trained individuals.


Repetitiveisometric tetanic contractions (1/s) of the caninegastrocnemius-plantaris muscle were studied either at optimal length(Lo) or shortlength (Ls;~0.9 · Lo),to determine the effects of initial length on mechanical and metabolicperformance in situ. Respective averages of mechanical and metabolicvariables were(Lo vs.Ls, allP < 0.05) passive tension (preload) = 55 vs. 6 g/g, maximal active tetanic tension(Po) = 544 vs. 174 (0.38 · Po)g/g, maximal blood flow () = 2.0 vs. 1.4 ml · min1 · g1,and maximal oxygen uptake(O2) = 12 vs. 9 µmol · min1 · g1.Tension at Lodecreased to0.64 · Po over20 min of repetitive contractions, demonstrating fatigue; there were nosignificant changes in tension atLs. In separatemuscles contracting atLo, was set to that measured atLs (1.1 ml · min1 · g1),resulting in decreased O2(7 µmol · min1 · g1),and rapid fatigue, to0.44 · Po. Thesedata demonstrate that 1)muscles at Lohave higher andO2 values than those at Ls;2) fatigue occurs atLo with highO2, adjusting metabolic demand (tension output) to match supply; and3) the lack of fatigue atLs with lowertension, , andO2 suggestsadequate matching of metabolic demand, set low by shortmuscle length, with supply optimized by low preload. Thesedifferences in tension andO2 betweenLo andLs groupsindicate that muscles contracting isometrically at initial lengthsshorter than Loare working under submaximal conditions.


Dysoxia canbe defined as ATP flux decreasing in proportion toO2 availability with preserved ATPdemand. Hepatic venous -hydroxybutyrate-to-acetoacetate ratio(-OHB/AcAc) estimates liver mitochondrial NADH/NAD and may detectthe onset of dysoxia. During partial dysoxia (as opposed to anoxia),however, flow may be adequate in some liver regions, diluting effluentfrom dysoxic regions, thereby rendering venous -OHB/AcAc unreliable.To address this concern, we estimated tissue ATP whilegradually reducing liver blood flow of swine to zero in a nuclearmagnetic resonance spectrometer. ATP flux decreasing withO2 availability was taken asO2 uptake(O2) decreasing inproportion to O2 delivery(O2);and preserved ATP demand was taken as increasingPi/ATP.O2, tissuePi/ATP, and venous -OHB/AcAcwere plotted againstO2to identify critical inflection points. Tissue dysoxia required meanO2for the group to be critical for bothO2 and forPi/ATP. CriticalO2values for O2 andPi/ATP of 4.07 ± 1.07 and 2.39 ± 1.18 (SE) ml · 100 g1 · min1,respectively, were not statistically significantly different but notclearly the same, suggesting the possibility that dysoxia might havecommenced after O2 begandecreasing, i.e., that there could have been"O2 conformity." CriticalO2for venous -OHB/AcAc was 2.44 ± 0.46 ml · 100 g1 · min1(P = NS), nearly the same as that forPi/ATP, supporting venous -OHB/AcAc as a detector of dysoxia. All issues considered, tissue mitochondrial redox state seems to be an appropriate detector ofdysoxia in liver.


Li, M. H., J. Hildebrandt, and M. P. Hlastala.Quantitative analysis of transpleural flux in the isolated lung.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 545-551, 1997.In this study, the loss of inert gas through the pleura of anisolated ventilated and perfused rabbit lung was assessed theoreticallyand experimentally. A mathematical model was used to represent an idealhomogeneous lung placed within a box with gas flow(box) surrounding the lung. Thealveoli are assumed to be ventilated with room air(A) andperfused at constant flow () containinginert gases (x) with various perfusate-air partition coefficients(p,x).The ratio of transpleural flux of gas(plx)to its total delivery to the lung via pulmonary artery( ),representing fractional losses across the pleura, can be shown todepend on four dimensionless ratios:1)p,x,2) the ratio of alveolar ventilation to perfusion(A/), 3) the ratioof the pleural diffusing capacity(Dplx) to the conductance ofthe alveolar ventilation (Dplx /Ag,where g is the capacitancecoefficient of gas), and 4) theratio of extrapleural (box) ventilation to alveolar ventilation(box/A).Experiments were performed in isolated perfused and ventilated rabbitlungs. The perfusate was a buffer solution containing six dissolvedinert gases covering the entire 105-fold range ofp,x usedin the multiple inert gas elimination technique. Steady-state inert gasconcentrations were measured in the pulmonary arterial perfusate,pulmonary venous effluent, exhaled gas, and box effluent gas. Theexperimental data could be described satisfactorily by thesingle-compartment model. It is concluded that a simple theoreticalmodel is a useful tool for predicting transpleural flux from isolatedlung preparations, with known ventilation and perfusion, for inertgases within a wide range of .


Effect of prolonged, heavy exercise on pulmonary gas exchange in athletes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During maximalexercise, ventilation-perfusion inequality increases, especially inathletes. The mechanism remains speculative. Wehypothesized that, if interstitial pulmonary edema is involved, prolonged exercise would result in increasing ventilation-perfusion inequality over time by exposing the pulmonary vascular bed to highpressures for a long duration. The response to short-term exercise wasfirst characterized in six male athletes [maximal O2 uptake(O2 max) = 63 ml · kg1 · min1] by using 5 minof cycling exercise at 30, 65, and 90%O2 max. Multiple inert-gas, blood-gas, hemodynamic, metabolic rate, and ventilatory data were obtained. Resting log SD of the perfusion distribution (logSD) was normal [0.50 ± 0.03 (SE)] and increased with exercise (logSD = 0.65 ± 0.04, P < 0.005), alveolar-arterialO2 difference increased (to 24 ± 3 Torr), and end-capillary pulmonary diffusion limitation occurred at 90%O2 max. The subjectsrecovered for 30 min, then, after resting measurements were taken,exercised for 60 min at ~65%O2 max.O2 uptake, ventilation, cardiacoutput, and alveolar-arterial O2difference were unchanged after the first 5 min of this test, but logSD increased from0.59 ± 0.03 at 5 min to 0.66 ± 0.05 at 60 min(P < 0.05), without pulmonary diffusion limitation. LogSD was negativelyrelated to total lung capacity normalized for body surface area(r = 0.97,P < 0.005 at 60 min). These data are compatible with interstitial edema as a mechanism and suggest that lungsize is an important determinant of the efficiency of gas exchangeduring exercise.


Grassi, Bruno, Claudio Marconi, Michael Meyer, Michel Rieu,and Paolo Cerretelli. Gas exchange and cardiovascular kinetics with different exercise protocols in heart transplant recipients. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6): 1952-1962, 1997.Metabolicand cardiovascular adjustments to various submaximal exercises wereevaluated in 82 heart transplant recipients (HTR) and in 35 controlsubjects (C). HTR were tested 21.5 ± 25.3 (SD) mo (range1.0-137.1 mo) posttransplantation. Three protocols were used:protocol A consisted of 5 min of rectangular 50-W load repeatedtwice, 5 min apart [5 min rest, 5 min 50 W (Ex 1), 5 minrecovery, 5 min 50 W (Ex 2)]; protocol B consistedof 5 min of rectangular load at 25, 50, or 75 W; protocol Cconsisted of 15 min of rectangular load at 25 W. Breath-by-breathpulmonary ventilation (E),O2 uptake (O2),and CO2 output(CO2) were determined.During protocol A, beat-by-beat cardiacoutput () was estimated by impedance cardiography. The half times (t1/2) of the on- andoff-kinetics of the variables were calculated. In all protocols,t1/2 values forO2 on-,E on-, andCO2 on-kinetics were higher(i.e., the kinetics were slower) in HTR than in C, independently ofworkload and of the time posttransplantation. Also,t1/2 on- was higher in HTRthan in C. In protocol A, no significant difference of t1/2 O2on- was observed in HTR between Ex 1 (48 ± 9 s) and Ex2 (46 ± 8 s), whereas t1/2 on- was higher during Ex 1 (55 ± 24 s)than during Ex 2 (47 ± 15 s). In all protocols and for all variables, the t1/2 off-values were higher in HTRthan in C. In protocol C, no differences of steady-stateE,O2, andCO2 were observed in bothgroups between 5, 10, and 15 min of exercise. We conclude that1) in HTR, a "priming" exercise, while effective inspeeding up the adjustment of convective O2 flow to muscle fibers during a second on-transition, did not affect theO2 on-kinetics, suggestingthat the slower O2 on- inHTR was attributable to peripheral (muscular) factors; 2) thedissociation between on- andO2 on-kinetics in HTRindicates that an inertia of muscle metabolic machinery is the mainfactor dictating theO2 on-kinetics; and 3) theO2 off-kinetics was slowerin HTR than in C, indicating a greater alactic O2 deficitin HTR and, therefore, a sluggish muscleO2 adjustment.


Carvalho, Paula, Shane R. Johnson, Nirmal B. Charan.Non-cAMP-mediated bronchial arterial vasodilation in response toinhaled -agonists. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(1): 215-221, 1998.We studied thedose-dependent effects of inhaled isoetharine HCl, a -adrenergicbronchodilator (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 mg), on bronchial blood flow(br) in anesthetized sheep. Isoetharine resulted ina dose-dependent increase in br. With atotal dose of 17.5 mg, br increased from baselinevalues of 22 ± 3.4 (SE) to 60 ± 16 ml/min(P < 0.001), an effect independentof changes in cardiac output and systemic arterial pressure. To furtherstudy whether synthesis of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) affects-agonist-induced increases in br, weadministered isoetharine (20 mg) by inhalation before and after theNO-synthase inhibitorN-nitro-L-argininemethyl ester (L-NAME).Intravenous L-NAME (30 mg/kg) rapidly decreased br by ~80% of baseline,whereas L-NAME via inhalation(10 mg/kg) resulted in a delayed and smaller (~22%) decrease.Pretreatment with L-NAME viaboth routes of administration attenuated bronchial arterialvasodilation after subsequent challenge with isoetharine. We concludethat isoetharine via inhalation increases br in adose-dependent manner and that -agonist-induced relaxation ofvascular smooth muscle in the bronchial vasculature is partiallymediated via synthesis of NO.


To test thehypothesis that muscle O2 uptake(O2) on-kinetics islimited, at least in part, by peripheralO2 diffusion, we determined theO2 on-kinetics in1) normoxia (Control);2) hyperoxic gas breathing(Hyperoxia); and 3) hyperoxia andthe administration of a drug (RSR-13, Allos Therapeutics), whichright-shifts the Hb-O2dissociation curve (Hyperoxia+RSR-13). The study was conducted inisolated canine gastrocnemius muscles(n = 5) during transitions from restto 3 min of electrically stimulated isometric tetanic contractions(200-ms trains, 50 Hz; 1 contraction/2 s; 60-70% peakO2). In all conditions,before and during contractions, muscle was pump perfused withconstantly elevated blood flow (), at a levelmeasured at steady state during contractions in preliminary trials withspontaneous . Adenosine was infusedintra-arterially to prevent inordinate pressure increases with theelevated . was measuredcontinuously, arterial and popliteal venousO2 concentrations were determinedat rest and at 5- to 7-s intervals during contractions, andO2 was calculated as · arteriovenous O2 content difference.PO2 at 50%HbO2saturation (P50) was calculated.Mean capillary PO2(cO2)was estimated by numerical integration.P50 was higher in Hyperoxia+RSR-13[40 ± 1 (SE) Torr] than in Control and in Hyperoxia (31 ± 1 Torr). After 15 s of contractions,cO2was higher in Hyperoxia (97 ± 9 Torr) vs. Control (53 ± 3 Torr) and in Hyperoxia+RSR-13 (197 ± 39 Torr) vs. Hyperoxia. Thetime to reach 63% of the difference between baseline and steady-stateO2 during contractions was 24.7 ± 2.7 s in Control, 26.3 ± 0.8 s in Hyperoxia, and 24.7 ± 1.1 s in Hyperoxia+RSR-13 (not significant). Enhancement ofperipheral O2 diffusion (obtainedby increasedcO2at constant O2 delivery) duringthe rest-to-contraction (60-70% of peakO2) transition did notaffect muscle O2on-kinetics.


Gonzalez, Norberto C., Richard L. Clancy, Yoshihiro Moue,and Jean-Paul Richalet. Increasing maximal heart rate increases maximal O2 uptake in ratsacclimatized to simulated altitude. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(1): 164-168, 1998.Maximal exerciseheart rate (HRmax) is reducedafter acclimatization to hypobaric hypoxia. The lowHRmax contributes to reducemaximal cardiac output(max) andmay limit maximal O2 uptake(O2 max). Theobjective of these experiments was to test the hypothesisthat the reduction inmax afteracclimatization to hypoxia, due, in part, to the lowHRmax, limitsO2 max. Ifthis hypothesis is correct, an increase in max wouldresult in a proportionate increase inO2 max. Rats acclimatized to hypobaric hypoxia [inspiredPO2(PIO2) = 69.8 ± 3 Torr for 3 wk] exercised on a treadmill in hypoxic (PIO2 = 71.7 ± 1.1 Torr) or normoxic conditions(PIO2 = 142.1 ± 1.1 Torr). Each rat ran twice: in one bout the rat was allowed to reach itsspontaneous HRmax, which was 505 ± 7 and 501 ± 5 beats/min in hypoxic and normoxic exercise,respectively; in the other exercise bout,HRmax was increased by 20% to the preacclimatization value of 600 beats/min by atrial pacing. This resulted in an ~10% increase inmax, since theincrease in HRmax was offset by a10% decrease in stroke volume, probably due to shortening of diastolicfilling time. The increase inmax was accompanied by a proportionate increase in maximal rate of convective O2 delivery(max × arterial O2 content), maximal workrate, and O2 max inhypoxic and normoxic exercise. The data show that increasingHRmax topreacclimatization levels increasesO2 max, supportingthe hypothesis that the lowHRmax tends to limitO2 max after acclimatization to hypoxia.


Yan, Sheng, Pawel Sliwinski, and Peter T. Macklem.Association of chest wall motion and tidal volume responses during CO2 rebreathing.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1528-1534, 1996.The purpose of this study is to investigate theeffect of chest wall configuration at end expiration on tidal volume(VT) response duringCO2 rebreathing. In a group of 11 healthy male subjects, the changes in end-expiratory andend-inspiratory volume of the rib cage (Vrc,E andVrc,I, respectively) and abdomen (Vab,E and Vab,I, respectively) measured by linearizedmagnetometers were expressed as a function of end-tidalPCO2(PETCO2). The changes inend-expiratory and end-inspiratory volumes of the chest wall(Vcw,E and Vcw,I,respectively) were calculated as the sum of the respectiverib cage and abdominal volumes. The magnetometer coils were placed atthe level of the nipples and 1-2 cm above the umbilicus andcalibrated during quiet breathing against theVT measured from apneumotachograph. TheVrc,E/PETCO2 slope was quite variable among subjects. It was significantly positive (P < 0.05) in fivesubjects, significantly negative in four subjects(P < 0.05), and not different fromzero in the remaining two subjects. TheVab,E/PETCO2slope was significantly negative in all subjects(P < 0.05) with a much smallerintersubject variation, probably suggesting a relatively more uniformrecruitment of abdominal expiratory muscles and a variable recruitmentof rib cage muscles during CO2rebreathing in different subjects. As a group, the meanVrc,E/PETCO2,Vab,E/PETCO2, andVcw,E/PETCO2slopes were 0.010 ± 0.034, 0.030 ± 0.007, and0.020 ± 0.032 l / Torr, respectively;only theVab,E/PETCO2 slope was significantly different from zero. More interestingly, theindividualVT/PETCO2slope was negatively associated with theVrc,E/PETCO2(r = 0.68,P = 0.021) and Vcw,E/PETCO2slopes (r = 0.63,P = 0.037) but was not associated withtheVab,E/PETCO2slope (r = 0.40, P = 0.223). There was no correlation oftheVrc,E/PETCO2 andVcw,E/PETCO2slopes with age, body size, forced expiratory volume in 1 s, orexpiratory time. The groupVab,I/PETCO2 slope (0.004 ± 0.014 l / Torr) was not significantlydifferent from zero despite theVT nearly being tripled at theend of CO2 rebreathing. Inconclusion, the individual VTresponse to CO2, althoughindependent of Vab,E, is a function ofVrc,E to the extent that as theVrc,E/PETCO2slope increases (more positive) among subjects, theVT response toCO2 decreases. These results maybe explained on the basis of the respiratory muscle actions andinteractions on the rib cage.


Shimazu, Takeshi, Tetsuo Yukioka, Hisashi Ikeuchi, Arthur D. Mason, Jr., Peter D. Wagner, and Basil A. Pruitt, Jr.Ventilation-perfusion alterations after smoke inhalation injury inan ovine model. J. Appl. Physiol.81(5): 2250-2259, 1996.To study the pathophysiological mechanismof progressive hypoxemia after smoke inhalation injury, alterations inventilation-perfusion ratio(A/)were studied in an ovine model by using the multiple inert gaselimination technique. Because ethane was detected in expired gas ofsome sheep, we replaced ethane with krypton, which was a uniqueapplication of the multiple inert gas elimination technique when one ofthe experimental gases is present in the inspirate. Severity-related changes were studied 24 h after injury in control and mild, moderate, and severe inhalation injury groups. Time-related changes were studiedin controls and sheep with moderate injury at 6, 12, 24, and 72 h.Arterial PO2 decreased progressivelywith severity of injury as well as with time. In smoke-exposed animals,blood flow was recruited to lowA/compartment (0 < A/ < 0.1; 17.6 ± 10.6% of cardiac output, 24 h,moderate injury) from normal A/compartment (0.1 < A/ < 10). However, increases in true shunt(A/ = 0; 5.6 ± 2.5%, 24 h, moderate injury) and dead space were notconsistent findings. TheA/patterns suggest the primary change in smoke inhalation injury to be adisturbance of ventilation.


Estimating exercise stroke volume from asymptotic oxygen pulse in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whipp, Brian J., Michael B. Higgenbotham, and Frederick C. Cobb. Estimating exercise stroke volume from asymptotic oxygenpulse in humans. J. Appl. Physiol.81(6): 2674-2679, 1996.Noninvasive techniques have been devisedto estimate cardiac output () during exercise toobviate vascular cannulation. However, although these techniques arenoninvasive, they are commonly not nonintrusive to subjects'spontaneous ventilation and gas-exchange responses. We hypothesizedthat the exercise stroke volume (SV) and, hence, might be accurately estimated simply from the response pattern of twostandardly determined variables:O2 uptake(O2) and heart rate (HR).Central to the theory is the demonstration that the product of and mixed venousO2 content is virtually constant (k) during steady-state exercise. Thus from the Fickequation, O2 =  · CaCO2  k, whereCaCO2 is the arterialCO2 content, theO2 pulse(O2-P) equalsSV · CaCO2  (k/HR). Because the arterial O2 content(CaO2) is usually relatively constant innormal subjects during exercise,O2-P should change hyperbolicallywith HR, asymptoting atSV · CaO2. Inaddition, because the asymptoticO2-P equals the slope (S) of thelinear O2-HR relationship,exercise SV may be predicted as S/CaO2.We tested this prediction in 23 normal subjects who underwent a 3-minincremental cycle-ergometer test with direct determination ofCaO2 and mixed venous O2content from indwelling catheters. The predicted SV closely reflected the measured value (r = 0.80). Wetherefore conclude that, in normal subjects, exercise SV may beestimated simply as five times S of the linearO2-HRrelationship (where 5 is approximately 1/CaO2).


During short-term maximal exercise,horses have impaired pulmonary gas exchange, manifested by diffusionlimitation and arterial hypoxemia, without marked ventilation-perfusion(A/)inequality. Whether gas exchange deteriorates progressively duringprolonged submaximal exercise has not been investigated. Sixthoroughbred horses performed treadmill exercise at ~60% of maximaloxygen uptake until exhaustion (28-39 min). Multipleinert gas, blood-gas, hemodynamic, metabolic rate, and ventilatory datawere obtained at rest and 5-min intervals during exercise. Oxygenuptake, cardiac output, and alveolar-arterialPO2 gradient were unchanged after thefirst 5 min of exercise. Alveolar ventilation increased progressivelyduring exercise, from increased tidal volume and respiratory frequency,resulting in an increase in arterialPO2 and decrease in arterialPCO2. At rest there was minimal A/inequality, log SD of the perfusion distribution (logSD) = 0.20. This doubled by 5 min of exercise (logSD = 0.40) butdid not increase further. There was no evidence of alveolar-end-capillary diffusion limitation during exercise. However, there was evidence for gas-phase diffusion limitation at all time points, and enflurane was preferentially overretained. Horses maintainexcellent pulmonary gas exchange during exhaustive, submaximal exercise. AlthoughA/inequality is greater than at rest, it is less than observed in mostmammals and the effect on gas exchange is minimal.


Mates, Elisabeth A., Jacob Hildebrandt, J. Craig Jackson,Peter Tarczy-Hornoch, and Michael P. Hlastala. Shunt and ventilation-perfusion distribution during partial liquid ventilation inhealthy piglets. J. Appl. Physiol.82(3): 933-942, 1997.Replacing gas in the lung withperfluorocarbon fluids (PFC) and periodically ventilating with a gas[partial liquid ventilation (PLV)] has been shown toimprove oxygenation in models of respiratory distress syndrome. Wehypothesized that the addition of PFC to healthy lungs would result inshunt, diffusion impairment, and increased ventilation-perfusion(A/) heterogeneity.Previously, Mates et al. showed thatO2 shunt and arterial-alveolarCO2 difference increased linearlywith dose in piglets given graded intratracheal doses of PFC (10, 20, and 30 ml/kg followed by mechanical ventilation with 100%O2) (E. A. Mates, J. C. Jackson, J. Hildebrandt, W. E. Truog, T. A. Standaert, and M. P. Hlastala. In: Oxygen Transport to TissueXVI, 1994, p. 427-435). Here we reportA/ distribution inthe same animals, showing a 50% increase inA/ heterogeneity during PLV independent of PFC dose. Ventilation heterogeneity was themajor factor in this increase, and there was no significant change indead space ventilation. We also report on five animals given a single20 ml/kg dose of PFC and followed for 3 h. They showed an increase inshunt during PLV but no change in arterial-alveolar CO2 difference.


Charan, Nirmal B., Shane R. Johnson, S. Lakshminarayan,William H. Thompson, and Paula Carvalho. Nitric oxide and-adrenergic agonist-induced bronchial arterial vasodilation.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 686-692, 1997.In anesthetized sheep, we measured bronchial blood flow(br) by an ultrasonic flow probe to investigate the interaction between inhaled nitric oxide (NO; 100 parts/million) givenfor 5 min and 5 ml of aerosolized isoetharine (1.49 × 102 M concentration).NO and isoetharine increased br from 26.5 ± 6.5 to 39.1 (SE) ± 10.6 and 39.7 ± 10.7 ml/min,respectively (n = 5).Administration of NO immediately after isoetharine further increasedbr to 57.3 ± 15.1 ml/min. NO synthase inhibitorN-nitro-L-arginine methyl esterhydrochloride (L-NAME; 30 mg/kg, in 20 ml salinegiven iv) decreased br to 14.6 ± 2.6 ml/min. NO given three times alternately with isoetharine progressively increased br from 14.6 ± 2.6 to 74.3 ± 17.0 ml/min, suggesting that NO and isoetharine potentiatevasodilator effects of each other. In three other sheep, afterL-NAME, three sequential doses of isoetharine increased br from 10.2 ± 3.4 to11.5 ± 5.7, 11.7 ± 4.7, and 13.3 ± 5.7 ml/min,respectively, indicating that effects of isoetharine are predominantlymediated through synthesis of NO. When this was followed by threesequential administrations of NO, br increased by146, 172, and 185%, respectively. Thus in the bronchial circulationthere seems to be a close interaction between adenosine3,5-cyclic monophosphate- and guanosine3,5-cyclic monophosphate-mediated vasodilatation.


Carvalho, Paula, Jacob Hildebrandt, and Nirmal B. Charan.Changes in bronchial and pulmonary arterial blood flow with progressive tension pneumothorax. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1664-1669, 1996.We studied theeffects of unilateral tension pneumothorax and its release on bronchialand pulmonary arterial blood flow and gas exchange in 10 adultanesthetized and mechanically ventilated sheep with chronicallyimplanted ultrasonic flow probes. Right pleural pressure (Ppl) wasincreased in two steps from 5 to 10 and 25 cmH2O and then decreased to 10 and5 cmH2O. Each level of Pplwas maintained for 5 min. Bronchial blood flow, right and leftpulmonary arterial flows, cardiac output(T),hemodynamic measurements, and arterial blood gases were obtained at theend of each period. Pneumothorax resulted in a 66% decrease inT, bronchialblood flow decreased by 84%, and right pulmonary arterial flowdecreased by 80% at Ppl of 25 cmH2O(P < 0.001). At peak Ppl, themajority ofT was due toblood flow through the left pulmonary artery. With resolution ofpneumothorax, hemodynamic parameters normalized, although abnormalitiesin gas exchange persisted for 60-90 min after recovery and wereassociated with a decrease in total respiratory compliance.


Tokics, Leif, Göran Hedenstierna, Leif Svensson, BoBrismar, Torsten Cederlund, Hans Lundquist, and ÅkeStrandberg. / distributionand correlation to atelectasis in anesthetized paralyzed humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1822-1833, 1996.Regional ventilation and perfusion were studiedin 10 anesthetized paralyzed supine patients by single-photon emissioncomputerized tomography. Atelectasis was estimated from twotransaxial computerized tomography scans. The ventilation-perfusion(/) distribution was alsoevaluated by multiple inert gas elimination. While the patients wereawake, inert gas / ratio wasnormal, and shunt did not exceed 1% in any patient. Computerizedtomography showed no atelectasis. During anesthesia, shunt ranged from0.4 to 12.2%. Nine patients displayed atelectasis (0.6-7.2% ofthe intrathoracic area), and shunt correlated with the atelectasis(r = 0.91, P < 0.001). Shunt was located independent lung regions corresponding to the atelectatic area. There wasconsiderable / mismatch, withventilation mainly of ventral lung regions and perfusion of dorsalregions. Little perfusion was seen in the most ventral parts (zone 1)of caudal (diaphragmatic) lung regions. In summary, shunt during anesthesia is due to atelectasis in dependent lung regions. The / distributions differ fromthose shown earlier in awake subjects.


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