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Hawaiian forest birds are imperiled, with fewer than half the original >40 species remaining extant. Recent studies document ongoing rapid population decline and project complete climate‐based range losses for the critically endangered Kaua'i endemics ‘akeke’e (Loxops caeruleirostris) and ‘akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) by end‐of‐century due to projected warming. Climate change facilitates the upward expansion of avian malaria into native high elevation forests where disease was historically absent. While intensified conservation efforts attempt to safeguard these species and their habitats, the magnitude of potential loss and the urgency of this situation require all conservation options to be seriously considered. One option for Kaua’i endemics is translocation to islands with higher elevation habitats. We explored the feasibility of interisland translocation by projecting baseline and future climate‐based ranges of ‘akeke’e and ‘akikiki across the Hawaiian archipelago. For islands where compatible climates for these species were projected to endure through end‐of‐century, an additional climatic niche overlap analysis compares the spatial overlap between Kaua’i endemics and current native species on prospective destination islands. Suitable climate‐based ranges exist on Maui and Hawai'i for these Kaua'i endemics that offer climatically distinct areas compared to niche distributions of destination island endemics. While we recognize that any decision to translocate birds will include assessing numerous additional social, political, and biological factors, our focus on locations of enduring and ecologically compatible climate‐based ranges represents the first step to evaluate this potential conservation option. Our approach considering baseline and future distributions of species with climatic niche overlap metrics to identify undesirable range overlap provides a method that can be utilized for other climate‐vulnerable species with disjointed compatible environments beyond their native range.  相似文献   

Climatic niche models based on native-range climatic data accurately predict invasive-range distributions in the majority of species. However, these models often do not account for ecological and evolutionary processes, which limit the ability to predict future range expansion. This might be particularly problematic in the case of invaders that occupy environments that would be considered marginal relative to the climatic niche in the native range of the species. Here, we assess the potential for future range expansion in the shrub Chromolaena odorata that is currently invading mesic savannas (>650 mm MAP) in South Africa that are colder and drier than most habitats in its native range. In a greenhouse experiment we tested whether its current distribution in South Africa can be explained by increased competitive ability and/or differentiation in drought tolerance relative to the native population. We compared aboveground biomass, biomass allocation, water use efficiency and relative yields of native and invasive C. odorata and the resident grass Panicum maximum in wet and dry conditions. Surprisingly, we found little differentiation between ranges. Invasive C. odorata showed no increased competitive ability or superior drought tolerance compared to native C. odorata. Moreover we found that P. maximum was a better competitor than either native or invasive C. odorata. These results imply that C. odorata is unlikely to expand its future range towards more extreme, drier, habitats beyond the limits of its current climatic niche and that the species’ invasiveness most likely depends on superior light interception when temporarily released from competition by disturbance. Our study highlights the fact that species can successfully invade habitats that are at the extreme end of their ranges and thereby contributes towards a better understanding of range expansion during species invasions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance can have profound effects on multiple components of forest biotas including pollinator assemblages. We assessed the effect of small-scale disturbance on local richness, abundance, diversity and evenness of insect pollinator fauna; and how habitat disturbance affected species turnover across the landscape and overall diversity along a precipitation gradient in NW Patagonia (Argentina). We evaluated the effect of disturbance on overall pollinator fauna and then separately for bees (i.e. Apoidea) and non-bee pollinators. Locally, disturbed habitats had significantly higher pollinator species richness and abundances than undisturbed habitats for the whole pollinator assemblage, but not for bees or non-bees separately. However, significant differences in species richness between habitats vanished after accounting for differences in abundance between habitat types. At a local scale Shannon–Weaver diversity and evenness did not vary with disturbance. A β diversity index indicated that, across forest types, species turnover was lower between disturbed habitats than between undisturbed habitats. In addition, rarefaction curves showed that disturbed habitats as a whole accumulated fewer species than undisturbed habitats at equivalent sample sizes. We concluded that small patches of disturbed habitat have a negligible effect on local pollinator diversity; however, habitat disturbance reduced β diversity through a homogenization of the pollinator fauna (in particular of bees) across the landscape.  相似文献   

Tropical forest disturbance is a key driver of global biodiversity decline. On continents, the effects of logging are greatest on endemic species, presumably because disturbance is more likely to cover narrower distributions (the “cookie cutter” model). Islands hold disproportionate biodiversity, and are subject to accelerating biotic homogenization, where specialist endemics are lost while generalists persist. We tested responses of tropical island mammals to logging at multiple spatial scales, using a long‐term experimental test in a Pacific archipelago. The most widely distributed ecological generalists did not decline after logging, and we detected no overall changes in relative abundance or species diversity. However, endemics with small ranges did decline in response to logging. The least mobile and most range‐restricted species declined even at the smallest spatial scale, supporting the cookie cutter model for sedentary species, and suggesting that habitat change due to selective logging is contributing to biotic homogenization on islands.  相似文献   

The microfungi of three palm species were investigated in their natural habitats and in habitats where the palms were cultivated outside their natural ranges. The palms that were selected differed in their habitats and ecology. Archontophoenix alexandrae is endemic to tropical rainforests in Australia, Cocos nucifera is pan‐tropical and Trachycarpus fortunei occurs in warm‐temperate China. Different assemblages of fungi were found in association with palms in temperate regions as compared to those in tropical regions. These differences were more related to climatic influences than to the hosts sampled, as few fungi were host‐species specific. The status of the hosts at the site, i.e. indigenous or introduced, and the degree of disturbance of the habitats within which the palms grew were also influential. When sampled in its natural habitat, Archontophoenix alexandrae had a distinct palmicolous mycota typical of other palms in tropical rainforests. Outside of the palm’s natural habitat, a widely different mycota were recorded that comprised tropical species of a more plurivorous nature. A similar plurivorous assemblage characterized the fungi associated with Cocos nucifera, probably due to the palm’s long history of cultivation. Similarly, plurivorous, but temperate or widespread fungi were associated with Trachycarpus fortunei, both within and outside of its natural habitat. This palm is also highly cultivated. A reduction in palm fungi associated with palms in disturbed habitats has implications for conservation of these fungi. However, it is acknowledged that the data for fungal diversity and distribution is incomplete and fragmentary.  相似文献   

Despite widespread acknowledgment that disturbance favors invasion, a hypothesis that has received little attention is whether non-native invaders have greater competitive effects on native plants in undisturbed habitats than in disturbed habitats. This hypothesis derives from the assumption that competitive interactions are more persistent in habitats that have not been recently disturbed. Another hypothesis that has received little attention is whether the effects of non-native plants on native plants vary among habitats that differ in soil fertility. We documented habitat occurrences of 27 non-native plant species and 377 native plant species encountered in numerous study plots in a broad sample of ecosystems in MS (USA). We then reviewed experimental and regression-based field studies in the scientific literature that specifically examined potential competitive (or facilitative) effects of these non-native species on native species and characterized the habitats in which effects were the greatest. As expected, the non-native species examined here in general were more likely to be associated with severely disturbed habitats than were the native species as a group. In contrast, we found that non-native species with competitive effects on natives were more likely to be associated with undisturbed habitats than with disturbed habitats. When longer term studies involving more resident species were given more weight in the analysis, competitive effects appeared to be the greatest in undisturbed habitats with low soil fertility. These results reinforce the notion that invasion is not synonymous with impact. The environmental conditions that promote invasion may limit competitive effects of invaders on native plant communities following invasion.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of agriculture on biodiversity is critical for effective conservation management. Our goal was to determine the impact of agricultural disturbance on the lizard fauna of Los Haitises National Park and the surrounding region in the Dominican Republic. This region has a history of extensive agricultural disturbance followed by abrupt abandonment. Abundance and diversity were surveyed in six habitats: relatively undisturbed hilltop (mogote), four habitats disturbed by agriculture (pasture, oil palm plantation, cacao plantation, conuco or home garden), and one forested habitat. Three of these habitats (pasture, cacao plantation, conuco) were also examined at different stages of activity or abandonment. Glue-trap grids were used to sample each habitat. In general, species richness was lower in more heavily or recently disturbed habitats. Richness was lowest in active agricultural habitats where only 54% of the region's lizard species were detected. Notably, agricultural systems differed considerably in their ability to support a diverse lizard assemblage. Abandoned agricultural habitats had slightly higher richness than their active counterparts, but still contained only 69% of the region's species. By contrast, nearly every native species, including several never observed in agriculturally disturbed habitats, were detected on the undisturbed hilltops (mogotes). These mogotes may have served as refugees for species that could not tolerate disturbance when the region was being heavily exploited for agriculture. Overall, our results suggest that the continued protection of the park, and its mogotes in particular, will be required to maintain the region's lizard diversity.  相似文献   

New World mangrove trees are foundation species, and their range is predicted to expand northward with climate change. Foundation species are commonly prioritized for conservation, with the goal of preserving the entire community that depends on them. However, no studies have explicitly investigated whether mangrove-dependent species' ranges will track the northward expansion of New World mangrove forests. We use the mangrove rivulus fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus, to investigate shifts in habitat suitability in response to various climate change scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5). Niche models for coastal species focus on traditional climatic variables (e.g., precipitation, temperature) even though coastal habitats also are directly influenced by marine variables (e.g., sea surface salinity). We employ a novel data integration method that combines marine and climatic variables, and that accounts for model selection uncertainty using model averaging to provide robust estimates of habitat suitability. Contrary to expectation, suitability of rivulus habitat is predicted to increase in the south and decrease or remain unchanged in the north across all climate change scenarios. Thus, rivulus might experience range contraction, not expansion. Habitat became more suitable with increased salinity of the saltiest month and precipitation of the driest quarter. In laboratory settings, rivulus have higher survival, reproductive success, and growth rates in low salinities. This discrepancy suggests that some combination of the responses of rivulus and its competitors to environmental change will restrict rivulus to habitats that laboratory experiments consider suboptimal. Our models suggest that focusing conservation decisions on foundation species could overestimate habitat availability and resilience of affiliated communities while simultaneously underestimating species declines and extinction risks.  相似文献   

The most conspicuous biological invasions in terrestrial ecosystems have been by exotic plants, insects and vertebrates. Invasions by exotic earthworms, although not as well studied, may be increasing with global commerce in agriculture, waste management and bioremediation. A number of cases has documented where invasive earthworms have caused significant changes in soil profiles, nutrient and organic matter dynamics, other soil organisms or plant communities. Most of these cases are in areas that have been disturbed (e.g., agricultural systems) or were previously devoid of earthworms (e.g., north of Pleistocene glacial margins). It is not clear that such effects are common in ecosystems inhabited by native earthworms, especially where soils are undisturbed. We explore the idea that indigenous earthworm fauna and/or characteristics of their native habitats may resist invasion by exotic earthworms and thereby reduce the impact of exotic species on soil processes. We review data and case studies from temperate and tropical regions to test this idea. Specifically, we address the following questions: Is disturbance a prerequisite to invasion by exotic earthworms? What are the mechanisms by which exotic earthworms may succeed or fail to invade habitats occupied by native earthworms? Potential mechanisms could include (1) intensity of propagule pressure (how frequently and at what densities have exotic species been introduced and has there been adequate time for proliferation?); (2) degree of habitat matching (once introduced, are exotic species faced with unsuitable habitat conditions, unavailable resources, or unsuited feeding strategies?); and (3) degree of biotic resistance (after introduction into an otherwise suitable habitat, are exotic species exposed to biological barriers such as predation or parasitism, “unfamiliar” microflora, or competition by resident native species?). Once established, do exotic species co-exist with native species, or are the natives eventually excluded? Do exotic species impact soil processes differently in the presence or absence of native species? We conclude that (1) exotic earthworms do invade ecosystems inhabited by indigenous earthworms, even in the absence of obvious disturbance; (2) competitive exclusion of native earthworms by exotic earthworms is not easily demonstrated and, in fact, co-existence of native and exotic species appears to be common, even if transient; and (3) resistance to exotic earthworm invasions, if it occurs, may be more a function of physical and chemical characteristics of a habitat than of biological interactions between native and exotic earthworms.  相似文献   

Factors determining the invasibility of different types of anthropogenic vegetation were studied in the Czech Republic. A data set of 3420 vegetation plots recorded between 1945 and 2005, containing 913 species, was used. A set of climatic variables (mean annual temperature and precipitation, together with elevation), propagule pressure (substituted by human population density) and local habitat conditions (substituted by values of CSR life strategies and Ellenberg indicator values of native species) was obtained for each plot. All species were classified as native, archaeophytes (i.e. alien species introduced before 1500), and neophytes (i.e. aliens introduced after 1500) and their relative proportion was calculated for each plot. Regression tree models were used to determine the ecological characteristics of the most invasible man-made habitats in the Czech Republic. The plots contained on average 31.9% archaeophytes and 7.3% neophytes. Correlation between the proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes was positive and significant. Both archaeophytes and neophytes were found predominantly in strongly disturbed habitats with a high nutrient supply located at low elevations in warmer climatic areas of the Czech Republic. Archaeophytes are more influenced by local habitat conditions and preferentially colonize sunny and dry man-made habitats with higher soil reaction. Neophytes have no special preferences for local habitat conditions and their highest proportion was found mainly in disturbed habitats at low elevations. Our results show that for anthropogenic vegetation in the Czech Republic, ecological and habitat characteristics are more important factors for plant invasions than different land use in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

Chromosomes from all 17 species of native Jamaican Eleutherodactylus as well as introduced E. johnstonei were subjected to computer-assisted analyses. Diploid chromosome numbers of 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 were found and no two species had identical karyotypes. Karyotypic data were superimposed on a phylogeny derived from allozyme and immunological data in order to assess karyotypic changes that occurred in lineages of Jamaican Eleutherodactylus. Chromosome number changes have occurred at least nine times on the island and have involved both fission and fusion mutational events. C-bands and the sites of secondary constrictions varied and provide very little phylogenetic information. In most instances, karyotypically determined interspecific evolutionary relationships corresponded with the molecular data. The combination of karyological analyses and molecular data clarified lineages which involved convergent chromosome numbers or extremely divergent karyotypes. Karyotypic changes in Jamaican Eleutherodactylus are best explained by chromosome fission, fusion, translocations and inversions which arose in isolated demes and have been fixed through inbreeding and genetic drift. Rates of karyotypic evolution among Jamaican Eleutherodactylus are much faster than previous published rates for frogs. Karyotypic evolution appears to be dictated by behavioural factors and effective population sizes irrespective of taxonomic groupings.  相似文献   

A combination of field surveys and seed-bank measurements were used to describe the macrophytic vegetation of intermittent wetlands on the Riverine Plain, in New South Wales. Three habitat types were sampled, representing wetland vegetation subjected to varying intensities of exogenous (human-induced) disturbance: swamps (least disturbed), roadside table drains (moderately disturbed), and rice crops (highly disturbed). Forty-two plant species were common to all three habitats and 36 species occurred in two of the three habitats. Of the 82 species that were restricted to a single habitat type, 33 were recorded for swamps, 19 for roadsides and 30 for rice fields. Species-richness (number of species per 50 m2) was found to be significantly lower in rice fields compared with either roadsides or swamps, which were not significantly different. Richness of native vascular species differed significantly among all habitat types, with swamps > roadsides > rice fields. Richness of exotic species also differed: roadsides > rice fields > swamps. Although the least disturbed habitat (swamps) supported the least number of exotic species, there was no further evidence of a positive relationship between degree of disturbance and degree of invasion. The results provided some support for the hypothesis that maximum species-richness occurs under conditions of moderate disturbance. A small negative correlation (r=?0.178, P < 0.01) was found between the number of exotic species and the number of native species occurring at a site. This suggests that, in this case, species-richness is not an important factor in the resistance of vegetation to invasion by exotic species. The vegetation of intermittent wetlands appears to have a relatively high degree of resistance to invasion. This is attributed to the high level of endogenous disturbance to which the native vegetation is adapted.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and degradation on oceanic islands are key processes leading to population decline of endemic birds and facilitating the establishment of invasive bird species. In this study, carried out in the Robinson Crusoe Island, we assessed density and habitat selection of terrestrial bird species, including juan fernandez firecrown and juan fernandez tit-tyrant, two endemics, as well as green-backed firecrown and austral thrush, which apparently originate from the mainland. Results show that perturbed habitats contained a low density of the endemic species whereas the mainland species were significantly more abundant in perturbed scrub habitats. Bird species show different habitat selection patterns, with endemics selecting for native forest and mainland species selecting for perturbed habitats, or using them at random. Bird species experienced temporal trends in their overall population sizes, with the endemic tit-tyrant suffering a significant decline in its population size of about 63% between 1994 and 2009. Only mainland species exhibited temporal changes in habitat use, significantly reducing their densities in the preferred scrub habitats, possibly as a response to decreased habitat quality. Thrushes apparently were able to compensate the population decrease in one non native habitat type by using native forests, a habitat giving them the opportunity of preying on nests of endemic species. We conclude that endemic bird species behave as specialists whereas the mainland species must be treated as invasive generalists on Robinson Crusoe Island.  相似文献   

There is an enormous body of literature on plant invasions, including many investigations of the types of introduced species that are most likely to invade natural ecosystems. In this study we turn invasion biology upside down, and ask what sort of native species colonise novel anthropogenic habitats such as roadside lawns, infrequently tended road shoulders, railway embankments and fire trails. We quantified species richness and cover in roadside lawns and infrequently tended road shoulders in five regions of New South Wales, Australia. The native vegetation in these regions included sclerophyll forest, fertile and infertile Eucalypt‐dominated woodlands, rainforest, and semi‐arid woodland. We performed a complementary survey of sites spanning five disturbance levels within the region containing sclerophyll forest vegetation. Although many non‐native species were present in disturbed, novel habitats, a total of 136 native species were also found. Most of these native species were in sites with low levels of disturbance (fire trails and railway embankments), but 35 native species were found to colonise roadside lawns, our most highly‐disturbed vegetation type. There was a significant negative relationship between the disturbance level in novel habitats and the number and cover of native species. Native species that colonised novel habitats were disproportionately likely be generalist species whose natural habitat includes both high and low light and high and low disturbance conditions. The native species colonising novel habitats also tended to have traits associated with a fast life‐history, including short stature and small seeds. A surprisingly high number of native plant species are colonising novel, anthropogenic habitats. Our findings highlight the potential importance of urban ecosystems for conservation and restoration biology.  相似文献   

The natural expansion of forestry trees into habitats outside plantations is a concern for managers and conservationists. We studied seedling emergence and survival of the two main forestry species in Portugal: Eucalyptus globulus (exotic) and Pinus pinaster (native); using a seed addition experiment. Our main objective was to evaluate the combined effects of climate (mild-summer and warm-summer climate), habitat (oak forest and shrubland), and disturbance (vegetation removal and non-disturbance) on the seedling establishment of species in semi- and natural habitats. Furthermore, we tested the effect of the “sowing season” (autumn and spring) on seedling emergence and survival. Overall, seedling establishment of both species was enhanced by light and water. However, we found important interactions among climate, habitat, and disturbance on both species’ emergence and survival. The differences between habitats were more evident in the mild-summer climate than in the warm-summer climate. Our results also suggested that seedling survival may be enhanced by shrub cover in drier conditions (warm-summer climate). Eucalyptus globulus appears more sensitive to drought and disturbance changes than P. pinaster. In shrublands and mild-summer climate conditions, disturbance especially promoted E. globulus seedling establishment, while the forest canopy and the shade appeared to control it in both climatic conditions. After the first summer life, very low seedling survival was observed in both species, although the colonization of new areas appeared to be more limited for E. globulus. Our study suggests that climate conditions influence the effect (direction and intensity) of habitat and disturbance (plant–plant interactions) on seedling survival. Thus, the effect of light availability (forest canopy) and disturbance (vegetation removal) on these species establishment is climate context-dependent. This study presents very useful information to understand future shifts in these species distribution and has direct applications for the management of natural establishment outside the planted areas, and the management of the understorey to favor forest regeneration or limit forest colonization.  相似文献   

The invasion of exotic species into natural habitats is considered to be a major threat to biodiversity, and many studies have examined how exotic plants directly affect native plant species through competitive interactions for abiotic resources. However, although exotics can have potentially great ecological and evolutionary consequences, very few researchers have studied the effect of exotics on the interactions between plants and their mutualistic partners, such as pollinators, and none have reported on such impacts in logged and undisturbed boreal forest ecosystems. Here we show how experimental introductions of an exotic plant species (Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham) affect pollinator visitation and female reproductive success of a native plant (Melampyrum pratense L.) in recently disturbed (i.e., logged) and in undisturbed boreal forest habitats. The presence of Phacelia significantly increased the number of bumble bees entering plots in both habitat types. However, the exotic species had a strong negative impact on the visitation rate to the native species in both habitat types. Despite this negative impact on pollinator visitation, the exotic had no effect on female reproductive success of the native species in any habitat. Our results show that seed production may be more robust than pollinator visitation to exotic invasion, irrespective of habitat disturbance history.  相似文献   

1.?Habitat disturbance and species invasions interact in natural systems, making it difficult to isolate the primary cause of ecosystem degradation. A general understanding requires case studies of how disturbance and invasion interact across a variety of ecosystem - invasive species combinations. 2.?Dramatic losses in ant diversity followed the invasion of central Texas by red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta). However, recent manipulative studies in Florida revealed no effect on ant diversity following the removal of S.?invicta from a disturbed pasture habitat, but moderate loss of diversity associated with their introduction into undisturbed habitat and no invasion occurred without disturbance. Thus, the importance of S.?invicta in driving diversity loss and its ability to invade undisturbed systems is unresolved. 3.?We examine the distribution and abundance of a large monogyne S.?invicta population and its association with the co-occurring ant assemblage at a site in south Texas close to the aridity tolerance limit of S.?invicta. 4.?We document that moisture modulates S.?invicta densities. Further, soil disturbing habitat manipulations greatly increase S.?invicta population densities. However, S.?invicta penetrates all habitats regardless of soil disturbance history. In contrast, controlled burns depress S.?invicta densities. 5.?In habitats where S.?invicta is prevalent, it completely replaces native fire ants. However, S.?invicta impacts native ants as a whole less strongly. Intriguingly, native ants responded distinctly to S.?invicta in different environments. In wet, undisturbed environments, high S.?invicta abundance disrupts the spatial structure of the ant assemblage by increasing clumping and is associated with reduced species density, while in dry-disturbed habitats, sites with high S.?invicta abundance possess high numbers of native species. Analyses of co-occurrence indicate that reduced species density in wet-undisturbed sites arises from negative species interactions between native ants and S.?invicta. However, these same data suggest that the high native species density of abundant S.?invicta sites in dry-disturbed environments does not result from facilitation. 6.?Monogyne S.?invicta populations play different roles in different environments, driving ant diversity loss in some, but being largely symptomatic of habitat disturbance in others.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use the Comet assay to assess genetic damage in the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus johnstonei. A DNA diffusion assay was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alkaline, enzymatic and alkaline/enzymatic treatments for lysing E. johnstonei blood cells and to determine the amount of DNA strand breakage associated with apoptosis and necrosis. Cell sensitivity to the mutagens bleomycin (BLM) and 4-nitro-quinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) was also assessed using the Comet assay, as was the assay reproducibility. Alkaline treatment did not lyse the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes of E. johnstonei blood cells, whereas enzymatic digestion with proteinase K (40 μg/mL) yielded naked nuclei. The contribution of apoptosis and necrosis (assessed by the DNA diffusion assay) to DNA damage was estimated to range from 0% to 8%. BLM and 4NQO induced DNA damage in E. johnstonei blood cells at different concentrations and exposure times. Dose-effect curves with both mutagens were highly reproducible and showed consistently low coefficients of variation (CV ≤ 10%). The results are discussed with regard to the potential use of the modified Comet assay for assessing the exposure of E. johnstonei to herbicides in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Many successful invasions have taken place in systems where harmful disturbance has changed habitat conditions. However, less attention has been paid to the role of habitat restoration, which modifies habitats and thus also has the potential to facilitate invasions. We examined whether in‐stream habitat restorations have the potential to either facilitate or resist invasion by two widely introduced non‐native stream salmonids, Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill and Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, in Finland. A physical habitat simulation system was used to calculate whether the habitat area for the target species increased or decreased following the restorations. For comparison, we also reported results for four native stream fish species. The simulations showed that the restored streams provided the highest amount of usable habitat area for the native species, particularly for Salmo salar L. and Gottus gobio L. However, it was interesting to note that the restorations significantly increased habitat quality for the two non‐native species, especially at low flows. Nevertheless, the non‐native species had the lowest amount of usable habitat area overall. The modeling results indicated that not only habitat destruction but also habitat restoration could contribute to the spread of non‐native species. Fisheries and wildlife managers should be aware of the possibility, when restoring habitats in order to preserve native ecosystems, that non‐native species could manage to gain a foothold in restored habitats and use them as population sources for further spread. Knowing the widespread negative effect of non‐native species, this risk should not be underestimated.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether coarse‐grained occurrence data can be used to detect climatic niche shifts between native and non‐native ranges for a set of widely introduced freshwater fishes. Location World‐wide. Methods We used a global database of freshwater fish occurrences at the river basin scale to identify native and non‐native ranges for 18 of the most widely introduced fish species. We also examined climatic conditions within each river basin using fine‐grained climate data. We combined this information to test whether climatic niche shifts have occurred between native and non‐native ranges. We defined climatic niche shifts as instances where the ranges of a climatic variable within native and non‐native basins exhibit zero overlap. Results We detected at least one climatic niche shift for each of the 18 studied species. However, we did not detect common patterns in the thermal preference or biogeographic origin of the non‐native fish, hence suggesting a species‐specific response. Main conclusions Coarse‐grained occurrence data can be used to detect climatic niche shifts. They also enable the identification of the species experiencing niche shifts, although the mechanisms responsible for these shifts (e.g. local adaptation, dispersal limitation or physiological constraints) have yet to be determined. Furthermore, the coarse‐grained approach, which highlights regions where climatic niche shifts have occurred, can be used to select specific river basins for more detailed, fine‐grained studies.  相似文献   

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