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The role of ABA in freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in barley   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of ABA in freezing resistance in nonacclimated and cold‐acclimated barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Eleven nonacclimated cultivars differed in their LT50, ranging from −10.8 to −4.8°C. Sugars, free proline, soluble proteins and ABA were analyzed in nonacclimated cultivars and during cold acclimation of one cultivar. There was an inverse correlation between LT50 and both ABA and sucrose contents. Exogenous ABA caused a decrease in the freezing point of leaf tissue in the cultivar with the lowest level of endogenous ABA, but not in the cultivar with the highest level, suggesting that ABA in the latter may be near the optimum endogenous level to induce freezing tolerance. Plants of cv. Aramir treated with ABA or allowed to acclimate to cold temperature increased their soluble sugar content to a similar level. The LT50 of leaves of cold‐acclimated cv. Aramir decreased from −5.8 to −11.4°C, with biphasic kinetics, accumulating proline and soluble sugars with similar kinetics. The biphasic profile observed during cold acclimation could be a direct consequence of cryoprotectant accumulation kinetics. ABA and soluble protein accumulation showed a single step profile, associated mainly with the second phase of the LT50 decrease. Thus, a significant increase in endogenous ABA is part of the response of barley to low temperature and may be required as a signal for the second phase of cold acclimation. Endogenous ABA contents in the nonacclimated state may determine constitutive freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

A study was performed to examine whether or not betaine (glycinebetaine), a compatible solute, is accumulated in response to cold stress and is involved in mechanisms that protect plants from freezing injury. For this purpose, we used near-isogenic lines of barley, with each line differing only in a single gene for the spring type of growth habit; the various lines were produced by back-crosses to a recurrent cultivar of the winter type. The winter type of growth habit requires a low temperature for triggering of flower development (vernalization), whereas the spring type does not. Betaine was accumulated to five times the basal level over the course of 3 weeks at low temperature (5 °C) in the winter-type cultivar and in a spring-sh line having the sh gene for the spring-type growth habit, but the level was only doubled in the spring-Sh3 line, which carried the Sh3 gene for the spring-type growth habit. Among near-isogenic lines of the same cultivar, the levels of betaine accumulated in leaves at low temperature were well correlated with the percentages (on a dry weight basis) of green leaves that survived freezing injury (-5 °C). This observation indicates the possibility, separate from the recognized role of betaine in the response to salinity and/or drought, that betaine accumulates in response to cold stress and that the accumulation of betaine during cold acclimation is associated to some extent with freezing tolerance in leaves of barley plants.  相似文献   

The interaction between light and temperature during the development of freezing tolerance was studied in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. Mv Emese). Ten-day-old plants were cold hardened at 5 degrees C for 12 days under normal (250 micromol m(-2)s(-1)) or low light (20 micromol m(-2)s(-1)) conditions. Some of the plants were kept at 20/18 degrees C for 12 days at high light intensity (500 micromol m(-2)s(-1)), which also increased the freezing tolerance of winter wheat. The freezing survival rate, the lipid composition, the antioxidant activity, and the salicylic acid content were investigated during frost hardening. The saturation level of hexadecanoic acid decreased not only in plants hardened at low temperature, but also, to a lesser extent, in plants kept under high light irradiation at normal growth temperature. The greatest induction of the enzymes glutathione reductase (EC and ascorbate peroxidase (EC occurred when the cold treatment was carried out in normal light, but high light intensity at normal, non-hardening temperature also increased the activity of these enzymes. The catalase (EC activity was also higher in plants grown at high light intensity than in the controls. The greatest level of induction in the activity of the guaiacol peroxidase (EC enzyme occurred under cold conditions with low light. The bound ortho-hydroxy-cinnamic acid increased by up to two orders of magnitude in plants that were cold hardened in normal light. Both high light intensity and low temperature hardening caused an increase in the free and bound salicylic acid content of the leaves. This increase was most pronounced in plants that were cold treated in normal light.  相似文献   

The changes in the antioxidant enzymes activity, total protein and proline content and their correlations with freezing tolerance (FT) (expressed as LT50) were investigated at 11 different olive cultivars at cold-acclimation (CA, in February) and non-acclimation (NA, in August) stages. Leaf samples were collected from each cultivar and were divided into two groups. The first group was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen for further biochemical analysis. The second ones was subjected to different freezing temperatures (?5, ?10, ?15 and ?20 °C) for 10 h, in order to determine their FT. The unfrozen control samples were kept at 4 °C. The results showed that Fishomi, Mission and Shengeh were the most freezing tolerant among other cultivars. In contrast, Zard, Manzanilla and Amigdalolia were the most sensitive ones. The cold acclimation enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and total protein content. However, proline content and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity did not change or even decreased slightly at CA stage, compare to those samples at NA stage. It was found that LT50 to be closely correlated to POD, CAT, and PPO activity at CA and NA stages. Overall, higher leaf POD, CAT, and PPO activity could be used as important selection criteria in screening tolerant olive cultivars for cold zone climatic.  相似文献   

The review summarizes the level of current knowledge of impacts of vernalization and photoperiod on the induction and maintenance of frost tolerance (FrT) in wheat and barley. The phenomenon of vernalization is briefly described and the major vernalization (VRN) loci are characterised. Vernalization requirement and the three major growth habits of Triticeae (facultative, winter and spring) are defined on the basis of the two-locus VRN-2/VRN-1 epistatic model. Major photoperiodically regulated genes, which influence the transition to flowering, are characterised and their interactions with VRN genes are briefly discussed. The phenomenon of induction of FrT during the process of cold acclimation (CA) is described and the major cold-induced Cor/Lea genes are listed. Important regulatory mechanisms, i.e., CBF pathway, controlling the expression of Cor/Lea genes under cold, are discussed. The major loci affecting the development of FrT in Triticeae, the Fr loci, are characterised. In conclusion, current progress in this research field is summarized and new questions arising in the area are formulated.  相似文献   

The effects of salicylic acid (SA) (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) and cold on freezing tolerance (freezing injury and ice nucleation activity) were investigated in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Dogu-88) grown under control (20/18 °C for 15, 30 and 45-day) and cold (15/10 °C for 15-day, 10/5 °C for 30-day and 5/3 °C for 45-day) conditions. Cold acclimatisation caused a decrease of injury to leaf segments removed from the plants and subjected to freezing conditions. Exogenous SA also decreased freezing injury in the leaves grown under cold (15/10 °C) and control (15 and 30-day) conditions. Cold conditions (10/5 and 5/3 °C) caused an increase in ice nucleation activity by apoplastic proteins, which were isolated from the leaves. For the first time, it was shown that exogenous SA caused an increase in ice nucleation activity under cold (15/10 and 10/5 °C) and control conditions. These results show that salicylic acid can increase freezing tolerance in winter wheat leaves by affecting apoplastic proteins.  相似文献   

Time-courses of the development of freezing tolerance and the expression of a cold-responsive gene wlt10 were monitored during cold acclimation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Bioassay showed that cold acclimation conferred much higher freezing tolerance on a winter cultivar than a spring cultivar. Northern blot analysis showed that the expression of wlt10 encoding a novel wheat member of a cereal-specific LT-COR protein family was specifically induced by low temperature. A freezing-tolerant winter cultivar accumulated the mRNA more rapidly and for a longer period than a susceptible spring cultivar. The increase in the amount of mRNA was temporary but the peak occurred at the time when the maximum level of freezing tolerance was attained. The mRNA accumulated more in the leaves than in the roots, and different light/dark regimes modulated the level of mRNA accumulation. Genomic Southern blot analyses using the nulli-tetrasomic series showed that the wlt10 homologues were located on the homologous group 2 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cold acclimation is necessary for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to achieve its genetically determined maximum freezing tolerance, and cold also fulfils the vernalisation requirement. Chromosome 5A is a major regulator of these traits. The aim of the present study was to discover whether changes in the half‐cell redox potential of the glutathione/glutathione disulphide (GSH/GSSG) and ascorbate/dehydroascorbate (AA/DHA) couples induced by cold acclimation are related to freezing tolerance and vernalisation requirement in a specific genetic system including chromosome 5A substitution lines. The amounts of H2O2 and AA, and the AA/DHA ratio showed a rapid and transient increase in the crown of all genotypes during the first week of acclimation, followed by a gradual increase during the subsequent 2 weeks. The amount of GSH and its ratio compared to GSSG quickly decreased during the first day, while later these parameters showed a continuous slow increase. The H2O2, AA and GSH concentrations, AA/DHA and GSH/GSSG ratios and the half‐cell reduction potential of the GSH/GSSG couple were correlated with the level of freezing tolerance after 22 days at 2 °C; hence these parameters may have an important role in the acclimation process. In contrast to H2O2 and the non‐enzymatic antioxidants, the lipid peroxide concentration and activity of the four antioxidant enzymes exhibited a transient increase during the first week, with no significant difference between genotypes. None of the parameters studied showed any relationship with the vegetative/generative transition state monitored as apex morphology and vernalisation gene expression.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to analyse changes in the physical state of water in wheat crowns during cold acclimation and during the freezing/thawing cycle. Spectroscopically measured average spin-spin relaxation times (T2) decreased during cold acclimation and increased when plants were grown at normal temperature. Spin-spin relaxation images whose contrast is proportional to T2, times were calculated allowing association of water relaxation with regions of tissue in spin-echo images during acclimation and freezing. Images taken during freezing revealed nonuniform freezing of tissue in crowns and roots. Acclimated and non-acclimated wheat crowns were imaged during freezing and after thawing. Spin-echo image signal intensity and T2 times decreased dramatically between -4°C and -8°C as a result of a decrease in water mobility during freezing. Images collected during thawing were diffuse with less structure and relaxation times were longer, consistent with water redistribution in tissue after membrane damage.  相似文献   

植物抗寒及其基因表达研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹琴  孔维府  温鹏飞 《生态学报》2004,24(4):806-811
植物经过逐渐降低的温度从而提高抗寒能力 ,这个过程被人们称为低温驯化。植物低温驯化过程是一个复杂的生理、生化和能量代谢变化过程 ,这些变化主要包括膜系统的稳定性、可溶性蛋白的积累和小分子渗透物质 ,比如脯氨酸、糖等 ,这些变化中的一些是植物抗寒必需的 ,而另外一些变化不是必需的。主要对冷害和低温生理生化变化、低温诱导表达基因的功能和作用、低温驯化的调节机制及其信号转导方面进行了综述。通过差别筛选 c DNA文库的方法已经鉴定了许多低温诱导表达、进而提高植物抗寒能力的基因 ,其中有脱水素、COR基因和 CBF1转录因子等。低温信号的感受、转导和调节表达是低温驯化的关键环节 ,低温信号的转导过程与干旱胁迫之间具有一定的交叉 ,这为利用 ABA等来提高植物抗寒能力成为可能 ,相信不久的将来人们可以通过提高植物抗寒能力从而增加经济产量成为现实。  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the abiotic factors limiting growth and productivity of plants. In the present work, the effect of low non-freezing temperature, as inducer of 'cold acclimation', was studied in poplar. Actively growing plantlets of Populus tremula  ×  Populus tremuloides cv. Muhs 1 were used, and cold treatment consisted in whole plants exposure to 4°C in controlled conditions. Leaves of cold-treated poplars were shown to be acclimated, as an increase of their freezing tolerance was measured using electrolyte leakage. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements revealed a decrease in photosystem II efficiency while the pigment contents of leaves did not vary. In contrast, after 1 week of cold exposure, an accumulation of pigments was noted in the stems near the apex of the stressed plants as confirmed by chromatographic analyses. Simultaneously, a rapid accumulation of osmoprotectants, i.e. carbohydrates (measured by spectrometry), and of stress indicators (e.g. putrescine) occurred; changes in protein patterns also arose. Indeed, Western blot studies revealed that the expression of three families of stress-related proteins, i.e. dehydrins, stress protein 1 and heat-shock protein 70, was activated or induced by low temperatures. This study complements a previous work on proteomic and individual carbohydrates and provides insight in the ability of poplar plantlets to cold acclimate and to cope with low temperatures by diverse mechanisms (growth cessation, carbohydrate, pigment, polyamine and protein accumulations) related to stress response or involved in acclimation process.  相似文献   

The effect of cold and abscisic acid (ABA) treatment on soluble carbohydrate content was compared in callus cultures of wheat genotypes differing in frost tolerance. The effect of 5A chromosome substituted from the frost tolerant to the sensitive on cold-induced carbohydrate accumulation was also determined. Following cold hardening, the increase in sucrose and fructan level in calli of tolerant varieties was significantly higher than those of the sensitive ones. In 5A substitution line higher sucrose and fructan content was detected than in recipient . Tendentiously, cold stress caused higher degree of changes in carbohydrate content than the exogenously applied ABA did. Comparing the accumulation pattern of the components of WSC measured in vitro to the previously published in vivo results it can be concluded that in the case of sucrose and fructans it was similar, while for the reducing sugars it was different. The regulatory role of chromosome 5A either in the development of freezing tolerance or carbohydrate accumulation was confirmed in dedifferentiated calli, as well.  相似文献   

Potato is a species commonly cultivated in temperate areas where the growing season may be interrupted by frosts, resulting in loss of yield. Cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum, is freezing sensitive, but it has several freezing-tolerant wild potato relatives, one of which is S. commersonii. Our study was aimed to resolve the relationship between enhanced freezing tolerance, acclimation capacity and capacity to tolerate active oxygen species. To be able to characterize freezing tolerant ideotypes, a potato population (S1), which segregates in freezing tolerance, acclimation capacity and capacity to tolerate superoxide radicals, was produced by selfing a somatic hybrid between a freezing-tolerant Solanum commersonii (LT50=-4.6°C) and -sensitive S. tuberosum (LT50=-3.0°C). The distribution of non-acclimated freezing tolerance (NA-freezing tolerance) of the S1 population varied between the parental lines and we were able to identify genotypes, having significantly high or low NA-freezing tolerance. When a population of 25 genotypes was tested both for NA-freezing and paraquat (PQ) tolerance, no correlation was found between these two traits (R = 0.02). However, the most NA-freezing tolerant genotypes were also among the most PQ tolerant plants. Simultaneously, one of the NA-freezing sensitive genotypes (2022) (LT50=-3.0°C) was observed to be PQ tolerant. These conflicting results may reflect a significant, but not obligatory, role of superoxide scavenging mechanisms in the NA-freezing tolerance of S. commersonii. The freezing tolerance after cold acclimation (CA-freezing tolerance) and the acclimation capacity (AC) was measured after acclimation for 7 days at 4/2°C. Lack of correlation between NA-freezing tolerance and AC (R =-0.05) in the S1 population points to independent genetic control of NA-freezing tolerance and AC in Solanum sp. Increased freezing tolerance after cold acclimation was clearly related to PQ tolerance of all S1 genotypes, especially those having good acclimation capacity. The rapid loss of improved PQ tolerance under deacclimation conditions confirmed the close relationship between the process of cold acclimation and enhanced PQ tolerance. Here, we report an increased PQ tolerance in cold-acclimated plants compared to non-acclimated controls. However, we concluded that high PQ tolerance is not a good indicator of actual freezing tolerance and should not be used as a selectable marker for the identification of a freezing-tolerant genotype.  相似文献   

Overwintering crops such as winter wheat display significant increase in freezing tolerance during a period of cold acclimation (CA). To gain better understanding of molecular mechanisms of CA, it is important to unravel functions and regulations of CA-associated genes. Differential screening of a cDNA library constructed from cold acclimated crown tissue of winter wheat identified three novel CA-associated cDNA clones. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the clones encode a high mobility globular protein (HMGB1), a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein (TaGRP2), and a LEA D-11 dehydrin (DHN14). Accumulation of the three mRNAs during 14 days of CA was differentially regulated. In response to drought, and ABA, DHN14 mRNA rapidly accumulated while HMGB1 and TaGRP2 mRNA levels remained unchanged. The possible functions of each of these genes in cold acclimation are discussed.  相似文献   

Overwintering crops such as winter wheat display a significant increase in freezing tolerance during periods of cold acclimation (CA). To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CA, it is important to unravel the functions and regulations of CA-associated genes. Differential screening of a cDNA library constructed from cold acclimated crown tissue of winter wheat identified three novel CA-associated cDNA clones. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the clones encode a high mobility globular protein (HMGB1), a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein (TaGRP2), and a LEAD-11 dehydrin (DHN14). Accumulation of the three mRNAs during 14 days of CA was differentially regulated. In response to drought, and ABA, DHN14 mRNA rapidly accumulated while HMGB1 and TaGRP2 mRNA levels remained unchanged. The possible functions of each of these genes in cold acclimation are discussed. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Plants adapt to freezing stress through cold acclimation, which is induced by nonfreezing low temperatures and accompanied by growth arrest. A later increase in temperature after cold acclimation leads to rapid loss of freezing tolerance and growth resumption, a process called deacclimation. Appropriate regulation of the trade-off between freezing tolerance and growth is necessary for efficient plant development in a changing environment. The cell wall, which mainly consists of polysaccharide polymers, is involved in both freezing tolerance and growth. Still, it is unclear how the balance between freezing tolerance and growth is affected during cold acclimation and deacclimation by the changes in cell wall structure and what role is played by its monosaccharide composition. Therefore, to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms controlling freezing tolerance and growth during cold acclimation and deacclimation, we investigated cell wall changes in detail by sequential fractionation and monosaccharide composition analysis in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, for which a plethora of information and mutant lines are available. We found that arabinogalactan proteins and pectic galactan changed in close coordination with changes in freezing tolerance and growth during cold acclimation and deacclimation. On the other hand, arabinan and xyloglucan did not return to nonacclimation levels after deacclimation but stabilized at cold acclimation levels. This indicates that deacclimation does not completely restore cell wall composition to the nonacclimated state but rather changes it to a specific novel composition that is probably a consequence of the loss of freezing tolerance and provides conditions for growth resumption.  相似文献   

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