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Archaeologists have long debated whether rapid cultural change in the archaeological record is due to in situ developments, migration of a new group into the region, or the spread of new cultural practices into an area through existing social networks, with the local peoples adopting and adapting practices from elsewhere as they see fit (acculturation). Researchers have suggested each of these explanations for the major cultural transition that occurred at the beginning of the Mississippian period (AD 1050) across eastern North America. In this study, we used ancient DNA to test competing hypotheses of migration and acculturation for the culture change that occurred between the Late Woodland (AD 400–1050) and Mississippian (AD 1050–1500) periods in the Lower Illinois River Valley. We obtained sequences of the first hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) from 39 individuals (17 Late Woodland, 22 Mississippian) interred in the Schild cemetery in western Illinois, and compared these lineages to ancient mtDNA lineages present at other sites in the region. Computer simulations were used to test a null hypothesis of population continuity from Late Woodland to Mississippian times at the Schild site and to investigate the possibility of gene flow from elsewhere in the region. Our results suggest that the Late Woodland to Mississippian cultural transition at Schild was not due to an influx of people from elsewhere. Instead, it is more likely that the transition to Mississippian cultural practices at this site was due to a process of acculturation. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:434–448, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Interest in restoring native ecosystems is resulting in conversion of marginal agricultural lands to bottomland hardwood‐dominated forests in the midwestern and midsouthern United States. Growing stock for these efforts typically consists of planted oak (Quercus spp.) and volunteer vegetation. Reports of mixed reforestation success and the lack of post‐establishment tree growth data prompted this evaluation of vegetation characteristics of 5‐ to 7‐year‐old operational restorations in the Lower Cache River Watershed in southernmost Illinois, U.S.A. Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash), Acer negundo (box‐elder), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) together comprised 77% of all tree stems observed. Full stocking of overstory tree species can be expected to produce a closed canopy stand within 160 m of a forested edge, due primarily to the abundance of rapidly growing volunteer‐origin trees. Planted oaks contributed minimally to total tree stocking but were present in sufficient numbers to eventually improve wildlife habitat, and therefore satisfied restoration objectives. Oak height was 23% greater when in the presence of a non‐oak tree species. Herbaceous cover was dominated by Solidago gigantea (late goldenrod) and Juncus spp. (rushes). Solidago gigantea was associated with poor growth and low density of non‐oak stems, whereas Juncus dudleyi (Dudley's rush) was associated with taller non‐oak stems. These results suggest that the presence of volunteer‐origin trees is crucial for the creation of full stand stocking that will result in rapid development of a closed canopy forest. Improved success of future reforestation efforts will require more intensive methods to establish adequate stocking beyond 160 m of a forest edge. Methods described here could be adapted for agricultural field to forest restorations in other regions to predict critical distances from volunteer seed sources within which supplemental planting would be unnecessary to meet tree stocking objectives.  相似文献   

Populations of many shorebird species appear to be declining in North America, and food resources at stopover habitats may limit migratory bird populations. We investigated body condition of, and foraging habitat and diet selection by 4 species of shorebirds in the central Illinois River valley during fall migrations 2007 and 2008 (Killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla], Pectoral Sandpiper [Calidris melanotos], and Lesser Yellowlegs [Tringa flavipes]). All species except Killdeer were in good to excellent condition, based on size-corrected body mass and fat scores. Shorebird diets were dominated by invertebrate taxa from Orders Diptera and Coleoptera. Additionally, Isopoda, Hemiptera, Hirudinea, Nematoda, and Cyprinodontiformes contribution to diets varied by shorebird species and year. We evaluated diet and foraging habitat selection by comparing aggregate percent dry mass of food items in shorebird diets and core samples from foraging substrates. Invertebrate abundances at shorebird collection sites and random sites were generally similar, indicating that birds did not select foraging patches within wetlands based on invertebrate abundance. Conversely, we found considerable evidence for selection of some diet items within particular foraging sites, and consistent avoidance of Oligochaeta. We suspect the diet selectivity we observed was a function of overall invertebrate biomass (51.2±4.4 [SE] kg/ha; dry mass) at our study sites, which was greater than estimates reported in most other food selection studies. Diet selectivity in shorebirds may follow tenants of optimal foraging theory; that is, at low food abundances shorebirds forage opportunistically, with the likelihood of selectivity increasing as food availability increases. Nonetheless, relationships between the abundance, availability, and consumption of Oligochaetes for and by waterbirds should be the focus of future research, because estimates of foraging carrying capacity would need to be revised downward if Oligochaetes are truly avoided or unavailable for consumption.  相似文献   

Melanosclerites, a little-known group of organic microfossils, are recorded for the first time from the Lower Silurian Wilhelmi Formation, Illinois, USA. The taxa described herein include Melanorhachis regularis Eisenack, 1942, Melanoarbustum balticum Górka 1971, Melanocyathus dentatus Eisenack, 1942, Eichbaumia incus? Schallreuter, 1981, Menola os Schallreuter, 1981 and Melanoporella clava Schallreuter, 1981.  相似文献   

淮河下游地区景观生态对策研究阎传海宋永昌(徐州师范大学地理系,徐州221009)(华东师范大学环境科学系,上海200062)StudyoftheEcologicalStrategiesoftheLandscapeintheLowerHuaiheVal...  相似文献   

American Indians in the Lower Mississippi Valley: Social and Economic Histories. Daniel H. Usner Jr. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1998. 189 pp.  相似文献   

淮河下游地区针叶林多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
淮河下游地区针叶林多样性研究阎传海(徐州师范大学地理系,221009)AStudyofDiversityoftheConiferousForestintheLowerHuaiheValey.YanChuanhai(DepartmentofGeogr...  相似文献   

Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Omo I and Omo II fossil localities confirms both the relational and sequential context reported by Butzer in 1969. The two fossils derive from approximately the same level within upper Member I of the Kibish Formation. Additional features of the local stratigraphic sequences indicate a complex history of depositional events, minor erosional surfaces, and weak soil formation throughout upper Member I.  相似文献   

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