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Juveniles' behaviors are often influenced by the behaviors of conspecifics. Most experimental studies of the influence of conspecific behavior vary the social environment by the presence or absence of conspecifics or investigate the impact of the outcome of social encounters (winner/loser effects) but less frequently expose individuals to variation in behavioral phenotypes present in the social environment. Based on previous work showing that juveniles of the salamander Plethodon cinereus are likely to interact frequently with non‐parental adults, I hypothesized that territorial adults in the social environment alter the future behaviors of juveniles. I measured the intracohort social behaviors of juvenile salamanders collected from two geographic areas, Michigan (MI) and Virginia (VA), before and after housing with ostensibly territorial (VA) or non‐territorial (MI) adults. There were overall effects of adult territoriality and aggression on the behavior of juveniles. However, juveniles from populations in MI were especially susceptible to behavioral modification. Compared with behaviors prior to being housed with adults, MI juveniles increased investigatory and escape behaviors in juvenile–juvenile interactions after being housed with adults that displayed territorial behaviors and decreased investigatory and escape behaviors after being housed with non‐territorial adults. This study shows that not only is a specific behavior, territoriality of adult salamanders, a social environment that modifies future juvenile behaviors, but the effects of social environment may differ between populations.  相似文献   

The complex interrelationships among individuals within social environments can exert selection pressures on social skills: those behaviours and cognitive processes that allow animals to manipulate and out-reproduce others. Social complexity can also have a developmental effect on social skills by providing individuals with opportunities to hone their skills by dealing with the challenges posed in within-group interactions. We examined how social skills develop in captive, adult male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) that were exposed to differing levels of 'social complexity' across a 2-year experiment. After each year, subjects housed in groups with dynamic social structure (where many individuals entered and exited the groups during the year) outcompeted birds who had been housed in static groups. Exposure to dynamic structure subsequently led to substantial changes to the social networks of the home conditions during the breeding season. Static groups were characterized by a predictable relationship between singing and reproductive success that was stable across years. In dynamic conditions, however, males showed significant variability in their dominance status, their courting and even in their mating success. Reproductive success of males varied dramatically across years and was responsive to social learning in adulthood, and socially dynamic environments 'trained' individuals to be better competitors, even at an age when the development of many traits important for breeding (like song quality) had ended.  相似文献   

We carried out two experiments across 2 yr on song perception in female cowbirds (Molothrus ater). In the first experiment, juvenile and adult female brown‐headed cowbirds, living in same‐sex flocks in outdoor aviaries, were periodically tutored with recordings of local male cowbirds’ songs. In the spring, four adult male cowbirds were placed with half of the females for a 12‐d period. We then tested song preferences of all females by measuring copulation solicitation displays during the breeding season. We found that the females exposed only to tape‐tutor songs preferred those songs to those of the unfamiliar males used as companions and that the females allowed to interact with males preferred their songs over the familiar tape‐tutor songs. These data establish the modifiability of female cowbirds’ song preferences at the level of local song. In a second experiment, we studied the playback responses of juvenile females, hand‐reared from the egg, who were tape‐tutored only in the spring in the presence or absence of adult females. There were no differences between the responses of juveniles housed with or without adult females and the hand‐reared juveniles were significantly less responsive to song than adult females. Adult females responded more to familiar songs than to the unfamiliar songs: juvenile females made no such distinction. Taken as a whole, these data are the first to document that female cowbirds’ song preferences for local song can be reshaped by post‐natal experience. These data complement recent study in cowbirds and other species showing that socially more complex contexts reveal plasticity in female song preferences that are not apparent when learning opportunities are constrained by impoverished laboratory settings.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of naturally occurring variation inexperience with adult males on development of song and courtshipcompetence in captive juvenile cowbirds. We studied birds ingroups housed in large outdoor aviaries that allowed birdsto regulate access to social stimulation. In two aviaries, we housed juvenile males and females either with or withoutadult males. Birds remained in these conditions from September1999 through their breeding season. We documented social andvocal development of juvenile males in the two aviaries bymeasuring social assortment and patterns and frequencies of their song interactions. We then brought the juveniles fromthe two aviaries together to compete against each other foraccess to females. In addition, we recorded juveniles' songsfour times over the study and played back their breeding seasonsongs to females in sound-attenuating chambers to measure the effectiveness of songs in eliciting copulatory responses fromthe females. Compared to juvenile males housed with adult males,juvenile males housed without adult males developed atypicalbehavior patterns. They (1) displayed little intrasexual aggressionor near-neighbor associations and (2) exhibited different patternsof courtship and copulation, but (3) were as successful at competing for copulations. Furthermore, they developed stereotypedsongs sooner and developed more potent breeding season songs.These different outcomes could not be traced to one variablebut to a cascade of effects involving diverging patterns ofsong acquisition and social interaction. The patterns of socialskills that emerged indicate considerable plasticity in the mechanisms underlying acquisition of courtship competence.  相似文献   

This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls from juvenile and adult wild bonnet macaques ( Macaca radiata ) in two parks in southern India. Field studies of several mammalian species have reported that the alarm vocalizations of immature individuals are often treated by perceivers as less provocative than those of adults. This study documents such differences in response using field-recorded playbacks of juvenile and adult alarm vocalizations. To validate the use of playback vocalizations as proxies of natural calls, we compared the responses of bonnet macaques to playbacks of alarm vocalizations with responses engendered by natural alarm vocalizations. We found that the frequency of flight, latency to flee, and the frequency of scanning to vocalization playbacks and natural vocalizations were comparable, thus supporting the use of playbacks to compare the effects of adult and juvenile calls. Our results showed that adult alarm calls were more provocative than juvenile alarm calls, inducing greater frequencies of flight with faster reaction times. Conversely, juvenile alarm calls were more likely to engender scanning by adults, a result interpreted as reflecting the lack of reliability of juvenile calls. Finally, we found age differences in flight behavior to juvenile alarm calls and to playbacks of motorcycle engine sounds, with juveniles and subadults more likely to flee than adults after hearing such sounds. These findings might reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or a lack of experience in young bonnet macaques.  相似文献   

The goal of the research reported here was to look for evidence of modifiability of preference for male song in female cowbirds, Molothrus ater. To this end, we investigated whether social experience affected the breadth and consistency of females’ playback preferences for geographic variants of male song. In three experiments, we varied female cowbirds’ exposure to males. Wild‐caught juvenile females showed a preference for local song in their first year when housed without males in sound‐attenuating chambers, as we had found previously with adult females. But we found that neither adult nor juvenile females showed a preference for local over distant song after they had been housed in large, outdoor aviaries with other females but without male residents. Aviary housing with local males did lead to preferences for local songs. These data represent the first unqualified evidence that adult and juvenile female cowbird preferences for song are modifiable. These data add to the growing body of literature suggesting that receivers, as well as signalers, rely on learning during development of their communication system.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that bird song learning is influenced by social factors, but so far has been unable to isolate the particular social variables central to the learning process. Here we test the hypothesis that eavesdropping on singing interactions of adults is a key social event in song learning by birds. In a field experiment, we compared the response of juvenile male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to simulated adult counter-singing versus simulated solo singing. We used radio telemetry to follow the movements of each focal bird and assess his response to each playback trial. Juveniles approached the playback speakers when exposed to simulated interactive singing of two song sparrows, but not when exposed to simulated solo singing of a single song sparrow, which in fact they treated similar to heterospecific singing. Although the young birds approached simulated counter-singing, neither did they approach closely, nor did they vocalize themselves, suggesting that the primary function of approach was to permit eavesdropping on these singing interactions. These results indicate that during the prime song-learning phase, juvenile song sparrows are attracted to singing interactions between adults but not to singing by a single bird and suggest that singing interactions may be particularly powerful song-tutoring events.  相似文献   

Male zebra finches learn to sing during a restricted phase of juvenile development. Song learning is characterized by the progressive modification of unstable song vocalizations by juvenile birds during development, a process that leads to the production of stereotyped vocal patterns as birds reach adulthood. The medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (mMAN) is a small cortical region that has been implicated in song behavior based on its neuronal projection to the High Vocal Center (HVC), a nucleus that is critical for adult vocal production and presumably also plays a role in song learning. To assess the function of mMAN in song, ibotenic acid lesions of this brain region were made in juvenile male zebra finches during the period of vocal learning (40-50 days of age) and in adult males that were producing stable song (>90 days of age). Birds lesioned as juveniles produced highly abnormal, poor quality song as adults. Although the overall song quality of birds lesioned as adults was not highly disrupted or abnormal, the postoperative song behavior of these birds was discernibly different due to slight increases in variability of vocal production, particularly at the onset of singing. These results demonstrate that mMAN plays some important role in vocal production during the sensitive period for song learning, and is also important for consistent initiation and stereotyped production of adult song behavior.  相似文献   

Ring‐tailed coatis exhibit an extreme form of juvenile agonism not found in other social mammals. Two groups of habituated, individually recognized, coatis were studied over a 2.5‐yr period in Iguazu National Park, Argentina. Dominance matrices were divided by year and group, resulting in four dominance hierarchies which were analyzed using the Matman computer program. Strong general patterns were seen in both groups during both years. Adult males (one per group) were the highest ranking individuals, followed by male juveniles, female juveniles, adult females, and male and female subadults. The pattern in which young, physically inferior individuals were able to outrank larger adults is different from other social mammal species in that the juvenile coatis aggressively defended food resources and directed aggression towards older individuals. These agonistic interactions may not reflect ‘dominance’ in the traditional sense, and appear to be a form of ‘tolerated aggression.’ This tolerated aggression leads to increased access to food, and should help juveniles during a period in which they need to rapidly gain weight and grow. Because this tolerance of juvenile aggression is reinforced through coalitionary support of juveniles by adult females, agonistic patterns are also consistent with the hypothesis that juvenile rank is being influenced by high degrees of relatedness within coati groups. Although some interesting parallels exist, there is little evidence indicating that these dominance patterns are the same as those found in other social mammals such as hyenas, lions, meerkats, or Cercopithicine primates.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1575-1588
Three experiments were conducted to examine the functional properties of vocal precursors to stereotyped song in socially housed captive cowbirds. Previous studies had shown that eastern male cowbirds developed different song repertoires when housed in different social contexts. This paper reports on the acoustic origins of the different vocal outcomes. In addition, a winter roost of cowbirds was studied to investigate the setting in which males naturally develop song. Analyses of the vocalizations of laboratory-housed subjects revealed acoustic differences from the earliest stages of song ontogeny. The field data indicated that free-living and laboratory-housed males shared the same structural categories of song and that the winter roost provided males with opportunities to interact with females. Taken as a whole, the studies suggest that song ontogeny is a dynamic process involving social and vocal interactions between singers and listeners.  相似文献   

Much work on social learning has involved behaviour transmission between pairs of individuals, but recently the need to examine the social context in which learning occurs has been recognized. Previous studies using small numbers of animals have shown social influence on the behavioural development of juvenile male brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater. Here we looked at the larger social context that forms the framework for such influence in more natural settings. We allowed a captive group of over 70 cowbirds, comprising adult and juvenile males and females, to associate freely in a large complex of connected aviaries. Highly organized social assortment emerged in the group, with individuals associating with others based on similarity in age and sex. Juvenile males that associated more with adult males had higher courtship success. Juvenile males that associated more with females sang less over the year. These results indicate that the social context of social learning for juvenile males is not just random association with all other birds in the social group, but is a selective and structured pattern of interaction. Differences in navigating this social structure correlated with courtship success and vocalization, behaviour known to be affected by social learning. Studies such as this, using large groups with free assortment of individuals, are the first step towards understanding the effects of the larger social context surrounding social learning.  相似文献   

While social interactions play a crucial role on the development of young individuals, those of highly mobile juvenile birds in inaccessible environments are difficult to observe. In this study, we deployed miniaturised video recorders on juvenile brown boobies Sula leucogaster, which had been hand-fed beginning a few days after hatching, to examine how social interactions between tagged juveniles and other birds affected their flight and foraging behaviour. Juveniles flew longer with congeners, especially with adult birds, than solitarily. In addition, approximately 40% of foraging occurred close to aggregations of congeners and other species. Young seabirds voluntarily followed other birds, which may directly enhance their foraging success and improve foraging and flying skills during their developmental stage, or both.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):184-204
Twenty juvenile members of known genealogies in two baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to evaluate a number of predictions about juvenile spacing behaviour based on the natural history of savannah baboons. Young juveniles (1–2·5 years old) approached more frequently and spent more time in proximity to other group members than did old juveniles (3–5·5 years old). In particular, young juveniles associated more closely with their mothers, particular adult males (possible fathers) and age-peers than did old juveniles. Approaches of young juveniles towards unrelated, high-ranking adults were more likely to occur during feeding than were those of old juveniles. Also, following such an approach, young juveniles were more likely than old juveniles to begin feeding immediately. The overall rates of feeding of old juveniles were depressed when they were in proximity to unrelated, high-ranking adults, whereas the feeding rates of young juveniles were not. Juvenile males approached adult males more often than did juvenile females. Juvenile females approached unrelated adult females more often than did juvenile males. Sex differences also existed in juveniles' choices of unrelated adult female neighbours. Juvenile females associated most often with lactating females, whereas juvenile males associated primarily with cycling females. During group resting, juvenile females approached adult females from higher-ranking matrilines more often than they approached adult females from lower-ranking matrilines. Juvenile males did not exhibit this attraction. Also, among old juveniles, females associated closely with their mothers, whereas males did not. Taken together, the results support the hypotheses that juvenile baboons associate with group members in ways that (1) enhance the probability of surviving an early period of high mortality, (2) create opportunities for social learning of sex-typical behaviours/skills, and, for females, (3) facilitate acquisition of familial dominance status.  相似文献   

Mobbing, where birds harass a predator through a combination of vocalizations and stereotyped behaviours, is an effective anti-predator behaviour for many species. Mobbing may be particularly important for juveniles, as these individuals are often more vulnerable than adults. Although the component behaviours of mobbing are often considered to be un-learned, there are few confirmatory data, and the developmental trajectory of mobbing is unknown. In this study, we tested whether conspecific or heterospecific mobbing calls initiated mobbing behaviour in juvenile Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. We located wild adult and recently fledged juvenile Blue Tits and presented them with playback recordings of adult conspecific (Blue Tit) and heterospecific (Great Tit Parus major) mobbing alarm calls. Although adult birds readily mob in response to these types of playbacks, juveniles did not exhibit characteristic mobbing behaviour. Some juveniles did, however, exhibit individual components of mobbing behaviour found in mobbing, despite not producing adult-like mobbing behaviour in response to either conspecific or heterospecific playback. These results suggest that, although birds might be capable of mobbing as juveniles, the associations between the non-vocal stereotyped mobbing behaviours and mobbing calls may be learned.  相似文献   

OLAV HOGSTAD 《Ibis》1988,130(1):45-56
Field experiments on three free-ranging Willow Tit winter flocks, each consisting of one adult pair and two male and two female juveniles (first-year birds), were performed to examine whether preferences for feeding site and antipredator behaviour are related to social rank. The dominance structure was the same in all flocks; adult male > juvenile male 1 > juvenile male 2 > adult female > juvenile female 1 > juvenile female 2.
The proportion of time spent scanning for predators was positively correlated with distance from cover, and adults scanned relatively more than juveniles at the same controlled distance from cover, especially in the afternoon. Given a choice between feeders placed 1 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m and 20 m from the forest edge, the tits preferred feeders close to cover. Low-ranking individuals used feeders farther from cover indicating that higher ranked tits prevented them from using the feeders close to cover by means of social dominance. When only the 10m and 20 m feeders were baited, only low-ranked juveniles visited the feeders, subordinate females slightly more than males. The subordinate juveniles increased their use of exposed feeders at low ambient temperature, suggesting that they are prepared to take greater risks during cold periods.
The sequence of return to a feeder, after a life-like stuffed predator model mounted 1 m from a feeder opening was removed, was positively correlated with dominance status, revealing that subordinates take the greatest predation risks.  相似文献   

Most lizards display relatively simple social systems, but more complex and stable social aggregations appear to be common in one lineage of Australian skinks, the Egernia Group. Previous studies on this lineage have focused on species inhabiting crevices in large and disjunct rocky outcrops. Here, we describe the social organization of White's skink, Egernia whitii, a burrowing species that inhabits rocky habitats in southeastern Australia. We examined social group size, composition and stability over two field seasons using a capture‐mark‐recapture study, behavioral observations and genetic analyses. Twenty‐four social groups, each comprising two to six individuals, were present at our study site, with 75% of lizards belonging to a social grouping. A higher proportion of adults than juveniles were part of a group, while more adult females belonged to a group than adult males. Groups generally comprised a single adult pair or an adult pair with juveniles. However, groups comprising one male with multiple females and multiple individuals of both sexes also were present. Groups were highly stable throughout the study, although individual group members were observed singly on half of all observations. Paternity analysis using four microsatellite loci revealed that juveniles within groups were closely related to adults in the group, with 38% living in groups with both parents and 71% in groups with at least one parent. Our data demonstrate the presence of complex sociality in a burrowing Egernia species and, together with previous studies, suggest that stable social organization is widespread across different habitats and phylogenetic groupings within the Egernia Group.  相似文献   

The impact of social factors on the improvement of hunting skills of juvenile marsh harriers during their first autumnal migration were studied in SE Poland. While foraging with adult birds, juveniles performed more dives on prey both in terms of number of trials and rates. Hunting sessions of juveniles were more efficient in the presence of adults than in the absence of adults. Juveniles hunting with adults and other juveniles could select adequate habitat patches in which access to prey is easier. The role of vertical and horizontal transmission of information in the development of hunting skills in juvenile marsh harrier were confirmed because faster development of hunting ability was achieved in the social hunting after the end of their postfledging dependency period.  相似文献   

Isolation calls produced by dependent young are a fundamental form of communication. For species in which vocal signals remain important to adult communication, the function and social context of vocal behavior changes dramatically with the onset of sexual maturity. The ontogenetic relationship between these distinct forms of acoustic communication is surprisingly under-studied. We conducted a detailed analysis of vocal development in sister species of Neotropical singing mice, Scotinomys teguina and S. xerampelinus. Adult singing mice are remarkable for their advertisement songs, rapidly articulated trills used in long-distance communication; the vocal behavior of pups was previously undescribed. We recorded 30 S. teguina and 15 S. xerampelinus pups daily, from birth to weaning; 23 S. teguina and 11 S. xerampelinus were recorded until sexual maturity. Like other rodent species with poikilothermic young, singing mice were highly vocal during the first weeks of life and stopped vocalizing before weaning. Production of first advertisement songs coincided with the onset of sexual maturity after a silent period of ≧2 weeks. Species differences in vocal behavior emerged early in ontogeny and notes that comprise adult song were produced from birth. However, the organization and relative abundance of distinct note types was very different between pups and adults. Notably, the structure, note repetition rate, and intra-individual repeatability of pup vocalizations did not become more adult-like with age; the highly stereotyped structure of adult song appeared de novo in the first songs of young adults. We conclude that, while the basic elements of adult song are available from birth, distinct selection pressures during maternal dependency, dispersal, and territorial establishment favor major shifts in the structure and prevalence of acoustic signals. This study provides insight into how an evolutionarily conserved form of acoustic signaling provides the raw material for adult vocalizations that are highly species specific.  相似文献   

In four large aviaries, we studied social assortment and reproductive behaviour of female brown-headed cowbirds housed with males differing in age class and in corresponding levels of intrasexual interaction. Juvenile and adult females resided with either (1) adult males, (2) juvenile males, (3) adult and juvenile males, or (4) no males. We observed social behaviour of males and females from September 1999 through to the 2000 breeding season. Throughout the year, males in the different conditions showed different levels of social interaction, with adult males being most engaged in male-male interactions and juvenile males being least engaged in male-male interactions. Females in the four conditions differed in their associations with males and with other females. In conditions with adult males, females spent more time near males, approached males more often, and associated with females less. During the breeding season, females in conditions with more adult males copulated more and produced more fertile and viable eggs. In the condition where females were housed with juvenile males, they copulated less, laid fewer eggs and destroyed more of their eggs. Results indicate that throughout the year, females are sensitive to male age and behaviour in their social group, and that this sensitivity can have reproductive consequences. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study examined social behaviour of juvenile red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Agassiz). At four coastal locations in British Columbia, Canada, distributions of juvenile sea urchins were examined in relation to adults. One-third of all juveniles were found underneath an adult “spine canopy”, another third outside the spine canopy but close to an adult, and the remainder were found apart from adults. Juveniles associated with adults were contagiously distributed with each other. In the laboratory, juveniles chose adults over other target locations. They selected adults in particular locations over others, and in one case showed selection among adults; but they did not select between fed and non-fed adults, nor between adults that had been “protective” and “non-protective” of juveniles in the field. In time-lapse film studies, starved juveniles showed little change in social behaviour when food was introduced, but showed a dramatic change in behaviour when predators were active. We suggest that juvenile red sea urchins are found under the spine canopies of adults as a result of juvenile behaviour; and that this interaction functions to protect juveniles from predation. The strong gregarious nature of juveniles among themselves may have evolved in a different selective situation as a defence against predation and to ensure reproductive success.  相似文献   

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